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Customs Act 1977 (Act No. 12 of 1977, as amended up to Customs Amendment Act 2010)

 Customs Act 1977



Arrangement of Provisions



1. Short title and


2. Interpretation

3. "Customs Acts" defined

4. Importers



5. Department and Minister of


6. Comptroller of Customs

7. Collectors and other officers

of Customs

8. Delegation of powers

9. Seal of the Customs

10. Customs flag

11. Misconduct by officers of


12. Holidays

13. Working hours

14. Regulations in respect of

attendance of officers and







Division 1 – Control of the


15. When goods subject to

control of the Customs

16. Delivery for home


17. No responsibility for safe

custody of goods

Division 2 – General Provisions

as to Entries

18. Making of entries

19. Verification of entries

20. Erroneous entries

21. Passing of entries

22. Cancellation and amendment

of entries by persons making


23. Amendment of entries by


24. Goods to be dealt with

according to entry






Division 1 – Ports of Entry,

Customs Airports

25. Declaring port of entry

26. Other ports of entry

Customs Act 19772

27. Boarding stations

28. Wharves

29. Sufferance wharves

30. Custom airports

31. Examination stations at

Customs airports

32. Examining places

33. Customs container bases

34. Duties of controlling


35. Storage charges

36. Security in respect of

wharves and examining


Division 2 – Arrival of Ships

and Aircraft

37. Ships to come into port of

entry only

38. Aircraft to land at Customs

airport only

39. Aircraft landing at a place

other than a customs airport

40. Transhipment of goods

41. Interference with cargo

42. Boarding of ships at sea

43. Boarding of ships at boarding


44. Stations of ships

45. Aircraft to be brought to

examination station

46. Inward reports

47. Reports of wrecked ships and


Division 3 – Importation

48. “Importation” defined

49. Prohibited imports

50. Importation of brandy,

whisky and rum

51. Goods not to be landed or

dealt with without permission

52. Comptroller's permits

53. Method unshipment

54. Removal of goods from

wharf, airport, etc.

55. Kinds of entry of imported


56. Passenger's effects exempt

from entry

57. Certain goods exempt from


58. When entry to be made

59. Vessels or aircraft imported

otherwise than as cargo

60. Production of licence or

permit for restricted goods

61. Sight entries

62. Delivery of goods on sight


63. Entry of imported goods for

home consumption

64. Importer may be required to

furnish samples and


Division 4 – Removal within

Western Samoa and


65. Removal of imported goods

within Samoa

66. Export of goods subject to

control of Customs

67. Entry for export of goods not

subject to control of Customs

68. Method of shipment

69. Goods not shipped according

to entry

70. Information and securities in

respect of exported goods

71. Exported goods not to be


72. Time of exportation

73. Prohibited exports

Division 5 – Departure of Ships

and Aircraft

74. Clearance of ships and


75. Report outwards

76. Entitlement to clearance

77. Boarding of outward ships

and aircraft

78. Production of clearance

Customs Act 1977 3

79. Departure to be from port of

entry or Customs airport only

Division 6 – Stores for Ships

and Aircraft

80. Stores exempt from duty

81. Stores subject to duty



Division 1 - Licensed


82. Licensing of warehouses

83. Application for licence

84. Security for warehouse

85. Grant of licence

86. Harbour, etc., authorities may

hold licences

87. Licence fees

88. Termination of licence

89. Cancellation of licence

90. Transfer of licence

91. Surrender of licence

92. Closing of warehouse

93. Restrictions on use of

manufacturing warehouses

94. Structural alterations of


Division 2 – Warehousing of


95. Entry for warehousing

96. Account of warehoused


97. Receipt for warehoused


98. Removal of goods to

warehouse by Comptroller

99. Packing of warehouse goods

100.Repacking of warehoused


101.Duties of licence

102.Access of officers of

Customs to warehouse

103.Restriction on right of


104.Sale of goods on which

warehouse dues in arrear

105.Goods not to be removed

without permission

106.Temporary removal of

warehoused goods

107.Liability of licensee for duty

on missing goods

Division 3 – Clearance of

Warehoused Goods

108.Kinds of entry of

warehoused goods

109.Entry for home consumption

110.Entry for export

111.Entry for removal

112.Constructive warehousing


Division 4 – Government


114.Government warehouses

115.Charges in Government


116.Duration of warehousing in

Government warehouses

117.Application of provisions as

to licensed warehouses

Division 5 – Special Provisions

as to Manufacturing


118.Licensing of manufacturing


119.Provisions as to licensed

warehouses to be applicable

120.Penalties for wrongful use of

manufacturing warehouse



Division 1 – Import Duties

121.Imposition of import duties

Division 2 – Duties of Excise

Customs Act 19774

122.Imposition of duties on goods

produced in manufacturing


Division 3 – Valuation of Goods

123.Value for Duty

124.“Invoice” defined

125.Production of invoice and


126.Blank invoices

127.Valuation of goods by


128.Appeal to Minister from


129.Invoices in foreign currency

130.Country of export where

goods pass through

intermediate country



133.Government's right of

compulsory purchase

Division 4 – Origin of Imported


134.Provisions for determining

country of origin

135.Importer to state country of

origin on entry

136.Conditions precedent to entry

of goods at preferential rates

137.Goods subject to forfeiture in

case of false declaration

Division 5 - Assessment and

Recovery of Duty

138.Duty on imported goods a

Government debt

139.Duty on goods produced in

manufacturing warehouse a

Government debt

140.Duty a charge on goods

141.Delivery of goods subject to


142.Payment of duty by 1person

not to affect liability of other


143.Incidence of altered duties

144.Effect of alteration of duties

on agreements of sale

145.Assessment of duty in

particular cases

146.Alteration of goods

147.Minimum duty collectable

148.Essences and other


149.Reimportation of products of

Samoa or duty-paid samples

150.Reimportation of goods

temporarily exported

151.Duty on goods of


152.Power of Head of State to

suspend excise duties on

goods supplied to certain

organisations and their


153.Samples of goods under

control of Customs

154.Duties on wrecked goods

155.Liability of owners of ships

or aircraft for duty on

missing goods

Division 6 – Refunds and

Remissions of Duty

156.Proceedings for refund of

duty paid in error

157.Comptroller may refund duty

paid in error

158.Comptroller may refund duty

on forfeited goods

159.Refund or remission of duty

on damaged and faulty goods

160.Remission of duty on

warehoused goods

diminished in value

161.Remission or refund of duty

on goods destroyed, pillaged

or lost

162.Remission or refund of duty

on goods produced in

manufacturing warehouse

163.Remission of duty on goods

not worth the duty

163A.Exemption from duty

Customs Act 1977 5

164.Duty on goods temporarily


165.Recovery of duty refunded in


Division 7 – Drawbacks

166.Drawbacks of duty on goods



167.Entry for exportation under


168.Reimportation of goods

exported under drawback




170.Wrongful use of methylated


171.Purifying methylated spirit

172.Selling purified methylated


173.Purchase of samples

174.Method of dealing with


175.Comptroller may refuse

delivery of methylated spirit


177.Regulations as to methylated





178.Examination of goods under

control of Customs

179.Examination of goods no

longer under control of


180.Boarding of ships and aircraft

181.Searching of ships and


182.Boarding and searching

Government ships and


183.Firing on ships

184.Securing goods on ships and


185.Patrolling sea coast and

inspecting aerodromes

186.Mooring vessels of Customs

187.Questioning persons

188.Searching persons and

examining goods carried by


189.Searching vehicles or boats

190.Customs warrants

191.Entry and search under

Customs warrant

192.Use of aids by Customs


193.Requisition to produce


194.Documents in foreign


195.Impounding documents

196.Taking samples

197.Permitting examination of


198.Mode of exercising power of


199.Duty payable on goods sold

by Comptroller

200.Sale of forfeited goods

201.Payments by Comptroller out

of revenue in his or her


202.Expenses of removal and

storage of goods by officers

of Customs

203.Reasonable and probable







203A. Interpretation

203B. Notice requesting

suspension of customs

clearance of goods may be

given to Comptroller

203C. Contents of notice

Customs Act 19776

203D. Comptroller must accept

or decline notice

203E. Duration of notice

203F. Power to suspend

customs clearance procedure

203G. Security

203H. Notification

203I. Inspection and

examination of goods

203J. Detention and release of


203K. Forfeiture of goods by


203L. Destruction of goods in

relation trademarks

203M. Review of Comptroller’s


203N. Small quantity of

imports excluded

203O. Protection of persons

acting under this Part

203P. Compensation for

wrongful detention

203Q. Regulations



204.Securities for payment of

duty and compliance with


205.New securities may be




Division 1 – Customs Agents

206.Who may act as agent

207.Licensing of Customs agents

208.Written authority of agents

209.Liability of principal for acts

of agents

210.Liability of agents

Division 2 - Customs Carriers

211. Conveyance of goods

subject to control of the


212. Licensing of Customs





Division 1 – Offences in

Relation to Officers

213.Influencing or resisting

officer of Customs

214.Obstructing Customs officer

or interfering with Customs


215.Abusive or threatening


216.Personation of officer of


Division 2 – Other Offences


218.Defrauding the revenue of


219.Erroneous drawbacks or


220.Erroneous declarations

221.Wilfully false declarations

222.Production of false


223.Interference with goods

224.Unauthorised entry into

passenger processing areas

225.Suffering ship or aircraft to

be used for smuggling

226.Ships and aircraft adapted

for smuggling

227.Counterfeit seals or marks

228.Failure to comply with

conditions of entry

229.Possession or custody of

uncustomed goods or

prohibited imports

230.Possession of concealed


231.Failure to answer questions


232.Liability of officers of body


Customs Act 1977 7


Division 3 – General Provisions

as to Offences

234.Information to be laid by


235.Limitation of action

236.Value of goods for purpose

of fine

237.General penalty

238.Imprisonment for second


239.Court may order payment of

money in respect of duty

240.Penalties independent of


241.Comptroller may deal with

petty offences

242.Arrest of offenders

Division 4 – Rewards

243.Rewards for seizures and




244.Application of this Part

245.Goods forfeited

246.Forfeiture of packages

247.Boats and vehicles and

animals forfeited

248.Equipment of forfeited boats,

vehicles and animals

249.Forfeiture to relate back

Division 1 – Seizure

250.Seizure of forfeited goods

251.Where goods may be seized

252.Rescue of seized goods

253.Notice of seizure

Division 2 – Condemnation

254.Condemnation without suit

255.Condemnation by Court

256.No other action competent

while condemnation

proceedings pending

257.Conviction to operate as a

condemnation of forfeited


Division 3 – Miscellaneous

258.Delivery of goods seized on

deposit of value

259.Sale of perishable articles


260.Disposal of forfeited goods

261.Waiver of forfeiture by Head

of State

262.Application of forfeiture


262A.Additional powers to

recover duty




263.Ships and aircraft liable to


264.Seizure of ships and aircraft

265.Where ships and aircraft may

be seized

266.Rescue of seized ships and


267.Security to be given before

release of seized ship or


268.Avoidance of security

269.Enforcement of security

270.Service of process



271.Incriminating questions and


272.Source of information need

not be disclosed

273.Burden of proof in

proceedings under the

Customs Acts

Customs Act 19778

274.Burden of proof of


275.Presumption of authenticity

of documents

276.What evidence receivable

277.Declarations under this Act



278.Application of Customs Acts

to goods passing through

Post Office

279.General power to make


280.Penalties imposed by


281.General provisions as to

validity of orders and


282.Repeal and savings

283.Limitation of actions



1977 No. 12

AN ACT to consolidate and amend the law making provision

for the collection of duties of Customs and the importation

and exportation of goods

.[Assent date:20 December 1977]

[Commencement date: 1 August 1977]



1. Short title and commencement - This Act may be cited

as the Customs Act 1977 and shall come into operation on the 1st

day of August 1977.

2. Interpretation - (1) In this Act, unless the context

otherwise requires:

“Act” includes Ordinance;

“aerodrome” means any defined area of land or water

intended or designed to be used either wholly or partly

for the landing, departure, movement, and servicing of

aircraft; and includes any buildings, installations, and

equipment on or adjacent to any such area used in

connection with the aerodrome or its administration;

“aircraft” means any machine that can derive support in the

atmosphere from the reactions of the air;

“boat” means any vessel other than a ship;

Customs Act 1977 9

“bulk cargo container” means an article of transport

equipment, being a lift van, movable tank, or other

similar structure:

(a) of a permanent character and accordingly strong

enough to be suitable for repeated use; and

(b) specially designed to facilitate the carriage of goods

by 1or more modes of transport, without

immediate repacking; and

(c) fitted with devices permitting its ready handling and

its transfer from 1mode of transport to another;


(d) so designed as to be easy to fill and empty; and

(e) having an internal volume of 1 cubic metre (35.3

cubic feet) or more, and includes the normal

accessories and equipment of the container,

when imported with the container and used

exclusively with it; but does not include any

vehicle, or any ordinary packing case, crate, box,

or other similar article used for packing;

“coastal ship” means a ship that plies or proceeds to sea on

any voyage:

(a) from any port in Samoa to any other port in Samoa;


(b) from any port in Samoa and returns to the same port,

- and in neither case goes more than 75 miles

from the coast of Samoa in the ordinary course

of the voyage

PROVIDED THAT a ship shall not be deemed to be a coastal

ship by reason only that, in the course of or as a preliminary to or

on the completion of any other voyage, she proceeds on any

voyage of a kind mentioned in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of

this definition;

“collector” means any officer appointed as Collector of

Customs at any port or other place; and includes the

Comptroller of Customs; and also includes the Chief

Officer of Customs at any port or other place, and any

proper officer acting in place of the Collector either

generally or in respect of any of his or her powers or

functions, whether during any vacancy in the office of

Collector or otherwise;

Customs Act 197710

“comptroller” means the Comptroller of Customs appointed

pursuant to this Act and includes any officer lawfully

acting in the place of the Comptroller, whether during

any vacancy in the office of the Comptroller or


“Constitution” means the Constitution of Samoa;

“controlling authority”, in relation to any wharf, Customs

airport or examining place, or Customs containerbase,

means the owner or occupier thereof or other person

having the control thereof; and includes any Harbour or

Port Authority or Board or other public authority having

the control thereof;

“Court” means the District Court in any proceeding

concerning goods valued at not more than $1,000 and in

all other proceedings means the Supreme Court;

“customs airport” means the aerodrome at Faleolo or any

other aerodrome appointed as a Customs airport under

this Act;

“customs containerbase” means a place appointed under this

Act for the reception, examination, or protection of

goods subject to the control of the Customs and carried

or to be carried in bulk cargo containers;

”eclaration” means a declaration made in accordance with

the provisions of this Act in that behalf;

“documents”include books and all other written or printed


“dutiable goods” means goods of a kind subject to duty on

the import or export thereof or on their manufacture in a

manufacturing warehouse or on the entry thereof for

home consumption;

”duty” means any duty payable on goods on the import or

export thereof or on the entry thereof for home

consumption, and includes duty payable under this Act

on goods produced in a manufacturing warehouse;

“examination station” means a place at a Customs airport

appointed by the Minister as an examination station;

“examining place” means a place appointed under this Act

for the examination by the Customs of goods subject to

the control of the Customs;

“exporter” means and includes, in respect of any goods

exported or intended for export, any person by or for

Customs Act 1977 11

whom those goods are exported, or by or for whom they

are shipped on board the exporting ship or aircraft, or

who is or becomes the owner of them or entitled to the

possession of them or to any interest in them, at any

time while they are subject to the control of the


“fine” means a fine recoverable on conviction;

“forfeited goods” means any goods in respect of which a

cause of forfeiture has arisen under the Customs Acts;

“gazette” means the Samoa Gazette;

“goods” means all kinds of movable personal property,

including animals;

“Government” means the Government of Samoa;

“Head of State” means the Head of State acting on the

advice of Cabinet;

“holiday” means a day lawfully observed by the Customs as

a public holiday in accordance with this Act;

“imported” means any person by or for whom any goods are

imported, and includes the consignee of any goods and

any person who is or becomes the owner of or entitled to

the possession of or beneficially interested in any goods

on or at any time after the importation thereof and

before the goods have ceased to be subject to the control

of the Customs;

“intent to defraud the revenue of Customs” means”:

(a) an intent to evade or to enable any other person to

evade payment of the duty or any part of the duty

payable on any goods; or

(b) an intent to obtain or to enable any other person to

obtain, in respect of any goods, any drawback or

refund of duty not authorised by law or in excess

of that which is authorised by law; or

(c) an intent to evade or to enable any other person to

evade payment of any money payable to the

Government under this Act;

“manufacturing warehouse” means any place licensed as a

manufacturing warehouse under this Act;

“master” in relation to any ship, means the person (other

than any person not belonging to the ship who has the

lawful conduct thereof) in actual charge or command of

any ship;

Customs Act 197712

“Minister” means the Minister for Revenue;

“officer” or "Officer of Customs" means any person

employed in the service of the Customs; and includes

the Comptroller and the Collector of Customs;

“owner” includes:

(a) in respect of any ship or aircraft, any charterer of the

ship or aircraft, and any person acting as agent

for the owner or charterer;

(b) in respect of any goods, the importer or other person

possessed of or beneficially interested in the


“package” includes every means by which goods for

carriage may be cased, covered, enclosed, contained or

packed; but does not include a bulk cargo container or


“pallet”, except in the Customs Tariff, means a device on

the deck of which a quantity of goods can be assembled

to form a unit load for the purposes of transportation,

handling, or stacking with the aid of mechanical devices,

but does not include a bulk cargo container; and, in

relation to a pallet that is imported laden, does not

include any goods laden thereon;

“pilot in command” or “pilot” in relation to any aircraft,

means the person in charge or command of the aircraft;

“port” or “port of entry” means the port of Apia and any

other port of entry appointed as such by the Minister

under section 26, and, where it is not inconsistent with

the context, includes a Customs airport;

“prescribed” means prescribed by regulations in force under

this Act; and, in relation to forms, includes forms

prescribed by the Comptroller;

“prohibited imports” means goods imported or landed in

breach of any prohibition of importation contained in the

Customs Act;

“proper officer” in relation to any matter, means any officer

acting or employed in that matter by the order or with

the concurrence (whether precedent or subsequent) of

the Minister or the Comptroller or in pursuance of any

other lawful authority;

“regulations” means regulations in force under this Act;

Customs Act 1977 13

“restricted goods” means goods the importation or

exportation of which is prohibited by or under the

Customs Acts, whether absolutely or subject to any

exception or qualifications;

“Revenue Board” means the National Revenue Board

established pursuant to the Public Finance Management

Act 2001;

“Samoa” means the Independent State of Samoa;

“seal” means to affix the seal of the Customs;

“ship” means any kind of vessel used in navigation, not

propelled by oars only;

“shipment” includes loading into an aircraft; and “to ship"

and cognate expressions have corresponding meanings;

“ships'stores” include aircraft's stores;

“smuggling” means importing, unshipping, landing,

conveying or otherwise dealing with any goods with

intent to defraud the revenue of Customs;

“tariff” and “the customs tariff” means the Customs Tariff

of Samoa as comprised in the Customs Tariff Act 1975,

and includes all notes to the Tariff or to any part,

section, division, group or item thereof, set out in that

Act; and also includes any modification or amendment

of the tariff or of the said notes that may hereafter be


“tariff items" means the tariff items as appearing in the

Tariff, or in any modification or amendment thereof that

may hereafter be made;

“territorial waters of Samoa" include any bay, gulf, harbour,

port, river or other water included within the territorial

limits of Samoa;

“the Customs” means the Customs Department of the


“transit building” means a building or any part of a building

for the reception, examination or protection of goods on

their loading or unloading while subject to the control of

the Customs;

“uncustomed goods” means goods on which any duty has

become due and payable and is unpaid;

“vehicle” means any motor vehicle, cart, wagon, or other

conveyance of any kind whatsoever for use on land;

Customs Act 197714

“warehouse” means any building or other place licensed

under this Act for the storage of dutiable goods entered

to be warehoused, and includes a Government

warehouse and a manufacturing warehouse; and "to

warehouse" and cognate expressions have corresponding

meanings. Any 2 or more buildings or places may, in

the discretion of the Minister, be licensed as 1


“wharf” means a wharf,quay, jetty, or other landing place

appointed as a wharf under this Act, and includes a

sufferance wharf;

“wharf owner” means the owner or occupier of any wharf,

or any person having the control thereof, and includes

any Harbour or Port Board or local or public authority

having the control of any wharf.

(2) Any reference in this Act to contravention of any

provision of this Act, or of any regulation, licence, requirement,

condition or direction thereunder, includes a reference to a failure

to comply with that provision.

3. “Customs Acts” defined - (1) In this Act, unless the

context otherwise requires, the term "Customs Acts” means and


(a) this Act;

(b) the Quarantine (Biosecurity) Act 2005;

(c) the Liquor Act 1971;

(ca) Repealed by section 100 of the Excise Tax

(Domestic Administration) Act 1984, No. 18.

(d) the Customs Tariff Act 1975;

(e) every Act amending or in substitution for any of the

above-mentioned enactments;

(f) very Act coming into force subsequent to this Act

which is declared by Act to be a Customs Act;


(g) all orders, regulations and rules made under any such

enactment by any competent authority.

(2) In its application to any other of the Customs Acts this Act

shall be read subject to the provisions of that other Act.

(3) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2), the provisions

of this Act shall, so far as applicable and with the necessary

modifications, be deemed to be incorporated in and to form part

Customs Act 1977 15

of every enactment declared by this or any other Act to be a

Customs Act. In the application of this Act to any Customs Act

as aforesaid references to this Act shall, where necessary, be read

as references to that Customs Act.

4. Importers - When there are, in respect of any imported

goods, more importers than one (in accordance with the definition

of the term "importer" in this Act) all the provisions of this Act

with reference to the importer of those goods shall, except where

the context otherwise requires, apply severally and independently

to each of those importers.



5. Department and Minister of Customs - (1) There shall

continue to be a Department of State to be known as the Customs

Department or the Customs.

(2) The Minister who is charged by the Prime Minister with

the responsibility for the Customs Department and the

administration of this Act, pursuant to Article 35 of the

Constitution, shall be called the Minister of Customs.

(3) Subject to the control of the Minister, the Department shall

be charged with the administration of this Act.

6. Comptroller of Customs - (1) There shall be a

Comptroller of Customs, who, under the Minister, shall be the

permanent head of the Customs, and shall have the chief control


(2) The officer who at the commencement of this Act holds

office as the Collector of Customs is taken to have been duly

appointed as the Comptroller of Customs under this Act.

7. Collectors and other officers of Customs - (1) There

may be appointed at every port an officer to be called the

Collector of Customs, who shall, subject to the Minister and the

Comptroller, have the chief control and management at that port

of all matters relating to the Customs Act.

(2) The Department of Customs shall include such other

officers as are considered by the Public Service Commission to be

necessary for the efficient administration of the Customs Acts.

Customs Act 197716

(3) All persons in the service of the Customs at the

commencement of this Act are taken to have been lawfully

appointed to the like offices.

8. Delegation of powers - (1) The Minister may, either

generally or particularly, by writing under his or her hand,

delegate to the Comptroller or any other officer of Customs all or

any of the powers (except this present power of delegation)

exercisable by the Minister under the Customs Acts.

(2) The Comptroller may similarly delegate to any officer of

Customs all or any of the powers (except this present power of

delegation) exercisable by the Comptroller under the Customs


PROVIDED THAT the Comptroller shall not delegate any

power delegated to him or her by the Minister without the consent

of the Minister or any power delegated to him or her by the Public

Service Commission without the consent of that Commission.

(3) Any delegation under this section may be made to a

specified person or to persons of a specified class or to the holder

of a specified office or class of offices.

(4) Every person purporting to act pursuant to any delegation

under this section shall be presumed to be acting in accordance

with the terms of the delegation in the absence of proof to the


(5) Every such delegation, whether by the Minister or the

Comptroller, is revocable at will, and no such delegation shall

prevent the exercise of any power by the Minister or the


(6) Subject to any general or special directions given or

conditions imposed by the Minister or the Comptroller, as the

case may be, the officer to whom any powers are so delegated

may exercise those powers in the same manner and with the same

effect as if they had been conferred on him or her directly by this

Act and not by delegation.

(7) Any such delegation shall, until revoked, continue in force

according to its tenor, despite the fact that the Minister or the

Comptroller by whom it was made, or the holder of an office to

whom it was made, has ceased to hold office, and shall continue

to have effect as if made by or to the successor in office of that

Minister or Comptroller or holder as the case may be.

Customs Act 1977 17

9. Seal of the Customs - The seal of the Customs shall be

the Crest of Samoa, having the words “Samoa Customs”

encircling the Crest.

10. Customs flag - The vessels employed in the service of the

Customs shall be distinguished by such flag as shall be prescribed

by regulations.

11. Misconduct by officers of Customs - If any officer of

Customs accepts or agrees or offers to accept any fee, perquisite,

gratuity, or reward, whether pecuniary or not, from any person on

account of anything done or omitted by the officer in the

execution of his or her office or otherwise howsoever in relation

to the execution of his or her office, except such as he or she

receives with the permission of the Minister or Comptroller, the

officer shall be guilty of misconduct in office, and may be

dismissed or otherwise dealt with accordingly in pursuance of the

law relating to the Public Service.

12. Holidays - The days to be kept as public holidays by the

Customs shall be the same days as are kept as public holidays in

the Public Service, and such other days as are appointed by the

Head of State to be kept as public holidays by the Customs, either

generally or at any particular port or place.

13. Working hours - (1) The working hours of the Customs

shall be as prescribed by regulations.

(2) Except when permitted by the Comptroller, and subject to

such conditions as to supervision or otherwise as the Comptroller

thinks fit, cargo or stores shall not on any holiday, or outside

working hours, be discharged from, or received, loaded, or

worked on:

(a) any ship, except a coastal ship; or

(b) any aircraft arriving at any aerodrome for the first

time on any journey from any country outside

Samoa, or while carrying goods shipped in that

aircraft in any country outside Samoa and not yet

delivered from the control of the Customs; or

(c) any aircraft departing finally from any aerodrome for

any country outside Samoa.

Customs Act 197718

(3) If any provision of this section is contravened, the owner

and the master of the ship or, as the case may be, the owner and

the pilot in command of the aircraft, shall each be guilty of an

offence and is severally liable to a fine not exceeding 10 penalty


14. Regulations in respect of attendance of officers and

charges - (1) Without limiting the power to make regulations

conferred by section 279, the Head of State may make regulations

in respect of the attendance of officers of Customs, whether or not

within the working hours of the Customs, at any place for the

purpose of performing or supervising any act required or

permitted by the Customs Acts, and in particular:

(a) prescribing, except where otherwise provided in any

of the Customs Acts, a rate or rates of charges

for such attendance;

(b) providing for the liability of any person to pay any

actual and reasonable expenses incurred by any

officer in respect of the attendance; and

(c) prescribing the person or persons or class or classes

of persons by whom such charges and expenses

shall be paid, or authorising the Comptroller to

determine the person or persons by whom they

shall be paid.

(2) All charges and expenses payable under this section shall

constitute a debt due to the Government.

(3) All charges and expenses paid under this section shall be

receivable by the Comptroller and shall be paid into the Public





Division 1 – Control of the Customs

15. When goods subject to control of the Customs - Goods

shall be subject to the control of the Customs, within the meaning

of this Act as follows:

(a) as to all goods imported, from the time of

importation until delivery by the Customs for

Customs Act 1977 19

home consumption, or until exportation to any

country outside Samoa, whichever first happens;

(b) as to all goods under drawback, from the time of the

claim for drawback until exportation to any

country outside Samoa;

(c) as to all goods for export, the exportation of which is

subject to any condition or restriction under this

or any other Act, from the time the goods are

brought upon any wharf or are waterborne for

export or are brought to any Customs airport or

Customs container base for export, until their

exportation to any country outside Samoa;

(d) as to all goods on board any ship or aircraft, and

loaded in any country outside Samoa, and as to

ships' stores wherever loaded, at all times:

(i) while the ship is within the territorial limits of

Samoa; or

(ii) while the aircraft is at any place in Samoa.

(e) as to all goods produced in a manufacturing

warehouse, from the time of the production

thereof until delivery by the Customs for home

consumption or until exportation to any country

outside Samoa, whichever first happens.

16. Delivery for home consumption - (1) For the purposes of

this Act, goods are taken to be delivered by the Customs for home


(a) as soon as the proper officer gives to the owner of

the goods notice of their unconditional delivery

for home consumption; or

(b) on the fulfillment of any conditions included in any

notice of the delivery of goods for home

consumption given by the proper officer to the


(2) Notice of delivery under this section shall be given in the

prescribed form or manner.

17. No responsibility for safe custody of goods - (1) Neither

the Government, nor the Minister, nor any Officer of Customs,

shall be responsible to any person for the safe custody of any

goods subject to the control of the Customs, or shall be under any

Customs Act 197720

liability in respect of the erroneous delivery of any goods from

such control.

(2) This section shall not apply to goods warehoused in a

Government warehouse.

Division 2 – General Provisions as to Entries

18. Making of entries - (1) Every entry of goods under this

Act shall be made by the delivery of the entry by the person

making it to the Comptroller or other proper officer.

(2) Any person making any entry shall truly answer all

questions asked by the Comptroller or other proper officer relating

to the goods referred to in the entry.

(3) Every entry shall be in the prescribed form.

19. Verification of entries - The Comptroller may, if he or

she thinks fit, require from any person making entry of any goods

proof by declaration or the production of documents (in addition

to any declaration or documents otherwise required by this Act or

by regulations) of the correctness of the entry, and may refuse to

deliver the goods or to pass the entry pending such proof.

20. Erroneous entries - (1) In this section the term “deficient

duty” means the full duty on the goods which are comprised or

ought to have been comprised in the entry less the amount of duty

(if any) payable if computed in accordance with the entry as

actually made and as if the goods had been entered for home


(2) Every person who makes any entry (whether for home

consumption or otherwise) which is erroneous or defective in any

particular manner commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 20 penalty units or 3 times the amount of any deficient

duty, whichever sum is the greater.

(3) For the purposes of this section, every declaration, invoice,

certificate or written statement required or authorised by or under

this Act to be made or produced by the person making an entry

shall be deemed to form part of that entry.

(4) For the purposes of this section, every amendment of an

entry shall be deemed to form part of that entry, but not so as to

relieve any person from any penalty incurred in respect of the

entry before its amendment.

Customs Act 1977 21

21. Passing of entries - (1) An entry shall be passed by the

Comptroller or other proper officer signing the entry, and on the

passing of the entry the goods are taken to be entered.

(2) Any entry so passed shall be warrant for dealing with the

goods in accordance with the entry.

22. Cancellation and amendment of entries by persons

making them - (1) With the permission of the Comptroller any

entry may, after it has been made but not later than 1day after it

has been passed and while the goods still remain subject to the

control of the Customs, be cancelled or amended by the person

making it.

(2) When the Comptroller is satisfied that any entry has been

made in error but in good faith, he or she may permit the entry to

be cancelled or amended by the person who made it, at any time

while the goods remain subject to the control of the Customs, or,

subject to such conditions as the Minister may impose, at any time

after delivery of the goods from such control.

(3) No cancellation or amendment of any entry by the person

who made it shall take away or affect any penalty, forfeiture or

criminal liability theretofore accrued or incurred in respect of the


(4) The Comptroller may make a refund of duty in accordance

with any such cancellation or amendment of an entry, which shall

be charged on the Treasury Fund and be statutory expenditure and

may be paid accordingly.

(5) The cancellation or amendment of any entry shall be made

in the prescribed manner.

23. Amendment of entries by officers - (1) An officer, for

the purpose of correcting any part of any entry, may amend that

entry before it is passed.

(2) No such amendment shall take away or affect any penalty,

forfeiture, or criminal liability theretofore accrued or incurred in

respect of the entry.

24. Goods to be dealt with according to entry - (1) All

goods in respect of which any entry has been made and passed

shall forthwith be dealt with in accordance with the entry and with

the provisions of this Act in respect of goods so entered.

Customs Act 197722

(2) A person who is knowingly concerned in any

contravention of this section commits an offence against this Act.




Division 1 – Ports of Entry, Customs Airports

25. Declaring port of entry - (1) It is declared that the port of

Apia is a port of entry for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The limits of that port are a circle of 2 miles' radius from

the main wharf existing thereat and shall include all harbour

works, wharves, jetties, installations and buildings directly used in

connection therewith, and also all areas of sea included within that


26. Other ports of entry - (1) The Minister may, by order,

appoint any other port, harbour, or place to be a port of entry for

the purposes of this Act, and define the limits and determine the

name of that port.

(2) The limits of any port of entry so declared may comprise a

portion of the marginal or other waters of Samoa though not

included within the territorial limits of Samoa.

(3) A port of entry may be so appointed for any specified

limited purposes exclusively, or for all purposes with specified

exceptions, or without any such limitation, and if any such

limitation is so imposed the port shall be deemed a port of entry in

respect of the purposes so authorised only.

(4) The Minister may, by order, declare that any port shall

cease to be a port of entry for the purposes of this Act, or alter the

limits or the name of any port, or impose any limitation upon the

purposes for which any port shall be a port of entry, or remove or

alter any such limitation.

27. Boarding stations - (1) The Comptroller may, by warrant

under his or her hand and published in the Gazette and in a

newspaper circulating in Samoa:

(a) appoint stations or places at which ships arriving at

or departing from any port shall bring-to for the

boarding or landing of officers of Customs; and

Customs Act 1977 23

(b) appoint particular parts of any port at which ships

laden with any particular cargo shall moor and

discharge such cargo.

(2)any such appointment may be in like manner revoked.

28. Wharves - (1) The Comptroller may, by warrant under

his or her hand and published in the Gazette and in a newspaper

circulating in Samoa, appoint proper places within any port to be

wharves for the loading and unloading of goods, and declare the

limits of such wharves and fix the names thereof.

(2) The Comptroller may, in like manner, impose such

restrictions as the Comptroller thinks fit with respect to the use of

any such wharf; and so long as any such restrictions exist the

wharf shall be deemed to be a wharf under this Act for such

purposes only as are consistent with those restrictions.

(3) The Comptroller may, in like manner, declare that any

wharf shall cease to be a wharf for the purposes of this Act, or

may alter the limits or the name of the wharf, or alter or remove

any restriction imposed upon its use.

29. Sufferance wharves - When the Comptroller is satisfied

that for any particular purpose there is no suitable wharf available,

the Comptroller may, in writing, appoint any place within a port

as a sufferance wharf for that purpose, and permit its use for that

purpose, subject to such conditions and restrictions and for such

time as he or she thinks fit.

30. Customs airports - (1) It is declared that the Faleolo

aerodrome is a Customs airport.

(2) Subject to the concurrence of the Minister of Civil

Aviation and to such conditions as to security and otherwise as

that Minister thinks fit, the Minister may, by warrant under the

Minister’s hand published in a newspaper circulating in Samoa,

appoint any other aerodrome to be a Customs airport, and may in

like manner and with the like concurrence revoke any such


31. Examination stations at Customs airports - (1) Subject

to the concurrence of the Minister of Civil Aviation, the Minister

may, by warrant under his or her hand published in a newspaper

circulating in Samoa, appoint for the purposes of this Act a place

Customs Act 197724

at any Customs airport to be an examination station for the

loading and unloading of goods and for the embarking and

disembarking of passengers.

(2) The Minister may, with the like concurrence and in like


(a) alter the limits of any examination station; or

(b) impose such conditions and restrictions as the

Minister thinks fit in respect of the use of any

examination station; or

(c) vary or revoke any such conditions or restrictions; or

(d) revoke the appointment of any examination station.

(3) Any examination station which has any restrictions

imposed pursuant to this section shall be an examination station

under this Act for such purposes only as are consistent with those


32. Examining places - The Minister may, by warrant under

the Minister’s hand, appoint at any port or Customs airport places

for the examination by the Customs of goods subject to the

control of the Customs; and any such appointment may be in like

manner revoked.

33. Customs containerbases - (1) The Minister may by

notice in a newspaper circulating in Samoa, appoint places, at any

port or Customs airport, to be Customs containerbases for the

reception, examination, or protection of goods that are subject to

the control of the Customs and are carried or to be carried in bulk

cargo containers.

(2) The Minister may in like manner impose such conditions

and restrictions as the Minister thinks fit in respect of the use of

any Customs containerbase, and vary or revoke any such

conditions or restrictions.

(3) The Minister may by notice in writing to the controlling

authority of any Customs containerbase revoke the appointment

of the containerbase.

(4) Where an appointment is revoked under this section, the

revocation shall take effect on such date as is specified in the

notice of revocation or, if no date is so specified, from the time of

the receipt by the controlling authority of the notice of revocation.

Customs Act 1977 25

(5) Notice of the revocation of any such appointment shall be

published by the Comptroller in a newspaper circulating in


34. Duties of controlling authorities - (1) The controlling

authority of every wharf, Customs airport or Customs

containerbase shall provide and maintain at the wharf or airport,

to the satisfaction of the Minister:

(a) suitable office accommodation, at such place or

places as the Minister may direct, for the

exclusive use of officers of Customs employed at

the wharf, airport, or containerbase; and

(b) such suitable transit buildings or parts of buildings as

the Minister may declare to be requisite in

respect of the wharf, Customs airport, or

Customs containerbase, together with suitable

weighing appliances for use in those buildings or

parts of buildings by officers of Customs.

(2) The controlling authority of every wharf, Customs airport

or Customs containerbase shall store goods subject to the control

of the Customs in such manner and in such place as the

Comptroller or other proper officer of Customs may direct.

35. Storage charges - (1) Subject to the provisions of

subsection (2) no charges shall be made by any controlling

authority for the reception or storage of any goods in any transit

building or on any wharf so long as the goods remain subject to

the control of the Customs.

(2) Where goods remain subject to the control of the Customs

for a longer period than 96 hours (exclusive of holidays) or such

extended period as may be permitted by the Comptroller to enable

examination weighing analysis, or testing for Customs purposes,

after their reception into any transit building or on to any wharf,

there shall be payable on those goods by the importer or exporter

thereof such storage charges as the controlling authority

determines by regulations made in that behalf.

36. Security in respect of wharves and examining places -

(1) Before appointing any wharf, sufferance wharf, Customs

containerbase or examining place under this Act, or as a condition

of the continuance of any such appointment, the Minister shall

Customs Act 197726

require the controlling authority or other person having the use of

that wharf, containerbase, or place to give security to the

satisfaction of the Minister for the payment of duty on all goods

which are wrongfully removed by any person from that wharf,

containerbase, or place.

(2) To the extent of that security the controlling authority or

other person having the use of a wharf, sufferance wharf, Customs

containerbase, or examining place duly appointed under this Act

shall be liable for all duty payable on goods which the

Comptroller is satisfied have been so wrongfully removed, in the

same manner as if those goods had been imported by that

controlling authority or other person and entered for home

consumption, and he or she shall not be released from liability

under this section by virtue of any other provision of any Customs

Act or because a security previously given has been cancelled or

for any other reason.

(3) All the provisions of this Act as to securities required by

the Comptroller shall, so far as they are applicable, and with all

necessary modifications, apply to securities under this section.

Division 2 – Arrival of Ships and Aircraft

37. Ships to come into port of entry only - (1) The master of

any ship except a coastal ship shall not, without the written

permission of the Comptroller, cause or permit his or her ship to

enter any place in Samoa other than a port of entry, unless driven

there by accident, stress of weather, or other necessity.

(2) A master who acts in contravention of this section

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 50

penalty units.

38. Aircraft to land at Customs airport only - (1) Subject to

section 39, the pilot in command of any aircraft shall not, without

the permission of the Minister given with the concurrence of the

Minister of Civil Aviation, cause or permit the aircraft to land at

any place other than a Customs airport:

(a) for the first time on any journey from any country

outside Samoa; or

(b) while it is carrying any goods brought in that aircraft

from any country outside Samoa and not yet

delivered from the control of the Customs.

Customs Act 1977 27

(2) A person importing or concerned in importing any goods

in any aircraft shall not bring the goods into Samoa at any place

other than a Customs airport.

(3) Every person who acts in contravention of any provision

of this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 50 penalty units.

39. Aircraft landing at a place other than a Customs

airport - (1) Section 38 shall not apply in relation to any aircraft

flying from any country outside Samoa if the aircraft is required

under or by virtue of any enactment relating to air navigation, or

is compelled by accident, stress of weather or other necessity, to

land at a place other than a Customs airport.

(2) The pilot in command of any aircraft that is so required or

compelled to land:

(a) shall, unless the place of landing is an aerodrome,

forthwith report to an officer of Customs or to a

member of the Police;

(b) shall, if the place of landing is an aerodrome,

forthwith report the arrival of the aircraft and the

place whence it came to the person in charge of

the aerodrome;

(c) shall not, without the consent of an officer of

Customs, permit any goods carried in the aircraft

to be unloaded from it, or any of the crew or

passengers to depart from its vicinity; and

(d) shall comply with any directions given by an officer

of Customs in respect of any goods carried in the


(3) No passenger or member of the crew of any aircraft that is

so required or compelled to land shall leave the vicinity of the

aircraft without the consent of an officer of Customs or member

of the Police.

(4) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the departure of crew

or passengers from the vicinity of an aircraft or the removal of

goods from it if that departure or removal is necessary for reasons

of health or safety, or for the preservation of life or property.

(5) The pilot in command of any aircraft to which this section

applies shall not be held to have committed a breach of this

section if the pilot proves that:

Customs Act 197728

(a) no officer of Customs or member of the Police was

readily accessible; and

(b) the pilot did not permit any goods to be unloaded

from the aircraft or any passengers to depart

from its vicinity; and

(c) as soon as was practicable, the pilot resumed and

completed the flight.

(6) Every person in charge of an aerodrome to whom a report

is made under subsection (2)(b) shall forthwith report the arrival

of the aircraft to an officer of Customs.

(7) Every person who acts in contravention of any of the

provisions of this section commits an offence and is liable to a

fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.

40. Transhipment of goods - (1) Except as permitted by the

Comptroller, the master of any coastal ship or the pilot in

command of any aircraft (other than an aircraft arriving on a

journey from any country outside Samoa) shall not, at any place

other than a port of entry or Customs airport, cause or permit any

goods to be transhipped into his or her ship or aircraft from:

(a) any ship except a coastal ship; or

(b) any aircraft arriving on a journey from any country

outside Samoa.

(2) This Part of this Act shall apply:

(a) to any goods so transhipped otherwise than at a port

of entry or Customs airport; and

(b) to any ship or aircraft into which such goods are

transhipped, as if the goods had been loaded into

that ship or aircraft in a country outside Samoa.

(3) Every master or pilot in command who acts in

contravention of subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable

to a fine not exceeding 50 penalty units or3 times the value of the

imported goods, whichever is the greater, and the court shall order

that the goods and any ship or aircraft used for their transshipment

shall be forfeited to the State.

41. Interference with cargo - If at any time after any ship or

aircraft carrying goods brought from any country outside Samoa

arrives within the territorial limits of Samoa, and, before a report

is made in accordance with section 46:

(a) bulk is broken; or

Customs Act 1977 29

(b) any alteration is made in the stowage of any goods

carried, so as to facilitate the unloading of any

part thereof before due report has been made; or

(c) any part of the goods is staved, destroyed, or thrown

overboard, or any package is opened, and the

matter is not explained to the satisfaction of the

Comptroller, the master of the ship or pilot in

command of the aircraft is guilty of an offence

and is liable to a fine not exceeding 10 penalty


42. Boarding of ships at sea - (1) The master of every ship

arriving within the territorial limits of Samoa shall bring the ship

to for boarding on being approached by or hailed or signalled

from any vessel in the service of the Customs having hoisted the

Customs flag, or from any other vessel in the service of the

Government having hoisted the proper ensign and pendant, and

shall by all reasonable means facilitate the boarding of the ship by

the officers of Customs or by an officer of the vessel so

approaching, hailing or signalling.

(2) If the master fails to comply with any provision of this

section he or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 10 penalty units.

43. Boarding of ships at boarding stations - (1) The master

of every ship arriving at any port from any country outside Samoa

shall bring his or her ship to for boarding at the boarding station

appointed for that port under this Act; and shall by all reasonable

means facilitate the boarding of the ship by the officers of


(2) If a master fails to comply with any provision of this

section he or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 10 penalty units.

44. Stations of ships - (1) The master of every ship, after the

ship has been brought to at the boarding station and boarded by

the officer, and after receiving permission from the proper officer

of Customs, shall come up to the proper place of mooring or

unloading as quickly as practicable without touching at any other


Customs Act 197730

(2) After a ship has arrived at the proper place of mooring or

unloading, it shall not, except by the authority of the Comptroller

or by direction of the harbour or port authority, be removed

therefrom before the discharge of the cargo intended to be

discharged at that port.

(3) If any provision of this section is contravened, the master

of the ship is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 10 penalty units.

45. Aircraft to be brought to examination station - (1) The

pilot in command of every aircraft arriving at a Customs airport:

(a) for the first time on any journey from any country

outside Samoa; or

(b) while it is carrying goods brought in that aircraft

from any country outside Samoa and not yet

delivered from the control of the Customs, shall,

on landing, forthwith take his or her aircraft to

the examination station at the airport.

(2) The pilot shall not be held to have committed a breach of

subsection (1) if the pilot satisfies the Comptroller that:

(a) he or she was prevented, by circumstances over

which he or she had no control, from so taking

the aircraft to the examination station; and

(b) after report had been duly made by him or her

pursuant to section 46, all the goods carried in

the aircraft were conveyed to the examining

place at that airport.

(3) After an aircraft has arrived at the examination station it

shall not, except by the authority of the Comptroller or by

direction of the controlling authority of the Customs airport, be

removed therefrom before the disembarkation of passengers and

unloading of cargo intended for that airport has been completed.

(4) If any provision of subsection (1) or subsection (3) is

contravened the pilot is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine

not exceeding 20 penalty units.

46. Inward reports - (1) This section shall apply to:

(a) every ship, except a coastal ship; and

(b) every aircraft arriving at a Customs airport:

(i) for the first time on any journey from any

country outside Samoa; or

Customs Act 1977 31

(ii) while it is carrying any goods brought in that

aircraft from any country outside Samoa

and not yet delivered from the control of

the Customs.

(2) On the arrival at any port or Customs airport of any ship or

aircraft to which this section applies, the master or owner of the

ship, or, as the case may be, the pilot in command or owner of the

aircraft, shall within such time or times as may be prescribed:

(a) deliver to the Comptroller or other proper officer an

inward report in such form and manner,

containing such particulars, verified by

declaration, and with such supporting

documents, as may be prescribed; and

(b) answer all questions asked by the Comptroller or

other proper officer relating to the ship or aircraft

and its passengers, crew, cargo, stores and


(3) If the master or owner or pilot, as the case may be, fails to

comply with any provision of subsection (2) he or she commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

(4) If the inward report so delivered is false, misleading, or

defective in any particular, or if any document so delivered is not

genuine or is false or misleading, or if the answer to any question

is false or misleading, the master or pilot and the owner shall each

be guilty of an offence and shall be severally liable to a fine not

exceeding 20 penalty units.

47. Reports of wrecked ships and aircraft - (1) When any

ship or any aircraft carrying goods taken on board in any country

outside Samoa and not yet delivered from the control of the

Customs is lost or wrecked within the territorial limits of Samoa,

the master or owner of the ship or, as the case may require, the

pilot in command or owner of the aircraft, shall without

unnecessary delay report the loss or wreck to the Collector at the

port nearest to the place where the ship or aircraft was lost or

wrecked, and shall comply, so far as it is possible for him or her to

do so with the provisions of section 46(2)(a) and (b).

(2) If any of the provisions of this section are not complied

with, the master or pilot and the owner shall each be guilty of an

offence and shall be severally liable to a fine not exceeding 10

penalty units.

Customs Act 197732

DIVISION 3 – Importation

48. “Importation” defined - (1) For all the purposes of this

Act, goods shall, except where otherwise expressly provided, be

deemed to be imported into Samoa if and so soon as in any

manner whatever, whether lawfully or unlawfully, they are

brought or come within the territorial limits of Samoa from any

country outside Samoa.

(2) Goods whose destination is outside the territorial limits of

Samoa, and ships' stores, shall not be deemed to have been so

imported unless, while they are within those limits, they are

removed from the ship or aircraft in which they arrived there, but

if so removed they shall for all the purposes of this Act be deemed

to have been imported so soon as they were brought within the

territorial limits of Samoa as aforesaid.

49. Prohibited imports - (1) It shall not be lawful to import

into Samoa any of the goods specified in the First Schedule


(2) Save in pursuance of a licence granted by the Minister,

and subject to any conditions imposed by the Minister in granting

a licence, it shall not be lawful to import into Samoa:

(a) repealed by section 10 of the Arms Amendment Act


(b) any used sack, used bag, used pack, used bale, or

other similar used container, if such sack, bag,

pack, bale or other container is substantially

fabricated of jute, flax, sisal or similar material

of vegetable origin.

(3) Subject to subsection (4), the Head of State may by order

prohibit the importation into Samoa of:

(a) any specified goods;

(b) goods of any specified class or classes;

(c) all goods except goods of a specified class or

specified classes; and

(d) all goods whatsoever (without specification of any

such goods or of the class or classes to which

they belong).

(4) The Head of State may exercise the powers conferred by

subsection (3) if in the Head of State’s opinion such exercise is


Customs Act 1977 33

(a) in the public interest; or

(b) for the protection of the revenue; or

(c) for the efficient administration of the Customs Acts;


(d) for the prevention of fraud or deception, whether in

relation to the Customs Acts or not; or

(e) for the prevention of any infectious disease within

the meaning of the Health Ordinance 1959; or

(f) in respect of goods whose sale in Samoa would be an

offence against the law.

(5) Any prohibition imposed pursuant to this section:

(a) may be general; or

(b) may be limited to the importation of goods from any

specified place or by or from any specified

person or class of persons; or

(c) may, whether general or limited, be absolute or


(6) Any such conditional prohibition may allow the

importation of goods:

(a) under the authority of a licence, or a permit (whether

granted before or after the importation of the

goods), or a consent, to be granted by the

Minister or by any other prescribed person upon

or subject to such terms or conditions (if any),

not inconsistent with the provisions of the

prohibition, as may be imposed by the Minister

or other person granting the licence, permit, or

consent, or

(b) on or subject to any other prescribed conditions


(7) All orders in force at the commencement of this Act

prohibiting the importation of any goods into Samoa are deemed

to have been made under this section, and shall continue in force

accordingly until revoked.

(8) A person commits an offence against this section who:

(a) imports into Samoa or unships or lands in Samoa any

goods whose importation is prohibited by this

section or by any order made thereunder and in

force at the time of importation; or

(b) commits any breach of, or fails in any respect to

comply with, any term or condition on or subject

Customs Act 197734

to which there has been granted, under any order

made under this section, any licence, permit, or

consent under the authority of which any goods

are imported into Samoa; or

(c) is knowingly concerned in any importation,

unshipment, landing, breach, or non-compliance

to which any provision of paragraph (a) or

paragraph (b) applies; or

(d) without lawful justification or excuse, removes from

any wharf, Customs airport, Customs

containerbase, or examining place any imported

goods whose importation constitutes an offence

against this section; or

(e) is knowingly concerned in or connives at the removal

from any wharf, Customs airport, Customs

containerbase, or examining place of any goods

whose importation constitutes an offence against

this section.

(9) Where any goods are imported into Samoa under the

authority of a licence or permit or consent granted under an order

made under this section, and any person has knowingly made any

false declaration or statement:

(a) for the purpose of obtaining that licence, permit, or

consent; or

(b) as to compliance with any condition on or subject to

which the licence, permit, or consent was

granted, he or she commits an offence against

this section.

(10) Aperson who commits an offence against this section is

liable to a fine not exceeding 50 penalty units or twice the value

of the goods to which the offence relates, whichever sum is the


(11) Any goods in respect of which any offence against this

section is committed shall be forfeited.

(12) No goods otherwise dutiable shall be exempt from duty

because their importation is unlawful.

50. Importation of brandy, whisky and rum - (1) Except as

provided in subsection (3), no brandy imported into Samoa shall

be delivered from the control of the Customs unless the

Comptroller is satisfied that:

Customs Act 1977 35

(a) it is wholly the distillate of the fermented juice of

fresh grapes; and

(b) it has been matured by storage in wood for a period

of not less than 3 years.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (3), no whisky or rum

imported into Samoa shall be delivered from the control of the

Customs unless the Comptroller is satisfied that it has been

matured by storage in wood for a period of not less than:

(a) five years in the case of whisky; and

(b) two years in the case of rum.

(3) Any brandy, whisky, or rum that does not conform to the

requirements of this section may be delivered from the control of

the Customs, by direction of the Comptroller, if he or she is

satisfied that it is intended for scientific or industrial use or for

such other purposes as he or she may permit.

51. Goods not to be landed or dealt with without

permission - (1) Except as provided by this Act, no goods which

are subject to the control of the Customs, and no goods which

would become subject to that control if unshipped or landed, shall

be unshipped or landed from any ship or aircraft to which this

subsection applies, except pursuant to:

(a) an entry made and passed in respect of those goods;


(b) a written permit granted by the Comptroller in

respect thereof:

PROVIDED THAT if the landing of goods from any ship or

aircraft is necessary for reasons of health or safety, or for the

preservation of life or property, and if the permission of the

Comptroller or other proper officer cannot readily be sought, the

goods may be landed without such permission.

(2) Subsection (1) shall apply to:

(a) every ship, except a coastal ship; and

(b) every aircraft arriving at a Customs airport while

carrying any goods brought in that aircraft from

any country outside Samoa.

(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to any pallet that has a value

of less than $20 and is imported laden.

(4) A person who acts in contravention of any provision of

this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

Customs Act 197736

exceeding 50 penalty units, and the goods in respect of which the

offence is committed shall be forfeited.

52. Comptroller's permits - (1) Goods unshipped, landed, or

removed under a Comptroller's permit shall be dealt with in

accordance with the permit and with any directions given by the


(2) This Act shall apply to such goods in the same manner as

if they had not been unshipped, landed or removed, and for this

purpose they shall be deemed constructively to have remained

upon or in the ship, aircraft, wharf, Customs airport or examining

place from which they were so unshipped, landed or removed.

(3) Any permit issued for the unshipment, landing, or removal

of bulk cargo containers to the controlling authority of a Customs

containerbase or an examining place shall relate to such

containers generally.

(4) A permit for the unshipment, landing, or removal of

pallets may relate to pallets generally, or to pallets imported in

any particular ship or aircraft, or to any specified class of pallets,

or to pallets imported in specified circumstances.

(5) Any permit may be granted subject to such conditions and

restrictions as the Collector thinks fit.

(6) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, if in

the case of a permit granted to the controlling authority of a

Customs containerbase or an examining place pursuant to

subsection (4) the Collector has reasonable cause to believe that

the controlling authority has committed a breach of any provision

of this Act or of any regulations thereunder or of any condition or

restriction imposed under this Act or such regulations, he or she

may, by notice in writing to the controlling authority, revoke the

permit, or suspend it for any period specified in the notice.

(7) Where a permit is revoked or suspended under this

section, the revocation or suspension shall take effect on such date

as is specified in the notice of revocation or suspension or, if no

date is so specified, from the time of the receipt by the controlling

authority of the notice of revocation or suspension.

(8) If such goods are at any time dealt with by any person

contrary to the terms of the permit or to the directions of the

Comptroller, they shall be deemed for all the purposes of this Act

to have been unlawfully unshipped, landed or removed by that

person as if the permit had not been granted.

Customs Act 1977 37

53. Method of unshipment - (1) All goods on any ship which

are subject to the control of the Customs, or which would become

subject to that control if unshipped or landed, shall, if unshipped,

be either:

(a) landed at a wharf directly, or after direct conveyance

to a wharf by water within the limits of the port;


(b) transhipped directly, or after direct conveyance by

water within the limits of the port, to the ship

into which they are to be transhipped for export


(2) All goods on any aircraft, being goods brought by that

aircraft from any country outside Samoa, shall, if unshipped, be


(a) landed directly at an examination station or, if the

aircraft does not come to an examination station,

conveyed directly from the aircraft to the

examining place at the Customs airport; or

(b) transhipped directly, or by direct conveyance within

a Customs airport, to the aircraft into which the

goods are to be transhipped for export or


(3) A person who is knowingly concerned in any dealing with

goods in contravention of this section commits an offence and is

liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

54. Removal of goods from wharf, airport, etc. - (1)

Except as provided by this Act, no goods that are subject to the

control of the Customs shall be removed from any wharf,

Customs airport, Customs containerbase, or examining place


(a) with the permission of the proper officer of Customs

after entry has been made and passed in respect

thereof; or

(b) in pursuance of a written permit granted by the

Collector in respect thereof.

(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply to any pallet that has a value

of less than $20 and is imported laden.

(3) A person who acts in contravention of any provision of

this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

Customs Act 197738

exceeding 50 penalty units, and the goods in respect of which the

offence is committed shall be forfeited.

55. Kinds of entry of imported goods - Except as provided

in section 56 or section 57 all imported goods, when they have

arrived at their port of discharge, or with the consent of the

Comptroller at any time before their arrival, shall be there entered

by the importer:

(a) for home consumption; or

(b) for warehousing; or

(c) for export; or

(d) for removal.

56. Passenger's effects exempt from entry - Goods being

the personal baggage or household or other effects belonging to

and accompanying passengers in any ship or aircraft, and not

being dutiable goods imported for the purpose of sale or exchange

or as trade samples, may, subject to any prescribed conditions, be

imported or exported without entry.

57. Certain goods exempt from entry - The following goods

may, subject to any prescribed conditions, be imported or

exported without entry:

(a) such bulk cargo containers, and such wagons,

trolleys, or wheeled pallets specially designed for

the handling of bulk cargo containers, as may be


(b) any pallet which has a value of less than $20 and is

imported laden:

PROVIDED THAT in any case where the Collector is satisfied

that the pallet is imported for sale or re-use in Samoa he or she

may require that entry be made;

(c) any pallet which has a value of less than $20 and is

imported unladen, and any pallet (whether

imported laden or unladen) which has a value of

$20 or more, being in either case a pallet which

is imported temporarily and in respect of which a

Collector's permit for removal is granted under

section 54;

(d) such other goods or classes of goods as may be


Customs Act 1977 39

58. When entry to be made - (1) Subject to section 60,

entries shall be made of all goods unshipped or to be unshipped at

any port, or removed to any port, within such respective times

after the arrival of the goods at that port as may be prescribed, or

within such further time (if any) as the Comptroller may see fit to

allow, but so that, if the goods are placed in quarantine, at least 7

days shall be allowed for entry after their release from quarantine.

(2) If default is made in the entry of any goods pursuant to this

section, the Comptroller may cause the goods to be removed to a

warehouse, and if the goods are not claimed and entries passed

therefor within 1 month after such removal, duty shall thereupon

become due and payable on the goods as if entered for home

consumption, and the goods may be sold by the Comptroller.

(3) If any goods in respect of which default has been so made

are, in the opinion of the Comptroller, of a perishable nature, they

may be sold at any time the Comptroller thinks fit, either before or

after warehousing.

59. Vessels or aircraft imported otherwise than as cargo -

(1) Despite anything in this Act, entries shall be made in respect

of such ships and other vessels, and in respect of such aircraft,

being ships, vessels and aircraft imported into Samoa otherwise

than as cargo, as the Minister may determine by notice in the


(2) For the purpose of making entries in respect of any ship or

vessel or aircraft imported into Samoa otherwise than as cargo,

and for all other purposes of the Customs Acts, every such ship,

vessel or aircraft shall be deemed to have been imported as cargo

and to have been unshipped as such on its arrival.

60. Production of licence or permit for restricted goods -

Where under this Act or any other Act, or under any regulations

or order made under this Act or any other Act, the importation of

any goods, or of goods of any class or kind, is prohibited except

under the authority of a licence or permit, the Comptroller or

other proper officer may if he or she thinks fit refuse to accept an

entry for those goods, or for any goods of that class or kind, until

a licence or permit for their importation is produced to him or her.

61. Sight entries - (1) If the importer cannot immediately

supply the full particulars for making an entry, and makes by

Customs Act 197740

himself or herself or his or her agent a declaration to that effect

before the Comptroller or other proper officer, he or she may

make a sight entry in the prescribed form.

(2) A sight entry, on being passed by the Comptroller, shall be

warrant for the landing and examination of the goods by the


(3) The importer of the goods included in a sight entry shall,

within 7 days after the passing of that entry, or within such further

time as is allowed by the Comptroller, make complete entry

thereof; and if he or she makes default in so doing the goods may

be dealt with by the Comptroller as if no sight entry had been


(4) A complete entry of the goods included in a sight entry

shall be made in the same manner as if the sight entry had not

been made.

62. Delivery of goods on sight entry - (1) The Comptroller

may, if the Comptroller thinks fit, deliver goods from the control

of the Customs for home consumption in pursuance of a sight

entry but only on receiving such security as he or she thinks

sufficient to cover the full amount of duty.

(2) Complete entry of the goods for home consumption shall

thereafter be made by the importer within such time as the

Comptroller appoints; and if the importer makes default in

making such entry he or she commits an offence and is liable to a

fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

(3) Goods so delivered on a sight entry shall, on such delivery,

be deemed to have been entered for home consumption.

63. Entry of imported goods for home consumption -

Except as provided in section 164, when any imported goods have

been entered for home consumption the importer shall forthwith

pay to the Comptroller or other proper officer the duties (if any)

payable thereon.

64. Importer may be required to furnish samples and

illustrations - The importer of any goods shall furnish free of

charge, for the use of the Customs, such samples or such

illustrations, drawings or plans relative to the goods as may be

required by the Comptroller for purposes of analysis,

classification or record.

Customs Act 1977 41

DIVISION 4 – Removal within Samoa and Exportation

65. Removal of imported goods within Samoa - (1) No

imported goods subject to the control of the Customs shall be

placed on any ship, boat, lighter, or other conveyance for removal

within Samoa until entry for removal has been duly made and

passed therefor in the prescribed form and manner.

(2) When any imported goods have been entered for removal

the importer shall forthwith remove them to another port of entry

in accordance with the entry, without payment of duty in the first


(3) The Comptroller may require from the importer security

for the due removal of the goods in accordance with the entry, and

for the payment of the duty thereon.

(4) When the goods so removed have arrived at their port of

destination, or with the consent of the Comptroller at any time

before their arrival, they shall be there entered for home

consumption, warehousing, export or further removal, in the same

manner as if no former entry has been made therefor, and all the

provisions of this Act shall apply accordingly.

(5) When any goods so entered for removal to another port

arrive at that port they shall be forthwith brought to a wharf or an

examining place or a Customs containerbase (as the case may

require) appointed at that port for the examination of goods

subject to the control of the Customs.

(6) If any goods are dealt with in contravention of subsection

(1), they shall be forfeited; and any person so dealing with them

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

66. Export of goods subject to control of Customs - (1) No

goods subject to the control of the Customs shall be placed on

board any ship, boat, lighter, or other vessel or loaded into any

aircraft or packed into any bulk cargo container in a Customs

containerbase, to be shipped for export until entry has been duly

made and passed therefor in the prescribed form and manner:

PROVIDED THAT, where the Collector is satisfied in respect of

any goods that their exportation is not prohibited by any Order

made under section 73 of this Act, he or she may permit such

entry to be made within 6 days after the goods have been so


Customs Act 197742

(2) When any imported goods have been entered for export

the importer shall forthwith export them to a country outside

Samoa in accordance with the entry and with the provisions of

this Act relating to the exportation of goods, and, except as

provided in section 164, no duty shall be payable thereon.

(3) If any goods are dealt with in contravention of subsection

(1), they shall be forfeited; and any person so dealing with them

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

67. Entry for export of goods not subject to control of

Customs - (1) When goods not subject to the control of the

Customs are shipped for export, entry thereof for export shall be

made, in the prescribed form and manner, before shipment or

within 6 days after shipment, or within such further time as may

be prescribed.

(2) If entry is not made in accordance with this section, the

exporter and every person knowingly concerned in the

exportation or intended exportation of the goods commits an

offence against this Act.

68. Method of shipment - (1) Goods subject to the control of

the Customs for export or removal within Samoa shall be brought

to the ship, aircraft or vehicle in which they are to be exported or

removed by the most direct means reasonably available.

(2) Every person who deals with or is knowingly concerned in

dealing with goods in contravention of this section commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

69. Goods not shipped according to entry - (1) If any goods

entered for export or removal within Samoa are not shipped

according to the entry, the person making the entry shall

immediately give to the Comptroller notice of the failure to ship

and, as required by the Comptroller, cancel or amend the entry.

(2) A person commits an offence against this Act who fails to

comply with any provision of this section.

70. Information and securities in respect of exported

goods - (1) When any goods have been entered for export the

Comptroller may require the person making the entry to produce

all documents relating to the goods, and, if the goods are subject

Customs Act 1977 43

to the control of the Customs, to give security that they will be

landed at the place for which they are entered or otherwise

accounted for to the satisfaction of the Comptroller.

(2) If required by the Comptroller, a certificate in the

prescribed form, to be given by such person as may be prescribed,

shall be produced by the exporter in proof of the due landing,

according to the export entry, of any goods which at the time of

shipment were subject to the control of the Customs.

(3) The Comptroller may refuse to allow any other goods

subject to the control of the Customs to be exported by any person

who fails within a reasonable time to produce any certificate so

required of the landing of any such goods previously exported by

him or her, or to account for such goods t o the satisfaction of the


71. Exported goods not to be relanded - (1) No goods

shipped for export shall be unshipped or landed, except in a

country outside Samoa, without the permission of the Comptroller

or some other proper officer of Customs.

(2) If any goods which at the time of shipment were subject to

the control of the Customs are unshipped or landed in breach of

this section, they shall be forfeited.

(3) If any goods are unshipped or landed in contravention of

this section, the master and owner of the ship, or the pilot in

command and owner of the aircraft, as the case may be, and every

person knowingly concerned in such unshipment or landing, shall

be severally liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

72. Time of exportation - For the purposes of this Act the

time of exportation of goods shall be deemed to be the time at

which the exporting ship leaves the limits of her or his last port of

call in Samoa, or at which the exporting aircraft departs from the

last Customs airport at which it landed immediately before

proceeding to a country outside Samoa.

73. Prohibited exports - (1) The Head of State may, by

Order, prohibit the exportation of any goods:

(a) being arms, explosives, or military or naval stores, or

being goods which, in the Head of State’s

opinion, may, if exported, be used as or in the

Customs Act 197744

manufacture of arms, explosives, or military or

naval stores, or for any purpose of war; or

(b) being goods the prohibition of the exportation of

which is, in the Head of State’s opinion,

necessary for the preservation of the flora or

fauna of Samoa; or

(c) being goods which have not been prepared or

manufactured in accordance with or do not

conform to any conditions as to purity,

soundness or freedom from disease imposed by

any law of Samoa; or

(d) being goods the exportation of which would, in the

Head of State’s opinion, be a source of danger to

life or property at sea or in the air; or

(e) being goods the prohibition of the exportation of

which is, in the Head of State’s opinion,

necessary in the public interest.

(2) The powers conferred on the Head of State by subsection

(1) of this section extend to authorise the prohibition of the

exportation of:

(a) any specified goods;

(b) goods of any specified class or classes;

(c) all goods except goods of a specified class or

specified classes; and

(d) all goods whatsoever (without specification of such

goods or of the class or classes to which they


(3) Any prohibition imposed pursuant to this section:

(a) may be general; or

(b) may be limited to the exportation of goods to any

specified place or by or to any specified person

or class of persons; or

(c) may, whether general or limited, be absolute or


(4) Any such conditional prohibition may allow the

exportation of goods:

(a) under the authority of a licence, permit or consent to

be granted by the Minister or by any other

prescribed person on or subject to such terms or

conditions (if any), not inconsistent with the

provisions of the prohibition, as may be imposed

Customs Act 1977 45

by the Minister or person granting the licence,

permit or consent; or

(b) on or subject to any other prescribed conditions


(5) All orders and notices in force at the commencement of

this Act prohibiting the exportation of any goods, aretakento have

been made under this section, and shall continue in force

accordingly until revoked.

(6) Every person commits an offence against this section who:

(a) exports, or ships, with intent to export, or conspires

with any other person (whether that other person

is in Samoa or not) to export, any goods from

Samoa, contrary to the terms of any prohibitions

in force with respect thereto; or

(b) commits any breach of, or fails in any respect to

comply with, any term or condition on or subject

to which there has been granted, under any Order

made under this section, any licence, permit, or

consent; or

(c) knowingly makes any false declaration or statement

for the purpose of obtaining any such licence,

permit, or consent; or

(d) is knowingly concerned in any exportation,

shipment, breach, or non-compliance to which

paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) applies.

(7) All goods shipped on board any ship or aircraft for the

purpose of being exported contrary to the terms of any such

prohibition in force with respect thereto, and all goods waterborne

for the purpose of being so shipped and exported, shall be


(8) No such prohibition shall apply to goods which are already

loaded into the exporting ship or aircraft at the time when the

prohibition comes into force.

(9) Any prohibition under this section of the exportation of

any goods shall, unless otherwise specified, extend and apply to

the shipment of such goods for use as ships' stores.

(10) Any person who commits an offence against this section

is liable to a fine not exceeding 50 penalty units or 3 times the

value of the goods to which the offence relates, whichever is the


Customs Act 197746

Division 5 – Departure of Ships and Aircraft

74. Clearance of ships and aircraft - (1) Unless he or she

has received from the Comptroller a certificate of clearance in the

prescribed form:

(a) the master of any ship, except a coastal ship, shall

not depart with his or her ship from any port; and

(b) the pilot in command of any aircraft shall not depart

with his or her aircraft from any Customs airport

for any country outside Samoa.

(2) If any provision of this section is contravened, the master

and the owner of the ship, or, as the case may be, the pilot in

command and the owner of the aircraft, shall each be guilty of an

offence and shall be severally liable to a fine not exceeding 50

penalty units.

(3) If the master of any ship or the pilot in command of any

aircraft attempts or threatens to commit an offence against this

section, the Comptroller or other proper officer may (in addition

to any power of seizure and detention under Part XIII for any

offence so committed) seize and detain the ship or aircraft until a

certificate of clearance has been obtained, and section 266

(relating to the offence of taking away ships or aircraft seized)

shall apply in the same manner as if the ship or aircraft had been

seized under Part XIII.

75. Reports outwards - (1) Before any certificate of

clearance is granted to the master of any ship or the pilot in

command of any aircraft, the master or pilot shall:

(a) deliver to the Comptroller or other proper officer a

report outwards in such form and manner,

containing such particulars verified by

declaration, and with such supporting

documents, as may be prescribed; and

(b) answer all questions asked by the Comptroller or

other proper officer relating to the ship or aircraft

and passengers, crew, cargo, stores, and intended

voyage or journey; and

(c) produce such other documents as may be required by

the Comptroller or other proper officer relating

to the ship or aircraft and her or his cargo.

Customs Act 1977 47

(2) If the report so delivered is false, misleading, or defective

in any particular, or if the answer to any such question is false or

misleading, or if any document so delivered or produced is not

genuine or is false or misleading, the master or pilot commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

76. Entitlement to clearance - (1) Subject to the provisions

of this and of any other Act, any ship or aircraft shall be entitled to

a certificate of clearance when:

(a) not less than 24 hours have elapsed after application

for the clearance has been made to the

Comptroller; and

(b) all inward cargo and stores of the ship or aircraft

have been duly accounted for and all the other

requirements of the law in regard to the ship or

aircraft and her or his inward and outward cargo

and stores have been duly complied with.

(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the Comptroller, if he

or she thinks fit, from granting the certificate at any time after

application therefor if he or she is satisfied that the provisions of

subsection (1)(b) have been duly complied with.

77. Boarding of outward ships and aircraft - (1) The master

of every ship departing from any port shall, if required to do so by

the proper officer, bring his or her ship to at the boarding station

appointed for the port, and by all reasonable means facilitate

boarding by officers of Customs.

(2) The pilot in command of every aircraft departing from a

Customs airport for any country outside Samoa shall, if so

required by the Comptroller or other officer, bring the aircraft to

the examination station and by all reasonable means facilitate

boarding by officers of Customs.

(3) The master of any ship or pilot in command of any aircraft

shall not depart with the ship or aircraft from any port or Customs

airport with any officer of Customs on board in the discharge of

his or her duty, without the consent of that officer.

(4) If the master or pilot acts in contravention of any provision

of this section he or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine

not exceeding 10 penalty units.

Customs Act 197748

78. Production of clearance - (1) The master of every ship

and the pilot in command of every aircraft to whom a certificate

of clearance has been granted shall, on demand by an officer of

Customs, produce the certificate for examination by the officer

and answer any questions the officer may put concerning the ship

or aircraft and its passengers, crew, cargo, stores, and intended

voyage of journey.

(2) If the master or pilot acts in contravention of any provision

of this section he or she commits an offence against this Act.

79. Departure to be from port of entry or Customs airport

only - (1) Except with the prior permission of the Minister, no

ship shall:

(a) depart for any country outside Samoa from any place

in Samoa other than a port of entry, save after

being driven there by accident, stress of weather,

or other necessity; or

(b) having cleared from any place in Samoa for any

country outside Samoa, go to any place in Samoa

other than a port of entry, unless driven there by

accident, stress of weather, or other necessity.

(2) Except with the prior permission of the Minister, given

with the concurrence of the Minister of Civil Aviation, no aircraft


(a) depart from any place in Samoa, other than a

Customs airport, for any country outside Samoa;


(b) having obtained a certificate of clearance at any

Customs airport in Samoa, land at any place in

Samoa other than a Customs airport.

(3) Nothing in subsection (2)(b) shall apply in relation to any

aircraft flying to any country outside Samoa if the aircraft is

required under or by virtue of any enactment relating to air

navigation, or is compelled by accident, stress of weather, or other

necessity, to land at a place other than a Customs airport. Where

any such aircraft is so required or compelled to land, the

provisions of subsections (2) to (6) of section 39 shall apply.

(4) If any provision of this section, or of subsections (2) to (5)

of section 39 (as applied by this section), is contravened, the

master and the owner of the ship or, as the case may be, the pilot

in command and the owner of the aircraft are each guilty of an

Customs Act 1977 49

offence and are severally liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty


Division 6 – Stores for Ships and Aircraft

80. Stores exempt from duty - (1) Subject to any prescribed

restrictions, such an allowance of stores as the Comptroller thinks

adequate for the passengers and crew and the service of every

ship or aircraft about to depart (whether directly or otherwise) for

any country outside Samoa may be shipped free of duty on entry

for export under section 55 or from any warehouse or under

drawback of duty.

(2) Such stores shall be shipped pursuant only to an order of

the Comptroller on request made in the prescribed form and

manner by the master or owner of the ship or the pilot in

command or owner of the aircraft.

(3) On the issue of any such order in respect of warehoused

goods, the stores therein mentioned shall be forthwith shipped in

pursuance of the order in the same manner as if they had been

entered for export, and all the provisions of this Act as to

warehoused goods entered or shipped for export, so far as they are

applicable, shall apply thereto accordingly.

(4) On the issue of any such order in respect of goods to be

shipped under drawback, the goods shall be forthwith entered in

the prescribed form and manner for shipment as ships' stores

under drawback, and, save so far as is otherwise prescribed, all

the provisions of this Act relating to drawbacks, so far as they are

applicable, shall apply thereto accordingly as if the goods were for

export and as if the master or owner of the ship or the pilot in

command or owner of the aircraft, as the case may be, was the


(5) Without limiting the power to make regulations conferred

by section 279, regulations may be made under that section:

(a) determining what classes of goods are, or are not, to

be deemed stores within the meaning of this


(b) extending the provisions of this section, subject to

such restrictions and conditions as are deemed

necessary, to ships departing from Samoa and

returning thereto without going to countries

outside Samoa.

Customs Act 197750

81. Stores subject to duty - (1) If any ship or aircraft not

being entitled to receive stores free of duty under section 80

leaves any port of entry or Customs airport having on board

dutiable stores shipped under the authority of that section or

loaded elsewhere than in Samoa, duty shall be payable on those

stores as if imported and entered for home consumption so far as

they are consumed at any place, or in the course of any voyage or

journey between any 2 places, within the territorial limits of

Samoa at any time before the ship or aircraft becomes entitled

under section 80 to receive stores free of duty.

(2) Entries shall be made and passed and duty paid on such

stores in the prescribed manner and at the prescribed time.

(3) The owner and master of the ship or the owner and pilot in

command of the aircraft, as the case may be, shall be deemed to

be the importers of such stores.

(4) Any ship or aircraft to which this section relates shall not

be entitled to a certificate of clearance at any port of Customs

airport until duty under this section has been paid.



Division 1 – Licensed Warehouses

82. Licensing of warehouses - (1) Any place of security for

the deposit, keeping, and securing of dutiable goods without

payment of duty thereon may be licensed under this Act:

(a) as a warehouse for the warehousing of dutiable

goods generally;

(b) as a warehouse for the warehousing of such class or

classes of dutiable goods as may be specified in

the licence; or

(c) as a manufacturing warehouse in which dutiable

goods may be warehoused for use in such

manufacture or processing of goods as is

permitted by this Act or by regulations to be

carried on in manufacturing warehouses.

(2) Any 2 or more places of security may be licensed as 1


(3) Any such warehouse may be situated in any port or

outside the limits of any port.

Customs Act 1977 51

83. Application for licence - (1) A person who desires to

obtain a licence for a warehouse shall make application therefor to

the Comptroller.

(2) The application shall be made by the occupier of the

premises to which it relates.

84. Security for warehouse - (1) Before any licence for a

warehouse is granted, the applicant therefor shall, if the

Comptroller so requires, give such security as the Comptroller

approves, and in such sum as he or she requires, for the payment

of all duties which may become payable by the licensee under this

Act in respect of any goods warehoused in that warehouse.

(2) The Comptroller may at any time require specified

security to be given by any such licensee in substitution for any

security theretofore given by him or her, and may cancel the last

mentioned security accordingly.

(3) If any licensee fails or refuses to give any security required

under this section, his or her licence may be cancelled by the

Minister by notice published in a newspaper circulating in Samoa.

85. Grant of licence - On receipt through the Comptroller of

an application from the occupier of any warehouse, the Minister,

in the Minister’s discretion, may grant to the occupier a licence

for the warehouse, subject to section 84 and to such conditions as

the Minister may direct, or may refuse the application.

86. Harbour, etc., authorities may hold licences - Despite

anything in any Act to the contrary, any harbour, port, airport, or

public authority having the control or management of any

harbour, port, or airport may receive and hold a licence under this

Act in respect of any warehouse in the occupation of that

authority, and shall as the licensee thereof be subject to the same

provisions, obligations, and liabilities as any other licensee under

this Act.

87. Licence fees - (1) There shall be payable by the licensee

of awarehouse an annual licence fee.

(2) The annual licence fee shall consist of:

(a) a sum computed on the basis of the cubic contents of

the warehouse or otherwise in accordance with

the scales set out in the Second Schedule; and

Customs Act 197752

(b) in the case of a warehouse which, in the opinion of

the Minister, on account of its distance from the

Customhouse or for any other reason, requires

supervision involving unusual expenditure, an

additional sum to be determined by the Minister,

not exceeding in any case $1000 a year; and

(c) in the case of any warehouse, if the Minister so

determines, an additional sum, to be fixed by the

Minister, sufficient to cover the reasonable

expenses incurred by the supervising officer in

travelling between his or her office or station and

the warehouse.

(3) The measurement of the cubic contents of any warehouse

shall be in accordance with the regulations.

(4) Every such licence fee shall be due and payable in advance

on the 5th day of January in each year.

(5) On the first grant of a licence a proportionate part of the

proper annual licence fee, for the period lapsing between the time

at which the licence takes effect and the 5th day of January next

succeeding, shall be due and payable by the licensee.

(6) On the cancellation, termination or surrender of any

licence, the licensee shall be entitled to a refund or remission of a

proportionate part of the licence fee for the current year of the

licence, calculated from the date of such cancellation, termination

or surrender to the end of that year. Any such refund shall be

charged on the Treasury Fund and be statutory expenditure, and

may be paid accordingly.

88. Termination of licence - A licence for a warehouse shall

be terminable by the Minister by not less than 3 months' notice in

writing to the licensee.

89. Cancellation of licence - Any licence for a warehouse

may be cancelled by the Minister at any time by notice published

in a newspaper circulating in Samoa:

(a) if any licence fee payable in respect of the warehouse

is in arrear and unpaid for 1month after the due

date thereof; or

(b) if the licensee is convicted of any offence against the

Customs Acts; or

Customs Act 1977 53

(c) if the warehouse becomes, in the opinion of the

Minister, unfit for the purpose for which it was

licensed; or

(d) if the licensee becomes bankrupt or insolvent; or

(e) if the warehouse ceases to be in the occupation of the


90. Transfer of licence - The licence for a warehouse may be

transferred by the licensee, with the consent of the Minister, but

not otherwise, to any successor of the licensee in the occupation

of the warehouse.

91. Surrender of licence - A licence for a warehouse may be

surrendered at any time by the licensee by 1month's notice in

writing to the Comptroller.

92. Closing of warehouse - On the termination, cancellation

or surrender of the licence for any warehouse, or on any

warehouse otherwise ceasing to be licensed under this Act, the

warehouse shall be closed, and all goods therein which are subject

to the control of the Customs shall be removed to some other

warehouse by the owner of the goods, or be exported or entered

for home consumption, or be otherwise dealt with as the

Comptroller may permit.

93. Restrictions on use of manufacturing warehouses - The

use of a manufacturing warehouse for the purpose of manufacture

shall be subject to such conditions, restrictions or exceptions as

are prescribed by regulations or by the licence for that warehouse

or by the directions of the Comptroller.

94. Structural alterations of warehouse - (1) No structural

additions to or structural alterations of any warehouse and no new

means of access or egress into or out of any warehouse shall be

made without the written permission of the Comptroller.

(2) If any provision of this section is contravened the licensee

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

Division 2 – Warehousing of Goods

Customs Act 197754

95. Entry for warehousing - When any imported goods have

been entered for warehousing the importer shall forthwith

warehouse them in accordance with the entry, without payment of

duty in the first instance, except where otherwise provided in this


96. Account of warehoused goods - (1) Upon the entry of

any goods to be warehoused, the proper officer shall take an

account of the goods in such manner and at such time and place as

may be prescribed.

(2) Except where otherwise provided in this Act, the account

so taken shall be that upon which all duties payable on those

goods shall be ascertained and paid.

97. Receipt for warehoused goods - When any goods

entered for warehousing have been duly deposited in the

warehouse the licensee shall sign a receipt for them in the

prescribed form.

98. Removal of goods to warehouse by Comptroller - If

any goods entered to be warehoused are not forthwith warehoused

accordingly by the importer, the Comptroller may remove them to

a warehouse.

99. Packing of warehoused goods - Goods entered for

warehousing shall be deposited in the warehouse in the packages

in which they were imported, except goods repacked or skipped

on a wharf with the permission of the Comptroller.

100. Repacking of warehoused goods - (1) The Comptroller

may, as prescribed by regulations, permit the importer to sort,

bottle, pack or repack goods in any warehouse.

(2) In every such case a fresh account of the goods so dealt

with shall be taken by the proper officer, and shall be substituted

for the original account.

101. Duties of licensee - (1) The licensee of every warehouse


(a) stack and arrange the goods in the warehouse so that

reasonable access to and examination of every

package may be had at all times;

Customs Act 1977 55

(b) provide sufficient lights and just scales and weights

for the use of the officers of Customs; and

(c) provide all labour and materials requisite for the

storing, examining, packing, marking, coopering,

weighing and taking stock of the warehoused

goods whenever the Comptroller may desire.

(2) Every licensee who fails to comply with any provision of

this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine not

exceeding 1 penalty unit for every day during which the offence


102. Access of officers of Customs to warehouse - The

Comptroller and other proper officers shall at all hours of the day

and night have access to every part of any warehouse and power

to examine the goods therein, and may for that purpose break

open the warehouse or any premises necessary to be passed

through for obtaining access thereto.

103. Restriction on right of warehousing - Without limiting

the power to make regulations conferred by section 279,

regulations may be made under that section:

(a) prescribing, in respect of any class of goods, the

minimum quantity which may be entered for

warehousing or cleared from a warehouse; and

(b) prohibiting or imposing restrictions or conditions on

the warehousing of dangerous goods or of goods

or classes of goods in respect of which any such

prohibition, restriction or condition is deemed

necessary for any reason.

104. Sale of goods on which warehouse dues in arrear - If

the warehouse dues on any warehoused goods are in arrear for 6

months or more, the goods may be sold by the Comptroller; but in

the case of a licensed warehouse this power of sale shall not be

exercised except at the request of the licensee.

105. Goods not to be removed without permission - (1)

Except as provided by this Act, no goods which are subject to the

control of the Customs shall be removed from any warehouse


Customs Act 197756

(a) with the permission of the proper officer of Customs

after entry has been made and passed in respect

thereof; or

(b) in pursuance of a written permit granted by the

Comptroller in respect thereof.

(2) Every person who acts in contravention of this section

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 10

penalty units or 3 times the value of the goods in respect of which

the offence is committed, whichever sum is the greater.

(3) Any goods removed in contravention of this section shall

be forfeited.

106. Temporary removal of warehoused goods - (1)

Subject to any regulations, the Comptroller may permit the taking

of warehoused goods out of the warehouse without payment of

duty for any temporary purpose, for such convenient time and in

such suitable quantities as the Comptroller may approve, if

sufficient security is taken for the return of the goods and payment

of duty thereon.

(2) So long as any goods so removed remain subject to the

control of the Customs they shall be deemed to be constructively

warehoused in the warehouse from which they were so removed,

and all the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply thereto


107. Liability of licensee for duty on missing goods - (1) In

this section the term "licensee" includes any person who was the

licensee of the warehouse at any time between the warehousing of

the goods and the payment of the duties thereon, and all such

persons shall be jointly and severally liable accordingly.

(2) If any dutiable goods are moved from a warehouse by any

person without the authority of the proper officer of Customs, or,

if any dutiable goods, after being warehoused, are not produced

by the licensee to the Comptroller or other proper officer on

demand made at the warehouse, and are not accounted for as

having been lawfully delivered from the warehouse, duty shall

thereupon become due and payable on those goods as if entered

for home consumption.

(3) The duty shall constitute a debt due to the Government by

the licensee and the importer, who shall be jointly and severally

Customs Act 1977 57

liable therefor, subject, however, to the provisions of this Act as to

refunds and remissions of duty.

Division 3 – Clearance of Warehoused Goods

108. Kinds of entry of warehoused goods - Warehoused

goods may at any time be entered by the importer in the

prescribed manner:

(a) for home consumption; or

(b) for export; or

(c) for removal for warehousing elsewhere.

109. Entry for home consumption - When entry for home

consumption has been made in respect of any warehoused goods

the person making the entry shall forthwith pay to the Comptroller

or other proper officer the duties, if any, payable thereon.

110. Entry for export - When any warehoused goods have

been entered for export the person making the entry shall

forthwith export the goods to a country outside Samoa in

accordance with the entry and with the provisions of this Act

relating to the exportation of goods.

111. Entry for removal - (1) When any warehoused goods

have been entered for removal for warehousing at any other

warehouse (either at the same or any other port or place) they

shall forthwith be removed in accordance with the entry, subject

to such conditions as may be prescribed, and with such security

for their transmission and for the payment of the duty thereon as

the Comptroller requires.

(2) On the arrival of the goods at the port or place of

destination they shall be entered and warehoused in accordance

with the entry for removal in the same manner and subject to the

same provisions, so far as they are applicable, as in the case of the

entry and warehousing of goods on the first importation thereof.

(3) Despite anything in section 65(5), warehoused goods so

removed may, with the permission of the Collector, be placed

directly in a warehouse on their arrival at the port or place of


Customs Act 197758

112. Constructive warehousing - If, after any goods have

been entered for warehousing either on importation or removal,

and before they have been actually warehoused, they are entered

for home consumption, exportation or removal, they shall be

considered as constructively warehoused and may be delivered

for home consumption, exportation or removal as if actually


113. Re-warehousing - (1) When any goods have remained

warehoused for 3 years (whether in the same or in different

warehouses) the owner of them shall thereupon either:

(a) enter them for home consumption; or

(b) enter them for export; or

(c) rewarehouse them.

(2) No goods shall be rewarehoused without the permission of

the Comptroller or other proper officer.

(3) Rewarehousing shall be effected as follows:

(a) an application for rewarehousing shall be made by

the owner to the Comptroller;

(b) the goods shall be examined by the Customs at the

expense of the applicant;

(c) duty shall, subject to the provisions of this Act as to

remission of duty, be paid on any goods found


(d) a rewarehousing entry shall be made in the

prescribed form for the goods according to the

result of the examination; and

(e) on the passing of the entry a fresh account shall be

substituted for the last account, and this shall

complete the rewarehousing.

(4) When any goods have been rewarehoused this section

shall thereafter apply to them as if they had been then warehoused

for the first time.

(5) If in respect of any goods the owner acts in contravention

of any provision of this section, duty shall forthwith become due

and payable on those goods as if entered for home consumption,

and they may be sold by the Comptroller.

(6) In the application of this section to goods already

warehoused at the commencement of this Act, the period during

which they have been warehoused before the commencement of

this Act shall be included in computing the period of 3 years.

Customs Act 1977 59

Division 4 – Government Warehouses

114. Government warehouses - (1) The Minister may, by

notice in the Gazette, declare any building or other place in the

occupation of the Government and lawfully available for such use

to be a Government warehouse for the purposes of this Act.

(2) The Minister may in like manner declare that any

Government warehouse shall no longer continue to be such.

115. Charges in Government warehouses - Charges shall be

made and payable in respect of goods warehoused in any

Government warehouse according to the prescribed scale.

116. Duration of warehousing in Government warehouses

- If any goods warehoused in a Government warehouse are not

lawfully removed within 12 months or such other period after

warehousing may be prescribed, duty shall become due and

payable thereon as if entered for home consumption, and the

goods may be sold by the Comptroller.

117. Application of provisions as to licensed warehouses -

Government warehouses shall be wholly under the control of the

Customs, and shall be specially available for the examination of

goods and the storage of seized and unclaimed goods; but

otherwise all the provisions of this Act relating to warehouses, so

far as they are practicable, shall apply to Government warehouses.

Division 5 – Special Provisions as to Manufacturing


118. Licensing of manufacturing warehouses - The

Minister may license any building or part of a building (whether

situated in a port of entry or elsewhere) as a manufacturing

warehouse under this Act in which warehoused goods under the

control of the Customs may be utilised in the manufacture of any

article in which spirit is a necessary ingredient, or in the

manufacture of any other goods which are permitted by

regulations under this Act to be produced in a manufacturing


119. Provisions as to licensed warehouses to be applicable

- Save so far as in this Act expressly provided, all the provisions

Customs Act 197760

of this Act relating to warehouses shall apply to manufacturing


120. Penalties for wrongful use of manufacturing

warehouse - If the licensee of any manufacturing warehouse acts

in contravention of any provision of any regulation made in

relation thereto, or of any provision of his or her licence or of the

directions of the Comptroller, he or she commits an offence and is

liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.



Division 1 – Import Duties

121. Imposition of import duties - Subject to the other

provisions of this Act, Customs import duties shall be levied,

collected and paid in accordance with the Customs Tariff, on all

goods imported into Samoa or entered therein for home

consumption after the commencement of this Act.

Division 2 – Duties of Excise

122. Imposition of duties on goods produced in

manufacturing warehouses - (1) In respect of all goods

manufactured in a manufacturing warehouse there shall be levied,

collected, and paid the same duties, if any, as if the goods had

been imported goods.

(2) When the duty applicable to any goods pursuant to

subsection (1) is an ad valorem duty, the value of goods for the

purposes of such duty shall be determined in the prescribed


(3) This section shall apply to all goods entered for home

consumption after the commencement of this Act, although

manufactured before its commencement.

Division 3 – Valuation of Goods

123. Value for duty - (1) The means for which the value of

goods is to be determined for the purposes of the Customs Tariff

shall be prescribed by regulations.

Customs Act 1977 61

(2) The normal price of any imported goods shall be

determined on the following assumptions:

(a) that the goods are treated as having been delivered to

the buyer at the port or place of importation; and

(b) that the seller will bear freight, insurance,

commission and all other costs, charges and

expenses incidental to the sale and the delivery

of the goods at that port or place; but

(c) that the buyer will bear any duty or tax chargeable in


(3) Despite anything in subsection (1), where for the purposes

of any entry the value of any goods for purposes of duty is

required to be shown or declared, that amount shall be shown or

declared, if it is not a whole number of tala, at the nearest tala,

and, if it is a number of tala and 50 sene exactly, at the tala next

below the amount.

(4) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Collector that any

drawback of import duty or excise duty has been paid or allowed

on any parts, materials or ingredients used in making any goods or

that any import duty or excise duty has been actually paid on the

goods in the country from which they were exported or would

have been payable on them in the country if they had been there

entered for home consumption instead of being exported

therefrom, the amount of that duty or drawback shall be deducted

from the value of the goods for purposes of duty as determined in

accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section.

124. “Invoice” defined - In this Act the term “invoice” means

in relation to any imported goods, the original invoices, bills of

lading, bills of parcels, policies of insurance, letters and other

documents showing the value of the goods at the place at which

they were purchased, together with the freight, insurance and

other charges on the goods.

125. Production of invoice and declaration - (1) On the first

entry (other than an entry for removal) of any goods, the importer

or the importer’s agent shall produce to the Comptroller or other

proper officer the invoice (as defined in section 124) for those

goods, and make, and deliver to the Comptroller or other proper

officer, a declaration in the prescribed form verifying that invoice,

Customs Act 197762

and setting out the true value for duty purposes of the goods and

such other particulars as may be prescribed.

(2) Unless the Comptroller otherwise directs in relation to any

class or classes of goods or transactions, the Comptroller or other

proper officer shall retain the invoice so produced, or a legible

copy thereof made by carbon or other duplicating process by or

on behalf of the seller or consignor of the goods.

(3) If any failure to produce the invoice as required by this

section is accounted for to the satisfaction of the Comptroller or

other proper officer, proof of its contents by a copy or otherwise

may be received in lieu of its production.

126. Blank invoices - If any person has in his or her

possession, without reasonable excuse, any blank or partly blank

invoice forms, capable of being filled up and used as an invoice in

such manner as to be likely to deceive any officer of the Customs,

he or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding

20 penalty units.

127. Valuation of goods by Comptroller - (1) Subject to the

provisions of this section, the amount of the invoice may be

accepted by the Comptroller as sufficient proof of the value of the

goods for purposes of duty, and the Comptroller may value the

goods and assess the duty accordingly.

(2) If the importer satisfies the Comptroller that the value of

the goods for purposes of duty is less than the value as shown by

the invoice, the Comptroller shall value the goods at the lower

sum accordingly, and shall assess the duty on that value.

(3) If the Comptroller has reason to suspect that the value of

the goods for purpose of duty is higher than the amount of the

invoice, the Comptroller may value the goods at such higher sum

as the Comptroller thinks proper, and assess the duty accordingly.

(4) Every valuation made by the Comptroller under this Part

(whether in accordance with the invoice or not) shall be taken to

be correct, and duty shall be payable in accordance therewith,

unless, on appeal to the Minister under section 128, or in

proceedings taken under this Act in a Court of competent

jurisdiction, a different amount is proved to be the correct value of

the goods for the purpose of ad valorem duty.

Customs Act 1977 63

128. Appeal to Minister from valuation - (1) From any

valuation made by the Comptroller under this Part (whether in

accordance with the invoice or not) the importer may, if he or she

thinks fit, appeal to the Minister.

(2) Notice of appeal under this section shall be given in

writing to the Comptroller within 14 days after the assessment of

duty, or within such further time as may be allowed by the

Comptroller, and while the goods still remain subject to the

control of the Customs.

(3) On any such appeal the Minister shall, by himself or

herself or his or her lawful delegate, after giving a reasonable

opportunity to the appellant to be heard, determine the true value

of the goods for purposes of duty, and the Minister’s decision on

all questions of fact shall be final, except in the case of fraud.

(4) The Minister may delegate the power of hearing and

determining any such appeal to any person or persons, whether

officers of the Customs or not, but otherwise all the provisions of

this Act as to the delegation of powers by the Minister shall apply

to any delegation under this section.

(5) On any such appeal the burden of proving the true value of

the goods shall be upon the appellant.

(6) If any such appeal is unsuccessful, the reasonable costs

incurred by the Customs in the appeal as fixed by the Minister or

the Minister’s delegate, in accordance with regulations (if any)

made in that behalf, shall be added to the duty, and shall be paid

by the appellant accordingly.

(7) If any such appeal is successful the reasonable costs

incurred by the appellant in the appeal as fixed by the Minister or

the Minister’s delegate, in accordance with regulations (if any)

made in that behalf, shall be refunded to the appellant, out of

money appropriated by Parliament for that purpose.

(8) If no appeal is so made to the Minister, the other

provisions of this Act as to the recovery and refund of duty shall

apply as if no such right of appeal had existed.

129. Invoices in foreign currency - If the invoice shows the

value of goods in any currency other than that in force in Samoa

the value in Samoa currency shall be ascertained according to the

rate of exchange fixed by the Head of State by notice published in

the Gazette under section 4 of the Currency and Exchange

Control Ordinance 1961, and if not so fixed then as declared by

Customs Act 197764

the Minister. In any such case the Minister may fix the rate of

exchange by reference to the current selling rate of the Bank of


130. Country of export where goods pass through

intermediate country - (1) Goods exported to Samoa from any

country but passing through another country on their voyage to

Samoa (whether transhipped in that other country or not) shall be

valued for duty as if they were imported directly from the first-

mentioned country.

(2) The determination of the Comptroller as to the true

country of export in any such case shall in every Court or judicial

proceeding be taken to be correct unless the contrary is proved.

131. Repealed by section 5 of the Appropriation Act 1983.

132. Repealed by section 2 of the Customs Amendment Act

2010, No. 2.

133. Government's right of compulsory purchase - (1) For

the protection of the revenue against the undervaluation of goods

subject to ad valorem duty, any goods of which entry is made

may, at any time while they remain subject to the control of the

Customs, be taken by the Government at a price equal to their

declared value for duty purposes, with the addition of such

charges for other matters incidental to their importation as the

Comptroller thinks reasonable, and with the addition of any duties

already paid thereon.

(2) The aforesaid right of taking goods shall be exercised only

by the Minister, and the taking of the goods shall be deemed to

have been effected as soon as a warrant for their taking has been

signed by the Minister.

(3) On the signing of the warrant the goods shall become the

property of the Government, and shall be sold by the Comptroller,

and the proceeds of such sale shall be accounted for as Customs


(4) The price payable by the Government for the goods so

taken shall be charged on the Treasury Fund and be statutory

expenditure, and may be paid accordingly to the person making

the entry.

Customs Act 1977 65

(5) This section shall not be so construed as to restrict or take

away any other powers possessed by the Customs in respect of the

goods or any liability of the importer or any other person in

respect of any offence committed in respect of the goods.

Division 4 – Origin of Imported Goods

134. Provisions for determining country of origin - (1)

Without limiting the power to make regulations conferred by

section 279, the Head of State may, by Order, make regulations


(a) the classes of goods that are deemed for the purposes

of the Customs Acts to be the produce or

manufacture of any country; and

(b) the conditions to be fulfilled before any goods are

deemed to be the produce or manufacture of any

particular country.

(2) In respect of fish, whales, or other natural produce of the

sea, or goods produced or manufactured wholly or partly

therefrom at sea, anything done by or on board a ship belonging

to any country shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to

have been done in that country, and any such produce of the sea

or goods so produced or manufactured therefrom at sea, if brought

direct to Samoa, shall be deemed to be imported into Samoa from

that country.

(3) If any question arises as to the country to which any ship

belongs for the purposes of subsection (2), the question shall be

determined by the Minister, whose decision shall be final.

135. Importer to state country of origin on entry - On

making entry of any goods the importer or the importer’s agent

shall state to the best of his or her knowledge, information, and

belief the country of which the goods are the produce or

manufacture, and shall satisfy the Collector of the truth of such

statement, by declaration or otherwise, in the prescribed form.

136. Conditions precedent to entry of goods at preferential

rates - (1) Despite anything in section 121 or section 122 or

elsewhere in the Customs Acts, the duty (if any) payable under

the Customs Tariff shall be paid on all goods imported into

Customs Act 197766

Samoa or entered therein for home consumption unless the

following provisions of this section are complied with.

(2) Where it is claimed in respect of any goods that they are

entitled under this Act or any other Act or authority to be entered

free of duty or at any rate of duty lower than that set forth in the

Customs Tariff in respect of such goods, they shall not be so

entered unless, in verification of such claim, there is produced to

the Collector, in addition to an invoice of the goods, a certificate

of origin thereof in the prescribed form, signed by the supplier or


(3) No such invoice as is referred to in subsection (2) shall

relate to any goods other than those to which the certificate

mentioned therein refers.

(4) The certificate referred to in subsection (2) in respect of

any goods shall be produced to the Collector at the time of

making entry for those goods, or within such period thereafter as

the Collector may allow.

(5) An extension of time under subsection (4) shall be granted

on such conditions as to security for payment of duty, or as to

payment of penalties, or otherwise, as may be prescribed, and on

such further conditions (if any) as the Minister may in any case


(6) In the case of goods sent by post or by airfreight or in such

other cases (if any) as may be prescribed, or with the consent of

the Minister in any other case, the Collector may dispense with

any certificate required by this section if evidence, satisfactory to

the Collector, is produced that the goods, if entered free of duty or

at any rate of duty lower than that set forth in the Customs Tariff

in respect of such goods, are entitled to be so entered pursuant to

this Act.

137. Goods subject to forfeiture in case of false declaration

- If the Collector has reason to believe that any goods referred to

in any statement, declaration, invoice, or certificate under section

135 or section 136 are not the produce or manufacture of the

country mentioned in the statement, declaration, invoice or

certificate, the Collector may detain them for examination; and if

the statement, declaration, invoice, or certificate is false the goods

shall be forfeited.

Division 5 – Assessment and Recovery of Duty

Customs Act 1977 67

138. Duty on imported goods a Government debt - (1) The

duty on any imported goods shall, immediately on their

importation, constitute a debt owing to the Government.

(2) Such debt shall be owing by the importer of the goods,

and, if there are several importers (whether at or at any time after

the time of importation), then jointly and severally by all of them.

(3) Subject to any special provisions made by this Act in that

behalf, such debt shall become due and payable so soon as entry

of the goods for home consumption has been made, or the goods

have been wrongfully landed or otherwise wrongfully dealt with

without having been entered for home consumption, or any other

offence against this Act has been committed in respect of them.

(4) Such debt shall be recoverable by action at the suit of the

Comptroller, on behalf of the Government.

(5) The right to recover duty as a debt due to the Government

shall not be affected by the fact that the goods have ceased to be

subject to the control of the Customs, or that a bond or other

security has been given for the payment of duty, or that no proper

assessment of duty has been made in due course under this Act, or

that a deficient assessment of duty has been made.

139. Duty on goods produced in manufacturing warehouse

a Government debt - (1) The duty on any goods manufactured in

a manufacturing warehouse shall immediately on their

manufacture, constitute a debt owing to the Government.

(2) Such debt shall be owing by the person who is the licensee

of the warehouse at the time when the goods are manufactured,

and by a person who thereafter becomes the licensee of that

warehouse or the owner of the goods at any time before the duty

has been fully paid; and all such persons shall be jointly and

severally liable for the duty.

(3) Section 138(3), (4) and (5) shall extend and apply to the

duty referred to in this section.

140. Duty a charge on goods - (1) The duty on any goods

shall constitute a charge on those goods until fully paid.

(2) If any duty so charged on any goods is due and unpaid, the

Comptroller may take possession of the goods, and sell the same

or any part thereof in satisfaction or part satisfaction of the charge.

Customs Act 197768

141. Delivery of goods subject to duty - (1) Except as

otherwise provided in this Act, or in such cases as may be

approved by the Comptroller, and subject to such securities as the

Comptroller may require, no person shall be entitled to obtain

delivery of any goods from the control of Customs until the sum

demanded by the Comptroller or other proper officer of Customs

by way of duty on goods has been paid in full.

(2) No action or other proceeding shall be instituted against

the Government or the Minister or any officer of Customs in

respect of the detention of any such goods during any period

before the payment of the full sum so demanded.

(3) In any case where the Minister considers that undue

hardship would result from the payment of duty as required by

this section, the Minister may, subject to such conditions as the

Minister may think fit to impose, direct the Comptroller to deliver

the goods from Customs control and to accept payment of duty by

installments over a specified period.

142. Payment of duty by 1 person not to affect liability of

other persons - The liability of any person under any provision of

this Act for the payment of duty on any goods shall not be

extinguished or affected by the payment of the duty by any other

person who may be liable for it under any other provision,

whether or not the duty so paid has been refunded.

143. Incidence of altered duties - (1) In this section the term

“alteration of the law” includes any variation which in any

manner takes place at any time or periodically in the liability of

goods to duty or in the rate of duty to which they are liable.

(2) In the case of any alteration in the law relating to the

liability of any goods to duty or the rate of duty to which any

goods are liable, such liability or rate shall, except where

otherwise expressly provided, be determined:

(a) in the case of goods warehoused or goods produced

in a manufacturing warehouse (whether before or

after such alteration in the law) by the law in

force at the time when the goods are entered for

home consumption.

(b) in the case of all other goods, by the law in force at

the time of importation or by the law in force at

the time at which the goods are thereafter entered

Customs Act 1977 69

for home consumption, whichever is the more

favorable to the importer.

144. Effect of alteration of duties on agreements of sale -

(1) If, after any agreement is made, whether in Samoa or

elsewhere, for the sale of goods, any alteration takes place in the

law relating to the liability of the goods to duty or in the rate or

amount of duty, then, in the absence of express written provision

to the contrary, the agreement shall be deemed to be modified as


(a) if the alteration is a new or increased duty, the seller,

after payment thereof, may add to the agreed

price the difference between the amount of duty

that he or she would have paid had the alteration

not been made and the amount of duty actually


(b) if the alteration is a reduction of duty, the buyer may

deduct from the agreed price the difference

between the amount of duty which the seller

would have paid had the alteration not been

made and the amount of duty actually paid;

(c) if the alteration is the abolition of duty, the buyer

may deduct from the agreed price the duty which

the seller would have paid had the alteration not

been made.

(2) When any such alteration of duties takes place so as to

operate retrospectively from any date this section shall also apply

retrospectively in like manner as from the same date.

(3) Any money paid by a buyer to a seller in excess of the

amount payable under this section may be recovered from the

seller as money paid by mistake, whether the error was 1 of fact

or law.

(4) This section shall extend and apply to any alteration of the

Customs Tariff by authority of the Head of State or by any other

lawful authority.

145. Assessment of duty in particular cases - (1) When

duties are imposed according to a specified quantity, weight, size

or value, the duties shall be charged proportionately on any

greater or smaller quantity, weight, size or value.

Customs Act 197770

(2) Whenever goods are imported in packages purporting or

reputed to be of a size, weight or quantity greater than their actual

size, weight or quantity, duty shall be assessed and payable

according to such first-mentioned, size, weight and quantity.

(3) Subject to the provisions of the Customs Tariff, for the

purposes of assessing duty on spirits:

(a) the strength of any spirits shall be ascertained in the

prescribed manner; and

(b) if on entry for home consumption it is so ascertained

that the strength of any spirits has increased or

diminished by natural process of change while

they were subject to the control of the Customs,

duty shall be payable in accordance with the

strength as so increased or diminished.

146. Alteration of goods - In such cases and under such

conditions and restrictions as may be permitted by the

Comptroller, imported goods may be so altered as to fall under

another heading of the Customs Tariff, and the liability of such

goods to duty shall be determined accordingly, and a refund or

remission of duty shall be made or allowed as the case may

require, and a refund if required shall be charged on the Treasury

Fund and be statutory expenditure.

147. Minimum duty collectable - Without limiting the power

to make regulations conferred by section 279, regulations made

under that section may prescribe the minimum amount of duty

that need be collected on any goods; and any goods on which the

duty if assessed under this Act would be less than the minimum so

prescribed may, if the Comptroller thinks fit, be admitted free of


148. Essences and other preparations - (1) Duty shall be

charged on all essences, condensations, concentrations or

preparations of dutiable goods according to the quantity or

equivalent of dutiable goods into which such essences,

condensations, concentrations or preparations can be converted

pursuant to a standard to be prescribed.

(2) In default of any such prescription, or so far as it does not

extend, duty shall be chargeable as if this section was not in force.

Customs Act 1977 71

149. Reimportation of products of Samoa or duty paid

samples - Goods being the produce or manufacture of Samoa, or

samples of duty-paid goods sent out of Samoa, may, in such cases

and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, be

reimported or brought back to Samoa without payment of duty.

150. Reimportation of goods temporarily exported - In

such cases, and under such conditions as may be prescribed,

goods temporarily exported from Samoa for the purpose of repair

or for any other prescribed purpose may, on reimportation into

Samoa at any time within 5 years after the exportation thereof, be

admitted either free of duty or at such duty as is determined by the

Minister, not exceeding the duty which would be payable thereon

if imported for the first time.

151. Duty on goods of Government - This Act shall bind the


152. Power of Head of State to suspend excise duties on

goods supplied to certain organisations and their members -

(1) The Head of State may, by order, suspend any excise duty in

respect of any goods or classes of goods manufactured in Samoa


(a) supplied solely for the use of such organisations,

expeditions or other bodies as may be approved

by the Minister and as may be established or

temporarily based in Samoa consequent on any

agreement or arrangement entered into by or on

behalf of the Government with the Government

of any other country or with any international or

Commonwealth organisation or agency; or

(b) supplied solely for the use of persons temporarily

resident in Samoa for the purpose of serving as

members of any such approved organisation,

expedition or other body.

(2) In respect of any goods or class of goods to which any

order made for the purposes of this section relates, the

Comptroller may at any time impose such conditions as he or she

thinks fit.

Customs Act 197772

153. Samples of goods under control of Customs - Small

samples of the bulk of any goods subject to the control of the

Customs may, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, be

delivered free of duty.

154. Duties on wrecked goods - (1) Subject to the provisions

of any law in force relating to shipping and seamen or the control

of harbours or ports or the territorial waters of Samoa, all goods

derelict, flotsam, or jetsam, or landed, saved, or coming ashore

from any wreck, shall be chargeable with duty as if imported in

the ordinary course, and entry thereof shall be forthwith made at

the nearest port by the owner or person entitled thereto or having

possession thereof; and all the provisions of this Act, so far as

they are applicable, shall apply accordingly.

(2) If default is made in making such entry, duty shall become

due and payable in the same manner as if the goods had been

entered for home consumption.

155. Liability of owners of ships or aircraft for duty on

missing goods - (1) If any cargo or ship's stores are smuggled into

or unlawfully landed in Samoa from any ship or aircraft, being

within the territorial limits of Samoa or elsewhere, the owner and

master of the ship or the owner and the pilot in command of the

aircraft, as the case may be, shall (in addition to the liability of

any other person) be jointly and severally liable for the payment

of the duty on such cargo or stores, as if imported by them and

entered for home consumption.

(2) The Comptroller may demand from the owner or master of

any ship, or the owner or pilot in command of any aircraft, at any

port payment of any sum which he or she believes or suspects to

be owing under subsection (1).

(3) So long as any sum so demanded by the Comptroller

remains unpaid, the ship or aircraft shall not be entitled to a

certificate of clearance.

(4) In all proceedings for the recovery of duty under this

section, or for a refund of duty paid under this section, the sum so

demanded by the Comptroller shall be presumed to be due and

payable until the contrary is proved.

Division 6 – Refunds and Remissions of Duty

Customs Act 1977 73

156. Proceedings for refund of duty paid in error - (1) At

any time within 1 year after the payment of any sum by way of

duty the person by whom payment was so made may institute

proceedings against the Comptroller for a refund of such duty or

of any part thereof, on the ground that the duty was not lawfully

chargeable or was charged in excess, and whether the error

alleged is one of fact or of law.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to entitle

any person to take proceedings for a refund of duty on any ground

on which the determination of the Comptroller, or the Minister, is

made final by this Act.

157. Comptroller may refund duty paid in error - (1) If it

is held in such proceedings, or if the Comptroller is otherwise

satisfied on application made within 3 years of payment of any

duty, that duty has been paid in error, whether of law or fact, a

refund of that duty shall be charged on the Treasury Fund and be

statutory expenditure, and may be paid accordingly.

(2) If in any case, after any agreement is made, whether in

Samoa or elsewhere, for the sale of goods, the Comptroller has

authority to make a refund, in respect of such goods, the

Comptroller may, before making the refund, require the

production of evidence to his or her satisfaction that the importer

has remitted to the buyer of the goods the amount of the refund.

(3) This section shall extend and apply to duties paid in error,

before the commencement of this Act.

158. Comptroller may refund duty on forfeited goods - (1)

When any duty has been paid on any goods that are condemned or

deemed to be condemned under Part XII, the Comptroller in his

or her discretion may pay to any person appearing to the

Comptroller to be entitled thereto a sum equal to the amount of

that duty:

(a) at any time within 3 years after seizure of the goods;


(b) at any later time, on an application made within such

3 years:

PROVIDED THAT such sum shall not exceed the amount that

would be available for payment of duty under section 198(e).

(2) This section shall extend and apply to duty paid before or

after the passing of this Act.

Customs Act 197774

159. Refund or remission of duty on damaged and faulty

goods - Whenever the Comptroller is satisfied that imported


(a) have been damaged or have deteriorated in condition

before importation; or

(b) are found, either before delivery from the control of

the Customs or within such period after such

delivery as may be prescribed, to be of faulty

manufacture; or

(c) have been damaged or have deteriorated in condition

after importation and while still subject to the

control of the Customs without the wilful act or

the negligence of the importer or of the licensee

of any warehouse in which they have been

warehoused or of any servant of the importer or

licensee, the importer shall be entitled to a

remission or refund of duty on those goods to

such extent and subject to such conditions and

exceptions as may be prescribed, and any such

refund shall be charged on the Treasury Fund

and be statutory expenditure.

160. Remission of duty on warehoused goods diminished

in value - (1) When any imported goods have been warehoused

for not less than 2 years and the Comptroller is satisfied that,

while so warehoused, they have diminished in value otherwise

than by reason of damage or deterioration in condition, the

Comptroller may, in such case and to such extent as may be

prescribed, allow to the importer a remission of duty on those


PROVIDED THAT, with the approval of the Minister in any

case, the Comptroller may allow a remission of duty under this

section in respect of any warehoused goods, despite that they have

been warehoused for less than 2 years.

(2) In the application of this section to goods already

warehoused at the commencement of this Act, the period during

which they have been warehoused before the commencement of

this Act shall be included in computing the period of 2 years.

161. Remission or refund of duty on goods destroyed,

pillaged or lost - (1) If the Comptroller is satisfied that any

Customs Act 1977 75

goods, at any time after their importation and while still subject to

the control of the Customs, have been destroyed, pillaged or lost

without the wilful act or the negligence of the importer or the

licensee of any warehouse in which they have been warehoused

or of any servant of the importer or licensee, the importer shall,

subject to any prescribed exceptions, restrictions or conditions, be

entitled to a remission or refund of the duty on the goods, and any

such refund shall be charged on the Treasury Fund and be

statutory expenditure.

(2) Except where an importer is entitled to a remission or

refund of duty under subsection (1), duty on all goods destroyed,

pillaged or lost after importation and while still subject to the

control of the Customs shall be due and payable by the importer

as if the goods had been entered by him or her for home

consumption on their importation.

(3) When any goods have diminished in quantity or weight

they shall, to the extent of that diminution, be deemed to have

been lost within the meaning of this section.

(4) All goods specified in the inward report or manifest of any

ship or aircraft or in any invoice produced in relation to any entry

shall be presumed to have been actually imported unless the

contrary is proved.

162. Remission or refund of duty on goods produced in

manufacturing warehouse - Sections 159, 160 and 161 shall

extend and apply, with all necessary modifications, to goods

manufactured in a manufacturing warehouse, as if the

manufacture of those goods were their importation, and as if the

licensee of the warehouse or the owner of the goods were the

importer of the goods so manufactured.

163. Remission of duty on goods not worth the duty - The

Comptroller may cause any dutiable goods which are subject to

the control of the Customs and which are not, in the opinion of the

Comptroller, worth the duty payable on them to be destroyed or

otherwise dealt with as the Minister directs, and may remit the


163A. Exemption from duty – (1) Subject to subsections (2)

and (3), exemption from duty may be granted for approved goods

imported into Samoa in respect of a qualifying project.

Customs Act 197776

(2) Exemption from duty may only be granted in accordance

with criteria prescribed in regulations.

(3) Exemption from duty may be granted in whole or in part

in such circumstances and subject to such conditions and

restrictions as are prescribed, being circumstances and conditions

and restrictions that relate to goods generally or to goods included

in a class of goods.

(4) Regulations made under subsections (2) and (3) may

provide for the forfeiture of goods to the Government and for the

creation of offences punishable by a fine of up to 500 penalty

units or imprisonment for 1 year, or both.

(5) In this section, unless the context otherwise requires:

“approved goods” means goods used in relation to a

qualifying project where the goods have been approved

for the purposes of this section by the Chief Executive

Officer of the Ministry of Finance in accordance with

criteria prescribed in regulations;

“qualifying project” means a hotel or other development

approved by the Minister of Finance, acting on the

advice of Cabinet in accordance with criteria prescribed

in regulations.

164. Duty on goods temporarily imported - (1) In such

cases and on such conditions as may be prescribed, the duty

payable on any goods may be secured by way of deposit of

money or, in such cases as may be approved by the Comptroller,

by such other security as is provided for in this Act, and the

Comptroller may on receipt of such security deliver the goods

from the control of the Customs.

(2) Subject to subsection (3) and to such conditions as may be

prescribed, the deposit so made shall be charged on the Treasury

Fund and be statutory expenditure and be returned to the person

by whom it was made, or, as the case may require, the security

shall be released, if:

(a) the goods, being goods imported to be used

temporarily in Samoa for industrial or

commercial purposes, are exported within such

period as the Minister may in any particular case

determine; or

(b) the goods, not being goods to which paragraph (a)

applies, are exported:

Customs Act 1977 77

(i) within the prescribed period, not exceeding 12

months from the date of their landing; or

(ii) in cases where the Comptroller is satisfied

that the importer is prevented by force

majeure from exporting the goods within

the prescribed period, then within such

extended period as the Comptroller may

permit; or

(c) the Comptroller is satisfied that the goods have been

accidentally destroyed at any time within the

period so determined, prescribed or extended.

(3) Where in any case to which subsection (2) applies:

(a) goods imported to be used temporarily in Samoa for

industrial or commercial purposes are exported

within the period determined by the Minister as

aforesaid; or

(b) any other goods being goods on which, in the

opinion of the Minister, duty should be paid, are

exported within the prescribed period or within

such extended period as aforesaid; or

(c) the Comptroller is satisfied that any such goods have

been accidentally destroyed within the period so

determined or, as the case may be, such

prescribed or extended period as aforesaid, duty

shall be paid in respect thereof on the amount by

which the value of the goods for duty, as

assessed by the Comptroller, at the time of their

exportation or destruction is less than their value

for duty, as ascertained in accordance with the

Customs Acts, at the time of their importation.

(4) Where the Comptroller is satisfied that any goods have

been shipped for export, or where any goods have been packed,

for export, into a bulk cargo container in a Customs container

base and the container has been secured to the satisfaction of the

Comptroller, he or she may for the purposes of this section, if he

or she thinks fit, treat them as having been exported.

(5) If at the expiry of the period so determined, prescribed or

extended any security has not been dealt with in accordance with

subsection (2):

(a) any duty so secured by way of deposit of money

shall be dealt with as Customs revenue; and

Customs Act 197778

(b) any duty otherwise secured under this section shall

be paid to the Comptroller by the importer within

14 days after the expiry of that period, and on

such payment the security shall be released.

165. Recovery of duty refunded in error - All money

refunded by the Customs in error, whether of fact or law, shall be

recoverable by action at the suit of the Comptroller on behalf of

the Government at any time within 3 years after the date of its

payment, or without limit of time if the refund has been obtained

by fraud.

Division 7 – Drawbacks

166. Drawbacks of duty on goods exported - (1) Drawbacks

of duty on goods imported into Samoa or produced in any

manufacturing warehouse (whether before or after the

commencement of this Act) may be allowed:

(a) on the export of the goods; or

(b) in respect of such imported or manufactured goods

as are wrought into or attached to exported

goods; or

(c) in respect of such imported or manufactured goods,

except fuel or plant equipment, as are consumed

in the manufacture or production of exported


(2) Drawbacks under this section shall be allowed in such

cases, to such amount, on such conditions, and with such

restrictions as may be prescribed.

(3) Where the Comptroller is satisfied that any goods have

been shipped for export, or where any goods have been packed,

for export, into a bulk cargo container in a Customs containerbase

and the container has been secured to the satisfaction of the

Comptroller, he or she may for the purposes of this section, if he

or she thinks fit, treat them as having been exported.

(4) Any drawback so allowed shall be charged on the

Treasury Fund and be statutory expenditure.

166A. Repealed by the Customs Amendment Act 2007.

Customs Act 1977 79

167. Entry for exportation under drawback - (1) Before

any goods are shipped or waterborne to be shipped for exportation

under drawback the exporter shall:

(a) make entry therefor in the prescribed form and

manner; and

(b) produce the goods for examination by the Customs.

(2) The making of any such entry shall be deemed to be the

making of a claim for drawback, and the goods shall forthwith

become subject to the control of the Customs accordingly.

(3) If any goods are shipped or waterborne to be shipped for

exportation before entry has been duly made and passed under

this section, the right of drawback on those goods shall be


168. Reimportation of goods exported under drawback -

(1) Except in such cases and under and subject to such restrictions

and conditions as may be prescribed, no goods shipped for export

under drawback shall at any time thereafter be reimported into


(2) If any goods are reimported in contravention of this

section, they shall be forfeited, and the importer on any person

knowingly concerned in any such reimportation commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 2 penalty units.



169. Interpretation - In this Part of this Act:

“methylated spirit” means any spirit which is mixed with

methyl alcohol or with wood naphtha, or to which any

other substance has been added which has the like effect

as methyl alcohol or wood naphtha, in rendering spirit

unsuitable for human consumption; and includes any

spirit from which methyl alcohol, wood naphtha, or such

other substance has been unlawfully removed; and also

includes all spirit, whether imported or made in Samoa,

which has been entered for home consumption as

methylated spirit;

“to purify”, in relation to methylated spirit, means:

(a) to deodorise, rectify or distil it, either wholly or


Customs Act 197780

(b) to abstract from it, either wholly or partially, any

substance which has been added to it for the

purpose of methylating it; or

(c) to add to it any substance for the purpose of

disguising its odor or taste, or any substance

whereby it may be rendered fit for use as a toilet

preparation, perfume, food or drink, or as an

ingredient in any toilet preparation, perfume,

food or drink.

170. Wrongful use of methylated spirit - Except so far as is

otherwise provided by regulations, a person commits an offence

against this Part who:

(a) uses methylated spirit as an ingredient in any

perfume, toilet preparation, flavouring essence or

tincture, or in any medicine, whether for internal

or external application; or

(b) sells any such article knowing it to contain

methylated spirit.

171. Purifying methylated spirit - A person commits an

offence against this Part who:

(a) purifies or attempt to purify; or

(b) is in any way concerned in purifying or attempting to

purify, any methylated spirit for any purpose


172. Selling purified methylated spirit - A person commits

an offence against this Part who knowingly sells or has in his or

her possession any methylated spirit which has been purified in

breach of this Act.

173. Purchase of samples - If any officer of Customs applies

to purchase in any ship, store, factory or place any spirit or any

compound which he or she thinks may contain spirit and offers a

reasonable price for the quantity he or she requires and selects, not

being a greater quantity than is reasonably requisite for the

purpose of analysis, and the owner or the person having the

custody of the spirit or compound refuses to sell it to that officer,

or refuses to permit him or her to examine the contents of any

Customs Act 1977 81

vessel for the purpose of such selection, such owner or person

commits an offence against this Part.

174. Method of dealing with samples - Where pursuant to

section 173 any officer purchases any spirit, or any compound

which the officer thinks may contain spirit, the officer shall,

forthwith after the purchase has been completed, inform the

owner or the person having the custody of the goods of his or her

intention to have the sample so purchased analysed, and shall

offer to divide the sample into 3 parts, each to be then and there

marked and sealed; and shall, if so required, so divide the sample,

mark and seal the parts, and deliver 1 part to the owner or the

person having the custody of the goods.

175. Comptroller may refuse delivery of methylated spirit

- The Comptroller may refuse to permit the delivery from the

control of the Customs of any spirit entered as methylated spirit, if

it does not in his or her opinion conform to the standard for spirit

methylated within Samoa; or may require any spirit so entered to

be subjected, before delivery, to such further methylation as he or

she deems necessary, in default of which the spirit shall be

forfeited if not exported within such time as he or she directs.

176. Penalties - A person who commits any offence against

this Part is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units; and all

methylated spirit found in his or her possession, and all vessels,

utensils, apparatus, implements and materials found in his or her

possession, which have been used or are intended for use in

breach of this Part, shall be forfeited.

177. Regulations as to methylated spirit - (1) Without

limiting the power to make regulations conferred by section 279,

the Head of State may make regulations for all or any of the

following purposes:

(a) regulating the methylation of spirit and the supply,

storage, removal, sale, delivery, receipt, use and

exportation of methylated spirit;

(b) prescribing the spirit that may be used and the

substances that may be mixed therewith, for


Customs Act 197782

(c) regulating the storage and removal of substances to

be used in methylating spirit;

(d) prescribing the manner in which account is to be

kept of the manufacture, purchase, sale and use

or other disposal, of methylated spirit;

(e) requiring persons desiring to use methylated spirit

for any special purpose to give security that such

spirit shall be used for that purpose only.

(2) Different regulations may be made under this section in

respect of different classes of methylated spirit or different

kinds of methylated spirit of any class.



178. Examination of goods under control of Customs -

Any officer may examine, weigh, analyse and test, or cause to be

examined, weighed, analysed or tested, any goods subject to the

control of the Customs, or any goods that he or she has reasonable

cause to suspect are subject to the control of Customs and may for

this purpose open or cause to be opened any packages in which

such goods are contained, or suspected by the officer to be

contained, and all expenses so incurred by the Customs shall be a

debt due to Government from the importer or the exporter or the

owner of the goods, as the case may be, and shall be recoverable

in the same manner as duty under this Act.

179. Examination of goods no longer under control of

Customs - (1) After any goods have ceased to be subject to the

control of the Customs Comptroller, if the Comptroller has reason

to suspect that any offence has been committed against the

Customs Acts in respect of those goods, may, by warrant under

the seal of the Customs, require any person who has or is

supposed to have possession or control of those goods to produce

them for inspection by the officers of Customs.

(2) Any officer may thereupon exercise in respect of the

goods all the powers conferred by section 178 in respect of goods

subject to the control of the Customs.

(3) If any person fails or refuses to produce any goods in

accordance with such a warrant, or obstructs an officer in the

exercise of his or her powers under this section, the person

Customs Act 1977 83

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units, unless the person proves that he or she had not

possession or control of the goods or that he or she was otherwise

unable to comply with the warrant.

180. Boarding of ships and aircraft - (1) At any time while

any ship or aircraft is within the territorial limits of Samoa any

officer may board it.

(2) The Comptroller may station officers in any ship at any

time while it is within the limits of any port, and the master shall

provide suitable accommodation below decks and suitable and

sufficient food for those officers, and also means of safe access to

and egress from the ship in accordance with the requirements of

any such officer.

(3) If the master fails to comply with any of the provisions of

subsection (2), the master and the owner of the ship are each

guilty of an offence and are severally liable to a fine not

exceeding 10 penalty units for every day during which such

default has continued.

181. Searching of ships and aircraft - (1) Any officer may

search any ship or aircraft within the territorial limits of Samoa.

(2) In the exercise of this power of search an officer may, by

force if need be, enter every part of the ship or aircraft, and open

any package, locker or other place, and examine all goods found

on the ship or aircraft.

182. Boarding and searching Government ships and

aircraft - The powers conferred on officers by sections 180 and

181 shall extend to any ship or aircraft in the service of the


183. Firing on ships - The commander or officer in charge of

any Government ship, having hoisted and carrying the proper

ensign and pendant or the Customs flag, may, within the territorial

limits of Samoa, chase any ship which does not immediately

bring-to when signalled or required so to do, and may, after

having fired a gun as a signal, fire at or into the ship to compel her

or him to bring-to.

Customs Act 197784

184.Securing goods on ships and aircraft - (1) While any

ship or aircraft is within the territorial limits of Samoa, any officer

may secure any goods which are on board that ship or aircraft and

subject to the control of the Customs:

(a) by fastening hatchways or other openings into the

hold, and by locking up, sealing or marking the

goods, or otherwise as may be thought

necessary; or

(b) by the removal of the goods to a Government

warehouse or other place of security.

(2) If any fastening, lock, mark or seal so placed by an officer

upon any goods or upon any door, hatchway, opening or place on

any ship or aircraft is, except with the authority of an officer,

opened, altered, broken or erased by any person at any time while

the ship or aircraft is at any place or in the course of any voyage

of journey between any 2 places, within the territorial limits of

Samoa, the person so acting and the owner and master of the ship

or, as the case may be, the owner and pilot in command of the

aircraft, are each guilty of an offence and are severally liable to a

fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.

185. Patrolling sea coast and inspecting aerodromes - Any

officer and any person acting in his or her aid may at any time and

using such means of transport (if any) as the officer or, as the case

may be, the person considers appropriate:

(a) patrol upon and pass freely along and over any part

of the seashore or on the shores or banks of any

port, bay, harbour, lake, river, or other waters, or

over any part of the land, including any Customs

containerbase, examining places, wharves, and

transit building thereon, immediately adjoining

the seashore or such shores or banks, and on any

structures extending from the seashore or such

shores or banks; and

(b) enter and inspect any aerodrome and all examining

places, examining stations, and transit buildings

and goods therein, and may remain in any such

area to carry out investigations and to exercise

surveillance for the purposes of the detection of

offences against this Act and for these purposes

may use any visual aids.

Customs Act 1977 85

186. Mooring vessels of Customs - The officer in charge of

any boat or other vessel employed in the service of the Customs

may haul the boat or vessel upon any part of the seashore or of the

shores or banks or any port, bay, harbour, lake, river or other

waters, or upon any part of the land immediately adjoining such

seashore or such shores or banks as aforesaid, and may moor the

boat or vessel thereon.

187. Questioning persons - (1) An officer may question any

person who is on board any ship, boat or aircraft, or who has

within 48 hours landed from or got out of any ship, boat or

aircraft, as to whether he or she has or within the said period of 48

hours has had in his or her possession any dutiable, restricted,

uncustomed or forfeited goods.

(2) A person who, on being so questioned, refuses or fails to

answer any question so put to him or her, or to answer any such

question in writing if so required by the officer, or answers any

such question incorrectly, commits an offence and is liable to a

fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

(3) Any dutiable, restricted or uncustomed goods found in the

possession of any such person shall be forfeited if, on being so

questioned, the person has denied or failed to disclose the

possession thereof.

(4) It is a defence to a charge under this section of answering

any such question incorrectly to prove that the accused did not

know, and had no reason to know, that the goods were in his or

her possession.

188. Searching persons and examining goods carried by

them - (1) If any officer of Customs or member of the Police has

reasonable cause to suspect that any person has unlawfully

secreted about his or her person any dutiable, restricted,

uncustomed or forfeited goods, he or she may detain and search

the person so suspected, and examine any goods found so

secreted, and for that purpose open any package found so


(2) A person so detained may, before being searched, demand

to be taken before a District Court Judge, a Faamasino Fesoasoani

or the Comptroller.

Customs Act 197786

(3) The District Court Judge, Faamasino Fesoasoani or

Comptroller may order the person so detained to be searched, or

may discharge the person without search.

(4) A woman or girl may be detained as aforesaid but shall not

be searched except by a female searcher appointed by the

Comptroller, either generally or for the particular case.

(5) No person shall be searched under this section unless he or

she has been first informed of the right to be taken before a

District Court Judge, a Faamasino Fesoasoani or the Comptroller

as aforesaid.

(6) If any officer of Customs or member of the Police has

reasonable cause to suspect that any person is unlawfully

carrying, otherwise than by secreting about his or her person, any

dutiable, restricted, uncustomed or forfeited goods, he or she may

detain the person so suspected and examine any goods carried by

the person and may for that purpose open any package carried by

the person.

189. Searching vehicles or boats - If any officer of customs

or member of the Police has reasonable cause to suspect that any

dutiable, uncustomed, restricted or forfeited goods are contained

in any vehicle or boat, he or she may stop and search it.

190. Customs warrants - (1) The Minister may grant a

Customs warrant in the form in the Sixth Schedule under the seal

of the Customs to any officer.

(2) Any such warrant, unless sooner revoked by the Minister,

shall remain in force so long as the person to whom it has been so

granted remains an officer of Customs, whether in the same

capacity or not.

191. Entry and search under Customs warrant - (1)

Subject to subsection (2), any officer having with him or her a

Customs warrant granted under this Act may at any time in the

day or night and on any day of the week enter into, by force if

need be and search any house premises or place in which the

officer has reasonable cause to suspect that there are any

uncustomed goods or any goods subject to the control of the

Customs, or any goods unlawfully imported or any forfeited

goods, or any goods in respect of which any offence has been

committed against the Customs Acts, or any books or other

Customs Act 1977 87

documents relating to any such goods, or any books or other

documents containing information that may lead to the recovery

of any penalty or other money under the Customs Acts, and may

on any such entry break open and search any boxes, receptacles,

packages or places in which any such goods, books or documents

may be or may be supposed to be.

(2) On each occasion on which any officer proposes to use a

warrant for the purpose of this section the officer shall first obtain

the permission of the Comptroller, who shall not grant permission

unless the Comptroller is satisfied that such reasonable cause


(3) An officer so acting under a Customs warrant may take

with him or her and have the assistance of any member of the

Police and such other assistants as the officer thinks necessary.

(4) An officer so acting under a Customs warrant shall show

the warrant on demand to the occupier of the house, premises or

place which the officer so enters or proposes to enter.

(5) No officer or other person lawfully so entering in

pursuance of any such Customs warrant shall be deemed to be a

trespasser by relation by reason of any act done by him or her

after entry.

(6) When any entry has been so made, any officer of Customs

may make copies of or extracts from any such books or

documents as aforesaid; and in all Courts and in all proceedings

such copies or extracts, if certified by an officer under the seal of

the Customs, shall be received as evidence instead of the


(7) Every person who obstructs an officer of Customs or

member of the Police or other authorised person in the exercise of

any right of search or other right under this section or a Customs

warrant commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding

50 penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3

months, or to both.

192. Use of aids by Customs officer - (1) In exercising any

power of search conferred by this Act, any officer of Customs or

any member of the Police may have with him or her and use for

the purposes of searching, any dog, or any mechanical, electrical,

or electronic device.

Customs Act 197788

(2) Nothing in this section shall apply to a search carried out

on residential premises except pursuant to a warrant under section


193. Requisition to produce documents - (1) Whenever the

Comptroller has reasonable cause to suspect that goods have been

unlawfully imported, exported, undervalued, entered or otherwise

unlawfully dealt with by any person contrary to the Customs Acts,

or that it is intended by any person so unlawfully to import,

export, undervalue, enter or otherwise deal with any goods, or

whenever any goods have been seized as forfeited under the

Customs Acts, the Comptroller may by order under his or her

hand and the seal of the Customs require that person or any

person whom the Comptroller suspects to be or to have been the

owner or importer of those goods immediately to produce and

deliver to the Comptroller or to any specified officer of Customs

all invoices, bills, accounts and statements of those goods, and of

all goods imported by the same person within 3 years next before

the date of the order, and also immediately to produce for the

inspection of the Comptroller or any specified officer of Customs,

and allow him or her to make copies of or extracts from, all books

of account, invoice books or other books or records in which any

entry or memorandum appears or may be supposed to appear

respecting the purchase, importation, exportation, cost or value of

or payment for the said goods or any other goods so imported

within the said period of 3 years.

(2) The Comptroller may, by order under his or her hand and

the seal of the Customs, require any person to produce for

inspection by the Comptroller or by any specified officer of

Customs all or any receipts records or other documents relative to

any goods with reference to which any question has arisen under

the Customs Acts; and to allow the Comptroller or other officer as

aforesaid to make copies of or extracts from any such receipts,

records or documents; and to appear before the Comptroller, or

other specified officer as aforesaid, and to answer all questions

put concerning any such goods, or such receipts, records or

documents as aforesaid.

(3) An order under this section may be directed to any

corporation or local or public authority, or to any member, officer

or servant of any such corporation or local or public authority.

Customs Act 1977 89

(4) Any person who fails or refuses to comply with any order

made under this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine

not exceeding 50 penalty units.

194. Documents in foreign language - When any document

in a foreign language other than English is presented to any

officer for any purpose connected with the Customs Acts the

Comptroller may demand to be supplied with an English

translation of it, to be made at the expense of the person

producing the document by such person as the Comptroller may

approve, or verified in such manner as the Comptroller may

require, and until the translation is produced the Comptroller or

other proper officer may refuse to do any act in relation to the

purposes for which the document was produced.

195. Impounding documents - The Comptroller may

impound or retain any document presented in connection with any

entry or required to be produced under this Act; but the person

otherwise entitled to the document shall instead be entitled to a

copy certified as correct by the Comptroller under the seal of the

Customs, and the copy so certified shall be received in all Courts

of evidence instead of the original.

196. Taking samples - Samples of any goods subject to the

control of the Customs may, for any purpose deemed necessary,

be taken, used and disposed of by any officer of Customs in the

prescribed manner.

197. Permitting examination of goods - Subject to any

regulation, the Comptroller may permit any person to measure,

count, weigh, gauge, test or examine any goods subject to the

control of the Customs.

198. Mode of exercising of sale - Whenever the Comptroller

is empowered by this Act to sell any goods the following

provisions shall apply, except so far as different provision is made

by this Act in any particular case:

(a) the goods shall be sold by auction or tender, after

such public notice as may be prescribed, or if no

such notice is prescribed, after reasonable public


Customs Act 197790

(b) the price shall be paid in cash on the acceptance of

the bidding or tender;

(c) no bidding or tender shall be necessarily accepted,

and the goods may be re-offered until sold at a

price satisfactory to the Comptroller;

(d) the Comptroller or any officer of Customs authorised

by the Comptroller may act as an auctioneer in

the sale of the goods without being licensed in

that behalf.

(e) the proceeds of the sale shall be applied in the

following manner and order or priority:

(i) in the payment of the expenses of the sale;

(ii) in the payment of the duty, as if the goods

had been entered for home consumption;

(iii) in payment of warehouse and other charges;

(iv) in payment of any freight due on the goods,

if written notice claiming such freight has

been given to the Comptroller; and

(f) the residue of the said proceeds shall be paid to the

person entitled thereto.

199. Duty payable on goods sold by Comptroller - (1)

When any dutiable goods are sold by the Comptroller under the

authority of this Act, duty shall be payable thereon by the

purchaser in the same manner as if they had been entered by the

purchaser for home consumption, and the duty so paid shall be

deemed to be part of the proceeds of the sale.

(2) When the duty on any such goods is ad valorem the

Comptroller may, if he or she thinks fit, and subject to any

regulations, accept as their value, for the purpose of assessing the

duty, the price at which they are so sold, or any less sum, instead

of their value for duty purposes as otherwise determined in

accordance with this Act.

200. Sale of forfeited goods - Sections 198 and 199, so far as

they are applicable, shall apply to the sale of forfeited goods or

other forfeited articles.

201. Payments by Comptroller out of revenue in his or her

hands - (1) Subject to the Customs Acts and any regulations

made under any of them, the amount of any deposit returnable

Customs Act 1977 91

under any of those Acts shall be charged on any revenue received

under any of those Acts and in the Comptroller's hands and be

statutory expenditure, and may be paid accordingly.

(2) This section shall extend and apply to any such money

payable under any enactment repealed.

202. Expenses of removal and storage of goods by officers

of Customs - (1) All expenses lawfully incurred by the Customs

under this Act in the removal or storage of goods subject to the

control of the Customs shall constitute a debt due to the

Government by the importer or exporter of the goods as the case

may be, and shall be a charge on the goods and recoverable in the

same manner as duty under this Act.

(2) In the case of storage of goods in a Government

warehouse, the said expenses shall include storage charges at the

prescribed rate.

203. Reasonable and probable cause - No person is liable

for any arrest, seizure, detention or sale under the Customs Acts

unless it is proved that there was no reasonable or probable cause





203A. Interpretation – In this Part, unless the context

otherwise requires:

“claimant” means a person giving notice under section


“copyright material” means material that is the subject of


“Court” means the Supreme Court of Samoa;

“infringing sign”, in relation to a trademark, means a sign

that is:

(a) identical to a trade mark in which respect notice has

been given under section 203B and is used on or

in physical relation to goods that are identical

with goods in respect of which the trade mark is

registered; or

Customs Act 197792

(b) similar to such a trade mark and is used on or in

physical relation to goods that are identical with

or similar to goods in respect of which the trade

mark is registered, if such use would be likely to

deceive or confuse.

“infringement proceedings” means proceedings brought

under section 26 of the Copyright Act 1998 or section

21 of the Trade Marks Act 1972;

“registered trade mark” has the same meaning as in section

2 of the Trade Marks Act 1972;

“trade mark” has the same meaning as in section 2 of the

Trade Marks 1972.

203B. Notice requesting suspension of customs clearance

of goods may be given to Comptroller – A person may give

written notice to the Comptroller that:

(a) claims that he or she is the copyright owner of

copyright material specified in the notice or is

the owner of a trade mark that is registered in

respect of goods specified in the notice, as the

case may be ; and

(b) requests the Comptroller to suspend the customs

clearance procedure of any goods that the

Comptroller has reasonable grounds to suspect

are goods that infringe the owner’s copyright of

copying material; or are goods, on or in physical

relation to which an infringing sign is used, that ,

or at any time come into the control of Customs.

203C. Contents of notice – A notice under section 203B

must be in writing, specify the time period for which the notice is

to be in force and be accompanied by the following:

(a) prima facie evidence that the claimant is the owner

of the copyright in copyright material or the

owner of a registered trade mark;

(b) a sufficiently detailed description of the copyright

material or registered trade mark;

(c) the prescribed fee (if any); and

(d) any other documents that may be prescribed.

Customs Act 1977 93

203D. Comptroller must accept or decline notice - (1) The

Comptroller must, in relation to any notice given under section


(a) either -

(i) accept the notice if the claimant and the notice

given by the claimant comply with the

requirements of this section and any

regulations that may be prescribed; or

(ii) decline the notice if the claimant or the notice

given by the claimant does not comply

with the requirements of this section and

any regulations that may be prescribed;


(b) within a reasonable period of receiving the notice,

advise the claimant whether the notice has been

accepted or declined.

(2) The Comptroller may require the claimant to provide

further information before deciding whether to accept or decline

the notice.

203E. Duration of notice – A notice accepted under section

203D remains in force for the period specified in the notice


(a) it is revoked by the claimant by notice in writing; or

(b) the Comptroller revokes the notice; or

(c) the Court orders, in infringement proceedings, that

the notice be revoked

203F. Power to suspend customs clearance procedure – If

the Comptroller accepts the notice under section 203D and the

notice has not been revoked, the Comptroller has reasonable

grounds to suspect are goods with which an infringing sign are

being imported.

203G. Security - The Comptroller may refuse to suspend the

customs procedure in relation to the goods unless:

(a) the claimant has deposited with the Comptroller, at

the time notice is given under section 203B, a

sum of money that, in the opinion of the

Comptroller, is sufficient to reimburse Customs

for the reasonable expenses it is likely to incur as

Customs Act 197794

a result of the suspension of the customs

clearance procedure; or

(b) the claimant has given security, to the satisfaction of

the Comptroller, for the reimbursement of

Customs for those expenses.

203H. Notification - The Comptroller must give to the

claimant and the importer a written notification of the suspension

as soon as possible after the Comptroller has suspended customs

clearance of any goods.

203I. Inspection and examination of good - (1) The

Comptroller must allow the claimant and the importer to examine

the goods for which clearance is suspended and to remove

samples for examination, testing and analysis for the purposes of

conduction infringement proceedings.

(2) This section does not affect any rule of law or enactment

relating to the protection of confidential information.

203J. Detention and release of goods - (1) Goods for which

the comptroller has suspended customs clearance must be taken to

such secure place as the Comptroller directs and detained until:

(a) the Comptroller revokes the notice as a result of a

review; or

(b) the Comptroller is served with an order made by the

Court that the goods be released; or

(c) any infringement proceedings are abandoned; or

(d) 10 working days have elapsed since notification was

given under section 203H and the Comptroller

has not been served with a notice of infringement


(2) On the occurrence of any matters specified in subsection

(1), the goods must be released to the importer or to such other

person as the Court may order.

(3) The Comptroller may, in any particular case, extend the

period referred to in subsection (1)(d) to 20 working days if the

Comptroller considers it appropriate to do so in all the


203K. Forfeiture of goods by consent - (1) Subject to

subsection (2), the importer may, by written notice to the

Customs Act 1977 95

comptroller, consent to the detained goods being forfeited to the


(2) If the importer gives notice under this section, before any

infringement proceedings have been filed, the goods are forfeited

to the Comptroller and must be disposed of as the Comptroller


203L. Destruction of goods in relation to trade marks - (1)

If, in proceedings under the Trade Marks Act 1972, the Court

decides that any goods infringe an owner’s rights in relation to a

registered trade mark, the Court may make an order that the goods

be destroyed or disposed of outside the channels of commerce in

such a manner so as to avoid harm to the owner of the registered

trade mark.

(2) In considering whether to make an order for destruction or

disposal, the Court must consider the rights of interested third


(3) The following are not permitted:

(a) re-exporting the goods in the unaltered state;

(b) other than in exceptional cases, simply removing the

trade marks which have been affixed to

counterfeit goods without authorisation;

(c) placing the goods under a different customs


203M. Review of Comptroller’s decision - (1) The

Comptroller must on request of the claimant or the importer

review the Comptroller’s decision under section 203D.

(2) The Comptroller may modify, revoke or confirm the


203N. Small quantity of imports excluded – This Part does

not apply to small quantities of goods of a non-commercial nature

contained in a passenger’s personal luggage or sent in small


203O. Protection of persons acting under this Part - The

Comptroller or any customs officer or agent exercising a function

or power under this Part or regulations made this Part shall not

incur any civil or criminal liability for any act or omission done

honestly and without negligence.

Customs Act 197796

203P. Compensation for wrongful detention - On

application by the importer, the Court may order the claimant to

pay the importer appropriate compensation for any inquiry caused

to the importer through the wrong detention of goods because of

the failure of the claimant to file infringement proceedings.

203Q. Regulations - The Head of State, acting on the advice

of Cabinet, may make regulations:

(a) providing the forms of notices required under this


(b) providing for the times at which, and the manner in

which, notices are to be given;

(c) providing for the giving of information and evidence

to the Comptroller; and

(d) prescribing fees required under this Part.



204. Securities for payment of duty and compliance with

Act - (1) The Comptroller shall have the right to require and take

securities for payment of duty and generally for compliance with

this Act and for the protection of the revenue of Customs, and

pending the giving of the required security he or she may refuse to

pass any entry or to do any other act in the execution of his or her

office in relation to any matter in respect of which the security is


(2) Any security under this Act may, as required by the

Comptroller, be by bond (with or without sureties), or guarantee

to the Government, or by a deposit of cash, or by all or any of

those methods, to the satisfaction of the Comptroller.

(3) Any such security may be given either in relation to any

particular transaction, or generally with respect to any class of

transactions or to all transactions, and for such period and amount

as the Comptroller thinks fit, and under such conditions as to

forfeiture, penalty or otherwise as the Minister may direct.

(4) Any bond or other security entered into or given under this

Act by a person under the age of 21 years (otherwise than as a

surety or guarantor) shall have the same force, effect and validity

as if that person had been of full age.

Customs Act 1977 97

(5) Without limiting the power to make regulations conferred

by section 279, regulations made under that section may prescribe

forms of bonds, guarantees and other securities; and any security

may be either in the prescribed form or to the like effect, or in

such other form as the Comptroller in any particular case


205. New securities may be required - If at any time the

Comptroller is dissatisfied with the sufficiency of any security, the

Comptroller may require a new security in its place, or in

addition; and if the new security is not given he or she may refuse

to pass any entry or to do any other act in the execution of his or

her office in relation to any matter in respect of which the new

security is required.



Division 1 – Customs Agents

206. Who may act as agent - (1) No person shall act as agent

for any other person in the report, entry or clearance of ships,

aircraft or goods, or otherwise for the purposes of the Customs

Acts in relation to ships, aircraft or goods, unless the person so

acting is either:

(a) a servant or clerk in the exclusive employment of

that other person; or

(b) a Customs agent duly licensed under this Act; or

(c) a servant or clerk in the exclusive employment of a

licensed Customs agent, and approved as such by

the Comptroller in accordance with regulations.

(2) If the Comptroller is satisfied on reasonable grounds that

any servant or clerk is, whether by reason of bad character,

misbehaviour or incompetence, not a fit person to act as agent for

that other person for any of the purposes of the Customs Acts, the

Comptroller may refuse to permit that servant or agent so to act.

(3) Any person who acts as an agent in contravention of the

provisions of this section, or who acts as an agent for any other

person in any matter relating to the Customs Acts without being

authorised by that other person so to act, commits an offence

against this Act.

Customs Act 197798

207. Licensing of Customs agents - Without limiting the

power to make regulations conferred by section 279, the Head of

State may make regulations:

(a) providing for the granting of Customs agents'

licences or of different classes of such licences;

(b) prescribing the minimum qualifications required by

applicants for such licences after the

commencement of this Act, or, where applicants

or licensees are bodies corporate, by their

servants or clerks in respect of whom approval is

sought under the regulations after the

commencement of this Act;

(c) providing for the revocation of any such licences or

class of licences;

(d) prescribing conditions, whether as to security or

otherwise, of the grant or continuance of such

licences or of any such class of licences; and

(e) prescribing any annual or other fees to be payable in

respect of any such licences or class of licences.

208. Written authority of agents - Any officer of Customs

may require any person acting as or holding himself or herself out

as the agent of any other person in any matter relating to the

Customs Acts to produce a written authority from his or her

principal, and if such an authority is not produced, the officer may

refuse to recognise the agency.

209. Liability of principal for acts of agent - (1) A

declaration made or other act done by an agent in the name of his

or her agency in relation to the report, entry or clearance of ships,

aircraft of goods, or otherwise in relation to the Customs Acts,

shall be deemed to have been made or done by his or her principal

also, and the principal is liable accordingly to all penalties

imposed by the Customs Acts.

(2) For the purposes of this section the knowledge and intent

of the agent shall be imputed to the principal in addition to his or

her own.

(3) This section shall apply whether the appointment of the

agent was made in accordance with this Act or not.

(4) For the purposes of this section the agent of an agent is

taken to be also the agent of the principal.

Customs Act 1977 99

210. Liability of agents - When any person acts or assumes to

act as the agent of any other person in relation to the entry of

goods, or in relation to any other purposes or provisions of the

Customs Acts, the person is liable to the same penalties as if he or

she were the principal for whom the person so acts or assumes to


Division 2 – Customs Carriers

211. Conveyance of goods subject to control of the

Customs - (1) No person except a licensed Customs carrier shall

convey any goods subject to the control of the Customs.

(2) Nothing in this section shall apply to:

(a) the conveyance of goods in any ship that is not a

coastal ship, or in any aircraft that is in the

course of any journey to or from any country

outside Samoa; or

(b) the carriage of goods by the servants of any harbour,

port, or public authority having the control of

any wharf or Customs airport.

(3) Every person who conveys or is concerned in conveying

any goods subject to the control of the Customs contrary to the

provisions of this section commits an offence against this Act.

212. Licensing of Customs carriers - Without limiting the

power to make regulations conferred by section 279, the Head of

State may make regulations providing for the licensing of persons

as Customs carriers, and for the revocation of such licences, and

prescribing annual or other fees payable by the licensees, and the

conditions of the grant or continuance of any such licence, and the

security to be given by the licensees.



Division 1 – Offences in Relation to Officers

213. Influencing or resisting officer of Customs - A person


Customs Act 1977100

(a) by threats or demands, attempts to influence or does

influence any officer of Customs in the discharge

of his or her duty; or

(b) assaults, or by force resists, obstructs, intimidates or

endeavours to intimidate any officer of Customs

or any person acting in the officer’s aid in the

execution of his or her duties, commits an

offence, and is liable to imprisonment for a term

not exceeding 5 years.

214. Obstructing Customs officer or interfering with

Customs property - A person who:

(a) otherwise than by force, intentionally obstructs any

Customs officer or authorised person acting in

the execution of the officer’s duties; or

(b) intentionally interferes with any equipment, vehicle,

craft, dog, communication system or other aid

used by the Customs; or

(c) does any act with intention of impairing the

effectiveness of any equipment, vehicle, craft,

dog, communication system or other aid used, or

intended for use, by the Customs, is guilty of an

offence upon conviction and is liable to

imprisonment for term not exceeding 3 months

or to a fine not exceeding 100 penalty units or


215. Abusive or threatening language - A person commits

an offence against this Act who uses abusive, insulting, obscene

or threatening language to an officer of Customs while in the

execution of, or in relation to, his or her duties under the Customs


216. Personation of officer of Customs - A person who, not

being an officer of Customs, by words, conduct, or demeanour

pretends that he or she is an officer of Customs, or puts on or

assumes the uniform, name, designation or description of an

officer, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding

20 penalty units.

Division 2 – Other Offences

Customs Act 1977 101

217. Smuggling - If any person smuggles any goods he or she

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 50

penalty units or 3 times the value of those goods, whichever sum

is the greater, and the goods shall be forfeited.

218. Defrauding the revenue of Customs - If any person

contravenes any provision of this Act, or does any other act, with

intent to defraud the revenue of Customs:

(a) by evading or enabling any other person to evade

payment of duty or full duty on any goods; or

(b) by obtaining or enabling any other person to obtain

any money by way of drawback or refund of

duty on any goods; or

(c) in any other manner whatsoever in relation to any

goods, or

(d) conspires with any other person (whether that other

person is in Samoa or not) so to defraud the

revenue of Customs in relation to any goods, he

or she commits an offence and is liable to a fine

not exceeding 50 penalty units or 3 times the

value of those goods, whichever sum is the

greater, and the goods shall be forfeited.

219. Erroneous drawbacks or refunds - If any person

obtains any drawback, refund or remission of duty by means of

any erroneous or defective declaration or written statement, or by

producing to any officer of Customs any declaration or other

document of any kind whatsoever which is not genuine or which

is in any respect erroneous or defective, he or she commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 50 penalty units or3

times that amount of that drawback, refund or remission,

whichever sum is the greater.

220. Erroneous declarations - A person who makes any

declaration under this Act which is erroneous in any particular

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

Customs Act 1977102

221. Wilfully false declarations - A person who knowingly

makes any false declaration under this Act commits an offence

and is to imprisonment for a term not exceeding2 years.

222. Production of false documents - A person who

produces or delivers to an officer of Customs in the execution of

his or her office any document as genuine which is not genuine,

or any document as true which is in any respect erroneous,

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

223. Interference with goods - (1) So long as any imported

goods or goods for export remain subject to the control of the

Customs it shall not be lawful for any person, except with the

permission of the proper officer of Customs, to make any

alteration either in the condition of those goods or in the packages

containing them, or to unpack or repack the goods or to remove

them from any place in which an officer of Customs has directed

that they shall be stored.

(2) A person who acts in contravention of this section

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units.

224. Unauthorised entry into passenger processing areas -

A person who, without the permission of the proper officer of

Customs, enters on or remains in any area set aside for the

examination, for the purposes of this Act, of the personal baggage

of passengers disembarking from or embarking on any ship or

aircraft when such area is being used for such examination,

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 10

penalty units.

225. Suffering ship or aircraft to be used for smuggling - If

the master or owner of any ship or the pilot in command or owner

of any aircraft suffers his or her ship or aircraft to be used for the

purpose of smuggling goods or for the unlawful importation,

exportation or conveyance of goods, he or she commits an offence

and is liable to the same penalty as if he or she had smuggled or

unlawfully imported, exported or conveyed the same goods.

Customs Act 1977 103

226. Ships and aircraft adapted for smuggling - If any ship

or aircraft comes or is found within the territorial limits of Samoa


(a) false bulkheads, bows, sides or bottoms, adapted for

the purpose of concealing goods; or

(b) any secret or disguised place adapted for the purpose

of concealing goods; or

(c) any hole, pipe or device adapted for the purpose of

smuggling or unlawfully importing or exporting

goods, the master and the owner in the case of a

ship, or the owner in the case of an aircraft,

commits an offence and are severally liable to a

fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.

227. Counterfeit seals or marks - (1) A person commits an

offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 10 penalty units who,

without reasonable excuse, has in his or her possession, or makes,

or uses any counterfeit seal, stamp or mark in imitation of or

colourably resembling any seal, stamp or mark used by the

Customs for the purposes of the Customs Acts.

(2) A person convicted of an offence against this section shall,

in addition to any fine imposed, forfeit to the Government, by

virtue of the conviction, all articles in his or her possession in

respect of which the offence was committed.

228. Failure to comply with conditions of entry - (1) When

under any provision of this Act or of the Customs Tariff any

goods are, if entered for a particular purpose or under any

condition prescribed by the Minister, exempt from duty or liable

to a lower rate of duty than if entered otherwise than for that

purpose or under that condition, and any goods have been entered

under that provision, a person commits an offence who


(a) uses those goods for any purpose other than that for

which they have been so entered; or

(b) fails to comply with any condition prescribed by the

Minister in respect of the goods.

(2) If a person commits an offence under this section the

person is liable to a fine not exceeding 3 times the amount of the

duty or additional duty which would have been payable if the

goods had been entered otherwise than under the provision under

Customs Act 1977104

which they were entered, or 10 penalty units, whichever sum is

the greater, and the goods shall be forfeited.

(3) The Comptroller may at any time, if he or she thinks fit,

accept from the owner of any goods so entered for a particular

purpose or under any condition prescribed by the Minister the

amount of duty or additional duty which would have been payable

on them if they had been entered otherwise than for that purpose

or under that condition, and thereafter this section shall cease to

apply in respect of those goods.

229. Possession or custody of uncustomed goods or

prohibited imports - A person who has in his or her possession

or custody any uncustomed goods or any prohibited imports

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20

penalty units, unless the person proves:

(a) that he or she obtained possession or custody of them

without knowledge that they were uncustomed

goods or prohibited imports; or

(b) that he or she obtained possession or custody of them

with some other lawful justification.

230. Possession of concealed goods - A person found in

possession of any dutiable or restricted goods concealed in any

manner on any ship, boat or aircraft commits an offence and is

liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.

231. Failure to answer questions truly - A person commits

an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding 20 penalty units

who, when required under this Act to answer any question put to

him or her, fails or refuses to answer it, or does not truly answer


232. Liability of officers of body corporate - If a body

corporate commits an offence against this Act, every director,

manager, secretary, or other similar officer of the body corporate,

and every person purporting to act in any such capacity, shall also

be guilty of that offence if the act or omission constituting the

offence occurred with his or her knowledge and consent.

233. Attempts - Any attempts to commit an offence against

this Act is an offence punishable in like manner and constituting

Customs Act 1977 105

the like cause of forfeiture as if the offence so attempted had been

actually committed.

Division 3 – General Provisions as to Offences

234. Information to be laid by Comptroller – An

information for any offence against this Act or the regulations

shall be laid by the Comptroller.

235. Limitation of action - Despite anything to the contrary

in any other enactment, any information for any offence against

this Act or the regulations may be laid at any time within 3 years

after the date of the offence.

236. Value of goods for purpose of fine - When the amount

of any fine under this Act is to be determined by reference to the

value of any goods, the value thereof shall be estimated according

to the price for which goods of the like kind and of the best

quality, on which the duties (if any) have been paid, are saleable

in Samoa at the time of the offence.

237. General Penalty - A person who commits an offence

against this Act for which no other penalty is provided is liable to

a fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.

238. Imprisonment for second offence - A person who is

convicted of an offence against this Act which is punishable by a

fine only, and who has within 2 years before the conviction been

convicted of the like offence or of any other offence against this

Act may, if the convicting Court thinks fit, be sentenced to

imprisonment for a period not exceeding 3 months, instead of or

in addition to being sentenced to pay a fine.

239. Court may order payment of money in respect of

duty - (1) In any proceedings for an offence under section 191 or

section 193, if the Court is of opinion that the offence has been

committed for the purpose of enabling the destruction or

concealment of any evidence that would support a claim for duty

or other money due to the Government under the Customs Acts, it

may, in addition to any other penalty, order the offender to pay to

Customs Act 1977106

the Government such further sum in respect of that claim as it

thinks fit.

(2) Any order for payment under this section may be enforced

in the same manner as a fine.

(3) The recovery of any amount under this section in respect

of a claim shall not be deemed to extinguish the claim, but shall

be taken into account in determining the amount (if any) to be

awarded in any subsequent proceedings that may be taken in

respect of that claim.

240. Penalties independent of forfeitures - All penalties

under this Act shall be in addition to and independent of any

forfeiture, and all forfeitures under this Act shall, except where

otherwise provided, be independent of any proceedings in respect

of an offence.

241. Comptroller may deal with petty offences - (1) This

section applies to any offence against this Act that is committed in

relation to any goods:

(a) whose value does not exceed 100 penalty units; and

(b) on which any duty payable under the Tariff and this

Act does not exceed 50 penalty units.

(2) If in any case to which this section applies any person

admits in writing that he or she has committed the offence, and

requests that the offence be dealt with summarily by the

Comptroller, the Comptroller may, at any time before an

information has been laid in respect of the offence, accept from

that person such sum, not exceeding 10 penalty units or 3 times

the amount of the duty avoided (whichever is the greater), as the

Comptroller thinks just in the circumstances of the case, in full

satisfaction of any fine to which that person would otherwise be

liable under this Act.

(3) If the Comptroller accepts any sum pursuant to this section

the offender shall not be liable to be prosecuted for the offence in

respect of which the payment was made.

242. Arrest of offenders - (1) An officer of Customs or

member of the Police who has reasonable cause to suspect that

any person has committed any offence against this Act with intent

to defraud the revenue of Customs may, at any time within 7 days

Customs Act 1977 107

after the supposed date of the offence, arrest that person without


(2) The person so arrested shall not be tried for the offence

except on an information laid by the Comptroller in accordance

with this Act.

(3) Pending the laying of such an information the remanding

Officer before whom the accused is produced pursuant to Article

6(4) of the Constitution, as substituted by section 2 of the

Constitution Amendment Act 1965, may adjourn the matter for

any period not exceeding 48 hours, and may either remand the

accused in custody or release the accused on bail, and

recognizance, with or without sureties, conditioned to appear at

the time and place to which the matter has been so adjourned in

the same manner, so far as may be, as if an information could

have been and had been laid against the accused by the officer by

whom the accused has been so arrested.

(4) If at the time to which the matter has been so adjourned no

information for any offence against this Act has been laid by the

Comptroller in accordance with this Act, the accused shall be


(5) The arrest or discharge of any person under this section

shall not take away or in any manner affect the right of

proceeding against that person for the recovery of a penalty for

the offence for which he or she was so arrested, under section


Division 4 – Rewards

243. Rewards for seizures and convictions - The Minister

may order to be paid or distributed to or among any officers or

other persons by or through whom any seizure is made or fine

recovered under the Customs Acts, such rewards as the Minister

thinks fit, and any sum so ordered to be paid or distributed shall

be charged on the Treasury Fund and be statutory expenditure,

and may be paid or distributed accordingly:

PROVIDED THAT, where any such seizure or fine results from

an attempt to defraud the revenue of Customs, such rewards shall

not exceed in the aggregate half the value as determined by the

Minister, of the goods seized or as the case may be, half the

amount of the fine.

Customs Act 1977108



244. Application of this Part - This Part shall apply to all

forfeitures accruing either under this Act or under any other of the

Customs Acts.

245. Goods forfeited - In addition to all other goods

elsewhere declared by the Customs Acts to be forfeited, the

following goods shall be forfeited to the Government:

(a) all dutiable or restricted goods found on any ship,

boat or aircraft being unlawfully in any place;

(b) all dutiable or restricted goods found on any ship or

aircraft after arrival in any port from any country

outside Samoa, not being goods specified or

referred to in the inward report, and not being

baggage belonging to the crew or passengers,

and not being accounted for to the satisfaction of

the Comptroller;

(c) all dutiable or restricted goods found concealed in

any manner on a ship, boat or aircraft;

(d) any package having in it goods not enumerated in the


(e) all dutiable or restricted goods found so packed as to

be likely to deceive the officers of Customs; and

(f) all uncustomed goods which are found in any place.

246. Forfeiture of packages - The forfeiture of any goods

shall extend to the forfeiture of the case, covering or other

enclosure not being a bulk cargo container, or pallet, in which the

goods are contained at the time of seizure.

247. Boats and vehicles and animals forfeited - A boat,

vehicle or animal used in smuggling goods, or in unlawfully

conveying goods with intent to defraud the revenue of Customs,

or in the importation or conveyance of prohibited imports or

forfeited goods, shall be forfeited.

248. Equipment of forfeited boats, vehicles and animals -

When any boat, vehicle, or animal has become liable to forfeiture

Customs Act 1977 109

under the Customs Acts, whether by virtue of section 247 or

otherwise, all equipment thereof shall also be liable to forfeiture.

249. Forfeiture to relate back - When it is provided by this

Act or Customs Acts that any goods are forfeited, and the goods

are seized in accordance with this Act or with the Act under

which the forfeiture has accrued, the forfeiture shall for all

purposes relate back to the date of the act or event from which the

forfeiture accrued.

Division 1 – Seizure

250. Seizure of forfeited goods - (1) An officer of Customs

or member of the Police may seize any forfeited goods or any

goods which he or she has reasonable and probable cause for

suspecting to be forfeited.

(2) In any such case such force may be used as is reasonably

necessary for effecting the seizure and securing the goods.

(3) All goods so seized shall be taken to a Government

warehouse or to such other place of security as the Comptroller or

other proper officer directs.

(4) No goods shall be so seized at any time except within 2

years after the cause of forfeiture has arisen.

251. Where goods may be seized - Goods may be seized as

forfeited wherever found within the territorial limits of Samoa.

252. Rescue of seized goods - A person who, without the

permission of the Comptroller or other proper officer of Customs,

whether pretending to be the owner or not, either secretly or

openly, and whether with or without force or violence, takes or

carries away, or otherwise converts to his or her own use, any

goods which have been seized as forfeited, at any time before they

have been declared by competent authority to have been seized

without due cause, shall be deemed to have stolen the goods as if

they were the property of the Government, and shall be guilty of

theft accordingly.

253. Notice of seizure - When any goods have been seized as

forfeited the Comptroller shall, except when the goods are seized

in the presence of some person having or claiming an interest

Customs Act 1977110

therein, give immediate notice of the seizure, in the prescribed

form, to the importer or some other person known or believed to

have an interest in the goods, either by delivering the notice

personally or by letter addressed to him or her and delivered at or

transmitted by post to that person’s last known place of abode or

business; but no seizure shall be invalidated or rendered illegal by

any failure to give such notice.

Division 2 - Condemnation

254. Condemnation without suit - (1) All goods seized as

forfeited shall be deemed to be condemned, as if by suit and

judgment of condemnation, unless within 1 month after the day of

the seizure some person gives notice in the prescribed form to the

Comptroller that the person, or someone on whose behalf he or

she acts, is entitled to the goods or to an interest therein, and

intends to dispute their forfeiture.

(2) The burden of proving in any proceedings that any such

notice was duly given shall be on the person alleging it.

(3) Proceedings for the condemnation of any goods seized as

forfeited may be commenced and prosecuted to judgment whether

any such notice has been given or not.

255. Condemnation by Court - (1) Proceedings for the

condemnation of any goods seized as forfeited may in any case be

instituted in any Court having jurisdiction by information by the

Attorney General.

(2) The procedure on any such information shall, subject to

this Act, be in accordance with rules of Court to be made in that

behalf, and in default of such rules or so far as they do not extend,

then in accordance with the usual practice of the Court in civil

proceedings at the suit of the Attorney General so far as

applicable, or so far as not applicable, then in accordance with the

directions of the Court or a Judge.

(3) On the filing of any such information in the Court by the

Attorney General, the Court or a Judge as the case may be shall

fix a time and place for the hearing of the information, and notice

of the proceedings and of the time and place so fixed shall be

served on or given to such persons and in such manner as the

Court or a Judge thereof directs.

Customs Act 1977 111

(4) A person claiming any interest in the goods to which the

information relates may, at any time within 1month after the filing

of the information, or within such further time as the Court or a

Judge as the case may be allows, file a statement of defence, and

shall thereupon become a party to the proceedings.

(5) A statement of defence shall set out the interest claimed by

the defendant in the goods to which the information relates, and

shall be accompanied by an affidavit verifying the existence and

nature of that interest.

(6) If no such statement of defence is duly filed by any person,

judgment of condemnation of the goods to which the information

relates shall be entered.

(7) On any such information costs may be awarded to or

against the Attorney General or any other party to the


(8) An appeal from the decision of a District Court Judge,

whether to make an order of condemnation or to refuse to make

such an order, and whether based on law or fact, shall lie to the

Supreme Court at the suit of any party to the proceedings,

irrespective of the value of the property in question, subject to

compliance with subsection (9).

(9) Such an appeal shall be commenced by the serving of

notice of motion of the appeal on every party to the proceedings

directly affected by the appeal, the filing of a duplicate of the

notice in the District Court, and the filing of another duplicate of

the notice in the Supreme Court, all within 28 days from the time

when the decision of the District Court Judge is given,

irrespective of whether reasons for the decision or costs are given

at a later date, and irrespective of whether any formal steps to

sign, enter or otherwise perfect the decision are necessary or are

afterwards taken.

256. No other action competent while condemnation

proceedings pending - While any proceedings for condemnation

are pending no action or other proceeding for the recovery of

damages for the seizure or the detention of the things seized, or

for the recovery of the possession of them, or for the recovery of

money deposited instead thereof, or of the proceeds of their sale,

shall be commenced, or, if already commenced, shall be

continued, without the leave of the Attorney-General or a Judge

of the Supreme Court.

Customs Act 1977112

257. Conviction to operate as a condemnation of forfeited

goods - (1) Despite anything in the foregoing provisions of this

Part relating to condemnation, but subject to subsection (2), when

it is provided by this Act or by any other of the Customs Acts that

on the commission of any offence any goods shall be forfeited,

the conviction of any person of that offence shall have effect as a

condemnation, without suit or judgment, of any goods:

(a) that have been seized in accordance with this Act or

with the Act under which the forfeiture has

accrued; and

(b) in respect of which the offence was committed.

(2)Subsection (1) shall not limit the right of any person, not

being the convicted person or a person acting on his or her behalf,

to claim that he or she is entitled to the goods or to an interest in

them and to dispute their forfeiture pursuant to section 254.

Division 3 – Miscellaneous

258. Delivery of goods seized on deposit of value - (1)

When any goods have been seized as forfeited the Comptroller

may, if the Comptroller thinks fit, at any time before their

condemnation, deliver them to the owner or other person from

whom they were seized, on the deposit with the Comptroller of a

sum equal to their duty-paid value as determined by the


(2) The money so deposited shall be taken to be substituted

for the goods so seized, and all the provisions of this Act with

respect to condemnation, so far as they are applicable, shall

extend and apply to that money accordingly, as if a claim thereto

had been duly made under section 254 by the person depositing it.

259. Sale of perishable articles seized - (1) When any living

creature or anything which, in the opinion of the Comptroller, is

of a perishable nature has been seized as forfeited the Comptroller

may, if the Comptroller thinks fit, sell the thing so seized before

its condemnation.

(2) The net proceeds of such sale shall be deemed to be

substituted for the thing so sold, and all the provisions of this Act

with respect to notice of claim and condemnation shall apply to

those proceeds accordingly.

Customs Act 1977 113

260. Disposal of forfeited goods - All forfeited goods shall,

on forfeiture, become the property of the Government, and shall

be sold, destroyed or otherwise disposed of as in any case the

Minister may direct.

261. Waiver of forfeiture by Head of State - When any

forfeiture has accrued under the Customs Acts the Head of State

may on such terms as the Head of State thinks fit, whether before

or after seizure or condemnation, waive the forfeiture (whether in

whole or in part), and direct the restoration of any property so


262. Application of forfeiture provisions - All the

provisions of this Act with respect to the forfeiture of goods shall

extend and apply to any boat, vehicle or other thing forfeited

under the Customs Acts.

262A. Additional powers to recover duty – (1) This section

shall bind the government.

(2) Where any person has made default in the payment of

duty, the Comptroller may by notice in writing require any person

to deduct from any amount payable or to become payable to the

person in default, such sum as may be specified in the notice, and

to pay every sum so deducted to the Comptroller to the credit of

the person in default within such time as may be specified in the


(3) Where any notice under this section relates to any wages

or salary, the sums required to be deducted therefrom shall be

computed so as not to exceed a deduction each week greater than

5 % of the duty owed by the person in default at the date of the

notice, or an amount equal to 20 % of the wages or salary,

whichever is the less.

(4) A copy of every notice given under this section and the

revocation of any such notice shall be given to the person in

default by the Comptroller.

(5) When ever pursuant to a notice under this section any

deduction is made from any amount payable to the person in

default, he or she shall be entitled to receive from the debtor a

statement in writing of the fact of the deduction and of the

purpose for which it was made.

Customs Act 1977114

(6) The sum deducted from any amount pursuant to a notice

under this section shall be deemed to be held in trust for the

Government and, without prejudice to any other remedies against

the debtor or any other person, shall be recoverable in the same

manner in all respects as if it were a debt payable by the debtor.

(7) A person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to

a fine not exceeding 200 penalty units who:

(a) fails to make any deduction required by a notice

under this section to be made from any amount

payable by him or her to a person in default; or

(b) fails after making any such deduction to pay the sum

deducted to the Comptroller within the time

specified in that behalf in the notice.

(8) Where any person has made default in the payment of

duty, or in respect of any judgment therefore (including any costs,

fees or expenses included in the judgment or otherwise payable to

the Comptroller in respect thereof) the amount shall be a charge

on all the real and personal property of that person, except so far

as that may be precluded by Article 102 of the Constitution.

(9) A charge created by this section shall operate in the same

manner as if it were a charge under section 64 of the Income Tax

Act 1974 and the procedures provided for in that section shall be

deemed to apply as if fully provided for hereunder(with necessary


(10) The rights referred to in subsection (9) shall be

exercisable by the Comptroller in like manner to those of the

Commissioner for Inland Revenue.



263. Ships and aircraft liable to detention - Any ship or

aircraft is liable to detention in accordance with this Part when

any offence has been committed for which the owner or master of

the ship or the owner or pilot in command of the aircraft is liable

as such to a penalty under this Act.

264. Seizure of ships and aircraft - (1) An officer of

Customs may seize any ship or aircraft which is liable to detention

under this Act or which he or she has reasonable and probable

cause for suspecting to be so liable.

Customs Act 1977 115

(2) Any such seizure may be made in the same manner as a

seizure for forfeited goods.

(3) No ship or aircraft shall be so seized at any time except

within 2 years after the act or event which rendered it liable to


265. Where ships and aircraft may be seized - No ship or

aircraft shall be so seized elsewhere than within the territorial

limits of Samoa.

266. Rescue of seized ships and aircraft - (1) A person who,

without the permission of the Comptroller or other proper officer

of Customs, whether under any claim of right or not, and either

secretly or openly, and whether with or without force or violence,

takes away any ship or aircraft seized as being liable to detention,

at any time before it has been declared by competent authority to

have been seized without due cause, shall be deemed to have

stolen the ship or aircraft as if it were the property of the

Government, and shall be guilty of theft accordingly.

(2) For the purpose of this section the seizure of any ship or

aircraft shall be deemed to be complete so soon as any officer of

Customs has boarded the ship or aircraft and notified the master

or the pilot in command or any other officer of the ship or aircraft

that it is seized by the Customs, or so soon as any such officer of

Customs has been resisted or obstructed in his or her endeavour to

board the ship or aircraft for that purpose.

267. Security to be given before release of seized ship or

aircraft - A ship or aircraft so seized may be detained by the

Customs until security is given to the satisfaction of the

Comptroller, in such sum as he or she thinks sufficient, by or on

behalf of the owner or master of the ship, or the owner or pilot in

command of the aircraft, or some person claiming an interest

therein, for the payment of any penalties and costs which may

theretofore have been imposed or may thereafter be imposed on

the owner or master or pilot in respect of the offence by which the

liability of the ship or aircraft to detention accrued.

268. Avoidance of security - If no such penalty is imposed on

the owner or master of the ship or the owner or pilot in command

of the aircraft either before or within 1 year after the date of the

Customs Act 1977116

seizure of the ship or aircraft, any such security shall become

void, and the ship or aircraft, if no such security has been given,

shall cease to be subject to detention.

269. Enforcement of security - If any such penalty is

imposed upon the owner or master of the ship or the owner or

pilot in command of the aircraft either before or within 1 year

after the date of the seizure of the ship or aircraft, any security so

given shall become available for the recovery of the amount of the

penalty and of any costs awarded.

270. Service of process - For the purpose of recovering any

such penalty, any summons or other process may be served on the

owner or master of any ship or the owner or pilot in command of

any aircraft so seized (whether the defendant is within Samoa or

not) by leaving it or a copy of it on board the ship or aircraft; but

nothing in this section shall preclude any other lawful method of




271. Incriminating questions and documents - (1) In any

civil proceedings in any Court under or in pursuance of any

provision of the Customs Acts, whether for the recovery of any

duty or tax or in relation to any forfeiture, or otherwise, no person,

whether a party to the proceedings or not, shall be excused from

answering any question put to him or her, by interrogatory or

otherwise, or from producing or making discovery of any

document, on the ground that the answer to the question or the

production or discovery of the document may incriminate or tend

to incriminate him or her.

(2) In any proceedings in any Court for an offence against any

provision of the Customs Acts, a person called as a witness

(including a person charged with the offence and called as a

witness on his or her own application) shall not be excused from

answering any question put to him or her touching the alleged

offence, on the ground that the answer may incriminate or tend to

incriminate him or her.

(3) A statement made, in any proceedings to which subsection

(1) or subsection (2) applies, by any person (other than the person

Customs Act 1977 117

charged with the offence in proceedings to which the said

subsection (2) applies) in answer to any such question, or a

document of which production or discovery is so made by him or

her in any such civil proceedings, shall not, in any criminal

proceedings, be admissible in evidence against him or her except

on a charge of perjury in respect of his or her sworn testimony or

on a charge of making a false statement on oath or on a charge of

knowingly making a false declaration under section 221.

272. Source of information need not be disclosed - No

officer of Customs or member of the Police and no witness for the

Government in any prosecution for an offence against the

Customs Acts, or in any proceedings relative to the seizure,

detention or condemnation of ships, aircraft or goods under those

Acts, shall be compellable to disclose the fact that he or she

received any information, or its nature or source, or to produce or

disclose the existence or nature of any reports made by or

received by him or her in an official or confidential capacity.

273. Burden of proof in proceedings under the Customs

Acts - (1) In any proceedings under the Customs Acts instituted

by or on behalf of or against the Comptroller or the Government

(other than a criminal prosecution in the Supreme Court) every

allegation made on behalf of the Comptroller or the Government

in any statement of claim, statement of defence, plea or

information, and relating to the identity or nature of any goods, or

to their value for ad valorem duty, or to the country or time of

their exportation, or to the fact or time of their importation, or to

their place of manufacture, production or origin, or to the payment

of any duty on them, or to any act done or omitted with respect

thereto by any person, shall be presumed to be true unless the

contrary is proved.

(2) The said presumption shall not be excluded by the fact that

evidence is produced on behalf of the Comptroller or the

Government in support of any such allegation.

(3) For the purposes of this section a prosecution in the

District Court for an offence against the Customs Acts shall be

deemed to be a proceeding instituted on behalf of the Comptroller

or the Government.

(4) For the purposes of this section, every proceeding

instituted by or against the Comptroller or the Government in

Customs Act 1977118

which any question arises as to the rights, powers, obligations or

liabilities of the Comptroller or the Government or any other

person under the Customs Acts, shall be deemed to be a

proceeding under those Acts.

(5) The provisions of this section shall extend and apply to

proceedings in which the existence of an interest to defraud the

revenue of Customs is in issue.

274. Burden of proof of justification - In all proceedings

which are instituted against the Government, or against the

Minister or an officer of Customs or member of the Police or any

other person, for any seizure, arrest or other act done in pursuance

of the Customs Acts, and in which the existence of reasonable or

probable cause or of any other justification for such act is in issue,

the burden of proving the want of reasonable or probable cause or

the absence of such justification shall be on the plaintiff.

275. Presumption of authenticity of documents - All

documents purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Minister

or Comptroller, or to be sealed with the seal of the Customs, shall

in all Courts and in all proceedings under the Customs Acts be

deemed to have been so signed or sealed with due authority,

unless the contrary is proved.

276. What evidence receivable - In any action or other

proceeding under the Customs Acts, whether civil or criminal

(other than a criminal prosecution in the Supreme Court), the

Court may, in proof of any fact in issue, admit and accept as

sufficient such evidence as it thinks fit, whether such evidence is

legally admissible in other proceedings or not.

277. Declarations under this Act - (1) A declaration required

or authorised by this Act shall be made in the prescribed form.

(2) Where by any such form it is indicated that the declaration

shall be made before any person, then it may be made before the

Comptroller or other officer of Customs or before any person

authorised by or under the Oaths, Affidavits and Declarations Act

1963 to take declarations, or before any such other person as may

be prescribed.


Customs Act 1977 119


278. Application of Customs Acts to goods passing

through Post Office - (1) In this section the term "postal packet"

means any letter, parcel, packet or other article whatever received

or transmitted by or through the Post Office.

(2) Subject to this section and to any regulations, the

provisions of the Customs Acts shall apply to postal packets and

to goods contained therein in the same manner as to any other


(3) Without limiting the power to make regulations conferred

by section 279, the Head of State may make regulations for all or

any of the following purposes:

(a) modifying any provisions of the Customs Acts in

their application to postal packets or to goods

contained therein, or exempting such postal

packets or goods from the application of any

provisions of the Customs Acts, but not so as to

affect the liability of any goods to duty or the

rate of any duty, or the law as to prohibited

imports or exports;

(b) securing, in respect of such packets of goods, the

observance of the Customs Acts and the payment

of duty;

(c) enabling any officers of the Post Office to exercise or

perform for the purposes of the Customs Acts all

or any of the powers or duties of the importer or

exporter, or of an officer of Customs, in respect

of such packets or goods;

(d) authorising the destruction or other mode of

disposition of postal packets or goods therein on

which duty is not paid within such time as may

be prescribed;

(e) providing that any separate postal packets and any

goods therein, whether addressed to the same or

to different persons, may be treated for the

purposes of the Customs Acts as a single

package consigned to a single person, and that

duty shall be payable thereon accordingly;

Customs Act 1977120

(f) prescribing the persons who shall be deemed for the

purposes of the Customs Acts to be the importers

or exporters of such postal packets or goods.

279. General power to make regulations - The Head of

State may make regulations under this Act for all or any of the

following purposes:

(a) prescribing the nature, size and material of the

packages in which imported goods or goods for

export or for removal within Samoa are to be


(b) prescribing the maximum weight or quantity of

imported goods or goods for export or for

removal within Samoa that may be contained in

any 1package;

(c) prescribing the conditions of preparation or

manufacture for export of any articles used for

food or drink by humans or used in the

manufacture of articles so used;

(d) prescribing the conditions as to purity, soundness

and freedom from disease to be conformed to by

goods for export;

(e) prescribing the manner in which goods shall be

weighed or measured for the purposes of the

Customs Acts and the allowances or deductions

that may be permitted in such weighing or


(f) modifying any provisions of the Customs Acts in

their application to goods (not being goods

passing through the Post Office) that are

imported into Samoa or exported from Samoa by

means of aircraft, but not so as to affect the

liability of any goods to duty or the rate of any

duty or the law as to prohibited imports or


(g) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act;

(ga) prescribing fees and charges for services provided

by officers of Customs and the methods of

assessment and payment of such fees and


Customs Act 1977 121

(h) providing for such matters as are contemplated by or

necessary for giving full effect to the provisions

of the Customs Acts and for the due

administration thereof;

(i) prescribing fees to be paid in respect of the exercise

of any power or function under this Act or

consistent with this Act, including application

fees applicable to requests made for the exercise

of any such power or functions.

280. Penalties imposed by regulations - Any regulations

made by the Head of State under this Act may prescribe fines, not

exceeding 10 penalty units, for the breach of any such regulations.

281. General provisions as to validity of orders and

regulations - Without limiting the Acts Interpretation Act 1974,

no order or regulation under this Act shall be invalid because it

leaves any matter to the discretion of the Minister or of any other

person, or because it authorises the Minister or any other person

to give any consent or to issue any licence, permit or other

instrument on or subject to conditions to be imposed or approved

by the Minister.

282. Repeal and savings - (1) The enactments specified in

the Third Schedule are repealed.

(2) All the New Zealand enactments specified in the Fourth

Schedule which are parts of the law of Samoa are repealed as

parts of that law.

(3) The New Zealand enactments specified in the Fifth

Schedule are revoked and repealed as part of the law of Samoa.

(4) Unless the context otherwise requires, every reference in

any enactment or document in force prior to the commencement

of this Act to the Collector of Customs shall be read as a reference

to the Comptroller of Customs, and every reference to the

Collector shall be read as a reference to the Comptroller.

(5) Without limiting the Acts Interpretation Act 1974, where

under the authority of any enactment repealed, or under the

authority of any regulation made under any such enactment, any

appointment or any act of authority or any other thing whatsoever

has been made or done by the Governor General of New Zealand

or the High Commissioner or the Head of State or the Minister or

Customs Act 1977122

the Comptroller or any other person, and that appointment, act of

authority, or thing is subsisting or in force at the commencement

of this Act and could have been made or done under any

substantially corresponding provision of this Act (in this

subsection referred to as the corresponding provision) by any

person other than the one specified in the said enactment or

regulation, or in any manner other than that so specified, it shall

continue and have effect as if it had been made or done under the

corresponding provision by the person or in the manner specified

in the corresponding provision, and as if the corresponding

provision had been in force when it was made or done.

(6) The Customs Regulations 1959 (NZ) shall, so far as they

are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, continue in

force as if made under this Act.

283. Limitation of actions – No statute of limitation shall bar

or affect any action or remedy for the recovery of duty under this




(Section 49)


Every article the sale of which in Samoa would be an offence against

any enactment relating to the sale of food or drugs.

All indecent documents within the meaning of the Indecent

Publications Ordinance 1960.

False or counterfeit money or bank notes, cheque forms or promissory

note forms the importation of which is not approved by the Minister.

Any money not being of the established standard in weight or fineness.


(Section 87)


Customs Act 1977 123

Annual licence fees for warehouses licensed for the warehousing of

dutiable goods other than oils in vessels capable of containing 100

gallons or more:


Less than 200 tons $1000

More than 200 tons and less than 300 tons $1250

More than 300 tons and less than 400 tons $1500

More than 400 tons and less than 500 tons $1750

More than 500 tons and less than 600 tons $2000

More than 600 tons and less than 700 tons $2250

More than 700 tons and less than 800 tons $2500

More than 800 tons and less than 900 tons $2750

More than 900 tons and less than 1000 tons $3000

More than 1000 tons $3250


Annual licence fees for warehouses licensed for the warehousing of oils

in vessels capable of containing 100 gallons or more:



Less than 200 tons $1000

More than 200 tons and less than 300 tons $1250

More than 300 tons and less than 400 tons $1500

More than 400 tons and less than 500 tons $1750

More than 500 tons and less than 600 tons $2000

More than 600 tons and less than 700 tons $2250

More than 700 tons and less than 800 tons $2500

More than 800 tons and less than 900 tons $2750

Customs Act 1977124

More than 900 tons and less than 1000 tons $3000

More than 1,000 tons $3250

1. When any warehouse requires the entire services of an officer

or officers of Customs, the annual licence fee for that

warehouse shall, in lieu of the above amounts, be $1000 for

each officer so required, and all questions as to the number of

officers required and the time for which their services are

required shall be determined by the Comptroller, whose

determination shall be final.

2. When any warehouse is used for the storage of goods during a

portion only of the year, or the services of an officer of

Customs are required at that warehouse during a portion only

of the year, the Comptroller may remit or refund a

proportionate part of the licence fee otherwise payable,

calculated in respect of the period during which the warehouse

is not used or the services of that officer are not required.


(Section 282(1))


1920 - No.7: The Importation of Infected Goods Ordinance 1920.

1959 - No.12: The Samoa Customs Ordinance 1959.

1964 - No.20: The Samoa Customs Order Amendment Act 1964

1965 - No.6: The Samoa Customs Order Amendment Act 1965.

1968 - No. 8: The Samoa Customs Order Amendment Act 1968

1972 - No.5: The Samoa Customs Order Amendment Act 1972.


(Section 282(2))



1908 - No.46: The Distillation Act 1908. (1957 Reprint, Vol. 4,

Customs Act 1977 125


1908 - No.122: The Monopoly Prevention Act 1908: Section 10 and

subsection (1) of section 12. (1957 Reprint Vol.10 pp.

334, 335).

1908 - No.190: The Timber Export Act 1908. (1957 Reprint, Vol. 15,


1908 - No.192: The Tobacco Act 1908 (1957 Reprint Vol. 15, p.609).

1910 - No.4: The Phosphorus Matches Act 1910: Section 3. (1957

Reprint, Vol. 11, p.771).

1910 - No.12: The Tobacco Amendment Act 1910. (1957 Reprint

Vol.15, p.627).

1913 - No.63: The Customs Act 1913. (1957 Reprint Vol.3 p.552).

1914 - No.21: The Customs Amendment Act 1914. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3 p.663.)

1915 - No.39: The Finance Act 1915. (1957 Reprint, Vol. 5, p.1).

1917 - No.9: The Finance Act 1917: Sections 50 and 51 (1957

Reprint, Vol.5, p.39; Vol.15, pp.627, 628).

1920 - No. 83: The Finance Act 1920: Section 50. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3, pp.650, 664; Vol.5, p.48).

1921 - No.16: The Samoa Act 1921: Subsection (4) of section 45.

1921 - No.19: The Customs Amendment Act 1921. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3, p.665).

1921 - No.25: The Finance Act 1921 (No.2.) (1957 Reprint, Vol.5,

p.49; Vol.15, p.628).

1921-22 No.72: The Finance Act 1921-22: Section 18. (1957 Reprint,

Vol. 5, p.51; Vol.3 p.680).

1922 - No.14: The Customs Amendment Act 1922. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3 p.680).

1923 - No.15: The Customs Amendment Act 1923, (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3 p.681).

Customs Act 1977126

1927 - No.26: The Customs Amendment Act 1927. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3 p.682).

1930 - No.5: The Customs Amendment Act 1930: Parts I and III.

(1957 Reprint, Vol.3, pp.684, 711; Vol. 15, p.629).

1931 - No.30: The Customs Amendment Act 1931: Parts I and III.

(1957 Reprint, Vol.3 pp.691, 712; Vol.15, p.630).

1932-33 No.35: The Customs Amendment Act 1932-33 (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3, pp.695, 714).

1934 - No.14: The Customs Amendment Act 1934: Parts I and III,

the Second Schedule, and so much of the Third

Schedule as relates to section 24 of the Tobacco Act

1908, section 3 of the Customs Act 1913 and sections

5, 12, 13, 21, and 25 of the Customs Amendment Act

1930. (1957 Reprint, Vol.3, pp.696, 715; Vol. 15,


1934 - No.31: The Finance Act (No.3) 1934: Sections 6 and 31.

(1957 Reprint, Vol.3 pp.573, 576, 701; Vol.5, pp.100,


1937 - No.17: The Finance Act 1937: Section 28. (1957 Reprint

Vol.3, p.701; Vol.5, p.109).

1939 - No.30: The Customs Amendment Act 1939. (1957 Reprint,

Vol. 3, pp.701, 718).

1942 - No.5: The Customs Amendment Act 1942: Parts I and II.

(1957 Reprint, Vol. 3, pp.703, 719; Vol.15, pp.613,


1943 - No.9: The Finance Act (2) 1943: section 9. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.5 p.128; Vol.15, p632).

1946 - No.21: The Customs Amendment Act 1946: PartI. (1957

Reprint, Vol.3, pp.705, 720).

1947 - No.29: The Customs Amendment Act 1947: Parts I and III,

and the Third and Fifth Schedules. (1957 Reprint,

Vol.3, pp. 705, 721; Vol. 15, p.633).

1951 - No.71: The Customs Amendment Act 1951: PartI. (1957

Reprint, Vol.3, pp. 708, 722).

Customs Act 1977 127

1953 - No.57: The Customs Amendment Act 1953: PartI. (1957

Reprint, Vol.3 pp. 709, 723).

1958 - No.33: The Customs Amendment Act 1958: Parts I and III.

1959 - No.45: The Customs Amendment Act 1959.

1960 - No.27: The Customs Amendment Act 1960: Parts I and II.

1961 - No.10: The Motor Spirits Duty Act 1961: So much of the

sixth Schedule as relates to section 14 of the Customs

Amendment Act 1934 and section 7 (1) of the

Customs Amendment Act 1939.

1961 - No.57: The Customs Amendment Act 1961.


(Section 282(3))



N.Z.S.R. 1939/104: The Samoa Customs Order 1939.

N.Z.S.R. 1945/36: The Samoa Customs Order 1939,

Amendment No.3

N.Z.S.R. 1956/20: The Samoa Customs Order 1939,

Amendment No.5

N.Z.S.R. 1949/125: The Samoa Customs (Aircraft)

Regulations 1949.

N.Z.S.R. 1944/21: The Samoa Import Control Regulations


N.Z.S.R. 1956/219: The Samoa Import Control Regulations

1944, Amendment No.1


(Section 190)


Customs Act 1977128

To: In pursuance of the Customs Act 1977 you are authorised to

enter by day or night, and whether peaceably or by force if

need be, any house, premises, or place in which you have

reasonable cause to suspect that there are any uncustomed

goods, or any goods subject to the control of the Customs or

unlawfully imported, or any goods in respect of which an

offence has been committed against the Customs Act, or any

books or other documents relating to any such goods, or any

books or other documents containing information that may

lead to the recovery of any penalty or other money under the

Customs Act, and to search any houses, premises, or place so

entered, and there to break open and search any chests, trunks,

packages, or places in which any such goods, books or

documents may be or be supposed to be; and on any such entry

to seize and carry away any forfeited goods or any goods

which there is reasonable cause to believe or suspect to be

forfeited; and in so acting you are authorised to take with you

and have the assistance of any member of the Police and such

other assistants as you deem necessary. For all which this shall

be your sufficient warrant.

GIVEN under my hand and the Seal of the Customs this ..... day of 20

........ (Customs Seal).


Minister of Customs

The reference to the Police should now be read as a reference to the

Police Service, see s.3(3) of the Police Service Act 1977.


This Act has been consolidatedand revised under section 5 of the Revision

and Publication of Laws Act 2008.

The following general revisions have been made:

(a) Amendments have been made to conform to modern drafting styles

and to use modern language as applied in the laws of Samoa.

(b) Amendments have been made to up-date references to offices,

officers and statutes.

(c) References to the male gender were made gender neutral

(d) Insertion of the commencement date

(d) Other minor editing has been done in accordance with the lawful

powers of the Attorney General.

Customs Act 1977 129

(i) “Every” and “any” changed to “a” or “each” where


(ii) “shall be” changed to “is” and “shall be deemed” changed to

“is taken”

(iii) “shall have” changed to “has”

(iv) “shall be guilty” changed to “commits”

(v) “notwithstanding” changed to “despite”

(vi) “pursuant to” or “in accordance with the provisions of”

changed to “under”

(vii) Numbers in words changed to figures

(viii) “hereby” and “from time to time” (or “at any time”) removed

(ix) Divisions inserted for subheadings of Parts

(x) The heading “Repeals, revocations and savings” changed to

“Repeal and savings”. (section 282.

(xi) Arrangement of provision made consistent with the text.

The following amendments have been made to specific sections of the Act to

incorporate amendments made by Act of Parliament passed since the

publication of the Consolidated and Revised Statutes of Samoa 2007

By the Customs Amendment Act 2010, No.2:

Section 132 - Repealed by section 2 of the Customs Amendment

Act 2010, No.2.

Part VIIIA& - New Part VIIIA and section 203A to 203Q


Sections 203A

to 203Q

Section 214 - Section 214 was deleted and substituted with a

new section 214.

The following amendments were properly noted in the 2010 consolidation:

By Schedule 2 of the Fines (Review and Amendment) Act 1998:

Section 40(3) - Section 40(3) is amended by prescribing a penalty

being a fine not exceeding $5,000, or 3 times the

value of the imported goods, whichever is the

greater, and by providing for the forfeiture to the

State of the goods and the ship or aircraft


Section 105(2) - Section 105(2) is amended by prescribing a fine

not exceeding $1,000, or 3 times the value of the

goods, whichever is the greater.

Section 241 - In paragraph (a), the figure “$100” was deleted and

substituted with “$10,000”.

Customs Act 1977130

- In paragraph (b), the figure “$20” was deleted and

substituted with “$5,000”.

Section 280 - Section 280 is amended by prescribing penalties

being fines not exceeding $1,000 for breach of


This Act has been consolidated and revised in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 by

the Attorney General under the authority of the Revision and Publication of

Laws Act 2008 and is the official version of this Act as at 31 December

2011. It is an offence to publish this Act without approval or to make any

unauthorised change to an electronic version of this Act.

Aumua Ming Leung Wai

Attorney General of Samoa

Revised and consolidated in 2008 by the Legislative Drafting Division under

the supervision of Teleiai Lalotoa Sinaalamaimaleula Mulitalo

(Parliamentary Counsel)

Revised in 2009, 2010 and 2011 by the Legislative Drafting Division under

the supervision of Papalii Malietau Malietoa (Parliamentary Counsel).

The Customs Act 1977 is administered

by the Ministry for Revenue.