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Office Order No. 160, Series of 2012, Amendment to Office Order No. 154, Series of 2010

29 June 2 0 12

lao 'OFFICE ORDER NO. _ Series of 2012

SUBJECT: AM END MENT T O OFF ICE ORDER NO. 154, Series of 2 0 10

In line with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines' (IPOPHL) strategic go al of prov iding speedy, effective and quality leg al remedies and to be the forum of cho ice for the resolut ion of Intellectual P roperty disputes, and pursuant to th e authority of the D irector Ge neral unde r Sec. 7.1 of Rep. Act No. 8293, also kno wn as the In tellectual P roperty Code of the Philippines, Office Order No . 154, seri es of 20 10 (Rules of P rocedur es for IPO Mediation Proceedings) is hereby amended as follows:

1. T he last paragraph of Section 1, to wit:

"In the event th e parties, after an unsuccessful mediation, advise the IP O Me diat ion Office of their intention to submit their dispute to arbitration, the or ig inati ng office shall dismiss the case upon proof that arbit rat ion proceedi ngs has commenc ed purs uant to the pertinent rules if and when arb it ration is available."

is hereby deleted .

2. Section 6 is amended, to read as follows:

"Sect ion G. Refusal to Mediate; Non-Settlement of Dispute - If with in sixty (60) days from referral of the case to mediation the parties refuse to medi ate or are unable to settle their dispute and submit an agreement, the mediator shall declare the med iation unsuccessful and sh all forthwith terminate the proceedings by issuing a Not ice of Non-Sett lement of D is pute in the presence of the parties or their duly app ointed represe nt at ives. The GO-day period, however, may be extended for another thirty (30) days upon written requ est by both part ies. Should no settlement be reached within the additional period, the mediation proceedings shall likewise be terminated.

"Upon t he issuance of th e Not ice of Non-Sett lement of Dispute, th e par ties or their duly appointed representatives sh all be personally informed and briefed right there and then regarding the option to submit their dispute to arbit rati on. The part ies s hall be given five (5) days from which to appear personally before the O ffice to file their motion or manifestation that they are submitting their dispute to arbitration. T he fa ilure of the parties to appear within the said period shall be deemed a refusal to submit their dispute to arbitration and the records of the case shall be immediately returned to the originating office

"If tbe parties manifest that they are submitt ing their dispu te to arbitration, such motion or man ifestation shall be for warded to the originating office together with the ""cords of th e case. The originating office shall within three (3) days upon receipt of the records dism iss t he case."

This Office Order ta kes effect fifteen ( 15) days after publicat ion in a newspaper of general circulation. T his Office Order shall also be immedia tely post ed in the IPOP HL website, and shall be effect ive until re voked , amended or modified .

IPO PHL '12JULO'315:40 B:::ORAttY~. Director General


Republic of the Philippines INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE 'P&/.. £;30/

Intellectua l Property Center, 28 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill Town Center Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City 1634 Philippines

T: +632-2386300 F: +632-5539480 www .ipophil.gov.ph