Declaration made upon signature:
"In proceeding to the signature of the European Agreement for the Prevention of Broadcasts Transmitted from Stations outside National Territories, on behalf of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, I hereby declare that the United Kingdom Government understands that the references to 'broadcasting stations' in Article 2 are references not merely to the broadcasting apparatus, but also to the ship, aircraft or other "base" on which the station is established, and that 2.2 a, b and c are to be taken to refer to the provision of equipment, supplies and transport to the 'broadcasting stations' in this sense. The United Kingdom Government therefore wishes to make clear as regards 2.2 b that it is its intention so far as is practicable to direct its legislation at supplies in bulk, as for example, diesel oil, and not at sales of goods which would not be material to the continued operation of the 'broadcasting stations' in the sense referred to above. For example, it is not its intention to make it an offence to sell a packet of cigarettes on shore to a person known to be a member of the crew of a ship which was illegally broadcasting. Similarly with regard to 2.2 c it would be intended to direct United Kingdom legislation at transport of persons, equipment or supplies between land and the 'broadcasting stations' as understood above."
Declaration made upon ratification:
"The application of the Agreement is hereby extended to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 11."