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Ley de Revisión de la Ley de Estatutos de 2011 (Ley N° 8 de 2011), Nauru

Versión obsoleta.  Ir a la versión más reciente en WIPO Lex
Detalles Detalles Año de versión 2011 Fechas Comienzo: 15 de abril de 2011 Promulgación: 15 de abril de 2011 Tipo de texto Otras textos Materia Patentes (Invenciones), Marcas, Diseños industriales Notas Schedule 1 – Amendment of Laws (section 12) of the Statute Law Revision Act 2011 provides for the amendment to section [82] "Amendment of First Schedule" of the "Laws Repeal and Adopting Ordinance 1922-1967" where the following laws of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia were specified and omitted therefrom: 1) Designs Act 1906-1934; 2) Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1910; 3) Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1914-1915; and 4) Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1932. The said laws are now featured in the "Historical Table of Adopted Laws" under the "Notes for Laws Repeal and Adopting Act 1922" of the latest consolidated version of the Laws Repeal and Adopting Ordinance 1922-1967.

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Statute Law Revision Act 2011 ______________________________

Act No. 8 of 2011 ______________________________

Table of Provisions

PART 1 – PRELIMINARY MATTERS 1 Short title .............................................................................................................1 2 Commencement..................................................................................................1

PART 2 – VALIDATION AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS 3 Validation of Agricultural Quarantine Act 1999....................................................1 4 Validation of Appeals (Amendment) Act 1974.....................................................2 5 Validation of Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957...............................2 6 Validation of fees charged for extracts from the Register of Births, Deaths and

Marriages............................................................................................................2 7 Validation of Disaster Risk Management Act 2008 .............................................2 8 Validation of Immigration (Amendment) Act 2005...............................................2 9 Validation of amendments to Nauru Air Corporation Act 1995............................2 10 Postal rates .........................................................................................................3 11 Transfer of assets of Nauru Insurance Corporation ............................................3

PART 3 – AMENDMENT AND REPEAL OF LAWS 12 Acts amended .....................................................................................................3 13 Repeal of laws.....................................................................................................3

SCHEDULE 1 - AMENDMENT OF LAWS Part AC – Accommodation Registration Act 2006...............................................4 Part AD – Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965-1967........................................5 Part AE – Aerodrome (Acquisition of Land) Act 1952-1968 ................................8 Part AP – Appeals Act 1972................................................................................9 Part BA – Banking Act 1975................................................................................9 Part BI – Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957-2009.....................................11 Part CE – Cemeteries Ordinance 1922-1967....................................................15 Part CEN – Census Act 1973............................................................................15 Part CI – Civil Aviation Act 2011 .......................................................................16 Part CIA – Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1995 .......................................17 Part CIP – Civil Procedure Act 1972 .................................................................17 Part COM – Commissions of Inquiry Ordinance 1948-1967..............................18

Statute Law Revision Act 2011

Part CON – Constitutional Review Committee Act 2004-2009..........................19 Part COP – Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1976................................20 Part COR – Corporation Act 1972.....................................................................21 Part COU – Courts Act 1972.............................................................................21 Part CRJ – Criminal Justice Act 1999-2009 ......................................................22 Part CRP – Criminal Procedure Act 1972-2006 ................................................22 Part CUA – Custom and Adopted Laws Act 1971 .............................................23 Part CUS – Customs Ordinance 1922-1967 .....................................................24 Part DIP – Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1976 ...............................24 Part DIS – Disaster Risk Management Act 2008...............................................25 Part EXP – Explosives Ordinance 1924-1967...................................................25 Part EXT – Extradition of Fugitive Offenders Act 1973 .....................................26 Part FA – Family Court Act 1973.......................................................................27 Part FI – Fisheries Act 1997..............................................................................28 Part FO – Foreign Trusts, Estates and Wills Act 1972 ......................................28 Part IM – Immigration Act 1999.........................................................................29 Part IN – Insolvency Ordinance 1912 (Papua) ..................................................31 Part LAN – Lands Act 1976...............................................................................32 Part LAW – Laws Repeal and Adopting Ordinance 1922-1967.........................32 Part LE – Legal Practitioners Act 1973 .............................................................34 Part LN – Legitimation Ordinance 1959-1966 ...................................................35 Part MAI – Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1973 ...............36 Part MAO – Maintenance Ordinance 1959-1967 ..............................................37 Part MAT – Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 ........................................................38 Part ME – Mentally-disordered Persons Ordinance 1963-1967 ........................39 Part NA – Nauru Antiquities Ordinance 1935-1967...........................................42 Part NLC – Nauru Lands Committee Ordinance 1956-1963 .............................43 Part NRC – Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation Act 1997....................................45 Part NTC – Nauru Trustee Corporation Act 1972..............................................45 Part NUB – Nauruan Bureau of Statistics Act 1992 ..........................................46 Part OA – Oaths, Affirmations and Statutory Declarations Act 1976.................46 Part PAR – Parliament of Nauru (Register of Interests) Act 2004 .....................47 Part PAT – Patents Registration Act 1973 ........................................................48 Part POL – Police Offences Ordinance 1967....................................................48 Part POS – Post and Telegraph Act 1901-1966 (Commonwealth) ...................49 Part PT – Post and Telegraph Ordinance 1952-1963 .......................................49 Part PUB – Public Accounts Committee Act 1992 ............................................51 Part PUF – Public Finances (Control and Management) Act 1997 ...................51 Part QU – Quarantine Act 1908-1920 (Commonwealth) ...................................52 Part RB – Registration of Business Names Act 1976........................................53 Part RS – Registration of Shipping Act 1968.....................................................53 Part SA – Salvage of Derelict Wreck Act 1969..................................................53 Part SC – Succession, Probate and Administration Act 1976 ...........................54 Part SM – Survey Marks Ordinance 1925-1967................................................54 Part SU – Survey Ordinance 1961-1967...........................................................55 Part TM – Trademarks Regulations Adoption Ordinance 1964-1966................57 Part TR – Treasury Fund Protection Act 2004 ..................................................58 Part WC – Workers’ Compensation Ordinance 1956-1967...............................58 Part WI – Wild Birds Preservation Ordinance 1937-1967 .................................60

Statute Law Revision Act 2011

Part WO – Workers (Contracts of Service) Ordinance 1922-1967....................61 Part WR – Wreck and Salvage Ordinance 1902 (Papua)..................................62




Statute Law Revision Act 2011 ______________________________

Act No. 8 of 2011 ______________________________

An Act to revise the statute law of Nauru

Certified on 15 April 2011

Enacted by the Parliament of Nauru as follows:


1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statute Law Revision Act 2011.

2 Commencement

(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act commences on the day it receives the certificate of the Speaker under Article 47.

(2) The amendments of the Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965-1967 made by Schedule 1, sub-items 4.1 and 4.2 and item [7] are taken to have commenced from the commencement of the Family Court Act 1973.


3 Validation of Agricultural Quarantine Act 1999

(1) The Agricultural Quarantine Act 1999 (No. 5 of 1999) is taken to have commenced on 18 October 1999.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


(2) Anything done or omitted to be done before the commencement of this section under any provision of the Agricultural Quarantine Act 1999 is taken to have been valid.

4 Validation of Appeals (Amendment) Act 1974

(1) The Appeals (Amendment) Act 1974 (No. 15 of 1974) is taken to have commenced on 23 September 1976.

(2) However, anything done or omitted to be done between 31 December 1974 and 23 September 1976 in reliance on any provision of the Appeals (Amendment) Act 1974 is taken to have been valid.

5 Validation of Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957

The Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957 (No. 8 of 1957) is taken to have commenced on 9 March 1959.

6 Validation of fees charged for extracts from the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages

All fees charged before the commencement of this section for a service or document provided under section 29(4) of the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1959-2009 are taken to have been validly charged.

7 Validation of Disaster Risk Management Act 2008

The Disaster Risk Management Act 2008 (No. 15 of 2008) is taken to have commenced on 18 December 2008.

8 Validation of Immigration (Amendment) Act 2005

The Immigration (Amendment) Act 2005 (No. 7 of 2005) is taken to have commenced on 2 October 2005.

9 Validation of amendments to Nauru Air Corporation Act 1995

(1) Section 3 of the Nauru Air Corporation (Amendment) Act 2006 is declared always to have had effect as if the reference to section 47 of the Nauru Air Corporation Act 1995 had been a reference to section 45 of that Act.

(2) Section 3(4) of the Nauru Air Corporation (Amendment) Act 2007 is declared always to have had effect as if the reference to subsection 14 of the Nauru Air Corporation Act 1995 had been a reference to section 14(3) of that Act.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


10 Postal rates

(1) Until regulations are made under section 9 of the Law Adoption (Post and Telegraph) Act 1952, the postal rates and related charges applied in Nauru immediately before the commencement of this section continue to apply as if they had been fixed by regulations made under that section.

(2) All postal rates and related charges applied in Nauru from the commencement of the Post and Telegraph Ordinance 1952 until the commencement of this section are taken, for all purposes, to have been validly applied.

11 Transfer of assets of Nauru Insurance Corporation

Assets that are held by the Nauru Insurance Corporation the day before this Act commences are transferred to the Republic on the day this Act commences.


12 Acts amended

Schedule 1 amends the Acts mentioned in it.

13 Repeal of laws

The following are repealed:

(a) the Acts listed in Schedule 2;

(b) the Ordinances listed in Schedule 3;

(c) all subsidiary legislation made under the laws mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b), except Administration Order No. 3 of 1938 (Regulations governing Intestate Estates) made under the Native Administration Ordinance 1922-1967.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011



section 12

Part AC – Accommodation Registration Act 2006

[1] Amendment of section 10

Section 10(2)

omit, substitute

(2) The Secretary must not suspend the registration of an accommodation house unless the Secretary:

(a) has, at least 1 month before suspending the registration, informed the owner that he or she is considering suspending the registration; or

(b) considers that, for reasons of health or safety, the registration should be suspended immediately.

[2] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3(1), definition of ‘accommodation unit’

unit' in unit', in

section 3(1), definition of ‘bedroom’

part or otherwise part otherwise

section 3(1), definition of ‘Secretary’

Secretary for the Department responsible; and

head of the department responsible to the Minister for the administration of this Act;

section 12(3) BT = The BT = the

section 13 paid by paid for by

section 15 that when

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

Hotels Hotel Guest Houses, boarding houses and group of apartments

Guest house, boarding house or group of apartments

Single Apartments Single apartment

Part AD – Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965-1967

[3] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Adoption of Children Act 1965.

[4] Amendment of section 3

4.1 Section 3, definitions of ‘Register of Births’ and ‘Registrar of the Court’


4.2 Section 3

insert (in alphabetical order)

‘Clerk’ means Clerk of the Court;

‘Court’ means the Family Court;

‘foreign jurisdiction’ means a foreign country or a political subdivision of a foreign country;

‘Register of Births’ means the Register of Births kept under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957;

[5] Amendment of section 6

Section 6(1)


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


all the words from ‘Subject to’ to ‘applicants apply’


Subject to subsection (2), if applicants apply

[6] Amendment of section 10

Section 10(1)


all the words from ‘Subject to’ to ‘adoption order’


Subject to subsection (2), an adoption order

[7] Omnibus amendments relating to the Family Court

7.1 omit (all references)

Supreme Court



7.2 omit (all references)

Registrar of the Court



[8] Omnibus amendments relating to ‘this Ordinance’

8.1 omit (all references)

This Ordinance


This Act

8.2 omit (all references)

this Ordinance

Statute Law Revision Act 2011



this Act

[9] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 10(1)(b) over the child over, the child

section 10(5)(a) Council Cabinet

section 10(5) Head Chief President

section 10(7)(a) and (c)

over the child over, the child

section 11, heading Supreme Court Court section 12 Council

(all references) Cabinet

section 15, heading The Supreme Court Court

section 17(8) the provisions of sections two hundred and twenty-two and two hundred and twenty- three of the First Schedule to The Criminal Code Act, 1899, of the State of Queensland, in its application to the Island, apply

sections 222 and 223 of the Criminal Code 1899, apply

section 19(1)(a)(i) Administrator Minister

section 23(3) Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957

Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957

section 24(b) a State of, or a Territory administered by, the Commonwealth,

a foreign jurisdiction;

section 24 in the State or Territory. in that foreign jurisdiction.

section 25 a State of, or a Territory administered by, the Commonwealth

a foreign jurisdiction

of the Island, of Nauru,

in the Island. in Nauru.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 26 Administrator in Council Cabinet

Part AE – Aerodrome (Acquisition of Land) Act 1952-1968

[10] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Aerodrome (Acquisition of Land) Act 1952.

[11] Repeal of sections 2, 7 and 8

Sections 2, 7 and 8


[12] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 6(2) this section shall be twice the amount which would be payable at the rate prescribed by section five of the Lands Ordinance as the rental for the lease of non-phosphate- bearing land.

this section is the amount which would be payable under clause 4 of the Third Schedule to the Lands Act 1976 (or, under an order made under section 16 of the Lands Act 1976) if the land were leased for use as an aerodrome.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part AP – Appeals Act 1972

[13] Amendment of long title

Long title, after ‘District Court’


and the Supreme Court

[14] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

section 14(3) either quash the conviction and

quash the conviction and either

section 15(1) count has count, has

section 42(1) appeal, under appeal under

section 52 1903-1976 1903

Part BA – Banking Act 1975

[15] Amendment of section 2

Section 2(5)


[16] Amendment of section 3

Section 3(1)


[17] Repeal and substitution of section 20

Section 20

repeal, substitute

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


20 Offences

(1) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with the provisions of section 4 or 14 commits an offence.


(a) for an individual – $2000 and 3 years imprisonment;

(b) for a body corporate – $10,000.

(2) A person commits an offence if the person:

(a) contravenes or fails to comply with any other provision of this Act for which no penalty is specified; or

(b) being a director or manager of a bank or financial institution licensed under section 5 of this Act – fails to take all reasonable steps to secure compliance by the bank or financial institution with any such provision.


(a) for an individual – $500 and 6 months imprisonment;

(b) for a body corporate – $5000.

[18] Omnibus amendment relating to citation of ‘Corporation Act 1972

omit (all references)

Corporation Act 1972


Corporations Act 1972

[19] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

section 2(1), definition of ‘savings bank’

carried carries

section 2(6) Notwithstanding subsection (5) of this section, the provisions of this Act shall not

This Act does not

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3(2) Department of Island Development and Industry

the department responsible to the Minister for the administration of this Act

section 4(2) Act, is Act is

section 5(2) these those

section 5(6) Registrar for the Republic


section 5(9) For the purpose of clarity and to avoid confusion it is hereby declared that, this Act does not and never has, had application

This Act does not apply

1972, to 1972 to

section 12(2)(b) the Republic, the Council, the Nauru Co- operative Society

the Republic

Republic or the Council; Republic;

section 12(2)(c) Republic, the Council Republic

Republic or the Council, Republic,

section 24, heading Corporation Act 1972 Corporations Act 1972

Part BI – Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957-2009

[20] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute


1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[21] Repeal of section 2

Section 2


[22] Amendment of section 6

Section 6(3)

omit, substitute

(3) A register or record of births that:

(a) was maintained, or purported to have been maintained, by the Administration of the Island of Nauru; and

(b) was in existence immediately before the commencement of Ordinance No. 8 of 1957; and

(c) was, before 31 January 1968, certified by the Administrator to be, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true record of births that occurred in Nauru on and after 25 January 1915;

has effect accordingly and forms part of the Register of Births.

[23] Amendment of section 15

Section 15(3)

omit, substitute

(3) A register or record of deaths that:

(a) was maintained, or purported to have been maintained, by the Administration of the Island of Nauru; and

(b) was in existence immediately before the commencement of Ordinance No. 8 of 1957; and

(c) was, before 31 January 1968, certified by the Administrator to be, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true record of deaths that occurred in Nauru on and after 2 January 1915;

has effect accordingly and forms part of the Register of Deaths.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[24] Amendment of section 22

Section 22(3)

omit, substitute

(3) A register or record of marriages (including any certificate of marriage transmitted to the Administrator under the Marriages Ordinance 1921 as in force from time to time) that:

(a) was maintained, or purported to have been maintained, by the Administration of the Island of Nauru; and

(b) was in existence immediately before the commencement of Ordinance No. 8 of 1957; and

(c) was, before 31 January 1968, certified by the Administrator to be, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true record of marriages that occurred in Nauru on and after 7 July 1921;

has effect accordingly and forms part of the Register of Marriages.

[25] Amendment of section 23

Section 23(1)(d)


Head Chief and the Secretary of the Nauru Local Government Council that the Council


President certifying that Cabinet

[26] Omnibus amendments relating to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[27] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 1A Ordinance Act

section 4(1), definition of ‘the adopted Ordinance’

as an Ordinance of the Island.

as a law of Nauru.

section 5(3) Administrator in Council President

Registrar, under Registrar under

section 5(4) Where under If, under

section 5(5) Administrator in Council Cabinet

section 6(1) on the Island, particulars in Nauru, particulars

section 7(1) on the Island, in Nauru,

section 9(b) Administrator, Minister,

section 11, heading the Island Nauru section 11 outside the Island outside Nauru

sections 11(a) and 16 on the Island (all references)

in Nauru

section 20(1) Administrator in Council Cabinet

section 20(1)(b) Supreme District

section 20(3)(a) on the Island in Nauru

section 20(4) Administrator in Council (all references)


sections 21(3) and (5) and 22(1)

on the Island in Nauru

section 28(1) to the Island to Nauru

at the Island in Nauru

section 29(4) Twenty-five cents: $10:

section 31 by the Administrator under section six, section fifteen or section twenty- two of this Ordinance

under section 6(3), 15(3) or 22(3)

section 37(2)(b) Supreme District

Schedule, Form 1 the day of , 19 ,


of the Ordinance of the Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

Schedule, Form 2 the day of ,


on [date]

Dated this day of , 19 .


Schedule, Forms 3 and 4

the day of ,


on [date]

Schedule, Form 5 Dated this day of , 19 .

(all references)


Part CE – Cemeteries Ordinance 1922-1967

[28] Repeal and substitution short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Cemeteries Act 1922.

[29] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

Part CEN – Census Act 1973

[30] Repeal of section 2

Section 2

Statute Law Revision Act 2011



Part CI – Civil Aviation Act 2011

[31] Amendment of section 37(2)

Section 37(2)


the each



[32] Amendment of section 106

Section 106




Gazette notice

[33] Amendment of section 171(2)(a)

Section 171(2)(a)

omit, substitute

(a) prescribing and providing for the payment of fees and charges under this Act, including fees and charges:

(i) to fund the establishment, maintenance and operation of facilities and services provided under this Act, or generally for the purposes of civil aviation; and

(ii) for the exercise of powers and functions under this Act; and

(iii) for a service provided under this Act, or generally for the purposes of civil aviation, that must be paid directly to a person other than the Authority or the Republic who is authorised under this Act to provide the service; and

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part CIA – Civil Aviation (Carriers’ Liability) Act 1995

[34] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3(3) Secretary for External Affairs

head of the department responsible for foreign affairs

Schedule 1 Section 4(1) section 3(1)

Schedule 2 Section 4(1) section 3(1)

Part CIP – Civil Procedure Act 1972

[35] Amendment of section 34

Section 34(1)

omit, substitute

(1) Subject to subsection (1A), a judgment-debtor detained in prison in the enforcement of a judgment in a civil suit in any Court may be detained:

(a) if the decree is for the payment of an amount exceeding $100 – for a period no longer than 6 months; and

(b) in any other case – for a period no longer than 6 weeks.

(1A) The judgement-debtor must be released before the expiration of the period specified in subsection (1):

(a) if the amount mentioned in the warrant for his or her detention is paid to the Superintendent of the prison; or

(b) subject to subsection (1B):

(i) if the judgment against the judgment-debtor is otherwise fully satisfied; or

(ii) on the written request of the person on whose application the judgment-debtor has been detained or of that person’s legal representative; or

(c) if the person on whose application the judgment-debtor has been detained fails to pay subsistence allowance.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


(1B) The judgment-debtor must not be released under subsection (1A)(b) except:

(a) if the judgment is that of the Supreme Court – on the order of a judge or the Registrar; and

(b) if the judgment is that of the District Court – on the order of a magistrate.

[36] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

section 36(1)(f) Stipends stipends

section 36(1) clauses (f), (g) and (j) paragraphs (f) and (j)

section 36(2) Lands Ordinance 1921- 1968

Lands Act 1976

section 42(1) money and have money have

section 49(2) Department of External Affairs

department responsible for foreign affairs

Part COM – Commissions of Inquiry Ordinance 1948-1967

[37] Repeal and substitution short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1948.

[38] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[39] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘Administrator in Council’

omit (all references)

Administrator in Council



[40] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 3(1) he it

section 7 Public public

section 10 administrator administer

section 14 persona person

Schedule, heading THE ISLAND REPUBLIC

Ordinance Act

Schedule on the day of 19 at of the clock in the noon

on [date] at [time]

this day of 19 .

on [date]

Part CON – Constitutional Review Committee Act 2004-2009

[41] Amendment of section 5

Section 5(3), (4) and (5)

renumber as section 5(2), (3) and (4)

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[42] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 4(1) a committee consisting of nine members of the Parliament of Nauru who shall be appointed

9 members of the Parliament of Nauru must be appointed to the Committee

select standing

section 4(2) member, shall hold member holds

section 4(3) Speaker upon Speaker, on

section 6(5) That the The

section 9(2) applying a applying, a

section 10(1) and/or written submissions from the public at large or to any person or body directly within and outside of Nauru

or written submissions from any person or body within or outside Nauru

section 10(5) in lieu or instead of or

section 12(a) including inter-alia including,

section 12(c) fit; fit; and

section 14(2) in parliament in Parliament


section 14(3) report to report before

section 14(4) Convention. Committee.

Part COP – Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1976

[43] Amendment of section 3

Section 3(2), definition of ‘Ministry for Foreign Affairs’


Department of External Affairs


department responsible for foreign affairs

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part COR – Corporation Act 1972

[44] Amendment of section 1

44.1 Section 1, heading




title and commencement

44.2 Section 1(1)

omit, substitute

(1) This Act may be cited as the Corporations Act 1972.

Part COU – Courts Act 1972

[45] Amendment of section 18

Section 18(2)(i) and (ii)

renumber as section 18(2)(a) and (b)

[46] Repeal of sections 75 and 76

Sections 75 and 76


[47] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

section 2, definition of ‘heard’

‘tried’ tried

section 2, definition of ‘hearing’

‘trial’ trial

section 24(2) cause, in cause in

section, is section is

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 72(1) Every person (1A) Every person

this subsection subsection (1)

Schedule swear , swear

Part CRJ – Criminal Justice Act 1999-2009

[48] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 1 (1) This Act This Act

section 2 (1) In this In this

section 13(3)(d) (4) — extend (4), extend

section 32(2)(a) A person, a person,

section 32(3) (2)(a) and (2)(c) (2)(a) or (2)(c)

section 33(3) and of any and any

Part CRP – Criminal Procedure Act 1972-2006

[49] Omnibus amendment relating to ‘Criminal Code’

omit (all references)

Criminal Code


Criminal Code 1899

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[50] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 2 (1) In this In this

section 2, definition of ‘sentence’

Motor Traffic Act 1937- 1972

Motor Traffic Act 1937

section 42 Mentally-disordered Persons Ordinance 1963-1967

Mentally-disordered Persons Act 1963

section 61(5) Motor Traffic Act 1937- 1972

Motor Traffic Act 1937

section 121A(1) person, ‘the offender’, person (‘the offender’)

section 134 Motor Traffic Act 1937- 1972

Motor Traffic Act 1937

section 153(2)(b) shall subject shall, subject

section 168(2) shall thereof be attested shall be attested

section 174 every foolscap page each page

section 177 Registrar, Registrar

section 182(1)(a), form on the …………day of …………..19…

on [date]

Schedule, Part II at Yaren on ……………. the …………. day of ……………19…

at Yaren on [date]

did on the ……………. day of ……………19…

did, on [date]

Schedule, Part III did on the ……………. day of ……………19…

did, on [date]

Part CUA – Custom and Adopted Laws Act 1971

[51] Amendment of section 6

Section 6, all the words from ‘Notwithstanding’ to ‘Act:’

omit, substitute

Despite section 4, the parts of the statute law of England specified in the First Schedule, all rules, regulations and orders made under that statute law and the parts of the common law relating to that statute law do not, except as specified in the First Schedule, apply or have force and effect

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


within Nauru except in so far as all or any of them are adopted or applied from time to time by another Act:

[52] Repeal of sections 7 to 11

Sections 7 to 11


[53] Repeal of Schedules

Second, Third and Fourth Schedules


Part CUS – Customs Ordinance 1922-1967

[54] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Law Adoption (Customs) Act 1922.

Part DIP – Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1976

[55] Amendment of section 4

section 4(6)(a)


Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a reference to the Department of External Affairs of Nauru;


Ministry for Foreign Affairs as a reference to the department responsible for foreign affairs;

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part DIS – Disaster Risk Management Act 2008

[56] Amendment of section 6

Section 6(2), (4) and (5)


Minister responsible for National Disaster Management



Part EXP – Explosives Ordinance 1924-1967

[57] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Explosives Act 1924.

[58] Amendment of section 5

Section 5, all the words from ‘Penalties’ to ‘months.’


[59] New section 6

After section 5


6 Penalties

The penalty for any breach or non-observance of this Act is a fine of not less than $10, and not more than $100 and imprisonment for a period not exceeding 6 months.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[60] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[61] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

sections 2 and 3 Administrator Minister

section 5(2) (1) above: subsection (1):

section 5(2)(a) Such the

Administrator Minister

fired. fired; and

section 5(2)(b) to be are

Part EXT – Extradition of Fugitive Offenders Act 1973

[62] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Extradition Act 1973.

[63] Amendment of section 4

Section 4(4) and (5)

renumber as section 4(3) and (4)

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[64] Amendment of Schedule

Schedule, items 29 to 31

omit, substitute

29 Hi-jacking aircraft

30 Money laundering

31 An offence under the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime Act 2004

[65] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 2 In this Act (1) In this Act

section 3(2) on the high seas within within

section 7(2)(a) offence, a offence – a

country; country; and

section 7(2)(b) offence, a offence – a

section 8(1)(a) magistrate; magistrate; or

section 11(2)(a) sentence, until sentence – until

served; served; or

section 11(2)(b) offence, until offence – until

section 12(1)(a) case, the case – the

returned; returned; or

section 12(1)(b) Act, the Act – the

section 13(1)(b) evidence; evidence; and

Part FA – Family Court Act 1973

[66] Repeal of sections 30, 31 and 33

Sections 30, 31 and 33


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[67] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 2 (1) In this Act In this Act

section 6 Maintenance Ordinance 1959-1967

Maintenance Act 1959

Adoption of Children Ordinance 1965-1967

Adoption of Children Act 1965

section 25(e) them; them; and

Part FI – Fisheries Act 1997

[68] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 11(1) by any one or more of the following:-

in any of the following ways:

section 18(1) section. section 21.

section 37(4) forfeit forfeited

section 37(6)(b) *returned returned

Part FO – Foreign Trusts, Estates and Wills Act 1972

[69] Amendment of section 8

Section 8(2)


and also deposits with the Republic of Nauru Finance Corporation or with any subsidiary of that corporation

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part IM – Immigration Act 1999

[70] Amendment of section 3

Section 3(3)

omit, substitute

(3) The Minister may give to the Principal Immigration Officer directions or instructions, not inconsistent with this Act, as to the exercise of any power, discretion or function or the performance of any duty under this Act, and the Principal Immigration Officer and immigration officers shall comply with those directions or instructions.

[71] Amendment of section 5

71.1 Section 5(6)(c) (first occurrence)

renumber as section 5(6)(b)

71.2 Section 5(7)

omit, substitute

(7) In addition to any other actions that may be taken under this Act, an immigration officer may issue a non-citizen, who has remained in Nauru despite their permit having expired or who entered Nauru under section 8(3) and becomes a prohibited immigrant, with an infringement notice imposing a fine of an amount prescribed by the Regulations.

(8) A fine imposed under this section is a debt owed to the Republic.

[72] Insertion of heading for Part VI

After section 24



[73] Amendment of section 25

Section 25, heading

omit, substitute

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


25 Definitions

[74] Amendment of section 32

Section 32(c) and (d)

renumber as section 32(a) and (b)

[75] Amendment of section 33

Section 33(e) and (f)

renumber as section 33(a) and (b)

[76] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 1 (1) This Act This Act

section 10(1)(d)(ii) Nauru — is Nauru, is

or is mentally or to be mentally

section 11(6) removed to: removed:

section 11(6)(a) the place to the place

section 11(6)(b) Minister — to Minister, to

section 13(1)(t) 15(3) — returns 15(3), returns

section 16(2) Republic Proceedings Act

Republic Proceedings Act 1972

section 25, definition of ‘unlawful means’

the following meanings: the following:

section 31 who engages in the smuggling of a migrant either knowing or being reckless as to the fact that the person’s entry into a receiving country is illegal, in order to obtain a material benefit commits

who, in order to obtain a material benefit, engages in the smuggling of a migrant, either knowing or being reckless as to the fact that the person’s entry into a receiving country is illegal, commits

section 34(1) offence is offence and is

that person the first-mentioned person

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part IN – Insolvency Ordinance 1912 (Papua)

[77] Repeal and substitution of sections 1 (short title) and 2

Sections 1 and 2

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Insolvency Act 1912.

[78] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title AN ORDINANCE An Act

sections 3, 4, 5, 6(1) and (2), 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 29(11), (12) and (13), 38, 40, 54, 55(2) and (5), 59(1), 65, 67, 70, 83(1) and (2), 84(1), (17) and (18), 88, 89(1) and (2), 90, 91, 95, 96, 98, 101, 105(3), 107(1), 111, 112(2), 113(1), 114, 115, 117(3), 123, 150, 157, 160(2), (5) and (6), 163, 164, 166, 167, 168(1), 169, 172, 173, 183(1), (2), (9), (10), (11), (13), 184, 186, 187, 188, 189(1) and (2) and 190

this Ordinance (all references)

this Act

heading before section 19

the Ordinance the Act

sections 41, 53 and 186

the Ordinance the Act

section 190 other Ordinance(all references) other Act or Ordinance

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part LAN – Lands Act 1976

[79] Amendment of the Third Schedule

Third Schedule, after clause 4



The freehold title to land acquired for use as an aerodrome under the Aerodrome (Acquisition of Land) Act 1952 was transferred to the Administration in 1952 (and on Independence, that land was vested in the Republic). The former landowners of that land are entitled under section 6(2) of that Act to receive annual compensation in perpetuity of the amount which would be payable under clause 4 of this Schedule if the land were leased.

Part LAW – Laws Repeal and Adopting Ordinance 1922-1967

[80] Repeal and substitution of long title

Long title

repeal, substitute

An Act to adopt certain laws of the Commonwealth of Australia, Queensland and the former Territory of Papua as laws of Nauru

[81] Repeal and substitution of sections 1 (short title) and 2

Sections 1 and 2

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Laws Repeal and Adopting Act 1922.

[82] Amendment of First Schedule

First Schedule


Designs Act 1906-1934

Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1910

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1914-1915

Patents, Trade Marks and Designs Act 1932

Seamen’s Compensation Act 1911

[83] Amendment of Third Schedule

Third Schedule


Employers’ Liability Ordinance 1912

Marriage Ordinance 1912-1914

Seamen (Foreign) Ordinance 1912

[84] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 10 Subject to this Ordinance

Subject to this Act

the First Schedule to this Ordinance

Schedule 1

the Island of Nauru Nauru

section 12 the Second Schedule to this Ordinance

Schedule 2

the first day of July in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one

1 July 1921

the Island of Nauru Nauru

circumstances of the Island

circumstances of Nauru

on the Island in Nauru

section 14 of the Territory of the former Territory

the Third Schedule to this Ordinance

Schedule 3

are in force in the said Territory of Papua at the commencement of this Ordinance, and

were in force in that Territory on 23 September 1922, and

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

are in force in the said Territory of Papua at the commencement of this Ordinance are hereby

were in force in that Territory on 23 September 1922 are

the Island of Nauru Nauru

circumstances of the Island

circumstances of Nauru

on the Island in Nauru

section 16 the Island of Nauru Nauru

First Schedule, heading





Second Schedule, heading





Third Schedule, heading






Part LE – Legal Practitioners Act 1973

[85] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 19(4) If after If, after

section 38(2) Criminal Code Criminal Code 1899

section 45(2) Criminal Code Criminal Code 1899

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part LN – Legitimation Ordinance 1959-1966

[86] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Legitimation Act 1959.

[87] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[88] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 2, definition of ‘the Registrar’

by the Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957

under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957,

section 8(2) Administrator in Council (all references)


section 9 Births, Deaths and Marriages Ordinance 1957

Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1957

First Schedule, heading


Legitimation Ordinance 1959

Legitimation Act 1959

First Schedule, paragraph 1

on the day of , 19 , at

on [date], at

First Schedule, paragraph 2

on the day of , 19 , at

on [date], at

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

First Schedule Declared at the

day of , 19 .

Declared at on


Second Schedule, heading


Legitimation Ordinance 1959

Legitimation Act 1959

Second Schedule, paragraph 1

on the day of , 19 , at

on [date], at

Second Schedule, paragraph 2

on the day of , 19 , at

on [date], at

Second Schedule, paragraph 3

on the day of , 19 .

on [date].

Second Schedule, paragraph 4(c)

Administrator in Council Minister

Second Schedule Declared at the

day of , 19 .

Declared at on


Part MAI – Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1973

[89] Amendment of section 2

89.1 Section 2


In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires –


(1) In this Act:

89.2 Section 2(1) (as renumbered), definition of ‘the Minister’


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


89.3 Section 2(1) (as renumbered), definition of ‘the responsible authority’


for External Affairs

Part MAO – Maintenance Ordinance 1959-1967

[90] Repeal and substitution of sections 1 (short title) and 2

Sections 1 and 2

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Maintenance Act 1959.

[91] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[92] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 3, definition of ‘the court’

‘the court’ ‘the Court’

sections 14(2) and 17(1)

the District Court the Court

section 26 the District Court the Family Court

section 27, heading Judiciary Ordinance 1957

Family Court Act 1973

section 27 Judiciary Ordinance 1957

Family Court Act 1973

section 28(1) the District Court the Family Court

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part MAT – Matrimonial Causes Act 1973

[93] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 4(2) him the Chairman

section 6(1)(a) his (all references)

his or her

he the party

section 6(1) he may the person may

thereto if he wishes to the suit

he is outside the person is outside

section 6(2) he (all references)

the person

section 7(1) his the additional party’s

section 9(2) his his or her

section 10(1)(c) and (d)

he (all references)

the party

section 10(2) he he or she

section 10(4) he (all references)

the party

section 11(2) his the

section 11(4) him to understand the consequences to him of his

the party to understand the consequences of

section 12(2) him the respondent

his the petitioner’s

section 13(3) his the

section 14(1) him the respondent

section 14(2)(a) his the

section 15 his the

section 16(2) his the Secretary’s

he he or she

section 16(3) his the Secretary’s

section 17(1)(b) his the

sections 22(a) and 24 he the party

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


section 24 his the party’s

section 33(1) his behalf (all references)

the other party’s behalf

section 33(2) himself (all references)

himself or herself

section 40(1)(a) his the child’s

section 41(2) himself himself or herself

section 41(3) his the party’s

section 41(4) his the child’s

section 43(1) and (2) his (all references)

the person’s

he (all references)

the person

section 45(a) his petition himself or by his

the petition in person or by the petitioner’s

section 45(b) his behalf the petitioner’s behalf

section 46(4) he the person

section 46(4)(a) him the person

section 46(5) him the plaintiff

Part ME – Mentally-disordered Persons Ordinance 1963-1967

[94] Repeal and substitution of sections 1 (short title) and 2

Sections 1 and 2

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Mentally-disordered Persons Act 1963.

[95] Amendment of section 3

Section 3, definition of ‘State’


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[96] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[97] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘Administrator’

omit (all references, except as part of the expression ‘Administrator in Council’)




[98] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 3, definition of ‘medical practitioner’

legally qualified medical practitioner under the law of a State or of a Territory of the Commonwealth or of the Dominion

medical practitioner under the law of a State or Territory of the Commonwealth of Australia,

section 3, definition of ‘the Court’

Supreme Court District Court

section 3, definition of ‘the Rules of Court’

Judiciary Ordinance 1957.

Courts Act 1972.

section 5, heading States other jurisdictions section 5 Administrator in Council President

State: a place, being a foreign country or of a State or Province of a foreign country:

section 5(a) in that State, in that place,

of that State of that place

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 7(5) Where a person, after having been tried for an offence, is found not guilty of the offence on account of unsoundness of mind and is ordered by the court by which he was tried to be kept in custody until Her Majesty’s pleasure is known,

If a person is in lawful custody under a special finding, made under section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1972, that the person was not guilty of an offence by reason of insanity,

section 8, heading State authorities, etc. care outside Nauru section 8(1)(a) State place

section 8(2) Administration (all references)


section 10(1) State (all references)


section 10(2) Administration (all references)


section 11 State (all references)


Administration (all references)


administrator Minister

section 18(a) he describes himself, as,

the person describes himself or herself as,

section 20, heading Ordinance Act

Schedule, Form 1, paragraph (a)

on the day of , 19 ,

on [date],

Schedule, Form 1 Dated this day of , 19 .


Schedule, Form 2 Supreme Court of the Island of Nauru

District Court of the Republic of Nauru

Administrator of the Island of Nauru


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part NA – Nauru Antiquities Ordinance 1935-1967

[99] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Antiquities Act 1935.

[100] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[101] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 3 Administrator in Council Minister

Crown Republic

section 4 the Territory Nauru

Administrator in Council Minister

section 5(1) Administrator in Council Minister

the Territory Nauru

section 5(2) Collector Chief Collector

section 5(3) Crown Republic

section 5(4) Administrator in Council Minister

section 6 Collector Chief Collector

Officer in Charge Director

the Territory Nauru

section 7 Administrator in Council Minister

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

Nauru Gazette Gazette

section 8(1) (i) Caves (a) caves

(ii) Representations (b) representations

(iii) Deposits (c) deposits

(iv) Places (d) places

section 8(2) Administrator in Council Minister

section 9 Administrator in Council Minister

them in them, in

Administrator Minister

section 10 Administrator in Council Minister

section 11(1) Administrator in Council Cabinet

section 11(1)(a) The duties the duties

Collector Chief Collector

Officer in Charge Director

section 11(1)(b) The constitution of the Board

the constitution of the board

section 11(1)(c) Penalties penalties

Part NLC – Nauru Lands Committee Ordinance 1956-1963

[102] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Nauru Lands Committee Act 1956.

[103] Amendment of section 2

Section 2, definition of ‘the Council’


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[104] Repeal and substitution of section 8

Section 8

repeal, substitute

8 Validation of decisions of Central Court and Administrator

(1) The former Central Court is taken to have had, at all relevant times, jurisdiction to determine appeals from the Lands Committee constituted, before the date of commencement of Ordinance No. 3 of 1956, in accordance with the customs and usages of the Nauruan people.

(2) The following decisions made before the date of commencement of Ordinance No. 3 of 1956 are taken to have been validly made:

(a) decisions of the former Central Court made on appeal from the Lands Committee;

(b) decisions of the pre-independence Administrator made on further appeal from the former Central Court.

[105] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘the Council’

omit (all references)

the Council


the Cabinet

[106] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 2 this Ordinance this Act

section 2, definition of ‘the Committee’

this Ordinance this Act

section 5 paid, out of the Nauru Local Government Council Fund,


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part NRC – Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation Act 1997

[107] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 5(3)(a) on, on; and

sections 5(3)(b) and 16(a) and (b)

; ; and

section 16(c) to the Corporation to the Corporation; and

Third Schedule (Section 17) section 16

Part NTC – Nauru Trustee Corporation Act 1972

[108] Amendment of section 22

Section 22(3)


the Corporation Bill 1972


section 4 of the Corporations Act 1972

[109] Amendment of section 36

Section 36, heading


Corporation Act 1972


Corporations Act 1972

[110] Omnibus amendment relating to ‘Corporation Act 1972’

omit (all references)

Corporation Act 1972

Statute Law Revision Act 2011



Corporations Act 1972

Part NUB – Nauruan Bureau of Statistics Act 1992

[111] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statistics Act 1992.

[112] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 11 (1) A A

direct(ion direction

Part OA – Oaths, Affirmations and Statutory Declarations Act 1976

[113] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 10 , 19 , 2

Fifth Schedule Section 10 section 11

, 19 , 2

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part PAR – Parliament of Nauru (Register of Interests) Act 2004

[114] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Members of Parliament (Register of Interests) Act 2004.

[115] Further amendments

Provision Amendment

omit substitute

section 3, definition of ‘financial benefit’

Salaries of Members of Parliament Act

Parliamentary Salaries and Allowances Act 2008

section 3, definition of ‘Register’

section 6 section 7

section 3, definition of ‘return’

approved in accordance with section 5

prescribed under section 6

section 4(a)(i) interests; interests; and

section 4(e) he or his he nor his

section 5(1) shall on must, on

section 5(2) Constitution submit Constitution, submit

section 6(1)(a) following; following; and

section 6(1)(b) kind; kind; and

section 6(2) shall contain: must contain the following:

section 6(2)(d) held during held, during

section 6 (2) Nothing (3) Nothing

section 11(2) (i) To (a) to

House which House, which

(ii) that (b) that

section 12(4) state: state the following:

section 12(7)(a) more that more than

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part PAT – Patents Registration Act 1973

[116] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 17 the Nauru Phosphate Corporation


therefor to to

Part POL – Police Offences Ordinance 1967

[117] Amendment of long title

Long title




An Act

[118] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Summary Offences Act 1967.

[119] Amendment of section 2

Section 2


this Ordinance


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


this Act

Part POS – Post and Telegraph Act 1901-1966 (Commonwealth)

[120] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Post and Telegraph Act 1901.

Part PT – Post and Telegraph Ordinance 1952-1963

[121] Repeal and substitution of long title

Long title

repeal, substitute

An Act relating to the postal and telegraphic services of Nauru

[122] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Law Adoption (Post and Telegraph) Act 1952.

[123] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[124] Amendment of section 2

Section 2, definitions of ‘the Island’ and ‘the Rates Act’


[125] Repeal of section 4

Section 4


[126] Amendment of section 6

Section 6(2)


[127] Repeal of sections 7 and 8

Sections 7 and 8


[128] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 2, definition of ‘the Post and Telegraph Act’

Act; Act.

section 3, heading certain Commonwealth Acts and Regulations

Post and Telegraph Act

section 3(1) and the Rates Act are adopted, subject to such modifications and adaptions as are prescribed by or under Ordinance of the Island, as laws of the Island of Nauru, so far as they are applicable to the circumstances of the Island

is adopted (subject to any modifications and adaptations prescribed by a law of Nauru) as a law of Nauru, so far as it is applicable to the circumstances of Nauru

those Acts as so adopted

the adopted Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3(2) or the Rates Act is is

the Island Nauru

section 5 and the Rates Act to to

Administrator of the Island


section 6 (1) The Post The Post

the Island Nauru

section 9 The Administrator Cabinet

for all or any of the purposes specified in section ninety-seven of the Post and Telegraph Act and section nine of the Rates Act.

for prescribing rates of postage and rates for other services provided under the Act.

Part PUB – Public Accounts Committee Act 1992

[129] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3(1) select standing

section 7(1)(a) Audit Act Audit Act 1973

section 18(1) section 14 section 15

Part PUF – Public Finances (Control and Management) Act 1997

[130] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Public Finance (Control and Management) Act 1997.

[131] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 2(1), definition of ‘department’

Public Service Act Public Service Act 1998

section 2(1), definition of ‘Government Loans Fund’

Government Loans Act Government Loans Act 1972

section 6(1) Where is It If it is

section 6(3) year; year,

section 8(5) (3), If (3), if

section 10(3) no accounting officer shalt

an accounting officer must not

section 11(1) Republic- Republic.

section 17(1) tar for

section 17(2)(b) Is is

section 17(4) Immediately immediately

section 32(1) for - for the following:

section 32(1)(f) to public officers to public officers;

section 32(1)(g) matters matters;

section 32(2) therein: in the regulations.

Part QU – Quarantine Act 1908-1920 (Commonwealth)

[132] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Quarantine Act 1908.

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part RB – Registration of Business Names Act 1976

[133] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Business Names Act 1976.

Part RS – Registration of Shipping Act 1968

[134] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Shipping Registration Act 1968.

[135] Amendment of section 2

Section 2, definition of ‘The Minister’


Part SA – Salvage of Derelict Wreck Act 1969

[136] Amendment of section 16

Section 16(a), (b) and (c)

omit (all references)




Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[137] Amendment of section 31

Section 31


Wreck and Salvage Ordinance of 1902 of the Territory of Papua as adopted by the Laws Repeal and Adopting Ordinance 1922-1967


Wreck and Salvage Act 1902

[138] Amendment of section 34

Section 34, definition of ‘the Minister’


Part SC – Succession, Probate and Administration Act 1976

[139] Amendment of sections 37 and 63

Sections 37(1)(b) and 63(2)(b)


the Nauru Phosphate Corporation



Part SM – Survey Marks Ordinance 1925-1967

[140] Repeal and substitution of long title

Long title

repeal, substitute

An Act to reserve a distinguishing mark for use in connection with official surveys

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[141] Repeal and substitution of sections 1 (short title) and 2

Sections 1 and 2

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Survey Marks Act 1925.

2 Definitions

In this Act:

‘Government Surveyor’ means the public officer from time to time responsible for carrying out land and other surveys on behalf of the Republic.

[142] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3 those working a person working

this Ordinance this Act

Part SU – Survey Ordinance 1961-1967

[143] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Survey Act 1961.

[144] Amendment of section 4

Section 4(1)

omit, substitute

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


(1) Cabinet may, on application by a person, register the person as a surveyor if:

(a) the person is authorised under a law of a State or Territory of Australia, or New Zealand, to practise as a surveyor; and

(b) Cabinet is satisfied the person is a fit and proper person to be registered as a surveyor.

[145] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[146] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘Administrator in Council’

omit (all references)

Administrator in Council



[147] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 2, definition of ‘Government Surveyor’

the person holding office as, or performing the functions of the office of, Government Surveyor of Nauru;

the public officer from time to time responsible for carrying out land and other surveys on behalf of the Republic;

section 2, definition of ‘licence’

Administrator Minister

section 2, definition of ‘survey’, paragraph (b)

Administration Republic

section 3, heading Ordinance Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3 This Ordinance This Act

section 5(1) Administrator Minister

section 5(1)(a) an officer or employee of the Public Service of Nauru

a public officer

section 5(2) Administrator (all references)


section 6, heading Ordinance Act

Schedule, heading ORDINANCE ACT Schedule Survey Ordinance 1961

hereby Survey Act 1961,

Schedule, paragraph (c)

Survey Ordinance 1961; Survey Act 1961;

Schedule, paragraph (e)

on the day of 19 .

on [date].

Part TM – Trademarks Regulations Adoption Ordinance 1964-1966

[148] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Law Adoption (Trade Marks Regulations) Act 1964.

[149] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title ORDINANCE Act

section 3 Administrator Minister

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part TR – Treasury Fund Protection Act 2004

[150] Amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 3 No person shall authorise or permit the

A person must not make, direct or permit a

Constitution that has not been

Constitution, unless the withdrawal has been

section 6(3) genuinely based on a belief that was genuinely

section 7(1) including inter-alia including

including consultants (including a consultant)

commits he or she commits

section 8(1) has been have been

section 8(2) has been have been

section 8(3) in the Republic of Nauru Finance Corporation Act or any

in any

section 8(4) contravention to contravention of

Part WC – Workers’ Compensation Ordinance 1956-1967

[151] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Workers’ Compensation Act 1956.

[152] Amendment of section 5

Section 5, definition of ‘worker’, paragraph (d)


Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[153] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[154] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘Administrator in Council’

omit (all references)

Administrator in Council



[155] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 2 This Ordinance This Act

section 3(2) the Act the 1912 Act

section 4, heading Ordinance Act section 4(1) the Act the 1912 Act

section 5(1), definition of ‘the Act’

‘the Act’ ‘the 1912 Act’

section 5(1), definition of ‘worker’, paragraph (b)

business; business; or

section 5(1), definition of ‘worker’, paragraph (c)

outworker; or outworker.

section 6(2) and (6)(b)

connexion connection

section 7(7)(b) if owing if, owing

section 10(1)(b) Administrator, or of an officer appointed by the Administrator

Minister, or of an officer appointed by the Minister

section 11(2) dependantswholly dependants wholly

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Provision Amendment omit substitute

section 16(3) Where upon If, on

section 18(1) to pay damage to pay damages

section 19, heading Ordinance Act section 20(1) Administration or the

British Phosphate Commissioners)


section 22(d) connexion connection

Part WI – Wild Birds Preservation Ordinance 1937-1967

[156] Repeal and substitution of short title

section 1

repeal, substitute

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Wild Birds Protection Act 1937.

[157] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

[158] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 2 This Ordinance This Act

section 5 Administrator Minister

section 7 possession any possession, any

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


Part WO – Workers (Contracts of Service) Ordinance 1922-1967

[159] Repeal and substitution of short title

Section 1


1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Workers (Contracts of Service) Act 1922.

[160] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘Administrator’

omit (all references, except as part of the expression ‘Administrator in Council’)




[161] Omnibus amendment relating to ‘authorized’

omit (all references)




[162] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act

Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[163] Further amendments

Provision Amendment omit substitute

long title Ordinance Act

section 3 Administrator in Council Cabinet

section 3 company (including the British Phosphate Commissioners)


section 7 No worker, (1) No worker,

Nothing (2) Nothing

section 8(1)(e) workers; or fellow workers; or

section 12(1)(b) the Territory Nauru

section 15 less number lesser number

loading and discharging of vessels,

loading and unloading of ships or aircraft,

section 24 the articles of accommodation, food, or clothing, &c., stipulated in his contract, or supplies an inferior quality of those articles,

the accommodation, food, clothing or any other benefit stipulated in his contract, or supplies an inferior form of any of them,

section 28(2) Separate dwelling A separate dwelling

section 34 of any worker who of any worker, who

section 51 lodging rations lodging, rations

Part WR – Wreck and Salvage Ordinance 1902 (Papua)

[164] Amendment of long title

Long title





Statute Law Revision Act 2011


[165] Insertion of new short title

Before section 1


1A Short title

This Act may be cited as the Wreck and Salvage Act 1902.

[166] Repeal of section 32

Section 32


[167] Omnibus amendment of references to ‘this Ordinance’

omit (all references)

this Ordinance


this Act



section 13(a)

Arms and Opium Prohibition Ordinance 1936-1967

Cinematograph Censorship Ordinance 1927-1967

Constitutional Convention Ordinance 1967

Executive Council Ordinance 1966-1967

Importation of Dogs Ordinance 1937-1967

Leprosy Suppression Ordinance 1922

Manufacture and Sale of Bread Ordinance 1926-1967

Marking of Weight on Heavy Packages Ordinance 1932-1967

Motor Vehicle (Third-Party Insurance) Ordinance 1967-1972

Native Administration Ordinance 1922-1967

Native Co-operative Societies Ordinance 1935-1967

Nauru Phosphate Agreement Ordinance 1968

Nauruan Housing Ordinance 1957-1967

Ordinances Revision Ordinance 1947

Ordinances Revision Ordinance 1966

Ordinances Revision Ordinance 1967

Prohibition of Sale or Barter of Administration and Employers’ Stores Ordinance 1953-1967

Prohibition of Sale to Chinese and Natives of Overmilled Rice Ordinance 1925- 1967

Quarantine Area Ordinance 1921-1967

Quarantine (Plague) Ordinance 1922-1967

Roads Maintenance Ordinance 1922-1967

Shipping Fees Ordinance 1937-1967

Social Services Ordinance 1956-1967

War Deaths (Civilians) Certificates Ordinance 1946-1967

Statute Law Revision Act 2011



section 13(b)

Constitutional Convention Act 2007

Currency (Remittance Charge) Act 1997

Higher Education Act 1986

Insurance Act 1974-1996

Leper Station and Hospital Enclosure Ordinance Repeal Act 1970

Long Term Investment Fund (Appropriation) Act 1996

Long Term Investment Fund (Sequestration) Act 2004

Nauru Currency Act 1997

Nauru Housing Fund Supply Act 1968

Nauru Island Council (Dissolution) Act 1999

Nauru Island Council Subvention Act 1992

Nauru Local Council Guarantee Act 1968

Nauru Local Government Council Act 1951-1985

Nauru Local Government Council Dissolution Act 1992

Nauru Local Government Council Dissolution Consequential Amendments Act 1997

Nauru Local Government Council Guarantee Act 1970

Nauru Local Government Council Guarantee Act 1971-1972

Nauru Local Government Council Guarantee Act 1976 (Act No. 1 of 1976)

Nauru Local Government Council Guarantee Act 1976 (Act No. 8 of 1977)

Ordinances Repeal Act 1968

Phosphate Industry Finance Act 1968

Rehabilitation Fund (Denigomodu School) Act 1998

Republic of Nauru Finance Corporation (Repeal) Act 2009

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N° WIPO Lex NR034