внесены изменения в Закон (Постановление) «О внесении изменений в Закон о патентах GCC», одобренный Верховным Советом на его 41-й сессии 05.01.2021 г.
НазадПоследняя редакция на WIPO LexПодробностиПодробностиГод версии2021ДатыС изменениями до:5 января 2021 г.Издано:22 сентября 1992 г.Тип текста
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Примечания This consolidated version of the Patent Law (Regulation) of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (also known as the Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC) incorporates amendments introduced by the "Law (Resolution) Amending the GCC Patent Law," approved and issued by the GCC Supreme Council at its 41st Session on January 5, 2021.
The Law (Resolution) of the Supreme Council (41st Session, January 5, 2021) introduced the creation of a new Article 1bis, as well as amendments to Articles 1, 4, 9, and 17 to 21, 25, and 28 to 32 of this consolidated version of the GCC Patent Law.