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Ley N° 08/2012/QH13 de 18 de junio de 2012, sobre educación superior, Viet Nam

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Detalles Detalles Año de versión 2013 Fechas Entrada en vigor: 1 de enero de 2013 Adoptado/a: 18 de junio de 2012 Tipo de texto Otras textos Materia Otros, Propiedad Industrial

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Textos principales Textos principales Vietnamita Luật Giáo dục Đại học số 08/2012/QH13, ngày 18 tháng 6 năm 2012         Inglés Law No. 08/2012/QH13 of June 18, 2012, on Higher Education        
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 Law No. 08/2012/QH13 of June 18, 2012, on Higher Education


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Law No. 08/2012/QH13 Hanoi, June 18, 2012


Pursuant to the Constitution 1992 of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam amended and supplemented under the Resolution No. 51/2001/QH10;

The National Assembly promulgates the Law on Higher Education.

Chapter I

facilities depending on the students’ demand in order to implement a college or university training program.

3. A training profession is a collection of knowledge and professional skills of a certain profession or science. A training profession includes various majors.

4. A majors is a collection of advanced professional skills and knowledge of a profession. 5. Connected higher education is a solution for training management by which the students may use their existing education results to study further in the same profession or when they shift to another profession or level.

6. The skill and knowledge standards of the training program is the minimum requirement for knowledge and skills that a student must obtain after completing the training program

7. Non-profit foreign-capitalized higher education institutions and private higher education institutions are higher education institutions of which the cumulative annual profit is not shared but to reinvest in


Article 1. Scope of regulation This Law specifies the organization, duties and authority of higher education institutions, the activities of training, science and technology, international cooperation, higher education quality assessment and assurance, the lecturers, the students, the higher education institutions property and finance, and the State management of higher education.

Article 2. Subjects of application This Law is applicable to colleges, universities, academies, regional universities, national universities, scientific research institutes eligible for doctorate training, other organizations and individuals related to higher education.

Article 3. The application of the Law on Higher Education. The organization and operation of higher education institutions and higher education management agencies must comply with this Law, the Law on Education and other relevant law provisions.

Article 4. Interpretation of terms In this Law, the following terms are construed as follows:

1. Formal education is the form of education in which full-time courses are provided at higher education institutions in order to implement a training program at a certain level of higher education.

2. Continuing education, including in-service training and distance learning, is the form of education in which the classes and courses are provided at higher education institutions or associate education

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the higher education institution development; the shareholders or contributors do not receive dividend or the dividend does not exceed the interest rate of the Government ‘s bonds.

8. Universities are higher education institutions including the colleges, universities, affiliated scientific research institutes belonging to different fields, separated into two levels for higher education.

Article 5. The target of higher education 1. General target:

a) Training human resources, enhancing people’s intelligence; doing science and technology researches in order to create knowledge and new products serving the socio-economic development, assure National defense and security and international integration;

b) Training students that possess political quality, ethics; possess knowledge and professional practical skills, possess capability of researching and applying science and technology corresponding to their grade; possess creativity, professional responsibility and adaptability to the working conditions; aware of

2. Specific target of college education, university education, master’s and doctorate programs:

a) The college education provides students with the basic professional knowledge and proficient practical skills, the ability to understand the impacts of natural law principles on real life and the ability to solve the usual problems related to the trained profession;

b) The university education provides students with the comprehensive profession knowledge, thorough grasp of the natural – social law and principle, basic practical skill and the ability to work independently, creatively and solve the problems related to the trained profession;

c) The master’s program provides students with fundamental scientific knowledge and advanced research skills of a certain science or a certain profession, with the ability to work independently, creatively and the capability of detecting and solving the problems related to the trained profession;

d) The doctorate program provides the graduate students with advanced knowledge of theoretical and practical skills, with the ability to do researches independently and creatively in order to develop new knowledge, discover new natural—social laws and principles, solve new scientific and technological problems, guide the science research and professional activities.

Article 6. The levels and training forms of higher education 1. The levels of higher education include: college, university, master’s and doctorate.

The Minister of Education and Training shall cooperate with other Ministries and Heads of ministerial- level agencies to specify the training of practical skills and advanced application for the graduates in a number of special profession.

2. The levels of higher education are provided in 2 forms being formal education and continuing education.

Article 7. Higher education institutions 1. The higher education institutions in the national educational system include:

a) Colleges;

b) Universities, academies;

c) Local universities, national universities (hereinafter referred to as universities);

d) Scientific research institutes eligible of doctorate training.

2. The Vietnam’s higher education institutions are organized in the following forms:

a) State-owned public higher education institutions of which the facilities are invested and built by the State;

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b) Private higher education institutions possessed by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations or individuals, invested and built by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations or individuals.

3. Higher education institutions invested by foreigners include:

a) Higher education institutions 100% invested by foreigners

b) Joint higher education institutions invested by foreigners and domestic investors.

Article 8. National universities 1. National universities are scientific and technological training and research centers of various professions, prioritized to develop by the State.

2. National universities have the initiative in the activities of training, doing scientific, financial, international relation research and organize their own structure. National universities are under the State management of the Ministry of Education and Training, or the Ministries and sectors, People’s Committees all levels where the national universities are located as prescribed by the Government

c) Their science, technology and training mechanism;

d) The quality of training and scientific research;

dd) The higher education quality assessment results.

4. The higher education institution are classified into

a) Higher education institutions towards research;

a) Higher education institutions towards application;

a) Higher education institutions towards practice;

5. The Government shall specify the standards of higher education institution classification; promulgate the higher education institution ranking bracket of each class and the standards of each rank in the bracket serving the State management and the priority of investment in higher education from the State budget.

and law provisions.

National universities are entitled to directly work with Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies, People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces to solve the issues related to the national universities. If necessary, the directors of national universities shall send reports to the Prime Minister on the issues related to the operation and development of national universities.

3. The council president, the director and deputy director of a national university is designated and discharged by the Prime Minister.

4. The Government shall specify the functions, tasks and power of national universities.

Article 9. Higher education institution classification 1. Higher education institutions are classified in order to serve the higher education institution network planning consistent with the socio-economic development requirements and the plan for developing and improving the capability of scientific research and training of the higher education institutions; perform the State management.

2. The higher education institutions are ranked in order to assess the prestige and quality, serving the State management and investment priority for the State budget.

3. The higher education institution are classified and ranked under the following criteria:

a) Their positions and roles in the higher education system;

b) Their scales, professions and training levels;

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The Prime Minister shall accredit the rankings of universities; the Minister of Education and Training shall accredit the rankings of colleges. Depending on the rankings, competent State management agencies shall make decisions on the plan of investment priority, the objectives and special management mechanism of the higher education institutions consistent with the demands for the workforce and the national socio-economic development in each period.

Depending on the rankings, the Ministry of Education and Training shall cooperate with People’s Committees of central-affiliated cities and provinces (hereinafter referred to as provincial People’s Committees) where the higher education institutions are located or where their training activities are organized in order to support the private higher education institutions in land, credit and employee training.

Article 10. Language in higher education institutions Vietnamese is the official language in higher education institutions

Basing on the Prime Minister’s provision, the higher education institutions shall make decisions on using foreign languages in school.

Article 11. Higher education institution network planning 1. Higher education institution network planning is the arrangement of the system of colleges, universities, academies with appropriate professions and training levels for the population, geographical locations nationwide and locally in each period, consistent with the strategy for socio- economic development and National defense and security.

2. Principles of higher education institution network planning

a) Consistent with the strategy and planning for socio-economic development of the country, the sectors and the localities; assuring the profession structure, level structure and locality structure; satisfying the people’s demand for education;

b) Assuring the diversity and uniformity of the higher education system, combining training with scientific research, production and services; step by step enhance the training quality, serving the industrialization, modernization and international integration.

c) Consistent with the investment capability of the State and the resource mobilization of the society; creating favorable conditions for everyone to participate in the higher education institution construction.

d) Prioritizing the investment in the primary objectives, the key higher education institutions and key professions, key economic regions and impoverished areas.

3. The higher education institution network planning include the following contents:

a) The higher education system framework and the training scale by profession, training level and form of higher education institutions;

b) Locating higher education institutions basing on their properties and the local socio-economic characteristics;

c) The teaching staff and education management staff;

d) Material and technical facilities.

4. The Prime Minister shall approve the higher education institution network planning.

Article 12. The State policies on higher education development 1. Higher education development for training the qualified and quality workforce in order to satisfy the demand for socio-economic development and assure the National defense and security.

2. Increasing the budget for higher education; concentrating the investment in high quality higher education institutions towards basic science, hi-tech and key socio-economic professions in order to reach the world-class level.

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3. Socializing the higher education, offer incentives for land, tax, credit and employee training in order to encourage non-profit foreign-capitalized higher education institutions and private higher education institutions; prioritizing the establishment of private higher education institutions with intensive investment, assure the establishment conditions as prescribed by law. It is prohibited to misuse the higher education activities for earning illegal profit.

4. Combining training with research and application of science and technology; boosting the cooperation between higher education institutions, scientific research organizations and enterprises.

5. The foreign shall place orders and assure the budget for the fulfillment of scientific and technological duties of higher education institutions that show high potential of science and technology.

6. Agencies, organizations and enterprises are entitled and responsible for receiving and facilitating the lecturers’ and students’ study, practice, scientific research and technology transfers, contributing to the training quality improvement.

7. Formulating appropriate attraction and benefit policy in order to built and improve the teaching staff’s quality, concentrate on the teaching staff with PhD degree and associate professor, professor title in higher education institutions.

8. Implementing the preferential policies on subjects of social policies, subjects in ethnic areas, areas




with poor socio-economic conditions and the subjects learning special profession satisfying the workforce demand for socio-economic development; achieving sexual equality in higher education.

Article 13. The Communist organizations, and social organizations in higher education

1. The Communist organizations in higher education institutions are established and operated as prescribed in the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam within the scope of the Constitution and

2. The social organizations in higher education institutions are established and operated under the Constitution, the Law and their own charter.

3. Higher education institutions are responsible for facilitate the establishment and operation of Communist organizations and social organizations as prescribed in Clause 1 and Clause 2 this

Chapter II

ORGANIZATIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS Section 1. The organizational structure of higher education institutions

Article 14. Organizational structure of colleges, universities and academies 1. The organizational structure of public colleges, universities includes:

a) The school council;

b) The Principal, Deputy Principal of the college or the university; the Director, Deputy Director of the academy;

c) Functional Departments;

d) Faculty, academic department; science and technology organizations;

dd) Other organizations serving the training, scientific and technological research; production, trading and service facilities;

e) Other campuses (if any);

g) The Science and training council, the advisory councils.

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2. Colleges, universities affiliated to the university of which the organizational structure complies with the organization charter and the university operation.

3. Private colleges, universities with organizational structure as prescribed in Point b, c, d, dd, e and g Clause 1 this Article that have the Board of Directors, the Control Board.

4. Foreign-capitalized higher education institutions with independent organizational structure.

Article 15. The organizational structure of universities 1. a) The university council;

2. Director, Deputy Director.

3. c) Offices, functional departments;

4. Affiliated universities, affiliated scientific research institutes.

5. Affiliated colleges, scientific and technological research faculties and centers.

6. dd) Other organizations serving the training, scientific research; production, trading and service facilities;

7. e) Other campuses (if any);

8. g) The Science and training council, the advisory councils.

Article 16. The school council; 1. The school councils are established at public colleges, universities and academies.

2. The school council is the administrative organization representing the school ownership. The school council has the following duties and authority:

a) Resolving the development plans, strategies, planning and the regulations on the school organization and operation;

b) Resolving the orientation of operation, training, science and technology, international cooperation, assuring the education quality;

c) Resolving the organizational structure and the development roadmap of the school;

d) Resolving the establishment, merger, division, separation, dissolution of the organizations affiliated to the higher education institution;

dd) Supervising the implementation of the School council’s resolutions, the implementation of the democratic regulations on the school activities.

3. a) The School council members;

a) The principal, deputy principals, the Party Committee Secretary, the Union’s president, the Secretary Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City ; the representatives from a number of faculties, the representatives from the authorities in charge of the higher education institution;

b) A number of members working in education, science, technology, production and trading.

4. The President of the School council is designated by the Head of the competent State agency.

The standards of the President of the School council are similar to that of the principal as prescribed in Clause 2 Article 20 of this Law.

5. The tenure of the School council is 05 years and attached to the principal's tenure.

The School council works on the principle of collectives and under the majority rule.

6. The procedures for establishing, the quantity and the member framework, the duties and authority of the School council, the duties and authority of the President, the Secretary of the School council, the designation and discharge the President and other School council members are specified in the School Charter.

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Article 17. Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors are established at private colleges and universities.

2. The Board of Directors is the only representative organization of the school ownership. The Board of Directors has the following duties and authority:

a) Organizing the implementation of the resolutions of the Shareholder general assembly;

b) Resolving the development plans, strategies, planning and the regulations on the school organization and operation;

c) Resolving the orientation of operation, training, science and technology, international cooperation, assuring the education quality;

d) Resolving the issues related to the organizations, personnel, finance, property and the orientation of the school investment and development;

dd) Supervising the implementation of the Board of Director’s resolutions, the implementation of the

b) Resolving the orientation of operation, training, science and technology, international cooperation, assuring the education quality;

c) Resolving the organizational structure and the development roadmap of the university;

d) Resolving the establishment, dissolution, merger, division and separation of the organizations specified in Clause 3, 5, 6, 7 Article 15 of this Law; passing the plans on the establishment, dissolution, merger, division and separation of the organizations specified in Clause 4 Article 15 of this Law;

dd) Supervising the implementation of the University Council’s resolutions, the implementation of the democratic regulations on the university activities.

2. The members of the University Council include:

a) The Director, Deputy Director, the Party Committee Secretary, the Union’s president, the Secretary Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City ; the Principals of the affiliated colleges and universities; the Directors of the affiliated scientific research institutes;

democratic regulations on the school activities.

3. a) The Board of Directors’ members;

a) The representatives of organizations, individuals of which the shares are ample as prescribed;

b) The Principal, the representatives from local authorities where the offices of the higher education institution are located; the representatives of the Communist Party organizations; the representatives of the lecturers.

4. The President of Board of Directors is elected by the Board of Directors under the majority rule and ballot.

The President of Board of Directors must hold a Bachelor’s degree or above.

5. The tenure of the Board of Directors is 05 years. The Board of Directors works on the principle of collectives and under the majority rule.

6. The procedures for establishing, the quantity and the member framework, the duties and authority of the Board of Directors, the duties and authority of the President, the Secretary, the recognition and non-recognition of the Board of Directors, the President of Board of Directors and other members of the Board of Directors are specified in the Charter and Regulation on the school organization and operation.

Article 18. The University Council; 1. The University Council has the following duties and authority:

a) Approving the university development plans, strategies and planning;

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b) The representatives of State management agencies; a number of members working in education, science, technology, production and trading.

3. The tenure of the University Council is 05 years and attached to the Director’s tenure. The University Council works on the principle of collectives and under the majority rule.

4. The procedures for establishing, the quantity and the member framework, the duties and authority of the University Council, the standards, duties and authority of the President, the Secretary of the School council, the designation and discharge the President and other members of the University Council are specified in the Charter on the University organization and operation.

Article 19. The Science and Training Council 1. The Science and Training Councils are established under the decisions from the principals of colleges and universities, the Directors of the academies and universities, in charge of counseling the principals and directors on the construction of:

a) The regulations and provisions on the training, science and technology activities, the standards of recruiting lecturers, researchers, library workers, laboratory workers;

b) The plans on developing the teaching staff and researching staff;

c)The plans on training new professions and majors, deploying and canceling the training programs; guiding the scientific and technological development, the plans on science and technology activities, assigning the training, science and technology duties.

Article 20. The Principal;

not exceeding two consecutive tenures.

2. The standards of principals;

education participated in faculty

b) The principals of universities, the directors of academies and universities must have the doctorates; the principals of colleges must have the master’s degree or above

2. The Science and Training Council includes: the Principals, the Deputy Principals in charge on training and scientific research; the heads of training and scientific research units; the reputable scientists being the representatives form various professions.

1. The principals of colleges, universities, the directors of academies and universities (hereinafter referred to as principals) are the representatives of higher education institutions before the law, being responsible for the management of the activities of higher education institutions. The principals are designated or accredited by competent State agencies.

The tenure of a principal is 05 years. The principals are designated and re-designated by tenure and

a) Having political credentials, having strong sense of dignity, having prestige within the science and community, having capability of management and having

management or department management in at least 05 years.

c) Having good health. The age of a designated principal of a public higher education institution must be adequate for at least a principal’s tenure

3. The duties and authority of principals:

a) Promulgating the regulations and provisions of the higher education institutions under the resolutions from the School Council, the Board of Directors or the University Council;

b) Making decisions on the merger, division, separation, dissolution of the organizations affiliated to the higher education institution under the resolutions from the School Council, the Board of Directors or the University Council; designating, discharging the chiefs and deputies of the organizations affiliated to the higher education institution;

c) Organizing the implementation of the resolutions from the School Council, the Board of Directors or the University Council;

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d) Planning the development of teaching staff and management staff;

dd) Organizing the training, scientific researches, international cooperation, assuring the higher education quality;

e) Implementing the information and report regulations, subject to the supervisions and inspections as prescribed;

g) Building and implementing the internal democratic regulations; obtaining opinions and subject to the supervisions from individuals and organizations in the higher education institution;

h) Reporting the duty fulfillment of the principal and the management board to the School Council, the Board of Directors, the University Council;

i) Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

4. The principals of public higher education institutions, the President of Board of Directors of private higher education institutions are the account owners and shall be responsible for the financial management and property management of the higher education institutions; enjoy the autonomy and bear the transparent financial responsibility as prescribed by law provisions; observing the provisions on accounting and audit. The principals of private higher education institutions authorized to represent the account owners shall have the authority and duties similar to that of the account owners as authorized.

Article 21. Higher education institution campus 1. The branches of a higher education institution belong to its organizational structure and subject to its management. The branches of a higher education institution do not have independent legal status, situated in other provinces or cities different from that where the head office of the higher education institutions is situated, subject to the management of the provincial People’s Committee where the branches are situated.

2. The branches of a higher education institution shall fulfill their duties under the management of the principal and shall report their activities to the principal, report the activities related to the local management authority to the provincial People’s Committees where the branches are situated.

3. The branches of a higher education institution are established under the decisions from the Minister of Education and Training when the conditions specified in Article 22 of this Law are satisfied:


Article 22. Conditions for establishing or approving the establishment of higher education institutions 1. A higher education institution is established or authorized to be established when the following conditions are satisfied:

a) Having the establishment project consistent with the socio-economic development planning and the approved higher education institution network planning;

b) Having the written consent from the provincial People’s Committee where the head office of the higher education institution is situated about the establishment of the higher education institutions and the certification of the land tenancy;

c) Having the certification of the financial capability of the investment in the construction of the higher education institution from competent agencies;

d) For foreign-capitalized higher education institutions, the Investment certificate from competent agencies is required.

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2. After 04 years as from the decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment takes effect, if the higher education institution is banned from training activities, the decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment shall be invalidated.

Article 23. Conditions for training activities 1. A higher education institution is allowed to do training activities when the following conditions are satisfied:

a) Having the decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment of the higher education institution;

b) Having land, facilities, equipment, dorms, PE facilities serving the demands for training activities; the construction location must satisfy the pedagogic principles, must be safe for students, teachers and other workers under the committed project;

c) Having the training programs and teaching materials as prescribed;

d) Having adequate full-time teaching staff and management staff that are professionally qualified ;

dd) Having sufficient financial resources for sustaining and developing the higher education institution operation;

e) Having the regulations on the organization and operation of the higher education institution.

education institution does not engage in the training activities, such decision shall be invalidated.

Article 24. Merging, dividing, separating higher education institutions The merger, division and separation of higher education institutions must satisfy the following

1. Conformable with the higher education institution network planning;

2. Satisfying the demands for socio-economic development;

3. Assuring the interests of lecturers, officials, employees and students;

4. Contributing to higher education quality and efficiency improvement.

Article 25. Suspending the training activities of higher education institutions 1. The higher education institution shall have their training activities suspended in the following cases:

a) Committing fraud acts in order to get the approval for the establishment or the training activities;

b) Not satisfying one of the conditions specified in Clause 1 Article 23 of this Law;

2. After 03 years as from the decision on authorizing the training activities takes effect, if the higher


c) The person in charge of approving training activities is not competent;

d) Committing violations of law provisions on education that are liable to administrative sanctions being suspending the operation;

dd) Other cases as prescribed by law provisions.

2. The decision on suspending the training activities must specify the reasons, the duration and the measures for assuring the lawful interests of the lecturers, the employees and the students. The decision on suspending the training activities must be publicly announced on means of mass media

3. After the suspension expires, if the causes of the suspensions are remedied, the person competent to make the decision on suspension shall make the decision on continue the training activities.

Article 26. Dissolving higher education institutions 1. The higher education institution shall be dissolved in the following cases:

a) Seriously violating the law provisions;

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b) Failing to remedy the cause of the suspension after it expires;

c) The operation contents and target in decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment of the higher education institution are no longer appropriate for the socio-economic development requirements;

d) The dissolution is requested by the organizations and individuals that establish the higher education institution;

dd) Failing to fulfill the commitment of the approved project after 05 years as from day the decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment takes effect.

2. The decision on dissolving the higher education institution must specify the reasons, the duration and the measures for assuring the lawful interests of the lecturers, the employees and the students. The decision on dissolving the higher education institution must be publicly announced on means of mass media

Article 27. Procedures and authority for establishing, approving the establishment, the training activities, suspending the training activities, merging, dividing, separating and


Article 28. Duties and authority of colleges, universities and academies 1. Formulating the university development plans and strategies;

2. Deploying the science, technology and training activities, international cooperation, assuring the education quality;

3. Developing the training programs towards the determined target; assuring the connection among the training programs and levels.

4. Organizing the mechanism, recruitment, management and improvement of the teaching staff, the management staff and other employees.

5. Managing the students; assuring the lawful rights and interests of the lecturers, management staff, other employees and students; allocating budget for the implementation of social policies on subjects of social policies, subjects in ethnic areas, areas with poor socio-economic conditions and the

dissolving higher education institutions 1. The Prime Minister shall specify the conditions and procedures for establishing, approving the establishment, the training activities, suspending the training activities, merging, dividing, separating and dissolving universities, academies and foreign-capitalized higher education institutions

The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the conditions and procedures for establishing, approving the establishment, the training activities, suspending the training activities, merging, dividing, separating and dissolving colleges.

2. The Prime Minister shall make decisions on establishing public universities and academies; decisions on approving the establishment of private universities and foreign-capitalized higher education institutions

The Minister of Education and Training shall make decisions on establishing public colleges; decisions on approving the establishment of private colleges.

3. The persons competent to establish or authorize the establishment of higher education institutions are also competent to make decisions on the merger, division, separation, dissolution of higher education institutions.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall make decisions on approving, suspending the training activities of colleges, universities, academies, scientific research institutes eligible for doctorate training and foreign-capitalized higher education institutions.

Chapter III

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subjects learning special profession satisfying the workforce demand for socio-economic development; assuring the pedagogic environment.

6. Actively assessing the training quality and subject to the education quality inspections.

7. Using land and facilities allocated or leased out by the State; enjoying tax exemption and reduction as prescribed by law.

8. Mobilizing, managing and using the resources; building and enhancing the facilities, investing in equipment.

9. Cooperating with domestic and foreign economic, educational, cultural, sports, medical, scientific research organizations

10. Implement the regulations on information and reports, subject to the inspections from the Ministry of Education and Training, relevant Ministries, sectors and provincial People’s Committees where the higher education institutions are situated or organize training activities as prescribed.

11. Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 29. Duties and authority of universities 1. Duties and authority of universities

a) Formulating the university development plans and strategies;

b) Managing, operating, organizing the training activities of universities;

c) Mobilizing, managing and using the resources; sharing the facilities of universities;

d) Implement the regulations on information and reports, subject to the inspections from the Ministry of Education and Training, the Governmental Inspectors, relevant Ministries, sectors and provincial People’s Committees where universities are situated as prescribed.

dd) Enjoying the autonomy in the activities of training, researches of science, technology, finance, international relation and organizational mechanism;

e) Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

2. The Prime Minister shall promulgate the Regulation on the organization and operation of national universities and their affiliated higher education institutions; the Minister of Education and Training shall promulgate the Regulation on the organization and operation of regional universities and their affiliated higher education institutions.

Article 30. Duties and authority of scientific research institutes eligible of doctorate training. 1. Fulfilling the duties and exercising the authority as prescribed by law provisions on doctorate training.

2. Having specialized units being faculties or departments to organize and manage doctorate training.

Article 31. Duties and authority of foreign-capitalized higher education institutions 1. Building and achieving the objectives, carrying out the training programs, scientific research; building the teaching staff, facilities, equipment and teaching materials; assuring the quality and carrying out higher education quality inspections; organizing the training activities, awarding qualifications and certificates as prescribed by law.

2. Organizing and operating under the decisions on approving the establishment, the training activities.

3. Publicly offering guarantee of the training quality, disclosing the resources and finance

4. Subject to the State management of education of the Ministry of Education and Training.

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Periodically reporting the operation and making explanations at the request from the Ministry of Education and Training, relevant Ministries, sectors and provincial People’s Committees where the foreign-capitalized higher education institutions are situated.

5. Assuring the lawful rights and interests of the students, lecturers and other employees, including the early termination of operation.

6. Observing the Vietnam’s law and traditions.

7. Having their the lawful rights and interests protected by the State as prescribed by Vietnam’s law provisions and the International Agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

8. Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 32. The autonomy of higher education establishments 1. Higher education institutions are independent in the primary activities such as organization, personnel, finance, property, training, science and technology, international cooperation, assuring the higher education quality. Higher education institutions shall enjoying greater autonomy depending on the capability, the rankings and the education quality assessment results

2. Higher education institutions incapable of autonomy or committing law violations while enjoying the autonomy shall be handled as prescribed by law depending on the seriousness.

Chapter IV


Article 33. Training new professions and majors 1. The conditions for training new professions and majors at colleges, universities, or master’s, doctorate level:

a) The professions and majors being trained are conformable with the demands for the workforce serving the socio-economic development of the locality, the region, the entire country or in each field;

b) Having structurally, quantitatively and qualitatively qualified full-time teaching staff and scientific staff;

c) Having facilities, equipment, libraries and teaching materials sufficiently satisfying the teaching and learning requirements;

d) The training programs can satisfy the standards of knowledge and skills of the students after graduated and satisfy the requirements for transitional education among the levels and other training programs.

2. The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the conditions and procedures for establishing or suspending the profession training at college, university level, the profession training or major training at master’s and doctorate level; make decisions on approving the establishment or suspending the profession training at college, university level, the profession training or major training at master’s and doctorate level.

National universities, higher education institutions meeting national standards are entitled to be independent and responsible for the establishment of new profession training at college or university level, profession training or major training at master’s and doctorate level within the list of profession training and major training that have been approved belonging to the scope of training of the school when the conditions are satisfied as prescribed.

Article 34. Enrolment targets and enrolment organization 1. Enrolment targets:

a) The enrolment targets are set on the basis of the requirements for socio-economic development and the workforce development planning, consistent with the quantitative and qualitative conditions of the teaching staff, facilities and equipment.

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b) Higher education institutions shall autonomously determine the enrolment targets, be responsible for disclosing the enrolment targets, the training quality and the conditions assuring the training quality.

c) Higher education institutions committing violations of the provisions on enrolment targets shall be handled as prescribed by law depending on the seriousness.

2. Enrolment organization:

a) The methods of enrolment include: entrance exams, profile evaluation or combination methods;

b) higher education institutions shall autonomously make decisions on the enrolment methods and bear responsibilities for the enrolment.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the determination of enrolment targets and promulgate the enrolment regulation.

Article 35. Training duration

introduction of the training programs at college, university, master’s and doctorate levels;

dd) Foreign-capitalized higher education institutions are autonomous and responsible for the development and implementation of the training programs evaluated by a Vietnam’s education quality assessment organization that do not harm the National defense and security, social interests, that do not distort history or negatively impact the culture, ethics, good customs, good traditions and solidarity of Vietnam’s communities as well as the world peace and security, that do not contain religious propagation;

e) The contents of training programs in the form of continuing education are similar to that of the training programs in the form of formal education.

2. Higher education textbooks:

a) Higher education textbooks must specify the requirements for knowledge and skills in the training program of each subject and each profession, aiming for the targets of the training level

1. The training duration at higher education levels shall be carried out in the form of formal education specified in Article 38 of the Law on Education.

2. The duration of … are determined on the basis of quantity of subjects and credits of each program and level of training.

The principal of the higher education institution shall determine the quantity of subjects and credits of each program and level of training.

3. The training duration at each higher education level carried out in the form of continuing education must be at least one-semester longer than the training duration in the form of formal education.

Article 36. Higher education programs and textbooks 1. Training program:

a) The training programs at the college and university level include: the targets, skill and knowledge standards of students after graduated; the training contents, assessment methods of each subject, profession and training level; satisfying the requirements for transitional education with other training programs;

b) Training programs at master’s and doctorate level include: the targets, skill and knowledge standards of students and graduate students after graduated; the volume of knowledge, the structure of the Training programs at master’s and doctorate level theses and dissertations

c) Higher education institutions are entitled to adopt foreign training programs of which the quality has been evaluated and recognized in order to serve the higher education training at different levels.

d) Higher education institutions are autonomous and responsible for the development, appraisal and

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b) The Ministry of Education and Training shall organize the compilation of the textbooks for the political theory and National defense subjects;

c) The principals of higher education institutions shall organize the compilation or select and approve the higher education textbooks in accordance with the appraisal from the textbook appraisal council established by the principal;

d) Higher education institutions must implement the provisions on intellectual property and copyright during the use of textbooks and announcement of scientific research works.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the minimum knowledge volume and requirements that the student must reach after graduated regarding each training level of higher education; specify the compulsory subjects in the training programs of foreign-capitalized higher education institutions; specify the compilation, selection, appraisal, approval and use of higher education textbooks and teaching documents.

Article 37. Training organization and management 1. The training organization and management are carried out by year or by credit.

2. Higher education institutions are autonomous and responsible for the by course, by academic year and by semester, implement the regulations and training programs of each training level and training form.

3. Higher education institutions are only allowed to cooperate in college and university education in the form of continuing education with other universities, colleges, vocational intermediate schools, provincial continuing education centers, schools affiliated to State agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, the People’s armed forces as long as the associate educational institutions can satisfy the requirements for pedagogic environment, facilities, libraries and management staff.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall promulgate the regulations on training and associate training.

Article 38. Higher education diplomas 1. The higher education diplomas are issued to students after graduated from a training level under a training form, including: College degree, university degree, master’s degree and doctorate degree.

a) The students completing the college program shall take the final exam or do the dissertation if eligible. If the exam is passed or the cumulative credit quantity is sufficient, and other out put standards of the higher education institution are satisfied, the principal shall issued the college degree;

b) The students completing the university program shall take the final exam or do the dissertation if eligible. If the exam is passed or the cumulative credit quantity is sufficient, and other out put standards of the higher education institution are satisfied, the principal shall issued the university degree;

c) The students completing the master’s program shall do the dissertation if eligible. If the dissertation is passed, the principal shall issued the master’s degree;

c) The graduate students completing the doctorate program shall do the dissertation if eligible. If the dissertation is passed, the principal shall issued the doctorate degree;

2. Educational institutions shall print and issued diplomas to students, disclosing the information about the diplomas on their websites.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the higher education diplomas form; the printing, management, issuance, recall and annulment of higher education diplomas; specify the responsibilities and authority for diploma issuance of Vietnam’s higher education institutions in training cooperation with foreign higher education institutions; specify the responsibilities of foreign- capitalized higher education institutions issuing higher education diplomas in Vietnam; sign the mutual diploma recognition agreements with other countries and international organizations; specify

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the procedures for recognizing the higher education diplomas issued by foreign higher education institutions.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall take lead and cooperate with other Ministries and Heads of ministerial-level agencies to specify the diplomas for recognizing the practice and application skills of persons that undergo extensive training after university graduation in a number of special profession.

Chapter V

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITIES Article 39. The targets of science and technology activities 1. Improving the higher education quality, the science and technology research and application capability of lecturers, researchers, management staff and other employees.

2. Building and developing the scientific research capability for students; spotting and cultivating talent in order to satisfy the requirements for skilled workforce.

3. Creating new solution, knowledge and technology for scientific and educational development, contributing to socio-economic development, assure the National defense and security.

Article 40. The contents of science and technology activities 1. Doing basic science, social science, educational science and technology researches for creating new knowledge and products.

2. Applying the technology transfer and research results to the practice production and life.

3. Building the laboratories and research institutions serving scientific research, training, and technological cultivation, integrating technological development with new product creation.

4. Participating in the recruitment, consultation, performance of the science and technology contracts, duties and other ordered duties.

Article 41. Duties and authority of higher education institutions in science and technology activities 1. Formulating the science and technology development plans and strategies;

2. Doing scientific and technological researches for improving the training quality.

3. Doing scientific research and technology transfers in order to create new solutions, technology and knowledge, contributing in socio-economic development consistently with the science and technology capability of the school.

4. Being independent and responsible for the science and technology contract conclusion; performing the science and technology duties, participating in the selection and performance of science and technology duties.

5. Using money, property, intellectual property and other lawful revenues to perform the science and technology duties, production and business.

6. Establishing organizations of research and development, organizations of science and technology services, science and technology enterprises.

7. Having the intellectual property rights protected; being entitled to transfer the results of science and technology activities, announcing the results of science and technology activities.

8. Protecting the interests of the State and the society; the lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals engaging in science and technology activities; protecting the science and technology confidentiality as prescribed by law.

9. Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 42. The responsibilities of the State for scientific and technological development

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1. The Government shall specify the investment in developing the potential and encouraging science and technology activities in higher education institutions, prioritizing the higher education institutions with great potential workforce of research and application.

2. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall take lead and cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance in formulating the policies on investment in scientific and technological development in higher education institutions.

3. The Ministry of Education and Training shall take lead and cooperate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, other relevant Ministries and sectors in elaborating the science and technology activities in higher education institutions.


Article 43. The targets of international cooperation 1. Improving the higher education quality towards modernizations, approaching the develop higher education in the region and in the world.

2. Facilitating the sustainable development of higher education institutions, training skilled and qualified workforce serving the country’s industrialization and modernization.

1. Associate training.


training, science and technology activities.


Article 44. The forms of international cooperation of higher education institutions

2. Establishing representative offices of foreign higher education institutions in Vietnam.

3. Cooperating in scientific research and technology transfers, organizing science conventions and

4. Counseling, sponsoring, investing in the development of facilities and equipment.

5. Training, exchanging lecturers, researchers, management staff and students.

6. Connecting libraries, exchanging information serving the training, science and technology activities; providing training programs; exchanging the documents and results of

7. Participating in regional and international science, education organizations and professional

8. Establishing representative offices of Vietnamese higher education institutions in other countries.

9. Other forms of cooperation as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 45. Training association with foreign parties 1. Training association with foreign parties is the development and implementation of the training association program between a Vietnamese higher education institution and a foreign higher education institutions in order to issue diplomas or certificates without establishing new legal entities.

2. The training programs in association with a foreign party are formulated by both parties. The training program is completely implemented in Vietnam or partially in Vietnam and partially overseas.

3. The higher education institutions in association with foreign parties must satisfy the conditions for teaching staff, facilities, equipment, training programs and contents, legal status; the quality assessment certificate issued by foreign quality assessment agencies or by the Ministry of Education and Training; the training license of the associated field.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall approve the training programs in association with foreign parties at the college, university, master’s and doctorate level.

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The university directors shall approve the training programs in association with foreign parties at other levels apart from the college, university, master’s and doctorate level provided at the universities.

5. The enrolment and operation of training programs in association with foreign parties shall be suspended if the conditions specified in Clause 3 this Article are not satisfied. Higher education institutions must assure the lawful interests of lecturers, students and employees; reimburse the school fee, pay the teaching remuneration and other benefits of lecturers and employees under the signed labor contract or collective labor agreement, pay the tax debts and other debts (if any).

6. Higher education institutions must publicly disclose the information about the training programs in association with foreign parties on the school websites and means of mass media

Article 46. Representative offices 1. Representative offices of foreign higher education institutions represent the foreign higher education institutions.

2. A representative office has the following duties and authority:

a) Enhancing the cooperation with Vietnamese higher education institutions by expediting the formulation of cooperation programs and projects on higher education.

b) Organizing the information exchanges, consultation, seminars and exhibition of higher education in order to introduce the foreign higher education institutions;

c) Expediting and supervising the implementation of the higher education cooperation agreement signed with Vietnamese higher education institutions;

d) It is prohibited to engage in higher education activities that directly generate incomes in Vietnam, to establish branches of the representative offices in Vietnam.

3. Foreign higher education institutions are licensed to establish representative offices in Vietnam when the following conditions are satisfied:

a) Having legal status;

b) The duration of higher education operation in the home country is 05 years or longer;

c) Having specific goals, principles and charter of operation;

d) having regulations on the organization and operation of the representative office planned to be established in Vietnam in accordance with Vietnam’s law

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall license the establishment of representative offices of foreign educational institutions that engage in higher education.

5. The operation of representative offices of foreign higher education institutions is terminated in the following cases:

a) The license expires;

b) The termination is request by the foreign higher education institution that established the representative office.

c) The license is withdrawn because of no operation after 06 months as from the date of licensing, or 03 months as from the date of license extension;

d) The forgeries in the application for licensing the representative office establishment are detected;

dd) Engaging in activities contrary to the license;

e) Violating other Vietnam’s law provisions;

Article 47. Duties and authority of higher education institutions in international cooperation 1. Performing the forms of cooperation as prescribed in Article 44 of this Law.

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2. Observing the Vietnam’s law provisions and the International Agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

3. Having their the lawful rights and interests protected as prescribed by Vietnam’s Law provisions and the International Agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

Article 48. Responsibilities of the State for international cooperation 1. The Government shall formulate appropriate policies on implementing the bilateral and multilateral agreements in order to facilitate the development of international cooperation among the higher education institutions towards satisfying the requirements for socio-economic development in accordance with the higher education development strategies and planning; enhancing the management of higher education association with foreign parties.

2. The Prime Minister shall formulate the policies on investment and preferential treatment in order to attract Vietnamese scientists overseas to participating in the sponsorship, training, scientific research and technology transfers; specify the conditions and procedures for international cooperation prescribed in Point 44, 45, and 46 of this Law.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the encouragement to higher education institutions to invest in and expand the international cooperation in training, scientific research, technology transfers with foreign parties; specify the management of foreign higher education institutions in Vietnam, the association between Vietnamese higher education institutions and foreign higher education institutions.

Chapter VII


Article 49. The higher education quality assessment results. 1. The targets of higher education quality assessment:

a) Assuring and improving the higher education quality;

b) Verifying the fulfillment of the higher education duties in each period of the higher education institutions or the training programs;

c) Forming the bases for higher education institutions to provide explanation for competent State management agencies and for the society about the actual training quality;

d) Forming the basis for students to choose higher education institutions, training programs and for the recruitment of employers.

2. The principles of higher education quality assessment:

a) Independent, objective and lawful;

b) Truthful, public and express;

c) Equitable, compulsory and periodic

3. The subjects of higher education quality assessment:

a) Higher education institutions;

b) The training programs of higher education

Article 50. Duties and authority of higher education institutions in higher education quality assurance 1. Establishing the organizations specialized in higher education quality assurance.

2. Formulating and implementing plans for higher education quality assurance;

3. Actively assessing, innovating and improving the training quality; periodically registering for the assessment of the training program and the higher education institution.

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4. Sustaining and developing the conditions for training quality assurance, including:

a) The teaching staff, management staff and employees;

c) The training programs, textbooks and teaching materials;

c) The classrooms, offices, library, information technology system, laboratories, workshops, dorms and other amenities;

d) The financial resources.

5. Publicly announcing the conditions for assuring the training quality, scientific research and training results, the quality assessment and assurance results on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Training, the higher education institution and means of mass media.

Article 51. Duties and authority of higher education institutions in higher education quality assessment 1. Subject to the education quality assessment at the request from State management agencies in charge of education.

2. Implement the regulations on information and report on higher education quality assessment.

3. Being entitled to choose an education quality assessment organization among the education quality assessment organizations accredited by the Ministry of Education and Training to carry out the assessment of the higher education institution quality and the training program quality.

4. Being entitled to complain and denounce to competent agencies about the decisions, conclusions and illegal acts of organizations and individuals that carry out higher education quality assessment.

Article 52. Education quality assessment organizations 1. Education quality assessment organizations are responsible for to assess and recognize the qualification of higher education institutions and the training programs.

Education quality assessment organizations are legal entities and bear responsibilities before the law for the higher education quality assessment.

2. Education quality assessment organizations are established after the establishment projects are made in accordance with the education quality assessment organization network planning; The education quality assessment is granted when the facilities, equipment, finance and the assessment staff satisfy the requirements for higher education quality assessment.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall promulgate the national standards of higher education institutions; specify the standards of higher education quality assessment, the standards of training programs of higher education, the minimum requirements for implementing the training program; the process and period of higher education quality assessment; the principles of operation, the conditions and standards of organizations and individuals engaging in education quality assessment; the issuance and withdrawal of education quality assessment certificate; the decision on the establishment or the decision on approving the establishment of education quality assessment organizations; granting the education quality assessment.

Article 53. Using the higher education quality assessment results. The higher education quality assessment results shall be used as the basis for determining the higher education quality, the reputation and prestige of higher education institutions, the entitlement autonomy and independent responsibilities; the investment support and duty allocation; as the basis for the State and the society to supervise the operation of higher education institutions.


Article 54. Lecturers

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1. The lecturers in higher education institutions are people with clear backgrounds, good qualities and conscience, good health on occupational demand; professionally qualified as prescribed in Point e Clause 1 Article 77 of the Law on Education

2. The lecturer’s titles include: assistant lecturer, lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor.

3. The standard degree of university lecturers is master’s degree or above. Other special cases of special profession shall be specified by the Minister of Education and Training .

The principals of higher education institutions shall prioritize the recruitment of people that possess the master’s degree or above.

4. The Minister of Education and Training shall introduce the pedagogic technique improvement programs, specify the lecturer cultivation and employment.

Article 55. Duties and authority of lecturers 1. Teaching consistently with the targets and the training program, fully and efficiently implement the training program.

2. Studying, developing technology transfers and science application, assuring the training quality.

3. Periodically attending the courses in improving political theory, profession and teaching methods.

6. Participating in managing and supervising the higher education institution, participating in the Party’s activities, collective activities and other works.

7. Being entitled to sign visiting lecturer and scientific research contracts with higher education institutions and scientific research institutions as prescribed by law.

8. Being given lecturers' titles, awarded the “People’s educator”, “Elite educator” titles and get

9. Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

1. The lecturers in the higher education institution shall be sent to attend profession improvement courses, enjoy salaries and occupational benefits, seniority pay and other benefits as prescribed by

4. Preserving the credentials, reputations and honor of lecturers

5. Respecting the students’ dignity, treating students equitably, protecting the lawful rights and interests of students.

commendation as prescribed by law.

Article 56. Policies on lecturers

the Government.

2. The teachers in the higher education institutions located in poor areas shall enjoy accommodation incentives, preferential benefits and other incentive policies as prescribed by the Government.

3. The State shall formulate the policy on mobilizing and sending lecturers to higher education institutions located in poor areas; encouraging lecturers in favorable areas to work at higher education institutions located in poor areas and facilitate their tasks.

4. Healthy lecturers holding doctorate degrees, professor or associate professor titles working at higher education institutions may extend the working time when reaching the retirement age in order to continue teaching and doing scientific research if such extension is demanded by both the higher education institution and the lecturers themselves.

5. The Prime Minister shall specify the policy on lecturers in higher education institutions.

Article 57. Visiting lecturers and speakers 1. Visiting lecturers in higher education institutions are specified in Article 74 of the Law on Education

Visiting lecturers fulfill the duties and have the rights under the visiting lecturer contracts signed between the principal of the higher education institution and the visiting lecturer.

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2. Higher education institutions are entitled to invite visiting lecturers and speakers being Vietnamese and foreign experts, scientists, business people and artists.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall promulgate provisions on visiting lecturers and speakers .

Article 58. Prohibited acts of lecturers 1. Offending the honor, dignity and abusing the body of students and other people.

2. Cheating at training and scientific research

3. Misusing the educator’s title and education activities to commit violations of law.

Chapter IX


Article 59. Students

Students are people learning and doing scientific researches at higher education institutions including students learning college programs, university programs and master’s program, graduate students doing doctorates.

Article 60. Duties and authority of students 1. Studying, doing scientific researches and training as prescribed.

2. Showing respect for the lecturers, the management staff and other employees at the higher education institution; working closely and collaboratively during the study and training

3. Participating in labor and social activities, environment protection, preserving the order and security, preventing and fighting misconduct and cheating in study and examinations, preventing and fighting crimes and social evils.

4. Being equitably respected and treated without sexual, religious and racial discrimination, being provided with sufficient information about learning and training.

5. Enjoying favorable conditions for learning and participating in science and technology activities, sports and cultural activities

6. Offering opinions and participating in managing and supervising the educations activities and other conditions for education quality assurance.

7. Prioritized subjects shall benefit from preferential policies.

8. Other duties and authority as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 61. Prohibited acts of students

1. Offending the honor, dignity, abusing the body of lecturers, management staff, employees, other students at higher education institutions and other people.

2. Cheating at study, examination and enrolment.

3. Engaging in activities of social evils or disturbances in higher education institutions or at public places and other acts of violations of law.

4. Organizing or participating in illegal activities.

Article 62. Policies on students 1. The students in higher education institutions shall enjoy the policies on scholarships and social benefits, direct entry regulations, public charge exemption and reduction as prescribed in Article 89, 90, 91 and 92 of the Law on Education.

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2. Students of special profession serving the requirements for socio-economic development, National defense and security are exempted from tuition fees, prioritized in scholarship consideration and social benefits

3. The Government shall specify the preferential policies on students being subjects of priority and social policies.

Article 63. Fixed-term work obligations under the State’s mobilization 1. The students of higher education programs from of whom the scholarship and training costs are covered by the State or sponsored by foreign parties under the Agreements with Vietnam must obey the mobilization from the State for a time being at least twice as long as the time benefiting from the scholarship and supported training costs. Otherwise, the scholarship and the training costs must be reimbursed.

2. Within 12 months as from the graduation is recognized, competent State agencies are responsible for to assign task to the graduated students. If they do not receive any assignment after that time limit, the reimbursement of scholarship and training costs are not required

3. The Government shall specify the reimbursement of scholarship and tuition fees


Article 64. Financial sources of higher education institutions The financial sources of higher education institutions include:

1. The State budget (if any);

2. Tuition fees and enrolment charges;

3. Revenue from the activities of associate training, scientific and technology; production, trading and services;

4. Sponsorship, aid, gift and presents from domestic or foreign organizations and individuals;

5. Investment from domestic or foreign organizations and individuals;

6. Other legal revenues as prescribed by law provisions.

Article 65. Tuition fees and enrolment charges 1. Tuition fees and enrolment charges are the amount the students must pay to higher education institutions for defraying the training costs.

2. The Government shall specify the content and method for fixing the tuition fees and enrolment charges, the tuition fee and enrolment charge bracket at public higher education institutions.

3. Higher education institutions are entitled to independently determine the tuition fees and enrolment charges within the tuition fee and enrolment charge bracket specified by the Government..

4. Private higher education institutions and foreign-capitalized higher education institutions are entitled to independently determine the tuition fees and enrolment charges as prescribed by law.

5. The rates of tuition fees and enrolment charges must be disclosed simultaneously with the enrolment notice.

6. Higher education institutions providing high quality training programs are entitled to collect tuition fees equivalently to the training quality.

The Minister of Education and Training shall specify the criteria for identifying high quality training programs and beat responsibilities for managing and supervising the tuition fees equivalent to the training quality

Article 66. Financial management of higher education institutions

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1. Higher education institutions shall implement the regulation on finance, accounting, audit, tax and financial disclosure as prescribed by law.

2. Higher education institutions using the State budget to perform the duties assigned by the State are responsible for managing and using the State budget in accordance with law provisions on the Law on State budget

3. The financial difference between the incomings and outgoings from the activities of training and scientific research of private higher education institutions shall be used as follows:

a) At least 25% is used for investing in higher education institution development, in education activities and improving facilities, purchasing equipment, training lecturers, employees and the management staff serving the learning and the life of students or for charity purposes and social responsibility. This amount is exempted from tax;

b) The rest, if being distributed to investors and employees of the higher education institutions, is taxable as prescribed by law provisions on tax.

4. The Ministry of Education and Training, Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and provincial People’s Committees shall inspect the management and utilization of the State-owned property at higher education institutions as prescribed by the Government.

Chapter XI

STATE MANAGEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION Article 68. The contents of the State management of higher education 1. Formulating and guiding the higher education development plans, policies, planning and strategies;

2. Promulgating and organizing the implementation of legal documents on higher education.

3. Determining the volume and structure f training programs, the minimum output standards of students after graduation, the standards of lecturers, facilities and equipment of higher education institutions; the compilation and publication of textbooks and teaching materials, the regulations on examinations and diploma, certificate issuance.

4. The value of cumulative property during the operation of private higher education institutions and the value of donated property are not distributable and managed on the principal of preservation and development.

5. The capital withdrawal and transfer of private higher education institutions must comply with the Prime Minister’s provisions, assuring the stability and development of higher education institutions.

6. The Government shall specify the methods and criteria for allotting the State budget to higher education institutions and specify the finance of foreign-capitalized higher education institutions engaging in education activities.

7. The Ministry of Education and Training, Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and provincial People’s Committees shall inspect the management and proper use of the financial sources at higher education institutions.

Article 67. Property management and utilization of higher education institutions 1. Higher education institutions shall manage and use the property invested from the State budget in accordance with law provisions on the management and utilization of State-owned property; be responsible for the management and utilization of the property from other sources.

2. The property and land allocated to private higher education institutions and property donated to private higher education institutions must be used properly without changing the use purpose and converted into private ownership in any form.

3. The property of foreign-capitalized higher education institutions are protected under the Vietnam’s Law provisions and the International Agreements to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.

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4. Managing the higher education quality assurance, specifying the standards of higher education quality assessment, the national standards of higher education institutions, the standards of training programs of higher education, the minimum requirements for implementing the training program; the process and period of higher education quality assessment; the State management of higher education quality assessment.

5. Making the statistics and providing information about the of higher education organization and operation.

6. Organizing the higher education management mechanism.

7. Organizing and guiding the training and management of lecturers and the management staff.

8. Mobilizing, managing and using the resources for higher education development.

9. Organizing and managing the science and technology researches and application, the production and business of higher education.

10. Organizing the international cooperation in higher education.

11. Specifying the title award for people that make enormous contribution to higher education.

12. Inspecting the observance of law, settling complaints and denunciation, handling the violation of law provisions on higher education.

Article 69. State management agencies in charge of higher education 1. The Government shall unify the State management of higher education.

2. The Ministry of Education and Training are responsible to the Government for the State management of higher education.

3. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies shall cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training in the State management of higher education intra vires.

4. Provincial People’s Committees are in charge of State management of higher education under the decentralization by the Government; inspecting the observance of law provisions on education of the local higher education institutions; socializing higher education; satisfying the requirements for expansion and improvement of the quality and efficiency of local higher education.

Article 70. Inspection 1. The inspection of higher education includes:

a) Inspecting the implementation of law and policies on higher education;

b) Detecting, preventing and handling intra vires or request competent State agencies to handle the violations of law provisions on higher education;

c) Verifying and requesting competent State agencies to settle complaints and denunciation about higher education.

2. The Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education and Training shall fulfill the duties and authority to carry out administrative inspections and professional inspections of higher education.

3. The Minister of Education and Training shall direct, guide and organize the inspections of higher education. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and provincial People’s Committees shall cooperate with the Ministry of Education and Training to carry out inspections of higher education under the assignment and decentralization by the Government.

4. Higher education institutions shall actively carry out inspections as prescribed by law. The principals of higher education institutions are responsible for the inspections of higher education institutions.

Article 71. Handling violations

This translation is only for reference - 26

Organizations and individuals committing one of the following acts shall be liable to administrative sanctions depending on the nature and extent of the violations; individuals may also be liable to criminal prosecution and pay compensation for the damage (if any) as prescribed by law:

1. Establishing higher education institutions or organizing education activities illegally;

2. Violating the provisions on the organization and operation of higher education institutions.

3. Illegally publishing, printing and issuing materials;

4. Forging profiles, violating regulations on the enrolment, examinations and issuance of diplomas or certificates.

5. Offending the dignity or the body of lecturers, educational managers; mistreating students;

6. Violating provisions on higher education quality assurance and assessment

7. Causing disturbance in higher education institutions;

8. Causing budget loss, misusing higher education activities to gain profit illegally;

9. Causing damage to the facilities of higher education institutions;

10. Other acts of violations of law provisions on higher education.

Chapter XII

IMPLEMENTATION PROVISIONS Article 72. Effect This Law takes effect on January 01, 2013.

Article 73. Implementation guidance and elaboration The Government and competent agencies shall elaborate and guide the implementation of the assigned Articles and Clauses in this Law.

This Law has been passed on June 18, 2012 by the National Assembly of the 8th Socialist Republic of Vietnam, in the 3rd session.


Nguyen Sinh Hung

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 Luật Giáo dục Đại học năm 2012 số 08/2012/QH13, ngày 18 tháng 6 năm 2012


Lu~t s6: 08/2012/QH13

C()NG HOA XA H()I CHU NGHIA vn::T NAM D(>c l~p - Tl}' do - H~nh phuc


Can cu: I-liin phap nu6c C9ng hoa xa h9i chu nghia Vi?t Nam nam 1992 ila ilu<7c sua il6i, b6 sung m<}t s6 ilidu theo Nghi quyit s6 51/2001/QHJ0,·

Qu6c h(;i ban hanh Luq_t gicio d11,c ilgi h9c.



Di~u 1. Ph~m vi di~u chinh

Lu~t nay quy djnh vs t6 chuc, nhi~m V\J., quySn h.;in cu.a ca sa giao d1.1c d.;i,i h9c, ho.;it d9ng dao t~o, ho.;it d9ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~, ho.;it d9ng hqp tac qu6c tS, bao dam luqng va kiSm djnh luqng giao d1.1c dc;li h9c, giang vien, nguoi h9c, tai chinh, tai san cu.a ca sa giao dvc dc;li h9c va quan ly nha nu6c vs giao d\lC d.;ii h9c.

Di~u 2. DBi tll'q>ng ap d1}ng

Lu~t nay ap d\lilg d6i v6i truong cao ding, truang dc;li h9c, h9c vi~n, d.;ii h9c vung, d.;ii h9c qu6c gia; vi~n nghien cuu khoa h9c duqc phep dao t.;io trlnh d9 tiSn sI; t6 chuc va ca nhan c6 lien quan dSn giao dl_lC dc;li h9c.

Di~u 3. Ap d1}ng Lui)t giao dye d,i hqc T6 chuc, ho.;it d9ng cu.a ca sa giao dl_lc d.;ii h9c va quan ly giao dvc dc;li

h9c tuan theo quy djnh cu.a Lu~t nay, Lu~t giao dvc va cac quy djnh khac cu.a phap lu~t c6 lien quan.

Di~u 4. Giai thich tir ngfr

Trong Lu~t nay, cac tu ngfr du6i day dugc hiSu nhu sau: 1. Giao d11,c chfnh quy la hlnh thuc dao t.;io theo cac khoa h9c t~p trung

toan b9 thoi gian tc;li ca s& giao dl_lc d~i h9c dS thvc hi~n chuang trinh dao t.;io m9t trinh d9 cu.a giao dvc dc;li h9c.

2. Gicio d11,c thucrng xuyen gf>m vua lam vua h9c va dao t~o tu: xa, la hinh thuc dao t.;io theo cac lap h9c, kh6a h9c tc;li ca sa giao d1:1c d.;i,i h9c ho~c ca sa lien kSt dao tc;lO, phu hqp v6i yeu d.u cua nguai h9c dS thµc hi~n chuang trinh dao t~o atrinh de) cao diing, d~i h9c.

3. Nganh ilao tc;w la m9t t~p hgp nhfrng kiSn thuc va ky nang chuyen mon cua m9t linh V\JC ho~t d9ng nghS nghi~p, khoa h9c nhAt djnh. Nganh dao


,?J bao g6rn nhi~u chuyen nganh dao t9-o.

4. Chuyen nganh aao tg:o la m()t t?p hqp nhfrng kiSn thuc va ky nang chuyen m6n chuyen sau cua m(jt nganh dao t~lO.

5. Lien thong trong giao dl!-c tlg:i h9c la bi~n phap t6 chuc dao t~o trong do nguai h9c duqc SU d1,1ng kSt qua h9c t~p da co d~ h9c tiSp 6 trinh d9 cao hon cung nganh dao t~o ho~c khi chuySn sang nganh dao t~o hay trinh d() dao t~o khac.

6. Chudn kiin thu:c, ky nang cua chucmg trinh aiw tgo la yeu c~u tf>i thi~u vs kiSn thuc, ky nang ma nguai h9c phai d;;.it duqc sau khi kSt thuc m<)t chuang trinh dao t?o.

7. Ca SCI giao dl;lC ac;i h9c tu thl;lC va ca SCI giao dt!,C agi h9c c6 v6n adu tu mr&c ngoai hoq,t a(mg khong vi l(li nhuc;m la ca s6 giao d1,1c d;;.ii h9c ma ph~n lqi nhu~n tich lily h&ng nam la tai san chung khong chia, dS tai dfiu tu phat triSn ca s6 giao d1,1c d?i hqc; cac c6 dong ho~c cac thanh vien g6p v6n khong huong lqi tuc ho~c huong lqi tuc h~ng nam khong vuqt qua lai su~t trai phiSu Chinh phu.

8. Dc;,i h9c la ca s6 giao d1,1c d;;.ii h9c bao g&m tb hqp cac truang cao ding, truang d?i h9c, vi~n nghien cfru khoa h9c thanh vien thm)c cac linh vvc chuyen mon khac nhau, t6 chuc theo hai c~p, dS dao t?O cac trinh d(> cua giao d1,1c d?i h9c.

Di~u 5. Ml}C tieu ciia giao dl}C d~i hqc

1. M1,1c tieu chung:

a) Dao t~o nhan Ive, nang cao dan tri, b6i duong nhan tai; nghien cuu khoa hQC, cong ngh~ t;;.io ra tri thuc, san ph~m mai, ph1,1c V\l yeu cfiu phat triSn kinh tS - xa h•i, bao dam qu6c phong, an ninh va h9i nh~p qu6c tS;

b) Dao t~o nguai h9c c6 ph~m ch!t chinh tri, d~o due; c6 kiSn thuc, ky nang thvc hanh nghS nghi~p, nang lvc nghien cuu va phat triSn ung d1,1ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~ tuang xung vai trinh di) dao t:;to; c6 sue khoe; c6 kha nang sang t~lO va trach nhi~m nghS nghi~p, thich nghi vai moi truang lam vi~c; co y thuc ph1,1c Vl,l nhan dan.

2. M1,1c tieu c1,1 thS dao t:;to trinh d<) cao ding, d;;.ii h9c, th~c si, tiSn si:

a) Dao t~o trinh di) cao ding d~ sinh vien co kiSn thuc chuyen mon ca ban, ky nang thvc hanh thanh th:;to, hiSu biSt duqc tac d9ng cua cac nguyen ly, quy lu?t tv nhien - xa h•i trong thvc tiSn va co kha nang giai quySt nhfrng vdn dS thong thm:mg thu9c nganh duqc dao t?o;

b) Dao t?O trinh d9 d;;.ii h9c dS sinh vien c6 kiSn thuc chuyen mon toan di~n, nim vfrng nguyen ly, quy lu~t tv nhien - xa h9i, c6 ky nang thvc hanh ca ban, c6 kha nang lam vi~c d9c l~p, sang t~o va giai quySt nhfrng vin dS thu9c nganh duqc dao t?O;


c) Dao tt?-o trinh d9 th~c sI dS h9c vien c6 ki€n thuc k:hoa h9c nSn tang, c6 ky nang chuyen sau cho nghien cuu vS m9t linh vµc khoa h9c ho~c ho~t d9ng ngh~ nghi~p hi~u qua, c6 kha nang lam vi~c d<)c l?p, sang tt?-o va c6 nang lµc phat hi~n, giai quy€t nhfrng v:1n d~ thu(k chuyen nganh dugc dao tc;io;

d) Dao t~o trinh d9 ti6n sI d~ nghien cuu sinh c6 trinh d(> cao v~ ly thuy6t va ung d1,:mg, c6 nang lµc nghien CU'U dc)c l~p, sang tt?,O, phat tri~n tri thuc m6i, phat hi~n nguyen ly, quy lu~t tt;r nhien - xa h•i va giai quySt nhfrng v:1n dS m6i v@ khoa h9c, cong ngh~, hu6ng d~n nghien cuu khoa h9c va ho~t dc)ng chuyen mon.

Di~u 6. Trinh d9 va hinh thu·c dao t~o cua giao d1Jc d~i h9c

1. Cac trinh d9 dao t?o cua giao dvc d?i h9c g6m trinh de, cao d:lng, trinh d9 d?i h9c, trinh d9 th~c si va trinh d9 ti@n sI.

B9 truang B(> Giao dvc va Dao t9-o ph6i hgp v6i BQ truang, Thu truang ca quan ngang b9 quy dinh cv th6 vi~c dao t?o trinh d9 ky nang thµc hanh, ung dvng chuyen sau cho nguai da t6t nghi~p d?i h9c a mc)t s6 nganh chuyen mon d?C thu.

2. Cac trinh de) dao t?o cua giao d\lc d~i h9c dugc thµc hi~n theo hai hinh thuc la giao dvc chinh quy va giao dvc thuang xuyen.

Di~u 7. CO' SO' giao dl}C <t,i hqc

1. Ca sa giao dvc d~i h9c trong h~ th6ng giao dvc qu6c dan gbm:

a) Truang cao d~ng;

b) Truang d?i h9c, h9c vi~n;

c) D~i h9c vimg, d?i h9c qu6c gia (sau day g9i chung la d~i h9c);

d) Vi~n nghien CU'U khoa h9c dugc phep dao t?O trinh d(> tiSn si.

2. Ca s6 giao dvc d~i h9c Vi~t Nam dugc t6 chuc theo cac lo?i hinh sau day:

a) Ca sa giao dvc d~i h9c cong l~p thu(k so hfru nha nu6c, do Nha nu6c dfru tu, xay dµng ca s6 v?t ch§.t;

b) Ca sa giao dvc d~i h9c tu thvc thu(k sa hfru cua t6 chuc xa ht)i, t6 chuc xa h9i - nghS nghi~p, tb chuc kinh tS tu nhan hO?C ca nhan, do t6 chuc xa h(>i, t6 chuc xa h9i - ngh8 nghi~p, t6 chuc kinh t~ tu nhan ho~c ca nhan d§.u tu, xay dvng ca sa v~t chJt.

3. Ca sa giao dvc d~i h9c c6 v6n d&u tu nu6c ngoai g6m:

a) Ca sa giao dvc d~i h9c c6 100% v6n cua nha d&u tu nu6c ngoai;

b) Ca sa giao dvc dc;ti h9c lien doanh gifra nha d§.u tu nu6c ngoai va nha d§.u tu trong nu6c.


Di€u 8. D~i hQc qu6c gia

1. D~i h9c qu6c gia la trung tam dao t~o, nghien cU1.1 khoa h9c, cong ngh~ da nganh, da linh V\l'C chdt luqng cao, duqc Nha nu&c uu tien d~u tu phat triSn.

2. D~i h9c qu6c gia c6 quy@n chu d911g cao trong cac ho~t d9ng v@ dao t9-o, nghien cuu khoa h9c, tai chinh, quan h~ qu6c tS va t6 ch(rc 69 may. Dc_1i h9c qu6c gia chiu S\,l' quan ly nha nu6c cua BQ Giao di;tc va I)ao t<;iO, cu.a cac b9, nganh khac va Uy ban nhan dan cac c~p nai d<;ii hqc qu6c gia d~t dia diSm, trong ph?m vi chuc nang theo quy dinh cua Chinh phu va phu hqp v6i phap lu~t.

D?i h9c qu6c gia duqc lam vi~c tr\,l'c tiSp v6i cac 69, ca quan ngang b{>, ca quan thU()C Chinh phu, Uy ban nhan dan tinh, thanh ph6 tf\,l'C thu9c trung uang dS giai quySt nhung vdn dS lien quan dSn d?i h9c qu6c gia. Khi cfui thiSt, giam d6c d~i h9c qu&c gia bao cao Thu tu6ng Chinh phu vS nhung vfin dS lien quan dSn ho~t d9ng va phat triSn cu.a d?i h9c qu6c gia.

3. Chu tich h9i d6ng d<;ii h9c qu6c gia va giam d<3c, ph6 giam d6c d?i h<;>c qu6c gia do Thu tu6ng Chinh phu b6 nhi~m, miSn nhi~m.

4. Chinh phu quy dinh C\l thS chuc nang, nhi~m V\1 va quySn h?n cua d<;ii h<;>c qu&c gia.

Di~u 9. Phan tAng CO' SO' giao dvc d~i hQC

1. Ca SO' giao dvc d?i h<;>c duqc phan ting nh~m phvc V\1 cong tac quy hO<;lCh ID?ng lu6i ca SO' giao dvc d?i h<;>c phu hqp v6i yeu c~u phat triSn kinh ts - xa h(:>i Va xay d\Xflg k~ ho?Ch d§,u tu phat triSn, rn1ng cao nang lvc dao t?O va nghien cuu khoa h9c cua ca s6 giao dvc d;;ti h9c; thvc hi~n quan ly nha nu6c.

2. Ca SO' giao dvc d?i h<;>c duqc xSp h~mg nh~m danh gia uy tin va ch~t luqng dao t?o; phvc V\1 cong tac quan ly nha nu6c va uu tien d~u tu tu ngan sach nha nu6c.

3. Ca so giao dvc d;;ti h9c duqc phan tfing va xSp h~g theo cac tieu chi:

a) Vi tri, vai tro trong h~ th6ng giao dvc d?i h9c; b) Quy mo, nganh nghS va cac trinh d• dao t?o;

c) Ca c~u cac ho:;it d<)ng dao t;;to va khoa h9c cong ngh~;

d) Chfit luqng dao t;;to va nghien cuu khoa h9c;

d) KSt qua kiSm djnh ch~t luqng giao dvc d?i h9c.

4. Ca s6 giao <lvc dc_1i h<;>c duqc phan tfuig thanh:

a) Casa giao dvc d;;ti h<;>c dinh hu6ng nghien cuu;

b) Ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c dinh hu6ng ung dvng;


c) Ca s6 giao dvc d~i hQC dinh hu6ng thµc hanh.

5. Chinh phu quy dtnh tieu chu~n phan ting ca s6 giao dµc d?i h9c; ban hanh khung xSp h:;mg cac ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c theo m6i ting va tieu chmin cua tung h?ng trong khung phvc V\l cong tac quan ly nha nu&c va uu tien diu tu tu ngan sach nha nu&c cho giao dvc d<;li h9c.

Thu tu&ng Chinh phu cong nh?n xSp h?ng d6i v&i d?i h9c, tnrong d<;li h9c; B9 tru&ng BQ Giao dvc va Dao tqO cong nh~n xSp h?ng d6i v&i truang cao d~ng; can cu kSt qua xSp hqng ca quan quan ly nha nu6c co th~m quySn quySt dinh kS hO?Ch uu tien d§.u tu, giao nhi~m V\J. va ca ch@ quan ly d~c thu d6i v6i cac ca s& giao dvc dqi hQC phu hgp v&i nhu c~u nhan lµc va diSu ki~n phat tri@n kinh ts - xa h<)i dfit nu&c trong tung giai do?n.

Can cu kSt qua xSp h,~mg, B9 Giao d\lC va Dao t?O ph6i hgp v6i Uy ban nhan dan tinh, thanh ph3 trµc thm)c trung uang (sau day g9i chung la Uy ban nhan dan d.p tinh) nai ca s6 giao dvc dl;li h9c d~t trv s6 ho?C c6 t6 chuc ho?t d(mg dao t~o dS h6 trq ca SO' giao d\lC d?i h9c tu thvc vS d&t dai, tin d\lllg va dao t?O, b6i duong can bQ.

Di~u 10. Ngon ngfr dung trong CO' sir giao d\(C d:,i hqc

TiSng Vi~t la ngon ngfr chinh thuc dung trong ca s6 giao d\lC d?i h9c.

Can cu quy dinh cu.a Thu tu6ng Chfnh phu, ca s6 giao dvc d<;li h9c quySt dinh vi~c d?y va h9c bfu1g tiSng nu&c ngoai trong nha truang.

Di~u 11. Quy ho~ch m,ng hr6'i err sir giao dye d~i hqc

1. Quy ho?Ch m?ng lu6i ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c la S\f phan bf>, sip xSp h~ th6ng cac truong cao dfu1g, truang d?i h9c, h9c vi~n, d?i h9c, v6i ca c:iu nganh nghS, trinh d9 dao f?o phu hqp v6i quy mo dan s6, vi tri dia ly, vung Hinh th6 tren toan qu6c va tung dja phuang, cho tung thai ky, phu hgp v6i chiSn luge phat triSn kinh tS - xa h•i va qu6c phong, an ninh cua d:lt nu&c.

2. Nguyen tic quy ho?ch m?ng lu&i ca s6 giao d\lc d?i h9c:

a) Phu hgp v&i chiSn luge va quy ho?Ch phat triSn kinh tS - xa h(>i cua d:lt nu6c, nganh, vung, dia phmmg; bao dam ca c:iu nganh ngh~, ca c:iu trinh d9 va ca c:iu vung miSn; dap ung nhu c§.u hQC t~p cu.a nhan dan;

b) Bao dam tinh da d?ng, d6ng b9 cua h~ thf>ng giao dvc d?i h9c, gAn dao t?o v&i nghien cuu khoa h9c, v6i san xu:lt va djch vv; tung bu&c nang cao ch§t lugng dao t?O, phvc V\1 S\f nghi~p cong nghi~p h6a, hi~n d;;ii h6a va h9i nh?p qu6c tS;

c) Phu hgp v6i nang lµc d~u tu cu.a Nha nu6c va k:ha nang huy d9ng ngu6n lµc cu.a toan xa h<)i; t?O diSu ki~n dS m9i nguai dSu c6 ca h<)i tham gia xay dµng ca s6 giao d1:1c d?i h9c;

d) T?p trung dfiu tu cho cac nhi~m vv chu y8u, cac ca s& giao dvc d?i hQc tr9ng diJm va cac nganh tr9ng diSm, cac vung kinh tS tr9ng diSm va cac

6 d~c 6i~t kh6 khan.

3. Quy ho~ch m~ng lu&i co sa giao d\lc d?i h9c g6m die n9i dung chu r

yeu sau:

a) Co cftu h~ th6ng giao d\lC dq.i h9c va quy mo dao t?O theo nganh h9c, trinh d9 dao tq.O, loq.i hinh ca s& giao d\lC de;1i h9c;

6) Phan 66 cac co s& giao d\lC dq.i h9c theo tinh chftt, d~c diSm kinh tS - xa h•i tung vung, tung dia phuang;

c) f)qi ngu giang vien, can 69 quan ly giao d\lc;

d) Casa v~t, ky thu~t. 4. Thu tu&ng Chinh phu phe duy?t quy m~ng luoi co sa giao d\lc

di:,ii h9c.

Di~u 12. Chinh sach ctia Nha nmrc v~ phat tri~n giao d\fc d~i hqc

I. Phat triSn giao d\lC dq.i h9c dS dao t~o nhan Ive c6 trinh d9 va ch!t lm;mg dap (mg yeu c§.u phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i, bao dam qu&c phong, an ninh cua ddt nu&c.

2. Tang ngan sach nha nuoc d§.u tu cho giao d\lc dq.i h9c; d~u tu c6 tr9ng diSm dS hinh thanh m9t s6 co sa giao d\lc d?i h9c ch~t Iuqng cao, theo dinh hu&ng nghien cuu thu9c linh vvc khoa h9c co ban, cac nganh Cong ngh~ cao va nganh kinh tS - xa h9i then ch6t d?t trinh d9 tien tiSn cua khu vvc va thS gioi.

3. Thvc hicn xa hc)i h6a giao d\lc d?i h9c; uu tien v€ d!t dai, thu@, tin d\lng, dao t~o can b• dS khuy@n khich cac co sa giao d\lC d?i h9c tu th\lC va co sa giao d\lc d?i h9c c6 v6n d~u tu nuoc ngoai ho:;tt dt)ng khong vi Iqi nhu~n; uu tien cho phep thanh l~p ca sa giao d\lC dq.i h9c tu th\lC c6 v6n d!u tu lon, bao dam cac diSu ki~n thanh l~p theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t; c~m lqi d\lng cac ho~t d<)ng giao dl,lc d~i h9c vi ID\lC dich V\l lqi.

4. Gin dao t~o v&i nghien cuu va tri€n khai ung d\lng khoa h9c va c6ng ngh~; dfty m?nh hqp tac gifra co sa giao d\lc d?i h9c voi t6 chuc nghien cuu khoa h9c va v&i doanh nghi~p.

5. Nha nuoc d~t hang va bao dam kinh phi dS thvc hi~n cac nhi~m V\l khoa h9c Va cong ngh~ d6i v&i ca SO' giao d\lC dq.i h9c c6 tiSm Ive m:;tnh v8 khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

6. Ca quan, t6 chuc, doanh nghi~p c6 quySn va trach nhi~m tiSp nh~n, t~o diSu ki~n d€ nguai h9c, giang vien thvc hanh, thgc t~p, nghien cuu khoa h9c va chuySn giao cong ngh~, g6p phin nang cao ch!t lm;mg dao t~o.

7. C6 chS d9 thu hut, SU d\lng va dai ng9 thich hqp dS xay dgng va nang cao ch~t luqng d9i ngu giang vien, chu tr9ng phat triSn d9i ngu giang vien c6 trinh d(> tiSn sI va chuc danh ph6 giao su, giao SU cua cac co s& giao d\lC d~i h9c.


8. Th17c hi~n chinh sach uu tien d6i v&i d6i tuqng duqc huang chfnh sach xa h{)i, d6i tuqng a vung d6ng bao dan t9c thiSu s6, vung c6 diSu ki~n kinh tS - xa h(>i d~c bi~t kh6 khan va d6i tuqng theo h9c cac nganh d~c thu dap ung nhu c~u nfo1n lµc cho phat triSn kinh tS ~ xa h9i; thµc hi~n binh d~ng gi&i trong giao dl,lC d?i h9c.

Di~u 13. T8 chrrc Dang C9ng san Vi~t Nam, doan th~ va t8 chrrc xa h<)i trong cO' s0' giao dye d~i h9c

1. T6 chuc Dang C()ng san Vi~t Nam trong ca sa giao d\lc d~i h9c duqc thanh l~p va ho9.t d9ng theo quy djnh cua DiSu 1~ Dang Cqng san Vi~t Nam, trong khuon kh6 HiSn phap, phap lu?t.

2. Doan thS, t6 chuc xa h(H trong ca sa giao dl,lc d9-i h9c duqc thanh l?p va ho9-t d()ng theo quy dinh cua HiSn phap, phap lu~t va diSu 1~ cua doan thS, t6 chuc xa h(>i.

3. Ca sa giao dl,lC d9-i hQC c6 trach nhi~m t9-0 diSu ki~n cho tb chu:c Dang, doan thS va t6 chuc xa h<)i duqc thanh l?p va ho9-t d<)ng theo quy dinh t?i khoan 1 va khoan 2 DiSu nay.



co cAu TO CHUC CUA co so GIA.O DUC DAI HOC. . . Di~u 14. CO' c§u t6 chuc cua trm)ng cao ding, trucrng d~i hQc, h9c


1. Ca c~u t6 chuc cua truong cao ding, truong d~i h9c, h9c vi~n cong l~p g6m:

a) H<)i d6ng truong;

b) Hi~u truong, ph6 hi~u truong truong cao dltng, truong d9-i h9c; giam dbc, ph6 giam dbc h9c vi~n;

c) Phong, ban chuc nang;

d) Khoa, be) mon; t6 chu:c khoa h9c va cong ngh~;

d) T6 chuc ph\lC V\l dao t9-0, nghien cuu khoa h9c va cong ngh~; ca sa san xu~t, kinh doanh, djch V\l;

e) Phan hi~u (n~u c6);

g) H9i d6ng khoa h9c va dao t?o, cac h9i d6ng tu v§.n.

2. Truong cao ding, truong d9-i h9c thanh vien cua d9-i h9c co ca c&u t6 chu:c theo quy djnh trong Quy ch~ t6 chuc va ho?t d9ng cua d9-i h9c.

3. Truong cao ding, trucmg d9-i hQc tu thl,lc c6 ca c~u t6 chuc theo quy


djnh t9i cac diSm b, c, d, d, e va g khoan 1 DiSu nay va co h<)i d6ng quan tri, ban kiSm soat.

4. Ca s& giao dµc d9i h9c co v6n d~u tu nu6c ngoai duqc tµ chu vS cu c~u t6 chuc.

Bi€u 15. Crr diu tfi chfrc cua d-=.ti hQc 1. H<)i d6ng d9i h9c.

2. Giam d6c, pho giam d6c.

3. Van phong, ban chuc nang.

4. Truong d9i h9c thanh vien; vi~n nghien cuu khoa h9c thanh vien.

5. Truong cao dilng thanh vien; khoa, trung tam nghien CU'U khoa h9c va cong ngh9.

6. T6 chuc ph1:1c V\J dao t~lO, nghien CU'U khoa h9c va tri@n khai ung di,mg; ca so san xu~t, kinh doanh, dich vv.

7. Phan hi~u (nSu co).

8. H9i d6ng khoa h9c va dao t~o, cac h9i d6ng tu vfui.

Bi~u 16. H9i d6ng tnrcrng

1. H9i d6ng truong duqc thanh l~p & truong cao ding, truong di;ii h9c, h9c vi~n cong I~p.

2. H9i d6ng truong la t6 chuc quan tri, d9i di9n quySn s6 hfru cua nha truang. H(>i d6ng truang co nhi?m V\l, quy€n h9n sau day:

a) Quy@t nghi chiSn luqc, quy ho9ch, kS hoi;J,ch phat tri€n va quy ch@ vS t6 chuc va hoi;it d(mg cua nha truong;

b) QuySt nghi phuang hu6ng hoi;it d9ng dao ti;lo, khoa h9c va c6ng ngh~, hqp tac qu6c tS, bao dam chit lm;mg giao d1,1c;

c) QuySt nghi vS ca ciu t6 chuc va phuang hu6ng d~u tu phat tri@n cua nha truong;

d) Quy@t nghi vS vi9c thanh l~p, sap nh~p, chia, tach, giai thS cac t& chuc cua ca scr giao d1,1c d9i h9c;

d) Giam sat vi9c thµc hi~n cac nghi quySt cua H9i d6ng truong, vi~c thµc hi~n quy ch@ dan chu trong cac hosit d(mg cua nha truang.

3. Thanh vien h9i d6ng truong:

a) Hi~u truong, cac pho hi~u trucrng, bi thu dang uy, chu tich Cong doan, bi thu Doan Thanh nien cqng san H6 Chi Minh; d9i di~n m9t s6 khoa, d9i di~n ca quan chu quan ca so giao d1,1c d~i h9c;

b) M9t s6 thanh vien hosit d9ng trong linh vµc giao d1,1c, khoa h9c, c6ng ngh~, san xu~t, kinh doanh.


4. Chu tich h9i d6ng truang do thu truong ca quan nha nu&c c6 th§.m quy~n b6 nhi~m.

Tieu chu§.n chu tich hc)i d6ng truang nhu tieu chu§.n cua hi~u trucrng quy djnh t~i khoan 2 BiSu 20 cua Lu~t nay.

5. Nhi~m ky cua h9i d6ng truang la 05 nam va theo nhi~m ky cua hi~u truang.

, H{)i d6ng truang lam vi~c theo nguyen t~c t(ip thS, quySt dinh theo da so.

6. Thu tvc thanh l~p, s6 lugng va CO' c~u thanh vien; nhi~m Vl,l va quy~n h~n cua h9i d6ng truang; nhi~m vv va quy~n h<:1-n cua chu tich, thu ky h9i d6ng truang; vi~c b6 nhi~m, miSn nhi~m chu tich va cac thanh vien h9i d6ng truang dugc quy dinh cv th@ trong DiSu 1~ nha tn.rang.

Di~u 17. Hqi d6ng quan trj

1. H9i d6ng quan tri dugc thanh l~p a truang cao dftng, trucrng d~i h9c tu thvc.

2. H9i d6n& quan tri la t6 chuc d~i di~n ,<luy nhfit cho chu scr huu cu.a nha truang. H9i dong quan tri c6 nhi~m Vl,l, quyen h?n sau day:

a) Td chuc thv:c hi~n cac nghi quySt cua d~i h<)i d6ng c6 dong;

b) QuySt nghj chiSn luge, quy ho?ch, kS ho?ch phat triSn va quy ch~ vS t6 chuc va ho?t d<)ng cu.a nha truang;

c) QuySt nghi phuang hu&ng ho~t d{mg dao t?o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~, hgp tac qu6c ts, bao dam ch~t lugng giao dvc;

d) Quy@t nghi nhfrng vftn dS vs t6 chuc, nhan S\f, tai chinh, tai san va phucmg hu&ng dfiu tu phat triSn cu.a nha truong;

d) Giam sat vi~c thv:c hi~n cac nghi quy@t cua h<)i d6ng quan tri, vi~c thµc hi~n quy ch@ dan chu trong cac ho?t d9ng cua nha truang.

3. Thanh vien h9i d6ng quan tri:

a) D~i di~n cu.a cac t6 chuc, ca nhan c6 s6 lugng c6 phftn dong g6p a muc c§.n thi@t theo quy dinh;

b) Hi~u truang; d?i di~n ca quan quan ly dja phuang nai ca so giao dvc d?i h9c c6 trv sa; d?i di~n t6 chuc Dang, doan thS; d?i di~n giang vien.

4. Chu tjch h9i d6ng quan tri do h•i d6ng quan tri b§.u theo nguyen t§.c da s6, bo phiJu kin.

Chu tich h•i d6ng quan tri phai c6 trinh d• d~i h9c tr& len.

5. Nhi~m ky cu.a h9i d6ng quan tri la 05 nam. H(>i d6ng quan tri lam vi~c theo nguyen tic t?p thS, quySt dinh theo da s6.

6. Thu tvc thanh l?p, s6 lugng va ca c§.u thanh vien; nhi~m Vl,l va quySn


:1~11 cua h(>i d6ng quan tri; tieu chu§n, nhi~m V\l va quySn h:gm cua chu tich, thu ky; vi~c cong nh~n, khong cong nh~n h9i d6ng quan tri, chu tjch h9i d6ng quan tri, cac thanh vien h9i d6ng quan tri duqc quy dinh trong DiSu l~, Quy chS t6 chuc va ho~t d(>ng cua nha truang.

Di~u 18. Ht}i d6ng d~i h9c

1. H<)i d6ng d~i h9c c6 nhi~m vv, quySn h~n sau day:

a) Phe duy~t chiSn luqc, quy ho~ch, kS ho~ch phat tri8n cua dl;l.i h9c;

b) QuySt nghi vs phuang hu6ng ho~t d()ng dao t~o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~, hqp tac qu6c tS, bao dam chit lm;mg giao dvc;

c) QuySt nghi vS ca c~u t6 chuc va phucmg hu6ng d§.u tu phat tri~n cua d~i h9c;

d) QuySt nghi vs vi~c thanh l~p, giai thS, sap nh~p, chia, cac tb chuc quy djnh t~i khoan 3, 5, 6, 7 DiSu 15 cua Lu~t nay; thong qua dS an thanh l~p, giai thS, sap nh~p, chia, cac t6 chuc quy dinh t~i khoan 4 DiSu 15 cua Lu~t nay;

d) Giam sat vi~c thv:c hi~n cac nghi quySt cua h•i d6ng d~i h9c, vi~c thv:c hi~n quy chS dan chu trong cac ho~t d9ng cua d~i h9c.

2. Thanh vien h9i d6ng d<;1i h9c g6m:

a) Giam d6c, cac ph6 giam d6c; bi thu dang uy, chu tjch Cong doan, bi thu Doan Thanh nien c9ng san H6 Chi Minh; hi~u trm:mg cac truong cao ding, d~i h9c thanh vien; vi~n truang cac vi~n nghien cuu khoa h9c thanh vien;

b) D~i di~n ca quan quan ly nha nu6c; m9t s6 thanh vien hol;l.t d()ng trong linh vv:c giao dvc, khoa h9c, cong ngh~, san xuftt, kinh doanh.

3. Nhi~m ky cua h•i d6ng d<J,i h9c la 05 nam va theo nhi~m ky cua giam d6c d~i h9c. H()i d6ng dl;l.i h9c lam vi~c theo nguyen t~c t~p th~, quy~t dinh theo da s6.

4. Thu t\IC thanh l~p, s6 luqng va ca c~u thanh vien; nhi~m V\l Va quySn h~ cua h<)i d&ng di;li h9c; tieu chu§n, nhi~m V\l va quySn h~ cua chu tich, thu ky; vi~c b6 nhi~m, miSn nhi~m chu tich va cac thanh vien h9i d6ng d~i h9c duqc quy dinh cv th8 trong Quy chS t6 chuc va ho~t d9ng cua d~i h9c.

Di~u 19. H<)i d8ng khoa h9c va dao t~o

1. H9i d6ng khoa h9c va dao t~o duqc thanh l~p theo quySt dinh cua hi~u truang truang cao dkg, truang d~i h9c, giam d6c h9c vi~n, d~i h9c, c6 nhi~m vv tu v§.n cho hi~u truong, giam d6c vs vi~c xay dv:ng:

a) Quy chS, quy dinh v~ dao t~o, ho~t d9ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~, tieu chu§.n tuySn dvng giang vien, nghien cuu vien, nhan vien thu vi~n, phong thi nghi~m;


b) KS ho,;tch phat triSn d(H ngil giang vien, nghien cuu vien cu.a nha truong;

C) f)c§ an ma nganh, chuyen nganh dao t,;i0, tri@n khai va huy bo cac chuong trinh dao t~o; dinh hu6ng phat triSn khoa hQC Va cong ngh~, k8 ho~ch ho~t d9ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~, phan cong thµc hi~n cac nhi~m v9 dao t~o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

2. H9i d6ng khoa h9c va dao t,;io g6m: hi~u tru&ng; cac ph6 hi~u tnr&ng phv tnich dao t9-o, nghien cuu khoa h9c; tru&ng cac don vi dao t<:w, nghien cuu khoa h9c; cac nha khoa h9c c6 uy tin d9-i di?n cho cac linh vµc, nganh chuyen m6n.

Di~u 20. Hi~u trtr6'ng

1. Hi~u tru&ng truang cao d;lng, truang d~i h9c, giam d6c h9c vi~n, d~i h9c (sau day g9i chung la hi~u tru&ng) la nguoi d9-i di~n cho co so giao dvc d9-i hQc trU()'C phap lu~t, chiu trach nhi?m quan ly cac ho9-t d9ng cu.a CO' SO' giao dvc d9-i h9c. Hi?u tru&ng do co quan nha nu6c c6 thfim quySn b<3 nhi~m ho?C cong nh~n.

Nhi?m ky cu.a hi~u tnrang la 05 nam. Hi~u tru&ng duqc b6 nhi~m va b6 nhi~m 19-i theo nhi?m ky va khong qua hai nhi~m ky lien tiSp.

2. Tieu chu:ln hi?u tru&ng:

a) C6 phftm chit chinh tri, d,;io due t6t, c6 uy tin vS khoa h9c, giao dvc, c6 nang lµc quan ly va da tham gia quan ly c~p khoa, phong cu.a CO' SO' giao dvc d,;ii h9c it nh§.t 05 nam;

b) C6 trinh d9 tiSn si d6i v6i hieu tru&ng truong d~i h9c, giam d6c h9c vi?n, d,;ti h9c; c6 trinh d9 th,;ic si tra len d6i v6i hi~u truang truang cao d;lng;

C) C6 sue khoe tf>t. 09 tu6i khi b6 nhi~m hi~u truang CO' SO' giao dvc d,;ii h9c cong l~p bao dam dS tham gia it nh§.t m9t nhi?m ky hi~u tru&ng.

3. Nhi~m V\l va quySn h,;in cua hi~u tru&ng:

a) ~an hanh c,ac quy chS, quy ~inh trong co so ~iao dvc d,;ii h9c theo nghi quyet cu.a h()i dong truang, h()i dong quan tri, h9i dong d9-i h9c;

b) Quy~t djnh thanh l~p, sap nh~p, chia,, giai thS cac t& chuc cua CO' so giao dvc d,;ii h9c theo nghi quy@t cua h9i ddng truang, h9i d6ng quan tri, h(:>i d&ng d~i h9c; b5 nhi~m, bai nhi~m va mi~n nhi~m cac chuc danh truang, ph6 cac t6 chuc cu.a CO' SO' giao dvc d9-i h9c;

c) T6 chuc thµc hi~n nghi quySt cu.a h()i d6ng truang, h()i d6ng quan tri, h9i d6ng d9-i h9c;

d) Xay dµng quy ho~ch va phat triSn d9i ngu giang vien, can b9 quan ly;

d) T6 chuc thµc hi~n cac ho?t d9ng dao t9-o, nghien cuu khoa h9c, hqp


ta..: qu6c t6, bao dam ch~t lugng giao dvc d?i l19c;

~) Thµc hi~n ch6 d9 thong tin, bao cao va chiu sµ giam sat, thanh tra, kiSm tra theo quy dinh;

g) Xay dµng va thµc hi9n quy chS dan chu a CO' sa; tiSp thu y kiSn va chiu S\f giam sat cua ca nhan, t6 chuc, doan thS trong CO' sa giao dvc d?i h9c;

h) H:1ng nam, bao cao kSt qua thµc hi9n nhi~m V\l cua hi~u truang va ban giam hi?u tru6c h9i d6ng truang, h9i d6ng quan tri, h(>i d6ng d?i h9c;

i) Cac nhi~m vv va quySn h?n khac theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

4. Hi~u truang ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c cong l~p, chu tich h9i d6ng quan tri ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c tu thvc la chu tai khoan, chiu trach nhi~m tru6c phap lu~t vS toan b9 cong tac quan ly tai chinh va tai san cua ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c; thµc hi~n quySn tµ chu va tµ chiu trach nhi~m cong khai, minh b?ch vS tai chinh theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t; ch~p hanh cac quy dinh vS kS toan va kiSm toan. Hi~u tru&ng CO' s& giao dvc d?i h9c tu thvc la de;1i di~n chu tai khoan theo uy quySn, thµc hi~n quy@n hc;1n va nghia V\l nhu chu tai khoan trong phe;1m vi dugc uy quySn.

Di~u 21. Phan hi~u cua CO' SO' giao dvc d~i hQC

1. Phan hi~u cua CO' sa giao dvc dc;ii h9c thu9c CO' cftu t6 chuc va chiu sµ quan ly, diSu hanh cua CO' sa giao dvc dc;ii h9c. Phan hi~u cua CO' S(J giao dvc dc;ii h9c kh6ng c6 tu each phap nhan d9c l~p, dong a tinh, thanh ph6 khac v6i nai d?t trv sa chinh cua CO' s& giao dvc de;1i h9c, chiu sµ quan ly cua Uy ban nhan dan cftp tinh nai d?t phan hi~u.

2. Phan hi~u cua CO' sa giao dvc de;1i h9c thµc hi~n cac nhi~m V\l theo sµ diSu hanh cua hi~u tru&ng, bao cao v6i hi~u tru&ng vS cac hoe;1t d9ng cua phan hi~u, bao cao v6i Uy ban nhan dan cftp tinh nai d?t phan hi~u vS cac ho?t d9ng lien quan dSn th§.m quySn quan ly cua dia phuang.

3. Phan hi~u cua ca sa giao dvc dc;ii h9c do B9 tru&ng BQ Giao dvc va Dao t?o quySt dinh thanh l~p ho~c cho phep thanh l~p khi c6 du cac diSu ki~n quy dinh t?i DiSu 22 cua Lu~t nay.

M9c 2



Di~u 22. Di~u ki~n thanh lip ho~c cho phep thanh lip co- scr giao dvc d~i hQC

1. Ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c dugc thanh l~p ho?c cho phep thanh l~p khi c6 du cac diSu ki~n sau day:


a) C6 dv an thanh l?p phu hqp v&i quy ho~ch phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i va quy ho?ch m:;ing lu&i ca so giao dvc d~i h9c da dugc phe duy~t;

b) Co chclp thu~n b~ng van ban cua Uy ban nhan dan cclp tinh nai d~t tr1:1 so chfnh cu.a ca so giao dvc d:;ii h9c vS vi~c thanh l?p ca so giao dvc d:;ii h9c va xac nh?n vS quy@n su d1,mg dfit;

c) C6 xac nh?n vS kha nang tai chinh d:iu tu xay dvng ca so giao dvc ct:;ii h9c cu.a ca quan c6 thgm quySn;

d) D6i v&i ca so giao d1,1c d?i h9c c6 v6n dfiu tu nu&c ngoai con phai c6 Gi§.y ch(mg nh~ d:iu tu cu.a ca quan co thim quySn.

2. Sau thai h:;in 04 nam, kS tu ngay quySt dinh thanh l~p ho~c cho phep thanh l~p c6 hi~u Ive, nSu ca so giao d1,1c d?i h9c khong dugc cho phep ho?t d9ng dao t?o thi quySt dinh thanh l~p ho~c cho phep thanh l?p hSt hi~u Ive.

Di~u 23. Di~u ki~n d@ dtrqc cho phep ho:,t d{>ng dao t:,o

1. Ca so giao dvc d?i h9c dugc cho phep ho?t d9ng dao t:;io khi c6 du cac diSu ki~n sau day:

a) C6 quySt dinh thanh l?p ho~c quySt dinh cho phep thanh l?p ca so giao d1.1c d?i h9c;

b) C6 d§.t dai, ca so v~t, thiSt bi, ky tuc xa sinh vien, ca so phvc v1,1 giao d1,1c thS ch~t dap ung yeu c:iu ho?t d9ng dao t?o; dia diSm xay dvng bao dam moi truang SU ph?ID, an toan cho nguai h9c, nguai d:;iy va nguai lao d9ng theo n()i dung dv an da cam kSt;

c) C6 chuang trinh dao t?O va giao trinh, tai li~u giang d:;iy, h9c t?p theo quy dinh;

d) C6 d()i ngu giang vien ca hfru va can be) quan ly d:;it tieu chuin vS chuyen mon, nghi~p vv, du vS s6 lugng, d6ng be) vS ca c~u;

d) C6 du ngu6n lvc tai chinh theo quy dinh dS bao dam duy tri va phat triSn ho:;it d()ng cu.a ca so giao dvc d?i h9c;

e) C6 quy chS td chuc va ho?t d9ng cu.a ca sa giao d1,1c d?i h9c. 2. Sau thai h:;m 03 nam, kS tu ngay quySt djnh cho phep ho:;it d()ng dao

t<;10 c6 hi~u Ive, nSu ca so giao d1,1c d?i h9c khong triSn khai ho:;it d9ng dao t?o thi quySt dinh cho phep ho?t d9ng dao t?O hSt hi~u Ive.

Di~u 24. Sap nh~p, chia, tach CO' SO' giao dl}C d:,i h9c

Vi~c sap nh?p, chia, ca so giao dvc d?i h9c phai bao dam cac yeu A

cau sau:

1. Phu hqp v&i quy ho:;ich m?ng lu&i ca so giao d1,1c d?i h9c;

2. Dap ung yeu c:iu phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i;

3. Bao dam quySn lgi cua giang vien, vien chuc, nguai lao d<)ng va


nguai h9c;

4. G6p ph!n nang cao ch~t lugng va hi~u qua giao dl,lc dsii h9c.

Di~u 25. Dinh chi ho~t d<)ng dao t~o ciia cO' sO' giao d1,1c d~i h9c

1. Ca so· giao dl,lc di:li h9c bi dinh chi hoi:lt d9ng dao ti:lo trong nhfrng truang hgp sau day:

a) Co hanh vi gian 1~ dS dugc thanh l?P ho~c cho phep thanh l~p, cho phep ho?t d<)ng dao t?o;

b) Khong bao dam m9t trong cac diSu ki~n quy dinh t?i khoan 1 DiSu 23 cua Lu~t nay;

c) Nguai cho phep ho?t d9ng dao tslO khong dung th~m quySn;

d) Vi ph~ quy dinh cua phap lu?t vS giao dl,lc bi xir ph?t vi ph?m hanh chinh amuc d9 phai dinh chi ho?t d9ng;

d) Cac truang hqp khac theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

2. QuySt dinh dinh chi ho?t d9ng dao t?o phai xac dinh ro ly do dinh chi, thai h?n dinh chi, bi~n phap bao dam lqi ich hqp phap cua giang vien, nguai lao d9ng va nguai h9c. QuySt dinh dinh chi ho?t d9ng dao t?o duqc cong b6 cong khai tren cac phuang ti~n thong tin d?i chung.

3. Sau thai h?n dinh chi, nSu nguyen nhan d~n dSn vi~c dinh chi duqc khic phl,lc thi nguai co th&m quySn quySt dinh dinh chi ra quySt dinh cho phep tiSp t\l,C ho?t d{mg dao t',lO.

Di~u 26. Giai th~ CO' SO' giao dl]C dl;,li hQC

1. Ca so giao dl,lc d?i h9c bi giai th@ trong nhfing truong hqp sau day:

a) Vi ph?m nghiem tn;mg cac quy dinh cua phap lu?t;

b) HSt thai h~ dinh chi hot;it d9ng dao t~o ma khong khic phl,lc duqc nguyen nhan d§n dSn vi~c bi dinh chi;

c) Ml.le tieu va rn)i dung ho?t d9ng trong quySt dinh thanh l~p hoijc cho phep thanh l~p ca so giao dl,lC d?i h9c kh6ng con phu hqp v6i nhu cfiu phat tri@n kinh tS - xa hqi;

d) Theo dS nghi cua t6 chuc, ca nhan thanh l?p ca so giao di.;ic d?i h9c;

d) Khong th-17c hi~n dung cam kSt theo dµ an dugc phe duy~t sau thai h?n 05 nam, kS tu ngay quySt dinh thanh l?p ho~c cho phep thanh l?p c6 hi~u lµc.

2. QuySt djnh giai thS ca so giao di.;ic d?i h9c phai xac dinh r6 ly do giai th~, cac bi~n phap bao dam lqi fch hqp phap cua giang vien, nguai h9c va nguai lao d<)ng. QuySt dinh giai thS ca so giao dvc d?i h9c phai duqc c6ng b6 cong khai tren phuang ti~n thong tin d~i chung.


Di~u 27. Thu tyc va thfim quy~n thanh lip hoijc cho phep thanh l@.p, cho phep ho,t d(>ng dao t,o, dlnh chi ho~t d(>ng dao t~o, sap nh~p, chia, tach, giai th: CO' SO' giao dye d~i hqc

1. Thu tu6ng Chfnh phu quy dinh Cl,l thS diSu ki~n va thu tl_lC thanh l?P ho?c cho phep thanh l?P, cho phep ho~t d9ng dao t<;10, dinh chi ho<;tt d9ng dao t<;10, sap nh?p, chia,, giai thS truang d~i h9c, h9c vi~n, d~i h9c va ca sa giao dµc d~i h9c c6 v6n dciu tu nu6c ngoai.

B9 trucmg B<) Giao dµc va Dao tc;1,o quy dinh C\l thS diSu ki~n va thu tµc thanh l?p ho?c cho phep thanh l?p, cho phep hoc;1,t d<)ng dao t~o, dinh chi ho~t d9ng dao t~o, sap nh?p, chia,, giai thS truong cao ding.

2. Thu tu6ng Chinh phu quySt dinh thanh l?p d,;:ti h9c, h9c vi~n, truang d~i h9c cong l?p; quySt djnh cho phep thanh l?P truong d~i h9c tu thl_lc va ca scr giao dvc d~i h9c c6 v6n dku tu nu6c ngoai.

B9 trucrng B9 Giao dvc va Dao t,;:to quySt dinh thanh l?p truang cao dfulg cong l?p; quySt dinh cho phep thanh l?p truong cao dfulg tu thvc.

3. Nguai c6 th~m quySn quySt dinh thanh l?p ho?C cho phep thanh l?p ca sa giao dvc d,;:ti h9c thi c6 thb quy~n quySt dinh sap nh?p, chia,, giai thS ca sa giao dµc d,;:ti h9c.

4. B(l trucrng B9 Gi::10 dvc va Dao t~o quySt djnh cho phep ho,;:tt d9ng dao t,;:to, dinh chi ho,;:tt d9ng dao t:;w d6i v6i truang cao dting, truong d,;:ti h9c, h9c vi~n, vi~n nghien cuu khoa h9c dugc phep dao t,;:to trlnh d<) tiSn sI va ca so giao dµc d,;:ti h9c c6 v6n dftu tu nu6c ngoai.



Di~u 28. Nhiem v1,1 va quy~n b~n cua trrrirng cao ding, tnrirng d~i hqc, h9c vien

1. Xay dµng chiSn luge, kS hO?Ch phat triSn ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c.

2. TriSn khai ho?t dqng dao t?o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~, hgp tac qu6c tS, bao dam chit luqng giao dµc d~i h9c.

3. Phat triSn cac chuang trinh dao t~o theo mvc tieu xac djnh; bao dam sµ lien thong giua cac chuang trinh va trinh d9 dao t~o.

4. T6 chuc b9 may; tuySn d1,mg, quan ly, xay dµng, b&i duong d9i ngfi giang vien, can b9 quan ly, vien chuc, nguai lao d9ng.

5. Quan ly nguai h9c; bao dam quySn va lqi ich hqp phap cua giang vien, vien chuc, nhan vien, can b<) quan ly va nguoi h9c; danh kinh phi dS thµc hi~n chinh sach xa h9i d6i v6i dBi tuqng duqc hucrng chinh sach xa hc;,i, ddi tuqng (J vung d&ng bao dan t(k thiSu s6, vung co diSu ki~n kinh t8 -xa hc;,i d~c bi~t kh6 khan; bao dam m6i truang SU ph,;:tm cho ho~t d9ng giao d1,lC.


6. Tv danh gia ch§t luqng dao t<;10 va ch.iu sv ki~m dµm ch~t luQ'I1g giao dµc.

7. Duqc Nha nu6c giao ho?c cho thue d§_t, ca s& v~t ch11t; duqc miSn, giam thuS theo quy dinh cua phap Iu~t.

8. Huy d9ng, quan ly, sir di,mg cac ngu6n lµc; xay di,mg va tang cm:rng ca s& v~t chfit, diiu tu trang thiSt bi.

9. Hqp tac v6i cac t6 chuc kinh tS, giao dvc, van h6a, thS dvc, thS thao, y tS, nghien cuu khoa h9c trong nu6c va nu6c ngoai.

10. Thµc hi?n chS d9 thong tin, bao cao va chiu sµ kiem tra, thanh tra cua BQ Giao d1=1c va Dao t?O, cac b9, nganh c6 lien quan va Uy ban nhan dan c§p tinh nai ca s& giao dvc d?i h9c dij,t trv s& ho?c c6 t6 chuc ho?t d9ng dao t?o theo quy djnh.

11. Cac nhi~m vv va quySn h?n khac theo quy dinh cu.a phap lu~t.

Di~u 29. Nhi~m vy va quy€n htn cua d~i h9c

l. Nhi~m vv va quySn h,;m cu.a d?i h9c:

a) Xay dµng chiSn luqc, kS ho?ch phat triSn d?i h9c;

b) Quan ly, diSu hanh, td chuc cac ho?t d9ng dao t?O cua d?i h9c;

c) Huy d9ng, quan ly, SU d\Jllg cac ngufin lµc, chia se tai nguyen va ca s& v~t chftt dung chung trong d<;1.i h9c;

d) Thµc hi~n chS d(> thong tin, bao cao va chiu sµ kiSm tra, thanh tra cua B9 Giao d1=1c va Dao t<;1.o, Thanh tra Chinh phu, cac b9, nganh c6 lien quan va Uy ban nhan clan cfip tinh nai d?i h9c d~t tf\l s& theo quy dinh;

d) Duqc chu dc;mg cao trong cac ho?t dqng v8 dao t?o, nghien cuu khoa h9c, cong ngh~, tai chinh, quan h~ qu&c tS, tb chuc b9 may;

e) Cac nhi~m V\J. va quySn h?n khac theo quy djnh cua phap lu~t.

2. Thu tu6ng Chinh phu ban hanh Quy ch€ t6 chuc va ho?t dqng cua d?i h9c qu6c gia va cac ca s& giao dvc d?i h<;>c thanh vien; B9 truong B9 Giao dvc va Dao t?o ban hanh Quy chS t6 chuc va ho?t d9ng cua d<;1.i h9c vung va cac ca s& giao dvc d?i h9c thanh vien.

Di€u 30. Nhi~m V\J va quy~n h~n cua vi~n nghien CU'U khoa h9c dm;rc phep dao t~o trinh d9 titfn si

1. Thvc hi~n cac nhi?m V\J. va quySn h?n theo quy dinh vs dao t?O trinh d9 tiSn si.

2. Phai co dan vi chuyen trach la khoa, phong ho~c ban dS tb chuc va quan ly dao t?O trinh d() tiSn si.

Di~u 31. Nhi~m V\l va quy~n h~n cua CO' SO' giao dye d~i hQC co v6n dAu tlr DlfO'C ngoai

l. Xay dµng va thgc hi?n mvc tieu, chuang trinh, rnji dung giang d<;ty,


nghien cuu khoa h9c; xay dvng d9i ngu giang vien, CO' so V?t ch~t, thi~t bi, giao trinh, tai li~u ph\lc V\l giang d?y, h9c t?p; bao dam ch§t lm;mg va thµc hi~n kiSm dinh chilt lugng giao dl,lc d?i h9c; t6 chuc ho?t d(>ng dao t~w, cilp phat van b~ng, chung chi theo quy djnh cua phap lu~t.

2. T6 chuc va ho?t dc)ng theo quySt dinh cho phep thanh l?p, cho phep ho?t d9ng dao t?O.

3. Cong khai cam k8t ch§.t lugng dao t?o, c6ng khai vS ngu6n Ive va tai chinh.

4. Chju sv quan ly nha nu6c vs giao d\IC cu.a B• Giao dvc va Dao t?O. Dinh ky bao cao vS tinh hinh ho?t d9ng va giai trinh theo yeu c~u cua B9 Giao d1:1c va Dao t?O, cac b<\ nganh, CO' quan c6 th§.m quySn va Uy ban nhan dan clip tinh noi CO' so giao d\IC d?i h9c c6 v6n d~u tu nu6c ngoai d?t trl,l so va ho?t d9ng.

5. Bao dam quySn va lgi ich hgp phap cua nguai h9c, giang vien va nhfrng nguai lao d9ng khac, kS ca trong truang hqp chllm dut ho~c bu9c phai ch~m dut ho<;1t d9ng tru6c thai h~.

6. Ton tr9ng phap lmjt, phong tvc, t?p quan cua Vi~t Nam.

7. Duqc Nha nu6c bao h9 cac quySn va lqi ich hqp phap theo quy djnh cua phap lu~t Vi~t Nam va diSu u6c qu&c tS ma C{mg hoa xa h9i chu nghia Vi~t Nam la thanh vien.

8. Thµc hi~n cac nhi~m Vl) va quySn h~ khac theo quy djnh cua phap lu~t.

Di~u 32. Quy~n t\f chu ctia cO' SO' giao dye d~i hqc

1. Ca s6 giao dlJC d?i h9i; tv chu trong cac ho?t d<)ng chu ySu thu(k cac llnh vvc t6 chuc va nhan sv, tai chinh va tai san, dao t<;10, khoa h9c va cong ngh~, hqp tac qu6c tS, bao dam chllt luqng giao d\IC d<;1i h9c. Ca sa giao d1:1c d?i h9c thvc hi~n quySn tv chu a muc d9 cao hon phu hqp v6i nang Ive, k~t qua x~p h?ng va kSt qua kiSm dinh chllt luqng giao dlJC.

2. Casa giao dvc d?i h9c khong con du nang lµc thµc hi~n quy~n tµ chu ho~c vi ph;;i,m phap lu~t trong qua trinh thvc hi~n quySn tv chu, tuy thu<)c muc d<), bi xu ly theo quy dinh cu.a phap lu?t.



Di~u 33. MO' nganh, chuyen nganh dao t~o

1. DiSu ki~n d~ CO' s6 giao dvc d?i h9c duqc ma nganh dao t?O trinh d:9 cao dilng, d?i h9c, nganh, chuyen nganh dao t?O trinh d9 th<;1c sT, tiSn si:

a) Nganh va chuyen nganh dang ky dao t?O phu hqp v&i nhu c~u ngu6n


nhan h,rc cho phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i cu.a dia phuang, vung, ca nu6c cung nhu cu.a tung ITnh V\rc;

b) C6 d9i ngu giang vien, can b• khoa h9c ca huu bao dam vS s3 luqng, chilt luqng, trinh d• va ca cfru;

C) C6 ca so V?t chilt, thi6t bi, thu vi~n, giao trinh dap ung yeu c~u giang d:;iy, h9c t~p;

d) C6 chuang trinh dao t~o bao dam chmin kiSn thuc va ky nang cu.a nguai h9c sau khi t6t nghi~p va dap ung yeu c~u lien thong gifra cac trinh d9 va v6i cac chuang trinh dao t~o khac.

2. B9 truong Be) Giao d1,1c va Dao t~o quy dinh Cl,! thS diSu ki~n, trinh tg, thu tvc mo hO?C dinh chi ho:;tt d<)ng cu.a nganh dao t:;i,o trinh d9 cao d~ng, d9-i h9c va nganh ho~c chuyen nganh dao tf;!O trinh d9 thf,lc sI, tiSn sI; quySt dinh cho phep mo ho?c dinh chi ho~t d9ng cu.a nganh dao t:;i,o trinh d9 cao ding, d:;i,i h9c, nganh ho~c chuyen nganh dao t?O trinh d9 th?C sI, tiSn si.

D~i h9c qu6c gia, cac co so giao di;tc d<;1i h9c d~t chuin qu6c gia duqc tg chu, tg chiu trach nhi~m trong vi~c mo nganh dao t?o trinh de) cao ding, d<;1i h9c, nganh ho~c chuyen nganh dao t~o trinh d9 th~c si, tiSn si trong danh mvc nganh, chuyen nganh dao tf,10 da duqc phe duy~t thuqc linh V\fC dao t?O cu.a nha truang khi c6 du nang lgc dap ung cac diSu ki?n theo quy dinh.

Di~u 34. Chi tieu tuySn sinh va t6 chuc tuy~n sinh 1. Chi tieu tuySn sinh:

a) Chi tieu tuySn sinh duqc xac dinh tren co SO' nhu c&u phat tri~n kinh ts, - ~a h<)i va quy ,ho~ch phat triSn ngu6n nhan lgc, phu hq,P vai c~c diSu ki~n ve so luqng va chat luqng d9i ngu giang vien, co SO' v~t chat va thiet bi;

b) Ca so giao d1,1c d~i h9c tg chu xac dinh chi tieu tuySn sinh, chiu trach nhi~m cong b& cong khai chi tieu tuy~n sinh, hrqng dao t9-o va cac diSu ki~n bao dam ch:it luqng dao t~o cu.a co so giao d1,1c d9-i h9c;

c) Ca so giao d1,1c d~i h9c vi ph~ quy dinh vs xac dinh chi tieu tuySn sinh thi tuy theo muc d• ma bi xu ly theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

2. Tf> chuc tuySn sinh:

a) Phuong thuc tuySn sinh g6m: thi tuySn, xet tuySn ho~c kSt hqp gifra thi tuySn va xet tuySn;

b) Ca so giao dvc df:li h9c tg chu quy@t djnh phuang thuc tuySn sinh va chiu trach nhi~m vs cong tac tuySn sinh.

3. B9 truong B• Giao d1,1c va Dao t~o quy dinh vS vi~c xac djnh chi tieu tuySn sinh va ban hanh quy chS tuySn sinh.

Di~u 35. Thiri gian dao t~o

1. Thai gian dao t<;10 cac trinh d• cua giao d1,1c d?i h9c thvc hi~n theo


hinh thuc giao dvc chfnh quy quy dinh tc;i,i DiSu 38 cua Lu~t giao dvc.

2. Thai gian dao tc;i,o theo tin chi duqc xac dinh tren ca s& s6 h9c ph§.n va kh6i luqng tin chi tich liiy quy dinh cho tung chuang trinh va trlnh d9 dao te;to.

Hi~u tru&ng ca s& giao dvc de;ti h9c quySt dinh s6 h9c ph§.n va kh6i lugng tin chi tich lily cho tung chuang trinh va trinh d9 dao te;to.

3. Thai gian dao t?o m6i trinh d9 cua giao dvc dc;i,i h9c thµc hi~n theo hinh thuc giao dvc thuang xuyen dai hon it nh§.t la m<)t h9c ky so voi thoi gian dao te;to theo hinh thuc giao d1,1c chinh quy.

Di~u 36. ChtrO'ng trinh, giao trinh giao dye dlLti h9c

1. Chuang trinh dao ti;to:

a) Chuang trinh dao te;to trinh d9 cao dfulg, de;ti h9c g6m: m1,1c tieu, chu§.n kiSn thuc, ky nang cua nguoi h9c sau khi t6t nghi?p; n9i dung dao t?O, phuang phap danh gia d6i v6i m&i mon h9c va nganh h9c, trinh d9 dao t?o; bao dam yeu c~u lien thong gifra cac trinh d9 va v&i cac chuang trinh dao t?o khac·

' b) Chuang trinh dao t?o trinh d9 th?c si, ti8n sI g6m: mvc tieu, chu~n

kiSn thuc, ky nang cua h9c vien, nghien cuu sinh sau khi t6t nghi?p; kh6i luqng kiSn thuc, kSt c&u chuang trinh dao t?o trinh d9 the;tc sI, tiSn sI, lu~ van, Iu~n an;

c) Ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c dm;rc su dvng chuang trinh dao t?o cua ca sa giao dvc nuoc ngoai da duqc kiSm djnh va c6ng nh~n vS ch&t luqng dS thµc hi~n nhi~m V\l dao t1;w cac trinh d9 cua giao d1,1c d?i h9c;

d) Casa giao dl,lc d?i h9c tµ chu, tµ chiu trach nhi~m trong vi~c xay dµng, thdm djnh, ban hanh chuang trinh dao ti;to trinh d<) cao ding, d?i h9c, th<;1.c si, tiSn si;

d) Ca sa giao dl,lc d?i h9c c6 v6n d§.u tu nu&c ngoai tµ chu, tµ chju trach nhi~m trong vi~c xay dµng chuang trinh dao ti;io va thµc hi~n chuang trinh dao t?o da duqc ki8m djnh b&i t6 chuc kiSm dinh ch&t luqng giao dvc cua Vi~t Nam, bao dam khong gay phuang h?i dSn qu6c phong, an ninh qu6c gia, lqi ich c(:mg d6ng, khong c6 n9i dung xuyen te;tc lich su, anh hu&ng x§.u dSn van hoa, d?o due, thufin phong my tvc va doan kSt cac dan t9c Vi~t Nam, hoa binh, an ninh thS gi6i; khong co n9i dung truySn ba ton giao;

e) Chuang trinh dao te;to theo hinh thuc giao dvc thuong xuyen c6 n9i dung nhu chuang trinh dao te;to theo hinh thuc giao dvc chinh quy.

2. Giao trinh giao dl,lc d?i h9c:

a) Giao trinh giao dl,lC d9-i h9c C\l thS h6a yeu c§.u vs n9i dung kiSn thuc, ky nang quy dinh trong chuang trlnh dao t?o d6i v&i m6i mon h9c, nganh h9c bao dam mvc tieu cua cac trinh d9 dao t?O cua giao dvc d?i h9c;

b) BQ Giao d\}C va Dao t?O t6 chuc bien so~m giao trinh SU dl,lng chung


cac 111611 ly lu~n chfnh tri, qu6c phong - an ninh dS lam tai li~u giang dc;ty, h9c t~p trong cac ca so giao dvc dc;ti h9c;

c) Hi~u tnrong ca so giao d\lc dc;ti h9c t6 chuc bien so?n ho~c h,ra ch9n, duy~t giao trinh giao dvc d?i h9c dS su dvng lam tai li~u giang d?y, h9c t?p trong ca so giao dvc d?i h9c tren ca so thfim dinh cua H9i d6ng thAm dinh giao trinh do hi~u truong ca so giao d\lc d<;ti h9c thanh l~p;

d) Ca so giao dvc d?i h9c phai thgc hi~n cac quy djnh vS so hiiu tri tu~ va ban quySn trong SU d\lng giao trinh va cong b6 cong trinh nghien CU'U khoa hQc.

3. BQ truong BQ Giao dvc va Bao t?O quy dinh kh6i luqng kiSn thuc t6i thiSu, yeu c§.u vS nang lgc ma nguai hQc d?t duqc sau khi t6t nghi~p d6i v&i m6i trinh d9 dao t?O cua giao dvc dc;ti h9c; guy trinh xay dgng, thAm dinh va ban hanh chuang trinh dao tc;to trinh d9 cao dilng, d?i h9c, thc;tc si, tiSn si; quy dinh cac man h9c b~t buc)c trong chuang trinh dao t?o d6i v&i cac trinh d• dao tc;to cua ca so giao dvc d?i h9c co v6n d~u tu nu&c ngoai; quy djnh vi~c bien S0?11, lga chQn, thAm dinh, duy~t va SU d\}ng tai li~u giang d?y, giao trinh giao dvc d?i h9c.

Di~u 37. T6 chfrc va quan ly dao tfo 1. Vi~c tf> chuc va quan ly dao t?O duqc thgc hi~n theo nien chS ho~c

tin chi.

2. Ca so giao dvc d?i h9c tµ chu, tg chiu trach nhi~m td chuc va quan ly dao t?o theo kh6a h9c, nam h9c va h9c ky, thgc hi~n quy chS va chuang trinh dao t?O d6i v&i m6i trinh d9 dao t?O, hinh thuc dao t?O.

3. Ca so giao d\lc d?i h9c chi duqc lien kSt dao t?o trinh d9 cao d§.ng, d?i h9c theo hinh thuc giao dvc thuang xuyen v&i ca s6 giao dvc la truang d?i h9c, truang cao d§.ng, truang trung c~p chuyen nghi~p, trung tam giao dvc thuang xuyen c§.p tinh, truang cua ca quan nha nu&c, t6 chuc chfnh tri, t6 chuc chinh tri - xa h(>i, lgc lugng vu trang nhan dan voi diSu ki~n ca so giao dvc duqc lien kSt dao tc;to bao dam cac yeu cfru vs moi truong SU ph?m, ca s6 v~t ch§.t, thiSt bi, thu vi~n va can b9 quan ly.

4. B9 truong B9 Giao d\lc va Bao t?o ban hanh quy ch~ dao t?o va lien kSt dao t?O.

Di~u 38. Van biing giao dye d~i h9c

I . Van giao dvc d?i h9c duqc c§.p cho nguai h9c sau khi t6t nghi~p m<}t trinh d9 dao t?o theo m<)t hinh thuc dao t?o, gdm: b§.ng t6t nghi~p cao ding, t6t nghi~p d?i h9c, th?c sI va tiSn si.

a) Sinh vien hoan thanh chuang trinh dao t?O cao d§.ng, co du diSu ki~n thi dugc dµ thi t6t nghi~p ho~c bao v~ chuyen dS, khoa lu~n t6t nghi~p, nSu d?t yeu c§.u ho~c tich lfiy du s6 tin chi theo quy dinh va dap ung chu~n d§.u ra cua ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c thi duqc hi~u truong ca so giao dvc d?i h9c cip t6t nghi~p cao ding;


b) Sinh vien hoan thanh chmmg trinh dao t<;1O d<;1i h9c, c6 du di8u ki~n thi duqc dµ thi t6t nghi~p ho~c baa v~ d6 an, kh6a lu?n t6t nghi~p, nSu d<;tt yeu cciu ho?c tich luy du s6 tin chi theo quy dinh va dap -Cmg chu~n dclu ra cua ca sa giao d1,1c d?i h9c thi duqc hi~u tru&ng ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c c~p bing t6t nghi~p d?i h9c;

c) H9c vien hoan thanh chuong trinh dao t?O th<;tc si, c6 du diSu ki~n thi duqc bao v~ lu?n van, nSu d?t yeu c~u theo quy dinh thi duqc hi~u tru&ng co s6 giao dvc d?i h9c cfip bfing th<;tc sI;

d) Nghien CU'U sinh hoan thanh chuang trinh dao ti;io tiSn si, c6 du diSu ki~n thi duqc bao v~ lu~n an, nSu d?t yeu cfiu theo quy dinh thi duqc hi~u tru&ng co s& giao dvc d?i h9c d.p bing tiSn sI.

2. Ca SO' giao dl,lC d?i h9c in phoi van b&ng, c~p van bfulg cho nguai h9c; c6ng b6 c6ng khai cac thong tin lien quan vS van b§.ng cho nguai h9c tren trang thong tin di~n tu cua co SO' giao dl,lC d?i h9c.

3. B9 truang B9 Giao dvc va Dao t?O quy dinh mfiu van b&ng giao dl,lC d?i h9c; vi~c in, quan ly, c§.p phat, thu h&i, huy bo van bing giao dvc d?i h9c; quy dinh trach nhi~m va th~m quy~n c.lp van bing cua ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c Vi~t Nam khi lien kSt dao t<;tO v&i ca SO' giao dvc d?i h9c nu&c ngoai; quy dinh trach nhi~m cua ca so giao dl,lc d:;ii h9c c6 v6n dfiu tu nu&c ngoai thµc hi~n vi~c c&p van b§.ng giao dl,lc d?i h9c t?i Vi~t Nam; ky hi~p djnh tuang duong va cong nh?n van bftng v&i cac nu&c, t6 chuc qu6c tS; quy dinh trinh tg, thu tvc cong nh~n van b§.ng giao dl,lC dai h9c do co s6 giao dl,lC d?i h9c nu&c ngoai cip.

4. B9 tru&ng B9 Giao dvc va Dao t?o chu tri ph6i hgp v&i Bl) truang, Thu trucmg ca quan ngang bl) quy djnh van bing cong nh?,n trinh d9 ky nang thµc harlh, ung dvng cho nhung nguai dugc dao t?o chuyen sau sau khi t6t nghi~p d?i h9c 6 m<)t s6 nganh chuyen mon d~c thu.



Di~u 39. My.c tieu hmJt c.t()ng khoa hqc va cong ngh~ 1. Nang cao chftt lugng giao dvc di;ii h9c, nang lµc nghien cuu va kha

nang ung dl,lng khoa h9c va cong ngh~ cua giang vien, nghien cuu vien, can b9 quan ly, vien chuc.

2. Hinh thanh va phat tri~n nang Ive nghien Cl.Ill k.hoa h9c cho nguai h9c; phat hi?n va b6i duang nhan tai, dap ung yeu c~u dao t<;to nhan lµc trinh d(> cao.

3. T~o ra tri thuc, cong ngh~, giai phap m&i dS phat triSn khoa h9c va giao dvc, g6p ph!n phat tri@n kinh tS - xa h9i, bao dam qu6c phong, an ninh cua d:it nu&c.


Di~u 40. Nqi dung ho~t dt}ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~

l. Nghien cuu khoa h9c co ban, khoa h9c xa h{)i va nhan van, khoa h9c giao dvc, khoa h9c cong ngh~ ctS t~o ra tri thuc va san ph.lm m6i.

2. (fng di,mg cac kSt qua nghien c(ru, chuy~n giao cong ngh~ vao thvc ti§n san xu~t va doi s6ng.

3. Xay dvng cac phong thi nghi~m, cac ca s& nghien CU'U phvc V\l dao t~o va nghien cuu khoa h9c, cac vuon uam cong ngh~, gin phat triSn cong ngh~ v6i t~o san ph~m m&i.

4. Tham gia tuySn ch9n, tu v~, phan bi?n, thvc hi~n cac nhi?m vv, hgp d6ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~, cac nhi~m V\l theo dan d~t hang.

Di~u 41. Nhi~m VI}- va quySn h~n cua CO' SO' giao dye d~i hQC trong ho~t dqng khoa hqc va cong ngh~

1. Xay dvng, thvc hi~n chiSn luge va kS ho~ch phat triSn khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

2. Nghien cuu. khoa h9c va cong ngh? dS ph\lC V\l va nang cao ch§.t lm;mg dao t~o.

3. Nghien cuu. khoa h9c va chuySn giao cong ngh~ nh~m t~o ra tri thuc, cong nght giai phap m6i, g6p ph~n phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i phu hgp v6i nang lvc khoa h9c, cong ngh~ ctia nha truong.

4. Tv chu, tv chiu trach nhi~m trong vi~c ky kSt hgp d6ng khoa h9c va cong ngh?; thvc hi~n cac nhi~m V\l khoa h9c va cong ngh~; dang ky tham gia tuySn ch9n thvc hi~n nhi?m V\l khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

5. Sir dl)ng tiSn, tai san, gia tri tai san tri tut cac nguc3n thu hqp phap dS thvc hi~n cac nhi?m V\l khoa h9c va cong ngh~, san xufrt kinh doanh.

6. Thanh l~p t6 chuc nghien cuu va phat triSn, t6 chuc dich V\l khoa h9c va cong ngh~, doanh nghi~p khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

7. Duqc bao h9 quySn s& hfru tri tu~; chuySn giao, chuyfu nhuqng kSt qua ho~t c19ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~; cong b<3 kat qua ho~t d9ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

8. Bao v~ lqi ich cua Nha nu&c va xa h()i; quySn va lqi ich hgp phap cu.a t6 chuc, ca nhan ho~t d9ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~; gifr bi m~t khoa h9c va cong ngh~ theo quy dinh cua phap lu?t.

9. Cac nhi~m V\l va quySn h~n khac theo quy djnh cua phap lu?t. Di~u 42. Trach nhi~m ciia Nha ntrlrc v~ phat tri~n khoa hqc va cong


I. Chinh phu quy dinh vi?c dfiu tu phat triSn tiSm Ive va khuySn khich ho~t d9ng khoa h9c va cong nght; trong cac co sa giao d1,1c d~i h9c, uu tien cho cac cos& giao d1,1c d~i h9c c6 tiSm lvc m,;mh vs nhan Ive nghien cuu va triSn khai ung d1,1ng.


2. B9 KJ10a h9c va Cong ngh~ chu tri, ph6i hqp v6i BQ Giao dl)c va Dao t?o, B9 KS ho?ch va Dfiu tu, B9 Tai chinh xay d1_mg chinh sach uu tien dfiu tu phat triSn khoa h9c va c6ng ngh~ trong cac ca sb giao dl)c d?i h9c.

3. B9 Giao dl,lc va Dao t?o chu tri, ph6i hqp v6i B(> Khoa h9c va Cong ngh~, cac b9, nganh c6 lien quan quy djnh vS ho?t d<)ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~ trong cac ca sa giao dl,lC d:;ii h9c.



f>i~u 43. Myc tieu ho~t d<)ng hqp tac qu6c t~

1. Nang cao chgt lm:;mg giao d1,1c d~i h9c theo huang hi~n d:;ii, tiSp c?n nSn giao d1,1c d~i h9c tien tiSn trong khu V\fC va tren thS gi&i.

2. T~o diSu ki~n dS CO' so giao dvc d~i h9c phat triSn b~n vfrng, dao t~o ngu6n nhan Ive co trinh de) va ch~t luqng cao, ph\lc vv sv nghi?p c6ng nghi?p h6a, hi~n d,;ti h6a dgt nu6c.

f>i~u 44. Cac hinh thuc hqp tac qu6c t~ ctia CO' SO' giao dl}C d~i hqc

I. Lien kSt dao t~o.

2. Thanh l~p van phong d9-i di~n cua co so giao dl)c d?i h9c nuac ngoai t9-i Vi~t Nam.

3. Hqp tac nghien cuu khoa h9c va chuySn giao cong ngh~, tb chuc h9i nghi, fo)i thao khoa h9c.

4. Tu v~n, tai trq, d~u tu phat triSn ca sa V?t chit, trang thiSt bi. 5. B6i duang, trao d6i giang vien, nghien cuu vien, can b9 quan ly va

nguai h9c.

6. Lien k@t thu vi~n, trao d6i thong tin ph1,1c vv ho9-t d9ng dao t9-o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~; cung tmg chuong trinh dao t9-o; trao d6i cac §n ph~m, tai li~u va k~t qua ho~t d<)ng dao t9-o, khoa h9c va cong ngh~.

,7. Tham gia cac tb chuc giao d1,1c, khoa h9c, h{)i nghS nghi?p khu vvc va qu6c te.

ngoai. 8. Ma van phong d<;li di~n ca s& giao dvc d9-i h9c cua Vi~t Nam &nuac

9. Cic hinh thuc hqp tac khac theo quy dinh cua phap lu?t.

f)i~u 45. Lien k~t dao t~o v&i DtrO'C ngoai

1. Lien kSt dao t9-o v&i nuac ngoai la vi~c xay dvng va thgc hi?n chuang trinh hqp tac dao t?o gifra co sb giao d1,1c d~i h9c Vi~t Nam v6i co so giao d\lC d:;ii h9c nuac ngoai, nhfun thvc hi~n chuong trinh dao t~iO dS c§p van b~ng ho~c c~p chung chi, nhung kh6ng hinh thanh phap nhan m6i


2. Chuang trinh lien kSt dao t?o v6i nu6c ngoai la chuang trinh cu.a nu6c ngoai ho(lc chuang trinh do hai ben cung xay dµng. Chuang trinh dao t<:1O duqc thµc hi~n toan b<) t?i Vi~t Nam hoi;lc m<)t phin t?i Vi~t Nam va rnc)t ph~n t?i nu6c ngoai.

3. Cac ca SO' giao dvc d1,1i h9c lien kSt dao tf;LO v6i nu6c ngoai phai darn bao nhfrng diSu ki?n vs d9i ngu giang vien; ca SO' v~t chfi.t, thiSt bi; chuang trinh, n9i dung giang d1,1y; tu each phap ly; gi§y chung nh?n kiSrn dinh chfi.t luqng do ca quan kiSrn dinh ch!t luqng nu6c ngoai clip hoi;lc do B• Giao dvc va Dao t1,1O c6ng nh~; gifi.y phep dao t?O trong linh vµc lien kSt.

4. B9 trucmg B• Giao dvc va Dao t<;1O phe duy~t chuang trinh lien kSt dao t1,1O v6i nu6c ngoai trinh d9 cao ding, d<;ii h9c, th1,1c sI, tiSn si

Giarn d<3c d:;i,i h9c phe duy~t chuang trinh lien k~t dao t?o v6i nu&c ngoai trinh d9 cao ding, d<;ii h9c, th:;i,c sI, tiSn sT t6 chuc t?i d1,1i h9c.

5. Truong hqp chuang trlnh lien kSt dao t:;io v&i nu&c ngoai bi dinh chi tuySn sinh hoi;lc bj ch§.rn dm ho?t d<)ng do khong duy tri diSu ki~n quy dinh t?i khoan 3 DiSu nay, ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c phai bao dam lqi ich hqp phap cu.a giang vien, nguai h9c va nguai lao d<)ng; b6i hoan kinh phi cho nguai h9c, thanh toan cac khoan thu lao giang d<;iy, cac quySn lqi khac cu.a giang vien va nguai lao d9ng theo hqp d6ng lao d9ng da ky kSt ho~c th6a u6c lao d9ng t~p thS, thanh toan cac khoan nq thuS va cac khoan nq khac (nSu c6).

6. Ca s& giao dvc d?,i h9c phai cong b<3 cong khai cac thong tin lien quan vs chuang trinh lien kSt dao t?O v&i nu&c ngoai tren trang thong tin di~n tu cua nha truang va phuang ti~n thong tin d<;1.i chCmg.

Di~u 46. Van phong d~i di~n

1. Van phong d?i di~n cua ca s& giao d\lc d;;i.i h9c nu&c ngoai c6 chuc nang d?i di~n cho ca s& giao dvc d?i h9c nu&c ngoai.

2. Van phong dq.i di~n c6 cac nhi~rn V\l, quySn hq.n sau day:

a) Thuc dfiy hqp tac v&i ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c Vi~t Nam thong qua vi~c xuc ti€n xay dµng cac chuang trinh, dµ an hqp tac trong lihh vµc giao d\lc dq.i h9c;

b) TB chuc cac ho1,1t d<)ng giao luu, tu vful, trao dBi thong tin, h()i thao, triSn lam trong linh vµc giao dvc dq.i h9c nh~m gi&i thi~u vS t6 chfrc, ca s& giao dvc d?,i h9c nu&c ngoai;

c) Don d6c, giam sat vi~c thµc hi~n cac thoa thufm hqp tac giao dvc d?,i h9c da ky kSt v&i cac ca SO' giao d\lC dq.i h9c Vi~t Nam;

d) Khong duqc thµc hi~n hrn;it d9ng giao dvc d:;i,i h9c sinh lqi trµc tiSp t?i Vi~t Nam va khong duqc phep thanh l~p chi nhanh trµc thu<)c van phong d1;1i di~n cu.a ca s& giao d\lc d1,1i h9c nu&c ngoai t?i Vi~t Nam.

3. Ca s& giao d\lc d<;ii h9c nu&c ngoai dugc c§.p gifi.y phep thanh l?p van


phong d?i di~n t?i Vi~t Nam khi c6 du cac diSu ki~n sau day:

a) C6 tu each phap nhan;

b) C6 thai gian ho?t d9ng giao dvc d?i h9c it nh§.t la 05 nam o nu&c so t?i;

c) C6 diSu 1~, ton chi, mvc dich ho?,t d9ng ro rang;

d) C6 quy chS t6 chuc, hoi;it dong cua van phong d.;ii di~n dv ki~n thanh l~p t?i Vi~t Nam phu hqp v6i quy dinh cua phap lu~t Vi~t Nam.

4. B9 truong B9 Giao dvc va Bao t?,o c§.p gi§.y phep thanh l~p van phong d?,i di~n cua ca so giao dl;l.C nuac ngoai hoi;lt d9ng trong linh V\fC giao dvc d.;ii h9c.

5. Van phong d?i di~n cua ca so giao dvc d?i h9c nu&c ngoai ch§.m dut ho?,t d9ng trong cac truang hqp sau:

a) HSt thai h?n ghi trong gi!y phep;

b) Theo dS nghi cua ca so giao dvc d?i h9c nu6c ngoai thanh l~p van phong d?i di~n;

c) Gi§.y phep bi thu h6i vi kh6ng ho?t d(mg sau thai h~n 06 thang, k@ tu ngay duqc d.p gi§.y phep ldn ddu ho~c 03 thang, kS tu ngay duqc gia hl; gi§.y phep;

d) Bi phat hi~n c6 S\f gia mi;lO trong h& sa dS nghi c§.p gi§.y phep thanh l:1i,p van phong d?i di~n;

d) C6 nhfrng ho?t d{mg trai v&i n9i dung cua gi§.y phep;

e) Vi phi;lm cac quy dinh khac cua phap lu?t Vi~t Nam.

Di~u 47. Nhi~m V\l va quySn h~n ciia cO' so- giao d\lc d~i hqc trong ho'Jt d<)ng hgp tac qu6c t~

1. Thvc hi~n cac hinh thuc hqp tac qu6c tS quy djnh t?i BiSu 44 cua Lu~t nay.

2. Tuan thu cac quy dinh cua phap lu~t Vi~t Nam va diSu u&c qu5c tS ma C9ng hoa xa h9i chu nghia Vi~t Nam la thanh vien.

3. Duqc bao h9 quySn, lqi ich hqp phap theo quy djnh cua phap lu~t Vi~t Nam va diSu UO'C qu6c tS ma C9ng hoa xa h9i chu nghia Vi~t Nam la thanh vien.

DiSu 48. Trach nhi~m cua Nha DU'O'C vi hgp tac qu6c t~ 1. Chinh phu co chinh sach phu hqp thvc hi~n cac cam k~t song

phuang va da phuang, nh~m ti;io diSu ki~n phat triSn ho?t dqng hqp tac qu6c tS cua cac ca so giao dl;lC di;li h9c theo nguyen tic dap ung yeu d.u phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i cua d§.t nu&c, phu hqp v6i chiSn luqc va quy ho?,ch phat triSn giao dvc d?i h9c; tang cuang quan ly vS lien doanh, lien kSt giao dl;l.c d?i h9c v&i nu&c ngoai.


2. Thu tu&ng Chinh phu quy dinh chinh sach d~u tu, ch~ d9 dai ng9 nh~m thu hut cac nha khoa h9c va nguoi Vi~t Nam a nu&c ngoai tham gia ho?t d9ng tai trg, giang d:;iy, nghien cuu khoa h9c va chuySn giao cong ngh?; quy dinh Cl,l thS diSu ki~n, thu t\IC vs hgp tac qu6c tS quy dinh t?i cac diSu 44, 45 va 46 cua Lu?t nay.

3. B9 truang B9 Giao dl,lC va Dao t:;io quy dinh vi~c khuySn khich CO' sa giao d1:1c d?i h9c dfiu tu, ma r(mg giao hru, hqp tac qu6c t@ trong ho?t d9ng giang d:;iy, dao t?o, nghien cuu khoa h9c va chuySn giao cong ngh~ v&i nu&c ngoai; quy djnh vi?c quan ly ho:;it d9ng ca sa giao d1.1c d:;ti h9c nu&c ngoai t:;ii Vi~t Nam, vi~c lien k@t cua CO' SO' giao d1,1c d:;ti h9c Vi~t Nam v&i CO' SO' giao d1:1c d:;ti h9c nu&c ngoai.



Di~u 49. M\}C tieu, nguyen t~c va dBi tll'qng ki~m djnh chit ll1'9'ng giao dlJC d~i h9c

1. Ml,lC tieu cua kiSm dinh Iugng giao d1:1c d<;1.i h9c:

a) Bao dam va mlng cao chiit Iugng giao dl)c d:;ti h9c;

b) Xac nh~n muc d9 ca sa giao d1.1c d:;ti h9c hoclic chuang trinh dao t:;to dap {mg m1:1c tieu giao d\}C d;;ti h9c trong tung giai do?IT nhftt dinh;

c) Lam can cu dS CO' sa giao dl,lC d:;ti h9c giai trinh v&i cac CO' quan quan Iy nha nu&c co thilm quySn va xa h(li vS thvc tr:;tng Iugng dao t:;io;

d) Lam CO' sa cho nguoi h9c Iva ch9n CO' SO' giao d1.1c d?i h9c, chuang trinh dao t:;io va nha tuySn d\lllg lao d9ng tuySn ch9n nhan Ive.

2. Nguyen tic ki~m dinh ch§.t luqng giao dl,lc d?i h9c:

a) D9c I?p, khach quan, dung phap lu~t;

b) Trung thvc, cong khai, minh b:;tch;

c) Binh ding, bit bu9c, djnh ky.

3. D6i tugng kiSm dinh lugng giao d\lc d?i h9c:

a) Ca sa giao d1:1c d:;ti h9c; b) Chuang trinh dao t:;to cac trinh d9 cua giao d\lc d:;ti h9c.

Di~u 50. Trach nhifm cu.a cO' sfr giao d\Jc d~i hqc trong vi~c dam bao ch~t lll'qng giao d1,1c d~i hqc

1. Thanh l~p t6 chuc chuyen trach vS bao dam luqng giao dvc d:;ti h9c.

2. Xay dvng Va thvc hi~n kS ho;;tch bao dam lugng giao d\].C d:;ti h9c.


3. Tt,r danh gia, cai tiSn, nang cao ch§.t luqng dao t<;10; dinh ky dang ky kiSm djnh chuang trinh dao t?o va kiSm dinh ca sa giao d\lc d;;i.i h9c.

4. Duy tri va phat triGn cac di6u ki~n bao dam ch§.t luqng dao t<;10, g6m:

a) D(li ngfi giang vien, can b9 quan ly, nhan vien;

b) Chuang trinh dao t?o, giao trinh, tai li~u giang d?Y, h9c t?p;

c) Phong h9c, phong lam vi~c, thu vi~n, h~ th6ng cong ngh~ thong tin, phong thi nghi~m, CO' so thµc hanh, ky tuc xa va cac CO' so dich V\l khac;

d) Ngu6n lµc tai chinh.

5. Cong b6 cong khai die diSu ki~n bao dam chM luqng dao t?O, k~t qua dao t:;io va nghien cuu khoa h9c, kSt qua danh gia va kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng tren trang thong tin di~n tu cua B9 Ghio dvc va Dao t;;i.o, cua ca so giao dvc d;;i.i h9c va phuang ti~n thong tin d<;1i chung.

f>!~u 51. Nhifm VI} va quy~n h~n cua cO' giao dl}c d~i hqc v~ ki~m djnh chat hrqng giao dl}c d~i hqc

I. Chiu sv kiSm dinh ch§t luqng giao dvc khi c6 yeu cdu cua ca quan quan ly nha nu6c vS giao dvc.

2. Thvc hi~n chS d9 thong tin, bao cao kSt qua kiSm dinh ch§.t luQTig giao dvc d<;1i h9c.

3. Duqc Iva ch9n t6 chuc kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng giao dvc trong s6 cac t6 chuc kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng giao dvc duqc B9 Giao dvc va Bao t;;i.o cong nh@n dS kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng ca so giao dvc d;;i.i hQC va chuang trinh dao t;;i.o.

4. Duqc khiSu n;;i.i, t6 cao v6i ca quan c6 th!m quySn vS cac quySt dinh, kSt lu?n, hanh vi vi ph;;i.m phap lu?t cua t6 chuc, ca nhan thvc hi~n kiSm djnh luqng giao dvc d;;i.i h9c.

fli~u 52. T6 chrrc ki~m djnh ch§t hrqng giao dl}c 1. T6 chuc kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng giao dvc c6 nhi~m V\l danh gia va

cong nh?n ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c va chuang trinh dao t?o d;;i.t tieu chu§n ch§.t luqng giao dvc d?i h9c.

T6 chuc kiSm dinh chfrt luQTig giao dvc c6 tu each phap nhan, chiu trach nhi~m tru6c phap lu?t vS ho.,it d9ng kiSm dinh chftt luQTig giao dvc d;;i.i h9c.

2. T6 chuc kiSm dinh chfrt luqng giao dvc duqc thanh l?p khi c6 dS an thanh l?p phu hqp v6i quy ho.,ich m?ng lu6i t6 chuc kiSm dinh ch&t luqng giao dvc; duqc phep ho?t d(mg kiSm djnh ch&t luqng giao d\lc khi c6 ca so V?t ch§.t, thiSt bi, tai chinh, d(H ngu kiSm dinh vien dap ung yeu cgu ho.,it d9ng kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng giao dvc d;;i.i h9c.

3. B9 tru&ng B9 Giao dvc va Dao ti;to ban hanh chu§n qu6c gia d6i v&i ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c; quy dinh vS tieu chu&n danh gia ch§.t luqng giao dvc d9i h9c, chu§n d6i v6i chuang trinh dao t;;i.o cac trinh d9 cua giao dvc d;;i.i h9c,


yeu c§u t<3i thieu dJ chuong trinh dao t/;lo duqc thvc hi~n; quy trinh va chu ky kiSm djnh chfit luqng giao dvc d:.;ii h9c; nguyen tiic ho:.;it d<)ng, diSu ki~n va tieu chuful cua t6 chuc, ca nhan ho~t d9ng kiSm dinh ch§.t luqng giao dvc; vi~c c§.p, thu h6i gifiy chung nh~n kiSm dinh ch§.t lm;mg giao dµc; quyJt dinh thanh l~p ho~c cho phep thanh l~p t6 chuc kiSm dinh chfit luqng giao d\lc; cho phep ho~t d9ng kiSm dinh chfit luqng giao d\lC.

Di~u 53. Sir dl}ng k€t qua ki~m djnh chit hrgng giao dvc d~i h9c

K~t qua kiSm dinh ch§t luqng giao d\lC d:.;ii h9c duqc SU di.,mg lam can cu dS xac dinh chftt luqng giao dvc d~i h9c, vi thi va uy tin cu.a CO' so giao dvc d~i h9c; thvc hi~n quySn tv chu, tv chiu trach nhi?m; h6 trq dfiu tu, giao nhi~m vv; la can cu dS Nha nu&c va xa h<)i giam sat ho/;lt d9ng cua CO' so giao d\lc d:;ii h9c.

Di~u 54. Giang vien



I. Giang vien trong co so giao dvc d~i h9c. la nguai c6 nhan than ro rang; c6 phftm chfit, d~o due t6t; c6 sue khoe theo yeu d.u nghS nghi?p; d~t trinh d9 vS chuyen mon, nghi~p v1,1 guy dinh t~i diSm e khoan I DiSu 77 cua Lu~t giao dvc.

2. Chuc danh cu.a giang vien bao g6m trq giang, giang vien, giang vien chinh, pho giao SU, giao SU.

3. Trinh d9 chu§.n cua chuc danh giang vien giang d:;iy trinh d9 d:.;ii h9c la th:;ic sT tr& len. Truong hqp d~c bi?t 6 m9t s6 nganh chuyen mon d~c thu do B9 truang B• giao dvc va dao t~o quy djnh.

Hi~u tnr&ng ca s6 giao d1,1c d:;ii h9c uu tien tuySn d1,1ng nguai c6 trinh d<) tu th:;ic SI tr6 len lam giang vien.

4. Bo tru6ng B9 Giao dvc va Dao t~o ban hanh chuang trinh b6i duong nghi~p V\l SU ph/;lm, quy dinh vi~c b6i duang, SU d\,lllg giang vien.

Di€u 55. Nhifm V\J. va quySn cua giang vien

I. Giang d:;iy theo mvc tieu, chuong trinh dao t~o va thvc hi~n d§y du, c6 ch§t luqng chuong trinh dao t~o.

2. Nghien cuu, phat triSn ung d\lng khoa hQC va chuySn giao cong ngh~, bao dam chfit luqng dao t~o.

3. Dinh ky h9c t~p, b6i duong nang cao trinh d9 ly lu~n chinh tri, chuyen mon nghi~p V\l va phuong phap giang d~y.

4. Giu gin phim ch§t, uy tin, danh dv cua giang vien.

5. Ton tn;mg nhan each cua nguai h9c, d6i xu cong b[ing v&i nguai h9c,


bao v~ cac quy~n, lqi ich chinh dang cua nguoi h9c.

6. Tham gia quan ly va giam sat ca s& giao d\lc d?i h9c, tham gia cong tac Dang, doan th~ va cac cong tac khac.

7. Duqc ky hqp d6ng thinh giang va nghien cuu khoa h9c v&i cac ca s& giao d\lc d;;ii h9c, ca s& nghien cuu khoa h9c theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

8. Duqc b6 nhi?m chuc danh cua giang vien, duqc phong t~ng danh hi~u Nha giao nhan dan, Nha giao uu tu va duqc khen thu&ng theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

9. Cac nhi?m V\l va quy~n khac theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

Di~u 56. Chinh sach dBi v6'i giang vien

1. Giang vien trong ca s& giao dl).c d?i h9c duqc cu di h9c nang cao trinh di\ b6i duong chuyen mon, nghi~p Vl).; duqc hu&ng tiSn Iuang, ph\l c§p uu dai theo nghS, ph\l c§p tham nien va cac ph\l c~p khac theo quy djnh cu.a Chinh phu.

2. Giang vien trong ca s& giao dvc d?i h9c o vung co di~u ki~n kinh tS - xa h()i d~c bi~t kho khan duqc t?O diSu ki~n vS ch& o, duqc hu&ng chS d9 phl). c§p va cac chinh sach uu dai theo quy djnh cua Chinh phu.

3. Nha nu&c co chinh sach diSu d()ng, bi~t phai giang vien lam vi~c t?i ca s& giao d\}C d?i h9c &vung c6 diSu ki~n kinh tS - xa h9i d~c bi~t kho khan; khuySn khich giang vien trong ca s& giao dvc d?i h9c &vung thu~n lqi dSn Cong tac t?i cac ca so giao dl).C d?i h9c &vung c6 diSu ki~n kinh t8 - xa h9i d~c bi~t kh6 khan; t?O diSu ki~n dS giang vien o vung nay an tam cong tac.

4. Giang vien c6 trinh d() tiSn si, giang vien c6 chuc danh giao SU, ph6 giao su cong tac trong ca so giao dvc d?i h9c c6 th@ keo dai thoi gian lam vi~c kS tir khi du tu6i nghi huu d@ giang d?y, nghien cuu khoa h9c, nSu c6 du sue khoe, tµ nguy~n keo dai thoi gian lam vi~c, d6ng thai ca s& giao d\lc d?i h9c co nhu cclu.

5. Thu tu&ng Chinh phu quy dinh C\l thS chinh sach dfii v&i giang vien trong ca s& giao dvc d:;ti h9c.

Di~u 57. Giang vien thinh giang va bao cao vien

1. Giang vien thinh giang trong ca so giao dl).c d?i h9c duqc quy djnh t<;1i DiSu 74 cu.a Lu~t giao dvc.

Giang vien thinh giang thvc hi~n cac nhi~m V\J. va duqc hu&ng cac quySn theo hqp d6ng thinh giang duqc ky gifra hi~u truang ca so giao dvc d<;1i h9c v&i giang vien thinh giang.

2. Ca so giao dvc d?i h9c duqc moi giang vien thinh giang, moi bao cao vien la cac chuyen gia, nha khoa h9c, doanh nhan, ngh~ nhan 6 trong nu&c va nu&c ngoai.


3. B9 tru&ng Be) Giao dvc va Dao t?O quy djnh C\l th€ v~ giang vien thinh giang va bao cao vien.

Di~u 58. Cac hanh vi giang vien khong dm]'c lam

1. X{1c ph:;un danh dv, nhan ph§m, xam ph?m than th~ nguai h9c va nguoi khac.

2. Gian l?n trong ho?t d<)ng dao t?o, nghien cuu khoa h9c.

3. Lc;ri dvng danh hi~u nha giao va ho?t d<)ng giao dvc dS thvc hi?n hanh vi vi ph?m phap lu?t.

Di~u 59. Ngurri h9c



Nguoi h<;>c la nguoi dang h<;>c t?p va nghien cuu khoa h9c t?i ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c, g6m sinh vien cua chuang trinh dao t?o cao ding, chuang trinh dao t?O d<;1.i h9c; h9c vien cua chuang trinh dao t?O thc;tc sr; nghien cuu sinh cua chuang trinh dao t?o tiSn si.

Di~u 60. Nhi~m VI} va quyin cua nguiYi h9c

1. H9c t?p, nghien cuu khoa h9c, ren luy~n theo quy djnh.

2. Ton tn;mg giang vien, can b9 quan ly, vien chuc va nhan vien cua ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c; doan kSt, giup da l~n nhau trong h9c t?p va ren luy~n.

3. Tham gia lao d{)ng va ho?t d9ng xa h9i, ho?t d(mg bao v~ moi truang, bao v~ an ninh, tr?t tv, phong, ch&ng tieu C\fC, gian l?n trong h9c t?P va thi cu, phong ch6ng t9i ph?m, t~ n~m xa h9i.

4. Dugc ton tr9ng va d6i xu binh dilng, khong phan bi~t nam nu, clan t9c, ton giao, ngu6n g&c xu§.t than, dugc cung cfrp d§.y du thong tin vs vi~c h9c t?P, ren luy~n.

5. Dugc t?o diSu ki~n trong h9c t?p, tham gia hoq.t d<)ng khoa h9c va cong ngh~, cac ho?t d(?ng van h6a, thS dvc, thS thao.

6. 06ng g6p y kiSn, tham gia quan ly va giam sat ho?t d<)ng giao dvc va cac diSu ki~n bao dam ch§.t lugng giao dvc.

7. Dugc hu&ng chinh sach d&i v&i nguoi h9c thrn)c d&i tugng hu&ng uu tien va chinh sach xa h9i.

8. Cac nhi~m V\} va quySn khac theo quy dinh cua phap lu?t.

Di~u 61. Cac hanh vi nguiYi h9c khong duq-c lam

1. Xue ph?m nhan ph!m, danh dv, xam ph?m than thS giang vien, can b9 quan ly giao dvc, nhan vien, nguoi h9c cua ca sa giao dgc d?i h9c va nguoi khac.


2. Gian l~n trong h9c t~p, kiSm tra, thi cu, tuySn sinh.

3. Tham gia t~ n?n xa h{)i, gay r6i an ninh tr~t tv trong ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c ho~c nai cong c9ng va cac hanh vi vi phq.m phap lu~t khac.

4. T6 chuc ho~c tham gia cac ho?t d9ng vi ph?m phap lu~t.

I>i~u 62. Chinh sach o6i v&i ngm1i h9c 1. Nguai h9c trong ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c duqc hu&ng cac chinh sach

vS h9c b6ng va trg dip xa h9i, chS d9 cu tuySn, tin dt,mg giao dvc, miSn, giam phi <lich vv cong c(>ng theo quy djnh t?.i cac di~u 89, 90, 91 va 92 cua Lu~t giao d1,1c.

2. Nguai h9c die nganh chuyen mon d~c thu dap ung yeu c~u phat triSn kinh tS - xa h9i, qu6c phong an ninh khong phai dong h9c phi, dugc uu tien trong vi~c xet cfip h9c b6ng, trg cfrp xa h9i.

3. Chinh phu quy dinh c1,1 th@ chinh sach uu tien d5i v&i nguai h9c thm)c dBi tugng dugc hu&ng uu tien va chinh sach xa h9i.

Di~u 63. Nghia V\l lam vi~c co thjyi fo~n theo SI! di~u d<)ng cua Nha IllfO'C

1. Nguai h9c chuang trinh giao d1,1c d?,i h9c n€u dugc hucmg h9c b6ng va chi phi dao t?o do Nha nu&c cfip ho~c do mr&c ngoai tai trg theo Hi~p dinh ky k6t v&i Nha nu&c Vi~t Nam, thi sau khi t6t nghi~p phai chftp hanh sv diSu d9ng lam vi~c cua Nha nu&c trong thai gian it nhfrt la gfrp doi thai gian dugc hu&ng h9c bf>ng va chi phi dao t?o, nSu khong chip hanh thi phai b6i hoan h9c b6ng, chi phi dao t;,io.

2. Trong thai h?n 12 thang, kS tu ngay nguai h9c dugc cong nh?n t6t nghi~p, ca quan nha nu&c c6 thAm quySn c6 trach nhi~m phan cong lam vi~c dBi v&i nguai h9c da dugc cong nh~ t6t nghi~p, qua thai h?n tren, nSu nguai h9c khong dugc phan cong lam vi~c thi khong phai b6i hoan h9c b6ng, chi phi dao t?,O.

3. Chinh phu quy dinh c1,1 th@ vS b6i hoan h9c b6ng va chi phi dao t?,o.



Di~u 64. Ngu6n tai chinh cua CO' SO' giao dI]C d~i h9c

Cac ngu6n tai chinh cua ca s6 giao d1,1c d?i h9c bao g6m:

1. Ngan sach nha nu&c (nSu co);

2. H9c phi va 1~ phi tuy@n sinh;

3. Thu tu cac ho<;1,t d(mg hgp tac dao t?o, khoa h9c cong ngh~, san xu~t, kinh doanh va djch v1,1;


4. Tai trg, vi9n trg, qua biSu, t~g, cho cua cac ca nhan, t6 chuc trong nuac va nuac ngoai;

5. D:lu tu cua cac t6 chuc, ca nhan trong nuac va nu&c ngoai;

6. Ngu6n thu hgp phap khac theo quy dinh cua phap lwjt.

Di€u 65. H9c phi, I~ phi tuy~n sinh

I. H9c phi, 1~ phi tuy8n sinh la khoan tiSn ma nguai h9c phai n<)p cho CO' s& giao dl,!C d?i h9c d8 bu dip chi phi dao t?O,

2. Chinh phu quy dinh rn)i dung, phuang phap xay d\111g muc h9c phi, 1~ phi tuySn sinh, khung h9c phi, 1~ phi tuy8n sinh dBi vai cac ca s6 giao dl,lc d?i h9c cong l~p.

3. Ca s& giao dl,!C d?i h9c cong l~p dugc quySn chu d9ng xay dvng va quySt dinh muc thu h9c phi, 1~ phi tuySn sinh n§.m trong khung h9c phi, I~ phi tuySn sinh do Chinh phu quy dinh.

4. Ca s6 giao dl,lc d?i h9c tu th\lc, ca s6 giao dl,lc d?i h9c co vdn d&u tu nuac ngoai dugc quySn chu d{>ng xay d\111g va quySt dinh muc thu h9c phi, 1~ phi tuySn sinh theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

5. Muc thu h9c phi, 1~ phi tuySn sinh phai dugc cong b6 cong khai cung thai diSm vai thong bao tuy8n sinh.

6. Ca so giao dl,lc d?i h9c thvc hi~n chuang trinh dao t?o ch§.t lugng cao dugc thu h9c phi tuang xung v&i chdt lugng dao t?o.

B9 truang B9 Ghio dl,lc va Dao t?o quy djnh tieu chi xac dinh chuang trinh dao t?o ch§.t lugng cao; co trach nhi?m quan ly, giam sat muc thu h9c phi tuang xung v&i ch§.t lugng dao t?O.

Bi~u 66. Quan ly tai chinh ciia CO' SO' giao d\JC clti h9c 1. Ca scr giao dl,lC d?i hqc thvc hi~n ch~ d9 tai chinh, kS toan, kiSm toan,

thuS va cong khai tai chinh theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t.

2. Ca s6 giao d\lc d?i h9c c6 su dl,lng ngan sach nha nu&c dugc Nha nu&c giao nhi~m V\J. g§.n vai ngubn ngan sach nha nu&c dS thvc hi~n nhi~m V\J. c6 trach nhi~m quan ly, su d\mg ngu6n ngan sach nha nu&c theo quy dinh cua Lu~t ngan sach nha nu&c.

3. Ph§.n tai chinh chenh l~ch giua thu va chi tu ho?t d9ng dao t?o, nghien cuu khoa h9c cua CO' s6 giao dl,!C d?i h9c tu thvc dugc SU d\lllg nhu sau:

a) Danh it nhc1t 25% dS d§.u tu phat tri8n CO' s6 giao d\lC d?i h9c, cho cac ho?t d{,ng giao dl,lc, xay dvng ca so v~t chit, mua silm trang thiSt bi, dao t?o, b6i duong giang vien, vien chuc, can be) quan ly giao dvc, phl,!C V\l cho ho?t d(mg h9c t~p va sinh ho?t cua nguai h9c ho~c cho cac m\}c dich tu thi~n, thvc hi~n trach nhi~m xa h<)i. Ph§.n nay dugc miSn thuS;


b) Ph~n con l<,1i, nSu phan ph6i cho cac nha d~u tu va nguai lao d<)ng cua CCY SO' giao dvc d<,1i h9c thi phai n()p thus theo quy dinh cu.a phap lu~t vs thuS.

4. Gia tri tai san tich Hiy duqc trong qua trinh ho?t d9ng cu.a CCY SCT giao dµc d<;ti h9c tu thvc va gia tri cu.a cac tai san duqc tai trq, ung he), hiSn t?ng cho CO' SO' giao dvc d?i h9c tu thvc la tai san chung khong chia, duqc quan ly theo nguyen tile bao toan va phat tri6n.

5. Vi~c rut v6n va chuySn nhuqng v6n d6i v&i ca sa giao d\lc d?i h9c tu thvc thvc hi~n theo quy dinh cu.a Thu tu&ng Chfnh phu, bao dam sv 6n dinh va phat triSn cu.a CO' s6 giao dvc d?i h9c.

6. Chinh phu quy dinh phuong thuc va tieu chi phan b6 ngu6n ngan sach nha nu&c cho cac CO' sa giao dvc d?i h9c, vS tai chinh cu.a CCY s& giao d1.1c d?i h9c co v6n d!u tu nu&c ngoai trong ho?t d()ng giao d\)c.

7. BQ Giao d\].c va Dao t?O, cac be), ca quan ngang b9, Uy ban nhan dan d.p tinh kiSm tra, thanh tra vi~c quan ly va sir d\mg dung m\JC dich ngu6n tai chinh t?i cac CO' SO' giao d\lC d?i h9c.

Diiu 67. Quan ly va sir dl}ng tai san ciia CO' SO' giao dl}C d~i hQC

1. Co sa giao d\lc d1;1i h9c quan ly, sir d\lllg tai san duqc hinh thanh tir ngan sach nha nu&c theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t vS quan ly va su d\lng tai san nha nu&c; tv chu, tv chiu trach nhi~m quan ly va su d1.1ng tai san hinh thanh tir cac ngu6n ngoai ngan sach nha nu&c.

2. Tai san va d§.t dai duqc Nba nu&c giao cho ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c tu th\lC quan ly va tai san ma CO' SO' giao dvc d?i h9c tu thvc duqc tai trq, ung h9, hiSn t~ng phai duqc sir dtJng dung mvc dich, khong chuySn df>i ffi\lC dich sir dvng va khong duqc chuySn thanh so hfru tu nhan du&i b§.t cu hinh thuc nao.

3. Tai san cu.a ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c co v6n d§.u tu nu&c ngoai duqc Nha nu&c bao h9 theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t Vi?t Nam va diSu u&c qu6c tS ma C()ng hoa xa h9i chu nghia Vi~t Nam la thanh vien.

4. B9 Giao dvc va Dao t1;10, cac b9, ca quan ngang b(>, Uy ban nhan dan cftp tinh kiSm tra, thanh tra vi~c quan ly va sir d\lng tai san nha nu&c cua ca sa giao dvc d?i h9c theo quy dinh cu.a Chinh phu.



Di~u 68. N{>i dung quan ly nha DlfO'C v~ giao d1.1c d~i h9c

1. Xay dvng va chi d?o thvc hi~n chi8n luqc, quy ho<,1ch, kS ho?ch, chinh sach phat triSn giao dvc d?i h9c.

2. Ban hanh va t6 chuc thvc hi?n van ban quy ph1;tm phap lu~t v6 giao dvc d?i h9c.


3. Quy dinh kh6i lugng, c§.u true chuang trinh dao t?O, chu§.n d§.u ra t6i thiSu cua nguai hQC sau khi t6t nghi~p; tieu chu§.n giang vien; tieu chu§.n CO' s6 v~t ch§.t va thiSt bi cua CO' so giao dvc d?i h9c; vi~c bien s0<;1.n, xu§.t ban, in va phat hanh giao trinh, tai li~u giang d<;1,y; quy ch@ thi va c§.p van bing, chung chi.

4. Quan ly vi~c bao dam ch§.t lugng giao d1.1c d<;1,i h9c; quy dinh vS tieu chu§.n danh gia ch§.t lugng giao dvc d<;1,i h9c, chu§.n qu6c gia ci6i v6i ca s6 giao dvc d?i h9c, chu§.n d6i v6i chuang trinh dao t<;10 cac trinh d9 giao dvc d<;1,i h9c va yeu c§.u t6i thi8u d8 chuang trinh dao t~o dugc thvc hi~n, quy trinh, chu ky kiSm dinh ch§.t lugng giao dvc, quan ly nha nu6c vS kiSm djnh ch§.t lugng giao dvc d:;ii h9c.

5. Thvc hi?n cong tac th6ng ke, thong tin vS t8 chuc va ho<;1.t dc)ng giao dvc d~i h9c.

6. T6 chuc 69 may quan ly giao d1,1c d~i h9c.

7. Tb chuc, chi d<;10 vi~c dao t<;10, b6i duang, quan ly giang vien va can b(i quan ly giao dvc d?i h9c.

8. Huy dc)ng, quan ly, SU dvng cac ngu6n Ive dS phat triSn giao dvc d?i h9c.

9. T6 chuc, quan ly cong tac nghien cuu, ung dvng khoa h9c, cong ngh~, san xufit, kinh doanh trong Irnh vvc giao dvc d?i h9c.

10. T6 chuc, quan ly ho<;1.t d9ng hgp tac qudc tS vS giao dvc d?i h9c. 11. Quy dinh vi~c t~g danh hi~u vinh dv cho nguai c6 nhiSu cong lao

d&i v6i sv nghi~p giao dvc d?i h9c.

12. Thanh tra, kiSm tra vi~c chdp hanh phap lu~t, giai quy~t khiSu n?i, t6 cao va xu ly vi ph?ID phap lu~t vS giao dvc d?i h9c.

f>i~u 69. CO' quan quan ly nha nmrc v~ giao dye d~i hqc 1. Chinh phu th6ng nhfit quan ly nha nu6c vS giao dvc d?i h9c.

2. Be) Giao dvc va Dao t?o chiu trach nhi~m tru6c Chinh phu thvc hi~n quan ly nha nu&c vS giao dvc d?i h9c.

3. BQ, CO' quan ngang b9 ph6i hgp v6i B9 Giao dvc va Dao t?O thvc hi~n quan ly nha nu6c vS giao dvc d?i h9c theo thfim quySn.

4. Uy ban nhan dan c§.p tinh trong ph?m vi nhi~m vv, quySn h<;1.n cua minh thvc hi~n quan ly nha nu6c vS giao dvc d<;1,i h9c theo phan c§.p cua Chinh phu; kiSm tra vi~c ch§.p hanh phap lu?t vs giao dvc cua cac CO' s6 giao dvc d?i h9c tren dia ban; thvc hi~n xa h9i hoa giao dvc d?i h9c; bao dam dap ung yeu c§.u ma n)ng quy mo, nang cao chfit lugng va hi~u qua giao dvc d?i h9c t?i dja phuang.

f>i~u 70. Thanh tra, ki~m tra

1. Thanh tra ho?t dc)ng giao dvc d?i h9c, bao g6m:


a) Thanh tra vi~c thvc hi~n phap lu?t, chinh sach v8 giao d\lc d.;ti h9c;

b) Phat hi~n, ngan ch?n va xu ly theo thfim quySn ho?c ki@n nghi ca quan nha nu&c c6 th~m quySn xu ly cac vi ph(jlm phap lu?t v6 giao d\lc d?i hoc-. '

c) Xac minh, kiSn nghi ca quan nha nu6c c6 thfim quySn giai quy~t khi6u n?i, t& cao vs giao d\lC d?i h9c.

2. Thanh tra B9 Giao d\lC va Dao t:;i.o thvc hi~n nhi~m Vl), quySn h:;i.n thanh tra hanh chinh va thanh tra chuyen nganh vs giao dvc d:;i.i h9c.

3. B9 truong B9 Giao d\lc va Dao tr;to chi d:;:i.o, hu6ng d~n va t6 chuc thanh tra, kiSm tra vS giao d\lc d:;:i.i h9c. Cac b9, ca quan ngang b9, Uy ban nhan dan c:ip tinh ph6i hgp v6i B9 Ghio d\lC va Dao t?O thvc hi~n nhi~m V\l thanh tra, ki€m tra vS giao d\lc d?i h9c theo phan cong va phan c§.p cua Chinh phu.

4. Ca SO' giao d\lC d?i h9c thvc hi~n tv thanh tra va tv kiSm tra theo quy dinh cua phap lu~t. Hi~u truong ca so giao dvc d:;:i.i h9c chiu trach nhi~m vS thanh tra, kiSm tra trong ca so giao dµc d?i h9c.

Di~u 71. Xir ly vi ph~m T6 chuc, ca nhan c6 m9t trong cac hanh vi sau day thi tuy theo tfnh, muc d9 vi ph?m ma bj xu ly ky lu?t, xu ph:;:i.t vi ph?m hanh chinh; ca nhan con c6 thS bi truy cuu trach nhi~m hinh sv; nSu gay thi~t h?i thi phai b6i thuong theo quy dinh cua phap lu?t:

1. Thanh l?p ca so giao d\lc d?i h9c hoi,ic t6 chuc ho?t d9ng giao d\lc trai phap lu?t;

2. Vi ph?m cac quy dinh vS t6 chuc, ho?t d9ng cua ca so giao d\lc d?i hoc·. '

3. ban, in, phat hanh tai li~u trai phap lu?t;

4. Lam h6 so gia, vi ph~n quy chS tuySn sinh, thi cu va c:ip van b~ng, chung chi;

5. Xam ph?m nhan phfim, than thS giang vien, can b9 quan ly giao dvc; nguqc dai, hanh h:;:i. nguoi h9c;

6. Vi ph?m quy dinh v6 bao dam luqng va kiSm dinh chit lu9ng giao d\lc d:;:i,i h9c;

7. Gay r6i, lam m:it an ninh, tr~t tv trong ca SO' giao dvc d:;ii h9c;

8. Lam th§.t thoat kinh phi, lqi d\lng ho?t d9ng giao d\lc d:;ii h9c dS thu tiSn sai quy dinh ho~c vi mµc dfch vv lqi;

9. Gay thi~t h:;:i.i vS ca so v:;it ch~t cua ca so giao dµc d?i h9c;

10. Cac hanh vi khac vi ph:;:i.m phap lu?t vs giao dµc d?i h9c.




Di~u 72. Hi~u l\fc thi hanh

Lu~t nay co hi~u 1µc thi hanh kS tu ngay O1 thang O1 nam 2013. Di~u 73. Quy djnh chi ti~t va hu·&ng d~n thi hanh Chfnh phu, ca quan c6 th~m quy~n quy dinh chi tiJt, hu6ng d~n thi

hanh cac di~u, khoan duqc giao trong Lu~t.

Lug,t nay d!i thr(Jc Qu6c h9i mrac C9ng hoa xii h9i chit nghfa Vi¢t Nam kh6a XIII, ky h9p thir 3 thong qua ngay 18 thang 6 nam 2012.


So: t)9 /SY-VPCIN

CHU TlCH QUOC H•I Dii kf: Nguy~n Sinh Hung

SAO y BAN CHINH Ha N9i, ngay 02 thang 7 nam 2012 _


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