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European Union (EU)



Council Directive 93/83/EEC of 27 September 1993 on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission

6. 10. 93 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 248/15


(Acts whose publication is not obligatory)



of 27 September 1993

on the coordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights related to copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Articles 57 (2) and 66 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

In cooperation with the European Parli~ment (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),

(1) Whereas the objectives of the Community as laid down in the Treaty include establishing an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe, foster- ing closer relations between the States belonging to the Community and ensuring the economic and social progress of the Community countries by common action to eliminate the· barriers which divide Europe ;

(2) Whereas, to that end, the Treaty provides for the establishment of a common market and an area without internal frontiers ; whereas measures to achieve this include the abolition of obstacles to the free movement of services and the institution of a system ensuring that competition in the common market is not distorted ;.whereas, to that end, the Council may adopt directives for the coordination of the provisions laid down by law, regulation or

( 1) OJ No C 255, 1. 10. 1991, p. 3 and OJ No C 25, 28. 1. 1993, p. 43. .

(2) OJ No C 305, 23. 11. 1992, p. 129 and OJ No C 255, 20. 9. 1993.

(3) OJ No C 98, 21. 4. 1992, p. 44.



administrative action in Member States concerning the taking up and pursuit of activities as self- employed persons;

Whereas broadcasts transmitted across frontiers within the Community, in particular by satellite· and cable, are one of the most important ways of pursuing these Community objectives, which are at the same time political, economic, social, cultural and legal;

(4) Whereas the Council has already adopted Directive 89/552/EEC of 3 October 1989 on the coordina- tion of certain provisions laid down by law, regula- tion or administrative action in Member States concerning the pursuit of television broadcasting activities (4), which makes provision for the promo- tion of the distribution and production of European television programmes and for advertising and sponsorship, the protection of minors and the right of reply;

(5) Whereas, however, the achievement of these objec- .tives in respect of cross-border satellite broadcast- ing and the cable retransmission of programmes from other Member States is currently still obstructed by a series of differences between national rules of copyright and some degree of legal uncertainty ; whereas this means that holders of rights are exposed to the threat of seeing their works exploited without payment of remuneration or that the individual holders of exclusive rights in various Member States block the exploitation of their rights; whereas the legal uncertainty in par- ticular constitutes a direct obstacle in the free circulation of programmes within the Community ;

(4) OJ No L 298, 17. 10. 1989, p. 23.

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Whereas a distinction is currently drawn for copy- right purposes between communication to the public by direct satellite and communication to the public by communications satellite ; whereas, since individual reception is possible and affordable nowadays with both types of satellite, there is no longer any justification for this differing legal treatment;

Whereas the free broadcasting of programmes is further impeded by the current legal uncertainty over whether broadcastsing by .a satellite whose signals can be received directly affects the rights in the country of transmission only or in all countries of reception together ; whereas, since communica- tions satellites and direct satellites are treated alike for copyright purposes, this legal uncertainty now affects almost all programmes broadcast in the Community by satellite;

Whereas, furthermore, legal certainty, which is ·a prerequisite for the free movement of broadcasts within the Community, is missing where programmes transmitted across frontiers are fed into and retransmitted through cable networks ;

(9) Whereas the development of the acqms1t1on of rights on a contractual basis by authorization is already making a vigorous contribution to the crea- tion of the desired European audiovisual area ; whereas the continuation of such contractual agree- ments should be ensured and their smooth applica- tion in practice should be promoted wherever possible;

(1 0) Whereas at present cable operators in particular cannot be sure that they have actually acquired all the programme rights covered by such an agree- ment;

(11) Whereas, lastly, parties iri different Member States are not all similarly bound by obligations which prevent them from refusing without valid reason to negotiate on the acquisition of the rights necessary for cable distribution or allowing such negotiations to fail ;

(12) Whereas the legal framework for the creation of a single ·audiovisual area laid down in Directive 89/552/EEC must, therefore, be supplemented with reference to copyright ;

(13) Whereas, therefore, an end should be put to the differences of treatment of the transmission of programmes by communications satellite which exist in the Member States, so that the vital distinc-

tion throughout the Community becomes whether works and other protected subject matter are communicated to the public ; whereas this will also ensure equal treatment of the. suppliers of cross- border broadcasts, regardless of whether they use a direct broadcasting satellite or a communications satellite;

(14) Whereas the legal uncertainty regarding the rights to be acquired which impedes cross-border satellite broadcasting should be overcome by defining the notion of communication to the public by satellite at a Community level; whereas this definition should at the same time specify where the act of communication takes place ; whereas such a defini- tion is necessary to avoid the cumulative applica- tion of several national laws to one single act of broadcasting ; whereas communication to the public by satellite occurs only when, and in the Member State where, the programme-carrying signals are introduced under the control and responsibility of the broadcasting organization into an uninterrupted chain of communication leading to the satellite and down towards the earth ; whereas normal technical procedures relating to the programme-carrying signals should not be con- sidered as interruptions to the chain of broadcas- ting;

(15) Whereas the acquisition on a contractual basis of exclusive broadcasting rights should comply with any legislation on copyright and rights related to copyright in the Member State in which communi- cation to the public by satellite occurs ;

(16) Whereas the principle of contractual freedom on which this Directive is based will make it possible to continue limiting the exploitation of these rights, especially as far as certain technical means of transmission or certain language versions are concerned;

(17) Whereas, in ariving at the amount of the payment to be made for the rights acquired, the parties should take account of all aspects of the broadcast, such as the actual audience, the potential audience and the language version ;

(18) Whereas the application of the country-of-origin principle contained in this Directive could pose a problem with regard to existing contracts ; whereas this Directive should provide for a period of five years for existing contracts to be adapted, where necessary, in the light of the Directive ; whereas the said country-of-origin principle should not, there- fore, apply to existing contracts which expire before

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1 January 2000 ; whereas if by that date parties still have an interest in the contract, the same parties should be entitled to renegotiate the conditions of the contract ;

(19) Whereas ex1stmg international co-production agreements must be interpreted in the light of the economic purpose and scope envisaged by the parties upon signature; whereas in the past interna- tional co-production agreements have often not expressly and specifically addressed communication to the public by satellite within the meaning of this Directive a particular form of exploitation ; whereas the underlying philosophy of many existing international co-production agreements is that the rights in the co-production are exercised separately and independently by each co-producer, by divi- ding the exploitation rights between them along territorial lines ; whereas, as a general rule, in the situation where a communication to the public by satellite authorized by one co-producer would prejudice the value of the exploitation rights of another co-producer, the interpretation of such an existing agreement would normally suggest that the latter co-producer would have to give his consent to the authorization, by the former co-producer, of the communication to the public by satellite ; whereas the language exclusivity of the latter co-producer will be prejudiced where the language version or versions of the communication to the public, including where the version is dubbed or subtitled, coincide(s) with the language or the languages widely understood in the territory allotted by the agreement to the latter co-producer; whereas the notion of exclusivity should be under- stood in a wider sense where the communication to the public by satellite concerns a work which consists merely of images and contains no dialogue or subtitles ; whereas a clear rule is necessary in cases where the international co-production agree- ment does not expressly regulate the division of rights in the specific case of communication to the public by satellite within the meaning of this Directive;

(20) Whereas communications to the public by satellite from non-member countries will under certain conditions be deemed to occur within a Member State of the Community ;

(21) Whereas it is necessary to ensure that protection for authors, performers, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organizations is accorded in all Mem~er States and that this protection is not subject to a statutory licence system ; whereas only in this way is it possible to ensure that any differ- ence in the level of protection within the common market will not create distortions of competition;

(22) Whereas the advent of new technologies is likely to have an impact on both the quality and the quan-

tity of the exploitation of works and other subject matter;

(23) Whereas in the light of these developments the level of protection granted pursuant to this Direc- tive to all rightholders in the areas covered by this Directive. should remain under consideration ;

(24) Whereas the harmonization of legislation envisaged in this Directive entails the harmonization of the provisions ensuring a high level of protection of authors, performers, phonogram · producers and broadcasting organizations ; whereas this harmoni- zation should not allow a broadcasting organization to take advantage of differences in levels of protec- tion by relocating activities, to the detriment of audiovisual productions ;

(25) Wheres the protection provided for rights related to copyright should be aligned on that contained in Council Directive 92/100/EEC of 19 November 1992 on rental right and lending right and on certain rights related to copyright in the field of · intellectual property (I) for the purposes of commu- nication to the public by satellite ; whereas, in particular, this will ensure that peformers and phonogram producers are guaranteed an appro- priate remuneration for the communication to the public by satellite of their performances or phono- grams;

(26) Whereas the provisions of Article 4 do not prevent Member States from extending the presumption set out in Article 2 (5) of Directive 92/100/EEC to the exclusive rights referred to in Article 4 ; whereas, furthermore, the provisions of Article 4 do not prevent Member States from providing for a rebut- table presumption of the authoriztion of exploita- tion in respect of the exclusive rights of performers referred to in that Article, in so far as such presumption is compatible with the International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Orga- nizations;

(27) Whereas the cable retransmission of programmes from other Member States is an act subject to copy- right and, as the case may be, rights related to copyright ; whereas the cable operator must, there- fore, obtain the authorization from every holder of rights in each part of the programme retrans- mitted ; whereas, pursuant to this Directive, the authorizations should be granted contractually unless a temporary exception is provided for in the case of existing legal licence schemes ;

( 1 ) OJ No L 346, 27. 11. 1992, p. 61.

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(28) Whereas, in order to ensure that the smooth opera- tion of contractual arrangements is not called into question by the intervention of outsiders holding rights in individual parts of the programme, provi- sion should be made, through the obligation to have recourse to a collecting society, for the exclu- sive collective exercise of the authorization right to the extent that this is required by the special features of cable retransmission ; whereas the authorization right as such remains intact and only the exercise of this right is regulated to some extent, so that the right to authorize a cable retrans- mission can still be assigned ; whereas this Direc- tive does not affect the exercise of moral rights ;

(29) Whereas the exemption provided for in Article 10 should not limit the choice of holders of rights to transfer their rights to a collecting society and thereby have a direct share in the remuneration paid by the cable distributor for cable retransmis- sion;

(30) Whereas contractual arrangements regarding the authorization of cable retransmission should be promoted by additional measures; whereas a party seeking the conclusion of a general contract should, for its part, be obliged to submit collective proposals· for an agreement ; whereas, furthermore, any party shall be entitled, at any moment, to call upon the assistance of impartial mediators whose task is to assist negotiations and who may submit proposals ; whereas any such proposals and any opposition thereto should be served on the parties concerned in accordance with the applicable rules concerning the service of legal documents, in par- ticular as set out in existing international conven- tions; whereas, finally, it is necessary to ensure that the negotiations are not blocked without valid justi- fication or that individual holders are not prevented without valid justification from taking part in the negotiations ; whereas none of these measures for the promotion of the acquisition of rights calls into question the contractual nature of the acquisition of cable retransmission rights ;

(31) Whereas for a transitional period Member States should be allowed to retain existing bodies with jurisdiction in their territory over cases where the right to retransmit a programme by cable to the public has been unreasonably refused or offered on unreasonable terms by a broadcasting organization ; whereas it is understood that the right of parties concerned to be heard by the body should be guaranteed and that the existence .of the body should not prevent the parties concerned from having normal access to the courts ;

(32) Whereas, however, Community rules are not needed to deal with all of those matters, the effects of which perhaps with some commercially insigni- ficant exceptions, are felt only inside the borders of a single Member State ;

(33) Whereas minimum rules should be laid down in order to establish and guarantee free and uninter- rupted cross-border broadcasting by satellite and simultaneous, unaltered cable retransmission of programmes broadcast from other Member States, on an essentially contractual basis;

(34) Whereas this Directive should not prejudice further harmonization in the field of copyright and rights related to copyright and the collective administra- tion of such rights ; whereas the possibility for Member States to regulate the activities of collect- ing societies should not prejudice the freedom of contractual negotiation of the rights provided for in this Directive, on the understanding that such negotiation takes place within the framework of general or specific national rules with regard to competition law or the prevention of abuse of monopolies ;

(35) Whereas it should, therefore, be for the Member States to supplement the general provisions needed to achieve the objectives of this Directive by taking legislative and administrative measures in their domestic law, provided that these do not run counter to the objectives of this Directive and are compatible with Community law ;

(36) Whereas this Directive does not affect the applica- bility of the competition rules in Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty,




Article 1


1. For· the purpose of this Directive, 'satellite' means any satellilte operating on frequency bands which, under telecommunications law, are reserved for the broadcast of signals for reception by the public or which are reserved

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for closed, point-to-point communication. In the latter case, however, the circumstances in which individual reception of the signals takes place must be comparable to those which apply in the first case.

2. (a) For the purpose of this Directive, 'communication to the public by satellite' means the act of intro- ducing, under the control and responsibility of the broadcasting organization, the programme-carrying signals intended for reception by the public into an uninterrupted chain of communication leading to the satellite and down towards the earth.

(b) The act of communication to the public by satellite occurs solely in the Member State where, under the control and responsibility of the broadcasting orga- nization, the programme-carrying signals are intro- duced into an uninterrupted chain of communica- tion leading to the satellite and down towards the earth.

(c) If the programme-carrying signals are encrypted, then there is communication to the public by satellite on condition that the means for decrypting the broadcast are provided to the public by the broadcasting organization or with its consent.

(d) Where an act of communication to the public by satellite occurs in a non-Community State which does not provide the level of protection provided for under Chapter II,

(i) if the programme-carrying signals are trans- mitted to the satellite from an uplink situation situated in a Member State, that act of commu- nication to the public by· satellite shall be deemed to have occurred in that Member State and the rights provided for under Chapter II shall be exercisable against the person opera- ting the uplink station ; or

(ii) if there is no use of an uplink station situated in a Member State but a broadcasting organiza- tion established in a Member State has commissioned the act of communication to the public by satellite, that act shall be deemed to have occured in the Member State in which the broadcasting organization has its principal establishment in the Community arid the rights provided for under Chapter II shall be exercisable against the broadcasting organiza- tion.

3. For the purposes of this Directive, 'cable retransmis- sion' means the simultaneous, unaltered and unabridged retransmission by a cable or microwave system for recep- tion by the public of an initial transmission from another Member State, by wire or over the air, including that by satellite, of television or radio programmes intended for reception by the public.

4. For the purposes of this Directive 'collecting society' means any organization which manages or administers copyright or. rights related to copyright as its sole purpose or as one of its main purposes.

5. For the purposes of this Directive, the principal director of a cinematographic or audiovisual work shall be considered as its author or one of its authors. Member States may provide for others to be considered as its co-authors.



Article 2

Broadcasting right

Member States shall provide an exclusive right for the author to authorize the communication to the public by satellite of copyright works, subject to the provisions set out in this chapter.

Article 3

Acquisition of broadcasting rights

1. Member States shall ensure that the authorization referred to in Article 2 may be acquired only be agree- ment.

2. A Member State may provide that a collective agree- ment between a collecting society and a broadcasting organization concerning a given category of works may be extended to rightholders of the same category who are not represented by the collecting society, provided that :

- the communication to the public by satellite simul- casts a terrestrial broadcast by the same broadcaster, and

- the unrepresented rightholder shall, at any time, have the possibility of excluding the extension of the collective agreement to his works and of exercising his rights either individually ·or collectively.

3. Paragraph 2 shall not apply to cinematographic works, including works created by a process analogous to cinematography.

4. Where the law of a Member State provides for the extension of a collective agreement in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, that Member States shall inform the Commission which broadcasting organizations are entitled to avail themselves of that law. The Commis- sion shall publish this information in the Official Journal of the European Communities (C series).

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Article 4

Rights of performers, phonogram producers and broadcasting organizations

1. .For the purposes of communication to the public by satellite, the rights of performers, phonogram producers and broadcasting organizations shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of Articles 6, 7, 8 and 10 of Directive 92/100/EEC.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, 'broadcasting by wireless means' in Directive 92/1 00/EEC shall be under- stood as including communication to the public by satel- lite.

3. With regard to the exercise of the rights referred to in paragraph 1, Articles 2 (7) and 12 of Directive 92/1 00/EEC shall apply.

Article 5

Relation between copyright and related rights

Protection of copyright-related rights under this Directive shall leave intact and shall in no way affect the protection of copyright.

Article 6

Minimum protection

1. Member States may provide for more far-reaching protection for holders of rights related to copyright than that required by Article 8 of Directive 92/1 00/EEC.

2. In applying paragraph 1 Member States shall observe the definitions contained in Article 1 (1) and (2).

Article 7

Transitional provisions

1. With regard to the application in time of the rights referred to in Article 4 (1) of this Directive, Article 13 (1 ), (2), (6) and (7) of Directive 92/100/EEC shall apply. Article 13 (4) and (5) of Directive 92/100/EEC shall apply mutatis mutqndis.

2. Agreements concerning the exploitation of works and other protected subject matter which are in force on the date mentioned in. Article 14 (1) shall be subject to the provisions of Articles 1 (2), 2 and 3 as from 1 January 2000 if they expire after that date.

3. When an international co-production agreement concluded before the date mentioned in Article 14 (1) between a co-producer from a Member State and one or more co-producers from other Member States or third countries expressly provides for a system of division of

exploitation rights between the co-producers by geographical areas for all means of communication to the public, without distinguishing the arrangement applicable to communication to the public by satellite from the provisions applicable to the other means of communica- tion, and where communication to the public by satellite of the co-production would prejudice the exclusivity, in particular the language exclusivity, of one of the co-producers or his assignees in a given territory, the authorization by one of the co-producers. or his assignees for a communication to the public by satellite shall require the prior consent of the holder of that exclusivity, whether co-producer or assignee.



Article 8

Cable retransmission right

1. Member States shall ensure that when programmes from other· Member States are retransmitted by cable in their territory the applicable copyright and related rights are observed and that such retransmission takes place on the basis of individual or collective contractual agree- ments between copyright owners, holders of related rights and cable operators.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1, Member States may retain until 31 December 1997 such statutory licence systems which are in operation or expressly provided for by national law on 31 July 1991.

Article 9

Exercise of the cable retransmission right

1. Member States shall ensure that the right of copy- right owners and holders or related rights to grant or refuse authorization to a cable operator for a cable retrans- mission may be exercised only through a collecting society.

2. Where a rightholder has not transferred the manage- ment of his rights to a collecting society, the collecting society which manages rights of the same category shall be deemed to be mandated to manage his rights. Where more than .one collecting society manages rights of that category, the rightholder shall be free to choose which of those collecting societies is deemed to be mandated to manage his rights. A rightholder referred to in this para- graph shall have the same rights and obligations resulting from the agreement between the cable operator and the collecting society which is deemed to be mandated to manage his rights as the rightholders who have mandated that collecting society and he shall be able to claim those

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rights within a period, to be fixed by the Member State concerned, which shall not be shorter than three years from the date of the cable retransmission which includes his work or other protected subject matter.

J. A Member State may provide that, when a right- holder authorizes the initial transmission within its terri- tory of a work or other protected subject matter, he shall be deemed to have agreed not to exercise his cable retransmission rights on an individual basis but to exer- Cise them in accordance with the provisions of this Direc- .tive.

Article 10

Exercise of the cable retransmission right by broad- casting organizations

Member States shall ensure that Article 9 does not apply to the rights exercised by a broadcasting organization in respect of its own transmission, irrespective of whether the rights concerned are its own or have been transferred to it by other copyright owners and/or holders of related rights.

Article 11


1. Where no agreement is concluded regarding autho- rization of the cable retransmission of a broadcast. Member States shall ensure. that either party may call upon the assistance of one or more mediators.

2. The task of the mediators shall be to provide assis- tance with negotiation. They may also submit proposals to the parties.

3. It shall be assumed that all the parties accept a proposal as referred to in paragraph 2 if none of them expresses its opposition within a period of three months. Notice of the proposal and of any opposition thereto shall be served on the parties concerned in accordance with the applicable rules concerning the service of legal docu- ments.

4. The mediators shall be so selected that their inde- . pendence and impartiality are beyon-d reasonable doubt.

Article 12

Prevention of the abuse of negotiating positions

1. Member States shall ensure by means of civil or administrative law, as appropriate, that the parties enter and conduct negotiations regarding authorization for cable retransmission in good faith and do not prevent or hinder negotiation without valid justification.

2. A Member State which, on the date mentioned in Article 14 (1 ), has a body with jurisdiction in its territory over cases where the right to retransmit a programme by cable to the public in that Member State has been unreasonably refused or offered on unreasonable tenns by a broadcasting organization may retain that body.

3. Paragraph 2 shall apply for a transitional period of eight years from the date mentioned in Article 14 (1 ).



Article 13

Collective administration of rights

This Directive shall be without prejudice to the regulation of the activities of collecting societies by the Member States.

Article 14

Final provisions

1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regu- lations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 1 January 1995. They shall immediately inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt these measures, the latter shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference at the time of their offi- cial publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commis- sion the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

3. Not later than 1 January 2000, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, the Council and the Economic and Social Committee a report on the application of this Directive and, if necessary, make further proposals to adapt it to developments in the audio and audiovisual sector.

Article 15

This Directiv~ is addressed to the Member States.

Done ·at Brussels, 27 September 1993.

For the Council

The President ·