1 Name of Regulations
These Regulations are the Patents Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2).
2 Commencement
These Regulations commence on gazettal.
3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991
Schedule 1 amends the Patents Regulations 1991.
Schedule 1 Amendments (regulation 3)
[1] Schedule 6, item 1, column 2
A degree, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate diploma, under the Australian Qualification Framework, that is:
(a) in a field of technology that contains potentially patentable subject matter; and
(b) awarded by a body, in the Higher Education Sector, that is authorised to award a degree, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate diploma of that kind.
Note The Australian Qualification Framework is a nationally recognised reference which categorises qualifications into 12 levels, from institutions categorised into 3 sectors: schools, vocational and higher education.
The AQF website is http://www.aqf.edu.au/
[2] Schedule 6, item 2, column 2
An award of an overseas education institution that is the equivalent of a degree, diploma, advanced diploma or graduate diploma mentioned in item 1.
1. These Regulations amend Statutory Rules 1991 No. 71, as amended by 1991 No. 456; 1992 No. 148; 1993 Nos. 113, 227, 340 and 341; 1994 Nos. 182, 317 and 387; 1995 Nos. 16, 20, 82 and 427; 1996 No. 271; 1997 Nos. 192 and 345; 1998 Nos. 45, 56, 141, 241, 257, 264, 291, 319, 342 and 345; 1999 Nos. 154, 184, 261 and 349; 2000 No. 317; 2001 No. 98.
2. Notified in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on 5 July 2001.