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Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 (Select Legislative Instrument No. 215, 2013)

 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

Treasury (Spent and Redundant

Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

Select Legislative Instrument No. 215, 2013

I, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor-General of the Commonwealth of

Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make

the following regulation under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Dated 05 August 2013

Quentin Bryce


By Her Excellency’s Command

Mark Dreyfus QC


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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Contents 1 Name of regulation ............................................................................1

2 Commencement.................................................................................1

3 Authority ...........................................................................................1

4 Guide to this regulation .....................................................................1

5 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments .................................2

6 Repeal of commencement instruments ..............................................2

7 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing

other provisions .................................................................................2

8 Repeal of other redundant instruments ..............................................3

9 Expiry of regulation...........................................................................3

Schedule 1—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments 4

Schedule 2—Repeal of commencement instruments 86

Schedule 3—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

containing other provisions 88

Schedule 4—Repeal of other redundant instruments 97

Part 1—Instruments past their date of effect 97

Part 2—Redundant instruments 111

Part 3—Instruments containing substantive matter 135

Part 4—Transitional instruments 144

Part 5—Other instruments no longer required 145

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Section 1

1 Name of regulation

This regulation is the Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments)

Repeal Regulation 2013.

2 Commencement

This regulation commences on the day after it is registered.

3 Authority

This regulation is made under the Legislative Instruments Act


4 Guide to this regulation

This regulation repeals legislative instruments that are spent or no

longer required, as authorised by section 48E of the Legislative

Instruments Act 2003.

To assist the reader, the instruments repealed by this regulation are

listed in 4 Schedules.

Schedule 1 deals with solely amending and repealing instruments.

Schedule 2 deals with commencement instruments.

Schedule 3 deals with amending and repealing instruments that

contain application, saving or transitional provisions.

Schedule 4 deals with other instruments that are spent or no longer


This regulation contains saving provisions that apply to the repeals,

in addition to the provision made by section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901. That section applies to this regulation

because of section 13 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

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Section 5

5 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect any

amendment or repeal (however described) made by the instrument.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

6 Repeal of commencement instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 2 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect any

commencement provided by the instrument.

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

7 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other


(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 3 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect:

(a) any amendment or repeal (however described) made by the

instrument; or

(b) the continuing operation of any provision of the instrument

made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or

transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential

or related to such a provision).

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Section 8

8 Repeal of other redundant instruments

(1) Each instrument mentioned in Schedule 4 is repealed.

(2) The repeal of an instrument by this section does not affect:

(a) any amendment or repeal (however described) made by the

instrument; or

(b) the continuing operation of any provision of the instrument

made or expressed to be made for an application, saving or

transitional purpose (or that makes provision consequential

or related to such a provision).

(3) Subsection (2) does not limit the effect of section 7 of the Acts

Interpretation Act 1901 as it applies to the repeal of an instrument

by this section.

9 Expiry of regulation

This regulation expires on the day after it commences, as if it had

been repealed by another regulation.

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Schedule 1—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals amending and repealing legislative

instruments that are spent, and that would have been repealed

automatically under section 48A of the Legislative Instruments Act

2003 if they had been made after the commencement of that

section. This Schedule does not include instruments with an

application, saving or transitional provision: see Schedule 3.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see subsection 5(2).

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Amendment of Declaration F2010L02502 that Division 3

of Part VC of the Insurance Act 1973 Applies to AFA Pty



2 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number)

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 316


3 A New Tax System (Australian Business Number)

Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 169


4 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial

Arrangements) Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 258


5 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 87


6 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 148


7 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 3), SLI 2012 No. 149


8 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 4), SLI 2012 No. 215


9 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 49


4 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2000B00080

Regulations 2000 (No. 2), SR 2000 No. 77

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2000B00092

Regulations 2000 (No. 3), SR 2000 No. 89

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2000B00118

Regulations 2000 (No. 4), SR 2000 No. 110

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2000B00280

Regulations 2000 (No. 5), SR 2000 No. 268

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2000B00386

Regulations 2000 (No. 6), SR 2000 No. 363

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2001B00100

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 48

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2001B00183

Regulations 2001 (No. 2), SR 2001 No. 126

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2002B00087

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 88

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2003B00047

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 37

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2003B00083

Regulations 2003 (No. 2), SR 2003 No. 73

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2003B00199

Regulations 2003 (No. 3), SR 2003 No. 190

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2004B00235

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 218

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2004B00305

Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 276

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2007L01756

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 175

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2007L01975

Regulations 2007 (No. 2), SLI 2007 No. 206

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2007L02640

Regulations 2007 (No. 3), SLI 2007 No. 258

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2009L00679

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 29

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2009L04488

Regulations 2009 (No. 2), SLI 2009 No. 385

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

28 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 207


29 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 108


30 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 127


31 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition)

Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 89


32 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition)

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 24


33 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition)

Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 63


34 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax Transition)

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 208


35 A New Tax System (Luxury Car Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 239


36 A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 364


37 A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 116


38 A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 234


39 A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 209


40 ASIC Class Order [05/680], CO 05/680 F2005L01732

41 ASIC Class Order [05/1194], CO 05/1194 F2005L04056

42 ASIC Class Order [07/151], CO 07/151 F2007L01527

43 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/84], CO 05/84 F2005L00684

44 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/142], CO 05/142 F2005L00772

45 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/308], CO 05/308 F2005L01187

46 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/346], CO 05/346 F2005L01444

47 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/542], CO 05/542 F2005L01930

48 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/641], CO 05/641 F2005L02099

49 ASIC Class Order [CO 05/646], CO 05/646 F2005L02204

6 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/682], CO 05/682 F2005L01744

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/770], CO 05/770 F2005L03044

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/903], CO 05/903 F2005L02777

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/938], CO 05/938 F2005L02615

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/957], CO 05/957 F2005L02893

ASIC Class Order [CO 05/1236], CO 05/1236 F2005L04242

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/36], CO 06/36 F2006L00224

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/51], CO 06/51 F2006L00292

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/106], CO 06/106 F2006L00591

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/226], CO 06/226 F2006L01003

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/264], CO 06/264 F2006L01651

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/267], CO 06/267 F2006L01613

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/330], CO 06/330 F2006L01955

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/469], CO 06/469 F2006L01813

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/476], CO 06/476 F2006L01862

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/704], CO 06/704 F2006L02944

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/709], CO 06/709 F2006L02985

ASIC Class Order [CO 06/1012], CO 06/1012 F2006L04138

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/18], CO 07/18 F2007L00192

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/42], CO 07/42 F2007L00506

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/43], CO 07/43 F2007L00507

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/44], CO 07/44 F2007L00509

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/88], CO 07/88 F2007L00338

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/90], CO 07/90 F2007L00340

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/91], CO 07/91 F2007L00342

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/123], CO 07/123 F2007L00668

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/144], CO 07/144 F2007L01064

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/150], CO 07/150 F2007L01524

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/166], CO 07/166 F2007L00779

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/300], CO 07/300 F2007L02064

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/386], CO 07/386 F2007L01697

ASIC Class Order [CO 07/410], CO 07/410 F2007L01759

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

82 ASIC Class Order [CO 07/480], CO 07/480 F2007L02072

83 ASIC Class Order [CO 07/572], CO 07/572 F2007L03907

84 ASIC Class Order [CO 07/642], CO 07/642 F2007L03886

85 ASIC Class Order [CO 07/822], CO 07/822 F2007L04829

86 ASIC Class Order [CO 07/862], CO 07/862 F2008L00016

87 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/11], CO 08/11 F2008L00956

88 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/171], CO 08/171 F2008L01574

89 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/285], CO 08/285 F2008L02091

90 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/382], CO 08/382 F2008L02275

91 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/0405], CO 08/0405 F2008L02982

92 ASIC Class Order [CO 08/618], CO 08/618 F2008L03055

93 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/27], CO 09/27 F2009L00869

94 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/38], CO 09/38 F2009L02080

95 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/69], CO 09/69 F2009L02437

96 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/393], CO 09/393 F2009L02048

97 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/422], CO 09/422 F2009L02160

98 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/462], CO 09/462 F2009L02445

99 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/465], CO 09/465 F2009L02438

100 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/532], CO 09/532 F2009L02723

101 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/626], CO 09/626 F2009L03131

102 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/702], CO 09/702 F2009L03604

103 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/728], CO 09/728 F2009L03728

104 ASIC Class Order [CO 09/1063], CO 09/1063 F2009L04606

105 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/45], CO 10/45 F2010L00187

106 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/94], CO 10/94 F2010L00377

107 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/116], CO 10/116 F2010L00530

108 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/177], CO 10/177 F2010L01866

109 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/246], CO 10/246 F2010L00800

110 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/289], CO 10/289 F2010L01077

111 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/464], CO 10/464 F2010L01687

112 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/545], CO 10/545 F2010L02389

113 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/655], CO 10/655 F2010L02196

8 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

114 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/737], CO 10/737 F2010L02405

115 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/789], CO 10/789 F2010L02439

116 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/830], CO 10/830 F2010L02417

117 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/1037], CO 10/1037 F2011L00059

118 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/1225], CO 10/1225 F2010L03247

119 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/1257], CO 10/1257 F2010L03378

120 ASIC Class Order [CO 10/1269], CO 10/1269 F2010L03429

121 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/128], CO 11/128 F2011L00289

122 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/140], CO 11/140 F2011L00278

123 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/162], CO 11/162 F2011L00470

124 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/269], CO 11/269 F2011L00620

125 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/519], CO 11/519 F2011L01040

126 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/554], CO 11/554 F2011L01507

127 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/555], CO 11/555 F2011L01303

128 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/557], CO 11/557 F2011L01141

129 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/617], CO 11/617 F2011L01250

130 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/942], CO 11/942 F2011L02008

131 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/943], CO 11/943 F2011L02004

132 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/1262], CO 11/1262 F2011L02550

133 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/1277], CO 11/1277 F2011L02721

134 ASIC Class Order [CO 11/1287], CO 11/1287 F2011L02609

135 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/158], CO 12/158 F2012L00407

136 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/543], CO 12/543 F2012L01020

137 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/572], CO 12/572 F2012L01500

138 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/573], CO 12/573 F2012L01502

139 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/622], CO 12/622 F2012L01538

140 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/722], CO 12/722 F2012L01182

141 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/750], CO 12/750 F2012L01333

142 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/766], CO 12/766 F2012L01331

143 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/1110], CO 12/1110 F2012L01736

144 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/1266], CO 12/1266 F2012L01918

145 ASIC Class Order [CO 12/1267], CO 12/1267 F2012L01919

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

146 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX 24 Market) Amendment

2011 (No. 1)


147 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) Amendment

2011 (No. 1)


148 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) Amendment

2011 (No. 2)


149 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) Amendment

2011 (No. 3)


150 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) Amendment

2012 (No. 1)


151 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (ASX Market) Amendment

2012 (No. 2)


152 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Chi-X Australia Market)

Amendment 2011 (No. 1)


153 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Chi-X Australia Market)

Amendment 2011 (No. 2)


154 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Chi-X Australia Market)

Amendment 2012 (No. 1)


155 ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Chi-X Australia Market)

Amendment 2012 (No. 2)


156 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 113


157 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 141


158 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 2), SR 1999 No. 246


159 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 227


160 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 2001 (No. 2), SR 2001 No. 256


161 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 64


162 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 163


163 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 277


10 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

164 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment F2007L01286

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 118

165 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment F2008L02947

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 169

166 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment F2011L02421

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 223

167 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2009L03841

(confidentiality) determination No. 16 of 2009

168 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2006L02657

fixing charges No. 8 of 2006

169 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2012L01026

Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 69

170 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2001B00405

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 317

171 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2002B00038

Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 39

172 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2002B00125

Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2), SR 2002 No. 124

173 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2003B00118

Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 107

174 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2004B00122

Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 102

175 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2004B00227

Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 210

176 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2005B00030

Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004 No. 397

177 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2006L01443

Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 101

178 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2007L01269

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 119

179 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2007L03800

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 2), SLI 2007 No. 321

180 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2007L03845

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 3), SLI 2007 No. 322

181 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2010L01096

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 86

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

182 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2010L01197

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 87

183 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2010L01801

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 183

184 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2010L03015

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 4), SLI 2010 No. 278

185 Australian Securities and Investments Commission F2010L03187

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 5), SLI 2010 No. 331

186 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00586

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0139

187 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00587

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0736

188 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01669

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 03/0066

189 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01670

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 03/0158

190 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01140

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 03/0622

191 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01671

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 03/0840

192 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00588

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 04/1553

193 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01271

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 601QA(1)(b) and

Subsection 741(1)— Variation, CO 02/0298

194 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01661

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 655A(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0243

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

195 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01609

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 655A(1)(b)—

Variation, CO 02/0242

196 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01618

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 655A(1)(b) and

673(1)(b)— Variation, CO 02/0244

197 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01634

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 669(1)(b)—

Variation, CO 03/0637

198 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01632

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 741(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0140

199 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01601

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 741(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0142

200 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B11659

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 741(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 02/0265

201 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01666

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 911A(2)(l)—

Variation, CO 02/0791

202 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01159

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 911A(2)(l)—

Variation, CO 03/0733

203 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01160

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 911A(2)(l)—

Variation, CO 03/0774

204 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00914

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 911A(2)(l)—

Variation, CO 04/0100

205 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01493

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 911A(2)(l)—

Variation, CO 04/0213

206 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01144

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 1020F(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 03/0654

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

207 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01142

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 1020F(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 04/1299

208 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01649

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraph 1020F(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 04/1347

209 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01598

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 283GA(1)(a),

601QA(1)(a), 741(1)(a), 911A(2)(l), 992B(1)(a) and

1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/1569

210 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01640

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 283GA(1)(a) and

741(1)(a)— Variation, CO 02/0187

211 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00591

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

741(1)(a), 951B(1)(a), 1020F(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(c)—

Variation, CO 04/1551

212 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01240

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

741(1)(a), 992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO


213 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01241

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

741(1)(a), 992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO


214 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01242

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

741(1)(a), 992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO


215 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00590

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

741(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/0612

216 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01667

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

911A(2)(l), 922B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

217 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01665

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

911A(2)(l), 992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO


218 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01580

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

911A(2)(l) and 992B(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/0738

219 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01583

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

911A(2)(l) and 992B(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/0739

220 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01587

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO 02/0715

221 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01589

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/0191

222 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01643

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a),

992B(1)(a) and 1020F(1)(a)— Variation, CO 04/0192

223 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01274

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 601QA(1)(a) and

911A(2)(l)— Variation, CO 04/1031

224 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01616

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 741(1)(a) and

911A(2)(l)— Variation, CO 02/0266

225 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01653

Corporations Act 2001— Paragraphs 951B(1)(c) and

1020F(1)(a) and (c)— Variation, CO 04/1527

226 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2007B00091

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 88B(2)— Variation,

CO 01/1468

227 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2007B00092

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 88B(3)— Variation,

CO 04/0173

228 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01591

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 01/1085

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

229 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01572

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 01/1086

230 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01645

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 01/1087

231 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01569

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 01/1550

232 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01571

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0247

233 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01646

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0248

234 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01570

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 02/1016

235 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01654

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 02/1017

236 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01086

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 03/0067

237 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01656

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0663

238 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01599

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0664

239 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00899

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0665

240 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01568

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0666

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

241 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00370

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0667

242 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01428

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0668

243 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01657

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 341(1)— Variation,

CO 04/0682

244 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01606

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 655A(1)—

Variation, CO 02/0258

245 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01636

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 655A(1)—

Variation, CO 02/0269

246 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01662

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 655A(1)—

Variation, CO 03/0632

247 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B11657

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0146

248 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01285

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0250

249 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01387

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0251

250 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01460

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0252

251 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01450

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0253

252 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01186

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0254

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

253 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01011

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0261

254 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01619

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0275

255 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01434

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0288

256 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00938

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0300

257 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01603

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0301

258 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01622

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 02/0302

259 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01626

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 03/0068

260 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01461

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 741(1)— Variation,

CO 03/0263

261 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B11722

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 1020F(1)—

Variation, CO 02/1297

262 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01624

Corporations Act 2001— Subsection 1075A(1)—

Variation, CO 04/0166

263 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B11720

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 111AT(1) and

1020F(1)— Variation, CO 04/0188

264 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01596

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 341(1), 655A(1),

669(1) and 673(1)— Variation, CO 02/0267

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

265 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01246

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 601QA(1), 741(1),

992B(1) and 1020F(1)— Variation, CO 04/0607

266 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01248

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 601QA(1), 741(1)

and 1020F(1)— Variation, CO 04/0608

267 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01272

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 601QA(1), 741(1)

and 1020F(1)— Variation, CO 04/0735

268 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01642

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 601QA(1), 992B(1)

and 1020F(1)— Variation, CO 03/0233

269 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01588

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 601QA(1), 992B(1)

and 1020F(1)— Variation, CO 03/0235

270 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01593

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 655A(1), 669(1)

and 673(1)— Variation, CO 02/0268

271 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01612

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 655A(1) and

673(1)— Variation, CO 02/0274

272 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B01157

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 655A(1) and

673(1)— Variation, CO 04/0613

273 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00694

Corporations Act 2001— Subsections 741(1) and

1020F(1)— Variation, CO 04/0670

274 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2006B00584

Corporations Law— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 00/0954

275 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2007B00087

Corporations Law— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 00/1791

276 Australian Securities and Investments Commission— F2007B00088

Corporations Law— Paragraph 601QA(1)(a)—

Variation, CO 00/2421

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

277 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Corporations Law— Paragraph 601QA(1)(b)—

Variation, CO 99/1010


278 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Corporations Law— Paragraph 601QA(1)(b)—

Variation, CO 00/0657


279 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Corporations Law— Subsection 109ZB(5) and Paragraph

601QA(1)(a)— Variation, CO 00/1211


280 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Corporations Law— Subsection 741(1)— Variation, CO



281 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Corporations Law— Subsection 741(1)— Variation, CO



282 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Subsection 341(1) Corporations Law— Class Order, CO



283 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Subsection 341(1) Corporations Law— Class Order, CO



284 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Subsections 109ZB(5) and 341(1) Corporations Law—

Order, CO 99/1224


285 Australian Securities and Investments Commission—

Variation— Corporations Law— Subsection 741(1), CO



286 Banking Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000

No. 114


287 Banking Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003

No. 185


288 Banking Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008

No. 222


289 Banking Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 2), SLI 2008

No. 280


290 Banking Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010

No. 53


20 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

291 Banking Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 F2010L02123

No. 233

292 Banking Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 F2011L02422

No. 224

293 Banking exemption No. 2 of 2006 F2006L03337

294 Banking exemption No. 3 of 2006 F2006L04018

295 Banking exemption No. 1 of 2007 F2007L01830

296 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Amendment F2002B00039

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 40

297 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Amendment F2007L00819

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 71

298 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2008L03865

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Burma –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 16 October 2008)

299 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2011L01111

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Libya –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 16 June 2011)

300 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2011L01588

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Libya –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 28 July 2011)

301 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2011L02083

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Libya –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 13 October 2011)

302 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2011L01591

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Syria –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 28 July 2011)

303 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction F2011L02084

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to Syria –

Amendment to the Annex – Variation of Exemptions –

Amendment to the Annexes (made on 13 October 2011)

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

304 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to the

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Amendment to the

Annex – Variation of Exemption – Amendment to the

Annex (made on 4 October 2007)


305 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to the

Former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Amendment to

the Annex – Variation of Exemptions – Amendment to the

Annexes (made on 5 June 2009)


306 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to

Zimbabwe – Amendment to the Annex – Variation of

Exemptions – Amendment to the Annexes (made on

24 November 2005)


307 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to

Zimbabwe – Amendment to the Annex – Variation of

Exemptions – Amendment to the Annexes (made on

31 March 2006)


308 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to

Zimbabwe – Amendment to the Annex – Variation of

Exemptions – Amendment to the Annexes (made on

15 June 2007)


309 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to

Zimbabwe – Amendment to the Annex – Variation of

Exemptions – Amendment to the Annexes (made on

23 December 2008)


310 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and to

Zimbabwe – Amendment to the Annex – Variation of

Exemptions – Amendment to the Annexes (made on

28 July 2011)


311 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – Burma (made

on 22 February 2012)


22 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

312 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00431

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – Iran (made on

22 February 2012)

313 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00433

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – Libya (made

on 22 February 2012)

314 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00428

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – North Korea

(made on 22 February 2012)

315 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00432

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – Syria (made

on 22 February 2012)

316 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00434

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – The Former

Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (made on 22 February


317 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations 1959 – F2012L00435

Revocation of Variations of Exemption and Direction

Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions – Zimbabwe

(made on 22 February 2012)

318 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations – Variation of F2008L02419

Direction Relating to Foreign Currency Transactions and

to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Variation of

Variations of Exemption (made on 4 July 2008)

319 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment), F1996B01475

SR 1947 No. 65

320 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment), F1996B01476

SR 1947 No. 102

321 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment), F1996B01477

SR 1948 No. 39

322 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment), F1996B01478

SR 1948 No. 165

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

323 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1950 No. 46


324 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1952 No. 15


325 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1952 No. 80


326 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1953 No. 24


327 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1954 No. 96


328 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1965 No. 168


329 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1967 No. 70


330 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1970 No. 130


331 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1973 No. 72


332 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1973 No. 197


333 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1974 No. 56


334 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1974 No. 97


335 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1974 No. 265


336 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1975 No. 222


337 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1975 No. 223


338 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1984 No. 111


339 Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1990 No. 266


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OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

340 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 10 of

2006 - Variations to: Prudential standard APS 111 –

Capital Adequacy: Measurement of Capital; Prudential

standard APS 112 – Capital Adequacy: Credit Risk;

Guidance Note AGN 112.1 – Risk-weighted On-Balance

Sheet Credit Exposures; Prudential standard APS 120 –

Funds Management and Securitisation


341 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 11 of F2006L03184

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard APS 520 – Fit

and Proper

342 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 14 of F2006L03823

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard APS 231


343 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 15 of F2007L00041

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard APS 510


344 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2007L04451

2007 - Variation to Prudential Standard APS 510


345 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 19 of F2007L04826

2007 - Variation to Prudential Standard APS 510


346 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2011L00325

2011 - Liquidity and Capital Adequacy

347 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2011L00648

2011 - Liquidity and Capital Adequacy

348 Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of F2011L01272

2011 - Prudential standard APS 150 Capital Adequacy:

Basel II Transition (Advanced ADIs)

349 Banking (prudential standards) determination No. 9 of F2006L02109

2006 - Variation to: Prudential standard APS 111 –

Capital Adequacy: Measurement of Capital; Guidance

Note AGN 111.1 - Tier 1 Capital; Guidance Note AGN

111.2 - Tier 2 Capital; Guidance Note AGN 111.3

350 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment), F1997B01879

SR 1962 No. 58

351 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment), F1997B01880

SR 1963 No. 80

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

352 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1966 No. 69


353 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1970 No. 167


354 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1974 No. 155


355 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1977 No. 63


356 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1977 No. 86


357 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1977 No. 87


358 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1977 No. 196


359 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1978 No. 160


360 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1982 No. 206


361 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1984 No. 168


362 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1986 No. 303


363 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1986 No. 392


364 Banking (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1987 No. 52


365 Banking (Statistics) Repeal Regulations 2002, SR 2002

No. 125


366 Banks (Savings Banks) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1988 No. 233


367 Business Names Registration Amendment Regulation 2012

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 88


368 Business Names Registration (Fees) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 89


369 Census (2006) Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1),

SLI 2009 No. 313


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

370 Cheques Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 F2006L01655

No. 125

371 Cheques and Payment Orders Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00613

SR 1988 No. 37

372 Cheques and Payment Orders Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00576

SR 1994 No. 100

373 Cheques and Payment Orders Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00577

SR 1994 No. 406

374 Cheques and Payment Orders Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02768

SR 1997 No. 276

375 Cheques and Payment Orders Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00221

SR 1998 No. 238

376 Commonwealth Banking Corporation Service Regulations F1997B01746

(Amendment), SR 1980 No. 265

377 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00801

SR 1962 No. 48

378 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00802

SR 1963 No. 19

379 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00803

SR 1963 No. 71

380 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00804

SR 1968 No. 51

381 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00805

SR 1971 No. 114

382 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00806

SR 1977 No. 88

383 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00807

SR 1984 No. 307

384 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00809

SR 1991 No. 55

385 Commonwealth Banks Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00808

SR 1991 No. 93

386 Commonwealth Borrowing Levy Regulations F1997B01748

(Amendment), SR 1988 No. 169

387 Commonwealth Borrowing Levy Regulations F1997B02825

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 337

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

388 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1946 No. 75


389 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1947 No. 96


390 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1952 No. 26


391 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1959 No. 8


392 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1959 No. 39


393 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1959 No. 96


394 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1961 No. 86


395 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1962 No. 57


396 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1963 No. 84


397 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1966 No. 61


398 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1971 No. 144


399 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1974 No. 69


400 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1976 No. 64


401 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1976 No. 144


402 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1980 No. 19


403 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1983 No. 71


404 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1983 No. 157


405 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 121


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

406 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02686

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 122

407 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02687

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 165

408 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02688

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 166

409 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02689

(Amendment), SR 1985 No. 175

410 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02691

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 242

411 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02692

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 243

412 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02693

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 244

413 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02694

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 245

414 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02690

(Amendment), SR 1986 No. 264

415 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02695

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 228

416 Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations F1996B02696

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 291

417 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2002B00014

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 14

418 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2005L02730

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 227

419 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2007L00299

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 18

420 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2007L02401

Regulations 2007 (No. 2), SLI 2007 No. 241

421 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2008L03778

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 214

422 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Amendment F2011L00239

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 2

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

423 Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes) Modification of

Applied Laws (Queensland) Amendment Notice 2002

(No. 1)


424 Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulation 2012

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 90


425 Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 79


426 Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 225


427 Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 3), SLI 2011 No. 271


428 Consumer Protection Notice No. 1 of 2005 - Amendment to

the Consumer Product Safety Standard: Toys for children

up to and including 36 months of age


429 Consumer Protection Notice No. 4 of 2005 - Amendment to

Consumer Product Safety Standard: Sunglasses and

fashion spectacles


430 Consumer Protection Notice (Revocation) No. 4 of 2007 F2007L00212

431 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1),

SLI 2012 No. 42


432 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2),

SLI 2012 No. 43


433 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 3),

SLI 2012 No. 46


434 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 4),

SLI 2012 No. 170


435 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 5),

SLI 2012 No. 171


436 Corporations Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 6),

SLI 2012 No. 172


437 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2),

SR 2001 No. 208


438 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 3),

SR 2001 No. 318


439 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 4),

SR 2001 No. 319


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

440 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), F2002B00015

SR 2002 No. 15

441 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2), F2002B00016

SR 2002 No. 16

442 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 3), F2002B00040

SR 2002 No. 41

443 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 4), F2002B00052

SR 2002 No. 53

444 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 5), F2002B00127

SR 2002 No. 126

445 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 6), F2002B00139

SR 2002 No. 145

446 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 7), F2002B00178

SR 2002 No. 182

447 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 8), F2002B00266

SR 2002 No. 265

448 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 9), F2002B00289

SR 2002 No. 282

449 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), F2003B00040

SR 2003 No. 31

450 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 2), F2003B00058

SR 2003 No. 48

451 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 3), F2003B00097

SR 2003 No. 85

452 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 4), F2003B00137

SR 2003 No. 126

453 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 5), F2003B00138

SR 2003 No. 127

454 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 6), F2003B00204

SR 2003 No. 194

455 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 7), F2003B00212

SR 2003 No. 202

456 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 9), F2003B00384

SR 2003 No. 367

457 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 10), F2003B00385

SR 2003 No. 368

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

458 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 11),

SR 2003 No. 369


459 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 10


460 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2),

SR 2004 No. 25


461 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3),

SR 2004 No. 26


462 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 4),

SR 2004 No. 36


463 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 6),

SR 2004 No. 149


464 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 7),

SR 2004 No. 208


465 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 8),

SR 2004 No. 398


466 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 9),

SR 2004 No. 399


467 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 31


468 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3),

SLI 2005 No. 139


469 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 4),

SLI 2005 No. 160


470 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 41


471 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2),

SLI 2006 No. 57


472 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 3),

SLI 2006 No. 102


473 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 4),

SLI 2006 No. 126


474 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 5),

SLI 2006 No. 362


475 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1),

SLI 2007 No. 102


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

476 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 3), F2007L01904

SLI 2007 No. 194

477 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 4), F2007L01901

SLI 2007 No. 195

478 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 5), F2007L01903

SLI 2007 No. 196

479 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 6), F2007L01889

SLI 2007 No. 197

480 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 7), F2007L01899

SLI 2007 No. 198

481 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 8), F2007L01898

SLI 2007 No. 199

482 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 9), F2007L02255

SLI 2007 No. 227

483 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 10), F2007L02637

SLI 2007 No. 259

484 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 11), F2007L03801

SLI 2007 No. 323

485 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 12), F2007L03804

SLI 2007 No. 324

486 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 14), F2007L04728

SLI 2007 No. 364

487 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), F2008L01830

SLI 2008 No. 93

488 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 2), F2008L01827

SLI 2008 No. 94

489 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 3), F2008L02184

SLI 2008 No. 130

490 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 4), F2008L02510

SLI 2008 No. 158

491 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 5), F2008L03458

SLI 2008 No. 194

492 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), F2009L00288

SLI 2009 No. 12

493 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2), F2009L01178

SLI 2009 No. 51

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

494 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 3),

SLI 2009 No. 52


495 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 4),

SLI 2009 No. 70


496 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 5),

SLI 2009 No. 103


497 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 6),

SLI 2009 No. 175


498 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 7),

SLI 2009 No. 198


499 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 8),

SLI 2009 No. 327


500 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 9),

SLI 2009 No. 328


501 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 10),

SLI 2009 No. 386


502 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 11),

SLI 2009 No. 387


503 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1),

SLI 2010 No. 54


504 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2),

SLI 2010 No. 55


505 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 3)

Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 41


506 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 4),

SLI 2010 No. 89


507 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 6),

SLI 2010 No. 184


508 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 7),

SLI 2010 No. 210


509 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 8),

SLI 2010 No. 272


510 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 9),

SLI 2010 No. 301


511 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 10),

SLI 2010 No. 332


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

512 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 2), F2011L01368

SLI 2011 No. 128

513 Corporations Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 3), F2011L01577

SLI 2011 No. 142

514 Corporations (Change of Incorporation) Amendment F2002B00169

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 174

515 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), F2012L01551

SLI 2012 No. 173

516 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00408

(No. 1), SR 2001 No. 320

517 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00041

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 42

518 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00140

(No. 2), SR 2002 No. 146

519 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00139

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 128

520 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00254

(No. 3), SR 2003 No. 241

521 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2004 F2004B00226

(No. 1), SR 2004 No. 209

522 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2004 F2005B00049

(No. 2), SR 2004 No. 400

523 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2006 F2006L01817

(No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 135

524 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L03805

(No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 326

525 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00736

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 56

526 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00741

(No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 57

527 Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L01942

(No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 214

528 Corporations Legislation Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L02103

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 193

529 Corporations Legislation Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L02616

(No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 274

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

530 Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 370


531 Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 1), SR 2004 No. 196


532 Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 200


533 Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 58


534 Corporations (Review Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 109


535 Declaration No. 66 under the Prices Surveillance Act 1983 F2008B00401

536 Determination Under The Census And Statistics Act 1905

(Amendment), SR 1985 No. 191


537 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 325


538 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 363


539 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 358


540 Energy Grants (Cleaner Fuels) Scheme Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 194


541 Excise Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012

No. 151


542 Excise Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2), SLI 2012

No. 189


543 Excise Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 3), SLI 2012

No. 190


544 Excise Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 2), SR 1998

No. 275


545 Excise Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 3), SR 1998

No. 277


546 Excise Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999

No. 213


547 Excise Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 2), SR 1999

No. 265


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

548 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 F2000B00124

No. 116

549 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2), SR 2000 F2000B00167

No. 159

550 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 3), SR 2000 F2000B00192

No. 183

551 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 4), SR 2000 F2000B00216

No. 209

552 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 5), SR 2000 F2000B00290

No. 278

553 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 6), SR 2000 F2000B00322

No. 297

554 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 7), SR 2000 F2000B00388

No. 365

555 Excise Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 8), SR 2000 F2000B00389

No. 366

556 Excise Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 F2002B00042

No. 43

557 Excise Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2), SR 2002 F2002B00358

No. 351

558 Excise Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 2), SR 2003 F2003B00213

No. 203

559 Excise Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 F2004B00033

No. 27

560 Excise Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 F2004B00378

No. 329

561 Excise Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 F2006L00799

No. 58

562 Excise Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 3), SLI 2006 F2006L02021

No. 174

563 Excise Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 F2008L04517

No. 240

564 Excise By-law (Amendment) 1997 No. 2 F2006B11678

565 Excise By-law (Amendment) 1998 No. 1 F2006B11681

566 Excise By-Law (Revocation) 2006 (No. 1) F2006L02184

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

567 Excise Laws (Licence Fees) Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00304

(No. 1), SR 2001 No. 223

568 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1926 No. 70 F1996B02949

569 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1928 No. 131 F1996B02950

570 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1929 No. 74 F1996B02951

571 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1929 No. 92 F1996B02952

572 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1929 No. 97 F1996B02953

573 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1930 No. 71 F1996B02954

574 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1931 No. 25 F1996B02955

575 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1931 No. 43 F1996B02956

576 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1932 No. 51 F1996B02958

577 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1932 No. 105 F1996B02959

578 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1932 No. 129 F1996B02960

579 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1933 No. 37 F1996B02961

580 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1933 No. 103 F1996B02962

581 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1934 No. 9 F1996B02963

582 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1934 No. 65 F1996B02964

583 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1934 No. 76 F1996B02965

584 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1936 No. 26 F1996B02966

585 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1936 No. 56 F1996B02967

586 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1936 No. 99 F1996B02968

587 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 5 F1996B02969

588 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 39 F1996B02970

589 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 60 F1996B02971

590 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 121 F1996B02972

591 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 169 F1996B02973

592 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1940 No. 17 F1996B02974

593 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1940 No. 48 F1996B02975

594 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1941 No. 313 F1996B02976

595 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1942 No. 291 F1996B02977

596 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1942 No. 335 F1996B02978

597 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1942 No. 387 F1996B02979

38 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

598 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1943 No. 22 F1996B02980

599 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1943 No. 140 F1996B02981

600 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1944 No. 173 F1996B02982

601 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1945 No. 103 F1996B02983

602 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1946 No. 89 F1996B02984

603 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1947 No. 28 F1996B02985

604 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1947 No. 85 F1996B02986

605 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1948 No. 36 F1996B02987

606 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1948 No. 95 F1996B02988

607 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1949 No. 96 F1996B02989

608 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1950 No. 16 F1996B02990

609 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1951 No. 81 F1996B02991

610 Excise Regulations 1925 (Amendment), SR 1951 No. 123 F1996B02992

611 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1932 No. 13 F1996B02957

612 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1952 No. 97 F1996B02993

613 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1953 No. 86 F1996B02994

614 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1954 No. 22 F1996B02995

615 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1954 No. 109 F1996B02996

616 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1955 No. 54 F1996B02997

617 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1955 No. 65 F1996B02998

618 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1956 No. 128 F1996B02999

619 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1958 No. 18 F1996B03000

620 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1958 No. 87 F1996B03001

621 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1959 No. 76 F1996B03002

622 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1960 No. 27 F1996B03003

623 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1960 No. 77 F1996B03004

624 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1961 No. 61 F1996B03005

625 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1962 No. 4 F1996B03006

626 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1962 No. 46 F1996B03007

627 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1962 No. 108 F1996B03008

628 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1963 No. 147 F1996B03009

629 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1965 No. 195 F1996B03010

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

630 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1966 No. 164 F1996B03011

631 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1966 No. 174 F1996B03012

632 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1967 No. 172 F1996B03013

633 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1969 No. 153 F1996B03014

634 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1969 No. 187 F1996B03015

635 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 114 F1996B03017

636 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 142 F1996B03018

637 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1971 No. 60 F1996B03019

638 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1971 No. 142 F1996B03020

639 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1971 No. 171 F1996B03021

640 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1972 No. 92 F1996B03022

641 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1972 No. 209 F1996B03023

642 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1973 No. 258 F1996B03024

643 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 No. 199 F1996B03025

644 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 No. 207 F1996B03026

645 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 162 F1996B03027

646 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1978 No. 196 F1996B03028

647 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1978 No. 275 F1996B03029

648 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979 No. 279 F1996B03030

649 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 111 F1996B03031

650 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 374 F1996B03032

651 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 163 F1996B03033

652 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 242 F1996B03034

653 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 275 F1996B03035

654 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982 No. 138 F1996B03036

655 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982 No. 254 F1996B03037

656 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1983 No. 306 F1996B03038

657 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 19 F1996B03039

658 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 126 F1996B03040

659 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 219 F1996B03041

660 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 320 F1996B03042

661 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 13 F1996B03043

40 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

662 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 75 F1996B03044

663 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 137 F1996B03046

664 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 141 F1996B03047

665 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 142 F1996B03048

666 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 234 F1996B03049

667 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 307 F1996B03050

668 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 78 F1996B03052

669 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 173 F1996B03053

670 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 295 F1996B03055

671 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 338 F1996B03056

672 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 28 F1996B03057

673 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 123 F1996B03058

674 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 161 F1996B03059

675 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 212 F1996B03060

676 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 135 F1996B03061

677 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 216 F1996B03062

678 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 388 F1996B03063

679 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 61 F1996B03064

680 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 102 F1996B03065

681 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 158 F1996B03066

682 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 307 F1996B03067

683 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 327 F1996B03068

684 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 408 F1996B03069

685 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 7 F1996B03070

686 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 124 F1996B03071

687 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 218 F1996B03072

688 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 221 F1996B03073

689 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 223 F1996B03074

690 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 236 F1996B03075

691 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 110 F1996B03076

692 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 317 F1996B03077

693 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 383 F1996B03078

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

694 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 62 F1996B03079

695 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 327 F1996B03080

696 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 81 F1996B03083

697 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 316 F1996B03084

698 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 100 F1996B03085

699 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 314 F1996B03086

700 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 351 F1996B03087

701 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 425 F1996B03088

702 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 340 F1997B02829

703 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 384 F1997B02873

704 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 388 F1997B02877

705 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 423 F1997B02912

706 Excise Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 274 F1998B00290

707 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership

payments) Determination No. 31 (October 2011)

Amendment Determination No. 1


708 Film Certification Advisory Board Rules 2008

(Amendment No. 1 of 2011)


709 Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional

Provisions) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1),

SR 1999 No. 30


710 Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional

Provisions) Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 2),

SR 1999 No. 355


711 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 199


712 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 49


713 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 316


714 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004 No. 401


715 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 286


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

716 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2006L03836

Regulations 2006 (No. 2), SLI 2006 No. 316

717 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2006L04021

Regulations 2006 (No. 3), SLI 2006 No. 364

718 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2010L00510

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 30

719 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2010L01314

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 104

720 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2011L02620

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 275

721 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation F2009L02155

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2), SLI 2009 No. 104

722 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers (Notices) Regulations F1997B01714

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 197

723 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations F1996B00560

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 302

724 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations F1996B00561

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 295

725 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations F1996B00562

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 416

726 Foreign Takeovers (Notices) Regulations (Amendment), F1997B01712

SR 1976 No. 203

727 Foreign Takeovers (Notices) Regulations (Amendment), F1997B01713

SR 1989 No. 178

728 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1), F2000B00046

SR 2000 No. 40

729 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2), F2000B00134

SR 2000 No. 127

730 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 3), F2000B00240

SR 2000 No. 228

731 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 4), F2000B00261

SR 2000 No. 251

732 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), F2001B00088

SR 2001 No. 36

733 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2), F2001B00269

SR 2001 No. 188

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

734 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1),

SR 2002 No. 301


735 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1),

SR 2003 No. 38


736 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 28


737 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2),

SR 2004 No. 50


738 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3),

SR 2004 No. 51


739 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 4),

SR 2004 No. 347


740 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 44


741 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2),

SLI 2005 No. 173


742 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 103


743 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 3),

SLI 2006 No. 259


744 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1),

SLI 2007 No. 43


745 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1),

SLI 2009 No. 246


746 Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1),

SLI 2011 No. 34


747 Fringe Benefits Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993

No. 105


748 Fringe Benefits Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993

No. 148


749 Fringe Benefits Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994

No. 196


750 Fuel Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006

No. 365


751 Fuel Tax Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011

No. 196


44 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

752 Fuel Tax (Revocation) Determination 2006 (No. 1), F2006L04131


753 Goods and Services Tax: Recipient Created Tax Invoice F2010L02949

Amendment Determination (No. 1) 2010, 2010/GST/0013

754 Goods and Services Tax: Waiver of Tax Invoice F2010L02954

Requirement (Visa Purchasing Card) Amendment

Determination (No. 1) 2010, 2010/GST/0014

755 GST-free Supply (In-home Care) Amendment F2007B00337

Determination 2002 (No. 1)

756 Income Tax Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1), F2012L01090

SLI 2012 No. 91

757 Income Tax Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 2), F2012L01236

SLI 2012 No. 115

758 Income Tax Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 3), F2012L01557

SLI 2012 No. 174

759 Income Tax Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 4), F2012L01871

SLI 2012 No. 222

760 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 6), F1998B00365

SR 1998 No. 348

761 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), F1999B00080

SR 1999 No. 79

762 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 2), F1999B00081

SR 1999 No. 80

763 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1), F2000B00045

SR 2000 No. 39

764 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 4), F2000B00125

SR 2000 No. 117

765 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 5), F2000B00241

SR 2000 No. 229

766 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 6), F2000B00273

SR 2000 No. 262

767 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), F2001B00145

SR 2001 No. 81

768 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2), F2001B00157

SR 2001 No. 100

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

769 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 3),

SR 2001 No. 104


770 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 4),

SR 2001 No. 107


771 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 5),

SR 2001 No. 163


772 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1),

SR 2002 No. 44


773 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2),

SR 2002 No. 45


774 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 3),

SR 2002 No. 101


775 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 4),

SR 2002 No. 111


776 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 5),

SR 2002 No. 169


777 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 6),

SR 2002 No. 215


778 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 7),

SR 2002 No. 302


779 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1),

SR 2003 No. 204


780 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 2),

SR 2003 No. 215


781 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 4),

SR 2003 No. 372


782 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 37


783 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2),

SR 2004 No. 80


784 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 4),

SR 2004 No. 146


785 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 5),

SR 2004 No. 248


786 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 32


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

787 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2), F2005L00597

SLI 2005 No. 33

788 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 3), F2005L01316

SLI 2005 No. 117

789 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 5), F2005L02045

SLI 2005 No. 181

790 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 7), F2005L03450

SLI 2005 No. 262

791 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 8), F2005L03989

SLI 2005 No. 326

792 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 9), F2005L04027

SLI 2005 No. 327

793 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1), F2006L00797

SLI 2006 No. 59

794 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2), F2006L01834

SLI 2006 No. 166

795 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 3), F2006L01864

SLI 2006 No. 167

796 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 4), F2006L02313

SLI 2006 No. 187

797 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 5), F2006L04025

SLI 2006 No. 366

798 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 3), F2007L03799

SLI 2007 No. 327

799 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), F2009L00616

SLI 2009 No. 30

800 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2), F2009L02405

SLI 2009 No. 156

801 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 3), F2009L04313

SLI 2009 No. 334

802 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), F2010L00323

SLI 2010 No. 7

803 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), F2010L01575

SLI 2010 No. 136

804 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), F2011L00244

SLI 2011 No. 3

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

805 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 2),

SLI 2011 No. 4


806 Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 3),

SLI 2011 No. 110


807 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1951 No. 136


808 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1951 No. 157


809 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1952 No. 89


810 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1953 No. 55


811 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1954 No. 99


812 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1954 No. 112


813 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1956 No. 34


814 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1956 No. 96


815 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1957 No. 74


816 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1958 No. 70


817 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1959 No. 25


818 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1959 No. 81


819 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1960 No. 74


820 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1962 No. 15


821 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1962 No. 44


822 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1963 No. 92


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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

823 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00289

(Amendment), SR 1964 No. 121

824 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00290

(Amendment), SR 1964 No. 134

825 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00291

(Amendment), SR 1965 No. 133

826 Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00292

(Amendment), SR 1965 No. 187

827 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L00835

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 47

828 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 1999 F1999B00011

(No. 1), SR 1999 No. 12

829 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 1999 F1999B00079

(No. 2), SR 1999 No. 78

830 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 1999 F1999B00142

(No. 3), SR 1999 No. 147

831 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00004

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 1

832 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00135

(No. 2), SR 2000 No. 128

833 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00069

(No. 1), SR 2001 No. 18

834 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00078

(No. 2), SR 2001 No. 26

835 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00378

(No. 3), SR 2001 No. 288

836 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00045

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 46

837 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00064

(No. 2), SR 2002 No. 65

838 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00165

(No. 3), SR 2002 No. 170

839 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00167

(No. 4), SR 2002 No. 172

840 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00049

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 39

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

841 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 2), SR 2003 No. 40


842 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 3), SR 2003 No. 108


843 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 4), SR 2003 No. 373


844 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 1), SR 2004 No. 52


845 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 2), SR 2004 No. 278


846 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 4), SR 2004 No. 330


847 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2005

(No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 22


848 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2005

(No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 75


849 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2005

(No. 4), SLI 2005 No. 328


850 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 60


851 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 2), SLI 2006 No. 61


852 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 3), SLI 2006 No. 306


853 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 4), SLI 2006 No. 367


854 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 44


855 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 4), SLI 2007 No. 177


856 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 6), SLI 2007 No. 202


857 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 8), SLI 2007 No. 329


858 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 9), SLI 2007 No. 330


50 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

859 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L00923

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 35

860 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L01434

(No. 2), SLI 2008 No. 81

861 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L02193

(No. 3), SLI 2008 No. 144

862 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L02183

(No. 4), SLI 2008 No. 131

863 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2009 F2009L00235

(No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 13

864 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2009 F2009L01191

(No. 2), SLI 2009 No. 54

865 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2009 F2009L03523

(No. 4), SLI 2009 No. 247

866 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2009 F2009L04411

(No. 5), SLI 2009 No. 388

867 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00318

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 8

868 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00303

(No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 9

869 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00917

(No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 73

870 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L00850

(No. 4), SLI 2010 No. 74

871 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00251

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 5

872 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00420

(No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 35

873 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00634

(No. 3), SLI 2011 No. 57

874 Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L02022

(No. 5), SLI 2011 No. 182

875 Income Tax Assessment Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00080

SR 1998 No. 85

876 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) F2005B01789

Amendment Determination 2001 (No. 1)

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

877 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2002 (No. 1)


878 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2002 (No. 2)


879 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2003 (No. 1)


880 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2003 (No. 2)


881 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2003 (No. 3)


882 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2004 (No. 1)


883 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2004 (No. 2)


884 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2004 (No. 3)


885 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2004 (No. 4)


886 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 1)


887 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 2)


888 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2005 (No. 3)


889 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2006 (No. 1)


890 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2006 (No. 2)


891 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2006 (No. 3)


892 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2006 (No. 4)


893 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2007 (No. 1)


894 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets)

Amendment Determination 2008


52 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

895 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) F2009L02095

Amendment Determination 2009 (No. 1)

896 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) F2010L01407

Amendment Determination 2010 (No. 1)

897 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) F2011L00844

Amendment Determination 2011 (No. 1)

898 Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) F2012L01002

Amendment Determination 2012 (No. 1)

899 Income Tax (Farm Management Deposits) Amendment F2000B00242

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 230

900 Income Tax (Farm Management Deposits) Amendment F2003B00215

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 205

901 Income Tax (Farm Management Deposits) Amendment F2007L00300

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 19

902 Income Tax (Farm Management Deposits) Amendment F2011L02690

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 276

903 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 6 F1997B00236

904 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1939 No. 42 F1997B00237

905 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1940 No. 138 F1997B00238

906 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1940 No. 289 F1997B00239

907 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1941 No. 120 F1997B00240

908 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1941 No. 327 F1997B00241

909 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1942 No. 339 F1997B00242

910 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1942 No. 553 F1997B00243

911 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1943 No. 80 F1997B00244

912 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1943 No. 127 F1997B00245

913 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1943 No. 151 F1997B00246

914 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1944 No. 90 F1997B00247

915 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1944 No. 124 F1997B00248

916 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1945 No. 85 F1997B00250

917 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1945 No. 169 F1997B00251

918 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1945 No. 192 F1997B00252

919 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1946 No. 135 F1997B00253

920 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1947 No. 77 F1997B00254

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

921 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1948 No. 115 F1997B00256

922 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1948 No. 162 F1997B00257

923 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1949 No. 50 F1997B00259

924 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1966 No. 156 F1997B00293

925 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1967 No. 112 F1997B00294

926 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1969 No. 68 F1997B00297

927 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 43 F1997B00298

928 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 126 F1997B00299

929 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 168 F1997B00300

930 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1970 No. 213 F1997B00301

931 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1971 No. 120 F1997B00302

932 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1971 No. 148 F1997B00303

933 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1972 No. 48 F1997B00304

934 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1972 No. 50 F1997B00305

935 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1973 No. 266 F1997B00307

936 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 No. 193 F1997B00308

937 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 No. 226 F1997B00309

938 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 No. 267 F1997B00310

939 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 88 F1997B00311

940 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 89 F1997B00312

941 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 99 F1997B00313

942 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 101 F1997B00314

943 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1976 No. 212 F1997B00318

944 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979 No. 126 F1997B00324

945 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 86 F1997B00326

946 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 137 F1997B00327

947 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 149 F1997B00328

948 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 116 F1997B00329

949 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 360 F1997B00330

950 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982 No. 115 F1997B00331

951 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982 No. 128 F1997B00332

952 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1983 No. 79 F1997B00335

54 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

953 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1983 No. 87 F1997B00336

954 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1983 No. 111 F1997B00337

955 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 172 F1997B00340

956 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 286 F1997B00341

957 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 416 F1997B00343

958 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 21 F1997B00344

959 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 148 F1997B00345

960 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1985 No. 274 F1997B00346

961 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 325 F1997B00348

962 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 92 F1997B00349

963 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 120 F1997B00350

964 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 196 F1997B00351

965 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 208 F1997B00352

966 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 262 F1997B00353

967 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 381 F1997B00354

968 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1988 No. 383 F1997B00356

969 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 67 F1997B00358

970 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 80 F1997B00359

971 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 115 F1997B00360

972 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 124 F1997B00362

973 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 141 F1997B00363

974 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 250 F1997B00364

975 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 358 F1997B00365

976 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 19 F1997B00366

977 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 126 F1997B00367

978 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 151 F1997B00368

979 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 152 F1997B00369

980 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 192 F1997B00370

981 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 347 F1997B00371

982 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 390 F1997B00372

983 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 398 F1997B00373

984 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 121 F1997B00376

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

985 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 156 F1997B00377

986 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 158 F1997B00378

987 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 240 F1997B00379

988 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 300 F1997B00380

989 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 301 F1997B00381

990 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 390 F1997B00382

991 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1991 No. 391 F1997B00383

992 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 129 F1997B00385

993 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 216 F1997B00386

994 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 313 F1997B00387

995 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992 No. 449 F1997B00388

996 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 15 F1997B00389

997 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 46 F1997B00390

998 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 47 F1997B00391

999 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 65 F1997B00392

1000 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 91 F1997B00393

1001 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 159 F1997B00394

1002 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 202 F1997B00395

1003 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 216 F1997B00396

1004 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 275 F1997B00397

1005 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 288 F1997B00398

1006 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993 No. 370 F1997B00399

1007 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 95 F1997B00400

1008 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 96 F1997B00401

1009 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 127 F1997B00402

1010 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 174 F1997B00403

1011 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 195 F1997B00404

1012 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 219 F1997B00405

1013 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 399 F1997B00406

1014 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 412 F1997B00407

1015 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 460 F1997B00408

1016 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 461 F1997B00409

56 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1017 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 462 F1997B00410

1018 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 58 F1997B00411

1019 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 107 F1997B00412

1020 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 139 F1997B00413

1021 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 152 F1997B00414

1022 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 153 F1997B00415

1023 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 194 F1997B00416

1024 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 356 F1997B00418

1025 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 381 F1997B00419

1026 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 383 F1997B00421

1027 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 38 F1997B00423

1028 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 56 F1997B00424

1029 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 114 F1997B00425

1030 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 124 F1997B00426

1031 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 185 F1997B00989

1032 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 274 F1997B00069

1033 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 320 F1997B00462

1034 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 345 F1997B00463

1035 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 68 F1997B02597

1036 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 141 F1997B02655

1037 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 169 F1997B02660

1038 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 176 F1997B02666

1039 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 196 F1997B02701

1040 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 197 F1997B02702

1041 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 270 F1997B02762

1042 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 338 F1997B02826

1043 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 416 F1997B02905

1044 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 14 F1998B00018

1045 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 92 F1998B00087

1046 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 129 F1998B00120

1047 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 163 F1998B00153

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1048 Income Tax – Temporary Flood and Cyclone

Reconstruction Levy Exemptions Amendment

Determination 2012 (No. 1)


1049 Insurance (Agents and Brokers) Repeal Regulations 2002,

SR 2002 No. 17


1050 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002

No. 127


1051 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008

No. 125


1052 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 2), SLI 2008

No. 281


1053 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009

No. 297


1054 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010

No. 234


1055 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1),

SLI 2012 No. 116


1056 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulations 1999

(No. 1), SR 1999 No. 191


1057 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulations 2000

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 118


1058 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulations 2002

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 18


1059 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulations 2002

(No. 2), SR 2002 No. 147


1060 Insurance Contracts Amendment Regulations 2002

(No. 3), SR 2002 No. 273


1061 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990

No. 444


1062 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994

No. 327


1063 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996

No. 304


1064 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 238


58 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1065 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 F1998B00073

No. 78

1066 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 F1998B00180

No. 195

1067 Insurance Legislation Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00588

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 48

1068 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 6 of F2006L03198

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard GPS 520 – Fit

and Proper

1069 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 10 of F2006L03826

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard GPS 231


1070 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 11 of F2007L00042

2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard GPS 510


1071 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2009L01817

2009 - Variations to: Prudential Standard GPS 114

Capital Adequacy: Investment Risk Capital Charge

1072 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2010L01427

2010 - Amendments to Prudential Standard GPS 116

Capital Adequacy: Concentration Risk Capital Charge

1073 Life Insurance (actuarial standards) determination No. 1 F2006L00985

of 2006 - Variations to Actuarial Standard 2.04: Solvency

Standard, Actuarial Standard 3.04: Capital Adequacy

Standard and Actuarial Standard 7.02: General Standard

1074 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), F1999B00141

SR 1999 No. 146

1075 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1), F2002B00019

SR 2002 No. 19

1076 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 2), F2002B00142

SR 2002 No. 148

1077 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1), F2004B00359

SR 2004 No. 317

1078 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), F2007L03937

SLI 2007 No. 342

1079 Life Insurance Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), F2010L00391

SLI 2010 No. 24

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1080 Life Insurance (prudential rules) determination No. 1 of

2006 - Prudential Rules No. 26 - Collection of Statistics


1081 Life insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 4

of 2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard LPS 231



1082 Life insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 5

of 2006 - Variation to Prudential Standard LPS 510



1083 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1

of 2007 - Prudential Standard LPS 231 Outsourcing


1084 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995

No. 317


1085 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995

No. 431


1086 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996 No. 89 F1996B00628

1087 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996

No. 305


1088 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 100


1089 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 119


1090 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 239


1091 Life Insurance Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998

No. 191


1092 Loans Securities Regulations (Amendment), SR 1967

No. 135


1093 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003

No. 129


1094 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004

No. 81


1095 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004

No. 87


60 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1096 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product F2004B00169

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004

No. 150

1097 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product F2004B00183

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 4), SR 2004

No. 205

1098 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product F2005L00168

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 12

1099 Medical Indemnity (Prudential Supervision and Product F2006L02770

Standards) Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 232

1100 Mutual Assistance in Business (Regulation) Regulations F1996B02094

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 421

1101 Mutual Assistance in Business (Regulation) Regulations F1996B02095

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 323

1102 Mutual Assistance in Business Regulation Regulations F1998B00244

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 263

1103 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2012L01233

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 117

1104 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2012L01706

Regulation 2012 (No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 201

1105 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2010L00742

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 59

1106 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2010L01369

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 105

1107 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2010L01578

Regulations 2010 (No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 137

1108 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2010L03196

Regulations 2010 (No. 4), SLI 2010 No. 333

1109 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2011L00474

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 39

1110 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2011L00465

Regulations 2011 (No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 40

1111 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment F2011L00764

Regulations 2011 (No. 3), SLI 2011 No. 67

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1112 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 4), SLI 2011 No. 143


1113 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 5), SLI 2011 No. 165


1114 National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment

Regulations 2011 (No. 6), SLI 2011 No. 201


1115 National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 106


1116 National Consumer Credit Protection (Fees) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 138


1117 National Consumer Credit Protection Legislation

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 185


1118 National Consumer Credit Protection Legislation

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 235


1119 National Consumer Credit Protection Legislation

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 303


1120 National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 60


1121 National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 107


1122 National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 139


1123 National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 157


1124 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 24


1125 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 281


1126 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1989 No. 356


1127 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 149


62 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1128 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01639

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 150

1129 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01640

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 185

1130 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01641

(Amendment), SR 1990 No. 202

1131 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01643

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 16

1132 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01644

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 58

1133 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01645

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 148

1134 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01646

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 150

1135 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01647

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 155

1136 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01648

(Amendment), SR 1991 No. 458

1137 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01649

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 192

1138 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01650

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 218

1139 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01836

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 223

1140 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01651

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 224

1141 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01652

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 387

1142 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01653

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 463

1143 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01654

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 14

1144 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01655

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 33

1145 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01656

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 149

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1146 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 189


1147 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1993 No. 323


1148 Payment Systems and Netting Amendment

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 181


1149 Payment Systems and Netting Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 402


1150 Payment Systems and Netting Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 365


1151 Payment Systems (Regulation) Amendment

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 44


1152 Payment Systems (Regulation) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 279


1153 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Amendment Regulations 2000

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 23


1154 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Amendment Regulations 2004

(No. 1), SR 2004 No. 69


1155 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 241


1156 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1989 No. 352


1157 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1991 No. 68


1158 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1991 No. 177


1159 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1991 No. 299


1160 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1992 No. 410


1161 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1996 No. 84


1162 Petroleum Excise (Prices) Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1997 No. 166


1163 Producer Offset Amendment Rules 2010 (No. 1) F2010L01826

64 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1164 Product Grants and Benefits Administration Amendment F2000B00323

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 298

1165 Product Grants and Benefits Administration Amendment F2003B00179

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 181

1166 Productivity Commission Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L01551

(No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 148

1167 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1962 No. 40 F1996B00781

1168 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1963 No. 8 F1996B00782

1169 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1966 No. 77 F1996B00783

1170 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1967 No. 43 F1996B00784

1171 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1969 No. 24 F1996B00785

1172 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 57 F1996B00786

1173 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1990 F1996B00787

No. 224

1174 Reserve Bank Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 F1998B00174

No. 188

1175 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L00269

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 1

1176 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L01709

(No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 202

1177 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F1999B00012

Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 13

1178 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F1999B00322

Regulations 1999 (No. 2), SR 1999 No. 315

1179 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2000B00291

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 279

1180 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2002B00020

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 20

1181 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2002B00046

Regulations 2002 (No. 2), SR 2002 No. 47

1182 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2002B00089

Regulations 2002 (No. 3), SR 2002 No. 90

1183 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2002B00143

Regulations 2002 (No. 4), SR 2002 No. 149

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1184 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2002 (No. 5), SR 2002 No. 352


1185 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 41


1186 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 11


1187 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 147


1188 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004 No. 197


1189 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 4), SR 2004 No. 348


1190 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 5), SR 2004 No. 403


1191 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 55


1192 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 149


1193 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 3), SLI 2005 No. 260


1194 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 4), SLI 2005 No. 330


1195 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 5), SLI 2005 No. 331


1196 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 188


1197 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 104


1198 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 2), SLI 2007 No. 203


1199 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 8


1200 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 14


1201 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment

Regulations 2009 (No. 2), SLI 2009 No. 45


66 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1202 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2009L02157

Regulations 2009 (No. 3), SLI 2009 No. 105

1203 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2010L00390

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 23

1204 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2010L01813

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 186

1205 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2010L02057

Regulations 2010 (No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 236

1206 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2011L00938

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 81

1207 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2011L01608

Regulations 2011 (No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 148

1208 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2011L02101

Regulations 2011 (No. 3), SLI 2011 No. 197

1209 Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment F2011L02613

Regulations 2011 (No. 4), SLI 2011 No. 277

1210 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02680

SR 1997 No. 150

1211 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02681

SR 1997 No. 151

1212 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02739

SR 1997 No. 242

1213 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02785

SR 1997 No. 294

1214 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1997B02799

SR 1997 No. 308

1215 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00077

SR 1998 No. 82

1216 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00162

SR 1998 No. 176

1217 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00164

SR 1998 No. 178

1218 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment), F1998B00178

SR 1998 No. 192

1219 Revocation of Auditing Standard ASA 550 Related Parties F2006L03391


No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535


Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1220 Revocation of Refundable Film Tax Offset Rules 2002,

Refundable Film Tax Offset Rules 2002 (Amendment No. 1

of 2003) and Refundable Film Tax Offset Rules 2002

(Amendment No. 1 of 2006)


1221 Self-managed Superannuation Funds (Assets Acquired on

Marriage Breakdown) Repeal Determination 2011


1222 Statistics Amendment Determination 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 114


1223 Statistics Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010

No. 304


1224 Statistics Determination (Amendment), SR 1990 No. 252 F2008B00228

1225 Statistics Determination (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 465 F2008B00226

1226 Statistics Regulations (Amendment), SR 1958 No. 20 F1997B02195

1227 Statistics Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982 No. 228 F1997B02196

1228 Statistics Regulations (Amendment), SR 1983 No. 18 F1997B02197

1229 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1),

SR 2000 No. 149


1230 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1),

SR 2002 No. 217


1231 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1),

SR 2003 No. 130


1232 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 370


1233 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 196


1234 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of

Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)

Assessment and Collection Amendment Regulations 2000

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 150


1235 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of

Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)

Assessment and Collection Amendment Regulations 2002

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 218


68 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1236 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of F2003B00142

Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)

Assessment and Collection Amendment Regulations 2003

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 131

1237 Superannuation Contributions Tax (Members of F1998B00182

Constitutionally Protected Superannuation Funds)

Assessment and Collection Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1998 No. 197

1238 Superannuation (Financial Assistance Funding) Levy and F2006L01434

Collection Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 104

1239 Superannuation (Financial Assistance Funding) Levy and F2011L00963

Collection Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1),

SLI 2011 No. 82

1240 Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low F2004B00170

Income Earners) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1),

SR 2004 No. 151

1241 Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low F2004B00308

Income Earners) Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 2),

SR 2004 No. 279

1242 Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low F2005L01455

Income Earners) Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 140

1243 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F1999B00323

Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 316

1244 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2001B00144

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 87

1245 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2001B00291

Regulations 2001 (No. 2), SR 2001 No. 210

1246 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2001B00295

Regulations 2001 (No. 3), SR 2001 No. 214

1247 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2003B00059

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 49

1248 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2005L00634

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 25

1249 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2005L01454

Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 141

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1250 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 3), SLI 2005 No. 150


1251 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 62


1252 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 2), SLI 2006 No. 215


1253 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 3), SLI 2006 No. 260


1254 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 132


1255 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 140


1256 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 148


1257 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 2


1258 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 183


1259 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulation 2012 (No. 3), SLI 2012 No. 203


1260 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 14


1261 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 2), SR 1999 No. 31


1262 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 3), SR 1999 No. 115


1263 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 5), SR 1999 No. 317


1264 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 1999 (No. 6), SR 1999 No. 356


1265 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2000 (No. 1), SR 2000 No. 119


1266 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2000 (No. 2), SR 2000 No. 151


1267 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2000 (No. 4), SR 2000 No. 280


70 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1268 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2000B00293

Regulations 2000 (No. 5), SR 2000 No. 281

1269 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2001B00089

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 37

1270 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2001B00590

Regulations 2001 (No. 3), SR 2001 No. 353

1271 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2002B00021

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 21

1272 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2002B00090

Regulations 2002 (No. 2), SR 2002 No. 91

1273 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2002B00144

Regulations 2002 (No. 3), SR 2002 No. 150

1274 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2002B00166

Regulations 2002 (No. 4), SR 2002 No. 171

1275 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2002B00360

Regulations 2002 (No. 5), SR 2002 No. 353

1276 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2003B00052

Regulations 2003 (No. 1), SR 2003 No. 42

1277 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2003B00189

Regulations 2003 (No. 2), SR 2003 No. 170

1278 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2003B00264

Regulations 2003 (No. 5), SR 2003 No. 251

1279 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00018

Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 12

1280 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00100

Regulations 2004 (No. 2), SR 2004 No. 84

1281 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00134

Regulations 2004 (No. 3), SR 2004 No. 113

1282 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00167

Regulations 2004 (No. 4), SR 2004 No. 148

1283 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00171

Regulations 2004 (No. 5), SR 2004 No. 152

1284 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00172

Regulations 2004 (No. 6), SR 2004 No. 153

1285 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2004B00173

Regulations 2004 (No. 7), SR 2004 No. 154

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1286 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 8), SR 2004 No. 155


1287 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 9), SR 2004 No. 249


1288 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 10), SR 2004 No. 349


1289 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2004 (No. 11), SR 2004 No. 404


1290 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 34


1291 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 56


1292 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 3), SLI 2005 No. 142


1293 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 4), SLI 2005 No. 143


1294 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 5), SLI 2005 No. 261


1295 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 6), SLI 2005 No. 332


1296 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 7), SLI 2005 No. 333


1297 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2005 (No. 8), SLI 2005 No. 334


1298 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 189


1299 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 74


1300 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 2), SLI 2007 No. 105


1301 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 3), SLI 2007 No. 204


1302 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 4), SLI 2007 No. 331


1303 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment

Regulations 2007 (No. 5), SLI 2007 No. 343


72 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1304 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2008L02174

Regulations 2007 (No. 5) Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 133

1305 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2008L00373

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 9

1306 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2008L02956

Regulations 2008 (No. 3), SLI 2008 No. 171

1307 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2008L04665

Regulations 2008 (No. 4), SLI 2008 No. 282

1308 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L00258

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 15

1309 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L00983

Regulations 2009 (No. 2), SLI 2009 No. 46

1310 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L01485

Regulations 2009 (No. 3), SLI 2009 No. 71

1311 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L02156

Regulations 2009 (No. 4), SLI 2009 No. 106

1312 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L04000

Regulations 2009 (No. 5), SLI 2009 No. 295

1313 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2009L04513

Regulations 2009 (No. 6), SLI 2009 No. 389

1314 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2010L00299

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 4

1315 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2010L01814

Regulations 2010 (No. 2), SLI 2010 No. 187

1316 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2010L02058

Regulations 2010 (No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 237

1317 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2011L00936

Regulations 2011 (No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 83

1318 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2011L01360

Regulations 2011 (No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 130

1319 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2011L01613

Regulations 2011 (No. 3), SLI 2011 No. 146

1320 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2011L02615

Regulations 2011 (No. 4), SLI 2011 No. 278

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1321 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 189


1322 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 432


1323 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 47


1324 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 64


1325 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 142


1326 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 158


1327 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 159


1328 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 240


1329 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 384


1330 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 430


1331 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 44


1332 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 57


1333 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 122


1334 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 69


1335 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 221


1336 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 243


1337 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 293


1338 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 309


74 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1339 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00071

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 76

1340 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00078

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 83

1341 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00100

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 108

1342 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00161

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 175

1343 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00163

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 177

1344 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00179

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 193

1345 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1998B00223

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 240

1346 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (Transitional F2000B00041

Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1),

SR 2000 No. 35

1347 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (Transitional F1996B00168

Provisions) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1994 No. 190

1348 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (Transitional F1996B00169

Provisions) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995 No. 157

1349 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (Transitional F1997B02903

Provisions) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 414

1350 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) (Transitional F1998B00076

Provisions) Regulations (Amendment), SR 1998 No. 81

1351 Superannuation Laws Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00197

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 200

1352 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Amendment F2001B00090

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 38

1353 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Amendment F2005L03988

Regulations 2005 (No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 336

1354 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Amendment F2005L03891

Regulations 2005 (No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 337

1355 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Amendment F2006L04019

Regulations 2006 (No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 369

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1356 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Amendment

Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 95


1357 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 374


1358 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 77


1359 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 318


1360 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 429


1361 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 151


1362 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1996 No. 306


1363 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 9


1364 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 115


1365 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 118


1366 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 307


1367 Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1998 No. 84


1368 Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds)

Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Regulation 2012

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 132


1369 Superannuation Supervisory Levy Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1992 No. 283


1370 Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members)

Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 283


1371 Superannuation (Unclaimed Money and Lost Members)

Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 16


1372 Tax Agent Services Amendment Regulation 2012 (No. 1),

SLI 2012 No. 93


76 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1373 Tax Agent Services Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), F2010L02815

SLI 2010 No. 273

1374 Tax Agent Services Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), F2010L03183

SLI 2010 No. 334

1375 Tax Agent Services Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1), F2011L01081

SLI 2011 No. 111

1376 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L00666

(No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 37

1377 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L01087

(No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 92

1378 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L01412

(No. 3), SLI 2012 No. 152

1379 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulation 2012 F2012L01418

(No. 4), SLI 2012 No. 153

1380 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00076

(No. 1), SR 2000 No. 73

1381 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00117

(No. 2), SR 2000 No. 109

1382 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00160

(No. 3), SR 2000 No. 152

1383 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2000 F2000B00193

(No. 4), SR 2000 No. 184

1384 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00249

(No. 1), SR 2001 No. 164

1385 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2001 F2001B00591

(No. 2), SR 2001 No. 354

1386 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00102

(No. 1), SR 2002 No. 102

1387 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2002 F2002B00129

(No. 2), SR 2002 No. 128

1388 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00084

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 74

1389 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2005 F2005L01199

(No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 103

1390 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2005 F2005L02119

(No. 2), SLI 2005 No. 182

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1391 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2006

(No. 1), SLI 2006 No. 156


1392 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 135


1393 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 2), SLI 2008 No. 142


1394 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 3), SLI 2008 No. 179


1395 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 4), SLI 2008 No. 284


1396 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2009

(No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 158


1397 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 10


1398 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 3), SLI 2010 No. 189


1399 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 6


1400 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 2), SLI 2011 No. 84


1401 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 5), SLI 2011 No. 280


1402 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1984 No. 407


1403 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1984 No. 415


1404 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1989 No. 73


1405 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1992 No. 317


1406 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1993 No. 194


1407 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1994 No. 55


1408 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment),

SR 1994 No. 198


78 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1409 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment), F1996B00749

SR 1994 No. 340

1410 Taxation Administration Regulations (Amendment), F1997B01014

SR 1996 No. 347

1411 Taxation (Interest on Overpayments) Regulations F1996B00175

(Amendment), SR 1994 No. 220

1412 Taxation (Interest on Overpayments) Regulations F1996B00176

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 448

1413 Taxation Laws Amendment (Excise Arrangements) F2001B00140

Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 83

1414 Taxation Laws Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), F2001B00379

SR 2001 No. 289

1415 Taxation Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal F2001B00409

Code) Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 321

1416 Taxation Legislation Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00422

(No. 1), SLI 2011 No. 36

1417 Terrorism Insurance Amendment Regulations 2003 F2003B00257

(No. 1), SR 2003 No. 244

1418 Tobacco Charge Regulations (Repeal) 2002, SR 2002 F2002B00149

No. 140

1419 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 1), F1998B00382

SR 1998 No. 365

1420 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), F1999B00254

SR 1999 No. 251

1421 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 1), F2000B00171

SR 2000 No. 163

1422 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2), F2000B00172

SR 2000 No. 164

1423 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 3), F2000B00195

SR 2000 No. 186

1424 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), F2001B00092

SR 2001 No. 40

1425 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 2), F2001B00115

SR 2001 No. 57

1426 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 3), F2001B00118

SR 2001 No. 74

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1427 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 4),

SR 2001 No. 149


1428 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 5),

SR 2001 No. 226


1429 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2002 (No. 1),

SR 2002 No. 22


1430 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 1),

SLI 2005 No. 118


1431 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2),

SLI 2005 No. 145


1432 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 98


1433 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2),

SLI 2006 No. 370


1434 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1),

SLI 2007 No. 45


1435 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 2),

SLI 2007 No. 78


1436 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 3),

SLI 2007 No. 205


1437 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 4),

SLI 2007 No. 228


1438 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 5),

SLI 2007 No. 332


1439 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 6),

SLI 2007 No. 359


1440 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 2),

SLI 2008 No. 96


1441 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 3),

SLI 2008 No. 137


1442 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1),

SLI 2009 No. 87


1443 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 2),

SLI 2009 No. 159


1444 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 3),

SLI 2009 No. 178


80 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1445 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), F2010L01521

SLI 2010 No. 123

1446 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 2), F2010L01520

SLI 2010 No. 124

1447 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 3), F2010L01939

SLI 2010 No. 211

1448 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 4), F2010L03175

SLI 2010 No. 336

1449 Trade Practices (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment F2010L03014

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 280

1450 Trade Practices (Australian Consumer Law) Amendment F2010L03184

Regulations 2010 (No. 1) Amendment Regulations 2010

(No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 337

1451 Trade Practices Commission (Allowances) Regulations F1996B00358

(Amendment), SR 1995 No. 333

1452 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information F1998B00381

Standards) (Cosmetics) Amendment Regulations 1998

(No. 1), SR 1998 No. 364

1453 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information F2008L01521

Standards) (Cosmetics) Amendment Regulations 2008

(No. 1), SLI 2008 No. 82

1454 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information F2005L02919

Standards) (Tobacco) Amendment Regulations 2005

(No. 1), SLI 2005 No. 229

1455 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information F2007L00233

Standards) (Tobacco) Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 20

1456 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2006L02635

(Bicycle Helmets) Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 1),

SLI 2006 No. 217

1457 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2007L02621

(Bicycle Helmets) Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1),

SLI 2007 No. 260

1458 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2008L04523

(Bicycle Helmets) Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1),

SLI 2008 No. 242

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1459 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2009L04426

(Bicycle Helmets) Amendment Regulations 2009 (No. 1),

SLI 2009 No. 390

1460 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard — F2010L03089

Corded Internal Window Coverings) Amendment

Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 306

1461 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2002B00350

(Disposable Cigarette Lighters) Amendment

Regulations 2002 (No. 1), SR 2002 No. 343

1462 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F1997B02742

(Disposable Cigarette Lighters) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1997 No. 245

1463 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard) F2009L01271

(Reduced Fire Risk Cigarettes) Amendment

Regulations 2009 (No. 1), SLI 2009 No. 66

1464 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1999B00242

Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 238

1465 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F2004B00391

Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 1), SR 2004 No. 332

1466 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01841

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980 No. 31

1467 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01842

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1981 No. 167

1468 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01843

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 310

1469 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01844

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 246

1470 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01845

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 336

1471 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B01846

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989 No. 375

1472 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standards) F1997B02537

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997 No. 20

1473 Trade Practices (Industry Codes — Franchising) F1999B00181

Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 1), SR 1999 No. 188

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1474 Trade Practices (Industry Codes — Franchising) F2001B00250

Amendment Regulations 2001 (No. 1), SR 2001 No. 165

1475 Trade Practices (Industry Codes — Franchising) F2007L02475

Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1), SLI 2007 No. 240

1476 Trade Practices (Industry Codes — Franchising) F2010L01501

Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 1), SLI 2010 No. 125

1477 Trade Practices (Industry Codes—Oilcode) Amendment F2012L01484

Regulation 2012 (No. 1), SLI 2012 No. 154

1478 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01943

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 102

1479 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01944

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 No. 154

1480 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01945

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1977 No. 21

1481 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01946

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1978 No. 20

1482 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01947

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979 No. 81

1483 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01948

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979 No. 88

1484 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01949

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1984 No. 325

1485 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01950

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1986 No. 255

1486 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01951

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 216

1487 Trade Practices (Primary Products Exemptions) F1997B01952

Regulations (Amendment), SR 1987 No. 245

1488 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 F1996B01421

No. 175

1489 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1974 F1996B01422

No. 247

1490 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1975 F1996B01423

No. 13

1491 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1978 F1996B01424

No. 212

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Schedule 1 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1492 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979 No. 1 F1996B01425

1493 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1979

No. 87


1494 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1980

No. 39


1495 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1982

No. 68


1496 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1989

No. 199


1497 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992

No. 71


1498 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1992

No. 92


1499 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1993

No. 21


1500 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995

No. 248


1501 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1995

No. 330


1502 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1996

No. 20


1503 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 53


1504 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 86


1505 Trade Practices Regulations (Amendment), SR 1997

No. 322


1506 Trade Practices (Removal of Exceptions) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1979 No. 61


1507 Trade Practices (Removal of Exceptions) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1981 No. 250


1508 Trade Practices (Removal of Exceptions) Regulations

(Amendment), SR 1984 No. 230


1509 Transfer Rules Variation Determination No. 1 of 2005 F2005L00364

1510 Treasury Bills Regulations (Amendment), SR 1966 No. 62 F1997B02324

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments Schedule 1

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1511 Variation of APRA Transitional Prudential Standards F2008B00133

(made on 27 May 2002)

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Schedule 2 Repeal of commencement instruments

Schedule 2—Repeal of commencement instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals commencement instruments that are spent,

and that would have been repealed automatically under

section 48B of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 if they had

been made after the commencement of that section.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

commencement the instrument provides for: see subsection 6(2).

Repeal of commencement instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Clean Energy Finance Corporation Proclamation 2012

(made on 2 August 2012)


2 Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other Measures)

Proclamation 2012 (made on 14 June 2012)


3 Proclamation for the Business Names Registration Act 2011

(made on 19 April 2012)


4 Proclamation for the Corporations Amendment (Financial

Market Supervision) Act 2010 (made on 8 July 2010)


5 Proclamation for the Corporations Amendment (Insolvency)

Act 2007 (made on 26 September 2007)


6 Proclamation for the Corporations Amendment (No. 1) Act

2010 (made on 8 December 2010)


7 Proclamation for the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Financial Services Modernisation) Act 2009 (made on

14 December 2009)


8 Proclamation for the Corporations Legislation Amendment

(Simpler Regulatory System) Act 2007 (made on 22 August



9 Proclamation for the Corporations (NZ Closer Economic

Relations) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2007

(made on 22 August 2007)


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Repeal of commencement instruments Schedule 2

Repeal of commencement instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Proclamation for the Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008 F2008L02165

(made on 19 June 2008)

Proclamation for the International Monetary Agreements F2009L03357

Amendment Act (No. 1) 2001 (made on 7 September 2009)

Proclamation for the National Consumer Credit Protection F2010L00301

Act 2009 (made on 10 February 2010)

Proclamation for the Parliamentary Service Amendment F2012L00277

(Parliamentary Budget Officer) Act 2011 (made on

9 February 2012)

Proclamation for the Superannuation (Departing Australia F2008L04639

Superannuation Payments Tax) Amendment Act 2008 (made

on 12 December 2008)

Proclamation for the Superannuation Legislation F2011L02110

Amendment (Early Release of Superannuation) Act 2011

(made on 19 October 2011)

Proclamation for the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (made on F2009L04314

25 November 2009)

Proclamation for the Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Measures F2006L01656

No. 4) Act 2005 (made on 1 June 2006)

Proclamation for the Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures F2007L03842

No. 5) Act 2007 (made on 26 September 2007)

Proclamation for the Tax Laws Amendment (2009 Measures F2010L00629

No. 2) Act 2009 (made on 10 March 2010)

Proclamation for the Temporary Residents’ Superannuation F2008L04636

Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (made on 12 December


Proclamation for the Trade Practices Amendment F2010L01315

(Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010 (made on

20 May 2010)

Proclamation for the Trade Practices Amendment F2005L01121

(Australian Energy Market) Act 2004 (made on 11 May


Proclamation for the Trade Practices Amendment (National F2006L02999

Access Regime) Act 2006 (made on 7 September 2006)

Proclamation for the Trade Practices Legislation F2006L04026

Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 (made on 13 December 2006)

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Schedule 3—Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals amending and repealing legislative

instruments that also contain application, saving or transitional

provisions. The amendments and repeals have happened, and the

application, saving or transitional provisions are no longer

required. The instruments do not contain any other substantive


To assist the reader, the location of each application, saving or

transitional provision in an instrument is identified in brackets after

its name, with ―s‖ used to indicate the provision (e.g. ―s. 4‖ may

refer to section 4, regulation 4, clause 4 or the fourth provision of

some other type as appropriate).

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see

paragraph 7(2)(a). Also, to ensure that the repeal of the application,

saving or transitional provisions does not have any unforeseen

effect, and to remove any doubt that may otherwise exist, any

continuing operation they may have is preserved: see

paragraph 7(2)(b).

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Amendment F2010L01945

Regulations 2010 (No. 1) (s. 3), SLI 2010 No. 206

ASIC Class Order [CO 09/1084] (s. 6), CO 09/1084 F2009L04660

ASIC Class Order [CO 10/105] (s. 6), CO 10/105 F2010L00667

Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment) F1996B01484

(s. 13(2)), SR 1960 No. 8

Banking (Foreign Exchange) Regulations (Amendment) F1996B01495

(s. 1), SR 1978 No. 259

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions Schedule 3

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Commonwealth Inscribed Stock Regulations (Amendment) F1996B02676

(s. 28), SR 1964 No. 19

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 8) (s. 4), F2003B00297

SR 2003 No. 282

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 5) (s. 4), F2004B00164

SR 2004 No. 145

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 2) (s. 4), F2005L00717

SLI 2005 No. 38

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 5) (Sch. 2 F2005L04022

[item 5], Sch. 5 [item 2] and Sch. 10 [item 8]), SLI 2005

No. 324

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 2) (s. 3(2)), F2007L01900

SLI 2007 No. 193

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 13) (s. 4), F2007L03851

SLI 2007 No. 325

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 3) (s. 4-7), F2010L01097

SLI 2010 No. 88

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2010 (No. 5) (s. 4), F2010L01585

SLI 2010 No. 135

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) (s. 4), F2011L00753

SLI 2011 No. 66

Corporations Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 4) (s. 4), F2011L02621

SLI 2011 No. 272

Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 2) F2003B00172

(s. 4), SR 2003 No. 159

Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) F2011L01369

(s. 3), SLI 2011 No. 129

Corporations (Fees) Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 2) F2011L02654

(s. 4), SLI 2011 No. 273

Excise Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1) (s. 4), SR 2003 F2003B00178

No. 180

Excise Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2) (s. 4), F2006L02012

SLI 2006 No. 173

Excise Amendment Regulations 2011 (No. 1) (s. 4), F2011L02114

SLI 2011 No. 195

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 8), SR 1969 No. 205 F1996B03016

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1985 No. 127 F1996B03045

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1985 No. 357 F1996B03051

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1986 No. 249 F1996B03054

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1992 No. 345 F1996B03081

Excise Regulations (Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1992 No. 446 F1996B03082

Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Amendment F2009L03549

Regulations 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2009 No. 245

Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Legislation Amendment F2009L01190

Regulations 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4(2)), SLI 2009 No. 53

Fringe Benefits Tax Amendment Regulations 2006 (No. 2) F2006L01868

(s. 4), SLI 2006 No. 165

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 1998 (No. 5) (s. 4), F1998B00331

SR 1998 No. 313

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 3) (s. 4), F1999B00114

SR 1999 No. 114

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 2) (s. 4), F2000B00075

SR 2000 No. 72

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2000 (No. 3) (s. 4), F2000B00093

SR 2000 No. 90

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 3) (s. 4), F2003B00275

SR 2003 No. 262

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2004 (No. 3) (s. 4), F2004B00137

SR 2004 No. 115

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 4) (s. 4), F2005L02002

SLI 2005 No. 161

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2005 (No. 6) (s. 4), F2005L02271

SLI 2005 No. 195

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1) (s. 3(2)), F2007L00955

SLI 2007 No. 89

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 2) (s. 4), F2007L01736

SLI 2007 No. 176

Income Tax Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1) (s. 4), F2008L02289

SLI 2008 No. 141

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00265

(Amendment) (s. 1(2) and 2(2)), SR 1952 No. 90

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions Schedule 3

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00266

(Amendment) (s. 1(2)), SR 1952 No. 102

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00268

(Amendment) (s. 3(2)), SR 1953 No. 88

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00269

(Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1954 No. 11

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00272

(Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1955 No. 23

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00275

(Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1957 No. 39

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00277

(Amendment) (s. 1(2) and 4(2)), SR 1958 No. 27

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00281

(Amendment) (s. 14), SR 1960 No. 44

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00285

(Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1962 No. 112

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00286

(Amendment) (s. 1(2)), SR 1963 No. 53

Income Tax and Social Services Contribution Regulations F1997B00288

(Amendment) (s. 1(2) and 3(2)), SR 1964 No. 74

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2004 F2004B00332

(No. 3) (s. 4), SR 2004 No. 303

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2005 F2005L01200

(No. 3) (s. 4), SLI 2005 No. 102

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2006 F2006L04000

(No. 5) (s. 4), SLI 2006 No. 368

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L00956

(No. 2) (s. 5(2)), SLI 2007 No. 90

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L01126

(No. 3) (s. 3(2)), SLI 2007 No. 103

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L01735

(No. 5) (s. 4), SLI 2007 No. 178

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L03775

(No. 7) (s. 4), SLI 2007 No. 328

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2008 F2008L02266

(No. 5) (s. 4), SLI 2008 No. 145

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2009 F2009L02714

(No. 3) (s. 4), SLI 2009 No. 177

Income Tax Assessment Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L00942

(No. 4) (s. 4), SLI 2011 No. 80

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1945 F1997B00249

No. 12

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 1(2)), SR 1947 F1997B00255

No. 173

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 3(2)), SR 1949 F1997B00258

No. 25

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2(2)), SR 1950 F1997B00260

No. 63

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 5(2) and 9(2)), F1997B00261

SR 1950 No. 101

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 10), SR 1967 F1997B00295

No. 126

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 15), SR 1968 F1997B00296

No. 1

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1972 F1997B00306

No. 137

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1975 F1997B00315

No. 213

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1976 F1997B00316

No. 115

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1976 F1997B00317

No. 188

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1977 F1997B00319

No. 77

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 1(2)), SR 1977 F1997B00320

No. 107

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2 and 3), F1997B00321

SR 1977 No. 248

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1978 F1997B00322

No. 85

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2 and 3), F1997B00323

SR 1978 No. 193

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions Schedule 3

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1979 F1997B00325

No. 239

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1982 F1997B00333

No. 267

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1982 F1997B00334

No. 280

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 6), SR 1983 F1997B00338

No. 213

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1983 F1997B00339

No. 319

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 6), SR 1984 F1997B00342

No. 408

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1985 F1997B00347

No. 278

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 14), SR 1988 F1997B00355

No. 382

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 16), SR 1988 F1997B00357

No. 384

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 10), SR 1989 F1997B00361

No. 123

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 3), SR 1990 F1997B00374

No. 468

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 6), SR 1991 F1997B00375

No. 20

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1992 F1997B00384

No. 38

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1995 F1997B00417

No. 316

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1995 F1997B00420

No. 382

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1995 F1997B00422

No. 447

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 18), SR 1996 F1997B00427

No. 133

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 8), SR 1996 F1997B00428

No. 150

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1996 F1997B00464

No. 346

Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1997 F1997B02679

No. 148

100 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1997 F1997B02677

No. 191

101 Income Tax Regulations (Amendment) (s. 10), SR 1997 F1997B02857

No. 368

102 Insurance Contracts Regulations (Amendment) (s. 3), F1997B02726

SR 1997 No. 226

103 Location Offset Rules 2008 (Amendment No. 1 of 2011) F2011L01412

(s. 18.2 and 18.3)

104 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01634

(Amendment) (s. 2), SR 1988 No. 255

105 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01642

(Amendment) (s. 12), SR 1990 No. 275

106 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations F1996B01658

(Amendment) (s. 20), SR 1993 No. 213

107 Retirement Savings Accounts Regulations (Amendment) F1997B02831

(s. 5), SR 1997 No. 342

108 Superannuation (Excluded Funds) Supervisory Levy F1999B00244

Imposition Amendment Regulations 1999 (No. 2) (s. 4),

SR 1999 No. 240

109 Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low F2007L00822

Income Earners) Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1)

(s. 3(2)), SLI 2007 No. 72

110 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2007L00821

Regulations 2007 (No. 1) (s. 3(2) and (3)), SLI 2007 No. 73

111 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment F2009L02539

Regulations 2009 (No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2009 No. 157

112 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F1998B00330

Regulations 1998 (No. 8) (s. 4), SR 1998 No. 312

113 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F1999B00243

Regulations 1999 (No. 4) (s. 4), SR 1999 No. 239

114 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2000B00194

Regulations 2000 (No. 3) (s. 4), SR 2000 No. 185

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Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions Schedule 3

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

115 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2001B00589

Regulations 2001 (No. 2) (s. 4), SR 2001 No. 352

116 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2003B00190

Regulations 2003 (No. 3) (s. 4), SR 2003 No. 171

117 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2005L04047

Regulations 2005 (No. 9) (s. 4), SLI 2005 No. 335

118 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment F2008L02173

Regulations 2008 (No. 2) (s. 2(2)), SLI 2008 No. 134

119 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1996B00623

(Amendment) (s. 3), SR 1995 No. 293

120 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B01010

(Amendment) (s. 13 and 14), SR 1996 No. 344

121 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B02634

(Amendment) (s. 57), SR 1997 No. 117

122 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B02682

(Amendment) (s. 6), SR 1997 No. 152

123 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B02683

(Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1997 No. 153

124 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B02832

(Amendment) (s. 5), SR 1997 No. 343

125 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations F1997B02904

(Amendment) (s. 3), SR 1997 No. 415

126 Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) F2007L00824

Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Regulations 2007

(No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2007 No. 75

127 Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) F2011L00759

Supervisory Levy Imposition Amendment Regulations 2011

(No. 1) (s. 4), SLI 2011 No. 68

128 Superannuation (Self Managed Superannuation Funds) F2007L00823

Taxation Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1) (s. 4),

SLI 2007 No. 76

129 Superannuation Supervisory Levy Amendment F1999B00133

Regulations 1999 (No. 1) (s. 4), SR 1999 No. 134

130 Superannuation Supervisory Levy Regulations F1996B00208

(Amendment) (s. 4), SR 1995 No. 156

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Schedule 3 Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Repeal of amending and repealing instruments containing other provisions

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

131 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2004 F2004B00133

(No. 1) (s. 4), SR 2004 No. 112

132 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L00825

(No. 1) (s. 3(2)), SLI 2007 No. 77

133 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2007 F2007L01124

(No. 2) (s. 3(2)), SLI 2007 No. 106

134 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L01804

(No. 2) (s. 4), SLI 2010 No. 188

135 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2010 F2010L03174

(No. 4) (s. 4), SLI 2010 No. 335

136 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L01363

(No. 3) (s. 4), SLI 2011 No. 132

137 Taxation Administration Amendment Regulations 2011 F2011L02618

(No. 4) (s. 4), SLI 2011 No. 279

138 Taxation Legislation Repeal and Amendment F2006L02613

Regulations 2006 (No. 1) (s. 12), SLI 2006 No. 216

139 Terrorism Insurance Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1) F2007L01095

(s. 4), SLI 2007 No. 107

140 Trade Practices Amendment Regulations 2008 (No. 1) (s. 4), F2008L00671

SLI 2008 No. 16

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Schedule 4—Repeal of other redundant instruments

Guide to this Schedule

This Schedule repeals legislative instruments that are spent or no

longer required, and that are not covered by the previous


More information about why the instruments are spent or no longer

required is provided in the explanatory statement accompanying

this regulation.

The repeal of an instrument by this Schedule does not affect any

amendment or repeal made by the instrument: see

paragraph 8(2)(a). Also, to ensure that the repeal of the application,

saving or transitional provisions does not have any unforeseen

effect, and to remove any doubt that may otherwise exist, any

continuing operation they may have is preserved: see

paragraph 8(2)(b).

Part 1—Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Aircraft Noise Levy Collection Act 1995 - Declaration of F2006B00407

Leviable Airports - Adelaide Airport (made on

15 February 2001)

2 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial F2005L03286

Arrangements) Act 1999 - Determination of the

Guaranteed Minimum Amount (made on 20 June 2005)

3 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial F2006L02015

Arrangements) Act 1999 - Determination of the

Guaranteed Minimum Amount (made on 20 June 2006)

4 A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial F2007L01906

Arrangements) Act 1999 - Determination of the

Guaranteed Minimum Amount (made on 20 June 2007)

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial F2008L02478

Arrangements) Act 1999 - Determination of the

Guaranteed Minimum Amount (made on 20 June 2008)

A New Tax System (Commonwealth-State Financial F2009L02950

Arrangements) Act 1999 - Determination of the

Guaranteed Minimum Amount (made on 18 June 2009)

ASIC Class Order [CO 11/407], CO 11/407 F2011L00656

ASIC Class Order [CO 11/576], CO 11/576 F2011L01092

ASIC Class Order [CO 11/760], CO 11/760 F2011L01590

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2006L02578

(confidentiality) determination No. 10 of 2006

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2008L00136

(confidentiality) determination No. 1 of 2008

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2009L00162

(confidentiality) determination No. 1 of 2009

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2010L00139

(confidentiality) determination No. 1 of 2010

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2011L00155

(confidentiality) determination No. 1 of 2011

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority F2012L00229

(confidentiality) determination No. 1 of 2012

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2006L00530

fixing charges No. 1 of 2006

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2006L01620

fixing charges No. 2 of 2006

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2006L01837

fixing charges No. 3 of 2006

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2007L01386

fixing charges No. 1 of 2007

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2007L01450

fixing charges No. 2 of 2007

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2008L02029

fixing charges No. 1 of 2008

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2008L02030

fixing charges No. 2 of 2008

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

23 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2009L02467

fixing charges No. 2 of 2009

24 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2009L02311

fixing charges No. 3 of 2009

25 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2010L01576

fixing charges No. 2 of 2010

26 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2010L01709

fixing charges No. 3 of 2010

27 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2011L00596

fixing charges No. 1 of 2011

28 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority instrument F2011L01260

fixing charges No. 2 of 2011

29 Authorised Non-operating Holding Companies F2010L01904

Supervisory Levy Imposition Determination 2010

30 Banking exemption No. 4 of 2006 F2006L05757

31 Banking exemption No. 1 of 2008 F2008L04687

32 Banking exemption No. 1 of 2009 F2009L04574

33 Banking exemption No. 1 of 2010 F2010L03360

34 Banking exemption No. 5 of 2011 F2011L02770

35 Census Day Proclamation 2011 (made on 2 June 2011) F2011L00967

36 Corporations (Foreign Exchange Markets) Exemption F2006B00079

Notice 2004

37 Determination of the Final Per Capita Relativities for F2005L03287

2004-05 in Accordance with the A New Tax System

(Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act


38 Determination of the Final Per Capita Relativities for F2006L01807

2005-06 in Accordance with the A New Tax System

(Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act


39 Determination of the Final Per Capita Relativities for F2007L01686

2006-07 in Accordance with the A New Tax System

(Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act


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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Determination of the Final Per Capita Relativities for F2008L03229

2007-08 in Accordance with the A New Tax System

(Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act


Determination of the Final Per Capita Relativities for F2009L02949

2008-09 in Accordance with the A New Tax System

(Commonwealth-State Financial Arrangements) Act


Determination of the GST Revenue Sharing Relativity F2010L01926

for 2009-10 in Accordance with the Federal Financial

Relations Act 2009

Determination of the GST Revenue Sharing Relativity F2010L01925

for 2010-11 in Accordance with the Federal Financial

Relations Act 2009

Determination of the GST Revenue Sharing Relativity F2011L01426

for 2011-12 in Accordance with the Federal Financial

Relations Act 2009

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L01841

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 1 (April)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L02672

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 2 (May)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L02674

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 3 (June)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L03053

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 4 (July)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L03889

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 5 (August)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L03890

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 6 (September)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L04427

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 7 (October)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2009L04429

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 8 (November)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L00096

assistance) Determination 2009 No. 9 (December)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L00616

assistance) Determination No. 10 (January 2010)

100 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L00618

assistance) Determination No. 11 (February 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L01684

assistance) Determination No. 12 (March 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L00992

assistance) Determination No. 13 (April 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L01423

assistance) Determination No. 14 (May 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L01883

assistance) Determination No. 15 (June 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L02132

assistance) Determination No. 16 (July 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L02349

assistance) Determination No. 17 (August 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L02533

assistance) Determination No. 18 (September 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2010L02993

assistance) Determination No. 19 (October 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00277

assistance) Determination No. 20 (November 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General Purpose Financial F2010L03334

Assistance) Determination No. 21 (December 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00231

assistance) Determination No. 22 (January 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00362

assistance) Determination No. 23 (February 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00609

assistance) Determination No. 24 (March 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00670

assistance) Determination No. 25 (April 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L00921

assistance) Determination No. 26 (May 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L01424

assistance) Determination No. 27 (June 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L01659

assistance) Determination No. 28 (July 2011)

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L01818

assistance) Determination No. 29 (August 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L02001

assistance) Determination No. 30 (September 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2011L02469

assistance) Determination No. 32 (November 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L00050

assistance) Determination No. 33 (December 2011)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L00204

assistance) Determination No. 34 (January 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L00464

assistance) Determination No. 35 (February 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L00785

assistance) Determination No. 36 (March 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L00964

assistance) Determination No. 37 (April 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L01089

assistance) Determination No. 38 (May 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (General purpose financial F2012L01334

assistance) Determination No. 39 (June 2012)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L02677

payments) Determination 2009 No. 1 (May)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L02671

payments) Determination 2009 No. 2 (May)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L02673

payments) Determination 2009 No. 3 (June)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L02938

payments) Determination 2009 No. 4 (26 June)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L02939

payments) Determination 2009 No. 5 (26 June)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L03206

payments) Determination 2009 No. 6 (7 July)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L03326

payments) Determination 2009 No. 7 (August)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L03886

payments) Determination 2009 No. 8 (September)

102 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L03887

payments) Determination 2009 No. 9 (September)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L00031

payments) Determination 2009 No. 10 (October)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2009L04497

payments) Determination 2009 No. 12 (November)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L00032

payments) Determination 2009 No. 13 (December)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01685

payments) Determination No. 14 (January 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L00617

payments) Determination No. 15 (February 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L00648

payments) Determination No. 16 (March 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L00848

payments) Determination No. 17 (April 2010)

Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01290

payments) Determination No. 18 (May 2010)

100 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01561

payments) Determination No. 19 (June 2010)

101 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01887

payments) Determination No. 20 (June 2010)

102 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01888

payments) Determination No. 21 (June 2010)

103 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L01960

payments) Determination No. 22 (July 2010)

104 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L02301

payments) Determination No. 23 (August 2010)

105 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L02545

payments) Determination No. 24 (September 2010)

106 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L02625

payments) Determination No. 25 (October 2010)

107 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L02992

payments) Determination No. 26 (October 2010)

108 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L02999

payments) Determination No. 27 (November 2010)

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

109 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2010L03198

payments) Determination No. 28 (December 2010)

110 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00071

payments) Determination No. 29 (January 2011)

111 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00243

payments) Determination No. 30 (February 2011)

112 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00391

payments) Determination No. 31 (March 2011)

113 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L02346

payments) Determination No. 31 (October 2011)

114 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00611

payments) Determination No. 32 (April 2011)

115 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00902

payments) Determination No. 33 (May 2011)

116 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L00811

payments) Determination No. 34 (May 2011)

117 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L01425

payments) Determination No. 35 (June 2011)

118 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L01474

payments) Determination No. 36 (June 2011)

119 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L01473

payments) Determination No. 37 (July 2011)

120 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L01703

payments) Determination No. 38 (August 2011)

121 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L01849

payments) Determination No. 39 (September 2011)

122 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L02072

payments) Determination No. 40 (October 2011)

123 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L02391

payments) Determination No. 41 (November 2011)

124 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2011L02605

payments) Determination No. 42 (December 2011)

125 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L00052

payments) Determination No. 43 (January 2012)

126 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L00592

payments) Determination No. 44 (February 2012)

104 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

127 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L00593

payments) Determination No. 45 (March 2012)

128 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L00851

payments) Determination No. 46 (April 2012)

129 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L01040

payments) Determination No. 47 (May 2012).

130 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L01180

payments) Determination No. 48 (June 2012)

131 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L01512

payments) Determination No. 49 (June 2012)

132 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L01513

payments) Determination No. 50 (June 2012)

133 Federal Financial Relations (National Partnership F2012L01515

payments) Determination No. 51 (June 2012)

134 Federal Financial Relations (National Specific Purpose F2011L00984

Payments) Determination 2009-10

135 Federal Financial Relations (National Specific Purpose F2009L03324

Payments) Determination 2009 No. 1

136 Federal Financial Relations (National Specific Purpose F2011L01942

Payments) Determination 2010-11

137 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Exemption No. 1 F2008L00138

of 2008

138 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) exemption No. 2 of F2010L02143


139 Instrument fixing charges to be paid to APRA (made on F2006B01149

16 November 2002)

140 Instrument fixing charges to be paid to APRA - No. 1 of F2006B01152

2004 (made on 13 January 2004)

141 Instrument fixing charges to be paid to APRA - No. 1 of F2006B01153

2004 (made on 27 May 2004)

142 Instrument fixing charges to be paid to APRA - No. 1 of F2005L01128


143 Instrument fixing charges to be paid to APRA - No. 2 of F2005L01511


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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

144 Lodgment of correct TB statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 for the year of

income ended 30 June 2008 (or approved period in lieu),



145 Lodgment of income tax returns for the year of income

ended 30 June 2009 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 – Child Support Agency – parents with a child

support assessment, 2009/TPALS/0020


146 Lodgment of income tax returns for the year of income

ended 30 June 2010 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 – Child Support Agency – parents with a child

support assessment, 2010/TPALS/0008


147 Lodgment of income tax returns for the year of income

ended 30 June 2011 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 – Child Support Agency – parents with a child

support assessment


148 Lodgment of income tax returns in accordance with the

Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 and the Taxation

Administration Act 1953 for the year of income ended

30 June 2008 – Child Support Agency – parents with a

child support assessment, 2008/TPALS/002


149 Lodgment of returns and company statements in

accordance with the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936

and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (made on

21 June 2000)


150 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 (made on 25 June 2002)


151 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 (made on 24 June 2003)


106 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

152 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 (made on 28 June 2004)


153 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997 and the Taxation Administration

Act 1953 for the year ended 30 June 2005, OPS/05/005


154 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1997, the Superannuation Industry

(Supervision) Act 1993, the Superannuation

Contributions Tax (Assessment and Collection) Act 1997

and the Taxation Administration Act 1953 (made on

28 June 2001)


155 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993,

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment And

Collection) Act 1997, Superannuation Contributions Tax

(Members of Constitutionally Protected Superannuation

Funds) Assessment and Collection Act for the year ended

30 June 2005, OPS/05/006


156 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, the

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Act 1997 and the Superannuation

Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally

Protected Superannuation Funds) Assessment and

Collection Act 1997 (made on 25 June 2002)


157 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with:

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, the

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Act 1997, and the Superannuation

Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally

Protected Superannuation Funds) Assessment and

Collection Act 1997 (made on 24 June 2003)


No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 107

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

158 Lodgment of returns and statements in accordance with:

the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, the

Superannuation Contributions Tax (Assessment and

Collection) Act 1997, and the Superannuation

Contributions Tax (Members of Constitutionally

Protected Superannuation Funds) Assessment and

Collection Act 1997 (made on 28 June 2004)


159 Lodgment of returns for the year of income ended

30 June 2009 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the

Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997,



160 Lodgment of returns for the year of income ended

30 June 2010 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the

Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997,



161 Lodgment of returns for the year of income ended

30 June 2011 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the

Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997


162 Lodgment of returns for the year of income ended

30 June 2012 in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953, the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 and the

Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997


163 Lodgment of returns in accordance with the Income Tax

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997 Taxation Administration Act 1953 and the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 for the

year of income ended 30 June 2006, 2006/LC/001


108 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments past their date of effect Part 1

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

164 Lodgment of returns in accordance with the Income Tax F2007L01886

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 for the

year of income ended 30 June 2007, 2007/TPALS/001

165 Lodgment of returns in accordance with the Income Tax F2008L02310

Assessment Act 1936, the Income Tax Assessment Act

1997, the Taxation Administration Act 1953 and the

Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 for the

year of income ended 30 June 2008, 2008/TPALS/001

166 Lodgment of statements by first home saver account F2009L02505

providers for the year ended 30 June 2009 in accordance

with the Taxation Administration Act 1953,


167 Lodgment of statements by first home saver account F2010L01596

providers for the year ended 30 June 2010 in accordance

with the Taxation Administration Act 1953,


168 Lodgment of statements by first home saver account F2011L01297

providers for the year ended 30 June 2011 in accordance

with the Taxation Administration Act 1953

169 Lodgment of statements by superannuation providers for F2006L03536

the year ended 30 June 2006 in accordance with the

Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low

Income Earners) Act 2003 and the Superannuation

Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992

170 Lodgment of statements by superannuation providers for F2007L01887

the year ended 30 June 2007 in accordance with the

Superannuation (Government Co-contribution for Low

Income Earners) Act 2003 and the Superannuation

Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992, 2007/TPALS/002

171 Proclamation for the Census and Statistics Act 1905 F2006L01731

(made on 1 June 2006)

172 Scheme for Winding Up and Dissolution of F2007B01278

Superannuation Entities (made on 29 January 2004)

173 Superannuation (Financial Assistance Funding) Levy F2005L01103

and Collection Regulations 2005, SLI 2005 No. 82

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 109

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 1 Instruments past their date of effect

Instruments past their date of effect

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

174 Superannuation (Financial Assistance Funding) Levy F2003B00180

Regulations 2003, SR 2003 No. 182

175 Superannuation Industry (Supervision) modification F2006L02132

declaration No. 2 of 2006

176 Taxation Administration Act - Variation to the rate of F2007L03955

withholding for certain terminally ill recipients of lump

sum superannuation member benefits Amendment

(No. 1) 2007

177 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2006L01652

Schedules 2006, 2006/OPS/001

178 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2007L01533

Schedules 2007

179 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2008L01698

Schedules 2008 – Legislative instrument

180 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2009L02075

Schedules 2009 – Legislative Instrument

181 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2010L01472

Schedules 2010 – Legislative Instrument

182 Taxation Administration Act Withholding F2011L00882

Schedules 2011 – Legislative Instrument

110 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Part 2—Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2006L00666

2006 - Prudential Standard APS 520 Fit and Proper

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2006L01461

2006 - Prudential Standard APS 510 Governance,

Prudential Standard APS 310 Audit & Related

Arrangements for Prudential Reporting, Prudential

Standard 5.4.3, Subsection 237(2) Financial Institutions


Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of F2006L01708

2006 - Prudential Standard APS 110 - Capital Adequacy

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2006L01709

2006 - Prudential standard APS 111 - Capital Adequacy:

Measurement of Capital

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of F2006L01710

2006 - Prudential standard APS 112 - Capital Adequacy:

Credit Risk

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 6 of F2006L01712

2006 - Prudential standard APS 120 – Funds

Management and Securitisation

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 7 of F2006L01713

2006 - Prudential standard APS 220 – Credit Quality

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 8 of F2006L01714

2006 - Prudential standard APS 221 – Large Exposures

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2007L04592

2007 - Prudential standard APS 111 Capital Adequacy:

Measurement of Capital

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of F2007L04593

2007 - Prudential standard APS 112 Capital Adequacy:

Standardised Approach to Credit Risk

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 9 of F2007L04597

2007 - Prudential standard APS 116 Capital Adequacy:

Market Risk

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 11 of F2007L04599

2007 - Prudential standard APS 120 Securitisation

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 12 of F2007L04600

2007 - Prudential standard APS 150 Capital Adequacy:

Basel ll Transition (Advanced ADIs)

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 16 of F2007L04604

2007 - Prudential standard APS 222 Associations with

Related Entities

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 17 of F2007L04605

2007 - Prudential standard APS 330 Capital Adequacy:

Market Disclosure

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2008L02288

2008 - Prudential Standard APS 520 Fit and Proper

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2008L04783

2008 - Prudential Standard APS 310 Audit and Related


Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of F2008L04784

2008 - Prudential Standard APS 330 Capital Adequacy:

Public Disclosure of Prudential Information

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2009L04387

2009 - Prudential Standard APS 510 Governance

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2011L02135

2011 - Prudential Standard APS 120 Securitisation

Banking (prudential standards) determination No. 1 of F2005L00950

2005 - Business Continuity Management

Banking (prudential standards) determination No. 3 of F2005L03624

2005 - Prudential Requirements for Providers of

Purchased Payment Facilities

Banking (prudential standards) determination No. 1 of F2008L02287

2008 - Prudential Standard APS 510 Governance

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01638

No. 1 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 110.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01639

No. 2 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 120.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01640

No. 3 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 130.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01641

No. 4 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 130.1 (2005)

112 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535



















Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01642

No. 5 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 130.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01643

No. 6 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 130.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01644

No. 7 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 140.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01645

No. 8 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 140.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01646

No. 9 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 140.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01647

No. 10 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 140.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01648

No. 11 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 140.4 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01649

No. 12 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 150.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01650

No. 13 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 160.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01651

No. 14 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 170.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01652

No. 15 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 210.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01653

No. 16 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 210.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01654

No. 17 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 300.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01655

No. 18 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 310.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01656

No. 19 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 310.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01657

No. 20 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 310.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01659

No. 21 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 310.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01660

No. 22 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 320.0 (2005)

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

46 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01661

No. 23 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 400.0 (2005)

47 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01663

No. 24 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 410.0 (2005)

48 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01665

No. 25 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 420.0 (2005)

49 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01667

No. 26 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 430.0 (2005)

50 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01669

No. 27 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 440.0 (2005)

51 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01671

No. 28 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 450.0 (2005)

52 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01674

No. 30 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 800.1 (2005)

53 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01675

No. 31 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 800.2 (2005)

54 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01677

No. 32 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 800.3 (2005)

55 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01678

No. 33 of 2005 - Reporting Standard LOLRS 800.1


56 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01680

No. 34 of 2005 - Reporting Standard LOLRS 800.2


57 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01681

No. 35 of 2005 - Reporting Standard LOLRS 800.3


58 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01683

No. 37 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.0 (2005)

59 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01684

No. 38 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 322.0 (2005)

60 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L01685

No. 39 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 323.0 (2005)

61 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02126

No. 65 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 110.0 (2005)

114 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535



















Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02128

No. 66 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 112.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02129

No. 67 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 112.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02130

No. 68 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 113.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02131

No. 69 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 113.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02132

No. 70 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 210.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02133

No. 71 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 220.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02136

No. 72 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 220.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02137

No. 73 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 220.5 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02138

No. 74 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 221.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02140

No. 75 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 222.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02141

No. 76 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 230.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02142

No. 77 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 231.1a (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02148

No. 78 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 231.1b (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02149

No. 79 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 231.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02151

No. 80 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 231.3a (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02153

No. 81 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 231.3b (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02154

No. 82 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02155

No. 83 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.2 (2005)

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02156

No. 84 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02158

No. 85 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.4 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02162

No. 86 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.5 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02164

No. 87 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.7 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02165

No. 88 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 320.9 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02172

No. 89 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 321.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02176

No. 90 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 325.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02177

No. 91 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 326.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02178

No. 92 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 330.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02180

No. 93 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 330.1 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02181

No. 94 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 330.2 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02182

No. 95 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 330.3 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02183

No. 96 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 331.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02184

No. 97 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 332.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02185

No. 98 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 391.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02186

No. 99 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 392.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02187

No. 100 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 393.0 (2005)

Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination F2005L02188

No. 101 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 394.0 (2005)

116 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

98 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination

No. 102 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 395.0 (2005)


99 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination

No. 103 of 2005 - Reporting Standard ARS 396.0 (2005)


100 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) determination

No. 106 of 2005 - Reporting Standard GRS 170.1 (2005)


101 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 1 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 110.0 Capital Adequacy


102 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 2 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 112.1 Capital Adequacy - On Balance

Sheet Risk Weighting Schedule


103 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 3 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 112.2 Off Balance Sheet Business


104 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 4 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 113.0 Market Risk


105 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 5 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 113.1 Repricing Analysis


106 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 6 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 210.0 Statement of High Quality Liquid

Assets Calculation (Licensed ADI)


107 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 7 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 220.0 Impaired Facilities


108 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 8 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 220.3 Prescribed Provisioning


109 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 9 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 220.5 Movements in Provisions for



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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

110 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 10 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 221.0 Large Exposures


111 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 11 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 222.0 Exposures to Related Entities


112 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 12 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 230.0 Commercial Property


113 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 13 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 231.1a International Exposures:

Locational (Assets) Part 1


114 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 14 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 231.1b International Exposures:

Locational (Liabilities) Part 1


115 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 15 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 231.2 International Exposures: Locational

Part 2


116 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 16 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 231.3a International Exposures:

Consolidated (Domestic Entity)


117 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 17 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 231.3b International Exposures:

Consolidated (Foreign Entity)


118 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 18 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.0 Statement of Financial Position

(Domestic Books)


119 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 19 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.1 Debt Securities Held


118 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

120 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 20 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.2 Equity Securities Held


121 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 21 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.3 Debt Securities on Issue


122 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 22 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.4 Bill Acceptances and Endorsements


123 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 23 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.5 Securities Subject to Repurchase

and Resale and Stock Lending and Borrowing


124 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 24 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.7 Deposits and Loans Classified by

State and Territory


125 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 25 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 320.9 Intra-Group Receivables and



126 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 26 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 321.0 Statement of Financial Position

(Offshore Operations)


127 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 27 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 322.0 Statement of Financial Position



128 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 28 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 323.0 Statement of Financial Position

(Licensed ADI)


129 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 29 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 325.0 International Operations


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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

130 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02103

standard) determination No. 30 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 326.0 Offshore Banking Units

131 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02105

standard) determination No. 31 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 330.0 Statement of Financial Performance

132 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02108

standard) determination No. 32 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 330.1 Interest Income and Interest


133 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02110

standard) determination No. 33 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 330.2 Other Operating Income

134 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02111

standard) determination No. 34 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 330.3 Other Operating Expenses

135 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02112

standard) determination No. 35 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 331.0 Selected Revenue and Expenses

136 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02114

standard) determination No. 36 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 332.0 Statement of Economic Activity

137 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02118

standard) determination No. 37 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 391.0 Commercial Finance

138 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02120

standard) determination No. 38 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 392.0 Housing Finance

139 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02121

standard) determination No. 39 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 393.0 Lease Finance

140 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02102

standard) determination No. 40 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 394.0 Personal Finance

141 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02104

standard) determination No. 41 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 395.0 Business Finance

120 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

142 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02106

standard) determination No. 42 of 2006 - Reporting

standard ARS 396.0 Points of Presence

143 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02041

standard) determination No. 44 of 2006 - Reporting

standard RRS 231.1a International Exposures:

Locational (Assets) Part 1

144 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02050

standard) determination No. 46 of 2006 - Reporting

standard RRS 231.2 International Exposures: Locational

Part 2

145 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02052

standard) determination No. 47 of 2006 - Reporting

standard RRS 231.3a International Exposures:

Consolidated (Domestic Entity)

146 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02055

standard) determination No. 48 of 2006 - Reporting

standard RRS 231.3b International Exposures:

Consolidated (Foreign Entity)

147 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L02058

standard) determination No. 49 of 2006 - Reporting

standard RRS 320.0 Statement of Financial Position

148 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L04149

standard) determination No. 63 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 110.0 (2007) Minimum Capital


149 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L04150

standard) determination No. 64 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 120.0 (2007) Determination of Capital


150 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L04151

standard) determination No. 65 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 130.0 (2007) Off-Balance Sheet Business

– Credit Substitutes Provided and Risk Charge

151 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2006L04152

standard) determination No. 66 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 130.1 (2007) Off Balance Sheet Business

– Liquidity Support Facilities Obtained

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

152 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 67 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 130.2 (2007) Off Balance Sheet Business

– Charges Granted and Risk Charge


153 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 68 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 130.3 (2007) Off Balance Sheet Business

– Credit Support Received


154 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 69 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.0 (2007) Investments – Direct Interest

Rate Holdings and Risk Charge


155 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 70 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.1 (2007) Investments – Direct Equity

Holdings and Risk Charge


156 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 71 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.2 (2007) Investments – Direct

Property Holdings and Risk Charge


157 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 72 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.3 (2007) Investments – Loans and

Advances and Risk Charge


158 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 73 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.4 (2007) Investments –Indirectly Held

by Insurer and Risk Charge


159 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 74 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 150.0 (2007) Asset Exposure

Concentrations and Risk Charge


160 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 75 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 160.0 (2007) Derivative Activity and Risk



122 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

161 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 76 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 170.0 (2007) Concentration Risk Charge


162 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 77 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 170.1 (2007) Maximum Event Retention

and Risk Charge for Lenders Mortgage Insurers


163 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 78 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.0 (2007) Outstanding Claims

Provision – Insurance Risk Charge


164 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 79 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.1 (2007) Premium Liabilities –

Insurance Risk Charge


165 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 80 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 300.0 (2007) Statement of Financial



166 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 81 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.0 (2007) Statement of Financial



167 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 82 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.1 (2007) Premium Revenue and

Reinsurance Expense


168 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 83 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.2 (2007) Claims Expense and

Reinsurance Recoveries


169 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 84 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.3 (2007) Investment and Operating

Income and Expense


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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

170 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 85 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 320.0 (2007) Reconciliation of Annual



171 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 86 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 400.0 (2007) Statement of Risk by



172 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 87 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 410.0 (2007) Movement in Outstanding

Claims Provision


173 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 88 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 420.0 (2007) Premium Revenue by State

and Territory of Australia


174 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 89 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 430.0 (2007) Claims Expense by State

and Territory of Australia


175 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 90 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 440.0 (2007) Claims Development Tables


176 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 91 of 2006 - Reporting

Standard GRS 450.0 (2007) Interest in Controlled

Entities and Joint Ventures


177 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 18 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 100.0 Solvency


178 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 19 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 110.0 Capital Adequacy


179 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 20 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 120.0 Management Capital


124 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

180 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04676

standard) determination No. 21 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 210.0 Derivatives, Commitments and

Off-Balance Sheet Items

181 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04677

standard) determination No. 22 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 220.0 Large Exposures

182 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04678

standard) determination No. 23 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 300.0 Statement of Financial Position

183 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04679

standard) determination No. 24 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 310.0 Statement of Financial Performance

184 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04680

standard) determination No. 25 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 330.0 Summary of Revenue and Expenses

185 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04681

standard) determination No. 26 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 340.0 Retained Profits

186 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04682

standard) determination No. 27 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 400.0 Statement of Policy Liabilities

187 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04683

standard) determination No. 28 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 410.0 Capital Measurement Statistics

188 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04684

standard) determination No. 29 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 420.0 Assets Backing Policy Liabilities

189 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2007L04685

standard) determination No. 30 of 2007 - Reporting

standard LRS 430.0 Sources of Profit

190 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00407

standard) determination No. 1 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 110.0 Capital Adequacy

191 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00421

standard) determination No. 9 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 114.0 Standardised Approach –

Operational Risk

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

192 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00423

standard) determination No. 11 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 116.0 Market Risk

193 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00425

standard) determination No. 13 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 117.1 Interest Rate Risk in the Banking

Book (IRRBB)

194 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00426

standard) determination No. 14 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 120.0 Standardised Approach –


195 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00427

standard) determination No. 15 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 120.1 Internal Ratings-based (IRB)

Approach – Securitisation

196 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00428

standard) determination No. 16 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 120.2 Securitisation – Supplementary


197 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L00434

standard) determination No. 17 of 2008 - Reporting

standard ARS 150 Basel II Transition (Advanced ADIs)

198 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L03601

standard) determination No. 56 of 2008 - Reporting

standard FRS 100.0 Reporting Requirements for First

Home Saver Accounts Providers

199 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L03911

standard) determination No. 60 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 110.0 (2008) Minimum Capital


200 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L03912

standard) determination No. 61 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 120.0 (2008) Determination of Capital


201 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2008L03924

standard) determination No. 66 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.0 (2008) Investments – Direct Interest

Rate Holdings and Risk Charge

126 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

202 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 67 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.1 (2008) Investments – Direct Equity

Holdings and Risk Charge


203 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 68 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.2 (2008) Investments – Direct

Property Holdings and Risk Charge


204 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 69 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.3 (2008) Investments – Loans and

Advances and Risk Charge


205 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 70 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 140.4 (2008) Investments –Indirectly Held

by Insurer and Risk Charge


206 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 72 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 160.0 (2008) Derivative Activity and Risk



207 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 74 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 170.1 (2008) Maximum Event Retention

and Risk Charge for Lenders Mortgage Insurers


208 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 75 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.0 (2008) Outstanding Claims

Provision - Insurance Risk Charge


209 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 76 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.1 (2008) Premium Liabilities -

Insurance Risk Charge


210 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 77 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 300.0 (2008) Statement of Financial



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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

211 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 78 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 301.0 (2008) Reinsurance Assets and Risk



212 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 79 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.0 (2008) Statement of Financial



213 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 80 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.1 (2008) Premium Revenue and

Reinsurance Expense


214 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 81 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.2 (2008) Claims Expense and

Reinsurance Recoveries


215 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 82 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.3 (2008) Investment and Operating

Income and Expense


216 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 83 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 320.0 (2008) Reconciliation of Annual



217 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 84 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 400.0 (2008) Statement of Risk by



218 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 85 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 410.0 (2008) Movement in Outstanding

Claims Provision


219 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 86 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 420.0 (2008) Premium Revenue by State

and Territory of Australia


128 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

220 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 87 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 430.0 (2008) Claims Expense by State

and Territory of Australia


221 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 88 of 2008 - Reporting

Standard GRS 440.0 (2008) Claims Development Tables


222 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 1 of 2009 - Reporting

standard FRS 100.0 Reporting Requirements for First

Home Saver Accounts Providers


223 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 17 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 110.0_G (2009) Minimum Capital



224 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 18 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 120.0_G (2009) Determination of Capital



225 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 22 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.0_G (2009) Outstanding Claims

Liability - Insurance Risk Charge


226 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 23 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 210.1_G (2009) Premiums Liabilities –

Insurance Risk Charge


227 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 24 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 300.0_G (2009) Statement of Financial



228 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting

standard) determination No. 25 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 301.0_G (2009) Reinsurance Assets and

Risk Charge


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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

229 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2009L03321

standard) determination No. 26 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 302.0_G (2009) Statement of Financial

Position by Region

230 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2009L03322

standard) determination No. 27 of 2009 - Reporting

Standard GRS 310.0_G (2009) Income Statement

231 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2011L02747

standard) determination No. 12 of 2011 - Reporting

Standard ARS 110.0 Capital Adequacy

232 Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting F2011L02765

standard) determination No. 13 of 2011 - Reporting

Standard ARS 116.0 Market Risk

233 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2006L00474

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 220 – Risk


234 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2006L00475

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 230 – Reinsurance


235 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2006L00668

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 520 Fit and Proper

236 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of F2006L01462

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 510 Governance

237 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 7 of F2006L03224

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 110 Capital Adequacy

238 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 8 of F2006L03226

2006 - Prudential Standard GPS 120 Assets in Australia

239 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 9 of F2006L03334

2006 - Prudential standard GPS 231 Outsourcing

240 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2008L02253

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 001 Definitions

241 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2008L02254

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 110 Capital Adequacy

242 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of F2008L02255

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 112 Capital Adequacy:

Measurement of Capital

130 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

243 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of F2008L02256

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 114 Capital Adequacy:

Investment Risk Capital Charge

244 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of F2008L02257

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 115 Capital Adequacy:

Insurance Risk Capital Charge

245 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 6 of F2008L02261

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 116 Capital Adequacy:

Concentration Risk Capital Charge

246 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 7 of F2008L02262

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 120 Assets in Australia

247 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 10 of F2008L02267

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 231 Outsourcing

248 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 11 of F2008L02268

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 310 Audit and

Actuarial reporting and Valuation

249 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 12 of F2008L02270

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 510 Governance

250 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 13 of F2008L02271

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 520 Fit and Proper

251 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 14 of F2009L00009

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 001 Definitions

252 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 15 of F2009L00010

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 111 Capital Adequacy:

Level 2 Insurance Groups

253 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 16 of F2009L00011

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 221 Risk Management:

Level 2 Insurance Groups

254 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 17 of F2009L00012

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 311 Audit and

Actuarial Reporting and Valuation: Level 2 Insurance


255 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 19 of F2009L00019

2008 - Prudential Standard GPS 113 Capital Adequacy:

Internal model-based method

256 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of F2009L04388

2009 - Prudential Standard GPS 510 Governance

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 131

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

257 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of F2009L04663

2009 - Prudential Standard GPS 001 Definitions

258 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2010L00673

2010 - Prudential Standard GPS 116 Capital Adequacy:

Concentration Risk Capital Charge

259 Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 3 of F2010L01713

2010 - Prudential Standard GPS 001 Definitions

260 Insurance (prudential standards) determination No. 1 of F2005L00949

2005 - Business Continuity Management

261 Life insurance (prudential rules) determination No. 1 of F2005L00414

2005 - Friendly society financial statements

262 Life Insurance (Prudential Rules) Determination No. 2 of F2005L02401

2005 - Collection of Statistics

263 Life Insurance (Prudential Rules) Determination No. 3 of F2005L02474

2005 - Collection of Statistics

264 Life Insurance (Prudential Rules) Determination No. 5 of F2005L04170

2005 - Prudential Rules No 35 - Financial Statements

265 Life Insurance (Prudential Rules) Determination No. 3 of F2006L01216

2006 - Prudential Rules No 48 – Friendly Society

Collection of Statistics

266 Life insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 F2006L00667

of 2006 - Prudential Standard LPS 520 Fit and Proper

267 Life insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 F2006L01459

of 2006 - Prudential Standard LPS 510 Governance,

Prudential Standard 6.3C Audit

268 Life insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 3 F2006L03331

of 2006 - Prudential standard LPS 231 Outsourcing

269 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 5 F2007L04565

of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 1.04 Valuation of

Policy Liabilities

270 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 7 F2007L04563

of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 3.04 Capital

Adequacy Standard

271 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 8 F2007L04562

of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 4.02 Minimum

Surrender Values and Paid-up Values

132 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Redundant instruments Part 2

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

272 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination F2007L04578

No. 10 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 6.03

Management Capital Standard

273 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination F2007L04560

No. 11 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 7.02 General


274 Life Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 1 F2009L04389

of 2009 - Prudential Standard LPS 510 Governance

275 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2007L00854

No. 4 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 232 Business

Continuity Management

276 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2007L04557

No. 13 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 310 Audit and

Actuarial Requirements

277 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2007L04607

No. 14 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 510


278 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2007L04559

No. 15 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 520 Fit and


279 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2007L04940

No. 18 of 2007 - Prudential standard LPS 902 Approved

Benefit Fund Requirements

280 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2008L02282

No. 1 of 2008 - Prudential Standard LPS 310 Audit and

Actuarial Requirements

281 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2008L02283

No. 2 of 2008 - Prudential Standard LPS 510


282 Life Insurance (prudential standards) determination F2008L02285

No. 3 of 2008 - Prudential Standard LPS 520 Fit and


283 Making of Prudential Standards: APS 110 (Capital F2006B11498

Adequacy) - APS 111 (Capital Adequacy: Measurement

of Capital) - APS 221 (Large Exposures) - APS 222

(Associations with Related Entities) (made on

25 November 2002)

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 133

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 2 Redundant instruments

Redundant instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

284 Prudential Standard ―APS 113‖ - Capital Adequacy:

Market Risk (made on 8 September 2000)


285 Prudential Standard ―APS 210‖ - Liquidity (made on

8 September 2000)


286 Prudential Standard ―APS 310‖ - Audit & Related F2006B01693

Arrangements for Prudential Reporting (made on

8 September 2000)

134 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments containing substantive matter Part 3

Part 3—Instruments containing substantive matter

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

AASB 1046A - Amendments to Accounting Standard F2005B01349

AASB 1046 (made on 28 September 2004), AASB


AASB 2004-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005B00697

Standards (made on 9 December 2004), AASB 2004-1

AASB 2004-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005B00701

Standards (made on 22 December 2004), AASB 2004-2

AASB 2004-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005B00704

Standards (made on 22 December 2004), AASB 2004-3

AASB 2005-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01283

Standard (made on 5 May 2005), AASB 2005-1

AASB 2005-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01699

Standard (made on 3 June 2005), AASB 2005-2

AASB 2005-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01697

Standards (made on 9 June 2005), AASB 2005-3

AASB 2005-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01708

Standards (made on 9 June 2005), AASB 2005-4

AASB 2005-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01905

Standards (made on 9 June 2005), AASB 2005-5

AASB 2005-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01707

Standards (made on 22 June 2005), AASB 2005-6

AASB 2005-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01903

Standards (made on 29 June 2005), AASB 2005-7

AASB 2005-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L01893

Standards (made on 30 June 2005), AASB 2005-8

AASB 2005-9 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L03009

Standards (made on 6 September 2005), AASB 2005-9

AASB 2005-10 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L02840

Standards (made on 5 September 2005), AASB 2005-10

AASB 2005-11 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L03038

Standards (made on 8 September 2005), AASB 2005-11

AASB 2005-12 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2005L04207

Standards (made on 8 December 2005), AASB 2005-12

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 3 Instruments containing substantive matter

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

AASB 2006-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2006L00210

Standards (made on 18 January 2006), AASB 2006-1

AASB 2006-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2006L00926

Standards (made on 21 March 2006), AASB 2006-2

AASB 2006-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L00078

Standards (made on 13 December 2006), AASB 2006-4

AASB 2007-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L00549

Standards arising from AASB Interpretation 11 (made on

15 February 2007), AASB 2007-1

AASB 2007-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L00575

Standards arising from AASB Interpretation 12 (made on

15 February 2007), AASB 2007-2

AASB 2007-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L00551

Standards arising from AASB 8 (made on 26 February

2007), AASB 2007-3

AASB 2007-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L01669

Standards arising from ED 151 and Other Amendments

(made on 30 April 2007), AASB 2007-4

AASB 2007-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L01944

Standard – Inventories Held for Distribution by

Not-for-Profit Entities (made on 25 May 2007), AASB


AASB 2007-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L01796

Standards arising from AASB 123 (made on 14 June

2007), AASB 2007-6

AASB 2007-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L02198

Standards (made on 28 June 2007), AASB 2007-7

AASB 2007-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2007L04130

Standards arising from AASB 101 (made on

24 September 2007), AASB 2007-8

AASB 2007-9 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2008L00090

Standards arising from the Review of AASs 27, 29 and

31 (made on 13 December 2007), AASB 2007-9

AASB 2007-10 - Further Amendments to Australian F2008L04269

Accounting Standards arising from AASB 101 (made on

13 December 2007), AASB 2007-10

136 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments containing substantive matter Part 3

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

30 AASB 2008-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standard – Share-based Payments: Vesting Conditions

and Cancellations (made on 7 February 2008), AASB



31 AASB 2008-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Puttable Financial Instruments and


Obligations arising on Liquidation (made on 5 March

2008), AASB 2008-2

32 AASB 2008-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from AASB 3 and AASB 127 (made

on 6 March 2008), AASB 2008-3


33 AASB 2008-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standard – Key Management Personnel Disclosures by

Disclosing Entities (made on 6 June 2008), AASB



34 AASB 2008-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from the Annual Improvements Project

(made on 24 July 2008), AASB 2008-5


35 AASB 2008-6 - Further Amendments to Australian F2008L03031

Accounting Standards arising from the Annual

Improvements Project (made on 24 July 2008), AASB


36 AASB 2008-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Cost of an Investment in a Subsidiary,

Jointly Controlled Entity or Associate (made on 25 July

2008), AASB 2008-7


37 AASB 2008-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Eligible Hedged Items (made on 27 August

2008), AASB 2008-8


38 AASB 2008-10 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Reclassification of Financial Assets (made

on 22 October 2008), AASB 2008-10


39 AASB 2008-11 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standard – Business Combinations Among

Not-for-Profit Entities (made on 13 November 2008),

AASB 2008-11


No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 137

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 3 Instruments containing substantive matter

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

AASB 2008-12 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L01105

Standards – Reclassification of Financial Assets –

Effective Date and Transition (made on 18 December

2008), AASB 2008-12

AASB 2008-13 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L01106

Standards arising from AASB Interpretation 17 –

Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners (made on

18 December 2008), AASB 2008-13

AASB 2009-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L01637

Standards – Borrowing Costs of Not-for-Profit Public

Sector Entities (made on 22 April 2009), AASB 2009-1

AASB 2009-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L01638

Standards – Improving Disclosures about Financial

Instruments (made on 22 April 2009), AASB 2009-2

AASB 2009-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L01636

Standards – Embedded Derivatives (made on 22 April

2009), AASB 2009-3

AASB 2009-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L02366

Standards arising from the Annual Improvements Project

(made on 21 May 2009), AASB 2009-4

AASB 2009-5 - Further Amendments to Australian F2009L02367

Accounting Standards arising from the Annual

Improvements Project (made on 21 May 2009), AASB


AASB 2009-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L02729

Standards (made on 25 June 2009), AASB 2009-6

AASB 2009-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L02730

Standards (made on 25 June 2009), AASB 2009-7

AASB 2009-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L03332

Standards – Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment

Transactions (made on 24 July 2009), AASB 2009-8

AASB 2009-9 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L03966

Standards – Additional Exemptions for First-time

Adopters (made on 24 September 2009), AASB 2009-9

AASB 2009-10 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L04126

Standards – Classification of Rights Issues (made on

20 October 2009), AASB 2009-10

138 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments containing substantive matter Part 3

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

AASB 2009-11 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L04690

Standards arising from AASB 9 (made on 7 December

2009), AASB 2009-11

AASB 2009-12 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2009L04669

Standards (made on 15 December 2009), AASB 2009-12

AASB 2009-13 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L00056

Standards arising from Interpretation 19 (made on

21 December 2009), AASB 2009-13

AASB 2009-14 - Amendments to Australian F2010L00075

Interpretation – Prepayments of a Minimum Funding

Requirement (made on 21 December 2009), AASB


AASB 2010-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L00547

Standards – Limited Exemption from Comparative

AASB 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters (made on

3 February 2010), AASB 2010-1

AASB 2010-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L02135

Standards arising from Reduced Disclosure

Requirements (made on 30 June 2010), AASB 2010-2

AASB 2010-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L01927

Standards arising from the Annual Improvements Project

(made on 23 June 2010), AASB 2010-3

AASB 2010-4 - Further Amendments to Australian F2010L01928

Accounting Standards arising from the Annual

Improvements Project (made on 23 June 2010), AASB


AASB 2010-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L03081

Standards (made on 27 October 2010), AASB 2010-5

AASB 2010-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2010L03082

Standards – Disclosures on Transfers of Financial Assets

(made on 8 November 2010), AASB 2010-6

AASB 2010-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2011L00315

Standards arising from AASB 9 (December 2010) (made

on 6 December 2010), AASB 2010-7

AASB 2010-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2011L00308

Standards – Deferred Tax: Recovery of Underlying

Assets (made on 31 December 2010), AASB 2010-8

No. 215, 2013 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 139

OPC60111 - D

Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 3 Instruments containing substantive matter

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

64 AASB 2010-9 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Severe Hyperinflation and Removal of Fixed

Dates for First-time Adopters (made on 31 December

2010), AASB 2010-9


65 AASB 2010-10 - Further Amendments to Australian F2011L00354

Accounting Standards – Removal of Fixed Dates for

First-time Adopters (made on 31 December 2010),

AASB 2010-10

66 AASB 2011-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from the Trans-Tasman Convergence

Project (made on 11 May 2011), AASB 2011-1


67 AASB 2011-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from the Trans-Tasman Convergence

Project – Reduced Disclosure Requirements (made on

11 May 2011), AASB 2011-2


68 AASB 2011-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards to Remove Individual Key Management

Personnel Disclosure Requirements (made on 7 July

2011), AASB 2011-4


69 AASB 2011-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Extending Relief from Consolidation, the

Equity Method and Proportionate Consolidation (made

on 20 July 2011), AASB 2011-5


70 AASB 2011-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards – Extending Relief from Consolidation, the

Equity Method and Proportionate Consolidation –

Reduced Disclosure Requirements (made on 20 July

2011), AASB 2011-6


71 AASB 2011-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from the Consolidation and Joint

Arrangements Standards (made on 29 August 2011),

AASB 2011-7


72 AASB 2011-8 - Amendments to Australian Accounting

Standards arising from AASB 13 (made on 2 September

2011), AASB 2011-8


140 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535












Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments containing substantive matter Part 3

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

AASB 2011-9 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2011L02041

Standards – Presentation of Items of Other

Comprehensive Income (made on 5 September 2011),

AASB 2011-9

AASB 2011-10 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2011L02334

Standards arising from AASB 119 (September 2011)

(made on 5 September 2011), AASB 2011-10

AASB 2011-11 - Amendments to AASB 119 (September F2011L02053

2011) arising from Reduced Disclosure Requirements

(made on 5 September 2011), AASB 2011-11

AASB 2011-12 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2011L02522

Standards arising from Interpretation 20 (made on

14 November 2011), AASB 2011-12

AASB 2012-1 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L00933

Standards – Fair Value Measurement – Reduced

Disclosure Requirements (made on 21 March 2012),

AASB 2012-1

AASB 2012-2 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01584

Standards – Disclosures – Offsetting Financial Assets

and Financial Liabilities (made on 29 June 2012), AASB


AASB 2012-3 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01583

Standards – Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial

Liabilities (made on 29 June 2012), AASB 2012-3

AASB 2012-4 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01582

Standards – Government Loans (made on 29 June 2012),

AASB 2012-4

AASB 2012-5 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01587

Standards arising from Annual Improvements 2009–

2011 Cycle (made on 29 June 2012), AASB 2012-5

AASB 2012-6 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01935

Standards –Mandatory Effective Date of AASB 9 and

Transition Disclosures (made on 10 September 2012),

AASB 2012-6

AASB 2012-7 - Amendments to Australian Accounting F2012L01937

Standards arising from Reduced Disclosure

Requirements (made on 10 September 2012), AASB


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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 3 Instruments containing substantive matter

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

Auditing Standard ASA 2007-1 - Amendments to F2007L02046

Australian Auditing Standards (made on 27 June 2007),

ASA 2007-1

Auditing Standard ASA 2008-1 - Amendments to F2008L03239

Australian Auditing Standards (made on 21 August

2008), ASA 2008-1

Auditing Standard ASA 2011-1 - Amendments to F2011L01379

Australian Auditing Standards (made on 27 June 2011),

ASA 2011-1

Auditing Standard ASA 2012-1 - Amending Standard to F2012L01671

ASA 570 Going Concern (made on 31 July 2012), ASA


Banking exemption No. 2 of 2011 F2011L01596

Banking exemption No. 3 of 2011 F2011L01926

Banking exemption No. 4 of 2011 F2011L02078

Banking exemption No. 6 of 2011 F2011L02771

Banking exemption No. 2 of 2012 F2012L00722

Banking (prudential standard) determination No. 1 of F2007L00234

2007 - Revocation of Attachment B to the Prudential

Notes and Prudential Standards issued by AFIC under

Part 4 of an AFIC Code

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2001 No. 1 F2007B00016

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2004 No. 1 F2007B00008

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2006 (No. 1) F2006L02160

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2008 (No. 1) F2008L04519

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2009 (No. 1) F2009L03010

Excise By-Law (Amendment) 2009 (No. 2) F2009L03011

100 Instrument Revoking Guidelines No. 1 of 2012 F2012L00712

101 Life insurance (prudential standards) determination F2008B00457

No. 1 of 2004 - References to accounting standards

102 Notice of Variation of Financial Stability Standard F2009L00713

(made on 23 February 2009)

103 Notice of Variation of Financial Stability Standard F2009L00714

(made on 23 February 2009)

142 Treasury (Spent and Redundant Instruments) Repeal Regulation 2013 No. 215, 2013

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Federal Register of Legislative Instruments F2013L01535

Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Instruments containing substantive matter Part 3

Instruments containing substantive matter

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

104 Notification of Variation of Financial Stability Standard F2005L01377

(made on 31 May 2005)

105 Recipient Created Tax Invoice – Embedded Agreement F2009L01772

Amending Legislative Instrument 2009

106 Recipient Created Tax Invoice – GST Terminologies F2007L01466

Amending Instrument 2007

107 Variation of Interchange Fee Standards (made on F2008L04668

8 December 2008)

108 Variation of the Standard for interchange fees in the F2009L04391

EFTPOS system (made on 27 November 2009)

109 Variation to the Access Regime for the ATM System F2012L01787

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Schedule 4 Repeal of other redundant instruments

Part 4 Transitional instruments

Part 4—Transitional instruments

Transitional instruments

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 APRA transitional prudential standards F2008B00132

2 Business Names Registration (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2011, SLI 2011

No. 215


3 Competition Policy Reform (Transitional Provisions)

Regulations, SR 1995 No. 331


4 Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional

Provisions) Regulations 1998, SR 1998 No. 199


5 Financial Sector Reform (Amendments and Transitional

Provisions) Regulations 1999, SR 1999 No. 144


6 Governance Review Implementation (Treasury Portfolio

Agencies) (Application and Transitional Provisions)

Regulations 2007, SLI 2007 No. 201


7 National Consumer Credit Protection (Transitional and

Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2010, SLI 2010

No. 45


8 Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer

Law—Corded Internal Window Coverings) Transitional

Regulations 2010, SLI 2010 No. 305


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Repeal of other redundant instruments Schedule 4

Other instruments no longer required Part 5

Part 5—Other instruments no longer required

Other instruments no longer required

Item Instrument name and series number (if any) FRLI identifier

1 Competition and Consumer Amendment Regulation 2012

(No. 2), SLI 2012 No. 150


2 Environmental and Natural Resource Management

Guidelines in relation to the establishment of trees for

the purposes of carbon sequestration (made on 19 June



3 Environmental and Natural Resource Management

Guidelines in relation to the establishment of trees for

the purposes of carbon sequestration (made on 2 July



4 Occupational Superannuation Standards Regulations,

SR 1987 No. 322


5 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information

Standards) (Tobacco) Regulations 2004, SR 2004

No. 264


6 Trade Practices (Consumer Product Safety Standard)

(Baby Walkers) Regulations 2002, SR 2002 No. 219


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