Declarations made upon ratification:
1. "Article 24 – Extradition:
The Minister of Justice, 13, rue Erasme, Administrative Center Pierre Werner, L-2934 Luxembourg"
2. "Article 27 - Mutual assistance requests:
The Prosecutor's Office of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Cité Judiciaire, Buildings CR and BC, L-2080 Luxembourg"
3. "Article 35 - 24/7 Network:
Prosecutor's Office of the district Court of Luxembourg, Cité Judiciaire, Building PL, L-2080 Luxembourg.
Permanence Prosecutor's Office:
Week-days: 9:00 – 17:00: direct line: +352 – 47 40 76, Week-days: 17:00 – 9:00: Police central 113, who will notify the magistrate on duty, Week-end and bank holiday: 113, E-Mail of the competent substitute for cybercrime:"