Date of Authentication and publication 2063-10-01 (January 15 2007) Amendments
progression through historical struggles and people's movements launched by the people of Nepal at various times since before 2007 (1951) to till the date ; Pledging to accomplish the progressive restructuring of the State in order to solve the
problems existing in the country relating to class, ethnicity, region and gender;
Expressing our full commitment to democratic values and norms including the
competitive multi-party democratic system of governance, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise, periodic elections, complete freedom of the press, independent judiciary and concepts of the rule of law;
Guarantee the basic rights of the people of Nepal to make a constitution for them on their own and to take part in a free and fair election to the Constituent Assembly in an environment without fear;
Putting democracy, peace, prosperity, progressive socio-economic transformation and sovereignty, integrity independence and prestige of the country in the center;
Declaring Nepal as a federal, democratic republican state upon duly abolishing the monarchy1;
HEREBY DECLARE, with a view to institutionalizing the achievements made through the revolutions and movements till now, the promulgation of this Interim Constitution of Nepal 2063 (2007), which has been made through a political understanding and to be in force until a new constitution is framed by the Constituent Assembly.
Part–1 Preliminary
1. Constitution as the Fundamental Law: (1) This Constitution is the fundamental law of Nepal. Any laws inconsistent with it shall, to the extent of such inconsistency, be void.
(2) It is the duty of every person to uphold this Constitution.
2 Amended by the Fourth Amendment
shall be as determined by Government of Nepal.
(2) The Rhododendron Arboreum is the national flower, Crimson Colour shall be the national colour, the Cow shall be the national animal and the Lophophorus shall be the national bird of Nepal.
1 Inserted by the Fourth Amendment.
8. Citizenship at the Commencement of the Constitution: (1) At the commencement of this Constitution, the persons who have acquired the citizenship of Nepal and who are eligible to acquire the citizenship by virtue of this part shall be the citizenship of Nepal.
been permanently domiciled in Nepal shall acquire the citizenship of Nepal by
birth pursuant to the laws in force.
Provided that, for the acquisition of citizenship under this provision, any
person must make an application within the prescribed period, for one time, as
provided in the laws in force.
13. Right to freedom: (1) Every person shall have the right to live with a dignity, and no law shall be made which provides for the death penalty.
(2) No person shall be deprived of his or her personal liberty save in accordance with law.
industry and trade.
Provided that:
act which may undermine the sovereignty, integrity or
public peace and order of Nepal.
13. Right to equality: (1) All citizens shall be equal before the law. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws.
(2) No discrimination shall be made against any citizen in the
application of general laws on grounds of religion, color, sex, caste, tribe, origin, language or ideological conviction or any of these.
14. Right against untouchability andracial discrimination: (1) No person shall be discriminated against as untouchable and subjected to racial discrimination in any form, on grounds of caste, race, community or occupation. Such discriminatory treatment shall be punishable, and the victim shall be entitled to such compensation as determined by law.
(4) No such act as to purport to demonstrate any superiority or
inferiority of the person or persons belonging to any caste, tribe or origin or to justify social discrimination on the ground of caste or race or to publicize ideology based on racial superiority or hatred or to encourage caste discrimination in any manner shall be allowed.
(5) Any act contrary to clauses (2), (3) and (4) shall be punishable by law.
15. Right relating to publication, broadcasting and press: (1) No publication, broadcasting or printing of any news item, editorial, feature, article or other reading and audio-visual material through any means whatsoever including electronic publication, broadcasting and printing shall be censored.
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of laws to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the sovereignty and integrity of Nepal, or which may jeopardize the harmonious relations subsisting among the peoples of various castes, tribes or communities, or on any act of treason, defamation, contempt of court or incitement to an offence, or on any act which may be contrary to public decency or morality.
right to live in a healthy environment.
(2) Every citizen shall have the right to basic health services free of cost from the State, as provided in law.
17. Right relating to education and culture: (1) Every community shall have the right to get basic education in its own mother tongue, as provided in law.
18. Right relating to employment and social security: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to employment, as provided in law.
19. Right to property: (1) Every citizen shall, subject to the laws in force, have the right to acquire, own, sell, dispose of, and otherwise deal with, property.
and basis of compensation and the procedure therefor shall be as determined by
20. Rights of women: (1) No discrimination of any kind shall be made against the women by virtue of sex.
protect his or her own religion as handed down to him or her from ancient times, having due regard to the existing social and cultural practices.
Provided that no person shall be entitled to convert another person from
one religion to another; and that no act or action shall be done in such a manner
as to jeopardize the religion of each other.
(2) Every religious denomination shall have the right to maintain its independent existence, and, for this purpose, to operate and protect its religious sites and religious trusts, in accordance with law.
24. Right relating to justice: (1) No person who is arrested shall be detained in custody without informing him or her of the reasons for such arrest.
(2) Every person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal practitioner of his or her choice at the time of such arrest. Any consultation made by such person with his or her legal practitioner and advice given by such practitioner shall be secret; and such person shall not be deprived of the right to be defended by his or her legal practitioner.
Explanation: For the purpose of this Clause, the expression "legal
practitioner" shall mean any person who is authorized by law to represent any
person in any court.
(3) Every person who is arrested shall be produced before the case trying authority within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest, excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to such authority; and any such person shall not be detained in custody except on the order of such authority.
Provided that nothing in Clauses (2) and (3) shall apply to preventive detention and to a citizen of an enemy state.
(4) No person shall be punished for an act which was not punishable by
law when the act was committed nor shall any person be subjected to a punishment greater than that prescribed by the law in force at the time of the commission of the offence.
25. Right against preventive detention: (1) No person shall be held under preventive detention unless there is a sufficient ground of the existence of an immediate threat to the sovereignty, integrity or law and order situation of the State of Nepal.
(2) Any person held under preventive detention shall, if he or she has been held under such detention by the authority making preventive detention contrary to law or in bad faith, have the right to such compensation as may be prescribed by law.
26. Right against torture: (1) No person who is detained during investigation or for trial or for any other reason shall be subjected to physical or mental torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
(2) Any act referred to in Clause (1) shall be punishable by law, and any
person so treated shall be provided with such compensation as may be determined by law.
28. Right against exploitation: (1) Every person shall have the right against exploitation.
(4) No one shall be required to perform forced labor.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the making of law which require citizens to perform compulsory service for public purposes.
30. Right relating to labour: (1) Every worker and employee shall have the right to appropriate labor exercise.
(2) Every worker and employee shall have the right to form and join trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining for the protection of their respective interests, as provided in law.
32. Right against exile: No citizen shall be exiled.
32. Right to constitutional remedies: The right to proceed in the manner set forth in Article 107 for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this Part is guaranteed.
33. Obligations of the State: The State shall have the following obligations:
3 Deleted by the third Amendment. 4 Amended by the Second Amendment
religion and region;
(dl)5 To have participation of Madhesi, dalit, indigenous peoples, women, labors, farmers, disabled, backward classes and regions in all organs of the State structure on the basis of proportional inclusion;
of labors;
6 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment
crimes against humanity during the course armed conflict, and to create
an environment reconciliation in the society.
34. Directive principles of the State: (1) The main objective of the State shall be to promote the welfare of the people on the basis of the principles of an open society, by establishing a just system in all aspects of the national life including social, economic and political life while at the same time protecting the lives property, equality and liberty of the people.
35. Policies of the State: (1) The State shall pursue a policy of raising the standards of living of the general public through the development of infrastructures such as education, health, housing and employment of the people of all regions, by equitably distributing investment of economic investment for the balanced development of the country.
(11) The State shall, for the progress of the country, pursue a policy of
giving priority to the development of science and technology and also pursue a policy of developing local technology.
(19) The State shall pursue a special policy of regulating the operation
and management of public and non-governmental organizations established in the country.
36. Questions not to be raised in court: (1) No question shall be raised in any court as to whether the matters contained in this Part have been implemented or not.
(2) The State shall mobilize, or cause to be mobilized, the means and resources, as required, to implement the principles and policies contained in this Part.
36A. President: (1) There shall be a President in Nepal.
36B.8 Election to President: (1) The Constituent Assembly shall elect the President on the basis of political understanding.
36C. Term of office of President: The term of office of the President shall be until the commencement of the constitution to be promulgated by the Constituent Assembly.
36D. Qualification for President. In order to become the President, a person must
possess the following qualification:
36E. Vacation of office of President: The office of the President shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
36F. President to take oath: The President shall, prior to assuming his or her duties, take an oath of office and secrecy before the Chief Justice in the form referred to in Schedule-1A.
36G. Vice-president: (1) There shall be a Vice-president in Nepal.
(2) The Vice-president shall perform the functions to be performed by the President in absence of the President or until another President is elected after the removal of the President from his or her office pursuant to Article 36E.
9 (3) If any person holding any political office to be filled by way of election, nomination or appointment is elected to the office of Vice-president, such political office shall, ipso facto, be vacant.
36H. Vacation of office of Vice-president: The office of the Vice-president shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
9 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment
36i. Other provisions relating to Vice-president: (1) Provisions relating to the qualification,10 election procedure and term of office of the Vice-president shall be the same as those of the President.
(2) The Vice-president shall, prior to assuming his or her duties, take an oath of office and secrecy before the President in the form referred to in Schedule-IA.
36J. Remuneration and facilities of President and Vice-president: The remuneration and other facilities of the President the Vice-president shall be as determined by an Act and as determined by the Government of Nepal until such Act is made.
36K.11 Office of President and Vice-president: (1) There shall be separate offices for rendering assistance in the functions of the President and the Vice-president.
(2) The Government of Nepal shall arrange for employees as required for the operation of the activities of, and other matters relating to the management of, the offices referred to in Clause (1)
10 Amended by the Fifth Amendment 11 Amended by the Fifth Amendment
37. Executive power: (1) The executive power of Nepal shall, pursuant to this Constitution and other laws, be vested in the Council of Ministers.
38. Formulation of Council of Ministers: (1) The Council of Ministers shall be formed under the chairpersonship of the Prime Minister, on the basis of political understanding.
12 Deleted by the Fifth Amendment 13 Amended by the Fifth Amendment
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, the expression "Minister"
shall include a Minister of State holding an independent portfolio of a Ministry.
14 Amended by the Fourth Amendment 15 Inserted by the Second Amendment
39 Ministers of State and Assistant Ministers: (1) The Prime Minister may, on the recommendation of the concerned party, appoint a Minister of State from amongst the members of the Legislature-Parliament.
(2) The Prime Minister may, on the recommendation of the concerned party, appoint Assistant Minister from amongst the members of the Legislature-Parliament to assist the Minister in carrying out his or her responsibilities.
40. Appointment of non-member of Legislature-Parliament as Minister: Notwithstanding anything contained in Articles 38 and 39, the Prime Minister may, on the basis of political understanding16 , appoint a person who is not a member of the Legislature-Parliament as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, Minister of State or Assistant Minister.
16 Inserted by the Second Amendment 17 Amended by the Fourth Amendment
(2) 25 The President shall, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, prorogue the session of the Legislature-Parliament.
(3)26 If, during the prorogation or recess of the session or meeting of the Legislature-Parliament, at least one-fourth of the total number of the then members of the Legislature-Parliament make a petition that it is expedient to convene a session or meeting, the President27 shall, no later than fifteen days, convene such session or meeting by specifying the date and time for the same,
18 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 19 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 20 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 21 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 22 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 23 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 24 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 25 Repealed by the Fifth Amendment 26 Inserted by the Second Amendment 27 Repealed by the sixth Amendment
and the session or meeting of the Legislature-Parliament shall commence or be
held at the date and time so specified.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Clause, the expression "petition" shall mean a document bearing the signature of the petitioner.
52. Address by President:28 The President29 shall address the session of the Legislature-Parliament, and present thereat the annual policies and programs of the Government.
53 Quorum: Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, no question or resolution shall be presented for decision in any meeting of the Legislature-Parliament unless one-fourth of the total number of members are present.
54. Conduct of business in case of vacancy in membership: (1) The Legislature-Parliament shall have power to conduct its business notwithstanding any vacancy in the seat of any member of the Legislature-Parliament; and no proceedings in the Legislature-Parliament shall become invalid notwithstanding that it is discovered subsequently that some person who was not entitled so to do took part in such proceedings.
(2) A Minister or Minister of State or Assistant Minister who is not a member of the Legislature-Parliament shall be entitled to attend any meeting of the Legislature-Parliament or any of its committees.
Provided that he or she shall not have the right to vote.
55. Voting: Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution, any question put before for decision in any meeting of the Legislature-Parliament shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting. Ordinarily, the presiding member shall not have the right to vote.
Provided that, he or she may exercise the casting vote in the case of a tie.
28 Amended by the Fourth Amendment 29 Amended by the Fourth Amendment
55A30 Vote of confidence: (1) The Prime Minister may, whenever he or she is of
the opinion that it is necessary or appropriate to make it clear that the Legislature-Parliament has confidence in him or her, may table a resolution in the Legislature-Parliament for a vote of confidence.
(2) At least one-fourth of the total number of members of the Legislature-Parliament may table in writing a no-confidence motion that the Legislature-Parliament has no confidence in the Prime Minister.
Provided that, a no-confidence motion shall not be tabled against the same Prime Minister more than once within six months.
(3) A decision on the resolution or motion tabled pursuant to Clause
(1) or (2) shall be made by a …… 31 majority of the number of the then members of the Legislature-Parliament.
56. Privileges: (1) There shall be full freedom of speech in any meeting of the Legislature-Parliament; and no member shall be arrested, detained or prosecuted in any court for anything expressed or any vote cast by him or her in such meeting.
30 Inserted by the Second Amendment
31 Deleted by the Fifth Amendment
(4) No proceedings shall be initiated in any court against any person
in respect of the publication under the authority of the Legislature-Parliament of any document, report, vote or proceeding.
Explanation: For the purposes of Clauses (1), (2), (3) and (4), the expression "Legislature Parliament" shall include the Legislature-Parliament and any of its committees.
Provided that if such person submits an apology to the satisfaction of the Legislature-Parliament, it may either pardon him or her or remit or commute the sentence imposed on him or her.
(8) Other matters relating to privileges not mentioned in this Constitution
shall be such as may be determined by law.
57. Procedures relating to conduct of business: The Legislature-Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, conduct its business on the basis of political understanding, and frame rules for maintaining order during its meetings and regulating the constitution, functions and procedures of the committees or any other matters. Until such Rules are framed, the Legislature-Parliament shall set its own Rules of procedure.
57A32 . Opposition party: (1) There shall be an opposition party in the Legislature-Parliament and a leader of such party.
(2) The remuneration and other facilities of the leader of the opposition party shall be as determined by law.
Provided that nothing in this Article shall be deemed to bar the expression of opinions about the conduct of a Judge during deliberations held on a motion of impeachment.
32 Inserted by the Second Amendment and amended by the Fifth Amendment
33 Repealed by the sixth Amendment
(2) The provision of clause (1) shall also apply to the Constituent
61. Secretariat of Legislature-Parliament: (1) There shall be a Secretariat for the conduct and management of the business of the Legislature-Parliament. The establishment of the Secretariat and other matters related thereto shall be as determined by law.
(2) The Government of Nepal shall provide such employees as required for the conduct and management of the business of the Legislature-Parliament.
61A34. Secretary general and secretary of Legislature-Parliament: (1) There shall be one secretary general and one secretary in the Legislature-Parliament.
62. Remuneration: The remuneration and facilities of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, members, and chairpersons of the committees of the Legislature-Parliament shall be as provided by law, and until so determined, shall be as determined by the Government of Nepal.
34 Inserted by the Third Amendment. 35 Amended by the Fifth Amendment
63. Constitution of Constituent Assembly: (1) A Constituent Assembly shall, subject to this Constitution, be constituted for the making of a new constitution by the people of Nepal themselves.
(2) Following the commencement of this Constitution, an election to the Constituent Assembly shall be held on such date as may be appointed by the Government of Nepal.
(3)36The Constituent Assembly shall be composed of the following number of members who are elected on the basis of the equality of population, geographical congeniality and specificity, and on the basis of the percentage of the population in Madhes, in accordance with the mixed electoral system, as provided in the law, and who nominated as follows:
36 Amended by the First Amendment. 37 Amended by the Third Amendment 38 Amended by the Third Amendment.
constituency; and
(c) Twenty six members to be nominated by the Council of Ministers, on the basis of understanding, from amongst the prominent persons39 who have rendered outstanding contributions to national life, and the indigenous peoples which could not be represented through the elections as referred to in Clauses (a) and (b).40
(3a)41 Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-clause (a) of Clause (3), while delimiting the election constituencies pursuant to that Sub-clause, the number of election constituencies in the administrative districts existing under the laws in force, at the time of the election of the then House of Representatives in 2056 (1999), shall be maintained as it is, and the number of constituencies in the hilly and mountainous areas shall be increased on the basis of the percentage of population growth; and while so delimiting the election constituencies, the number of election constituencies in those administrative districts in Mahesh which have less number of election constituencies in proportion to the percentage of the population of Madhes shall be increased.
39 Amended by the Third Amendment 40 Amended by the Third Amendment 41 Inserted by the First Amendment.
by adding the number of candidacies made pursuant to Sub-clause (a) of Clause
64. Term of Constituent Assembly: Unless dissolved earlier pursuant to a resolution passed by the Constituent Assembly, the term of the Constituent
42 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment
43 Inserted by the sixth Amendment
Assembly shall be two years after the date on which the first meeting of the
Constituent Assembly is held.
Provided that if the making of constitution cannot be completed by the reason of the proclamation of as Sate of emergency in the country, the Constituent Assembly may, by a resolution to that effect, extend its term for an additional period not exceeding six months.
65. Qualification for member: In order for a person to become a member of the Constituent Assembly, such person must possess the following qualification:
Explanation: For the purpose of clause (d), the expression "office of profit" shall mean any position, other than a political position which is to be filled by election or nomination, for which a remuneration or economic benefit is paid out of a government fund.
44 Inserted by the Second Amendment.
Explanation: The provision of Sub-clause (d) shall not apply to the Chairperson or Vice-chairperson of the Constituent Assembly.
shall, in passing a constitution bill submitted to it, pass such bill by way of voting on the preamble and every article of the bill.
71. Chairperson and Vice-chairperson of Constituent Assembly: (1) The Constituent Assembly shall, before commencing its business of framing the constitution, elect a Chairperson and a Vice-chairperson from amongst its members on the basis of political understanding. 45
(1a)46 Failing the understanding referred to in Clause (1), a member of the Constituent Assembly who secures a majority of the total number of the then members of the constituent Assembly shall be deemed elected to the office of Chairperson or Vice-chairperson.
72. Vacation of office of Chairperson or Vice chairperson: (1) The office of the Chairperson or the Vice-chairperson shall become vacant in any of the following circumstances:
45 Amended by the Fifth Amendment. 46 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment. 47 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.
the total number of members of the Constituent Assembly to the effect that his or her conduct is not compatible with his or her office; or
(d) if he or she dies.
(2) The Vice-chairperson or any other member shall preside over a meeting at which deliberations are to be held on a resolution that the conduct of the Chairperson of the Constituent Assembly is not compatible with his or her office; and Chairperson shall be entitled to take part and vote in the deliberations on such resolution.
73. Quorum: Save as otherwise provided in this Part, the quorum to constitute a meeting of the Constituent Assembly shall be at least the one-fourth of the total numbers; and no question or resolution shall be presented decision in any meeting of the Constituent Assembly unless it is attended by the quorum.
74.48 Proceeding of Constituent Assembly in case the position of a member is vacant: (1) The Constituent Assembly shall have power to conduct its business notwithstanding any vacancy if the seat of a member of the Constituent Assembly; and no proceedings in the Constituent Assembly shall become invalid notwithstanding that it is discovered subsequently that any person who, because of qualification, was not entitled to take part in such proceedings.
(2) A Minister, Minister of State and Assistant Minister may attend the Constituent Assembly or the meeting of any committee thereof notwithstanding that he or she is not a member of the Constituent Assembly.
Provided that he or she shall not have the right to vote.
75. Voting: Save as otherwise provided in this Part, any question or resolution
48 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.
presented for decision by the Constituent Assembly shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present and voting. ordinarily, the presiding person shall not have the right to vote.
Provided that he or she may exercise the casting vote in the case of a tie.
Provided that, if such person submits an apology-' to the satisfaction of
the Constituent Assembly, it may either pardon him or her or remit or commute
the sentence imposed on him or her.
(8) Other matters relating to privileges not mentioned in this Constitution shall be such as may be determined by law.
(2) The Chairperson and the Vice-chairperson of the Constituent
Assembly shall be the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislature-Parliament, respectively.
84. Introduction of Bills: (1) Any member of the Legislature-Parliament may introduce a Bill in the House. Explanation: For the purposes of this Part, the expression "House" shall mean the House of the Legislature-Parliament and "member" means any member of the Legislature-Parliament.
Clauses (a) to (d). Provided that, any Bill shall not be deemed to be a Money Bill by the reason only that it provides for the levying of any charges and fees such as license fee, application fee, renewal fee or for the imposition of fines or penalty of imprisonment or for the levying of any taxes, charges or fees by any local authority.
(4) If any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the decision of the Speaker of the Legislature-Parliament thereon shall be final.
85. Procedure for passage of Bills: (1) Any member intending to introduce a Bill in the House shall give a notice thereof to the Secretary General or the Secretary at least seven days prior to the introduction of such Bill.
Provided that, an advance notice of five days shall suffice in the case of a Government Bill.
86 Withdrawal of Bills: The member introducing a Bill may, with the leave of the House, withdraw the Bill.
(2) Any Ordinance promulgated under Clause (1) shall have the same
force and effect as an Act.
Provided that, every such Ordinance:
49 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 50 Inserted by the Fourth Amendment. 51 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 52 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 53 Amended by the Fourth amendment.
89. No tax to be levied or loan to be raised except in accordance with law: (1) No tax shall be levied and collected except in accordance with law.
(2) No loan shall be raised and guarantee given by the Government of Nepal except in accordance with law.
Provided that, matters relating to the Contingency Fund shall be governed by Article 98.
92. Expenditures chargeable on Consolidated Fund: The expenditures relating
to the following matters shall be charged on the Consolidated Fund:
(a)54 the amount required as remuneration and facilities of the President and the Vice-president;
(a1)55 the amount required as remuneration, facilities and pension payable to the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court;
54 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 55 Inserted by the Fourth Amendment.
Rights Commission;
93. Estimates of revenues and expenditures: (1) The Minister for Finance shall, in respect of every financial year, present before the Legislature-Parliament an annual estimate setting out the following matters:
(2) The annual estimate to be laid pursuant to clause (1) shall also be accompanied by a statement of the expenses allocated to every Ministry in the previous financial year and particulars of whether the objectives of the expenses have been achieved.
(a) that the sum authorized to be spent for a particular service by the Appropriation Act for the current financial year is insufficient, or
that a need has arisen for expenditures upon some new service not
provided for by the Appropriation Act for that year; or
(b) that the expenditures made during that financial year are in excess of the amount authorized by the Appropriation Act.
(2) The sums included in the supplementary estimates shall be specified under the heads in a Supplementary Appropriation Bill.
96. Votes on account: (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part, a portion of the expenditure estimated for the financial year may, when an Appropriation Bill is under consideration, be incurred in advance by an Act.
96A.56 Special provision relating to revenues and expenditures: (1)Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Part, if there arises a special circumstance where an estimate of revenues and expenditures for the forthcoming financial year cannot be laid before the Legislature-Parliament by the end of the current financial year, revenues may be collected in accordance with the Financial Act of the current financial year.
(2) If there arises a circumstance referred to in Clause (1), the Minister for Finance may, setting out the reasons therefor, present before the Legislature-Parliament a Bill authorizing to spend in the forthcoming financial
56 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment.
year an amount not exceeding one-third of the total expenditures of the current
financial year.
100. Courts to exercise powers relating to Justice: (1) Powers relating to justice in Nepal shall be exercised by courts and other judicial bodies in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, other laws and the recognized principles of justice.
(2) The Judiciary of Nepal shall remain committed to this Constitution by pursuing the concepts, norms and values of the independent judiciary and realizing the spirit of democracy and the people's movement
101. Courts: (1) There shall be the following Courts in Nepal:
(2) In addition to the Courts referred to in Clause (1), any other courts, judicial bodies or tribunals may be established and constituted by law for the purpose of trying and disposing cases of special types and nature.
Provided that no court, judicial body or tribunal shall be constituted for the purpose of trying and disposing any particular case.
102. Supreme Court: (1) The Supreme Court shall be the highest court in the judicial hierarchy.
(2) All courts and judicial bodies of Nepal, other than the Constituent Assembly Court, shall be under the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court may inspect, supervise and give necessary directives to its subordinate courts and judicial bodies.
(3) The Supreme Court shall be a court of record. it may initiate
proceedings and impose punishment in accordance with law for contempt of itself and of its subordinate courts or judicial bodies.
103. Appointment and qualification of Judges of the Supreme Court: (1) The President57 shall, on the recommendation of the Constitutional Council, appoint the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice shall, on the recommendation of the Judicial Council, appoint other Judges of the Supreme Court. The tenure of office of the Chief Justice shall, subject to Sub-clause (b) of Clause (1) of Article 105, be six years from the date of appointment.
57 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
(4) If the office of the Chief Justice becomes vacant or the Chief Justice
is unable to carry out the duties of his or her office by reason of illness or otherwise or he or she cannot be present in the Supreme Court by reason of a leave of absence or his or her being outside of Nepal, the senior most Judge of the Supreme Court shall act as the Acting Chief Justice.
(5) The Chief Justice or any other Judge of the Supreme Court shall hold office until attain he/she the age of sixty-five years.
104. Conditions of service and facilities of Chief Justice and Judge: (1) The Chief Justice, and permanent Judges of the Supreme Court, who have served for at least five years, shall, on retirement, be entitled to such pension as may be provided for in the law.
105. Chief Justice and Judge of Supreme Court to be relieved of office: (1) The Chief Justice or any other Judge of the Supreme Court shall be relieved of his or her office in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if the Chief Justice tenders resignation in writing before the President58 and the Judge tenders resignation in writing before the
58 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
Chief Justice;
106. Chief Justice and Judge not to be engaged in any other assignment : (1) No Chief Justice or Judge of the Supreme Court shall be engaged in or deputed to any assignment other than that of Judge.
Provided that the Government of Nepal may, in consultation with the Judicial Council, depute the Chief Justice or any Judge of the Supreme Court to work concerning judicial inquiry, or to legal or judicial investigation or research, or to any other work of national concern, for a specified period.
(2) No person who has once held the office of Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court shall be eligible for appointment to any government office other than the office as referred to in Sub-clause (a) of Clause (1) of Article 131 nor shall such person be entitled to practice law before any office or court.
107. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court: (1) Any citizen of Nepal may file a petition in the Supreme Court to have any law or any part thereof declared void on the ground of inconsistency with this Constitution because it imposes an unreasonable restriction on the enjoyment of the fundamental rights conferred by this Constitution or on any other ground; and the Supreme Court shall have extra-ordinary power to declare that law to be void either ab initio or from the date of its decision if it appears that the law in question is inconsistent with this Constitution.
(4) The Supreme Court may review its own judgments or final orders
subject to such conditions and in such circumstances as may be, prescribed by law. Judges other than those having handed down the previous judgment shall make such review.
(5) Other powers and procedures of the Supreme Court shall be as prescribed by law.
by the Judicial Council shall be so appointed. The method of such examination
and other procedures shall be as determined by law.
(a) | if he or she tenders resignation in writing before the Chief Justice; |
(b) | if he or she attains the age of sixty-three years; |
(c) | if, by virtue of a decision of the Judicial Council to remove him or |
her from office on the grounds of incompetence, misbehavior or failure to discharge the duties of his or her office in good faith or his or her inability to discharge his or her duties because of physical or mental reason or his or her deviation from justice, he or she is removed by the Chief Justice from his or her office;
A Judge of an Appellate Court or of a District Court who is facing a change pursuant to this Sub-clause shall be given a reasonable opportunity to defend himself or herself, and for this purpose, the Judicial Council may form a committee of inquiry for the purposes of recording the statements of the Judge, collecting evidence and submitting a report accompanied by its findings. The Rules of procedure of the committee shall be as determined by law.
(d) if he or she dies.
110. Judge of Appellate Court and District Court not to be transferred to or engaged in any other assignments: (1) No Judge shall be transferred to or engaged in or deputed to any office other than that of Judge.
Provided that, the Government of Nepal may, in consultation with the Judicial Council, depute any Judge of the Appellate Court and of the District Court to work concerning judicial inquiry, or to legal or judicial investigation or research, or to any other work of national concern, for a specified period. In the case of the Judges of the Appellate Courts or the District Courts, the Chief Justice may, in consultation with the Judicial Council, depute them to the
aforesaid work, including work relating to elections.
59 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.
114. Judicial Service Commission: (1) In appointing, transferring or promoting gazetted officers of the Judicial Service or taking departmental action concerning such officers in accordance with law, the Government of Nepal shall act on the recommendation of the Judicial Service Commission.
Provided that, the Government of Nepal shall act shall act on the recommendation of the public service commission for the purpose of permanent recruitment to the gazetted posts of the Judicial Service from a persons who are not already in the Government Service or from person being promoted from non-gazatted to gazetted post within the judicial service.
(3) Other functions, duties, powers and procedures of the Judicial Service Commission shall be as determined by law.
orders and decisions made in the course of hearing a lawsuit a by the Courts.
(2) Any interpretation given to a law or any legal principle laid down by the Supreme Court in the course of hearing a lawsuit shall be binding on the Government of Nepal and all offices and courts.
117. Annual report: (1) The Supreme Court shall, every year, submit an annual report to the President; 60and the President61 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature-Parliament through the Prime Minister. 62
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the following details:
(a) | The number of cases filed in the Supreme Court and subordinate Courts; |
(b) | Number of cases already disposed of and pending cases out of the cases filed pursuant to Sub-section (a); and the reasons for such pending; |
(c) | Details of new precedents laid down by the Supreme Court; |
(d) | Number of cases reviewed by the Supreme Court; |
(e) | Details of judicial stricture, if any, made by the Supreme Court on the matter of competence regarding the dispensation of justice by a Judge of the subordinate Court; |
(f) | Details of recovery of penalties or fines; |
(g) | Details regarding the execution of judgments; |
(h) | Statements of budget appropriated to the Supreme Court and |
60 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 61 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 62 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
subordinate Courts, and of expenditures.
(3) while submitting the annual report pursuant to Clause (1) the supreme court shall also include the details of work performed by Judicial Council and by the Judicial Service Commission.
118. Constituent Assembly Court: (1) A constituent Assembly court shall be constituted to resolve the complaints regarding election of the constituent Assembly .
119. Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authoritv: (1) There shall be a Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority of Nepal, consisting of the Chief Commissioner and such number of other Commissioners as may be required. If, apart from the Chief Commissioner, any other Commissioner is appointed, the Chief Commissioner shall act as the chairperson of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority.
Provided that
(4) The office of the Chief Commissioner or a Commissioner shall be deemed vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the
63 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
64 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
Provided that
120. Functions, duties and powers of the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority: (1) The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority may, in accordance with law, conduct, or cause to be conducted, inquiries into, and investigations of, any abuse of authority committed, through improper conduct or corruption by a person holding any public office.
Provided that, this Clause shall not apply to any official in relation to whom this Constitution itself separately provides for such action and to any official in relation to whom any other law provides for separate special provision.
(2) In the case of the officials of a Constitutional body who can be removed from office following a motion of impeachment on the ground of misconduct, the Judges who can be removed by the Judicial Council similar changes and the persons who are liable to action under the Army Act, it may
conduct inquiries and investigations in accordance with law after they have
been so removed from office.
121. Annual report: (1) The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of
Authority shall submit to the President65 an annual report on the works it has performed in accordance with this Constitution; and the President66 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature-Parliament through the Prime Minister. 67
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to Clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the complaints filed in the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, the number of cases filed in the competent court in accordance with law after conducting inquiries and investigations and the number of cases of which proceeding has been terminated, the number of instances where admonishing has been made or it has been written for departmental or any other action for the commission of the improper act, achievements made in the field of prevention of corruption and reforms to be made in the future in this respect.
65 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 66 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 67 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
122. Auditor General: (1) There shall be an Auditor-General of Nepal.
Provided that
(a) if before the expiry of his or her term, the Auditor General attains the age of sixty-five years, he or she shall retire .
(b ) the Auditor General may be removed from his or her office on the same ground and in the same manner as has been set forth for the removal of Judge of the Supreme Court.
(a) has served in the Special Class of the Government of Nepal or having at least twenty years of experiences in audit related work after having obtained a bachelor's degree in management,
68 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 69 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
commerce or accounts from a university recognized by the Government of Nepal or having passed a chartered accountancy examination;
(e) possesses high moral character.
Provided that nothing in this Clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the appointment to any political position or to any position which has the responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.
123. Functions, duties and powers of the Auditor-General: (1) The accounts of the Supreme Court, the Legislature-Parliament, the Constituent Assembly, the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority, the Office of the Auditor-General, the Public Service Commission, the Election Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the Office of the Attorney General and other offices of the Constitutional Bodies, the Nepal Army, the Armed Police or Nepal Police, and all other government offices and courts shall be audited by the Auditor-General in such manner as may be determined by law, with due consideration given to the regularity, economy, efficiency, effectiveness and the propriety thereof.
124. Annual report: (1) The Auditor General shall submit to the President70 an annual report on the works the office has performed; and the President71 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature Parliament, through the Prime Minister. 72
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to Clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the details of bodies audited by the Auditor General throughout the year, situation of irregular amounts, attempts made to settle such irregular amounts and achievements made on the settlement of irregular amounts, and reforms to be made in the future in respect of audit.
70 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 71 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 72 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
125. Public Service Commission: (1) There shall be a Public Service Commission of Nepal, consisting of the Chairperson and such number of other Members as may be required.
73 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
(5) The office of the Chairperson or a Member of the Public Service
Commission shall be deemed vacant in any of the following circumstances:
Provided that
74 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
126. Functions, duties and powers of Public Service Commission: (1) It shall be the duty of the Public Service Commission to conduct examinations for the selection of suitable candidates to be appointed to the positions in the civil service.
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, all services or positions in the Government of Nepal, other than the services and positions of army officers or soldiers and of armed police and police personnel and such other services and positions as are excluded by an Act from the civil service or positions thereof, shall be deemed to be the civil service or positions thereof.
(2) No permanent appointment to any pensionable position in the civil service shall be made except in consultation with the Public Service Commission.
(3) The Public Service Commission shall be consulted:
appointment and promotion to the civil service or positions
thereof and in taking departmental action;
Explanation: For the purposes of this Article, the expression "public
body" shall mean any corporate body of which the Government of Nepal owns or controls fifty percent or more of the shares or assets.
127. Annual report: (1) The Public Service Commission shall, every year, submit to the President;75 an annual report on the works it has performed, and the President76 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature-Parliament, through the Prime Minister. 77
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to Clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the details of examinations conducted by the Public Service Commission to select candidates throughout the year, details of examinees who have passed such examinations, details of advice made to various corporate bodies, details of advice made in relation to departmental action and punishment proposed to be taken against and imposed on civil servants, statements whether such advice has been complied with, details of advice, if any, made in relation to the general principles to be followed while making appointment and promotion to any position of any government service and while taking departmental action concerning such position and details of future reforms to be made in the field of civil service.
75 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
76 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
77 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
128. Election Commission: (1) There shall be an Election Commission of Nepal, consisting of the Chief Election Commissioner and a maximum of four other Election Commissioners as may be required. If, apart from the chief election commissioner, any other Election Commissioner is appointed, the Chief Election Commissioner shall act as the Chairperson of the Election Commission.
Provided that
78 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
79 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
Provided that
appointment to any political position or to any position which has the responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinion or recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.
129. Functions duties and, powers of Election Commission: (1) The Election Commission shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution and other laws, conduct, supervise, direct and control the election to the Constituent Assembly, any referendum to be held under Article 157 of this Constitution and elections to the Local Authorities. For these purposes, the Election Commission shall prepare the electoral rolls.
130. Government of Nepal to provide necessary employees to Election Commission: The Government of Nepal shall provide the Election Commission with such employees and other things as may be required to perform its functions in accordance with this Constitution.
131. National Human Rights Commission: (1) There shall be a National Human Rights Commission of Nepal, which shall consist of the Chairperson and Members, as follows:
80 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
81 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
(8) A person once appointed as the Chairperson or a Member of the
National Human Rights Commission shall not be eligible for appointment in any other government service.
Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to be a bar to the appointment to any political position or to any position which has the responsibility of making investigations, inquiries or findings on any subject, or to any position which has the responsibility of submitting advice, opinions or recommendation after carrying out a study or research on any subject.
132. Functions, duties and powers of National Human Rights Commission: (1) It shall be the duty of the National Human Rights Commission to ensure the respect for, protection and promotion of human rights and their effective implementation.
(2) For the accomplishment of the duty mentioned in clause (1), the National Human Rights Commission shall carry out the following functions:
Human Rights Commission may exercise the following powers:
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, the National Human Rights Commission shall have no jurisdiction over any matter falling within the jurisdiction of the Army Act.
Provided that nothing shall bar the institution of, actions on any matters of the violations of human rights or humanitarian laws.
133. Annual report: (1) The National Human Rights Commission shall submit to
the President82 an annual report on the works which it has performed pursuant to this Constitution; and the President83 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature-Parliament through the Prime Minister. 84
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to Clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the details of complaints filed in the National Human Rights Commission throughout the year, inquiries into, and investigations of, such complaints, details of recommendations made to the Government of Nepal on various matters, the number of cases, if any, filed against those who have violated human rights and the details of reforms to be made in the future in relation to the protection and promotion of human rights.
82 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 83 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 84 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
134. Appointment of Attorney General: (1) There shall be an Attorney General of Nepal, who shall be appointed by the President, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. 85 The Attorney General shall hold office during the pleasure of the Prime Minister.
135. Functions duties and power of Attorney General: (1) The Attorney General shall be the chief legal advisor to the Government of Nepal. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to give opinions and advices on constitutional and legal matters to the Government of Nepal and such other authorities as the
85 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 86 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
87 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
Government of Nepal may specify.
(6) The Attorney General may delegate his or her functions, duties
and powers under this Article to his or her subordinates as to be exercised and complied with subject to the specified conditions.
136. Annual report: (1) The Attorney General shall, every year, submit to the President88 an annual report on the works which he or she has performed pursuant to this Constitution and other laws; and the President89 shall arrange to submit such report to the Legislature-Parliament through the Prime Minister. 90
(2) The annual report to be submitted pursuant to Clause (1) shall set out, inter alia, the number of advices and opinions on constitutional and legal matters rendered by him or her throughout the year, details of instituted governmental cases, details of defense made in lawsuits in which the Government of Nepal is a plaintiff or defendant, details relating to crimes and details of reforms to be made in the future in relation to cases to be instituted as governmental cases.
137. Right to appear in Legislature-Parliament: The Attorney General shall have the right to appear and express his or her opinion on any legal question in any meeting of the Legislature-Parliament, the Constituent Assembly or any of their committees.
Provided that, he or she shall not have the right to vote.
88 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 89 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 90 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
138. Progressive restructuring of the State: (1) There shall be made progressive restructuring of the State with inclusive, democratic federal system of governance,91 by doing away with the centralized and unitary structure of the State so as to end discriminations based on class, caste, language, gender, culture, religion and region.
(1a)92 Recognizing the desire of the indigenous peoples and of the people of backward and other area including Madhesi people towards autonomous provinces Nepal shall be a federal democratic republican state. Provinces shall be autonomous and vested with full authority. The boundaries, number, names and structures, as well as full details of the lists, of autonomous provinces and the center and allocation of means, resources and powers shall be determined by the Constituent Assembly, while maintaining the sovereignty, unity and integrity of Nepal.
91 Amended by the First Amendment. 92 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment. 93 Amended by the Fifth Amendment. 94 Amended by the First Amendment.
139. Provisions on local self-governance: (1) The election to local self-governance
bodies shall be held95 based on decentralization and devolution of authority in order to promote the participation of people, to the maximum extent possible, in the system of governance of the country by creating such environment as is conducive to the exercise of sovereignty by the people even from the local level, deliver services to the people at the local level and have institutional development of democracy even from the local level.
(2)96 Interim local bodies shall be formed at the district, municipal and village levels by the Government of Nepal, with the consent and participation of the political parties which are actively involved at the local level pending the election to the local authorities.
Explanation: For the purpose of this clause, the expression "political parties which are actively involved at the local level" shall mean the political parties which have representation in the Constituent Assembly and filed candidacy in the concerned district under the first-past-the-post electoral system in the election, to that Assembly.
(3) The organizational structure, framework, territorial boundaries and mode of formation of the local self-governance bodies shall be as provided by law.
140. Arrangement and mobilization of revenue: (1) There shall be mobilization and allocation of responsibilities and revenues between the Government of Nepal and the local self-governance bodies as provided by law in order to make the local self-governance bodies accountable for the identification, formulation and implementation of local level plans, while maintaining equality in the mobilization, appropriation of means and resources and in the balanced and equitable distribution of the fruits of development with a view to
95 Amended by the Fifth Amendment. 96 Amended by the Fifth Amendment
strengthening the local self-governance bodies for local development.
(2) While mobilizing and allocating revenues pursuant to Clause (1), special attention shall be accorded to the overall upliftment of those classes and communities who are backward socially and economically in such a manner as to have a balanced and equal development of the country.
141. Prohibition on imposition of restrictions on political parties: (1) Persons who are committed to common political ideology, philosophy and program shall, subject to laws made under proviso (3) to Clause (3) of Article 12, be entitled to form and operate political parties of their choice and to generate, or cause to be generated, publicity in order to secure support and cooperation from the general public for their ideology, philosophy and program or to carry out any other activity for this purpose. Any law, arrangement or decision which restricts any of such activities shall be deemed to be inconsistent with this Constitution and shall, ipso facto, be void.
142. Registration required for securing recognition for the purpose of contesting elections as political party: (1) Every political party wishing to secure recognition from the Election Commission for the purposes of elections shall be required to, register it with the Election Commission in fulfillment of the procedures as determined by the Election Commission. The name of any political party failing to have such registration shall be removed from the list of the Election Commission.
(2) A petition to be made for registration pursuant to Clause (1) shall
be accompanied by the constitution, manifesto and Rules of the political party proposed to be registered, and contain, inter alia, the following details:
the Constitution or Rules of such party or organization have the objective of
protecting and promoting party-less or single party system.
(5)) A petition with the support and signature of at least ten thousand voters shall be required for the purpose of registration of a party for election.
Provided that, this provision shall not apply to the parties represented in the Interim Legislature-Parliament.
(6) Provisions on the establishment, registration, recognition of political parties and other matters except those mentioned in this Part shall be as provided in law.
143. Emergency Power: (1) If a grave emergency arises in regard to the sovereignty or integrity of Nepal or the security of any part thereof, whether by war, external aggression, armed rebellion or extreme economic disarray, the President may, on the recommendation of the Government of Nepal Council of Ministers,97 declare, by proclamation or order, a state of emergency in respect of the whole of Nepal or of any specified part thereof.
97 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers,98 issue such orders as are necessary to meet the exigencies. Orders so issued shall be operative with the same force and effect as law so long as the state of emergency is in operation.
98 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 99 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 100 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
144. Constitution of the Nepal Army: (1) There shall be an organization of the Nepal Army in Nepal.
(1a)101 The President shall be the supreme commander-in-chief of the Nepal Army.
101 Inserted by the Fourth Amendment. 102 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 103 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 104 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment.
145. National Defence Council: (1) There shall be a National Defence Council
of Nepal for making recommendation to the Council of Ministers on the mobilization, operation and use of the Nepal Army, which shall consist of the following as the chairperson and members:
(a) | The Prime Minister | -Chairperson |
(b) | The Minister for Defence | -Member |
(c) | The Minister for Home Affairs | -Member |
(d)105 | Three Ministers so designated by the Prime Minister as to have representation of different parties out of the political parties having representation in the Council of Ministers | -Member |
Provided that, where there is representation of less than three political parties in the Council of Ministers, nothing shall be deemed to bar the making of designation in such a manner as to have representation of less than three political parties.
105 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.
(5) Except in cases where the Nepal Army has been mobilized by reason
of a natural calamity, any decision made by the Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers, on the mobilization of Army shall be presented to and approved by the special committee specified by the Legislature-Parliament no later than one month of the decision.
(5) The National Defence Council may set its Rules of procedure on its own.
106 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.
148. Amendment to Constitution: (1) A Bill to amend or repeal any Article of this Constitution may be introduced in the Legislature-Parliament.
(2) If a Bill introduced pursuant to Clause (1) is approved by at least two-thirds of all the then members of the Legislature-Parliament, the Bill shall be deemed to have been passed.
149. Constitutional Council: (1) There shall be a Constitutional Council for making recommendations for appointment of officials to Constitutional Bodies in accordance with this Constitution, which shall consist of the following as the chairperson and members:
(2) While making recommendation for appointment to the office of the Chief Justice in the event that such office falls vacant, the Constitutional Council shall include the Minister for Justice as its member.
107 Amended by the Fifth Amendment. 108 Inserted by the Fifth Amendment.
(3) The procedures on the appointment of officials to Constitutional
Bodies and other functions, duties and powers and Rules of procedures of the Constitutional Council shall be as determined by law.
(4) The Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal shall act as the secretary of the Constitutional Council.
109 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 110 Amended by the Fourth Amendment. 111 Amended by the Fourth Amendment.
and interests of various sectors Including women, Dalit, indigenous peoples, Madhesi, disabled, labours or farmers. The provisions relating to the formation, functions, duties and powers of such commissions shall be as determined by law.
154A112.Election Constituency Delimitation Commission: (1) The Government of Nepal may constitute an Constituency Delimitation Commission, to determine election constituencies for the purpose of the election to the members of the Constituent Assembly, which shall consist of the following as the chairperson and members:
(a) | Retired Judgeof the Supreme Court | -Chairperson |
(b) | Geographer | -Member |
(c) | Sociologist or demographer | -Member |
(d) | Administrator or management expert | -Member |
(e) | Gazetted special class officer in the service of the Government of Nepal | -Member-secretary |
112 Inserted by the First Amendment.
Delimitation Commission unless he or she possesses the following
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (7), the election
constituencies shall not be so delimitated as to be below the number of election constituencies existed in the election districts at the time of the commencement of this Constitution.
(l0a)114 The Prime Minister shall lay the report received pursuant to Clause (10) before the Council of Ministers; and the Council of Ministers shall send the report to the Election Commission and other concerned bodies for its implementation.
(10b)115 Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (10a), if the Council of Ministers considers that it is necessary to review the report submitted to the Prime Minister pursuant to Clause (10), in the case of a district of which delimitation is not in order technically, the Council of Ministers may, in such a special circumstance, request the chairperson and members of the Commission constituted pursuant to Clause (1) to review the report for one time, specifying the deadline for such review.
(10c)116 If the Council of Ministers makes a request pursuant to clause (10b), the chairperson and members of such Commission shall make review of the matter as requested by the Council of Ministers and submit a report thereof to the Prime Ministers within that deadline.
113 Inserted by the Second Amendment. 114 Inserted by the Second Amendment. 115 Inserted by the Second Amendment. 116 Inserted by the Second Amendment.
(10d)117 If a report is received pursuant to Clause (10c), action as
referred to in clause (10a) shall be taken in respect of that report.
(10e)118 Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, in making a review pursuant to Clause (10c), the Constituency Delimitation Commission shall be deemed to be in existence for the period referred to in Clause (10b) for that purpose.
155. Provisions relating to hearing about, and citizenship of officials of Constitutional Bodies: (1) Prior to the appointment of any persons to constitutional positions to which appointments are made on the recommendation of the Constitutional Council pursuant to this Constitution, to positions of Judges of the Supreme Court and to positions of ambassadors,119 there shall be parliamentary hearing about them as provided in law.
(2) Only those persons who are citizens of Nepal by descent or birth or who, having acquired naturalized citizenship, have resided in Nepal for at least ten years shall be eligible to be appointed to constitutional positions to which appointments are made pursuant to this Constitution.
117 Inserted by the Second Amendment. 118 Inserted by the Second Amendment. 119 Amended by the Second Amendment.
156. Ratification of, accession to, acceptance of or approval of, treaties or agreements: (1)The ratification of, accession to, acceptance of or approval of, treaties or agreements to which the State of Nepal or the Government of Nepal is to become a party shall be as determined by law.
(2) Any law to be made pursuant to Clause (1) shall, inter alia, require that the ratification of, accession to, acceptance of, or approval of, treaties or agreements on the following subjects must be made, by a two-thirds majority of the total number of the then members of the Legislature-Parliament:
Provided that, out of the treaties or agreements referred to in Sub-clauses
157. Power to make decision through referendum: (1) Save as otherwise
provided elsewhere in this Constitution, if a two-thirds majority of the total number of the then members of the Constituent Assembly decides that it is necessary to decide any issue of national importance through referendum, such issue may be decided through referendum.
(2) The procedures on making decision through the process as referred to in Clause (1) shall be as determined by law.
158. Power to remove difficulties: If any difficulty arises in connection with the implementation of this Constitution, the President may on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers,120 issue any orders to remove such difficulty; and such orders shall have to be ratified by the Legislature Parliament ………….121within one month.
120 Amended by the Fifth Amendment. 121 Deleted by the Fifth Amendment.
159.122 Properties to be held in trust: (1) The properties of the then King Birendra, Queen Aishwarya and their families shall be brought under control of the Government of Nepal and held in a trust, to be used for the interests of the nation.
(2) All properties acquired by Gyanendra Shah in capacity of the then King (such as palaces, forests, parks and heritages of historical and archaeological importance situated in various places) shall be nationalized.
160. Provisions relating to the Council of Ministers: (1) The Council of Ministers existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall be deemed to have been constituted under this Constitution.
(2) The Council of Ministers as referred to in Clause (1) shall exist until the Council of Ministers is constituted pursuant to Article 38.
161. Provisions relating to the Legislature-Parliament: (1)The Legislature-Parliament as referred to in this Constitution shall be constituted immediately after the promulgation of this Constitution.
122 Amended by the Third Amendment and further amended by the Fourth Amendment.
(4) The Parliament Secretariat existing at the time of promulgation of
this Constitution and the officials and employees serving in that Secretariat shall be deemed to be the Legislature-Parliament Secretariat and to have been appointed as officials and employees thereof under this Constitution.
162. Provisions relating to Judiciary: (1) The Supreme Court, Appellate Courts and Districts Courts existing at the time of the commencement of this Constitution shall be deemed to have been established under this Constitution, and this Constitution shall not be deemed to bar the disposal by the respective Courts of the cases filed prior to the commencement of this Constitution.
163. Provisions relating to Constitutional Bodies and, Officials thereof: (1) Out of the Constitutional Bodies and Officials thereof existing at the commencement of this Constitution, those Bodies and Officials which or who are not mentioned in this Constitution shall cease to exist after the commencement of this Constitution.
164. Existing laws to remain in force: (1) All decisions, acts and proceedings made and carried out by the reinstated House of Representatives shall be deemed to have been made and carried out under this Constitution to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this Constitution.
(2) The laws existing at the time of the commencement of this Constitution shall continue to be in force unless and until such laws are repealed or amended.
Provided that, any law which is inconsistent with this Constitution
shall ipso facto be invalid to the extent of such inconsistency, after three months
of the commencement of this Constitution.
165. Definitions: (1) Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, in this Constitution:
(2) Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, the prevailing legal provisions on the interpretation of law shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, apply to the interpretation of this Constitution in the same manner as that law applies to the interpretation of the laws of Nepal.
166. Short title and commencement: (1) This Constitution may be called "Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063(2007)".
167. Repeal: The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal, 2047(1990) is, hereby, repealed.
(Relating to Article 6) NATIONAL FLAG
Explanation: The lines HI, RS, FE, ED, JG, OQ, JK and UV are imaginary. Similarly, the external and internal circles of the sun and the other arcs except the crescent moon are also imaginary. These are not shown on the flag.
(Relating to Article 36F. and clause (2) of Article 36j.)
I (full name of the President/Vice-president) solemnly promise/swear in the name of God that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the country and people, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 (2007) vesting the sovereignty and state authority of Nepal in the people of Nepal, 124that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of President/Vice-president, subject to the prevailing laws, doing right to the country and people, without fear, favor, affection or illwill, and that I will not in any manner communicate or reveal any matter which shall become known to me in the course of discharging my duties, irrespective of whether I hold or cease to hold the office, except as may be required in the observance of law.
Name, surname:
123 Inserted by four amendment 124 Amendment by fifth amendment
125 Deleted by the Fifth Amendment.
(Relating to clause (2) of Article 166)
After the commencement of the management and monitoring of arms pursuant to the Comprehensive Peace Accord and the agreement on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies concluded between the Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoists) on 5 Mangsir 2063 (21 November 2006) and 22 Mangsir 2063 (8 December 2006), respectively, this Constitution shall be promulgated by the House of Representatives and ratified by the Interim Legislature-Parliament
(Relating to clause (3) of Article 166) The Comprehensive Peace Accord concluded
the Government of Nepal
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Respecting the people's mandate expressed in favour of democracy, peace and progression through the historical struggles and people's movements launched by the people of Nepal at various times since before 2007 (1951) till now;
Reaffirming the full commitment to the Twelve-point Understanding, Eight-point Agreement and Twenty-five-point Code of Conduct concluded between the Seven Political Parties and CPN (Maoist), Decisions of the Meeting of Top Leaders of Seven Political Parties and CPN (Maoist) held on 22 Kartik 2063 (8 November 2006) including all agreements, understandings and codes of conduct entered into between the Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist) and the letter carrying similar perceptions sent to the United Nations;
Pledging to accomplish the progressive restructuring of the State in order to solve the existing problems of the country relating to class, caste, region and gender;
Reiterating the full commitment to competitive multi-party democratic system of governance, civil liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, full freedom of press, and concept of rule of law including democratic values and norms;
Remaining committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, international humanitarian laws and basic principles and values relating to human rights;
Guaranteeing the basic right of the people of Nepal to take part in the election to the Constituent Assembly in a free, fair and fearless environment;
Putting democracy, peace, prosperity, progressive socioeconomic transformation and independence, integrity, sovereignty and prestige of the country in the center;
Expressing resolution to hold election to the Constituent Assembly in a free and fair manner no later than the month of Jestha of the year 2064 (14 June 2007);
Declaring the beginning of a new chapter of peaceful collaboration by ending, on the basis of political understanding reached between both parties, the armed conflict which has taken place in the country since 2052 (1996), in order to accomplish, through the Constituent Assembly, the guarantee of sovereignty of the People of Nepal, progressive political outlet, democratic restructuring of the State and social-economic-cultural transformation;
This Comprehensive Peace Accord has been concluded between the Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist) with a commitment to transform the ceasefire reached between the Government of Nepal and CPN (Maoist) into sustainable peace.
1. Preliminary
1.1 This Agreement shall be cited as the "Comprehensive Peace Accord." It shall be cited as the "Peace Accord" in short.
1.2 This Agreement shall come into force on this date through a public declaration by the Government side and the Maoist side.
1.3 Both sides shall give necessary directives to all the agencies under their control for the immediate implementation of, and compliance with, this Agreement, and shall implement it, and cause it to be implemented.
1.4 All the agreements, understandings, codes o conduct and decisions reached between the Seven' Political Parties, the Government and the Maoist sides that are attached in the Annex shall also be considered to be an integral part of this Agreement.
1.5. Such understandings and agreements as may be required to be reached hereafter for the implementation of this Agreement shall also be considered to be an integral part of this Agreement.
2. Definitions:
Unless the subject or the context otherwise requires, in this Agreement,
3. Political-economic-social transformation and conflict management:
Both parties agree to adopt the following policies and programs for the political, economic and social transformation and to positively manage the conflicts existing in the country:
3.1. To ensure progressive political, economic and social transformation on the basis of the Decisions of the Meeting of Top Leaders of Seven Political Parties and CPN (Maoist) held on 22 Kartik 2063 (8 November 2006) (As attached in Annex-6).
3.2. To constitute the Interim Legislature-Parliament based on the Interim Constitution; and the Interim Government is to hold election to the Constituent Assembly freely and fairly no later than the month of Jestha of the year 2064 (mid-June 2007); and to guarantee sovereignty inherent in the people of Nepal.
3.3 The King shall have no power relating to the governance of the country. The properties of the late King Birendra, late Queen Aishwarya and their families are to be brought under control of the Government of Nepal and held in a trust, to be used for the interests of the nation. All properties acquired by King Gyanendra in capacity of the King (such as palaces, forest parks and heritages of historical and archaeological importance situated in various places) are to be nationalized. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly is to decide, by t simple majority, whether the institution of monarchy is to be retained or not.
3.4 To adopt a political system which is in full compliance with the universally accepted basic human rights, competitive multi-party democratic system, sovereignty inherent in the people and supremacy of the people, constitutional checks and balances, rule of law, social justice equality, independent judiciary periodic elections, monitoring by the civil society, complete press freedom, right of the people to information, transparency and accountability in the activities of political parties, public participation and concepts of impartial, efficient and fair bureaucracy, and maintain good governance while putting an end to corruption and impunity.
3.5 To end the existing centralized and unitary structure of the State so as to address the problems including those of women, Dalit, indigenous peoples, Madhesi, oppressed, excluded and minority communities and backward regions, and make an inclusive, democratic and progressive restructuring of the State, while at the same time doing away with discriminations based on class, caste, language, gender, culture, religion and region.
3.6 To set, through mutual understanding, a common minimum program on socio-economic transformation, doing away with all forms of feudalism and keep on implementing the program.
3.7 To pursue a policy of implementing a scientific land reforms program by doing away with the feudalistic land ownership.
3.8 To pursue a policy of protecting and promoting domestic industries and means and resources.
3.9 To pursue a policy of establishing the right of all citizens to education, health, housing, employment and food sovereignty.
3.10 To pursue a policy of providing socio-economic security including land to the landless squatters, bonded labors, tillers, Harawa-Charawa as well as the economically and socially backward classes.
3.11 To pursue a policy of taking strict action against and punishing those
who amass illicit wealth through corruption while holding a public office of profit.
3.12 To build a common development concept for socio-economic transformation of the country and justice, and making the country prosperous and economically sound rapidly.
3.13 To pursue a policy of extensively increasing, income-generating opportunities by increasing investment in industry, trade, export promotion etc., while at the same time ensuring the professional ,rights of labors.
4. Management of armies and arms:
With a view to holding the election to the Constituent Assembly in a peaceful, fair and free of fear environment and democratizing and restructuring the Army, to carry out the following acts in consonance with the Twelve-point Understanding, Eight-point Agreement, Twenty five-point Code of Conduct concluded in the past, the Five-point Letter sent to the United Nations, and the Decisions of the Meeting of Top Leaders held on 22nd Kartik (8 November):
Relating to the Maoist army:
4.1 In accordance with the commitment expressed in the letter sent on behalf of the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist) to the United Nations on 24 Shrwan 2063 (9 August 2006), the Maoist army combatants shall be confined within the following cantonment areas. The United Nations is to verify and monitor them. The main cantonments shall be placed in following locations:
1. Kailali 2. Surkhet 3. Rolpa 4. Nawalparasi 5. Chitwan 6. Sindhuli 7. Ilam Three satellite cantonments shall be placed in the periphery of each of
these main cantonments.
4.2 After confining the Maoist army combatants in the cantonments, all arms, other than the arms and ammunitions required for the security of the cantonments, are to be securely stored within the cantonments, to be sealed with a single-lock, and the concerned party is to hold the key. In the process of installing the lock, to assemble a device including a siren and register for the monitoring by the United Nations. While carrying out the necessary examination of the stored arms, the United Nations is to do so under the presence of the concerned party. Other detailed technical specifications in this respect including camera monitoring are to be prepared with the consent of the United Nations, the CPN (Maoist) and the Government of Nepal.
4.3 After the Maoist army combatants stay in the cantonments, the Government of Nepal is to provide food supplies and other necessary arrangements for them.
4.4 The Interim Council of Ministers is to form a special committee for the supervision, integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants.
4.5 Security provisions are to be made for Maoist leaders through understanding with the Government.
Relating to the Nepal Army:
4.6. In accordance with the commitment expressed in the letter sent to the United Nations, the Nepal Army shall remain in its barracks. That its arms are not to be used in favor of or against any side shall be guaranteed. The Nepal Army is to securely store arms in equal numbers to that of the Maoist army, to seal it with a single-lock; and the concerned party is to hold the key. In the process of installing the lock, to assemble a device including a siren and register for the monitoring by the United Nations. While carrying out the necessary examination of the stored arms, the United Nations is to do so under the presence of the concerned party. Other detailed technical specifications in this respect including camera monitoring are to be prepared with the consent of the United Nations, the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist).
4.7 The Council of Ministers shall control, mobilize and manage the Nepal Army as per the new Army Am The Interim Council of Ministers is to prepare and implement the detailed action plan for the democratization of the Nepal Army, with political understanding and by taking suggestions from the concerned committee of the Interim Parliament Under this, to carry out activities like to assess the appropriate number of the Nepal Army, to train the army in democratic and human rights values, while developing democratic stricture, national and inclusive character.
4.8 The Nepal Army is to continue to perform functions including border security, security of the conservation areas, protected areas, banks, airports, power houses, telephone towers, central secretariats and security of VIPs.
5. Ceasefire:
5.1. Termination of military action and armed mobilization:
5.1.1. Both sides express their commitment to refrain from carrying out any of the following activities:
5.1.2 Both parties shall not recruit additional armed forces or conduct military activities against each other, including transporting weapons ammunitions and explosives.
Provided that the security forces deployed by the Interim Government shall have authority to conduct routine patrol, explore in order prevent illegal trafficking of the weapons, explosives or raw materials used in assembling weapons at the international border and custom, points and seize them.
5.1.3 No person or group shall move carrying illegal arms, ammunitions and explosives.
5.1.4 Both parties shall assist each other to mark the landmines and booby-traps used during the time of armed conflict by providing necessary information about their sketches, maps and storage within 30 days and defuse and destroy the same within 60 days.
5.1.5 Armies of both parties shall not be present with arms or in combat
fatigue in any civil assembly or political assembly or public program.
5.1.6 The Nepal Police and Armed Police Force shall continue the task of maintaining law and order and conduct criminal investigations as per the spirit and sentiment of the people's movement (Jana Andolan) and Peace Accord as well as the laws in force.
5.1.7 Both parties shall issue circulars to their respective armed bodies and personnel to stop addressing any armed personnel of the other party as 'enemy' and to behave in similar manner.
5.1.8 Both parties agree to establish an inventory of the government, public, private buildings, lands and other properties seized, locked up or not allowed to be used in the course of armed conflict and to return them back immediately.
5.2 Measures for normalization of situation:
5.2.1 Collecting cash or goods and levying tax against one's wishes and against the laws in force shall be prohibited.
5.2.2 Both parties agree to make public the status of people in their custody and release all of them within 15 days.
5.2.3 Both parties agree to make public, within 60 days after the signing of the Peace Accord the real names, surnames and addresses of the people disappeared by them and of those killed during the war and provide information thereof to the family members, as well.
5.2.4 Both parties agree to constitute a national peace and rehabilitation commission and carry out works through it to maintain peace in the society and operate relief and rehabilitation works for the people victimized from and displaced as a result of the war/conflict, while normalizing the adverse situation emerged from the armed conflict.
5.2.5 Both parties agree to constitute, with mutual understanding, a high level truth and reconciliation commission for finding out the truth about those who committed the gross violation of human rights and were involved in the crime against humanity in the course of armed conflict and for creating an environment of reconciliation in the society.
5.2.6. Both parties pledge to abandon all types of war, attack, counterattack, violence and counter-violence existing in the country, with a commitment to ensure democracy, peace and progressive transformation in the Nepalese society. It is also agreed that both parties shall assist each other in establishing peace and maintaining peace and security.
5.2.7 Both parties guarantee to withdraw accusations, claims, complaints and sub judice cases made or filed against various persons on political grounds and immediately make public the status of detainees and release them at once.
5.2.8 Both parties express commitment to allow without any political prejudice, the people displaced in the course of conflict to return back voluntarily to their respective ancestral or former residence, reconstruct the infrastructures destroyed, as a result of the hostilities and to rehabilitate and socialize the displaced persons with honor.
5.2.9 Both parties agree to take individual and collective responsibility of resolving, also with the support of all political parties, civil society and local institutions, any problems arising in the said context, through mutual understanding, and creating an atmosphere conducive to the normalization of mutual relations and reconciliation.
5.2.10 Both parties express commitment not to make any discrimination against nor to exert any kind of pressure on any member of the family on the ground that such member is affiliated with other party.
5.2.11 Both parties agree to let employees of the Government of the Nepal and public agencies travel freely to any part of the country, to fulfill their duties and not to create any obstacles or obstruction while executing their work or not to let obstruction to arise and to facilitate their work.
5.2.12 Both parties agree to allow the United Nations, international donors agencies and diplomatic missions based in Nepal, national or international non-governmental organizations, press, human rights activists, election observers and foreign tourists to travel unrestricted in the State of Nepal in accordance with law.
5.2.13 Both parties are committed to operate publicity programs in a decent and respectable manner.
6. Cessation of hostilities:
6.1 Based on the historic agreement reached between the Seven Political Parties and the CPN (Maoist) on 8 November 2006, we hereby declare the cessation of the armed hostilities having taken place since 2052 (1995), while giving permanency to the ongoing ceasefire between the Government and the Maoist.
6.2 The Decisions of the Meeting of Top Leaders Seven Political Parties and CPN (Maoist) held on 22 Kartik 2063 (8 November
2006) shall be the main policy basis for long-term peace.
6.3 After the confinement of the Nepal Army in the barracks and the Maoist Army combatants in the cantonments, holding, displaying the arms, intimidation and any type of use of violence and arms, in contravention of the understanding, agreement and law, shall be legally punishable.
6.4 Armies of both parties shall not be allowed to canvass, and be engaged in, for or against any side. Provided that they shall not be deprived of the right to vote.
7. Observance of human rights, fundamental rights al humanitarian law:
Remaining committed to the Universal Declaration of Human rights, 1948, international humanitarian law and basic principles and values relating to human rights, both parties express their consent to the following matters:
7.1 Human rights:
7.1.1 Both parties reiterate their commitment to the respect for and protection of human rights and to international humanitarian law, and accept that no person shall be discriminated against on the ground of color, sex, language, religion, age, race, national or social origin, wealth disability, birth and other status, opinion or belief.
7.1.2 Both parties agree to create an environment where the Nepalese people can enjoy their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, and are committed to make such an environment that such rights are not violated in any circumstances in the future.
7.1.3 Both parties express the commitment that in accordance with
law, impartial investigation shall be carried out in respect of, and action taken against, those persons who are responsible for obstruction in the enjoyment of the rights mentioned in this Peace Accord and ensure that impunity shall not be encouraged. In addition, they shall also ensure the right of the victims of conflict and torture and the right of the families of the disappeared persons to obtain relief.
7.1.4 Both parties shall not do any act to torture, kidnap the general public and forcefully engage them in work, and shall also take necessary action to discourage such act.
7.1.5 Based on the values and norms of secularism, both parties shall respect social, cultural and religious sensitivity, religious sites and the religious faith of individuals.
7.2 Right to life:
7.2.1 Both parties shall respect and protect the .basic right of a person to life. No person shall be deprived of this basic right; and no law shall be made which provides for the death penalty.
7.3 Personal dignity, freedom and movement:
7.3.1 Both parties respect and safeguard the right to personal dignity. In this respect, any person including a person who is deprived of freedom in accordance with law shall not be subjected to torture or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The citizen's right to privacy shall be respected in accordance with law.
7.3.2 Both parties shall fully respect the right of person to freedom and security and shall not arbitrarily or illegally detain any person nor shall kidnap, or take any person in hostage. Both parties agree to make public the status of the persons who have been disappeared and held in captivity by them and provide information in this respect to their families, legal advisers and other authorized persons.
7.3.3 Both parties shall respect and protect the right of every citizen to free movement and freedom to choose one's place of, residence in accordance with legal norms, and express the commitment to respect the right of the persons displaced by the conflict and their families to return back to their homes or to settle in any other place of their choice.
7.4 Civil and political rights:
7.4.1 Both parties are committed to respect and, protect the freedom of every person to opinion, expression, form unions an-organizations and assemble peaceably and the right of every person against exploitation.
7.4.2 Both parties respect the right of every citizen to take part directly or through representative of his or her choice in issues of public concern, to vote, to be elected and to equality in admission to public services.
7.4.3 Both parties are committed to respect the right of every person to be informed.
7.5 Economic and social rights:
7.5.1 Both parties are committed to respect and protect the right of every person to livelihood by doing employment which he or she chooses or accepts freely.
7.5.2 Both parties are committed to respect and guarantee the right of all people to food security and ensure that there shall be no interference in the use, transport and distribution of food items, food production and food grains.
7.5.3 Both parties realize the fact that the right of every citizen to health must be respected and protected. Both parties shall not hinder drug supplies and aid and health related campaigns, and express commitment to do medical treatment and have rehabilitation of those who are injured in the course of conflicts.
7.5.4 Realizing that the right of all to education must be guaranteed and respected, both parties are committed to maintain conducive educational environment in educational institutes. Both parties agree to ensure that the right to education shall not be violated. They agree to immediately stop acts to take possession of and use educational institutes and disappear or control or abduct teachers and students and not to put army barracks in such a manner as to affect schools and hospitals.
7.5.5 Both parties agree that no private property of any person shall be expropriated or seized except in accordance with law.
7.5.6 Both parties believe in encouraging to give continuity to production works without disturbing the industrial climate in the country, to respect the right to collective bargaining and social security in industrial enterprises, to pacifically resolve problems, if any, arising between the industrial enterprises and labors, and respect the right to work as prescribed by the International Labor Organization.
7.6 Rights of the women and the child:
7.6.1 Both parties fully agree to have special protection of the rights of the women and the child, to immediately prevent all forms of violence against women and children, including sexual exploitation and abuse as well as child labor and not to include or use children who are 18 years old or under in the armed forces. Children thus affected shall be immediately rescued, and necessary and appropriate assistance shall be provided for their rehabilitation.
8.1 Both parties agree to be so individually and collectively responsible as not to repeat mistakes made in the past and to keep on correcting such mistakes in gradual manner.
8.2 The National Peace and Rehabilitation Commission may set up any such mechanism as may be required to make the peace campaign successful. The composition and rules of procedure of the Commission shall be as determined by the Interim Council of Ministers.
8.3 Both parties are committed to settle all kinds of
present and future mutual differences or problems through mutual dialogue, understanding, agreement and negotiation.
Both parties express commitment that the Interim Council of Ministers may constitute, and determine rules of procedure of, the National Peace and Rehabilitation Commission, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the High-level Recommendation Commission on State Restructuring as well as such other mechanisms as may be necessary for the implementation of this Peace Accord, the Interim Constitution and all decisions, agreements and understandings reached between the Seven Parties, the Government of Nepal and the CPN (Maoist).
9. Implementation and monitoring:
Both parties agree to make the following arrangements for the implementation and monitoring of the agreements mentioned in this Agreement:
9.1 Both parties agree to give continuity to the monitoring of the human rights related provisions contained in this Agreement by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner Human Rights, Nepal.
Both parties agree to have the management of arms and armies monitored by the United Nations Mission in Nepal in accordance with the five-point letter sent previously and the provisions contained in this Agreement and express the commitment to render assistance in this respect.
Both parties agree to have the election to the Constituent Assembly supervised by the United Nations.
The National Human Rights Commission shall also carry out tasks related to the monitoring of human rights as mentioned in this Agreement, in addition to its statutory functions and responsibilities. In the course of discharging its functions, the Commission may make necessary coordination with and seek assistance of national and international organizations on human rights.
9.5 Both parties agree to receive reports made by and provide such information as sought by all bodies mentioned above, and to implement, through agreements and discussions, any suggestions and recommendations made by such bodies.
10. Miscellaneous:
10.1 Both parties agree not to operate any parallel structure or any structure in any form in any area of the State or Government mechanism in consonance with the letters of the Decision of November 8 and the spirit of this Agreement.
10.2 Both parties consent to sign any other complementary understandings, as necessary, for the implementation of this Agreement.
10.3 This Agreement may be revised at any time with the consent of both parties. Both parties agree to provide to each other prior written information if they wish to make any amendment. Such amendment can be made with the consent of both parties after receiving such information. The provisions to be made by such an amendment shall not fall below the minimum standards of accepted international human rights and humanitarian law and the main essence of peace building.
10.4 If there arises any dispute in respect of any interpretation of this Agreement, the joint mechanism comprising both parties shall make interpretation on the basis of the Preamble and the documents included in the Appendices of this Agreement, and such interpretation shall be final.
10.5 The concept and situation of 'two parties' as mentioned in this Agreement shall ipso facto cease to exist after the constitution of the Interim Legislature-Parliament. Thereafter, the obligation to implement, or cause to be implemented, all responsibilities mentioned in this Agreement shall be as provided by the Interim Council of Ministers. It shall be the duty and responsibility of all political parties to extend cooperation in the observance and implementation of this Agreement.
10.6 We heartily appeal all to resolve their problems and demands through dialogue and negotiation and extend cooperation in holding the election to the Constituent Assembly and maintaining law and order, at a time when the entire country is focusing on the main campaign of the election to the Constituent Assembly.
10.7 We heartily appeal the political parties, civil society, professional communities, people's class organizations, journalists, academicians and all the Nepalese people to actively participate in this historic campaign of building a new democratic Nepal and establishing sustainable peace through the election to the Constituent Assembly, by ending the armed conflicts.
10.8 We heartily urge all friendly countries and the United Nations as well as the international community to extend support to Nepal in this campaign of establishing absolute democracy and sustainable peace.
In realization of the responsibility towards the future of the country and the people, and with full commitment to this Comprehensive Peace Accord, we, on behalf of the Government of Nepal, and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), sign this Comprehensive Peace Accord and hereby make it public.
Sd. Sd.
Prachnda Girija Prasad Koirala
Chairman Prime Minister
Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Government of Nepal
Date of signature: 2063.8.5 (21 November 2006)
on Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies
8 December 2006
In keeping with the letters to the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General of 9 August and the Comprehensive Peace Accord of 21 November 2006;
Guaranteeing the fundamental right of the Nepali people to take part in the constituent assembly elections in a free and fair environment without fear;
Declaring the beginning of a new chapter of peaceful democratic interaction by ending the armed conflict taking place in the country since 1996, based on the Comprehensive Peace Accord between the two parties in order to accomplish, through the constituent assembly, certainty of sovereignty of the Nepali people, progressive political outlet, democratic restructuring of the state, and social-economic-cultural transformation; and,
Affirming the will to fully observe the terms of this bilateral agreement witnessed by the United Nations:
The parties agree to seek UN assistance in monitoring the management of the arms and armies of both sides by the deployment of qualified UN civilian personnel to monitor, according to international norms, the confinement of Maoist army combatants and their weapons within designated cantonment areas and monitor the Nepal Army (NA) to ensure that it remains in its barracks and its weapons are not used against any side.
1. Modalities of the Agreement
1.1 Principles
Neither of the parties shall engage in movement or redeployment of forces resulting in. tactical or strategic advantage.
Any claims or reports of violations of this agreement will be reported to UN monitors, substantiated or not substantiated, and subsequently reported to the parties through the appropriate representative of the UN Mission in Nepal.
The security forces deployed by the interim government shall have authority to conduct routine patrol, explore in order to prevent illegal trafficking of the weapons, explosives or raw materials used in assembling weapons at the international border or custom points and seize them.
Both parties agree to allow the United Nations, international donor agencies and diplomatic mission based in Nepal, national and international non-governmental organizations, press, human rights activists, election observers and foreign tourists to travel unrestricted according to law in the state of Nepal. The parties will ensure the safety, security freedom of movement and well-being of UN Mission and associated personnel, goods and services in all parts of Nepal.
The parties shall immediately take all necessary measures to cooperate with efforts aimed at controlling illicit trafficking of arms and the infiltration of armed groups.
Both parties fully agree to not include or use children who are 18 years old and under in the armed forces. Children thus affected would be immediately rescued and necessary and appropriate assistance will be
provided for their rehabilitation.
1.2 Definitions
The following definitions are accepted:
1.3 Promotion
The parties shall promote awareness of this agreement, and adherence to its provisions, among their commanders, members and affiliated groups.
The parties, Government of Nepal, Nepal Army (NA), CPN (M) and the Maoist army, shall design, in cooperation with the UN Mission, an awareness programme to ensure that local communities and the parties’ commanders, members and affiliated groups understand the mandate of the UN Mission and all of the obligations of the parties spelled out in this agreement. The information programmes shall include the use of meetings and print and electronic media in local languages.
1.4 Phases
This agreement shall come into force upon signing. Thereafter it shall be implemented in phases, as follows:
A full and practical timeline will be established by the parties for all of these activities to take place in consultation with the UN.
2. Reporting and verification
I he parties will report detailed information about their troops and this information will be treated with appropriate confidentiality by the United Nations. The parties will provide maps and sketches showing current dispositions, including:
The UN Mission shall check this information immediately after monitors are
3. Redeployment and concentration of forces
Comprehensive plans, timelines and routes for the redeployment and concentration of forces will be provided by both the NA and Maoist army to the UN Mission.
The redeployment and concentration of all combatants in Nepal --with the NA in barracks and the Maoist army moving in to cantonment sites --shall be carried out in consultation with the UN. The redeployment and cantonment of forces will be monitored by UN the monitors after they are deployed.
Both sides express an understanding to create a record of government, public and private buildings, land and other properties and return them immediately.
The parties will withdraw all military and paramilitary, checkpoints (unless explicitly permitted in this agreement) to promote and guarantee free movement and create an environment free of fear and intimidation.
The Nepal Police and Armed Police Force shall continue the task of maintaining law and order and conduct criminal investigations as per the spirit and sentiment of the Jana Andolan and peace accord as well as the prevailing law. Both parties agree not to operate parallel or other forms of mechanism in any areas of the state or state machinery as per the spirit of the decisions of November 8, 2006 and the essence of the peace accord. All sides agree to let employees of Nepal Government and public agencies travel freely to any part of the country, to fulfill their duties and not to create any obstacle or obstruction while executing their work or not to let obstructions to arise and to facilitate their work.
4. Maoist Army cantonment, barracking of the NA and arms control
4.1 Maoist army cantonment
In accordance with the commitment expressed in the letter sent to the United Nations, Maoist army combatants and their weapons shall be confined within designated cantonment areas. The cantonment shall be based on comprehensive planning and preparation before implementation. After the Maoist army combatants stay in the temporary cantonments, the Government of Nepal will provide food supplies and other necessary arrangements. When implemented, the comprehensive concept shall ensure good communications and proper logistics. UN monitors will have access to any and all cantonment sites for purposes of monitoring.
4.1.1 Commanders' responsibilities
The normal Maoist army chain of command, control, communication and information will be utilized to control the Maoist army cantonment, using the normal Maoist army structure in administration of the sites.
There will be seven main cantonment sites and 21 satellite cantonment sites of three per main cantonment site. The satellite sites will be clustered no more than two hours driving distance from the main sites unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
The designated seven main sites will be under command, control, communication and information of the Maoist army site commander and the satellite sites by the designated satellite commanders. The site commanders shall provide the following information in detail for each site to the UN Mission:
4.1.2 Weapons storage and Control
The parties agree upon the safe storage of all Maoist army weapons and ammunition, in the seven main cantonment areas under UN monitoring, except as provided below for perimeter security purposes. Both sides shall assist each other to mark landmines and booby-traps used during the time of armed conflict by providing necessary information within 30 days and to defuse and remove/lift and destroy them within 60 days. All improvised explosive devices will be collected at designated sites a safe distance from the main cantonment areas. These sites shall be agreed by the parties to consultation with the UN Mission. Unsuitable devices will be destroyed immediately. Stable devices will be stored safely and under 24-hor armed guard provided for by the guard agreements cited below. The parties, in consultation with the UN, will determine a timeline a process for the later destruction of all improvised explosive devices. To ensure the safety of both monitors and Maoist army personnel, no improvised explosive devices or crude bombs will be brought inside the cantonment sites.
In the main cantonment sites the weapons and ammunition storage area will be secured by the following system:
mounted on each container door indicating when the storage
container has been opened.
Each main cantonment site will be allowed 30 weapons of the same make and model to be used only for clearly defined perimeter security by designated guards, with each satellite allowed 15 such weapons under the same conditions. These weapons will all be properly registered with make and serial number and locked in a guardhouse when not in use. The parties, in consultation with the UN, will periodically review the number of weapons needed for perimeter security purposes on the basis of a shared threat assessment.
Security provisions will be made for CPN (M) leaders through understanding with the government.
The UN Mission shall monitor these commitments with a full-time presence at the Maoist army main cantonment sites and through field visits and regular inspections. These inspections will be carried out randomly and without warning.
4.1.3 Registration of Maoist army combatants at cantonment sites
All Maoist army combatants will registered at the main cantonment sites. This registration will include the provision of age, name, rank, responsibilities within unit/formation, date of entry into service and will provide the basis for a complete list of personnel. Maoist combatants will be registered regardless if they are in condition of weapon will be specified. The total number of weapons will be categorized by unit/formation. Only those individuals who were members of the Maoist army before 25 May 2006 will eligible for cantonment. The parties will agree as to how this pre-existing service is to be confirmed in consultation with the UN.
As part of this registration, all Maoist army combatants will present their Maoist army identity card to be marked by the UN. The process for marking the cards will be assistance received by Maoist army members. Unregistered persons will not be eligible for assistance or permitted to remain in cantonments.
Only those Maoist army combatants who have been properly registered at cantonment sites will be eligible for possible integration into the security forces fulfilling the standard norms. Any discharged personnel will be ineligible for possible integration. Those who are eligible for integration into the security forces will be determined by a special committee as agreed in the Comprehensive Peace Accord. This integration process will be determined in subsequent agreement with the parties.
Upon registration Maoist army combatants, if found to be born after 25 May 1988, will be honorably and automatically discharged.
Discharged Maoist army combatants must; release all weapons, uniforms and other military gear; and agree not to return to cantonment sites unless mutually agreed by UN monitors in consultation with the parties. The assistance packages to be provided to voluntarily discharged personnel will be agreed by the parties in advance of cantonment.
The Interim Council of Ministers will form a special committee to
supervise, integrate and rehabilitate the Maoist army combatants.
4.2 Barracking of the Nepal Army
4.2.1 General regulations
In accordance with the commitment expressed in the letter sent to the United Nations, the Nepal Army shall remain in its barracks and its arms are not to be used in favour of or against any side. UN monitors will have access to any and all NA barracks for purposes of monitoring whether Nepal Army forces or weapons are being used for or against any party. Upon visiting any Nepal Army barracks for inspection, the site commander will be duly notified, and UN inspections will relate only to matters regarding the disposition of forces and weapons.
The Council of Ministers will control, mobilize and manage the Nepal Army as per the Army Act of 2006 (Sainik Ain 2063) or its successor legislation. The Interim Council of Ministers to prepare and implement the detailed action plan of the Nepal Army’s democratization by taking suggestions from the concerned committee of the Interim Parliament/legislature. Under this to carry out activities like assessing the appropriate number of the Nepal Army, to train the army in democratic and human rights values while developing democratic structure, national and inclusive character.
4.2.2 Commander responsibilities
The normal NA chain of command, control, communication and information will be utilized to monitor the NA deployment to barracks. The commanders shall provide the following information in detail to the UN Mission:
The NA will ensure the safety, security, freedom of movement and wellbeing of UN Mission and associated personnel, goods and services, and provide information in cooperation with the UN Mission according to Section 2.
The UN Mission shall monitor these commitments through daily presence in selected NA barracks, field visits and regular inspections.
4.2.3 Weapons storage and control
The Nepal Army will remain within the barracks as per the commitment expressed in the letter sent to the UN to ensure that their arms are not used for or against any party. The Nepal Army to store arms in equal numbers to that of the Maoist army, to seal it with a single-lock and give the key to the concerned party. In the process of installing the lock, to assemble a mechanism including a siren and register for the monitoring by the UN. While carrying out the necessary examination of the stored arms, the UN will do so under the presence of a Nepal Army representative. The barrack/barracks where NA arms will be monitored under the conditions spelled out in section 4.1.2 will be identified and agreed by the parties. The arms will be stored in storage containers.
4.2.4 Deployment and Concentration of Forces – NA permitted activities
In accordance with the spirit of the Comprehensive Peace Accord, continuity will be given to functions of the Nepal Army including border security, security of the conservation areas, protected areas, banks, airports, power houses, telephone towers, central secretariat and security of VIPs. A detailed list of these institutions and installations will be kept by the Secretary Ministry Defence, along with the number and types of forces assigned to such duties. The list of such institutions and installations will be kept by the NA under seal, and this list will be made available to UN monitors when they deem necessary on a case-by-case basis.
Permitted NA activities are as follows:
For all of the above activities the rules regarding notification of troop, air movements and exercises spelled out in section 5.2 apply
5. Compliance with the Agreement
5.1 Prohibited Activities
In the spirit of the Comprehensive Peace Accord, and in light of this agreement, after the placement of the Nepal Army in the barracks and the Maoist Army combatants in cantonment, the parties shall scrupulously refrain from the following activities:
The parties shall also refrain from all activities that are prohibited elsewhere in this agreement.
5.2 Permitted activities
The key principle that shall underpin permitted activities for both sides shall be to alleviate the effects of the armed conflict on civilians and the war-affected areas and to galvanise popular support for peace. Permitted activities for both sides will be conducted as per the decisions of the interim government. Troop, air movements and exercises have to be properly notified and approved by the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee at least 48-hours in advance.
Permitted activities include:
5.3 Violations
The following acts shall constitute violations of the agreement:
6. The United Nations Mission
Monitoring of compliance with this agreement will be carried out:
The UN Mission will submit reports to the parties on compliance with this agreement. It will do so either directly or through the JMCC.
6.1 The Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee
The nine-member Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee (JMCC) will have a chairman appointed by the UN Mission. There will be two Vice-Chairmen, one each from the Maoist Army and the NA. The remaining six members will be two UN, two NA and two Maoist army, all as selected by the parties respectively.
The JMCC shall reach its decisions by consensus. In the event of a deadlock, the representative of the UN Secretary-General shall have final authority for reporting on the compliance of the parties with this agreement to the Secretary-General and to the interim government for resolution. The Chairman shall report regularly to the representative of the Secretary-General and to the designated representatives of the parties regarding the activities of the JMCC.
The JMCC shall serve three main functions:
The Joint Monitoring Teams (JMTs) will assist the Joint Monitoring Coordination Committee at the local level and through site visits. The JMTs will comprise one international monitor as the team leader and one monitor from Nepal Army and one monitor from the Maoist Army. The number of JMTs and their deployment will be determined by the Chairman of the JMCC in consultations with that body.
The tasks of the JMTs will include:
Joint Monitoring Teams will not be used for designated weapons storage inspections.
7. Miscellaneous
This agreement can be revised at any time with the consent of both parties. Both parties agree to provide to each other prior written information if they wish to make any change. The amendments can be made to the agreement with the consent of both parties after receiving the information. The provisions to be made by such an amendment will not fall below the minimum standards of accepted international human rights and humanitarian laws.
Both parties consent to sign any complementary understandings, as necessary, for the implementation of the present agreement.
This agreement will be signed by both parties in Nepali and English. The United Nations will witness the English language version of this agreement and, accordingly, the English-language version of this agreement will be considered as authoritative in matters of dispute.
The spirit of the Comprehensive Peace Accord shall guide the interpretation and implementation of this agreement by all the parties.
This agreement shall come into force upon signature, and it supersedes the agreement of the same name done on the 28th day of November 2006 (12 Mangsir 2063 BS).
Done in Kathmandu, Nepal on the 8th day of December 2006 (22 Mangsir 2063 BS)
………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Krishna Bahadur Mahara Krishna Prasad Sitoula
Coordinator Coordinator
Negotiating team | Negotiating team | |
CPN (Maoist) | Government of | |
Nepal | ||
Witnessed by | ||
Ian Martin |
Personal Representative of the Secretary-General
United Nations
5 Inserted by the First Amendment
7 Inserted by the Fourth Amendment 8 Amended by the Fifth Amendment.