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Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 58 of May 31, 2005, on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 58 of May 31, 2005, on Amendments to Certain Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic

On making alterations and additions into certain legislative acts ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic
Aтticle 1.
The following alterations and additions shall Ье made in tl1e Law of the Kyrgyz
Republic "Он the legal protection of software and databases":

1. In part III of Aiticle 2 the wшds "(Ьereiнaftei referred to as Kyrgyzpatent)" slшll Ье deleted.

2. In the entire text of tl1e Law the word "Kyrgyzpatent" iн different forms sЬall
Ье replaced Ьу the following: "AutЬorized State body in the field of
Iпtellectual Property" in appropriate forms.
3. Part Пi апd IV of Aгticle 11 sЬall Ье in tl1e following edition:
"Tieaty оп tiaпsfeг of есопошiс гights or licensiпg agreemeпt for registered in the Aнtlюгized State body iп the field of Iпtellectual Property compнteis softwш·e or database may Ье registered in the Authorized State body in the field of Intellectual Pгopetiy"
4. Aгticle 14 sЬall Ье in tЬе following edition:
"Article 14. Registiatioп of computeгs Software or Database
Ап application for official Iegistration of sottwaie or database (Ьeieinafter refeпed to as application) slшll refei to опе software or one database.
Ап application must сопtаiп:
• application for official registration of software or database with the indicatioп of а IigЬt owпer as well as tЬе autЬor, uпless Ье refused to Ье mentioned as such and tЬeir place of location (place of Iesidence);
• deposited docшnents identifying the software or database, iпcluding ап abstract;
• documeпt confirmiпg tЬе paymeпt of the registratioп fees dне, or gioнnds for exemption from the payment of registration fees анd for redнctioп of its amouпt.
Aнtl10Iized State body iп tЬе field of Intellectual Property sЬall determiпe rнles of filing tl1e applicatioп for registratioп.
After Ieceipt of а11 application for t·egisttation the AutЬorized State body in tЬе field of Iпtellectual Propetty sЬall cl1eck the availaЬility of tЬе documents reqнired анd tЬeir compliance vvitЬ the reqнiiements set forth in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Uроп tl1e гequest Ьу tЬе Aнth01·ized State body in tl1e field of Intellectнal Pt·operty or oпl1is own iпiLiative tl1e applicant shall Ье eпtitled to update, add апd make chaнges iн tl1e matet·ials of tЬе applicatioп pгior to making а decisioп оп official гegistration.
state registei oftl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic OI the database State register respectively, gгant
the certificate 011 official registratio11 to the applicant and puЬlish the information about registeied software ог database in the official bulletin of the AutЬoгized State body in the field ofintellectual Pгoperty.
Piocedшes fог official Iegistгation, foгms of certificates on official registгatio11, coпtent of the data indicated theгein shall Ье estaЫished Ьу the Authorized State body in the field of Intellechшl Piopeity. The Authшized State body iя the field of Iпtellectual Propeгty sl1all also defiпe the list of data to Ье·puЬlisl1ed iп the official bнlletiп.
Tl1e iпformatioп eпteied iпto the Software State Registeг ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЫic and the Database State Register of the Kyigyz RepuЬlic shall Ье consideied authentic u11til otl1eiwise is proved.
The liability for aнtheпticity oftЬe iпdicated i11fшmation shall Ье with tЬе applicaпt. Appгopiiate Iegistratioп fees shall Ье paid for execution of actioпs co1111ected witl1 the
official Iegistшtion of softwaie ш database, contracts and puЬlication of information.
Aшotmts, deadliпes of payшent of Iegistration fees and grounds for exemptio11 fiom paymeпt tl1eieof or reductio11 of theii amouпts shall Ье estaЫished Ьу the Gover11meпt of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЫic.
All tl1e fiпaпcial resoшces accuшulated 011 the account ofthe Authorized State body iп tl1e field oflпtellectual Property, i11cludi11g those i11 foreig11 cuпency, slшll Ье used Ьу tl1e Autlюгized State body in the field of Iпtellectual Property to covei costs of activities e11visaged i11 this article a11d also for creati11g, equippi11g and usi11g an automated system, fш tшi11i11g a11d motivating the staff. "
5. In Article 15:
Iп paшgrapl1 I tl1e wшds: "property rights" a11d "after the sale" shall Ье replaced Ьу the followiпg words: "economic rights" апd "after first sale" respectively.
In paragiaph III after tl1e wшds: "special procedures" the words "co11clusioп of agreeme11ts" slшll Ье added; the words "co11ditioпs fш the use" shall Ье replaced Ьу the words "conditio11s ofthe agieement".
6. Articles 18 and 19 shall Ье in the following edition:
"Atiicle 18. Civil and otl1er types of Pшtectio11 of Rights to Software or Database
Authoi of software ог database ш othei right ow11eis have t11e Iight to Iequiгe:
• Iecog11itio11 of Iights;

restoration of the status which existed priш to the inftingeme11t of the


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• recovery of losses, the amount of which shall include revenues
illegally obtained Ьу the infringer;
• paymeпt of compensation Ьу the infringer in cases of infringement aimed at gaining profit instead of recovery of losses in tl1e amount of
20 to 50 000 times ofthe minimum monthly wage set нр Ьу the legislation of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic, iп cases of infringement with the aim of making profit instead of covering losses; ..
• takiпg otl1er measures envisaged iп regulatioпs coпnected with protectiпg their rights;
Measшes listed in paтagrapl1s 5, 6 and 7 of pat1II of the present Article slшll Ье takeп at the optioп of а softwai"e OI database owпei".
RigЬt owпers sЬall Ье entitled to go to the Court, iпvestigatioп bodies, prejнdicial inquiry bodies iп accшdance witl1their competence.
Coнпtei"feit copies of softwai"e or database are subject to oЬligatory coпfiscation accordiпg to the Coшt's decision. Confiscated coнпterfeit copies shall Ье destroyed except for cases whei"e of traпsfeг tl1eгeof to tl1e гight оwпег at his/Ьeг reqнest.
Сошt may огdег to seizшe materials and equipment used for reproductioп and mапнfасtше of coнnteгfeit copies.
А person who is gнilty in iпtentioпal OI пeglect destrнction of шiginal softwшe OI database on reqнest oftl1e aнthor is oЬliged to рау material and moral damages in accoгdance witl1рш11 of cшrent Article.
A11icle 19. Metl1ods of filiпg of plaintiffs related to violation of the rights fш softwшe апd database
Cot1rt OI judge may solely decide to prohiЬit defendant or person who is reasoпaЬly sнspected in violatioп of the rights to take certain actions (prodнction, Ieprodнction, sale, rent, import ш othei use stipulated Ьу the present Law, as well as tiansporting, storage or possession aimed at enteriпg into civil turnovei of copies of softwшe and database, which are suspected to Ье counterfeit).
Court OI jнdge may solely decide to шrest and seize of all copies of а softwшe or database, wl1ich are suspected to Ье counterfeit as well as materials and eqнipmeпt
aimed at manнfactшe and repгodнctioп theгeof.
Wl1eгe tЬere is sнfficieпt information about violation oftЬe legislation regulating legal pгotection of softwai"e апd database арргоргiаtе measшes may Ье taken in the order estaЬlished Ьу the legislatioп ofthe Kyгgyz Republic in ordei to seaich and aпest copies of software and database, which ше suspected to Ье counterfeit, mateiials and equipment aimed at mапнfасtше and Iepшduction ofthe said copies as well as docнments, which may Ье а pioof of taking actioпs violatiпg tЬе piesent Law, including seizшe апd tшnsfei to responsiЬle stoiage as а case may Ье."

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1. Part I of the PreamЫe shall Ье in the following edition:
"This Law shall regulate economic and personal non-economic relations arising due to ехроsше or raising (hereinafter referred to as creation), exploitation and legal piotection of selective achievements for which the patents ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic are gianted"
2. In tl1e entire text of the Law:
tl1e word "Kyrgyzpatent" in different forms shall Ье replaced Ьу the following: "Autlюrized State body iп the :field of Intellectual Property" in appropriate forms; words "(ехроsше, raising)", "(exposure or raising)", "(exposed or raised)" in different forms as well as "(llas been exposed, raised)", "(has been exposed or raised)" and "(lшs been raised or exposed)" in different gender and numeral forms shall Ье deleted.
3. Paragrapl1 11 of Article 1 shall Ье in tlle following edition:
"plaпt material-- а wllole plant or its parts, seeds, seedlings, bulbs, fruits of different crops used fш bгeeding ш а purpose, other than reproduction of а plant variety;"
4. In A11icle 4:
Paragrapl1 4 of pati 4, part 5 and 6 shall Ье deleted;
Iп pш·agraph 2 of part 7 the word "пovelty" shall Ье deleted; Pat·t 7 shall Ье consideтed as part 5 accordingly.
5. In Article 4:
Paragraph 2 of part 2 shall Ье in tlle following edition:

"2) Distiпctiveness

Selective acruevement shall meet tl1e condition of distinctiveness if it obviously diffeiS from апу otl1er selective achievement which is well-known on the date of filing ап application.
Publicity may Ье estaЬlislled in respect of а selective achievement:
- which became а part of generally known level of knowledge in the result of its production, reproduction, sowing fш multiplication, stшage for the purposes mentioned above;
- which was offeтed fог sale, soled, exported or imported;
- which was included into official catalogues, reference funds or has exact description in one of the puЬlications, or is included into the State Register of protected selective acllievements"

6. In A11icle 7:

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For а breed of animals - description thereof in accordance with cuпent methods for approbation of agiicultural animals;"
In part 2 the words "to tl1e indicated" shall Ье replaced Ьу "to the application and attached"
7. Part 8 of Article 8 shall Ье deleted.
8. Articles 1О and 11 shall Ье in the following edition:
"Article 10. Examiнation ofthe application for а selective achievement
Examination of tl1e application for selective achievement shall iнclude preliminaтy exaшination and test of claiшed selective achievement for distinctiveness, uniformity анd stability.
Al1icle 11. Pгeliminaгy examinatioп of the application for а selective acl1ieveшeпt
"Prelimiпary exaшiпation of the application for а selective acl1ievemeпt shall Ье caпied out withiп tl1e term of 2 шoпths after the date of filiпg at the Authorized State body in the field of Iпtellectual Property. Iп the course of the preliminaтy examination the Authшized State body in the field of Iпtellectual Property shall check the availaЬility of пecessary documents provided Ьу Article 7 of this Law, tl1e compliance oftl1e deпominatioп of а selective achievement with the requirements of Article 8 of tbls Law and shall estaЬlish the piiority of а selective achievement.
Appropriate fee shall Ье paid for execution of preliminary examinatioп
Siпce the date of filiпg the application and tillпotification of the applicaпt of accept of his application for coпsideration Ьу the Autlюrized State body in the field of Iпtellectнal Property tl1e applicaпt may add, claтify and update the materials of the applicatioп at bls оwп initiative without chaпge ofthe nature ofthe claiшed selective acblevement provided that appropriate fee is paid.
lf the applicatioн is submitted in violation of the estaЬlished requirements to the form and composition, or if additional materials ате reqнired for the purposes of examiпation, tЬе request shall Ье sent to tЬе applicant witЬ the suggestion to preseпt corrected or missiпg materials within two months from tЬе date of its receipt.
If iп tЬе course of preliшiпary examinatioп tЬе Authorized State body in tl1e field of Intellectual Property determined that denominatioп of а selective achieveшent does not meet tl1e estaЬlisЬed requirements, ilie reqнest sЬall Ье sent to tЬе applicant with tl1e suggestioп to subшit апоtЬеr denomiпatioп withiп two months since tl1e date of receipt theieof.
At tl1e Iequest of an applicant, undei the presence ofvalid reasons and раушепt of an appгopiiate fee, tl1e Authorized State body iп the field of Intellectual Pioperty may

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change the denomination of а selective achievement or does not provide the request to
prolong tl1e estaЫished teпn within tl1e indicated terш, the application is considered revoked.
Iп the event of positive result of the preliminary examination, the applicant shall Ье notified of tl1e acceptance of llis/her application to consideration."
9. Article 12 shall Ье added with paragraphs 4 to 1О in the following edition: "Witlliп six months siнce tl1e date of puЫication of the application а claim for novelty
slшll Ье taken into coпsideration submitted Ьу any interested persoп to tl1e Authorized
State body in the field oflпtellectual Property.
Tllis claim shall Ье submitted Ьу any interested person in the form of objection to the
Boaid of Appeals.
Tl1e Вою:d of Appeals slшllпotify the applicant оп Ieceipt ofthe objection апd state the паtше ofthis objection. Ifthe applicant disagiees with the objectioп of interested persoн he/sl1e is entitled withiп опе moпth since the date of receipt of нotification to sнbmit motivated reasons to the Board of Appeals.
This objectioп shall Ье consideied Ьу the Board of Appeals within fouг months since tl1e date of receipt thereof. Appropriate fee shall Ье paid to tЬе Boaid of Appeals for coпsideratioп of tl1e objectioп.
А регsон sнbmitted an objectioп and tl1e applicaпt are eпtitled to participate in coпsideratioп tЬereof.
lf а selective achievemeпt does поt meet tЬе гequiremeпt of пovelty, theп tЬе decisioп он гefнsal of granting of а patent.
In case of disagreemeпt witl1 tЬе decision on the objectioп oftl1e Board of Appeals
any party is eпtitled to biiпg ап action to tЬе Сошt within six moпths siпce tЬе date of decision."
1О. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 13 shall Ье deleted.
11. Articles 14 анd 15 sЬall Ье iп the followiпg edition:
"Aiticle 14. Examiпatioп of Compliance of а Selective achievement fш distiпctiveпess, similaгity and staЬility.
Examination of Compliance of а Selective achievement for distiпctiveness, siшilarity апd stability sЬall Ье carried онt Ьу the State Commission, State Pedigree Inspectorate or othei competent ageпcies with which the Kyrgyz RepнЬlic is bouпd Ьу virtнe of Ьilateгal or mнltilateгal agreemeпts оп the protection of plants varieties апd animals breeds.
App1·opriate fee shall Ье paid for examination of а variety.

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testing of а selective achievement with wЬich the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic is botшd Ьу virtue of Ьilateral or multilateral agreements on the protection of varieties of plants ог breeds of animals;'
- tests conducted Ьу tl1e applicant ог on l1is assignment in the Kyrgyz Republic or
outside of its teпitoгy.
The State Coшmission and the State Pedig1·ee Inspectorate шау request tl1e applicant to provide all necessaгy informatio11, documents or pedigree mat rials as well as offer tl1e applicaпt to provide specific tests of а variety of plant or а breed of апiшаl.

Оп tlle basis ofthe tests of а selective achievement tlle State Comшission and the State Pedigree Inspectoгate slшll make а conclusio11 on coшplia11ce of the selective achieveшe11t with the co11ditiot1s of protectaЬility and coшpile an official description of а selective acl1ieveme11t.

Iп tl1e course of teclшological development the State Coшшissioп and the State Pedigiee Inspectшate shall Ье entitled to add the description of а selective achievement апу time duriпg the period ofpate11t validity.
On tl1e basis of tl1e Iesults of exami11atio11 fш пovelty, distiпctive11ess, similaiity апd stability, tl1e matel"ials oftl1e repшis and coпclusioп of tl1e State Coшmissioп апd the State Pedigree Iпspectшate, tl1e Aнthшized State body iп tl1e field of Iпtellectual Propetiy slшll take а decisioп to grant а pateпt апd to establish the prioгity, if поt establisl1ed dшing tl1e pielimiпaiy examiпatioп or to refuse to grant а pateпt.
Tl1e applicaпt may get acquaiпted with the materials used iп the course of examinatioп апd obseive tl1e examiпatioп piocedure.
The applicaпt may гeqнest tl1e copies ofthe claims against the materials ofthe applicatioп as well as complete iпformatioп on the results of conducted tests within two mo11ths as of the date of the receipt the decision оп applicatioп.
Aiticle 15. Appeal Agaiпst the Decisioп of Examination and Restitutioп of the Missed
Time Limits
When disagieed with the expert decision, tl1e applicant shall Ье eпtitled to file а gioнnded coшplai11t with the Board of Appeals witЬiп three months fiom tl1e date the applicant is пotified of such decision 011 his/her applicatio11, oi copies of the mateiials opposed to tl1e applicatioп a11d requested Ьу him апd complete i11fшшatioп 011 the нpslюts of tl1e tests.
Tl1e complaiпt shall Ье reviewed witЬiп fош шontl1s from the date it is гeceived Ьу the Boaid of Appeals. This review terш шау Ье piolonged in Iespect of complex applicatioпs upo11 the coпse11t of the applicant. The applicant shall Ье eпtitled to participate peisoпally or thioнgh а repiesentative in the review of msl11ei complaint.
Tl1e appгopriate fee sllall Ье paid fог file of an appeal to the Board of Appeals.

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Article, tlшt have been missed Ьу the applicant may Ье reinstated Ьу the Authorized State body in tl1e field of Intellectual Property provided that there are solid reasons tl1eгefш, анd the dues ш-е paid.

А solicitatioп on the restitution of missed time limits may Ье filed Ьу tЬе applicant no later tlшn 6 montЬs afteг tЬе missed time limits."

12. In Aгticle 17 tЬе woгds: "30 уеагs" and "35 уеш-s" shall Ье replaced Ьу the wшds "20 уеш-s" and "25 уеш-s" respectively. •

13. Iп A1iicle 19 tl1e wшds "six months" shall Ье replaced Ьу the woгds "two moпtЬs".

14. Iп рш-аgrарЬ 4 of Article 20 the woгds "and motivation" sЬall Ье deleted.

15. In A1iicle 24:

TЬis Article shall Ье added witЬ pш-agraph 4 iп the following edition: "Exclнsive rigl1t of а patent owner shall cover also plant materials, wblcl1 were

intгoduced into ecoпomic turnover without consent of а patent owпer анd гegarding trade products ofplaнt material and а protected variety";

Iн paгagraph 4 tl1e word "fiгst" slшll Ье replaced Ьу the word "second". Paragrapl1s 4, 5 slшll Ье deemed as paгagraphs 5 and 6 respectively.

16. A1iicle 25 slшll Ье in tl1e followiнg editioн:

"Article 25. Actioнs that are not Deemed Violatioнs ofthe Pateнt Owner's Rights

The followiнg actioнs sЬall not Ье deemed to Ье infriнgemeнt of the rigl1t of the patent оwпег:

- actioнs caпied out for personal апd non-commercial purposes;

- actions caпied out fOI experimental puгposes;

- exploitation of а protected animal breed or plant variety as the original material to енgiнеег а неw selective achievement and with the exception of cases pгovided Ьу paragгaph 5 of Aiticle 24 oftbls Law, as well as the actions provided in paragшph 2 of Aiticle 24 ofthis Law in respect of such selective acЬievements;

- use ofthe plant material engineered Ьу agricultural (farmei) enterpiise within two years as seeds to grow the vш-iety within tЬе territory of tbls enterprise.

The list of vaгieties of plants and aпimal breeds, which ш-е covered Ьу the privilege specified iп paragraph 5 of part 1 of this Article shall Ье determined Ьу tЬе

Gove1-mnent oftl1e Kyrgyz Republic.".

17. Рm·аgгарЬ 1 of Article 27 shall Ье iп the followiпg editioп:

"The liaЬility stipнlated Ьу the legislation ofthe Kyrgyz Republic shall commence

upon violatioп ofthe rigЬts ofthe patent owner provided Ьу tbls Law.". 8 of 13

19. In the fiтst sепtенсе of pю·agraph 1 of Article 29 the words: "withiн three moнtЬs" slшll Ье deleted.
20. In Article 30:
Title of the Article sЬall Ье in tЬе following edition: "Pre-term annulment of а patent validity";
Рашgшрh 1 of PaJ:t 1 sl1all Ье iп the following editioп: "Patent validity slшll Ье annulled pre-term:";
Tl1e Article shall Ье added witЬ paragraph 2 in the followiпg editioп:
"Tl1e Aнtlюiized body iп the field of Intellectual Property shall puЬlisl1 data on pie­
teim ашшlшенt of а patent validity in its Official Gazette.".
21. Tllis Law shall Ье added with Article 30-1 iп the following editioп: "Article 30-1. Restoratioп of а pateпt validity. Right of after-use
Validity of а pateпt for selective achievement, which was discoпtiпued due to failure to рау proloпgatioн fee at estaЬlished time, may Ье restored Ьу solicitatioп of а person wl1icl1 was а pateпt owпer. Tllis solicitatioп shall Ье filed with the Autlюiized State body iп tl1e field of Iпtellectual Propeгty withiп tЬree years for varieties of plants; and witlliп five yeat"s siпce tl1e date of termiпatioп of the tel"m of payment of appropl"iate pateпt fee, but prior to termiпatioп of the pateпt validity estaЬlished pшsuant to this Law - for gt"ape vaiieties, arbшeal decorative, fruit crops and forest vaiieties,
iпclнdiпg tl1ei1" stocks as well as aпimal bt"eeds. А solicitation shall Ье sнpported Ьу
tЬе docшnent, wllich coнfiims that appl"opriate fee is paid for restoratioп of а pateпt validity.
The Aнtlюrized State body iп the field of Iпtellectнal Property shall puЬlisl1 data оп the restoration of а patent validity in its Official Gazette.
Апу peisoп, who witЬin tl1e period betweeп the date oftermiпation of а pateпt
validity and date of pнЬlicatioп iп the Official Gazette of the Authorized State body iп the field of Intellectual Property of data regarding restшation of а pateпt validity has started to use а unpatented selective achievement iп tЬе territory of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic or has made апу necessary preparation in order to do so, shall Ье entitled to keep further free usiпg thereof without expandiпg of such using (right of after-use).
Tl1e rigllt of aftei-use may Ье tiaпsfeпed to another пatural persoп or legal entity only togetl1ei with pгoductioп, wheie use of such selective achievemeпt ог апу пecessary p1·epaтatioпs iп ordei to do so took place.
Rights specified in the paragгapЬs 3 and 4 ofthis Article shall not include the rigЬt to issue а license to any person for performance of abovementioned action.".

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Т11е decisioп of tl1e Воагd of Appeals to gгant а patent or to refuse to giaпt а patent, to
consideг tlle patent invalid may Ье appealed in court within six months siпce the date of receipt thereof Ьу the applicant"
23. РаrаgшрЬ 5 of Article 32 sllall Ье in ilie following edition:
"А licensiпg agгeement as well as an agreement of pateпt concession sЬall Ье registered in the Aнtlюгized State body in the field of Intellectua}·Property, without sucl1 registration it sllall Ье deemed invalid. Data about registration sllall Ье puЬlislled in tl1e Official Gazette. Appropriate fee shall Ье paid for ilie registration of а licensing agreement as well as fш tlle registration of an agreement of patent concession"
24. In Article 34:
Paragraph 1 sllall Ье iп tlle following edition:
"In tl1e eveпt of failuгe to use а selective achievement, whicll is vital for tl1e соuпtгу's agricнltшe or failшe to provide market with sufficient number of seeds Ьу а patent owner ог tl1e person to wllom the rigllts are transfeпed within three уеагs from tlle date of patent issuaпce, а person willing and prepared to use this selective acllievement, in tlle event of refusal of tl1e pateпt owпer to enter into а liceпsing agreemeпt witl1 ап interested person, ilie latter shall have ilie right to apply to court solicitiпg а compulsory license to use the indicated selective achievemeнt.";
Т11е Article sllall Ье added witll paragraph 2 in tlle following edition:
"Iп case offoгce-majeшe (disasters, catastrophes etc.) the Government oftlle Kyrgyz
RepuЬlic shall Ье eпtitled to permit usiпg а selective achievemeпt without consent of а pateпt owпer Ьу notifying llim/ller in ilie shortest time and paying reasoпable compensation; volнme апd dшatioп of such use of а patented selective acllievement sl1all Ье limited Ьу pшposes for wmcll permitted. Disputes arising from sнcll use shall Ье regнlated Ьу Coнrt.";
Paгagrapl1 5 of Рагt 5 sllall Ье deleted; Pш·agraph 7 slыll Ье deleted;
Paragrapl1s 2 to б shall Ье coпsidered as paragraphs 3 to 7 respectively.
25. Paragraplllof Article 35 sllall Ье in tlle following edition:
"An applicant shall Ье entitled to file an application for protection of а selective achievement to tlle competent aнtllorities of another coнntry, Ьу notifying tlle Aнtlюrized State body in tlle field ofintellectual Property."
26. Aгticle 38 shall Ье in tl1e following edition:
"Aiticle 38. Control Over Import and Export of Selective acllievements

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Paragraph 4 shall Ье deleted;
Paragrapl1s 5 апd 6 shall Ье coпsidered as paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
28. Т11е Law shall Ье added witl1 Aiticle 40 in the followiпg editioп: "Aiticle 40. Transitioпal Pюvisions
Patents of tl1e Kyigyz RepuЫic for selective achievements granted priш to entering iпto effect of tl1e preseпt Law shall keep the validity periods specified tl1erein.
Applications for graпting а patent fш selective achievement filed prior to eпtering iпto effect of tЬе present Law, wblcЬ received positive decisions sЬall Ье graпted Ьу
patents of tl1e Kyrgyz RepuЫic for selective achievemeпts with the followiпg validity peiiods: 30 yeais since the date ofiegistration ofthe claimed selective aclllevement in the State Register ofProtected Selective AcЬievements- for plant varieties; and 35 yea!"s - fш gшре varieties, arboreal decшative, Пuit crops and forest varieties, iпcludiпg tl1eir stocks as well as aпimal breeds.
FuгtЬer coпsideratioп of applicatioпs for grantiпg а pateпt for selective achievemeпt filed pii01·to eпteriпg iпto effect ofthe preseпt Law, which did not received any decisioпs slшll Ье carried out pursuant to this Law.";
Aгticle 40slшll Ье coпsideгed as Aгticle 41 гespectively.
Aiticle 3.
ТЬе Law oftЬe Kyгgyz RepuЫic "Оп pateпt attorneys" (Bulletiп of Jogoгku Keпesh (Parlian1eпt) ofthe Kyгgyz RepuЬlic, 2001 No.l, Article 10) shall Ье added witЬ the followiпg alteшtioпs апd additions:
1. Iп the entiie text of the Law tl1e word "Kyrgyzpatent" in differeпt forms sЬall Ье Ieplaced Ьу tl1e words: "tl1e Autlюrized State body in tl1e field of Intellectual Property" in appropriate forms.
2. Article 2 shall Ье in the following edition:
"Aiticle 2. Tl1e Authшized State Body in t11e field of Intellectual Pгoperty
Iп ordei to Iegulate pгofessional activities of pateпt attorпeys tЬе Authoгized State Body in tЬе field of Intellectпal Property sЬall ехеспtе tЬе attestation of candidates for Pateпt Attoшeys, Ie-attestation and registration of Patent Attomeys. Commissions of attestatioп апd appellatioп shall Ье set up to this effect.
The Attestatioп Commission shall approve the ordeг of exan1ination, examination tests, slшll determiпe the board of examiпers, shall decide whether ог поt the

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Attestatioп Coшшissioп decisioпs, as well as coшplaints of clieпts agaiпst
unprofessioпal activity ofpatent attorneys.".
3. Iп Article 5:
Рагаgгарh 1 of part 1 after the wшd "attested" the word "re-attested" shall Ье added. Pait 1 shall Ье added with paragraph 5 iп the following edition:
"5) lшviпg kпowledge of the State laпguage in the scope, which is necessary for регfшшапсе oftheir dнties.".
4. Iп Atiicle 7:
In paгagrapl1s 5 and 6 tl1e woгds: "corresponding fee paymeпt" shall Ье replaced Ьу tl1e wш·ds "раушепt ofthe fee";
The A1iicle shall Ье added with paшgrapl1 7 iп tЬе following edition:
"Re-attestatioп of patent attorneys shall Ье carried out Ьу the Authorized State body in tl1e field of Intellectual Property поt less thaп once а five years in the sаше order as duriпg attestatioп.";
Paragгaph 7 slшll Ье coпsidered as paragraph 8 respectively.
5. Iп Article 8:
Рагаgt·арЬ 1 slшll Ье iп the followiпg editioп:
"Регsопs who have passed tЬе ехашiпаtiоп successfully sЬall Ье registeгed in the Registeг Ьу tl1e Authшized State body iп the field of Intellectнal Propeity within the period of опе moпtl1 fioш the applicatioп date and aftei payment of corгespondiпg [ее.";
Iп paragiaph 3 the words "раушепt of correspondiпg fee" shall Ье replaced Ьу the words "раушепt of the fee"
6. In Article 10:
Paшgiaph 3 ofpaтt 1 after the wшds: "loss ofthe Kyтgyz RepuЬlic's пatioпality" shall Ье added with the words "iпclнdiпg the chaпge of domicile (i.e., staying abroad duriпg the period шоrе thaп опе yeai)";
Paragшph 6 of part 1 shall Ье added with the words: "systematic and gross violation oflegislatioп oftl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic апd professional ethics";
ТЬе Aiticle shall Ье added with paragrapl1 4 iп tЬе following edition:
"Iп case of eliшiнatioп of а patent attorney from tЬе Register based оп Ьis/her application от in case of change of Ыs/her domicile, specified in paтagiapll 3 of part 1 oftllis Article, а registration шау Ье made withoнt any re-attestation withiп five-yeaт starting from the date of his/her last attestation."; 12 of 1з
Арргоргiа.tе fee provided Ьу this Law sha.ll Ье pa.id fог lega.l a.ctions rela.ted to attesta.tion, re-a.ttesta.tioп and of patent a.ttorneys.
The amouпt a.nd terms of the fee sha.ll Ье esta.Ьlished Ьу the Goverпment of the
Kyrgyz Republic.
All mea.ns enteied the a.ccount of the Authoiized Sta.te body in the field of lntellectua.l Pl'operty iп the form of fees, including cuпency ones, sha.ll Ье used Ьу tl1e Authorized Sta.te body in the field of Intellectual Property for technica.l equipping, creatioп a.nd exploita.tion of a.utoma.ted system, complexion of pa.tent informa.tion's ftшd as well as persoпnel training."
Article 4.
Т11е Government of the Kyrgyz RepuЬlic shall amend its normative legal acts ршsнапt to this La.w.
Ргiш to a.meпdiпg tl1e legisla.tioп ofthe Kyrgyz RepuЬlic pшsua.nt to tl1is Law, nшmative legal acts oftl1e Kyrgyz RepuЬlic shall Ье a.pplied to tl1e exteпt, which does поt coпtшdict to tl1is La.w.
Article 5.
This Law slшll enteг iпto effect from tl1e date of puЬlicatioп theгeof.
Tllis La.w slшll Ье applied to legalгela.tionships, wl1icl1 arise from the date of епtегiпg ·
iпto effect.
Actiпg Piesideпt of tЬе Kyгgyz RepuЬlic
Adopted Ьу the Legislative AssemЬly of Jogorku Kenesh оп January 20, 2005

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