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Budapest Notification No. 107
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure

Communication of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic Relating to the Acquisition of the Status of International Depositary Authority by the Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and by the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY)

The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to notify him of the receipt, on June 12, 1992, of a written communication, dated June 10, 1992, from the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, relating to the Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY), indicating that the said depositary institutions are located on the territory of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic and including a declaration of assurances to the effect that the said institutions comply and will continue to comply with the requirements concerning the acquisition of the status of international depositary authority as specified in Article 6(2) of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, and amended on September 26, 1980.

The Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY) will acquire the status of international depositary authority under the Budapest Treaty as from August 31, 1992, the date of publication of the said communication in the July/August 1992 issue of Industrial Property/La Propriété industrielle.

July 8, 1992

Text of the Written Communication of the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, dated June 10, 1992, Relating to the Acquisition of the Status of International Depositary Authority by the Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and by the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY)


The Permanent Mission of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic to the United Nations Office and other Inter - national organizations at Geneva presents its compliments to the world Intellectual Property Organization and has the honour to convey, pursuant to Article 7.1)a) of the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure of April 28, 1977, that the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic declares appointing the Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) and the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY) to perform the functions of International Depositary Authorities. The relevant Communications of the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic containing all the necessary information of the two International Depositary Authorities are enclosed herein.


1. Pursuant to Article 7 1)a) of the Budapest Treaty on the international Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic declares appointing the Czechoslovak Collection of Micro-organisms (CCM, Československá sbírka mikroorganismů Masarykovy university) to perform the functions of an International Depositary Authority.

2. Said collection of microorganisms complies and will continue to comply with the requirements specified in Article 6 2) of the Treaty.

3. Name and Address of the Collection:

Československá sbírka mikroorganismů Masarykovy university
ul. Tvrdého č. 14
602 00 Brno, ČSFR
Tel. (05) 33 72 31, 33 377 42
Fax (05) 75 52 47

4. Characteristics of CCM Pursuant to Article 6 2) of the Treaty:

The Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms (CCM) was founded in 1964 as an independent division of the Natural Science Faculty of Masaryk University with its own status. The Natural Science Faculty is an independent part of Masaryk University in Brno. It is a permanent authority whose task is to provide the highest education in natural science and to contribute to the development of scientific knowledge. The head of the collection is subordinated directly to the dean of the Natural Science Faculty. The activities of CCM cover the whole state. It cooperates with other Czechoslovak and foreign collections of microorganisms. It is a member of the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC, member No. 65) and of the European Culture Collection Organization (ECCO).

Basic activities of CCM include depositing, storage and distribution of bacteria and filamentous fungi, which are used mainly in research, industrial application and training.

About 2500 strains of bacteria and filamentous fungi are deposited with CCM at present. Of the total staff of 15 persons 6 are university graduates (Doctor of Natural Science, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Candidate of Science). CCM occupies a total area of 320 m2 and consists of seven microbiological laboratories, a laboratory for freeze-drying of cultures, a separate depository for cultures in lyophilized state and a room for depositing microorganisms in liquid nitrogen. The instrumental equipment of all laboratories allows standard level microbiological operations.

5. Microorganisms Accepted for Deposit with CCM:

The bacteria (including actinomycetes) and the filamentous fungi are accepted which are capable of long-term preservation without any substantial change of their initial properties.


(a) Dangerous pathogens and species which can be hazardous to man and animals shall not be accepted.

(b) Microorganisms having special requirements for cultivation which CCM is not capable to carry out technically shall not be accepted.

(c) Mixtures and cultures without scientific description as well as cultures which cannot be identified shall not be accepted.

(d) When depositing strains containing a plasmid CCM shall require information on the plasmid and its host strain in respect to their properties and classification (i.e. group P1, P2, P3 or P4). CCM shall accept only plasmids and their host strains belonging to group P1.

6. Fees

  - For storage of a microorganism 12.000,--
  - For a viability statement 400,--
  - For a furnishing of samples of a microorganism 1.000,--

7. The official language of CCM is Czech. Correspondence can be made also in English and German.

8. Pursuant to Article 7 2) b) of the Treaty the status of international depositary authority shall be acquired by the collection from the date of publication of the communication by the International Bureau.



1. Pursuant to Article 7 1) a) of the Budapest Treaty on the international Recognition of the deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, the Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic declares appointing the Czechoslovak Collection of Yeasts (CCY, Československá sbírka kvasinek) to perform the functions of an International Depositary Authority.

2. Said collection of yeasts complies and will continue to comply with the requirements specified in Article 6 2) of the Treaty.

3. Name and Address of the Collection:

Československá sbírka kvasinek při Chemickém ústavu Slovenské akademie vĕd
Dúbravská cesta 9
842 38 Bratislava, ČSFR
Tel. (07) 378 26 25
Fax (07) 37 38 11

4. Characteristics of the Collection Pursuant to Article 6 2) of the Treaty

CCY is an independent scientific department of the Chemical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences having its own status. The Chemical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava was established as an independent organizational unit by the Praesidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1955. It is a permanent authority, dealing with basic research in chemistry and biochemistry of saccharides, enzyme systems and heterocyclic compounds having biological activity. The head of the collection is subordinated directly to the director of the Institute. The activities of CCY cover the whole state. It cooperates with other Czechoslovak and foreign collections. It is a member of the Federation of Czechoslovak Collections of Microorganisms, a member of the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC, member No. 333) and a member of the European Culture Organization (ECCO).

The main task of the collection is to collect and keep alive and with initial properties pure cultures of yeasts and yeast microorganisms. The extent of the collection is not limited and depends on efficiency and needs in respect of the scientific and historical importance of the strains and on the extent of the informations acquired concerning the strains. At present the collection has 3.500 strains.

Basic activities of CCY include:

- storage of strains of yeasts and yeast microorganisms which are important from the point of view of science, industry, protection of the health of man and animals and of the environment, storage of taxonomically and genetically important strains, testing and standard strains, strains serving in analytics, as well as legally protected strains,

- defining of genotype and phenotype of the stored strains,

- extending the collection with domestic isolates, type cultures and important strains from other collections and the like,

- providing pure yeast strains for the purposes of research, production and training,

- determining and defining of the strains for the purposes of science, industry and environmental protection,

- giving expert consultations on problems of taxonomy and nomenclature and taking care of methodical level of cultivation and storage of the strains,

- cooperating with the Federal Office for Inventions.

Of the total staff of 6 persons 3 are university graduates (2 Engineers and Candidates of Science, 1 Engineer), the rest are specialized and technical staff.

CCY covers a total area 135m2 and consists of two microbiological laboratories, one laboratory with special instruments, a room for depositing yeasts under paraffin oil, a cultivating room and a sterilizing room. The instrumental equipment of the laboratories allows standard level microbiological operations.

5. Microorganisms accepted for deposit with CCY

The yeasts are accepted which can be stored in liquid nitrogen or as active cultures without any substantial change in their properties.

The yeasts are accepted for a storage which can be accomplished by standard laboratory techniques without appreciable adapting during storage in liquid nitrogen or during storage on agar slant.

Additionally to the classical method of storage the strains are stored at ultra-low temperatures.

6. Fees

  - For storage of a microorganism 20.000,--
  - For a viability statement 1.000,--
  - For a furnishing of samples 1.200,--

7. The official language of the collection is Slovak. Correspondence can be made also in English.

8. Pursuant to Article 7 2)b) of the Treaty the status of international depositary authority shall be acquired by the collection from the date of publication of the communication by the International Bureau.