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Положение № 20 от 11.02.1974 г. «О внесении изменений в Положение «О патентах», Ирландия

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Подробности Подробности Год версии 1974 Даты вступление в силу: 1 апреля 1974 г. Издано: 11 февраля 1974 г. Тип текста Имплементационные правила/положения Предмет Патенты (изобретения) Примечания В уведомлении, адресованном ВТО Ирландией в соответствии со ст.63.2 Соглашения ТРИПС, говорится:
«Положением устанавливаются пересмотренные пошлины, взимаемые в сфере патентования».

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Английский Patents (Amendments) Rules, 1974        
IE061: Patents (Fees), Rules (Amendment), 11/02/1974, No. 20



S.I. No. 20 of 1974.

(Prl. 3660)


I, JUSTIN KEATING, Minister for Industry and Commerce, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by sections 80 and 96 of the Patents Act, 1964 (No. 12 of 1964), and, insofar as the rules are made under the said section 80, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, hereby make the following rules:

(1) These Rules may be cited as the Patents (Amendment) Rules, 1974.
(2) These Rules shall come into operation on the 1st day of April, 1974.
(3) The Patents Rules, 1965 to 1970 and these Rules may be cited as the Patents Rules 1965 to 1974.
2. The Patents Rules, 1965 (S.I. No. 268 of 1965), are hereby amended by the substitution for Schedule I of the following:

Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in "Iris Oifigiúil" of 22nd February, 1974.



1. On application for a patent, Rule 26 (1)


2. On convention application for a patent, Rule 26 (1) and Section 7 (5)

In respect of each application for protection in a convention country


3. On filing provisional specification, Rule 26 (1)


4. On filing complete specification Rule 26 (1)


5. On application for extension of any of the periods allowed under Rules 26 (2), 27 (3) (other than the extension allowed for in the first proviso thereto), 34 (5), 35 (1) and 50 (4)

For each month of extension


6. On application for extension of time for filing complete specification, Rule 28

For each month of extension


7. On application for post-dating under section 11 (3)

For each month


8. On request to the Controller to state grounds of his decision in any ex parte proceedings, Rule 19 (2)


9. On application for deletion of a reference, Rule 35 (3)


10. On application for extension of the period for putting an application in order, Rule 36 (3)

For each month of extension


11. On application for postponement of acceptance of complete specification, Rule 36 (4)

For each month of extension


12. On notice of opposition to the grant of a patent, Rule 38


13. On filing counter-statement in any inter partes proceeding, Rule 39 and Rules dependent thereon


14. On notice of desire to be heard in any inter partes proceeding by Controller, Rule 46 (2) and Rules dependent thereon

By each party


15. On request to the Controller to state grounds of his decision in any inter partes proceeding, Rule 46 (5) and Rules dependent thereon


16. On request under section 21 (3), Rule 51, or claim under section 21 (4), Rule 52


17. On application for extension of period under section 21 (5), Rule 53


18. On application for certificate under section 21 (8), Rule 54


19. On making claim under section 22 (1) for change of applicant, Rule 56


20. On application for directions under section 22 (5), Rule 57


21. On request for the sealing of a patent. Rule 58 (1)


22. On application for extension of time for the sealing of a patent, Rule 58 (3)

For each month


23. On application for amendment of patent under section 24, Rule 60


24. For renewal of a patent, Rule 61

Before the expiry of the 4th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 5th year


Before the expiry of the 5th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 6th year


Before the expiry of the 6th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 7th year


Before the expiry of the 7th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 8th year


Before the expiry of the 8th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 9th year


Before the expiry of the 9th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 10th year


Before the expiry of the 10th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 11th year


Before the expiry of the 11th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 12th year


Before the expiry of the 12th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 13th year


Before the expiry of the 13th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 14th year


Before the expiry of the 14th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 15th year


Before the expiry of the 15th year from the date of the patent and in respect of the 16th year


25. On application for extension of period for payment of renewal fees, Rule 62

For the first month


For the second month


For the third month


For the fourth month


For the fifth month


For the sixth month


26. On petition to Controller for extension of term of a patent, Rule 65


27. On opposition to extension of term, Rule 67 (2)


28. On application for grant of a patent of addition in place of an independent patent, Rule 69


29. On application for restoration of a patent, Rule 70


30. On opposition to restoration of a patent, Rule 72


31. Additional fee on restoration of a patent, Rule 74


32. On application for restoration of an application for a patent, Rule 76


33. On opposition to restoration of application for a patent, Rule 77


34. Additional fee on restoration of an application for a patent, Rule 77


35. On application to amend a specification

Before acceptance of specification, Rule 83


After acceptance but before sealing, Rule 79


After sealing, Rule 79


36. On opposition to amendment of a specification, Rule 80


37. On application to amend an application for a patent, Rule 84


38. On application for revocation of patent under section 35, Rule 87


39. On opposition to surrender of patent, Rule 91


40. On application under section 37 for endorsement of patent "Licences of Right ",Rule 93


41. On application for settlement of terms, Rule 94


42. On application for cancellation of endorsement "Licences of Right", Rule 95


43. On opposition to cancellation of endorsement "Licences of Right ",Rule 96


44. On application for compulsory licence or endorsement under section 39, Rule 98


45. On application for compulsory licence under section 42, Rule 99


46. On application for revocation of a patent under section 43, Rule 98


47. On opposition to compulsory licence, endorsement or revocation of a patent under section 44 (3), Rule 101


48.On notice of intention to exhibit or publish under section 48 (2), Rule 112


49. On application for direction to co-owners under section 52, Rule 103


50. On application to determine a dispute under section 53, Rule 104


51. On application to alter name or nationality or address or address for service in register, Rule 106

For each patent


52. On application to register a subsequent proprietor of, or a mortgage, licence or other instrument concerning a patent, or of, or concerning. two or more patents standing in the same name and where the change of title or interest is the same in each case, Rule 107

(a) If made within six months from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or interest

(i) For one patent


(ii) For every other patent included in the application


(b) If made after expiration of six months but within twelve months from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or interest

(i) For one patent


(ii) For every other patent included in the application


(c) If made after expiration of twelve months but within twenty-four months from the date of acquisition of proprietorship or interest

For one patent


For every other patent included in the application


(d) If made more than twenty-four months after the date of acquisition of proprietorship or interest

(i) For one patent


(ii) For every other patent included in the application


53. On application for the cancellation of an entry in the register of patents, Rule 109


54. On application to the Controller for rectification of the register of patents under section 65, Rule 110


55. On opposition to rectification by the Controller of the register of patents, Rule 110


56. On application to correct a clerical error, Rule 113

(a) Up to sealing of the patent


(b) After sealing of the patent


57. For certificate of Controller other than a certificate under Item 58, Rule 114


58. For certifying office copies, MSS., typed, printed or photographic, Rule 114, each


59. On request-

(a) for the furnishing within three years of the date of the request of information of the kind referred to in sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of Rule 116 (1), or

(b) for the furnishing within one year of the date of the request of information of the kind referred to in sub-paragraph (c) (d) (e) or (f) of the said Rule 116 (1) or in Rule 116 (2)


60. On application for a duplicate patent, Rule 118


61. On lodgment of notice of Order of Court, Rule 123


62. For typed copies of documents, Rule 115

For each 100 words or less


63. For photographic copies of documents, Rule 115

For each foolscap sheet


64. For inspection of a register or other document or thing open to public inspection, Rule 37, 111 and 117

For every quarter of an hour


65. On application for insertion of notice in the Journal for the purposes of section 13 (7) of the Copyright Act, 1963


66. On application under Rule 17 for a hearing


GIVEN under my Official Seal this eleventh day
of February, 1974.

Minister for Industry and Commerce.

The Minister for Finance hereby sanctions the making of the foregoing Rules insofar as they are made under section 80 of the Patents Act, 1964 (No. 12 of 1964).

GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for
Finance, this eleventh day of February, 1974.

Minister for Finance.


(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)

These Rules provide for certain revisions of the fees payable in respect of patents.

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№ в WIPO Lex IE061