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Распоряжение № 2001-259/PRES/PM/MAC «О создании, структуре и ответственности Государственного комитета по борьбе с незаконным присвоением (пиратством) произведений литературы и искусства (CNLPOLA)», Буркина-Фасо

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Основной(ые) текст(ы) Основной(ые) текст(ы) Французский Décret n° 2001-259/PRES/PM/MAC portant création, composition et attributions du Comité national de lutte contre la piraterie des oeuvres littéraires et artistiques (CNLPOLA)         Английский Decree No. 2001-259/PRES/PM/MAC on the Establishment, Composition and Responsabilities of the National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works (CNLPOLA)        
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 Decree No. 2001-259/PRES/PM/MAC on the Establishment, Composition and Responsibilities of the National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works (CNLPOLA). (English version)1

BURKINA FASO Decree No. 2001-259/PRES/PM/MAC --------- on the Establishment, Composition and

Responsibilities of the National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works (CNLPOLA). (English version)1

Unity – Progress – Justice



Having regard to the Constitution;

Having regard to Decree No. 2000-526/PRES of November 6, 2000, on the Appointment of the Prime Minister;

Having regard to Decree No. 2000-527/PRES/PM of November 12, 2000, on the Composition of the Government of Burkina Faso;

Having regard to Decree No. 97-468/PRES/PM of October 31, 1997, on the Responsibilities of Members of Government;

Having regard to Decree No. 99-444/PRES/PM/MCA of December 2, 1999, on the Organization of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;

Having regard to Decree No. 2000-149/PRES/PM/MCA on the Establishment of the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso (BBDA);

Having regard to Law No. 032/99/AN of December 22, 1999, on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property;

On the report of the Ministry of Culture and the Arts;

The Council of Ministers heard at its session of May 9, 2001;



1 Courtesy translation provided by WIPO.

Article 1: A body is hereby created to combat the piracy of literary and artistic works, known as the National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works (CNLPOLA).


Article 2: The National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works shall be responsible for:

- carrying out national policy to combat the piracy of literary and artistic works as defined by the Government;

- informing and raising the awareness of the public as to respect for legislation on literary and artistic property;

- performing checks and undertaking legal actions against those who infringe the Law on the Protection of Literary and Artistic Property.

Article 3: The Committee shall have the authority to monitor, conferred to the various monitoring bodies by the legislation in force.


Article 4: The Committee which is attached to the Office of the Minister of Culture shall be placed under the authority of a Chair.

Article 5: The Chair of the Committee shall be an officer of public order, of moral integrity and shall swear an oath.

The Chair of the Committee shall be appointed by Decree of the Council of Ministers on a proposal of the Minister of Culture.

In performing his duties, the Chair of the Committee may call on the assistance of law-enforcement agencies.


Article 6: The Committee is composed of the following eighteen (18) members, representing the Administration and professional organizations:

- the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso : 02 representatives

- the Directorate-General of Customs : 01 representative

- the Directorate-General of Industrial Development : 01 representative

- the National Gendarmerie : 01 representative

- the National Police Force : 01 representative

- the General Inspectorate of Economic Affairs : 01 representative

- the Ministry of Culture : 01 representative

- the Ministry of Justice : 01 representative

- Artists : 03 representatives

including: one (01) representative of musicians

one (01) representative of the visual arts

one (01) representative of literary authors

- Publishers : 02 representatives

including: one (01) representative of music publishers

one (01) representative of literary publishers

- Producers : 02 representatives

- Distributors : 01 representative

- Cultural journalists : 01 representative

The Chair of the Committee may call on any natural or legal person, any service or any competent institution if required.

Article 7: The Committee shall have an Executive Secretariat responsible for implementing the decisions of the Committee and coordinating anti-piracy activities.

The Executive Secretariat shall be led by the Director General of the National Copyright Office of Burkina Faso.

Article 8: The members of the Committee shall be appointed by Decree on a proposal of the Minister of Culture for a term of office of three years, renewable once. The role of Chair and of member of the Committee shall be remunerated during sessions.

Article 9: The Committee shall organize discussions on the fight against piracy every quarter and whenever required.

Article 10: The resources of the Committee shall comprise:

- contributions from professional organizations, - donations and bequests, and - other resources.

Article 11: The organization and operation of the National Committee to Combat Piracy of Literary and Artistic Works shall be notified by order of the Minister of Culture.

Article 12: The Minister of Culture and the Arts, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Trade, Enterprise Promotion and Handicrafts, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Security and the Minister of Justice and the Promotion of Human Rights shall be responsible, each as far as it is concerned, for the implementation of this Decree which shall be published in the Official Journal of Burkina Faso.

Ouagadougou, June 6, 2001.

The President of Burkina Faso Blaise COMPAORE (signed and stamped)

The Prime Minister Paramanga Ernest YONLI

(signed) The Minister of Trade, Enterprise For the Minister of Economy Promotion and Handicrafts and Finance and by order, the Bédouma Alain YODA (signed) Minister (Delegate) of Economic

Development For the Minister of Culture and the Anne Konate (signed) Arts on Mission, the Minister of Trade, Enterprise Promotion and The Minister of Defense Handicrafts Kouamé LOUGUE (signed) Bédouma Alain YODA (signed) The Minister of Security For the Minister of Justice and the Djibril Yipènè BASSOLE (signed) Promotion of Human Rights on Mission,

the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Human Rights Monique ILBOUDO (signed)

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 BF006: Droit d'auteur, Décret, 06/06/2001, n° 2001-259

IP/N/l/BFA/C/6 Page 2


Unite - Progres - Justice

Decret N°2001- 259 IPRESIPMfMAC portant creation, Co-mposition et attributions du Comite National de Lutte Centre la Piraterie des <Euvres Litteraires et Artistiques (CNLPOLA)~


VU la Constitution;

VU le decret n02000-526/PRES du 06 novembre 2000, portant nomination du Premier Ministre;

VU le decret n02000-527/PRESIPM du 12 novembre 2000, portant composition du Gouvernement du Burkina Paso;

VU Ie decret n097-4681PRESIPM du 31 octobre 1997, portant attributions des membres du Gouvemement ;

VU Ie .decret n? 99-444/PRES/PMlMCA du 02 decembre 1999 portant organisation du Ministere de la Culture et des Arts ;

VU Ie decret n02000-149/PRESIPM/MCA portant creation du Bureau Burkinabe du Droit o d'Auteur (BBDA) ;

VU la loi n0032/99/AN du 22 decembre 1999, portant protection de la propriete litteraire et artistique ;

SUR rapport du Ministre des Arts et de la Culture;

LE Conseil des Ministres entendu en sa seance du 9 mai 2001 ;


Chapitre 1- CREATION

.L~rticle I: II est cree une structure de la lutte contre la piraterie des ceuvres litteraires et artistiques denornme Comite National de Lutte contre Ia Piraterie des CEnvres Litteraires et Artistiques « CNLPOLA».

IPfN/I/BFA/C/6 Page 3


Article 2: Le 'Comite national de lutte contre la piraterie des ceuvres Iitteraires et artistiques est charge :

d' executer la politique nationale de lutte contre la piraterie des oeuvres litteraires et artistiques definie par Ie gouvemement ;

d'informer et de sens.ibiliser Ie public sur Ie respect de la legislation en matiere de propriete litteraire et artistique ;

d'exercer les controles et d'entreprendre des actions en justice contre les contrevenants a la loi portant protection de la propriete litteraire et artistique.

Article 3: Le comite beneficie du pouvoir de controle devolu aux differents corps de controle par la legislation en vigueur.

Chapitre ill - COMPOSITION

Article 4 : Le Comite qui releve du Cabinet du Ministre charge de la Culture est place SOllS I'autorite d'un president.

Article 5: Le president du Comite est un agent de l'ordre public, de bonne moralite et astreint ala formalite de prestation de serment.

Le president du comite est nomme par decret en Conseil des Ministres sur proposition du Ministre charge de la Culture.

Dans l'aecomplissement de sa mission, Ie president du cornite peut requerir le concours de la force pubIique.


Article 6: Le Comite est compose de dix huit (18) membres suivants, representant l'administration publique et les organisations professionnelles :

- Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d' Auteur

Direction Generale des Douanes

Direction Generale du

Developpement Industriel

Gendarmerie Nationale

Police Nationale

Inspection Generale des Affaires


: 02 representants

: 01 representant

: 01 representant

: 01 representant

: 01 representant

: 01 representant

IP/N/l/BFA/C/6 Page 4

Ministere charge de la Culture

Ministere de la Justice

- Artistes

: 01 representant

: 01 representant

: 03 representants

dont .

- Editeurs

dont ·

* un (01) representant des musiciens * un (01) representant des arts visuels * un (01) representant des auteurs litteraires

: 02 representants

*un (01) representant des Editeurs de musique

"un (01) representant des Editeurs Iitteraires

- Producteurs

- Distributeurs

- Joumalistes culturels

: 02 representants

: 0 1 representant

: 01 representant

Le President du comite pent faire appel it toute personne physique ou morale, atout service ou atoute institution competente en cas de besoin.

Article 7 : Le comite dispose d'un secretariat executif charge d'executer les decisionsdu comite et de coordonner les activites de lutte contre la piraterie.

Le secretariat executif est dirige par Ie Directeur General du Bureau Burkinabe du Droit d'Auteur.

Article 8

Article 9

Les membres du Cornite sont nommes par decret sur proposition du Ministre charge de la Culture pour un mandat de trois ans renouvelable une fois. La fonction de president et de membre du Comite est remuneree durant les sessions,

Le Comite organise trimestriellement et chaque fois que de besoin des reflexions relatives ala lutte contre la piraterie.

Article 10 : Les ressources du Comite sont cornposees :

des contributions des organisations professionnelles,

des dons et legs,

Autres ressources.

Article 11: L'organisation et Ie fonctionnement du Cornite national de lutte contre la piraterie des ceuvres Iitteraires et artistiques seront precises par arrete du Ministre charge de la Culture.

IPIN/l/BFA/C/6 Page 5

Article 12 : Le Ministre des Arts et de la Culture, le Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances, Ie Ministre du Commerce, de la Promotion de l'Entreprise et de l'Artisanat, lc Ministre de la Defense, le Ministre de la Securite et le Ministre de la Justice et de la Promotion des Droits de l'Homme sont charges, chacun en ce qui Ie conceme, de I'execution du present decret qui sera publie au Journal officiel du Faso.

Le Premier Ministre

juin 2001.

Pour Ie Ministre de 1'Economie et des Finances et par delegation, Ie Ministre Delegue - charge: db Devel®ppeeent EC.Gn@mique


Le Ministre de la Defense


Le Ministre du Commerce, .deIa Promotion de 1'Entreprise et de I'Artisanat

Pour le Ministre des Arts et de la Culture en Mission, Ie Ministre du Commerce, de la Promotion de 1'Entreprise et de I'Artisanat

_/1 D' j ____ ( /~-.------- .

Bedou DA

LeMinistre de la Securite

. ~

DjibriI Yipene B.L~SSOLE

Pour Le Ministre de la Justice et de la Promotion des Droits de l'Homme en mission, Ie Secretaire d'Etat charge de la Promotion des Droits de l'Homme


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