1 Name of Regulations
These Regulations are the Patents Amendment Regulations 2002 (No.2).
2 Commencement
These Regulations commence on gazettal.
3 Amendment of Patents Regulations 1991
Schedule 1 amends the Patents Regulations 1991.
Schedule 1 Amendments (regulation 3)
[1] Subregulation 4.3 (1)
(1) For subsection 55 (1) of the Act, all documents that are:
(a) associated with the application, or with any provisional application associated with the application; and
(b) in the possession of the Patent Office;
are prescribed, other than:
(c) documents that would be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege; and
(d) the results of documentary searches provided under subsection 45 (3) of the Act; and
(e) the documents mentioned in subregulation (2).
[2] Subregulation 8.4 (2)
(2) For subsection 92 (4) of the Act, all documents that are:
(a) associated with the application, or with any provisional application from which the application claims priority under article 8 of the PCT; and
(b) in the possession of the Patent Office;
are prescribed, other than:
(c) documents that would be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege; and
(d) the results of documentary searches provided under subsection 45 (3) of the Act; and