Interpretation. Ch. 78:46.
Amendment of section 5 of the Act.
Amendment of sectionl8 of the Act.
Insertion of sections 22 and 23 of the Act.
2. In this Act the Registration of Business Names Act is referred to as "the Act". .
3. Section 5 of the Act is amended in subsection (1) by deleting the word "ten" and replacing it with the word "seventy".
4. Section 18 of the Act is amended in subsection (1) by deleting the words "but so that they do not exceed the sum of fIfteen dollars for the registration of anyone statement".
5. The Act is amended by inserting the following new sections:
"Annual 22. Every finn or business whose name fee. appears on the register on the 31 st day of Dec
ember in a year shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars on or before the 2nd day of April of the following year.
Annual 23. (1) Every finn or business registered returns.
under this Act shall submit an annual return to the Registrar on or before the 2nd day of April of each year.
(2) The annual return shall contain the following particulars:
(a) the names of the partners of tne firm or proprietors of the busi ness;
(b) the residential and business ad dresses of the partners or pro prietors of the fIrm or business, as the case may be, which add resses shall include the tel ephone and fascimile numbers andelectronic mailingaddresses if any; and