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Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua, Nicaragua
Superseded Text.
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Year of Version
Amended up to:
January 19, 2007
Entry into force:
January 9, 1987
November 19, 1986
Type of Text
Framework Laws
Subject Matter
The Political Constitution of the Republic of Nicaragua was adopted by the National Constitutional Assembly on November 19, 1986. It is the supreme law of the country and has been amended in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2004, 2005 and 2007. It establishes that Nicaragua is a social legal State (Article 130), constituted in a democratic, participative and representative republic (Article 7). Its governmental organs are the Legislative, Executive, Judicial and Electoral powers which are independent although harmonically coordinated (Article 129). The Legislative Power is vested in the National Assembly (Article 132); The Executive Power is exercised by the President of the Republic (Article 144) and the Judicial Power lies within the Supreme Court of Justice and the rest of the courts (Articles 158 and 159) .
The Constitution establishes as the State's obligation to 'promote the recovery, development and strengthening of national culture, based on the creative participation of people' (Article 126). It additionally states that 'the cultural and artistic creation is free and unrestricted', with freedom of 'forms and modes of expression'. The State is obliged to protect the copyright of the cultural workers (Article 127), as well as the 'archaeological, historical, linguistic, cultural and artistic heritage of the nation'(Article 128).
With regards to the communities of the Atlantic Coast, the Constitution establishes their right to “express freely, and to preserve their language, art and culture” (Article 90).
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Constitución Política de la República de Nicaragua
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