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Patents Regulations (Reg. 24/08/1937, as amended by Order No. 5/1970)

 Patents Regulations





1. Citation. 2. Interpretation. 3. Fees. 4. Forms.


5. Size, etc., of documents. 6. Leaving and serving documents. 7. Address for service.


8. Agency.


9. Form of application. 10. Application by representative of deceased inventor. 11. Order of recording applications. 12. One invention. Applications for separate patents by way of

amendment. 13. Claims.


14. General. 15. Requirements as to paper, etc. 16. Size of drawings and arrangement of figures. 17. Drawings to be suitable for reproduction. 18. Drawings to bear name of applicant, etc., but no descriptive

matter. 19. Copies of drawings. Marking originals and true copies. 20. Condition of drawings on delivery. 21. Provisional drawings used for complete specification.

EXTENSION OF TIME FOR LEAVING COMPLETE SPECIFICATION 22. Extension of time for leaving complete specification.


23. Request for postdating an application.


24. Provisional report in case of complete anticipation. 25. Time for leaving amended specification. 26. Hearing by the Registrar under subsection (4). 27. Reference to prior specification. 28. Procedure under s. 9(5).

PROCEDURE UNDER SECTION 10 0F THE Acr 29. Procedure under s. 10. 30. Hearing by Registrar. 31. Reference to prior specification. 32. Advertisement of amendments.

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33. Disclosure of result of search.


34. Chemical invention-typical samples and specimens.


35. Extension of time for accepting complete specification. 36. Notice and advertisement of acceptance. 37. Inspection of specification, etc.


38. Extension of period for leaving notice of opposition. 39. Notice of opposition. Copy for applicant. 40. Counter-statement. 41. Opponent's evidence. 42. Applicant's evidence. Evidence in reply. 43. Closing of evidence. 44. Translation of documents in foreign languages. 45. Hearing. 46. Costs in uncontested cases.


47. Payment of sealing fee. 48. Extension of time for sealing. 49. Further extension for prosecuting applications abroad. 50. Grant of patent to assignee.


51. Form of patent. 52. Form of patent of addition. 53. Form of patent to legal representatives of deceased inventor and



54. Renewal fees. 55. Certificate of payment of fee. 56. Notice as to renewal fees.


57. Restoration of lapsed patents. 58. Opposition. 59. Further procedure. 60. Hearing. 61. Order. 62. Compensation.


63. Request for leave to amend. 64. Notice of opposition. Copy for the applicant. 65. Further proceedings. 66. Requirements on amendment. 67. Advertisement of amendment.


68. Request for leave to amend specification. 69. Request for leave to amend an application for a patent.


70. Request for endorsement "licences of right". 71. Application for refusal of request. 72. Further procedure. 73. Application to settle terms of licence. 74. Application for cancellation of endorsement. 75. Opposition. 76. Further procedure.


77. Application under section 30 of the Act. Copy for patentee. 78. Procedure. 79. (1) Surrender of patent.

(2) Notice of opposition.


80. Application for compulsory licence or revocation of a patent. 81. Advertisement of application. Service of documents. 82. Counter-statement.

·83. Further evidence.. 84. Application for hearing. 85. Hearing. 86. Application by licensee to surrender a licence under section

31(3) (a).


87. Application for relief Ul"1der section 42 (2).


88. Patents for food or medicine.


89. Entry of grant. 90. Alteration of address. 91. Application for entry of subsequent proprietorship. Form and

signature of request. 92. Production of documents of title and other proof. 93. Copies for office. 94. Entry of notice of interest. 95. Entry of notification of document. 96. Entry of date of payment of fees on issue of certificate. 97. Hours of inspection of register..


98. Correction of clerical errors.


99. Certificates and certified copies of documents.


100. Requests for information.


101. Secret patents. 102. Certificate of secrecy after application. 103. Re-assignment.

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Reg. 24/8/1937 8/1951

O. 15/1970


Interpre- tation.


104. Lost patent.


105. Industrial or international exhibitions.


106. Publication of inventions before learned societies.


107. Exercise of discretionary powers by Registrar. Notice of hearing. 108. Notice by applicant. . 109. Registrar may require statement, etc. 110. Decision to be notified to parties.


111. Form, etc., of statutory declaration and affidavit. 112. Manner in which and persons before whom declaration or affidavit

is to be taken.


113. Power of amendment, etc. 114. General power to enlarge time. 115. Days and hours of business. 116. Excluded days. 117. Power to dispense with evidence, signature, etc.


118. (1) Applications to Court. (2) Orders of Court.


119. Patents Agent's licence.


120. Applications in respect of United Kingdom patents. How made. 121. Application for registration of United Kingdom patent. 122. Application to register amended or substituted specification of

United Kingdom patent. 123. Application to register assignments, etc., of United Kingdom





made under sections 82 and 103

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Patents Regulations and shall come into operation on 1st January, 1938.

2. In these Regulations- "Office" means the Patent Office; "section" means section of the Act.

Form 42.

3. (1) The fees to be paid in relation to patents shall be those prescribed in the First Schedule, and shall be payable to the Registrar. .

(2) All fees shall be payable in advance.


First Schedule.

4. The forms herein referred to are L.1.ose contained in the Second Forms. Schedule and such forms shall be used in all cases to which they are =dl applicable, and may be modified as directed by the Registrar to meet u e. other cases.


Page 59

5. All documents and copies of documents, except drawings, sent Size, etc., of to or left at the Office or otherwise furnished to the Registrar or to documents. the Ministry shall be written, type-written, lithographed or printed in the English language (unless otherwise directed) in large and legible characters with deep permanent black ink upon strong wide- ruled white paper, and, except in the case of statutory declarations and affidavits, on one side only, of a size approximately 13 inches by 8 inches, leaving a margin of at least one inch and a half on the left- hand part thereof, and the signatures thereto must be written in a large and legible hand. Duplicate documents shall be left at the Office, if required by the Registrar. Such duplicates may be carbon copies of the original documents provided they are on paper of good quality and the typing is black and distinct.

At the top of the first page of a specification a space of about two inches should be left blank.

6. Any application, notice, or other document authorised or Lea~ing and required to be left, made, or given at the Office, or to the Registrar, d~~:ents. or to any other person under the Act, may be sent by a prepaid letter through the post, and if so sent shall be deemed to have been left, made, or given at the time when the letter containing the same would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. In proving such sending, it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter was properly addressed and put into the post.

Any written communication addressed to a patentee at his address as it appears on the register of patents or at his address for service or to any applicant or opponent in any proceedings under the Act, at the address appearing on the application or notice of opposition or given for service as hereinafter provided shall be deemed to be properly addressed.

7. Every applicant or opponent in any proceedings to which Add:ress for these regulations relate, and every person who is or shall hereafter servIce.

become a patentee shall furnish to the Registrar an address for service in Guyana. Such address may be treated, for all purposes connected with such proceedings or patent as the actual address of such applicant, opponent or patentee.

If any patentee desires to have two addresses for service entered in the register a request therefor shall be made on Patents Form 42 in respect of each patent.

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Agency. 8. With the exception of the signing of the following documents, namely, applications for patents, for a complete specification to be treated as a provisional specification, for postdating of applications, for the revocation of patents, for the grant of a licence under a patent, for the endorsement of a patent "licences of right", for the refusal of a request for the endorsement of a patent "licences of right", for the cancellation of such endorsement, for the restoration of lapsed patents, requests for leave to amend applications or speci- fications, authorisations of agents, notices of oppositions, requests for issue of duplicate letters patent, and surrenders of letters patent, all communications to the Registrar under the Act relating to patents may be signed by and all attendances upon the Registrar may be made by or through an agent duly authorised to the satisfaction of the Registrar. In any particular case, the Registrar may, if he thinks fit, require the personal signature or presence of an applicant, opponent, or other person.

The Registrar shall not recognise as such agent, or receive com- munications in respect of any business under the Act from, any person who is not at the time licensed to be a patent agent under the Act.


Form of 9. (1) An application for a patent, other than a Patent of Addition application. or a Secret Patent, shall be made on one of the Patents Forms, 1 or 2

as the case may be. An application for a Patent of Addition shall be Forms 1,2, made on Patents Forms 3, 4 or 5, and an application for a Secret 3,4,5,6,21. Patent on Patents Form 6. An application for the grant of a Patent of

Addition in lieu of an independent patent shall be made on Patents Form 21.

(2) An application for a patent for an invention communi- cated from abroad, and an application for a patent made by a person who is not at the time resident in Guyana, shall not be received by the Registrar unless made through a licensed patent agent.

10. In the case of an application for a patent by the legal represen- tative of a person who has died possessed of an invention, the probate of the will, or the letters of administration granted of the estate and effects, or a certified copy of such probate or letters, shall be produced at the Office in proof of the applicant's title to be re- garded as legal representative and be supported by such further evidence as the Registrar may require.

Application by represen- tative of deceased inventor.

11. Applications for patents sent through the post shall, as far as Order?f may be practicable, be opened and numbered in the order in which ~:ti~ti~ns. the letters containing the same are delivered in the ordinary course of post.

Applications left at th~ Office otherwise than through the post shall be in like manner numbered in the order of their receipt at the Office.

12. (1) When a specification comprises several distinct matters, One they shall not be deemed to constitute one invention by reason only invention. that they are all applicable to or may form parts of an existing machine, apparatus, or process.



Require- ments as to paper etc.

Size of drawings and arrangement of figures.

Page 61

Where a person making application for a patent has included in Applications . ·fi· th . t· th R . t . for separatehIS specl catlon more an one mven lOn, e egIs rar may requIre patents by

or allow him to amend such application and specification and way of d · f hI· t· I d amendment.rawmgs or any a t em so as to app y to one mven IOn on y, an the applicant may make application for a separate patent for any invention excluded by such amendment.

Every such last-mentioned application may, if the Registrar at any time so direct, bear the date of the original application or such date between the date of the original application and the date of the application in question, as the Registrar may direct, and shall other- wise be proceeded with as a substantive application in the manner prescribed by the Act.

Where the Registrar has required or allowed any application or specification or drawings or any of them to be amended as aforesaid, such application shall, if the Registrar at any time so direct, bear such date, subsequent to the original date of the application and not later than the date when the amendment was made, as the Registrar shall consider reasonably necessary to give sufficient time for the subsequent procedure relating to such application.

(2) Where the same applicant has put in two or more pro- visional specifications for inventions which he believes to be cognate or modifications one of the other and the Registrar is of opinion that such inventions are not cognate or modifications one of the other, the applicant may divide the complete specification left in

connection with his applications into such num.ber of complete specifications as may be necessary to enable the applications to be proceeded with as two or more separate applications for patents for different inventions.

13. The statement of the invention claimed, with which a complete specification must end, shall be clear and succinct as well as separate and distinct from the body of the specification.

DRAWINGS 14. Drawings, when furnished, must accompany the provisional

or complete specification to which they refer, except in the case provided for by regulation 21. No drawing or sketch such as would require the preparation for the printer of a special illustration for use in the letterpress of the specification when printed may appear in the specification itself.

15. Drawings must be made on pure white, hot-pressed, rolled, or calendered strong paper of smooth surface, good quality, and medium thickness, without washes or colours, in such a way as to admit of being clearly reproduced on a reduced scale by photo- graphy. Mounted drawings may not be used.

16. Drawings must be on sheets which measure 13 inches from top to bottom and are either from 8 inches to 8i inches or from 16 inches to 16t inches wide, the narrower sheets being preferable. A clear margin must be left half an inch from the edges of the sheet.

If there are more figures than can be shown on one of the smaller sized sheets, two or more of these sheets should be used in preference to employing the larger size. When an exceptionally large figure is required, it should be continued on subsequent sheets. There is no limit to the number of sheets that may be sent in, but no more sheets

Page 62

Drawings to be suitable for repro- duction.

should be employed than are necessary. The figures should be num- bered consecutively throughout and without regard to the number of sheets. They should be separated by a sufficient space to keep them distinct.

17. Drawings must be prepared in accordance with the following requirements-

(a) They must be executed with absolutely black ink.

(b) Each line must be firmly and evenly drawn, sharply defined, and of the same strength throughout.

(c) Section lines, lines for effect, and shading lines must be as few as possible, and must not be closely drawn.

(d) Shading lines must not contrast too much in thickness with the general lines of the drawing.

(e) Sections and shading must not be represented by solid black or washes.

(f) They must be on a scale sufficiently large to show the invention clearly, and only so much of the apparatus, machine, etc., may appear as affects this purpose. If the scale is given, it must be drawn, and not denoted by words. No dimensions may be marked on the drawings.

(g) The figures must be drawn in an upright position in regard to the top and bottom of the sheet.

(h) Reference letters and numerals, and index letters and numerals used in conjunction therewith, must be bold, distinct and not less than one-eighth of an inch in height. The same letters or numerals must be used in different views of the same parts. Where the reference letters or numerals are shown outside the figure, they must be connected with the parts referred to by fine lines.

18. Drawings must bear the name of the applicant (and, in the Drawings to .case of drawings left with a complete specification after one or more =i=e of provisional specifications, the numbers and years of the applications) etc., ~ut.;'o in the left-hand top corner; the number of sheets of drawings sent, de~Ptlve ,and the consecutive number of each sheet, in the right-hand' top rna er. -corner: and the signature of the applicant or his agent in the right- hand bottom corner. Neither the title of the invention nor any de- 'Scriptive matter shall appear on the drawings.

19. A facsimile or "true copy" of the original drawings shall be Copies of filed at the same tim.e as the original drawings, prepared strictly in drawings. accordance with these regulations, except that the reference letters or numerals and leading lines thereto should be in black-lead pencil. In the case of a hand-made drawing this copy may be on tracing cloth.

The words "original" or "true copy" must in each case be marked Marking at the right-hand top corner, under the numbering of the sheet. originals and

true copies.

20. Drawings must be delivered at the Office free from folds, Condition or breaks, or creases which would render them unsuitable for repro- ddral.wings on ...l • b h h e Ivery.'UuctIon y p otograp y.

21. If an applicant desires to adopt the drawings lodged with his Provisional -provisional specification as the drawings or part of the drawings for ~wings his complete specification, he shall refer to them in the complete comp~~~e specification as those left with the provisional specification. specification.

Extension of time for leaving com- plete specification. Form 11.

Request for postdating anapplica- tion.

Form 10.

Provisional report in case of complete anticipation.

Time for leaving amended specification.

Form 12.

Hearing by the Registrar under sub- section (4).


22. An application for one month's extension of time for leaving a complete specification shall be made on Patents Form 11.


23. Where a person making application for a patent desires in pursuance of the provisions of section 5 (4) of the Act before the acceptance of the complete specification that his application should be deemed to have been made on a date within a period of six months running from the date when the application was actually made, he shall make application on Patents Form 10.


24. (1) When the Registrar or the examiner in prosecution of the investigation prescribed by section 9 (1) of the Act finds that the invention claimed in the specification under examination has been wholly claimed or described in one or more specifications referred to in the subsection, he shall, without any further prosecution of the investigation, make a provisional report to that effect.

(2) If the provisional report of the Registrar or the examiner made under this regulation be not reversed or altered, it may be deemed a final report, and the application shall be dealt with as provided by subsection (4) of the said section. If, however, such provisional report be reversed or altered, the investigation shall be continued, and a further report shall be made, and the specification shall be dealt with as provided in subsection (3) or subsection (4) of the said section, as the case may require.

25. (1) The time within which an applicant may leave his amended specification under section 9 (2) shall be two months from the date of the letter informing him that the invention claimed has been wholly or in part claimed or described in any specification or speci- fications within the meaning of subsection (1) of the said section.

(2) Application for an extension of time for leaving the amended specification shall be made on Patents Form 12, but no such extension of time shall be granted which would extend beyond the date prescribed by the Act for the acceptance of the specification and any fees payable under these regulations for the extension of time for acceptance of a specification shall be paid in addition to the fees for an extension of time under this regulation.

26. (1) When the applicant for a patent has been informed of the result of the investigation made under section 9 (1), and the time allowed for amendment of his specification has expired, the Registrar, if he is not satisfied that no objection exists to the specification on the ground that the invention claimed therein has been wholly or in part claimed or described in a previous specification referred to in that subsection, shall inform the applicant accordingly and appoint a time for hearing h.i.riJ., and shall give him ten days' notice at the least of such appointment. The applicant shall as soon as possible notify the Registrar whether or not he desires to be heard. The Registrar shall, after hearing the applicant, or without a hearing, if the applicant has not attended a hearing appointed or has notified that he does not desire to be heard, determine whether reference ought to be made in the applicant's specification to any, and, if so, what prior specification or specifications by way of notice to the public, a~d iI?- ~he ~vent o~ ~.e invention claimed being wholly and

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Page 64

Procedure under s.10.

Form 12.

specifically claillled or wholly and specifically described in any specification to which the investigation has extended, whether he should refuse to grant a patent, and shall inform the applicant accordingly. As an alternative to the insertion of a reference to a prior specification, the Registrar may prescribe or permit such amendments of the specification as will be to his satisfaction and, in such case, the applicant must elect, within such time as may be fixed by the Registrar, whether he agrees to the amendments or to the insertion of a reference. If no communication is received within the prescribed time or such further time as may be allowed, the references will be inserted.

(2) Application for an extension of the time fixed by the Form 12. Registrar under paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be made in the manner prescribed in regulation 25 (2).

27. (1) When under section 9 (4) the Registrar determines that a Reference to reference to a prior specification ought to be made by way of notice pri?r specifi- to the public, the form of reference shall be as follows, and shall be catIon. inserted after the c1aims-

Reference has been directed in pursuance of section 9 (4) of the Patents and Designs Act to specification No........................................ . of 19.............

.(2) Where the reference is inserted as the result of a provisional report under regulation 24, a statement to that effect shall be added to the reference.

.28~ The procedure to be followed when anticipating documents Procedure WIthin section 9(5) are brought to the notice of the Registrar shall be under s. 9 (5). that set out in regulations 24 to 27, with the necessary modifications.

PROCEDURE UNDER SECTION 10 OF THE ACT 29. (1) Where on the additional investigation provided for by

section 10 it appears that the invention claimed in any specification deposited pursuant to an application is wholly or in part claimed in any published specification deposited pursuant to a prior application. the applicant shall be informed of the result of such extended in- vestigation, and shall, within two months from the date of the letter so informing him, apply for leave to amend his specification by way of disclaimer, stating specifically what amendments he is prepared to make in it to remove the objection, or if he considers that no amend- ments are necessary, inform the Registrar accordingly.

(2) Application for an extension of time for making such an application shall be made on Patents Form 12, but no -such extension of tinie shall be granted which would extend beyond the date pre- scribed by the Act for the acceptance of the specification, and any fees payable under these Regulations for the extension of time for acceptance of a specification shall be paid in addition to the fees for an extension of time under this regulation.

(3) The Registrar shall consider any amendments submitted by the applicant for this purpose, and may allow the necessary amendments to be made.

Hearing by Registrar.

30. (1) If, at the expiration of the said two months or such ex- tended time as the Registrar may allow, the Registrar is not satisfied that the invention claimed by the applicant is not wholly or in part claimed in the specification or specifications cited, he shall inform the applicant accordingly and appoint a time for hearing him, and shall give him ten days' notice at the least of such appointment. The applicant shall as soon as possible notify the Registrar whether or not he desires to be heard. The Registrar shall, after hearing the applicant or without a hearing, if the applicant has not attended a hearing appointed, or has notified that he does not desire to be heard, determine whether reference ought to be made in the applicant's specification to any, and if so, what prior specification or specifica- tions by way of notice to the public and shall inform the applicant accordingly. As an alternative to the insertion of a reference to a prior specification, the Registrar may prescribe or permit such amendments of the specification as will be to his satisfaction, and in such case, the applicant must elect, within such time as may be fixed by the Registrar, whether he agrees to the amendments or to the insertion of a reference. If no communication is received within the prescribed time or such further time as may be allowed, the reference will be inserted.

(2) Application for an extension of the time fixed by the Registrar under paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be made in the

Page 65

manner prescribed in regulation 25. Form 12.

31. When, under section 10 (2), the Registrar determines that Reference to reference to a prior specification ought to be made, by way of notice pri?r specifi- to the public, the form of reference shall be as follows, and shall be cation. inserted after the claims:

"Reference has been directed, in pursuance of section 10 (2) of the Patents and Designs Act to specification No........................ . of 19........."

32. When, after any accepted specification has been published, Advertise- any amendment has been made, or any reference inserted therein, mentdof

d . h f th Itt d' I . . h amen ments.un er elt er 0 e as wo prece mg regu atlOns, notlce t ereof shall be advertised in the Gazette.


33. Application under section 85 for disclosure of the result of a Disclosure of search made under sections 9 and 10 shall be made on Patents Form result of

search. 14. Form 14.


34. (1) Where under section 4(5), before the acceptance of the Chemical complete specification left on any application for a patent for chemical inv~ntions­ invention, the Registrar in any particular case considers it desirable ~~!s and to require or allow typical samples or specimens to be furnished, specimens. such samples or specimens must if so required by the Registrar, be supplied in duplicate.

(2) A schedule specifying the nature of such samples or specimens may be inserted in the complete specification or appended thereto.

Page 66

Extension of time for accepting complete specification. Form 13.

Notice and advertise- ment of acceptance.

Inspection of specification, etc.

Extension of period for leaving notice of opposition. Form 16.

Notice of opposition. Form 15.

(3) The fact that such samples or specimens have been fur- nished shall also be notified to the public by a statement to that effect at the head of the complete specification and in connection with the advertisement of acceptance of such specification in the Gazette.

(4) The samples or specimens must, unless other directions are specially given, be supplied in glass bottles of a total height not exceeding three inches, and of an external diameter of 1t inches, and the bottles must be securely closed by well-fitting stoppers, and sealed. Each bottle must have an adhesive or otherwise securely attached label bearing a description which clearly identifies the

sample with the substance described in the specification. Labels which are not secured to the bottle by an adhesive should be 3 inches wide and not more than 4 inches long.

(5) Where samples or specimens of colouring matters are supplied, they must unless otherwise directed by the Registrar be accompanied by samples or specimens of materials printed or dyed with such colouring matters, such last-mentioned samples or speci- mens must be as flat as possible, and firmly attached to cards 13 inches long by 8 inches broad. The cards- must bear a full description of the processes by which the respective dyed or printed effects were produced, including the compositions and strengths of the various baths, the temperatures, duration of treatment, degree of exhaustion of the dye baths, in the case of dyed fabrics the percentage of colour- ing matter fixed on, in the case of prints the composition of the printing paste, and other necessary information. This description must also clearly identify the substance used with that described in the specification.

(6) Samples of poisonous, corrosive, explosive, or easily inflammable substances must be clearly marked as such.


35. An application for extension of time for accepting a complete specification shall be made on Patents Form 13.

36. On the acceptance of a provisional or complete specification the Registrar shall give notice thereof to the applicant, and shall advertise the acceptance of every complete specification in the Gazette.

37. After such acceptance in the case of a complete specification the application and specification or specifications with the drawings, foreign documents (if any) and samples or specimens (if any) may be inspected at the Office upon payment of the fee prescribed by these Regulations.


38. An application made under section 14 (1) for an extension of the period within which a notice of opposition may be filed shall be made upon Patents Form 16, and shall state the ground or grounds on which the application for an extension of the said period is based.

39. A notice of opposition to the grant of a patent shall be given on Patents Form 15, and shall state the ground or grounds on which the person giving such notice (herein called the opponent) intends to

Form 17.

oppose the grant, and must be signed by him. S~ch no~ce shall. be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement lll-duphcate settmg out fully the nature of the opponent's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the statement will be transmitted by the Registrar to the applicant.

Copy for applicaut.

40. If the applicant is desirous of contesting the opposition, he Counter- shall within 14 days of the receipt of such copies, or such further time statement. as the Registrar may allow, leave at the Office a counter-statement fully setting out the grounds upon which the opposition is contested and deliver to the opponent a copy thereof.

Page 67

41. The opponent may within 14 days from the delivery of such copy, or within such further time as the Registrar may allow, leave at the Office evidence by way of statutory declarations in support of his case and, on so leaving, shall deliver to the applicant a copy thereof.

Opponent's evidence.

42. Within 14 days from the delivery of such evidence to the Al?plicant's applicant, or if the opponent does not leave any evidence, within 14 eVIdence. days from the expiration of the time within which the opponent's evidence might have been filed, or within such further time as the Registrar may in either case allow, the applicant may leave at the Office evidence by way of statutory declarations in support of his case and, on so leaving, shall deliver to the opponent a copy thereof; and within 14 days from such delivery or within such further time as the Registrar may allow, the opponent may leave at the Office statutory declarations in reply and, on so leaving, shall deliver to the Evidence applicant a copy thereof. Such last-mentioned declarations shall be in reply. confined to matters strictly in reply.

43. No further evidence shall be delivered by either party except Closing of by leave, or on requisition, of the Registrar. evidence.

44. Where a document in a foreign language is referred to in any Translation statement or declaration filed in connection with an opposition, a ~f iocl!-ments translation in duplicate verified by statutory declaration shall be i~~~:~. furnished.

45. On completion of the evidence (if any), or at such other time Hearing. as he may see fit, the Registrar shall appoint a time for the hearing of the case, and shall give the parties ten days' notice at the least of such appointment. If either party does not desire to be heard he

shall forthwith notify the Registrar to that effect. If either party desires to be heard he must notify the Registrar on Patents Form 17. The Registrar may refuse to hear either party who has not left Patents Form 17 prior to the date of hearing. If either party intends to refer at the hearing to any pUblication other than a specification or pUblication already mentioned in the proceedings, he shall give to the other party and to the Registrar five days' notice at the least of his intention, together with details of each publication to which he intends to refer. After hearing the party or parties desirous of being heard or if neither party desires to be heard, then without a hearing, the Registrar shall decide the case and notify his decision to the parties.

Page 68

Costs in uncontested cases.

Payment of sealing fee. Form 18.

Extension of time for sealing. Form 19.

Further extension for prosecuting applications abroad. Form 20.

Grant of patent to· assignee. Form 7.

46. In the event of an opposition being uncontested by the appli- cant the Registrar in deciding whether costs should be awarded to the opponent shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the opponent to the applicant before the opposition was filed.

SEALING OF PATENT AND PAYMENT OF FEE 47. If the applicant for a patent desires to have a patent sealed on

his application, he shall within the period allowed by section 16 pay the sealing fee by leaving at the Office Patents Form 18, and paying thereon the prescribed fee.

48. Where for any reason a patent cannot be sealed within the period allowed by section 16 (4) (a), (b) or (c), the applicant may apply to the Registrar on Patents Form 19 for an extension of such period not exceeding three months.

49. Where the maximum extension of time for sealing a patent has been allowed under section 16 (5) and a further extension of time for sealing is required under subsection (6) of that section, applica- tion for such further extension shall be made on Patents Form 20. Such application shall be made before the expiration of the extended period allowed under subsection (5) of that section.

50. An application for the grant of a patent to an assignee or to a joint applicant and assignee shall be made on Patents Form 7, and shall be accompanied by a copy (verified in the manner required by the Registrar) of the agreement to assign. The original agreement shall also be produced for the Registrar's inspection. The Registrar may call for such other proof of title or written consent as he may reqUIre.


51. A patent, except in the cases provided for in regulations 52 Form of and 53, may be on Patents Form 58. patent.Form 58.

52. A patent of addition may be on Patents Form 59.

53. Where a patent is granted to the legal representatives of a deceased inventor, or in any case in which the applicants have asked to be treated for the purpose of devolution not only of the legal but also of the beneficial interest in such patent as joint tenants, the form of the patent shall be modified so as to show clearly that the persons to whom the grant is made are to be treated for the purpose of the devolution not only of the legal but also of the beneficial interest in the patent as joint tenants.


Form of patent of addition. Form 59.

Form of patent to legal repre- sentatives of deceas~d inventor and others.

54. If a patentee intends, at Ll-je expiration of the fourth year from Renewal fe~s the date of his patent or of any succeeding year during the term of the patent, to keep the same in force, he shall before the expiration of such year pay the prescribed annual renewal fee by lodging at the Office Patents Form 22 and paying thereon the prescribed fee. The Form 22. patentee may pay all or any of such prescribed annual renewal fees in advance. An application for an enlargement of time for payment of any fee under this regulation shall be made on Patents Form 23. Form 23.


Form 25.

Further procedure.



Page 69

55. On due compliance with the terms of regulation 54 the Registrar shall issue a Certificate that the prescribed fee has been duly paid.

Certificate of payment of fee.

56. At any time not less than one month before the date when any renewal fee will become due in respect of any patent, the Registrar shall send to the patentee or patentees, whose names appear in the register of patents, at his or their address or addresses for service, or to the address of the person or persons who paid the last renewal fee, a notice reminding him or them of the date when such fee will become due, and of the c~nsequences of the non-payment thereof.


Notice as to renewal fees.

57. Where any patent has become void owing to the failure of the Restoration 'b d t" • h' h 'b d t' th of lapsedpatentee to pay any prescn e lee wIt III L e prescn e lme e patents.

patentee may apply to the Registrar on Patents Form 24 for an order Form 24. for the restoration of the patent. Every such application shall be accompanied by one or more statutory declarations verifying the statements contained in such application. If the Registrar entertains the application, he shall advertise it in the Gazette and in such other manner as in his opinion is desirable.

58. At any time within two months from the first of such advertise- ments in the Gazette any person may give notice of opposition at the Office on Patents Form 25. Such notice shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of the opponent's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the state- ment will be transmitted by the Registrar to the applicant.

59. Upon such notice of opposition being given and a copy thereof transmitted to the applicant the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case.

60. If no opposition to the application is entered the Registrar shall at the expiration of the opposition period appoint a time for hearing the applicant and, if satisfied with the evidence adduced, issue an Order restoring the patent.

61. In every Order of the Registrar restoring a patent, provisions shall be inserted for the protection of persons who may have availed themselves of the subject-matter of the patent after the patent has been announced as void in the Gazette. Such provisions shall restrain the patentee from commencing or prosecuting any action or other proceeding, and from recovering any damage-

(a) in respect of any infringement of the patent which shall have taken place after the date on which the patent was an- nounced in the Gazette to be void and before the date of the Order;

(b) in respect of the use or employment at any time thereafter of any mechanism, machine, machinery, process or operation actually made or carried on within Guyana or of the use, purchase, or sale of any article manufactured or made in infringe- ment of the patent after the date of the said announcement and before the date of the Order:

Page 70

Provided that such use, purchase, sale, or employment is by the person or corporation by or for whom such machine or machinery or article was bona fide manufactured or made, or such mechanism, machine, machinery, process or operation was bona fide made or carried on, his or their executors, admini- strators, successors, or vendees or his or their assigns respectively;

(c) in respect of the use, employment, or sale at any time thereafter by any person or corporation entitled for the time being under the last preceding paragraph to use or employ any machine, machinery, mechanism, process, or operation of any improved or additional machine, machinery, mechanism, process, or operation or of the use or sale of any article manufactured or made by any of the means aforesaid in infringement of the patent:

Provided that the use or employment of any such improved or additional machine, machinery, mechanism, process, or opera- tion shall be limited to the buildings, works or premises existing at the time being or afterwards erected of the person or cor- poration by or for whom such machine, machinery, mechanism, process or operation was made or carried on within the meaning of the preceding paragraph, his or their executors, administra- tors, successors or assigns.

62. The Order shall further provide that if any person within one Compensa- year after the date thereof make an application to the Registrar for tion. compensation in respect of money, time, or labour expended by the applicant upon the subject-matter of the patent in the bona fide belief that such patent had become and continued to be void, it shall be lawful for the Registrar, after hearing the parties concerned, to assess the amount of such compensation if in his opinion the application ought to be granted, and to specify the party by whom and the day on which such compensation shall be paid, and if default shall be made in payment of the sum awarded, then the said patent shall become void, but the sum awarded shall not in that case be recover- able as a debt or damages.


63. A request to the Registrar for leave to amend an accepted Request for specification, except when such request is made under regulation 29 leavedto

3 h amen.

or 0, s all be made on Patents Form 26. The request must be ac- Form 26. companied by an official copy of the original specification and drawings, showing in red ink the proposed amendment in such manner as to indicate clearly the alteration desired, and shall be advertised by pUblication of the request and the nature of the pro- posed amendment in the Gazette, and'in such other manners as the Registrar may in each case direct.

'64. A notice of opposition to the amendment shall be given on Notice of Patents Form 29. Such notice shall be accompanied by a copy opposition. thereof and a statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of ~~~~ f;; the' the opponent's interest the facts upon which he bases his case and the applicant. relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the statement will be transmitted by the Registrar to the applicant.

Further 65. Upon such notice of opposition being given and copy thereof proceedings. transmitted to the applicant regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall

apply to the case.

Requirements on amendment.

Advertise- ment of amendment.

Request for leave to amend speci- fication. Form 27.

Request for leave to amend an application for a patent. Form 28.

Request for endorsement "licences of right". Form 30.

Application for refusal of request.


Form 22.

66. Where leave to amend is given the applicant shall, if the Registrar so require, and within a time to be limited by him, leave at the Office a new specification and drawings as amended, to be pre- pared in accordance with regulations 5 and 14 to 20 (inclusive).

67. Particulars of all amendments of specifications allowed and made under section 25 shall be advertised forthwith by the Registrar in the Gazette.



68. A request for leave to amend a specification which has not been accepted, other than when such request is made under regulation 29 or 30, shall be made on Patents Form 27.

69. A request for leave to amend an application for a patent shall be made on Patents Form 28.


70. A request to the Registrar to endorse a patent with the words "licences of right" shall be made upon Patents Form 30. Such request shall be accompanied by a statutory declaration and such other evidence as the Registrar may deem- necessary to show that the patentee is not precluded by contract from making such request.

71. Upon receipt of such request it shall be advertised in the Gazette and any person alleging that such request has been made contrary to some contract, in which he is interested, may apply to the Registrar upon Patents Form 31, within one month from the date of the advertisement, for the refusal of the request or at any time after endorsement for cancellation of the endorsement. Such application shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of the applicant's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks, and in the case of an application for cancellation of the endorsement by Patent Form 22 with payment thereon of the unpaid moiety of all renewal fees which have become due since the endorsement. A copy of the application and of the statement will be transmitted by the Registrar to the patentee.

Page 71

72. Upon such application being made and a copy thereof trans- Further mitted to the patentee, the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 procedure. (inclusive) shall apply to the case. .

73. An application to the Registrar for settlement of the terms of Application a licence under a patent which has been endorsed "licences of ~o settle

f right" shall be made upon Patents Form 32. Such application shall l~~ be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement in duplicate Form 32. setting out fully the nature of the applicant's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case and the terms of the licence which he is prepared to grant or accept. A copy of the application and of the statement will be transmitted by the Registrar to the patentee or the applicant for the licence, as the case may be. Upon such application being made and a copy thereof transmitted to the patentee or appli- cant for the licence, as the case may be, the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case with the necessary modifications.

Page 72


Surrender of patent. Form 36.

Notice of opposition.

Form 37.

Application for com- pulsory licence or revocation of a patent. Form 38.

74. An application by a patentee for the cancellation of an en- Application dorsement under section 28 shall be made upon Patents Form tf~r canfcella-

d · d' IOn 0 en-33 and shall be advertise by the RegIstrar in the Gazette an ill dorsement. such other manner, if any, as he deems desirable. Such application Forms 33, 22. shall be accompanied by Patents Form 22 with payment thereon of the unpaid moiety of all renewal fees which have become due since the endorsement.

75. At any time within one month from the first of such advertise- Opposition. ments in the Gazette any person may give notice of opposition at the Office on Patents Form 34. Such notice shall be accompanied by a Form 34. copy thereof, and a statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of the opponent's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the state- ment will be transmitted by the Registrar to the patentee.

76. Upon such notice of opposition being given, and a copy Further thereof transmitted to the patentee, the provisions of regulations 40 procedure. to'46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case.

PROCEDURE UNDER SECTION 30 OF THE ACT 77. An application for the revocation of a patent under section 30 Application

shall be made on Patents Form 35. Such application shall be accom- under section panied by a copy thereof, and a statement in duplicate setting out ~~rm 35. fully the nature of the applicant's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the application Copy for and of the statement will be transmitted by the Registrar to the patentee. patentee.

78. Upon such application being made and a copy thereof trans- mitted to the patentee the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case.

79. (1) A notice of an offer by a patentee to surrender his patent under section 30 shall be given on Patents Form 36, and shall be advertised by the Registrar in the Gazette and in such other manner as he deems desirable.

(2) At any time within one month from the first of such advertisements in the Gazette any person may give notice of opposi- tion to the Registrar on Patents Form 37. Such notice shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of the opponent's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the statement will be transmitted· by the Registrar to the patentee.

Upon such notice of opposition being given and a copy thereof transmitted to the patentee, the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case.


80. An application to the Registrar for an Order under section 31 shall be made on Patents Form 38 and shall set out fully the nature of the applicant's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks. The application shall be accompanied by statutory declarations verifying the applicant's interest and the facts set out in the application.

Advertise- ment of application.

Service of documents.

Counter- statement.

81. If the Registrar upon consideration of the application decides that it may proceed, it shall be advertised in the Gazette and the applicant shall upon receipt of directions from the Registrar serve a copy of the application and of the declarations upon the patentee and upon any other persons appearing from the register to be interested in the patent. The applicant must notify the Registrar when such service has been effected.

82. The patentee or any person desirous of opposing the applica- tion shall within 14 days from the advertisement of the application in the Gazette, or such further time as the Registrar may allow, deliver to the Registrar a counter-statement verified by statutory declaration fully setting out the grounds on which the application is opposed. A copy of the counter-statement and of the declarati~n or declarations shall within the same time be delivered to the applicant by the opponent.

Page 73

83. No further evidence shall be delivered by either party except F~er by leave, or on requisition, of the Registrar. eVIdence.

84. If any of the parties desire a hearing a request therefore shall Application be made upon Patents Form 39 whi~h must be left at the Office ~~!~~g. within 14 days from the date of the delivery of the counter-statement and declaration.

85. Upon receipt of such request, the Registrar shall appoint a Hearing. time for hearing the case and shall give all the parties ten days' notice at the least of such appointment. Any party who does not desire to be heard shall forthwith notify the Registrar to that effect. Every person who desires to be heard, except the person applying for the hearing, 'must notify the Registrar on Patents Form 17 and Form 17. the Registrar may refuse to hear any person who has not left Patents Form 17 prior to the date of the hearing. If no application for a hearing has been receive~ and the Registrar is of opinion that a hearing is necessary, he shall appoint a time for hearing the case and proceed as tQ.ough a request for hearing had been made under regulation 84. Mter hearing the party or parties or without a h~aring if no hearing is nec~sary, the Registrar shall decide the case and notify his decision t(; the parties.

86. An application by an existing licensee, under a patent, which Ap~lication has been endorse~ "licence.s ~f right". under section 31 (3) (~), ~or an ~:!:':der Order of the RegIstrar entitlIng the licensee to surrender his licence a licence in exchange for a licence to be settled by the Registrar, shall be made ¥f~~) <:f.ion upon Patents Form 32 as provided in regulation 73 and .the further Form 32. proceedings thereon shall be regulated in accordance with regulation 73.

PROCEDURE UNDER SECTION 42 OF THE ACT 87. An application made by a co-patentee for relief under section Application

42(2) shall be made upon Patents Form 53 and shall state the around for relief. . . . 0- under sectIon

or grounds upon which such applicatlOn for relief is made, and upon 42 (2). any such application the Registrar may give such directions as to the Form 53. procedure to be adopted as he may think fit.

Page 74

Entry of grant.

Alteration of address. Form 41.

Application for entry of subsequent proprietor- ship.

Form and signature of request. Forms 43, 44.

Production of documents of title and other proof.

Copies for office.

Entry of notice of interest.

Entry of notification of document. Form 45.


88. An application to the Registrar under section 44(3) for Patents for licence to use an invention for the purposes of the preparation or ~:'e. production of food or medicine shall be made on Patents Form 40. Form 40.• The procedure to be followed shall be the same as that prescribed in regulations 80 to 85 (inclusive) for application under section 31.


89. Upon the sealing of a patent the Registrar shall cause to be entered in the register of patents the name, address, and nationality of the patentee as the grantee thereof, the title of the inveation, the date of the patent, and the date of the sealing thereof, together with the address for service and such other particulars as the Registrar may deem necessary.

90. If a patentee send to the Registrar on Patents Form 41 notice in respect of a patent of an alteration in his name or address or address for service, the Registrar shall cause the register to be altered accordingly.

91. Where a person becomes entitled by assignment, transmission, or other operation of law to a patent, or to any interest therein, as mortgagee or licensee, application for the entry in the register of his name as proprietor or part proprietor of the patent, or of a notice of such interest, as the case may be, shall be made on Patents Form 43 or Patents Form 44 as the case may be, and shall in the case of in- dividuals be made and signed by the person requiring to be registered as proprietor or part propdetor, or by his agent, and in the case of a body corporate by its duly authorised officer or agent.

92. Every assignment, and every other document containing, giving effect to, or being evidence of, the transmission of a patent or effecting the proprietorship thereof as claimed by such application, except such documents as are matters of record in Guyana shall, unless the Registrar in his discretion otherwise directs, be produced to him together with the application, and he may call for such other proof of title or written consent as he may require.

An official or certified copy of a document which is a matter of record in Guyana shaJI in like manner be produced to the Registrar.

93. The application shall be accompanied by a copy, verified in such manner as the Registrar may require, of the assignment or other document required to be produced by t!?-e preceding regulation.

94. The notice of interest in a patent of any person other than the proprietor or part proprietor entered in the register in pursuance of the application shall be such as may appear applicable to the cir- cumstances of the particular case.

95. Application for entry in the register of notification of any document (not already provided for) purporting to affect the pro- prietorship of a patent shall be made on Patents Form 45. Such application shall be accompanied by a copy of the document, the accuracy of such copy being certified as the Registrar may direct, and the original document shall at the same time be produced and left at the Office if required for further verification.

Requests for information.

Form 49.

Page 75

96. Upon the issue of a certificate of payment under regulation Entry of 55 the Registrar shall cause to be entered in the register a record of =t'!rr~ the date of payment of the fee on such certificate. :';i:;;.f

97. The register of patents shall be open to the inspection of the Hours of public, on payment of the prescr!bed fee,. on ~ve!y day on which the·~=~ of Office is open to the public dunng the tIme It IS so open except at such times when the. use of the register may be required for any official purpose.


98. A request for the correction of a clerical error in or in connec- Correction of tion with an application for a patent or in any patent or specification, clerical . or in any matter which is entered upon the register of patents, shall errors. be made on Patents Form 46. Form 46.

In any case where the Registrar requires notice of the nature of the proposed correction to be advertised, such advertisement shall be made by publication of the request and the nature of the proposed correction in the Gazette and in such other manner (if any) as the Registrar may in each case direct.

Any person may at any time within one month from the date of such advertisement in the Gazette give notice at the Patent Office of opposition to the propos~d correction.

Notice of opposition to the correction shall be made on Patents Form 47. Such notice shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a Form 47. statement in duplicate setting out fully the nature of the opponent's ' interest, the facts on which he bases his case and the relief which he seeks. A copy of the notice and of the statement will be transmittP.ti by the Registrar to the applicant.

Upon such notice of opposition being given and a copy thereof transmitted to the applicant, the provisions of regulations 40 to 46 (inclusive) shall apply to the case.


99. A request for a certificate of the Registrar as to any entry, matter or thing which he is authorised by the Act or any of these regulations to make or do, shall be made on Patents Form 48.

Certified copies of any entry in the register, or certified copies of, or extracts from, patents, specifications, disclaimers, affidavits, statutory declarations, and other public documents in the Office, or of or from registers and other books kept there, may be furnished by the Registrar on payment of the fee prescribed by these regulations.


100. A request made under section 49 for information upon a matter affecting a patent or an application for a patent shall be made on Patents Form 49 and may be in respect of anyone of the following matters:

(a) when a complete specification following a provisional specification has been left or when an application for a patent has become abandoned,

(b) when a complete specification has been accepted or when an application for a patent has become void,

(c) when a patent has been sealed or when the time for payment of the sealing fee has expired,

Certi1icates andccrtified copies of documents. Form 48.

Page 76

Secret patents.

Form 6.

(d) when a renewal fee has been paid, (e) when a patent has expired, (f) when an entry has been made on the register or applica-

tion has been made for the making of such entry, or (g) when any application is made or action taken involving

an entry on the register or advertisement in the Gazette.


101. When it has been decided by the Minister responsible for defence that it is advisable to take out a secret patent for any inven- tion assigned under section 34, and an application for such patent has been made on Patents Form 6, accompanied by a certificate of the Minister responsible for defence under section 34 (3), the Regis- trar shall not communicate the application or any documents relating thereto to any member of his staff other than a deputy or special examiner or examiners, who shall make the required investigations. and reports required by the Act to be made in the case of other applications for patents.

Unless and until such invention is re-assigned to the inventor by the Minister responsible for defence-

(a) no copy of any specification or any other document or drawing relating thereto shall in any manner whatever be' published or open to the inspection of the public;

(b) the application for the patent, and the acceptance of any specification relating to ~e invention shall not be advertised, nor shall the grant of the-.patent for such invention be open to opposition under section 14; but the Registrar shall cause a patent to be sealed in respect of every such invention as soon as may be after the acceptance of the complete specification relating thereto;

(c) every such secret patent shall be registered in a confidential register at the Office, and no details or particulars relating thereto shall at any time be published as required by the Act for ordinary patents. Nor shall any entry be made in the ordinary register of patents in respect of any such patent or any assign- ment;

(d) no fees shall be payable in respect of any secret patent, and every such patent, notwithstanding the non-payment of such fees, shall remain in force for the full period of 16 years from its date.

102. When an application has been made otherwise than as Certificate of provided by the last preceding regUlation for a patent for an invention, secrt7Y ~ter

h li . . till di d' . apphcabon.and suc app cation IS s pen ng, an a certificate under sectIOn 34 (3) is furnished to the Registrar by the Minister responsible for defence, such regulation shall, so far as is practicable, having regard to the date of such certificate, apply to such application and to all documents relating thereto.

103. In the event of any secret patent being re-assigned to the Re-assign- inventor by the Minister responsible for defence, it shall be removed meat. from the confidential register of secret patents; all fees that would have been thereafter payable if the same had not been a secret patent shall be paid in respect thereof; and the patent shall remain in force only for the same term, and subject to the same conditions as to payments of fees and otherwise as if it had not been a secret patent.

Form 51.

Publication of inventions before learned societies.

Form 51.

Exercise of discretionary powers by Registrar. Notice of hearing.

Notice by applicant.

Registrar may require statement, etc.

Decision to be notified to parties.

Form, etc., of statutory declaration and affidavi t.

Page 77


104. An application for a duplicate of a patent which has been lost Lost patent. or destroyed shall be made on Patents Form 50, and shall be accom- Form 50. panied by a statutory declaration setting out in full and verifying the circumstances in which the patent was lost or destroyed.


105. Any person desirous of exhibiting at an industrial or inter- Industrial or national exhibition an invention in respect of which an application in~~~ional for a patent has not been left at the Patent Office, or of publishing ex 1 ItlOns. any description of such invention during the period of the holding of the exhibition, or of using such invention for the purpose of the exhibition in the place where the exhibition is held, may, after the Minister has issued a certificate that the exhibition is an industrial or international one, give to the Registrar notice on Patents Form 51, of his .intention to exhibit, publish, or use the invention, .as the case may be. For the purpose of identifying the invention in the event of an application for a patent being subsequently made the inventor shall furnish to the Registrar a brief description of his invention, accom- panied, if necessary, by drawings, and such other information as the Registrar may in each case require.


106. Any person desirous of publishing an invention in respect of which application for a patent has not been left at the Patent Office, by reading a paper before a learned Society or of permitting publication of the paper in such Society'S transactions may give the Registrar notice on Patents Form 51 of his intention to publish such invention as provided in regulation 105.


107. Before exercising any discretionary power given to the Registrar by the Act or these Regulations adversely to any person concerned, the Registrar shall give ten days' notice, or such longer notice as he may think fit, to such person of the time when he may be heard personally or by his agent before the Registrar.

108. Within five days from the date on which such notice would be delivered in the ordinary course of post, or such longer time as the Registrar may appoint in such notice, the person concerned shall notify in writing to the Registrar whether or not he intends to be heard upon the matter.

109. Whether such person desires to be heard or not, the Registrar may at any time require him to submit a statement in writing within a time to be notified by the Registrar, or to attend before him and make oral explanations with respect to such matters as the Registrar may require.

110. The decision or determination of the Registrar in the exercise of any such discretionary power as aforesaid shall be notified by him to all persons who appear to him to be affected thereby.


111. The statutory declarations and affidavits required by these Regulations or used in any proceedings thereunder, shall be headed in the matter or matters to which they relate, and shall be divided

Page 78

Power to dispense with evidence, signature, etc.

into paragraphs consecutively numbered, and each paragraph""shall so far as possible be confined to one subject. Every statutory declaration or affidavit shall state the description and true place of abode of the person making the same, and shall be written, typed, lithographed or printed bookwise and shall bear the name and address of the person leaving it and shall state on whose behalf it is left.

112. The statutory declarations and affidavits required by the Act M~ner in or used in any proceedings thereunder, shall be made and subscribed ;~~in~nd as follows: before whom

. declaration (a) m Guyana, before any comnusslOner or other officer or affidavit is

authorised by law to administer an oath for the purpose of any to be taken. legal proceeding;

(b) in any other part of the Commonwealth, before any court, judge, justice of the peace, or any officer authorised by law to administer an oath there for the purpose of a legal proceeding; and

(c) if made out of the Commonwealth, before a diplomatic agent or a consular officer of Guyana.


113. If the Registrar think fit any document for the amending of Power of which no special provision is made by the Act may be amended, and amendment, any irregularity in procedure may be rectified, on such terms as the etc. Registrar may direct if in the opinion of the Registrar such amend- ment or rectification can be made without detriment to the interests of any person.

114. The times prescribed by these Regulations for doing any act, General or taking any proceeding thereunder, other than the times prescribed pOfer t~. by regulations 48 and 54, may be enlarged by the Registrar if he en arge Ime. think fit, upon such notice to other parties and proceedings thereon, and upon such terms, as he may direct.

115. The Office shall be open to the public every weekday except Days and Saturday between the. hours of nine and four, and on Saturday g~i~e~. between the hours of nme and twelve,except on public holidays and on such days as may from time to time be notified by a placard posted in a conspicuous place at the Office.

116. Whenever the last day fixed by the Act, or by these Excluded Regulations for doing any thing shall fall on a day when the Office days. is not open or on a Saturday, which days shall be excluded days for the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, it shall be lawful to do any such thing on the day next following such excluded day, or days, if two or more of them occur consecutively.

117. Where, under these Regulations, any person is required to do any act or thing, or to sign any document, or to make any declaration on behalf of himself or of any body corporate, or any document or evidence is required to be produced to or left with the Registrar, or at the Office, and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar that from any reasonable cause such person is unable to do such act or thing, or to sign such document, or to make such declaration, or that such "document or evidence cannot be produced or left as aforesaid, it shall

Applications to Court.

Orders of Court.

Form 52.

Patents Agent's licence.

Applications in respect of United King- dom patents. How made.

be lawful for the Registrar, upon the production of such other evidence, and subject to such terms as he may think fit, to dispense with any such act or thing, signature, declaration, document, or evidence.


118. (1) Four days' notice of every application to the Court under section 89 for rectification of the register of patents shall be given to the Registrar.

. (2) Where any order has been made by the Court under the Act revoking a patent or extending the term of a patent, or allowing a patentee to amend his specification or affecting the validity or proprietorship of a patent or any rights thereunder, the person in whose favour such order has been made shall forthwith serve on the Registrar a certified copy of such order together with Patents Form 52. The specification shall thereupon be amended or the register rectified or altered as the case may be.


119. The licence issued by the Registrar under section 101 shall be for the period of one year beginning on the 1st January and ending on the 31st December in anyone year.


120. All applications under sections 54 to 61 (inclusive) shall be made through a licensed patent agent. The forms in connection therewith may also be signed by a licensed patent agent on behalf of the applicant, but if not so signed, then if the applicant is a firm, they must be signed by each individual who is a panner, and if the applicant is a body corporate the forms must be signed by its duly authorised officer or agent.

121. (1) An application for registration in Guyana of a United Kingdom patent shall be made on Patents Form 54.

(2) The certificate of registration shall be on Patents Form 57.

Page 79

Application for registra- tion of United King- dom patent. Fonn 54. Form 57.

122. An application under section 60 to substitute a copy of the Application d d to registerspecification and drawings of a United Kingdom patent as amen e amended or

for the specification and drawings as originally filed shall be made on substituted specification

Patents Form 55. of United Kingdom patent. Fonn 55.

123. An application under section 61 for the entry on the register Appli~ation - . h . A".. 1 f to regIsterof patents of an aSSIgnment or ot er mstrument auectmg tIt e 0 a assignments, United Kingdom patent or giving an interest therein shall be made etc... of .

. ~. 11 Umted Kmg-on Patents Form 56 accompanIed by a certIficate of the Comptro er dam patents. General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks in the United Kingdom Form 56. showing that the entry proposed to be made in the register of patents in Guyana has already been made in the Patents Office, London; or on Patents Form 43 or Patents Form 44, as the case may be, where Form 43. no such entry has been made in the Patent Office, London. Fonn 44.




1. On application accompanied by provisional specification

2. On filing complete specification thereafter 3. On application accompanied by complete speci-

fication ... 4. On request for the post-dating of an application

under section 5 (4)- Not exceeding one month

two months three months four months five months six months

5. For extension of time for leaving complete specification not exceeding one month

6. For extension of time for leaving amended specification under regulations 25 or 29 or notifying acceptance of alternative under regulations 26 or 30-

Not exceeding one month Each succeeding month

7. For extension of time for acceptance ofcomplete specification-

Not exceeding one month two months three months

8. On application for result of a search under sections 9 and 10

9. On notice of opposition to grant of patent. By opponent

10. On application for extension of time for filing

$ c. Corresponding Form

10 00 30 00

40 00

4 00 8 00

12 00 16 00 20 00 24 00

20 00

5 00 5 00

5 00 10 00 15 00

10 00

5 00

Patents Form 1 or 2, etc.

Patents Form 9. Patents Forms 1 or

2, etc., and 9.

Patents Form 10. Qo. do. do. do. do.

Patents Form 11.

Patents Form 12. do.

Patents Form 13. do. do.

Patents Form 14.

Patents Form 15.

notice of opposition to grant of patent 5 00 Patents Form 16. 11. On hearing by Registrar. By applicant and by

opponent respectively ... 10 00 Patents Form 17. 12. On notice of desire to have patent sealed 13. Application under section 16 (1) (b) for grant of

patent to an assignee ...

14. On application for extension of time for sealing of patent other than an extension under section 16 (6)-

Not exceeding one month two months three months

15. On application for extension of time for sealing of patent under section 16 (6)-

Not exceeding one month Each succeeding month

16. On application for grant ofPatent of Addition in lieu of an independent patent

On application for certificate of renewal- *17. Before the expiration of the 4th year from the

date ofthe patent and in respect of the 5th year *18. Before the expiration of the 5th year from the

date ofthe patent and in respect of the 6th year *19. Before the expiration of the 6th year from the

date ofthe patent and in respect of the 7th year *20. Before the expiration of the 7th year from the

date ofthe patent and in respect ofthe 8th year *21. Before the expiration of the 8th year from the

date of the patent and in respect of the 9th year *22. Before the expiration of the 9th year from the

date of the patent and in respect of the 10th year

*23. Before the expiration of the 10th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 11th year

*24. Before the expiration of the 11th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 12th year

*25. Before the expiration of the 12th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 13th year

*26. Before the expiration of the 13th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 14th year

*27. Before the expiration of the 14th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 15th year

10 00

10 00

4 00 8 00

12 00

4 00 4 00

40 00

20 00

24 00

28 00

32 00

36 00

40 00

44 00

48 00

52 00

56 00

60 00

Patents Form 18.

Patents Form 7.

Patents Form 19. do. do.

Patents Form 20. do.

Patent Form 21.

Patents Form 22.











*One moiety only of these fees payable on Patents endorsed "Licences of Right".

s.3. [8 of 1951 4 of 1972}

*28. Before the expiration of 0e 15th year from the . date of the patent and m respect of the 16th

year 29. On enlargement of time for payment of renewal

fees-- Not exceeding one month

two months three months

S c. Corresponding Form

64 00 Patents Form 22.

4 00 8 00

12 00

Patents Form 23. do. do.

30. On application for restoration of a lapsed patent 40 00 Patents Form 24.

31. On notice of opposition to application for res- toration of lapsed patent ... ... .,. 10 00 Patents Form 25.

32. On hearing by Registrar. By applicant and by opponent respectively 10 00 Patents Form 17.

33. On application to amend specification after acceptance--

Up to sealing. By applicant 6 00 Patents Form 26. After sealing. By patentee 20 00 do.

34. On application to amend specification not yet accepted

35. On application to amend an application for a patent .,.

36. On notice of opposition to amendment. By opponent

37. On hearing by Registrar. By applicant and by opponent respectively ...

38. On request for endorsement of patent "Licences of Right"

39. On application for refusal of request for endorse- ment of patent "Licences of Right" or can- cellation of endorsement

40. On };tearing by Registrar. By each party

41. On application for settlement of terms of licence under patent endorsed "Licences of Right"

42. On hearing by Registrar. By each party

43. On application by patentee for cancellation of endorsement of a patent "Licences of Right"

44. On notice of opposition to cancellation of en- dorsement of a patent "Licences of Right" ...

45. On hearing by Registrar. By each party

46. On application for revocation of a patent under section 30

47. On hearing by Registrar. By applicant and by patentee respectively ...

48. On offer to surrender a patent under section 30

49. On notice of opposition to surrender a patent ...

50. On hearing by Registrar. By applicant and by opponent respectively ...

51. On application for grant of compulsory Licence or revocation of a patent under section 31 .. .

52. On request for hearing under section 31 (11) .. .

53. On hearing by Registrar. By each party

54. On application for Licence under section 44 (3)

6 00 Patents Form 27.

6 00 Patents Form 28.

5 00 Patents Form 29.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

10 00 Patents Form 30.

20 00 Patents Form 31.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

40 00 Patents Form 32.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

10 00 Patents Form 33.

5 00 Patents Form 34.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

10 00 Patents Form 35.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

5 00 Patents Form 36.

5 00 Patents Form 37.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

40 00 Patents Form 38.

10 00 Patents Form 39.

10 00 Patents Form 17.

40 00 Patents Form 40.

·One moiety only of these fees payable on Patents endorsed "Licences of Right".

Page 81

Page 82

s c. Corresponding Form 55. On hearing by Registrar. By each party 10 00 Patents Form 17.

56. For altering name or address for service in register, for each patent 2 00 Patents Form 41.

57. For entry oftwo addresses for service in register, for each patent 2 00 Patents Form 42.

58. On application for entry of name or subsequent proprietor in the register of patents, if made within six months from date of acquisition of proprietorship-

In respect of one patent 5 00 Patents Form 43. For each additional patent, the devolu-

tion of title being the same as in the firs t patent 00 do.

59. On application for entry of name of subsequent proprietor in the register of patents, if made after expiration of six months from date of acquisition of proprietorship-

In respect of one patent 20 00 do. For each additional patent, the devolu-

tion of title being the same as in the first patent 00 do.

60. On application for entry of notice of a mortgage or licence in the register of patents, if made within six months from the date of acquisi- tion of interest or the sealing of the patent-

In respect of one patent 5 00 Patents Form 44. For each additional patent, the devolu-

tion of title being the same as in the first patent 00 do.

61. On application for entry of notice of a mortgage or licence in the register of patents, if made after expiration of six months from date of acquisition of interest or the sealing of the patent-

In respect of one patent 20 00 do. For each additional patent, the devolu-

tion of title being the same as in the first patent 00 do.

62. On application for entry of notification of a document in the register of patents, if made within six months from date of document or the sealing of the patent-

In respect of one patent 5 00 Patents Form 45. For each additional patent referred to in

the same document as the first patent 00 do.

63. On application for entry of notification of a document in the register of patents, if made after expiration of six months from date of document or the sealing of the patent-

In respect of one patent 20 00 do. For each additional patent referred to in

the same document as the first patent 00 do.

64. On request to Registrar to correct a clerical error-

Up to sealing 5 00 Patents Form 46. After sealing 10 00 de.

65. On notice of opposition to the correction of a clerical error 5 00 Patents Form 47.

66. On hearing by Registrar. By each party 10 00 Patents Form 17.

Page 83

s c. Corresponding Form 67. For certificate of Registrar under section 95 .,. 5 ()() Patents Form 48.

68. On request for information as to a matter affecting a patent or an application therefor .,. 5 00 Patents Form 49.

69. For duplicate of patent ... 20 00 Patents Form 50.

70. On notice to Registrar of intended exhibition or publication of an invention under section 50 10 ()() Patents Form 51.

71. On notice of order of court for amendment of specification or rectification of register 5 ()() Patents Form 52.

72. On application under section 42 (2) for directions as to sale or lease ofa patent or grant oflicence 40 ()() Patents Form 53.

73. On hearing by Registrar. By each party 10 ()() Patents Form 17.

74. On inspection of register, original documents, and samples or specimens 0 50

75. For typewritten office copies ... every 120 words (but never less than twenty five cents) 0 25

76. For photographic office copies of drawings, cost according to agreement.

77. For office copy of patent 2 00

78. For certifying office copies, MSS. printed or photographic, each ()()

79. On application for registration of United King- dom patent, including certificate of registra- tion 10 00 Patents Form 54.

80. On application for registration ofsubstitution of amended specification or other document ... 10 00 Patents Form 55.

81. On application for registration of extension of United Kingdom patent, including certificate of registration ... 10 00 Patents Form 56.

82. On application for entry on Register of Patents ofassignment, etc., of United Kingdom patent 2 00 do.

83. On issue of certificate thereof if required 2 ()()

84. On every certificate of Registrar, where no special fee therefor is prescribed 3 ()()

85. Annual fee for licence to patent agent ... 60 00

86. On application, accompanied by provisional or complete specification, in addition to amounts payable under items I and 3, a deposit for examiner's fee, refundable if no examiner employed 50 00

Page 84


(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants, including actual inventor.



Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies ofPatents Form 8 or ofPatents Form 9)


(a) I (or We)........ ""'" ...............................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................................................... do hereby declare that I am (or we are) in possession of an invention the title of

(b) Here insert which is (b}... . ................ ....... . ... ............. .. .......... ................... .................................................. title of invention.

(c) State here who is or are the inventor or inventors.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

that (c)................................. ..................... ..................................................................................................... claim to be the true and first inventor thereof, and that the same is not in use by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief; and I (or we) humbly pray that a Patent may be granted to me (or us) for the said invention.

Dated of ....... 19............

(d) .........................................................................................

NOTE.-One of the two forms on the back hereof, or a separate authorisation of agent, should be signed by the applicant or applicants.

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

(1) ;-V:,ere application is made through a Patent Agent.

I (or We) hereby appoint

of (e) ........................................................................................................................................................................... to act for me (or us) in respect of the within application for a Patent, and request that all notices, requisitions, and communications relating thereto may be sent to him (or them) at the above address.

Dated the of ..................... .19 ...........


(2) . Where application is made without an Agent (Reg. 7).

I (or We) hereby request that all notices, requisitions, and communications in respect of the within application may be sent

to ............. ~...........................................................................................................................................................

at (e) ..................................... ...............................................................

Page 85

(e) The address must be in Georgetown.

·To be signed by applicant or applicants.

(e) The address must be in

Dated of ..... . ., 19 ......... Georgetown.

t ................. " ........................................................... fTo be signed by applicant or applicants.

Page 86

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address, and nationality of applicant or applicants.


Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies ofPatents Form 8 or ofPatents Form 9)


(a) I (or We)..............................................................................................................................


...................... '" ............................................... ................... ................... hereby declare that I

(b) Here insert am (or we are in poss~ssion of an invention the title of which is (b). ................. title of invention.

(c) Here insert which invention has been communicated to me (or us) by (cL .......................... name, address, and nationality of communica- tor.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants.

that I (or we) claim to be the true and first inventor thereof; and that the same is not in use within Guyana by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief; and I (or we) humbly pray that a Patent may be granted to me (or us) for the said invention.

Dated the...................... day of.................................., 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patents Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies ofPatents Form 8 or ofPatents Form 9)


(a) I (or We).............................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................................. , do hereby declare that I am (or we are) in possession of an invention the title of

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants (including the actual inventor) .

which is (b)................................................................................................................................................................ (b) Here insert title of invention.

that (e)......................................................................................................c1aim. to be the true and first inventor...... thereof; that the same is not in use by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief, and that the said invention is an improvement in or modification of my (or our) invention for which a patent was applied for on the................................................, and

numbered.......................................... [for which I was the applicant......] [of which we were

lam --the patentee...... ;] and I (or we) humbly pray that a patent may be we are granted to me (or us) for the said invention, and request that the term limited in such further patent for the duration thereof be the same as that of the original patent, or so much of that term as is unexpired.

Dated the oL................................, 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

(c) State here who is or are the inventor or inventors.

(d)To be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case ofa firm by each partner.

Page 87

Page 88

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants.

(b) Here insert title of invention.


Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies ofPatents Form 8 or ofPatents Form 9)



(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................................................, do hereby declare that I am (or we are) in possession of an invention the title of

which is (b). ................................ '" ...... .... ................. ..............................................................................

(c) Here insert which invention has been communicated to me (or us) by (c) ............................. name, address and nation- alityof communica- tor.

Cd) To be signed by applicant or applicants.

that I (or we) claim to be the true and first inventor...... thereof; that the same is not in use within Guyana by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief, and that the said invention is an improvement in or modification ofmy (or our invention for which a patent was applied for on the.............................................. and numbered................................................)

[ c hih I was . . lam )lor w c the applicant......) [of which -- the patentee ..... ;

we were we are and I (or we) humbly pray that a patent may be granted to me (or us) for the said invention, and request that the term limited in such further patent for the duration thereof be the same as that of the original patent, or so much of that term as is unexpired.

Dated the...................... day of...................................., 19 ........... (d)................. .......................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies ofPatents Form 8 or ofPatents Form 9)


(a) I (or We)............................................................................................................................................... ~...............................................................................................................................................................................................


....................................................................................................................................................................................,do hereby declare that I am (or we are) in possession of an invention the title of which is (b) ......................................................................................................................................................

that (c) ................................................................................................................claim to be the true and first inventor..... thereof; that the same is not in use by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief, and that the said invention is an improvement in or modification of my (or our) invention, for which a patent (hereinafter called the original patent) was applied for on the.........................................., and numbered.........................................., [for

. Iwas th li ] [f hih lam thwhich e app canL.. 0 w c -- e patentee......, as we were we are

improved upon or modified by my (or our) invention for which a Patent of Addition was applied for on the...................................., and numbered....................................

{for which Patent of Addition I was the applicanL...] [of which Patent we were

of Addition I am the patentee...... ]; and I (or we) humbly pray that a we are

Patent may be granted to me (or us) for the said invention, and request that the term limited in such further patent for the duration thereof be the same as that of the original patent, or so much of that term as is unexpired.

Dated of...................................., 19........... (cI)..........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office, .

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 89

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants (including the actual inventor).

(b) Here insert title of invention.

(c) State here who is or are the inventor or inventors.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

Page 90

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants.


Patents and Designs Act

(To be accompanied by two copies of Patents Form 8 or of Patents Form 9 and a certificate under section 34 (3))


(a) I (or We)..........................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................................................., do hereby declare that I am (or we are) in possession of an invention the title of

~ftleH;fe insert which is (b). ................................................................................................................................................................. invention.

(c) State here who is or are the inventor or inventors.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants.

that (c). ............................................................................................................................................................................. claim to be the true and first inventor...... thereof; and that the same is not in use by any other person or persons to the best of my (or our) knowledge and belief; and I (or we) humbly pray that a secret patent may be granted to me (or us) for the said invention.

Dated of............................... , 19...........


NOTE.-This Form is only for use where the Minister has certified to the Registrar under section 34 of the Act, that particulars of the invention should be kept secret.

To the Registrar of Patents, Desigus and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)nn ___ n __ n _______ .nn.n __ n •• n •• n.nn •••••••••••••• n ••• nn_._ ••nn_n •• n ••n.nnn•• n __ nnn __ n_.n ••••••••••••••••• n __ nn ••••

hereby request that the application for Patent No. (b)........................n ••••••••••••••••••••••

dated................. n ••••••••••••••••••••••.made by (c)..........................................may be granted to (d)

I (or We) claim to be entitled to tb,e grant of the Patent by virtue of (e)

And in proof whereof I (or we) transmit the accompanying (j)

with a copy thereof.

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, ~orgetown.

Page 91

(a) Here insert name of applicant or applicants. (b) Here insert the number and date of the Applica- tionfor Patent. (e) Here insert name of the applicant or applicants for Patent. (d) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of the person or persons to whom it is desired the Patent should be granted. (e) Here specify the particulars of such docu- ment, giving its date and the parties to the same, and showing how the claim here made is sub- stantiated. (f) Here insert the nature of the document. The copy should be written, type- written or printed on foolscap paper on one side only. (g) To be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

Page 92

(a) Here insert ti tJe verbally agreeing with that in the application form.

(b) Here insert (in fuil) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants as in application form.

(c) Here begin description of the nature of the invention. The continua- tion of the specification should be upon wide- ruled paper of the same size as this form, on one side only, with a margin of one inch and a half on the left hand part of the paper. The specifica- tion and the duplicate thereof must be signed at the end, and dated (thus): "Dated the ............dayof ........ , 19....."


Patents and Designs Act

To be issued with Patents Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6



(To be furnished in Duplicate)

(b) I (or We) ............................................................

do hereby declare the nature of this invention to be as follows--(c)


Patents and Designs Act

Where provisional speci- fication or specifications have been left, quote No. or Nos., and date or dates.

COMPLETE SPECIFICATION (To be furnished in Duplicate)

No............................... Date ........................

(a) ...................................................................................................................................................................

(b) I (or We) ...............................................................................................................................................

do hereby declare the nature of this invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, to be particularly described and ascertained in and by the following statement-


NOTE.-The claims must be clear and succinct as well as separate and distinct from the body of the Specification, and shouldform in brief a clear statement of that which constitutes the invention. Applicants should be careful that their claims include neither more nor less than they desire to protect by their Patent. Any unncessary multiplicity ofclaims or prolixity oflanguage should be avoided. Claims should not be made for the efficiency or advantages of the invention.

Page 93

(a) Here insert title verbally agreeing with that in the application form. (b) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants as in application form.

(c) Here begin full descrip- tion of inven- tion. The continuation of the specification should be upon wide- ruled paper of the same size as this form, on one side only, with a margin of one inch and a half on the left-hand part of the paper. The comple- tion of the description should be followed by the words, "Having now particularly described and ascertained the nature of

my (or our) said invention, and in what manner the same i's to be performed, I (or we) declare that what I (or we) claim is:" after which should be written the claim or claims numbered consecutively (see note below). The specification and the duplicate thereof must be signed at the end and dated thus: "Dated of................................19........"

Page 94

(a) To be signea by applicant or applicants.

(a) To be signed by applicant or applicants or his or their agent.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) hereby request that....................................application No......................... of..........................................:filed on deemed to have been made on the following date, namely, the........................of........................ , 19............ .

(a) ..........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby, in respect of application No............._........................................ dated......................................................, apply for one month's extension of time in which to leave a complete specification.

(a) ..........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patents Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby apply for................................................month................................................ extension of time within which

Page 95

(a) An amended specification may be left under regulation 25 or 29 (a) and (b) Strike out the

(b) agreement to the amendment of the specification or to the insertion words which of a reference under regulation 26 or 30 may be notified, ::pplicable.

in connection with application No...........................................dated.......................................... (c)..........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) hereby apply for................................................month................................................ extension of time for the acceptance of the complete specification upon application No.................................................dated................................................



To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

(c) To be signed by applicant or applicants or his or their agent.

(a) To be signed by applicant or applicants or his or their agent.

Page 96

(a) Here insert name and full address to which information is to be sent.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby request that I (or we) may be informed of the result of the search made under sections 9 and 10 in connection with Application for Patent No............................................

(a) .......................................................................................

To the Registrar of Deeds, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

(This part to be filled in at the Patent Office)

Result of the search made under sections 9 and 10 of the Patents and Designs Act in connection with application for Patent No...............................

Specifications or other publications cited under section 9. Specifications under section 10.

Dated this of...................................................., 19............

Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

NOTE.-Citations may be made during the examination of the specification which are not relevant to the specification as accepted. Citations under section 9 are completed before acceptance of the specifica- tion, but citations under section 10 may be made subsequently.

Page 97


Patents and Designs Act


(To be accompanied by a copy, and a statement of case in duplicate)

*1 (or We).................................................................................................................................................... -Here state (in full) name

.....................................................................................................................................,.......................................................... and address.

hereby give notice of opposition to the grant of a patent upon application

No...........................................applied for by.................................................,....................................................

upon the groundt...............................................................................................................................................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

tHere state upon which of' the grounds of oppositioll. permitted by section 14 of the Act the grant is opposed.

t·················.········.·.............................................................. tTo be signed

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

by opponent or opponents.

Page 98

(a) To be signed by the person or persons by whom the Notice of Opposition will be entered or by their agent.

{a) Here insert (in full) name and address. (b) Here insert date of hearing. (c) Here insert particulars (i.e., number of application or patent, names of parties and nature of proceedings). (d) Signature.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby request that the period within which I (or we) may file a notice of opposition to the grant of a patent on Application No.....................................of................................................the acceptance of the complete specification of which was advertised in the Gazette on the ................................... of..........................................19............, may be extended by one month.

The ground............upon which the request is follows-

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is:.............................................._...........


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office, Deeds Registry,

Georgetown, Demerara, Guyana.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................ ..••...................................._..................................................................................................................................................... hereby give notice that the Hearing fixed for the (b). reference to (e)................................................................................................will be attended by myself (or ourselves) or by some person on my (or our) behalf.


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................ desire to have a patent sealed on my (or our) Application No........................._.... and I (or we) hereby transmit the prescribed fee on sealing, and request that the following may be entered on the Register as my (or our) address for service-

(b) ..........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) hereby apply for .............................month..............................extension of time for the sealing of a patent upon Application No...............................

(a) .................................................._......................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 99

(a) Here insert name of applicant or applicants.

(b) Signature of applicant or applicants or his or their agent.

(a) To be signed by the applicant or applicants or his or their agent.

Page 100

(a) The cir- cumstances and grounds must be stated in detail.

(b) To be signed by the applicant or applicants or his or their agents,

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of patentee or patentees,

(b) To be . signed by patentee or patentees and in the case of a'Firm by each partner,

PATENTS FORM 20. Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby apply for..............................month.............................extension of time for the sealing of a patent upon application No...............................

The circumstances in and grounds upon which this extension is applied for are as foHows (a)-

I (or We) hereby declare than an extension of time for sealing has already been allowed under section 16(5) and has not yet expired.


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

PATENTS FORM 21. Patents ar.d Designs Act



(a) I (or We)....................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... hereby request that patent

No.....................................of which :ea.:e the patentee be revoked, and that in

lam lieu thereof a patent of addition to patent No............ , of wruch we are

also the patentee be granted to me (or us), and that such patent of addition bear the same date as the patent so revoked.

Dated of........................, 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Desigils and Trade Mar~{s, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby transmit the fee prescribed for the continuation in force of*........................Patent No........................., for a further period of....................... and request that the Certificate of Payment of the fee may be sent to me (or us).

It is requested that the address for service of the patentee in Guyana shall be-

Namet ..........................................................................................


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetovrn, Demerara,


[This part of the Form to be filled in at the Patent Office]


Letters Patent No.....................................

This is to certify that................................................did of......................................................, 19............, make the prescribed payment of $.................. in respect of a period of................................................from...........................................................and that by virtue of such payment the rights of the patentee......remain in force. *

The Patent Office, Georgetovrn.

-Here insert name of patentee.

Page 101

tHere insert name and full address to which Certifi- cate is to be sent.

-See section 21 of the Patents and Designs Act.

Page 102

(b) Here insert name and full address to which receipt is to be sent.

(a) State amount of fee. (b) State last day when fee was due. (c) The cir- cumstances must be stated in detail.

(d) To be signed by the applicant or applicants and in the case of a Firm by each partner.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) hereby apply for an enlargement of time for........................month in which to make the prescribed payment of................................................upon my (or our) Patent, No.....................................

(b) ................ .......................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



[To be accompanied by one or more statutory declarations verifying the statements contained in this application]

I (or We) hereby apply for an order of the Registrar for the restoration of Patent No.....................................dated................................................

The circumstances which have led to the omission of the payment of the fee of (a)..................................................................on or before the (b).......................................... are as follows - (c) ..........................................................................................................................................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

(d) .........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Ge@rgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



[To be accompanied by a copy, and a statement of case in duplicate]

*1 (or We)..................... .

hereby give notice of opposition to the application for restoration of

Patent No.............................dated.............................................................................................for the

Page 103

*Here state (in full) name and address of opponent or opponents.

foHowing reason-t ........................................................................................................................... tHere state reason of

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is- ....................................

t· ....................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs or Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

, opposition.

no be signed by the opponent or opponents.

Page 104

·Here state (in full) name and address of applicant or patentee.

tThese words are to be struck out when a patent has not been sealed. tHere state reasons for seeking amendment; and., where the applicant is not the patentee, state what interest he possesses in the Patent.

§To be signed by applicant or patentee and in the case of a Finn by each parmer.


Patents and Designs Act


*1 (or We) .....

seek leave to amend the specification of Patent shown in red ink in the official copy of the original specification hereunto annexed.

t1 (or We) declare that no action for infringement or proceeding before the Court for the revocation of the Patent in question is p~nding.

My (or Our) reasons for making this amendment are as followst

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

To the Registrar of Deeds, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


N.B.-No amendment is permissible w' would make the invention substantially larger or substantially different. See section 25 of the Act.


Patents and Designs Aci


*1 (or We).............................................................................................................................................

seek leave to amend the spe~ification of Application No.......................................... shown in red ink in the copy of the original specification hereunto annexed.

My (or Our) reasons for making this amendment are as followst


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 105

*Here state (in full) name and address of applicant or applicants.

tHere state reasons for seeking amendment.

§TQ be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case of a Finn by each partner.

Page 106


Patents and Designs Act


·Here state *1 (or We)..................................................................................................................................................._ (in full) name and address of applicant ................................................................................................................................................................................................ or applicants.

:tHere state reasons for seeking amendment.

§To be signed by applicant or applicants and in the case of a Finn by each partner.

seek leave to amend my (or our) Application No...............................of............................. as shown in red ink in the copy of the original Application hereunto annexed.

My (or Our) reasons for making this amendment are as foUowst


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patents Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


[To be accompanied by a copy, and a statement of case in duplicate]

*1 (or We) ............

hereby give notice of opposition to the proposed amendment of the

specification of Patent No..... . ...for the following reason:

t .........................................................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 107

*Here state (in full) name and address of opponent or opponents.

tHere state reason of opposition.

:j:To be signed by opponent or opponents.

Page 108

*Here state (ill full) name and address of applicant or applicants.

tTo be signed by the patentee or patentees and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

(a) Here insert (in full) name. address, and nationality of applicant or applicants.

(8) To be signed by the applicant or applicants and in case of a Firm by each partner.


Patents and Designs Act


[To be accompanied by a statutory declaration, etc., as required by regulation 70, and by the Letters Patent.]

*1 (or We)................................................................................................................................................... hereby request that Patent No..............................may be endorsed "Licences of Right".

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

t .....................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



[To be accompanied by copy and a statement of case in duplicate]

(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................

hereby declare that the request for the endorsement of Patent No......................... "Licences of Right" is contrary to a contract in which I am (or we are) interested and I (or we) apply that such request may be refused or the endorsement cancelled.

My (or our) address for service in Guyana is-

(b). .........................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



[To be accompanied by copy and a statement of case in duplicate]

(a) I (or We).

hereby apply for settlement of the terms of a Licence to be granted under

Page 109

(a) Here insert (in full) name. address and nationality of applicant or applicants.

Patent No. (b) and request that an Order may be made (b) Strike out these words if

entitling me (or us) to surrender the Licence dated ..........................................

granted to me (or us) by the Patentee.

The Licence is applied for by (c) .....................................................................................

My (or Our) address in Guyana is....................................................................................

(d) ................................................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


(c) Here insert full name and address of the applicant for Licence, or strike out the words if the application is made by the applicant for the Licence.

(d) To be signed by patentee or applicant for Licence.

Page 110

*Here state (m full) name and address of applicant or applicants.

(a) To be signed by the patentee or patentees and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

*Here state (in full) name, address and nationality of opponent or opponents.

tTo be signed by the opponent or opponents.


Patents and Designs Act



*1 (or We)........................................................................................................................................... hereby apply that the endorsement of Patent No......................................................... "Licences of Right" may be cancelled, and 1 (or we) enclose Patents Form 22 in respect of the unpaid moiety of all renewal fees which have become due since the endorsement.

1 (or We) declare that there is no existing licence under the Patent. My (or Our) address for service is..........................................................................................


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



[To be accompanied by a copy and statement of case in duplicate]. *1 (or We)..................................................................................................................................................................

hereby give notice of opposition to the application for the cancellation of the endorsement "Licences of Right" in respect of Patent No...............................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is...........................................................

To the Registrar of Deeds, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.



Patents and Designs Act


[To be accompanied by a copy and statement of case in duplicate]

*1 (or We)..................................................................................................................................................

hereby apply for an Order for the revocation of the Patent No..........................

on the following groundst..··.........................· ................................................................................

t1 (or We) declare that no actiont for infringement or proceeding in any Court for the revocation of the patent is pending.

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is: ...........................................................


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 111

*Here state (in full) name and address and nationality of applicant or applicants for revocation.

tThe ground or grounds of an application for revocation under section 30 of the Act must be any one or more of the grounds on which the grant of the patent might have been opposed under section 14 of the Act. tIf such action or proceeding is pending in any Court the application cannot be made without the leave of the Court.

§To be signed by the applicant or applicants for revocation.

Page 112


Patents and Designs Act


-Here state *1 (or We)...................................................................................................................................................... (in full) name and address of patentee ........_...................._..................................................................................................................................................._........... or patentees.

iIf any action or proceed- ings are pending, full particulars thereof should be furnished.

tTo be signed by the patentee or patentees.

hereby offer to surrender Patent No...........................................

iI (or We) declare that no action for infringement or proceeding in any Court for the revocation of the patent is pending.

My (or Our) reasons for making this offer are as follows:..............................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is:............................................................


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patent and Designs Act


[To be accompanied by a copy, and a statement of case in duplicate]

*1 (or We)..............................................................................................................................................

hereby give notice of opposition to the offer to surrender Patent No...................

Page 113

-Here state (in full) name and address of opponent or opponents.

for the following reason: t ....................................................................................................................... tHere state reason of opposition.

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is:...........................................................

t .......................................................................................... tTo be signed by the opponent or opponents.

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 114

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality of applicant or applicants. *Here set out the nature of the ap- plicant's mterest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks.

tTo be signed by the applicant or applicants.

·To be signed by the applicant (or) applicants) or his (or their) agent.


Patents and Designs Act



(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................ hereby declare that there has been an abuse of the monopoly rights under Patent No...........................................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is.........................................................._


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby request that a hearing may be appointed in connec- tion with the application made under the provisions of section 31 in respect of Patent No.................................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office.

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 115


Patents and Designs Act


eel) I (or We).............................................................................................................................. (a) Here insert (in full) name, address and

.............................................................................................................................................................................................. ,nationality of

hereby apply for a licence under Patent No.............................. limited to the use of the invention for the purposes of the preparation or production of food

or medicine.

(b)................ ..................

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

(c) .. ...

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

applicant or applicants.

(b) Here set out the nature of the applicant's interest, the facts upon which he bases his case, and the relief which he seeks.

(c) To be signed by the applicant or applicants and in the case of a Firm by each partner.

Page 116


Patents and Designs Act



In the matter of Patent No............................_-_......·..···

(a) Here state (a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................ (in full) name or names and address of ................................................................................................................................................................................................ applicant or applicants.

(b) Strike out words not applicable.

hereby request that the (b) name............................................................................................_........

(b) address ................................................................................................

(b) address for service..................................................................

(c) Here insert now upon the Register of Patents may be altered to (c) ................................................ name or full address.

(d) Signature of applicant or applicants.


The Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


In the matter of Patent No................................................

(a) I (or We)..........................................................................................................................

hereby request that the two following addresses for service may be entered in the Register of Patents-

(b) (1) ...........................................................................................................................................................

(2) ..........................................................................................................................................................

(c). .......................................... ...........................................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 117

(a) Here state (in full) name or names and address of applicant or applicants.

(b) Here insert full addresses.

(c) Signature of applicant or applicants.

Page 118

(0) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality.

(b) Here give name and address of person to whom Patent was granted. (c) Here insert title of the invention.

(d) Here specify the particulars of such docu- ment, giving its date, and the parties to the same, and showing how the claim here made is sub- stantiated.

(e) Here insert the nature of the document. The copy should be written, type- written or printed on foolscap paper on one side only and verified in such manner as the Registrar may require. (/) Signature. (g) Here state in what capacity the signatory is acting.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................

hereby apply that you will enter my (or our) name (or names) in the Register of Patents as proprietor (or part proprietor) ofPatent No...................* granted to (b)* ......................................................................................................................................................

the title of which is (c)* ..............................................................................................................................

I (or We) claim to be so entitled by virtue of (d)......................................................

And in proof whereof I (or we) transmit the accompanying (e). ................. ............................................................with a copy thereof.

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-



*If the application is in respect of more than one patent, the numbers thereof, as well as the particulars required at (b) and (c) above, should be given in a separate schedule which should be attached to this Form.

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



(a) I (or We).............

hereby apply that you will enter in the Register of Patents a notice of the following interest in a patent-

I (or We) claim to be entitled (b). .............. .............................................................. . .... . .......................................... .. ........... to an interest in........... Patent No............................................... *, granted to (c)* ...........................................................

the title of which is (d)* ...... ....................................

by virtue of (e). ............... .........

Page 119

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and nationality.

(b) Here insert the nature of the claim, whether by way of Mort- gage or Licence. (c) Here give name and address of person to whom patent was granted. (d) Here insert title of the invention. (e) Here specify the particulars of such docu-.. . ................................ .... ment, giving

.. ................ ... ...... its date. and the parties to

..................................................... the same.

............................................................ ........................ ................................. ...... ....................................... ................... (j) Here

And in proof whereof I (or we) transmit the accompanying (I) .... ........................................................................ .... .with a copy thereof.

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-

insert the nature of the document. The copy should be written, type-

...................................................... written or printed on

(g). ....... ................................................... ....... foolscap paper (h) . ...................................................................................

* If the application is in respect of more than one patent, the numbers thereof, as well as the particulars required at (c) and (d) above, should be given in a separate schedule which should be attached to this Form.

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

on one side only. and verified in such manner as the Registrar may require. (g) Signature. (h) Here state in what capacity the signatory is acting.

Page 120

(a) Here insert a descripti~n of the nature of the docu- ment, giving its date and the names, addresses and nationalities of the parties thereto. The copy should be written, typewritten or printed on foolscap paper on one side only. (b) Signature. (c) Here insert full address of party benefiting under the document.

(a) Here set out the alleged error or errors. (b) Here state whether ill application, specification or register.

(c) Signature.

(d) Address in full.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) transmit herewith a copy of (a) .........................................................:..............

under Patent No................................................. as well as the original document for verification and I (or we) apply that a notification thereof may be entered in the Register.

(b).......................................................................................... (c) ........................................................................................................................................................_....................

To the RegistrFlr of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


I (or We) hereby request that the following clerical error(s) (a) viz.: .........................................................................................................................,...................................................................... in the (b).........................................................................................................................................................._............. No...............:...........................may be corrected in the manner shown in red ink in the copy of the original (b). ................................................................................................_.....................

hereunto annexed. (c).......................................................................................... (d)..........................,............................_....._.._......................

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act


[To be accompanied by a copy, and a statement ofcase in duplicate]

* I (or We)............................................................................................................................

hereby give notice of opposition to the correction of an alleged clerical

error in......................................

which said correction has been applied for by.............................................................

The grounds upon which the said correction is opposed are as follows-

My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is-


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 121

*Here state (in full) name and address.

tTo be signed by opponent or opponents.

Page 122

(a) Here set out the particulars which the Registrar is requested to certify. and of any copies of documents which are to be annexed to the Certi- ficate, stating also the pur- pose for which the copies are required. (b) Name and full address to which Certificate is to be sent.


Patents and Designs Act


In the matter of the application for

Patent No.........................of 1........................

I (or We)............................................................................................................................................................

of ......_..................................................................................................................................................................................

hereby request you to furnish me (or us) with your Certificate to the effect

that (a)..................................................................................................:..................................................._......................


Dated of................................................, 19............

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Patents and Designs Act



In the matter of the Patent (or Application)

No........................................... of 1................................................

I (or We)............................................................................................................................................................

of ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

hereby request you to furnish me (or us) with the following information affecting the patent (or application) aforesaid-

(a) ...........................................................................................................................................................................


Dated of....................................................., 19............

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patents Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 123

(a) Here set out particu- lars as to the matter in n,spect of which infor- mation is sought..

(b) To be signed by the person or pel'Sons seeking information, or by their agent.

Page 124

*Here insert date, number, full name and address of grantee or grantees. tHere insert title of invention.

tHere insert the word "destroyed" or "lost" as the case ~y be and state in full, the circumstances of the case, which must be venffed by statutorr declaratIon. §Here state interest possessed by applicant or applicants in the Patent. IISignature of patentee or patentees and full address to which the duplicate is to be sent.


Patents and Designs Act



I (or We) have to inform you that the Letters Patent dated*......................._

No..................................... granted to................................................ for an invention the title


has beent......·.....................·....··...................................................................................................................................__

I (or We) beg therefore to apply for the issue of a duplicate of such. Letters Patent.§


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 125


Patents and Designs Act



* I (or We}............... *Here state (in full) name, address and nationality of person giving the notice.

hereby give notice of my (or our) intention.


(a) to exhibit a......... _..._..__ ................,..of....... _'" the (a) or (b) Strike out w0rds which are inappli- cable.

Exhibition, which t ........-.....-............... on the tState "opened" or

oL......................_..........................19.......... _. "is to open".

(b) to publish my invention for................

by reading a paper before........_....................................._... :..............................._......_......

on the......................_........................... _._ .. __ ....... ___....._......_........._........_................,................_..... or

bypermitting publication ofthe paper in the Society's transactions.

t I (or We) herewith enclose a brief description of my (or our) inven~ ffhisdescrip- tion of inven- tion should be . accompanied by drawings

§.... -.................. .,...................,.....................................,

To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

if neeessary..

§To be signed by the person giving the notice.

Page 126


Patents and Designs .Act


(a) Here state (a) I (or We)........................................................................................................................................._..... (in full) name and address of applicant ........................................................................................................................................................._......................_.........-.. or applicants.

hereby transmit a certified copy of an Order of the Court with reference to

(b) Here state (b)· .........................................................................................................................................._..........-..._.._........._ the purport of the Order.


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patents Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



(a) I (or We) ...............................................................................................................................................

hereby apply for directions in respect of Patent No.......................................................

as to....................................................................................................................................................................................

aDd request that an Order may be made giving such directions.


My (or Our) address for service in Guyana is............................................................


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

Page 127

(a) Here insert (injulf) name, address and nationality of patentee or joint patentees.

*Here set out the facts upon which the patentee bases his case and the directions which he seeks.

tTobe signed by the patentee or patentees seeking directions.

Page 128

(a) Here insert (in full) name address and occupation of applicant or applicants.

(b) Here state whether ap- plicant is grantee of patent or is a person deriving his right from such grantee byassign- ment, trans- mission or other opera- tion oflaw, and in the latter case state particulars. (c) To be signed by applicant as in (d) or by patent agent on behalf of applicant.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants; in case of a firm by each partner, and in case ofa company by any director or the secretary or other authorised agent signing en behalf of the company.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................

of ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

do hereby declare that I am (or we are) the holder (or holders) of United

Kingdom Patent No......................... dated.............................. (b)............................................................

in proof whereof I (or we) transmit the accompanying certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office. And I (or we) humbly pray that a certificate of registration may be issued to me (or us) in respect of the said Patent.

Dated the.............................. day of.............................., 19............

(c). .........................................................................................

I (or We)...................................................... hereby appoint......................................................

of...................................................... a licensed patent agent to act for me (or us) in

respect of this application and request that all notices, requisitions and communications relating thereto may be sent to him at the above address.

Dated the.............................. day of...................................., 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



(a) I (or We)...................................................................................................................................._.......

of..................................................... do hereby request you to substitute the amended

(b). ...........................................................for those (or that) already filed in your office.

Page 129 .

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and occupation of applicant or applicants.

The amended (b). ..................................................... have (or has) been dcly (b) Here insert nature of

certified by the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office. d~:;:t.

Dated the.............................. day of... ................................, 19............

(c). .........................................................................................

I (or We)...................................................... hereby appoint......................................................

of...................................................... a licensed patent agent to act for me (or us) in

respect of this application and request that all notices, requisitions and

communications relating thereto may be sent to him at the above address.

Dated the.............................. day of...................................., 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.

(c) To be signed by applicant as in (d) or by patent agent on behalf of applicant.

(d) To be signed by applicant or applicants; in case of a firm by each partner, and incase ofa company by any director or the Secretary or other authorised agent signing on behalf of the company.

Page 130

(a) Here insert (in full) name, address and occupation of applicant or applicants.

(b) Here state nature of interest. (c) Here give name and address to whom certifi- cate was granted. (d)Here specify the particulars of such docu- ment giving its date and the parties to the same and showing how the claim here made is sub- stantiated. (e) To be signed by applicant as in (f) or by patent agent on behalf of applicants.

(j)To be signed by applicant or applicants; in case of a firm by each partner, and in case of a company by any director or the secre- tary or other authorised agent signing on behalf of the company.


Patents and Designs Act


(a) I (or We)................................................................................................................................................

of................._ ................................................hereby make application to you to enter my

(or our) name (or names) in the Register of Patents as the proprietor of (or

holder of an interest in (b» Patent No..._ .................................... dated..............................

a certification of registration for which was granted to (c)..........................................

I (or We) claim to be so entitled by virtue of (d)................................................

in proof whereof I (or We) transmit the accompanying certificate of the

United Kingdom Patent Office.

Dated the.............................. day of...................................., 19............


I (or We).................................................................................................................hereby appoint

............__........................................................................ of ........................................................................................,..

a licensed patent agent to act for me (or us) in respect of this application and request that all notices, requisitions and communications relating thereto may be sent to him at the above address.

Dated the.............................. day of..................................., 19............


To the Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, The Patent Office,

Deeds Registry, Georgetown.


Patents and Designs Act



In the matter of the application by...........................................................................

......................................................grantee (or person deriving his right from grantee by

assignment, transmission or other operation of law, as the case may be) of

the Patent issued on the...:....... ................. day of................................... , 19............ in

the United Kingdom to........................................................................................................................

of........................................................... ........................ ..... ............... in respect of an invention

for..................................................................................................... which said Patent was sealed

on the ............................. day oL................................ and numbered..........................................

L..................................... .................... .................. . ............ . ..... ........ Registrar of Patents,

Designs and Trade Marks, hereby certify that the said...............................................

.................................................................. has applied to me under sections 54, 55 and 56 of the above-mentioned Act to register the said Patent in Guyana and he has complied with the provisions of the said Act entitling him to the registration of the said Patent and being satisfied that he is the bona fide holder of the said Patent and that the said Patent is in full force I have this day registered the same in accordance with the said Act.

Dated the.............................. day of...................................., 19............

Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

Page 131

Page 132


Patents and Designs Act


WHEREM hath declared that he is in possession of an invention for.................................... ...............:.......................... that he claims to be the true and first inventor thereof, and that the same is not in use by any other person to the best of his knowledge and belief:

ANn WHEREAS the said inventor hath humbly prayed that a patent might be granted unto him for the sole use and advantage of his said invention:

ANn WHEREAS the said inventor (hereinafter together with his executors, administrators and assigns, or any of them, referred to as the said patents) hath by and in his complete specification particularly described the nature of his invention:

AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest that the said patentee's prayer be acceded to:

KNow, THEREFORE, that by these presents it is hereby granted unto the said patentee license, full power, sole privilege, and authority that the said patentee by himself, his agents, or licensees, and no others, may at all times hereafter during the term of years herein mentioned, make, use, exercise, and vend the said invention within Guyana, in such manner as to him or them may seem meet, and that the said patentee shall have and enjoy the whole profit and advantage from time to time accruing by reason of the said invention during the term of sixteen years from the date hereunder written of these presents: AND to the end that the said patentee may have and enjoy the sole use and exercise and the full benefit of the said invention. All persons within Guyana are hereby strictly commanded that they do not at any time during the continuance of the said term of sixteen years either directly or indirectly make use of or put in practice the said invention, or any part of the same, nor in anywise imitate the same, nor make or cause to be made any addition thereto or subtraction therefrom, whereby to pretend themselves the inventors thereof, without the consent, licence or agreement of the said patentee in writing under his hand and seal, on pain of incurring the penalties of the law and of being answerable to the patentee according to law for his damages thereby occasioned :

PROVIDED ALWAYS that these letters patent shall be revocable on any of the grounds from time to time prescribed by law and the same may be revoked and made void accordingly; PROVIDED ALSO, that if the said patentee shall not pay all fees by law required to be paid in respect of the grant of these letters patent, or in respect of any matter relating thereto at the. time or times, and in manner for the time being by law provided; and also if the said patentee shall not supply or cause to be supplied, for our service all such articles of the said invention as may be required

by the officers or comnusslOners administering any department of our service in such manner, at such times, and at and upon such reasonable prices and terms as shall be settled in manner for the time being by law provided, then, and in any of the said cases, these letters patent, and all privileges and advantages whatever hereby granted shall determine and become void notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained: PROVIDED ALSO that nothing herein contained shall prevent the granting of licences in such manner and for such considerations as they may by law be granted: AND lastly, it is hereby declared that these letters patent shall be construed in the most beneficial sense for the advantage of the said patents.

IN WITNESS whereof these letters have been made patent and have been sealed as of the.............................. day of............. ..................... one thousand nine hundred and..........................................



Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

Patents and Designs Act


WHEREAS ...........................................................................................................................................................

hath declared that he is in possession of an invention for.......................................... that he claims to be the true and first inventor thereof, and that the same is not in use by any other person to the best of his knowledge and belief, and that the said invention is an improvement in or modification of his invention for which a patent was applied for on.......................................... and numbered....................................and on which a patent (hereinafter called the original patent) has been granted from which he was the applicant (or of which he is the patentee):

AND WHEREAS the said inventor hath humbly prayed that a patent .might be granted unto him for the sole use and advantage of his said invention:

AND WHEREAS the said inventor (hereinafter together with his executors, administrators, and assigns, or any of them, referred to as the said patentee) hath by and in his complete specification particularly described the nature of his invention, and has requested that the term limited in such patent for the duration thereof be the same as that of the original patent or so much of that term as is unexpired.

AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest that the said patentee's prayer be acceded to:

Page 133

*To be signed by Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

Page 134

*To be signed by the Regis- trar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

KNow, THEREFORE, that by these presents it is hereby granted unto the said patentee license, full power, sole privilege, and authority that the said patentee by himself, his agents, or licensees, and no others, may at all times hereafter during the term of years herein mentioned, make, use, exercise and vend the said invention within Guyana, in such manner as to him or them may seem meet, and that the said patentee shall have and enjoy the whole profit and advantage from time to time accruing by reason of the said invention during the term of sixteen years from the .......................................... day of.......................................... being the date of the original patent No........................................... or so much of that term as is unexpired: AND to the end that the said patentee may have and enjoy the sole use and exercise and the full benefit of the said invention. All persons within Guyana are hereby strictly commanded that they do not at any time during the continuance of the said term either directly or indirectly make use of or put in practice the said invention, or any part of the same, nor in anywise imitate the same, nor make or cause to be made any addition thereto or subtraction therefrom, whereby to pretend themselves the inventors thereof, without the consent, licence or agreement of the said patentee in writing under his hand and seal, on paid of incurring the penalties of the law and of being answerable to the patentee according to law for his damages thereby occasioned:

PROVIDED ALWAYS that these letters patent shall be revocable on any of the grounds from time to time prescribed by law and the same may be revoked and made void accordingly: PROVIDED ALSO, that if the said patentee shall not pay all fees by law required to be paid in respect of the grant of the said original letters patent, or in respect of any matter relating thereto at the time or times, and in manner for the time being by law provided; and also if the said patentee shall not supply or cause to be supplied, for our service all such articles of the said invention as may be required by the officers or commissioners administering any department of our service in such manner, at such times, and at and upon such reasonable prices and terms as shall be settled in manner for the time being by law provided, then, and in any of the said cases, these letters patent, and all privileges and advantages whatever hereby granted shall determine and become void notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained: PROVIDED ALSO that nothing herein contained shall prevent the granting of licences in such manner and for such considerations as they may by law be granted: AND lastly, it is hereby declared that these letters patent shall be construed in the most beneficial sense for the advantage of the said patentee.

IN WITNESS whereof these letters have been made patent and have been sealed as of the................................................ day of.......................................... one thousand nine hundred and..........................................

•........................................................................................-. Registrar of Patents, Designs and

Trade Marks.