CAP. 400] Patents
Federal Government Notice 374ofl963
Convention countries
Dependencies of convention countries
- This Notice may be cited as the Patents (Convention Countries) Notice.
- The countries specified in the First Schedule shall be convention countries.
- Every country specified in the Second Schedule being a colony, protectorate or territory, subject to"the authority or under the suzerainty of a country declared to be a convention country in terms of paragraph 2. or a territory over which a mandate or trusteeship is
exercised, shall be a convention country.
- 1.
- Algeria
- 2.
- Argentina
- 3.
- Australia
- 4.
- Austria
- 5.
- Bahamas
- 6.
- Bangladesh
- 7.
- Barbados
- 8.
- Belarus
- 9.
- Belgium
- 10.
- Benin
- 11.
- Bolivia
- 12.
- Brazil
- 13.
- Bulgaria
- 14.
- Burkina Faso
- 15.
- Burundi
- 16.
- Cameroon
- 17.
- Canada
- 18.
- Central African Republic
- 19.
- Chad
- 20.
- Chile
- 21.
- China
- 22.
- Congo
- 23.
- Cote d'Ivoire
- 24.
- Croatia
- 25.
- Cuba
- 26.
- Cyprus
- 27.
- Czech Republic
- Democratic People's Republic of korea
- 29.
- Denmark
- 30.
- Egypt
- 31.
- Finland
- 32.
- France
- 33.
- Gabon
- 34.
- Gambia
- 35.
- Germany
- 36.
- Ghana
- 37.
- Greece
(Paragraph 2)
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Haiti
- Holy See
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Indonesia
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Lebanon
- Latvia
- Lesotho
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Luxembourg
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Mali
- Malta
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Morocco
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Niger
- Norway
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- 77.
- Republic of Korea
- 78.
- Republic of
Macedonia (the
former Yugoslav
- Republic of Moldova,
- 80.
- Romania
- 81.
- Russian Federation
- 82.
- Rwanda
- 83.
- San Marino
- 84.
- Senegal
- 85.
- Slovakia
- 86.
- Slovenia
- 87.
- South Africa
- 88.
- Spain
- 89.
- Sri Lanka
- 91.
- Suriname
- 92.
- Swaziland
- 93.
- Sweden
- 94.
- Switzerland
- 95.
- Togo
- Trinidad and Tobago
- 97.
- Tunisia
- 98.
- Turkey
- 99.
- Uganda
- 100.
- Ukraine 10I. United Kingdom
- United Republic of Tanzania
- United States of America
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Viet Nam
- Yugoslavia
- Zaire
- Zimbabwe
Patents [CAP. 400
Patent Office (Establishment) Order [SUBSIDIARY]
(Paragraph :n
(0) Norfolk Island
(hi Faroe-Islunds
11') Departments of Guyane, Guadeloupe. Martinique and Reunion and the overseas territories of New Caledonia. French Pols ",:sia. SI. Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna Islands and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories
(d) Hong Kong and Isle .vMan
te) Cook Islands. Niue and Tokelau
(f) Surinam and the Netherlands Antilles
(gj Puerto Ri '" and all other territoric-and possessions of the L'nited States of America
Convention Country
Australia Denmark France
United Kingdom New Zealand Netherlands United States of
All other territories nOI included under (I) of this Schedule and which are dependencies of the convention countries named in the First Schedule.