Federal Senate
SubSecretariat for Information
This text does not replace the original published in the Official Journal
LAW No. 2.415, OF FEBRUARY 9, 1955
Alters the provisions of Decree No. 18.527 of
December 10, 1928, and Decree No. 20.493
of January 24, 1946
Courtesy translation provided by WIPO, © 2012
THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC. I hereby make known that the National Congress has decreed and I sanction the following Law:
Article 1
The grant, in the national territory, of a copyright license for the carryingout of
performances, public performances and telebroadcasts by radio or television, as dealt with in
Articles 42 and 43, §1 of Decree No. 18.527 of December 10, 1928, and 88 of Decree No.
20.493 of January 24, 1946, shall be exclusive to the author himself or the company legally
set up for the defense of copyright, of which the author is a member and which has
registered him in accordance with Article 105, §1 of Decree No. 20.493, of January 24, 1946.
Article 2
Contrary provisions are hereby revoked.
Rio de Janeiro, February 9, 1955; 134th Year of Independence and 67th Year of the Republic.
Miguel Seabra Fagundes