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International Copyright Order, 1999


[S.O.228(E), dated 24th March 1999, published in the Gazette of India, Extra Pt II, Sec. 3 (i), dated 6th April 1999]

S.O. 228(E)- In exercise of the powers conferred by section 40 of the Copyright Act, 1957 (14 of 1957) and in supersession of the International Copyright Order, 1991, the Central Government hereby makes the following Order, namely:-

1. (1) This Order may be called the International Copyright Order, 1999.

(2) It shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a) "Berne Convention Country" means a country which is a member of the Berne Copyright Union, and includes a country mentioned either in Part I or in Part II of the Schedule;

(b) "Phonogram" means an exclusively aural fixation of a performance or other sounds;

(c) "Phonograms Convention Country" means a country which has either ratified, or accepted, or acceded to the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorised Duplication of their Phonograms, done at Geneva on the Twenty ninth day of October, one; thousand nine hundred and seventy-one, and includes a country mentioned in Part V of the Schedule;

(d) "Schedule" means the Schedule appended to this Order.

(e) "Universal Copyright Convention Country" means a country which has either ratified, or accepted, or acceded to the Universal Copyright Convention, and includes a country mentioned either in Part III or in Part IV of the Schedule.

(f) "World Trade Organisation Country" means a country which is a member of the World Trade Organisation and which has either ratified, or accepted, or acceded to the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Right, 1994 and includes a country mentioned in Part VI of the Schedule.

3. Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4,5 and 6, all the provisions of the Copyright Act, 1957 (14 of 1957), (hereafter referred to as the Act), except those in Chapter VIII, and those other provisions which apply exclusively to Indian works, shall apply :-

(a) to any work first made or published in a country mentioned in Part I, II, III, IV or VI of the Schedule, in like manner as if it was first published in India;

(b) to any work first made or published in a country other than a country mentioned in Part I, II, III, IV or VI of the Schedule, the author of which was, at the date of such publication, or, where the author was dead on that date, he was at the time of his death, a national of a country mentioned in Part I, II, 111, IV and VI of the Schedule, in like manner, as if the author was a citizen of Indian at that point of time;

(c) to an unpublished work, the author whereof was, at the time of the making or publication of the work, a national or domiciled in any country mentioned in Part I, II, 111, IV and VI of the Schedule, in like manner, as if the author was a citizen of, domiciled in, India;

(d) to any work first made or published by a body corporate incorporated under any law of a country mentioned in Part I, II, 111, IV or Part VI of the Schedule, in like manner, as if it was incorporated under a law in force in India; and

(e) to a sound recording first made, the producer of which was, at the date of such production, a national of a country mentioned in Part V or Part VI of the Schedule or a body corporate incorporated under a law in force in such a country, in like manner as if the producer was the citizen of India or a body corporate incorporated under a law in force in India, as the case may be, at that point of time.

4. Notwithstanding anything contained in paragraph 3, the provisions of Chapter VIII of the Act shall apply to a Broadcasting Organisation and a Performer in a World Trade Organisation Country mentioned in Part VI of the Schedule.

5. Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (a) of paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 of the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Act-

(i) shall not apply to a work first made or published in any Berne Convention Country mentioned in Part I and Part II of the Schedule.

(ii) shall not apply to a work first made or published in any World Trade Organisation Country mentioned in Part VI of the Schedule.

(iii) shall apply to a work first made or published in any Universal Copyright Convention Country mentioned in Part III or Part IV of the Schedule. Only in respect of the translation of such work into any language specified in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India.

6. The provisions of section 32 (excluding its sub section (1) 32A and 32B shall apply to a work first made or published in a Berne Convention Country mentioned in Part I of the Schedule or in a Universal Copyright Convention Country mentioned in Part III of the Schedule or in a World Trade Organisation Country mentioned in Part VI of the Schedule.

7. The term of copyright in a work shall not exceed that which is enjoyed by it in its country of origin.

Explanation- In this paragraph, "the country of origin" shall mean-

(a) in the case of a work first made or published in a Berne Convention Country or in a Universal Copyright Convention Country or a World Trade Organisation Country, that country;

(b) in the case of a work made or published simultaneously either in a Berne Convention Country or a Universal Copyright Convention Country or in a World Trade Organisation Country and in a country which is neither a Berne Convention Country nor a World Trade Organisation Country, the former country.

(c) in the case of a work which is made or published simultaneously in several Berne Convention Countries, the country whose laws grant the shortest term of copyright to such a work'

(d) in the case of a work which is made or published simultaneously in several Universal Copyright Convention Countries, the country whose laws grant the shortest term of copyright to such a work;

(e) in the case of a work which is made or published simultaneously in several World Trade Organisation Countries, the country whose laws grant the shortest term of copyright to such a work;

(f) in the case of an unpublished work or a work first made or published in a country other than a Berme Convention Country or a Universal Copyright Convention Country or a World Trade Organisation Country, the country of which the author was a citizen, or the country in which he was domiciled at the time of its first publication, whichever grants the longer term of copyright.




[See Paragraph 2(a)]

1. Albania

71. Kyrgyzstan

2. Algeria

72. Latavia

3. Antigua and Barbuda

4. Argentina

73. Lesotho

74. Liberia

5. Armenia

6. Australia

75. Libiyan Arab Jamahiriya

76. Liechtenstein

7. Austria

8. Azerbaijan

77. Lithuania

78. Luxumberg

9. Bahamas

79. Malawi

10. Bahrain

11. Bangladesh

80. Malaysia

81. Mali

12. Barbados

82. Malta

13. Belarus

14. Belgium

15. Belize

83. Mauritania

84. Mauritius

85. Mexico

16. Benin

86. Monaco

17. Bolivia

87. Mongolia

18. Bosnia & Herzegovina

88. Morocco

19. Botswana

89. Namibia

20. Brazil

90. Netherlands

21. Bulgaria

91. Niger

22. Burkina Faso

92. Nigeria

23. Cameroon

93. Norway

24. Canada

94. Oman

25. Cape Verde

95. Panama

26. Central African Republic

96. Paraguay

27. Chile

97. Peru

28. China

98. Philippines

29. Colombia

99. Poland

30. Congo

100. Portugal

31. Costa Rica

101. Qatar

32. Cote d'lvoire

102. Republic of Korea

33. Croatia

103. Republic of Moldova

34. Cuba

104. Panama

35. Cyprus

105. Russian Federation

36. Czech Republic

106. Rwanda

37. Democratic Republic of the Congo

107. Saint Kitts & Nevis

38. Denmark

39. Domonica

108. Saint Lucia

109. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

40. Dominican Republic

110. Senegal

41. Ecuador

111. Singapore

42. Egypt

112. Slovakia

43. El Salvador

113. Slovenia

44. Equatorial Guinea

114. South Africa

45. Estonia

115. Spain

46. Finland

116. Sri Lanka

47. France

117. Surinam

48. Gabon

118. Swaziland

49. Gambia

119. Sweden

50. Georgia

120. Switzerland

51. Germany

121. Tajikstan

52. Ghana

122. Thailand

53. Greece

54. Grenada

123. The Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia

55. Guatemala

124. Togo

56. Guinea

125. Trinidad and Tobago

57. Guinea-Bissau

126. Tunisia

58. Guyana

127. Turkey

59. Haiti

128. Ukraine

60. Holy See

129. United Kingdom

61. Honduras

130. United Republic of Tanzania

62. Hungary

131. United States of America

63. Iceland

132. Uruguay

64. Indonesia

133. Venezuela

65. Italy

134. Yugoslavia

66, Jamaica

135. Zambia

67. Japan

68. Jordan

69. Kazakhstan

136. Zimbabwe

70. Kenya



[See Paragraph 2(a)]

1. Chad

6. Madagascar

2. Fiji

7. New Zealand

3. Ireland

8. Pakistan

4. Israel

5. Lebanon



[See Paragraph 2(e)]

1. Algeria

30. Kenya

2. Australia

31. Mexico

3. Austria

32. Monaco

4. Bahamas

33. Morocco

5. Bangladesh

34. Netherlands

6. Barbados

35. Niger

7. Bolivia

36. Norway

8. Bosnia & Herzegovina

37. Panama

9. Brazil

38. Peru

10. Bulgaria

39. Poland

11. Cameroon

40. Portugal

12. China

41. Republic of Korea

13. Colombia

42. Russian Federation

14. Costa Rica

43. Rwanda

15. Croata

44. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

16. Cyprus

45. saudi Arabia

17. Czech Republic

46. Senegal

18. Denmark

47. Slovakia

19. Dominican Republic

48. Slovenia

20. Ecudor

49. Spain

21. El Salvador

50. Sri Lanka

22. Finland

51. Sweden

23. France

52. Switzerland

24. Germany

53. Trinidad and Tobago

25. Guinea

54. Tunisia

26. Holy See

55. United Kingdom

27. Hungary

56. United States of America

28. Italy

57. Uruguay

29. Japan

58. Yugoslavia



[See Paragraph 2(e)]

1. Andorra

19. Lao People's Democratic


2. Argentina

20. Lebanon

3. Belarus

21. Liberia

4. Belgium

22. Liechtenstein

5. Belize

23. Luxembourg

6. Cambodia

24. Malawi

7. Canada

25. Malta

8. Chile

26. Mauritius

9. Cuba

27. New Zealand

10. Fiji

28. Nicaragua

11. Ghana

29. Nigeria

12. Greece

30. Pakistan

13. Guatemala

31. Paraguay

14. Haiti

32. Phillippines

15. Iceland

33. Tajikistan

16. Ireland

34. Ukraine

17. Israel

35. Venezuela

18. Kazakhistan

36. Zambia



[See Paragraph 2(c)]

1. Argentina

30. Israel

2. Australia

31. Italy

3. Austria

32. Jamaica

4. Barbados

33. Japan

5. Brazil

34. Kenya

6. Bulgaria

35. Latvia

36. Liechenstein

37. Lithuania

7. Burkina Faso

38. Luxembourg

8. Chile

39. Mexico

9. China

40. Monaco

10. Colombia

41. Netherlands

11. Costa Rica

42. New Zealand

12. Cyprus

13. Croatia

43. Norway

14. Czech Republic

44. Panama

15. Democratic Republic of the Congo

45. Paraguay

16. Denmark

46. Peru

17. Ecuador

47. Republic of Korea

48. Republic of Maoldova

49. Romania

18. Egypt

50. Russian Federation

19. El Salvador

20. Estonia

51. Slovakia

52. Slovenia

21. Fiji

53. Spain

22. Finland

54.. Sweden

23. France

55. Switzerland

24. Germany

56. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

25. Greece

57. Trinidad and Tobago

26. Guatemala

58. Ukraine

59.. United Kingdom

27. Holy See

60. United States of America

28. Honduras

61. Uruguay

29. Hungary

62. Venezuela



[See Paragraph 2(1)]

1. Albania

2. Angola

71. Kyrgye Republic

72. Latavia

73. Lesotho

3. Antigua and Barbuda

68. Liechtenstein

4. Argentina

69. Luxembourg

5. Australia

70. Macau, China

6. Austria

71. Madagascar

7. Bahrain

72. Malawi

8. Bangaladesh

73. Malaysia

9. Barbados

74. Maldives


75. Mali

11. Belize

76. Malta

12. Benin

77. Mauritania

13. Bolivia

78. Mauritius

14. Botswana

79. Mexico

15: Brazil

80. Mongolia

16. Brunei Oarussalam

81. Morocco

17. Bulgaria

82. Mozambique

18. Burkina Paso

83. Myanmar

19. Burundi

84. Namibia

20. Cameroon

85. Netherlands- for the Kingdom in Europe and for the Netherlands Antilles

21. Canada

86. New Zealand

22. Central African Republic

87. Nicaragua

23. Chad

88. Niger

24. Chile

89. Nigeria

25. Colombia

90. Norway

26. Congo

91. Pakistan

27. Costa Rica

92. Panama

28. Cote d'lvoire

93. Papua New Guinea

29. Cuba

100 Paraguay

30. Cyprus

101. Peru

31. Czech Republic

102. Philippines

32. Democratic Republic of the Congo

103. Poland

33. Denmark

104. Portugal

34. Djibouti

105. Qatar

35. Dominica

106. Romania

36. Dominican Republic

107. Rwanda

37. Ecuador

108. Saint Kitts & Nevis

38. Egypt

109. Saint Lucia

39. El Salvador

40. Estonia

110. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

41. European Community

111. Senegal

42. Fiji

112. Sierra Leone

43. Finland

113. Singapore

44. France

114. Slovak Republic

45. Gabon

115. Slovenia

46. Gambia

47. Georgia

116. Solomon Islands

48. Germany

117. South Africa

49. Ghana

118. Spain

50. Greece

119. Sri Lanka

51. Grenada

120. Suriname

52. Guatemala

121. Swaziland

53. Guinea

122. Sweden

54. Guinea-Bissau

123. Switzerland

55. Guyana

124. Tanzania

56. Haiti

125. Thailand

57. Honduras

126. Togo

58. Hong Kong, China

127. Trinidad and Tobago

59. Hungary

128. Tunisia

60. Iceland

129. Turkey

61. Indonesia

130. Uganda

62. Ireland

131. United Arab Emirates


132. United Kingdom

64. Italy

133. United States of America

65. Jamaica

134. Uruguay

66. Japan

67. Jordan

135. Venezuela

68. Kenya

136. Zambia

69. Korea

137. Zimbabwe

70. Kuwait