- Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Convention Order 2000
- Order in Council
- Contents
- Order
- Explanatory note
Reprint as at 10 November 2000
Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Convention Order 2000
(SR 2000/236)
Michael Hardie Boys, Governor-General
Order in Council
At Wellington this 6th day of November 2000
Present: The Right Hon Helen Clark presiding in Council
Pursuant to section 77 of the Patents Act 1953, section 20 of the Designs Act 1953, and section 72 of the Trade Marks Act 1953, His Excellencythe Governor-General,acting on the advice and with the consent of the Executive Council, and, in relation to Niue, at the requestandwiththeconsentoftheCabinetMinistersofNiue,makes the following order.
Changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in this reprint.
Ageneraloutlineofthesechangesissetoutinthenotesattheendofthisreprint,togetherwith other explanatory material about this reprint.
This order is administered by the Ministry of Economic Development.
Page 1 Title 2 2 Commencement 2 3 Convention countries 2 4 Application of order to Niue and Tokelau 2 5 Revocation 2
Schedule 3 Convention countries
Order 1 Title
This order is the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Convention Order 2000.
2 Commencement This order comes into force on the 28th day after the date of its notification in the Gazette.
3 Convention countries Each of the countries named in the Schedule is a convention countryforthepurposesofalltheprovisionsofthe PatentsAct 1953 , the DesignsAct 1953, and the Trade Marks Act 1953.
4 Application of order to Niue and Tokelau
This order is in force in Niue and Tokelau.
5 Revocation The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Convention Order 1999 (SR 1999/274) is revoked.
Reprinted as at10 November 2000 Patents, Designs, and Trade MarksConvention Order 2000 | Schedule |
Schedule | cl 3 |
Convention countries | |
Albania | |
Algeria | |
Angola | |
Antigua and Barbuda | |
Argentina | |
Armenia | |
Australia (and Norfolk Island) | |
Austria | |
Azerbaijan | |
Bahamas | |
Bahrain | |
Bangladesh | |
Barbados | |
Belarus | |
Belgium | |
Belize | |
Benin | |
Bolivia | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | |
Botswana | |
Brazil | |
Brunei Darussalam | |
Bulgaria | |
Burkina Faso | |
Burundi | |
Cambodia | |
Cameroon | |
Canada | |
Central African Republic | |
Chad | |
Chile | |
China |
Colombia Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Costa Rica Côte d’Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark (and Faroe Islands) Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador Equador Equatorial Guinea Estonia European Communities Fiji Finland France (including all overseas departments and territories) Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea–Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See (Vatican City) Honduras Hong Kong, China Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Lao People’s Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau, China Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Moldova, Republic of Monaco Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Netherlands (and Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira) Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
Slovak Republic
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Spain (and colonies)
Sri Lanka
Syrian Arab Republic
Tanzania, United Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom (and the Isle of Man)
United States of America (and all territories and possessions of the
United States, including Puerto Rico)
Explanatory note | Patents, Designs, and Trade MarksConvention Order 2000 | Reprinted as at10 November 2000 |
Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Zambia Zimbabwe | ||
Marie Shroff, Clerk of the Executive Council. |
Explanatory note
This note is not part of the order, but is intended to indicate its general effect.
Thisorder,whichcomesintoforceonthe28thdayafterthedateofits notificationintheGazette,specifiesthecountriesthatareconvention countries for the purposes of the Patents Act 1953, the Designs Act 1953 ,andtheTradeMarksAct1953. Itbringsuptodateandreplaces the list of convention countries in the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Convention Order 1999.
The changes made to the 1999 order are—
- Dominica, European Communities, Oman, and Taiwan are added to the list of convention countries:
- the reference to the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina is replaced with a reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina:
- the reference to Hong Kong is replaced with a reference to Hong Kong, China:
- the reference to the Kyrgyz Republic is replaced with a reference to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan:
- the reference to Laos is replaced with a reference to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic:
- thereferencetoMacauisreplacedwithareferencetoMacau, China:
- the reference to Moldova is replaced with a reference to the Republic of Moldova:
- the reference to the Netherlands (and Netherlands Antilles) is replacedwithareferencetotheNetherlands(andNetherlands Antilles and Aruba).
Issued under the authority of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989. Date of notification in Gazette: 9 November 2000.
1 General
2 Status of reprints
3 How reprints are prepared
4 Changesmadeundersection17CoftheActsandRegulations Publication Act 1989
5 List of amendments incorporated in this reprint (most recent first)
1 General
ThisisareprintofthePatents,Designs,andTradeMarksConvention Order 2000. The reprint incorporates all the amendmentstotheorderasat10November2000,asspecifiedinthe list of amendments at the end of these notes.
Relevant provisions of any amending enactments that have yet to come into force or that contain relevant transitional or savingsprovisionsarealsoincluded,aftertheprincipalenactment, in chronological order.
2 Status of reprints
Under section 16D of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, reprints are presumed to correctly state, as at the dateofthereprint,thelawenactedbytheprincipalenactment and by the amendments to that enactment. This presumption applies even though editorial changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in the reprint.
This presumption may be rebutted by producing the official volumesofstatutesorstatutoryregulations in whichthe principal enactment and its amendments are contained.
3 How reprints are prepared
A number of editorial conventions are followed in the preparation of reprints. For example, the enacting words are not included in Acts, and provisions that are repealed or revoked are omitted. For a detailed list of the editorial conventions,
see http://www.pco.parliament.govt.nz/editorial-conventions/ or Part 8 of the Tables of New Zealand Acts and Ordinances and Statutory Regulations and Deemed Regulations in Force.
Changes made under section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989
Section17C oftheActsandRegulationsPublicationAct1989 authorises the making of editorial changes in a reprint as set out in sections 17D and 17E of that Act so that, to the extent permitted, the format and style of the reprinted enactment is consistent with current legislative drafting practice. Changes thatwould alter the effect of the legislation are not permitted.
Anewformatoflegislationwasintroducedon1January2000. Changestolegislativedraftingstylehavealsobeenmadesince 1997,andareongoing. Totheextentpermittedbysection17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, all legislation reprinted after 1 January 2000 is in the new format for legislation and reflects current drafting practice at the time of the reprint.
Inoutline,theeditorialchangesmadeinreprintsundertheauthorityof section17C oftheActsandRegulationsPublication Act1989aresetoutbelow,andtheyhavebeenapplied,where relevant, in the preparation of this reprint:
• omission of unnecessary referential words (such as “of this section” and “of this Act”)
- typefaceandtypesize(TimesRoman,generallyin11.5 point)
- layout of provisions, including:
- indentation
- positionofsectionheadings(eg,thenumberand heading now appear above the section)
- formatofdefinitions(eg,thedefinedtermnowappears in bold type, without quotation marks)
- format of dates (eg, a date formerly expressed as “the 1stdayofJanuary1999”isnowexpressedas“1January 1999”)
- positionofthedateofassent(itnowappearsonthefront page of each Act)
- punctuation (eg, colons are not used after definitions)
- Partsnumberedwithromannumeralsarereplacedwith arabic numerals, and all cross-references are changed accordingly
- case and appearance of letters and words, including:
- format of headings (eg, headings where each word formerly appeared with an initial capital letter followed by small capital letters are amended so that the heading appears in bold, with only the first word (and any proper nouns) appearing with an initial capital letter)
- smallcapitallettersinsectionandsubsectionreferences are now capital letters
- schedulesarerenumbered(eg,Schedule1replacesFirst Schedule),andallcross-referencesarechangedaccordingly
- running heads (the information that appears at the top of each page)
- format of two-column schedules of consequential amendments, and schedules of repeals (eg, they are rearranged into alphabetical order, rather than chronological).
List of amendments incorporated in this reprint (most recent first)
Wellington, New Zealand: Published under the authority of the New Zealand Government—2010