Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Trade Practices Act 1974 (consolidated as of 19 April 2010)

Trade Practices Act 1974

Act No. 51 of 1974 as amended

This compilation was prepared on 19 April 2010 taking into account amendments up to Act No. 44 of 2010

Volume 3 includes: Note 1

Table of Acts

Act Notes

Table of Amendments

Note 2

Table A

The text of any of those amendments not in force on that date is appended in the Notes section

The operation of amendments that have been incorporated may be affected by application provisions that are set out in the Notes section

Notes to the Trade Practices Act 1974 Note 1

The Trade Practices Act 1974 as shown in this compilation comprises Act No. 51, 1974 amended as indicated in the Tables below.

The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by the Workplace Relations Amendment (Work Choices) (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2006 (No. 1) (SLI 2006 No. 50). The amendments are incorporated in this compilation.

For application, saving or transitional provisions made by the Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001, see Act No. 55, 2001.

For application, saving or transitional provisions made by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2005, see Act No. 45, 2005.

All other relevant information pertaining to application, saving or transitional provisions prior to 25 November 1996 is not included in this compilation. For subsequent information see Table A.

Table of Acts

Act Number and year Date of Assent Date of commencement Application, saving or transitional
Trade Practices Act 1974 51, 1974 24 Aug 1974 Ss. 1 and 2: Royal Assent
S. 55: 27 Sept 1975 (see Gazette 1975, No. S178) Remainder: 1 Oct
1974 (see Gazette 1974, No. 75B)
Postal and Telecommunications Commissions (Transitional Provisions) Act 1975 56, 1975 12 June 1975 Ss. 4 and 38: 1 July 1975 (see s. 2(1) and Gazette 1975, No. S122) Remainder: Royal Assent
Trade Practices Act 1975 63, 1975 19 June 1975 19 June 1975
Trade Practices Amendment Act 1976 88, 1976 31 Aug 1976 31 Aug 1976 Ss. 2 and 6(2)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Federal Court of Australia 157, 1976 9 Dec 1976 1 Feb 1977 (see
(Consequential s. 2 and Gazette
Provisions) Act 1976 1977, No. S3)
Trade Practices 81, 1977 16 June 1977 1 July 1977 Ss.
Amendment Act 1977 8(2)–(6),
22(2), 40(2),
41(2), 42(2),
47(2), 52(2),
58(2), 62(2),
63(2) and
Remuneration and 111, 1977 28 Oct 1977 Ss. 1, 2, 5, 9(2), S. 19(2)
Allowances Amendment 13, 16, 18 and
Act 1977 19(2): Royal
Remainder: 1 June
Trade Practices 151, 1977 10 Nov 1977 10 Nov 1977 S. 6
Amendment Act (No. 2)
Trade Practices 206, 1978 6 Dec 1978 6 Dec 1978 Ss. 8(2)
Amendment Act 1978 and 20
Trade Practices 207, 1978 6 Dec 1978 6 Dec 1978
Amendment Act (No. 2)
Trade Practices (Boycotts) 73, 1980 29 May 1980 29 May 1980
Amendment Act 1980
Statute Law Revision Act 61, 1981 12 June 1981 S. 115: Royal
1981 Assent (a)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 176, 1981 2 Dec 1981 Part XIX (s. 68):
Amendments) Act 1981 30 Dec 1981 (b)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 80, 1982 22 Sept 1982 Part LXXVI S. 280(2)
Amendments) Act (ss. 278, 279): and (3)
(No. 2) 1982 20 Oct 1982 (c)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 39, 1983 20 June 1983 S. 3: 18 July 1983 S. 7(1), (3)
Provisions) Act (No. 1) (d) and (4)
Public Service Reform Act 63, 1984 25 June 1984 S. 151(1): 1 July S. 151(9)
1984 1984 (see Gazette
1984, No. S245)
Remuneration and 73, 1984 25 June 1984 25 June 1984
Allowances Amendment
Act 1984
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 165, 1984 25 Oct 1984 S. 3: (f) S. 2(32)
Provisions) Act (No. 2) S. 2(28)
1984 (am. by 17,
s. 75)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
as amended by
Trade Practices 17, 1986 13 May 1986 (see 17, 1986
Revision Act 1986 below)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 65, 1985 5 June 1985 S. 3: 3 July 1985
Provisions) Act (No. 1) (g)
Trade Practices (Transfer of 8, 1986 1 May 1986 1 June 1986 (see
Market Dominance) Gazette 1986,
Amendment Act 1986 No. S251)
Trade Practices Revision 17, 1986 13 May 1986 Ss. 1, 2, 49(1), Ss. 27(2),
Act 1986 51(1) and 64(1): 31(2),
Royal Assent 33(2),
Part III (ss. 74–76): 34(2),
25 Oct 1984 47(2),
Ss. 31 and 35: 50(2),
1 July 1986 59(3) and
Remainder: 1 June 65(2)
1986 (see Gazette
1986, No. S251)
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 168, 1986 18 Dec 1986 S. 3: Royal Assent S. 5(1)
Provisions) Act (No. 2) (h)
Jurisdiction of Courts 23, 1987 26 May 1987 S. 3: (j) S. 4
Amendments) Act 1987
Statute Law (Miscellaneous 141, 1987 18 Dec 1987 S. 3: 1 Apr 1989 S. 5(1)
Provisions) Act 1987 (see Gazette
1989, No. S88) (k)
Family Court of Australia 8, 1988 5 Apr 1988 Ss. 1–11, 12(b),
(Additional Jurisdiction (c), (e), (f), 13–21,
and Exercise of Powers) 27, 29 and 30:
Act 1988 Royal Assent
S. 12(a) and (d):
1 Jan 1990
Remainder: 1 July
1988 (see Gazette
1988, No. S191)
as amended by
Law and Justice 120, 1988 14 Dec 1988 Part XI (ss. 34, 35):
Legislation Amendment 5 Apr 1988 (l)
Act 1988
Trade Practices 20, 1988 11 May 1988 S. 4: 1 July 1988
Amendment Act 1988 Remainder: Royal
Industrial Relations 87, 1988 8 Nov 1988 Ss. 1 and 2: Royal
(Consequential Assent
Provisions) Act 1988 Remainder: 1 Mar
1989 (see s. 2(2)
and Gazette 1989,
No. S53)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
as amended by
Industrial Relations 108, 1990 18 Dec 1990 Ss. 8, 13 and 21:
Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1990 1 Feb 1991 (see s. 2(4) and Gazette 1991, No. S18)
Ss. 22, 23 and 24:
1 Mar 1989
S. 26: 1 Jan 1990
S. 33: 25 Mar 1991
(see Gazette 1991,
No. S73)
Remainder: Royal
Circuit Layouts Act 1989 28, 1989 22 May 1989 Ss. 1 and 2: Royal
Remainder: 1 Oct
1990 (see Gazette
1990, No. S261)
Trade Practices 34, 1989 30 May 1989 1 Aug 1989 (see S. 6
(International Liner Cargo Gazette 1989,
Shipping) Amendment Act No. S260)
Law and Justice Legislation 11, 1990 17 Jan 1990 Part 1 (ss. 1, 2)
Amendment Act 1989 and Part 3 (ss. 6,
7): Royal Assent
Ss. 8–10: 17 July
Ss. 12, 13, 51(1)(b)
and 51(2): 17 Jan
1990 (see s. 2(5))
Remainder: 14 Feb
Trade Practices (Misuse of 70, 1990 16 June 1990 1 July 1990 (see
Trans-Tasman Market Gazette 1990,
Power) Act 1990 No. S172)
Trade Practices 49, 1991 24 Apr 1991 21 Dec 1990
Amendment Act 1991
Industrial Relations 122, 1991 27 June 1991 Ss. 4(1), 10(b) and S. 31(2)
Legislation Amendment 15–20: 1 Dec 1988
Act 1991 Ss. 28(b)–(e), 30
and 31: 10 Dec
1991 (see Gazette
1991, No. S332)
Remainder: Royal
Law and Justice Legislation 136, 1991 12 Sept 1991 Ss. 22–25: 10 Oct S. 25
Amendment Act 1991 1991 (m)
Transport and 173, 1991 25 Nov 1991 Ss. 48–56: Royal
Communications Assent (n)
Legislation Amendment
Act 1991
Special Broadcasting 180, 1991 25 Nov 1991 S. 116: 23 Dec
Service Act 1991 1991 (o)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Law and Justice Legislation 22, 1992 13 Apr 1992 13 Apr 1992
Amendment Act 1992
Territories Law Reform Act 104, 1992 30 June 1992 S. 24: 1 July 1992
1992 (p)
Broadcasting Services 105, 1992 9 July 1992 5 Oct 1992 (see
(Transitional Provisions s. 2 and Gazette
and Consequential 1992, No. GN38)
Amendments) Act 1992
Trade Practices 106, 1992 9 July 1992 9 July 1992 S. 3
Amendment Act 1992
Trade Practices Legislation 222, 1992 24 Dec 1992 21 Jan 1993 Ss. 10(2),
Amendment Act 1992 16(2),
18(2) and
Industrial Relations Reform 98, 1993 22 Dec 1993 Ss. 42–48 and 54: S. 54
Act 1993 30 Mar 1994 (see
Gazette 1994,
No. S104) (q)
Insurance Laws 49, 1994 7 Apr 1994 Schedule (item 19):
Amendment Act (No. 2) Royal Assent (r)
Law and Justice Legislation 141, 1994 28 Nov 1994 S. 3 (items 21–26):
Amendment Act (No. 2) Royal Assent (s)
Competition Policy Reform 88, 1995 20 July 1995 Parts 1, 2 Ss. 33, 34,
Act 1995 (ss. 1–34), Div. 2 of 78, 88–90
Part 5 (ss. 88–90) and 92
and Part 7 (s. 92):
17 Aug 1995 (t)
Ss. 35–76 and 78:
6 Nov 1995 (see
Gazette 1995,
No. S423) (t)
Div. 1 of Part 5
(ss. 80–87): 20 July
1996 (t)
Part 6 (s. 91): (t)
Statute Law Revision Act 43, 1996 25 Oct 1996 Schedule 4
1996 (item 147): Royal
Assent (u)
Workplace Relations and 60, 1996 25 Nov 1996 Schedule 17 (items Sch. 17
Other Legislation 1–11, 14–24): (items
Amendment Act 1996 17 Jan 1997 (see 29–37)
Gazette 1997, [see Table
No. S18) (v) A]
S. 2(2) and
(6) (am. by
77, 1996,
Sch. 3
[items 1,
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
as amended by
Workplace Relations 77, 1996 19 Dec 1996 Schedule 3
and Other Legislation (items 1, 2): (w)
Amendment Act (No. 2)
Trade Practices 28, 1997 10 Apr 1997 10 Apr 1997
Amendment (Industry
Access Codes) Act 1997
Trade Practices 58, 1997 30 Apr 1997 30 Apr 1997 Sch. 1
Amendment (item 15)
(Telecommunications) Act [see
1997 Table A]
Audit (Transitional and 152, 1997 24 Oct 1997 Schedule 2
Miscellaneous) (item 1260): 1 Jan
Amendment Act 1997 1998 (see Gazette
1997, No. GN49)
Telecommunications 200, 1997 16 Dec 1997 Schedule 2 (items
Legislation Amendment 30–34): (y)
Act 1997
Trade Practices 36, 1998 22 Apr 1998 Schedule 2: 1 July
Amendment (Fair Trading) 1998 (see Gazette
Act 1998 1998, No. S301)
Remainder: Royal
Financial Sector Reform 48, 1998 29 June 1998 Schedule 1
(Consequential (item 194) and
Amendments) Act 1998 Schedule 2 (items
24–29): 1 July
1998 (see Gazette
1998, No. S316) (z)
Gas Pipelines Access 101, 1998 30 July 1998 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
(Commonwealth) Act 11–26): 30 July (items 36,
1998 1998 (za) 47, 50)
Schedule 1 (items [see
27–56): Royal Table A]
Assent (za)
Trade Practices 106, 1998 30 July 1998 Schedule 1: 13 Aug
Amendment (Country of 1998 (see Gazette
Origin Representations) 1998, No. S398)
Act 1998 Remainder: Royal
Telecommunications 52, 1999 5 July 1999 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
Legislation Amendment 6–77): Royal (items
Act 1999 Assent (zb) 72–77),
Schedule 3 (items Sch. 3
69–76, 81): 2 Aug (item 81)
1999 (zb) and Sch. 4
Schedule 4 (items (item 28)
17–20, 28): 1 July [see
1999 (zb) Table A]
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
A New Tax System (Trade 61, 1999 8 July 1999 9 July 1999
Practices Amendment) (see s. 2)
Act 1999
Public Employment 146, 1999 11 Nov 1999 Schedule 1 (items
(Consequential and 944–955): 5 Dec
Transitional) Amendment 1999 (see Gazette
Act 1999 1999, No. S584)
A New Tax System (Indirect 176, 1999 22 Dec 1999 Schedule 4: Royal
Tax and Consequential Assent (zd)
Amendments) Act 1999
Federal Magistrates 194, 1999 23 Dec 1999 Schedule 25: 23
(Consequential Dec 1999 (ze)
Amendments) Act 1999
Jurisdiction of Courts 57, 2000 30 May 2000 Schedule 1 (items
Legislation Amendment 77–90): Royal
Act 2000 Assent (zf)
A New Tax System (Trade 69, 2000 22 June 2000 Schedule 2
Practices Amendment) (item 1): 6 Nov
Act 2000 1995 (see s. 2(2)
and Gazette 1995,
No. S423)
Schedule 2
(item 2): 10 Apr
1997 (see s. 2(3))
Remainder: Royal
Trade Practices 123, 2000 5 Oct 2000 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
Amendment (International 154–170, 180): (items
Liner Cargo Shipping) Act 2 Mar 2001 171–180)
2000 Remainder: 2 Nov [see
2000 Table A]
Jurisdiction of Courts 161, 2000 21 Dec 2000 21 Dec 2000
Amendments) Act 2000
Treasury Legislation 31, 2001 28 Apr 2001 Schedule 1 (items
Amendment (Application 240–290): 15 Dec
of Criminal Code) Act 2001 (zg)
(No. 1) 2001
as amended by
Statute Law Revision 63, 2002 3 July 2002 Schedule 2
Act 2002 (item 35): (zga)
Communications and the 46, 2001 5 June 2001 5 June 2001 S. 6 [see
Arts Legislation Table A]
Amendment Act 2001
Corporations (Repeals, 55, 2001 28 June 2001 Ss. 4–14 and Ss. 4–14
Consequentials and Schedule 3 (items [see
Transitionals) Act 2001 550–557): 15 July Note 1]
2001 (see Gazette
2001, No. S285)

Act Number Date Date of Application, and year of Assent commencement saving or transitional provisions

Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2001

as amended by

Statute Law Revision

Act 2002

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 3) 2001

Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2001

Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 2001

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 2) 2001

Statute Law Revision Act 2002

Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2002

Telecommunications Competition Act 2002

63, 2001 28 June 2001

63, 2002 3 July 2002 117, 2001 18 Sept 2001

123, 2001 27 Sept 2001

124, 2001 27 Sept 2001

146, 2001 1 Oct 2001

63, 2002 3 July 2002

128, 2002 11 Dec 2002

140, 2002 19 Dec 2002 Schedule 2 (items Sch. 1 1–3, 6–8): (zi) (items 5, 8, Schedule 2 (items 10, 13, 15, 4, 5): (zi) 17, 19, 21, Remainder: 26 July 23, 25, 27, 2001 29, 32, 34,

36, 38) and Sch. 2 (items 3, 5, 8) [see Table A]

Schedule 2 (item 32): (zia)

S. 4: 15 Dec 2001 S. 4 [see (zj) Table A] Schedule 3 (items 16–56): (zj)

Schedule 1 (items 364–364D, 365–365B): 11 Mar 2002 (see Gazette 2001, No. GN42)


27 Sept 2001 Sch. 1 (items 23, 24) [see Table A]

S. 4 and S. 4 [see Schedule 2 (items Table A] 1, 2, 4–39): 15 Dec 2001 (zl) Schedule 2 (item 3): (zl)

Schedule 1 (items — 34, 35, 38): 1 July 1999 Schedule 1 (items 36, 37): Royal Assent

11 Dec 2002 Sch. 1 (items 4, 7, 9) [see Table A]

19 Dec 2002 Sch. 2 (items 9, 15, 19, 21, 69, 110, 111, 113, 115) [see Table A]

Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Trade Practices 146, 2002 19 Dec 2002 19 Dec 2002
Amendment (Liability for
Recreational Services)
Act 2002
Maritime Legislation 7, 2003 19 Mar 2003 Schedule 1 (items
Amendment Act 2003 1–6): 1 Nov 2003
Schedule 1
(items 7–9): 20 Mar
Remainder: Royal
Industry, Tourism and 21, 2003 11 Apr 2003 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
Resources Legislation 25–29): 12 Apr (item 29)
Amendment Act 2003 2003 [see
Table A]
Trade Practices Legislation 134, 2003 17 Dec 2003 Schedules 1 and 2: Sch. 2
Amendment Act 2003 1 Mar 2004 (see (items
Gazette 2004, 44–53, 56)
No. GN8) [see
Remainder: Royal Table A]
Postal Services Legislation 69, 2004 22 June 2004 22 June 2004
Amendment Act 2004
Corporate Law Economic 103, 2004 30 June 2004 Schedule 3 (items
Reform Program (Audit 5, 6): 26 July 2004
Reform and Corporate (see Gazette 2004,
Disclosure) Act 2004 No. GN28)
Trade Practices 108, 2004 30 June 2004 Schedules 1 and 2:
Amendment (Australian 23 May 2005 (see
Energy Market) Act 2004 F2005L01121)
Remainder: Royal
Trade Practices 113, 2004 13 July 2004 13 July 2004 Sch. 1
Amendment (Personal (item 11)
Injuries and Death) Act [see
(No. 2) 2004 Table A]
Treasury Legislation 118, 2004 13 July 2004 13 July 2004
Amendment (Professional
Standards) Act 2004
Australian Communications 45, 2005 1 Apr 2005 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 4 [see
and Media Authority 168–171) and Note 1]
(Consequential and Schedule 4: 1 July
Transitional Provisions) 2005 (zm)
Act 2005 Schedule 2: (zm)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Telecommunications 119, 2005 23 Sept 2005 Schedules 4–6, Sch. 4
Legislation Amendment Schedule 7 (items (item 2)
(Competition and 1–3, 5–12, 14–19, [see
Consumer Issues) Act 21–28), Schedule 9 Table A]
2005 and Schedule 12:
24 Sept 2005
Schedule 7 (items
4, 13, 20): 23 Mar
Schedule 11 (items
8, 9): 1 Jan 2006
(see F2005L04117)
Trade Practices 11, 2006 23 Mar 2006 Schedule 1: Sch. 1
Amendment (Personal 20 April 2006 (item 8)
Injuries and Death) Act Remainder: Royal [see
2006 Assent Table A]
Offshore Petroleum 17, 2006 29 Mar 2006 Schedule 2 (items
(Repeals and 113–116): 1 July
Consequential 2008 (see s. 2(1)
Amendments) Act 2006 and F2008L02273)
Jurisdiction of the Federal 23, 2006 6 Apr 2006 Schedule 1: 4 May Sch. 1
Magistrates Court 2006 (items 2, 5)
Legislation Amendment [see
Act 2006 Table A]
Energy Legislation 60, 2006 22 June 2006 Schedule 1 (items
Amendment Act 2006 2–13) and
Schedule 2
(item 14): Royal
Schedule 2 (items
12, 13, 15, 16): (zn)
Trade Practices 92, 2006 18 Aug 2006 Schedule 1: 1 Oct Sch. 1
Amendment (National 2006 (see (items
Access Regime) Act 2006 F2006L02999) 114–136)
Remainder: Royal [see
Assent Table A]
Tax Laws Amendment 101, 2006 14 Sept 2006 Schedule 5 (items
(Repeal of Inoperative 164, 165): Royal
Provisions) Act 2006 Assent
Maritime Transport and 109, 2006 27 Sept 2006 Schedule 2 (items
Offshore Facilities 97–103): Royal
Security Amendment Assent
(Security Plans and Other
Measures) Act 2006
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Trade Practices Legislation 131, 2006 6 Nov 2006 Schedule 1: 1 Jan Sch. 1
Amendment Act (No. 1) 2007 (see (items 52,
2006 F2006L04026) 53), Sch. 2
Schedules 2–8 and (items 13,
Schedule 9 (items 14), Sch. 3
1–15, 20–24): (items 28,
1 Jan 2007 29), Sch. 4
Schedule 10: 7 Nov (item 2),
2006 Sch. 5
Schedule 11: Royal (item 4),
Assent Sch. 6
(item 20),
Sch. 7
(items 18,
33, 35),
Sch. 8
(items 28,
29) and
Sch. 9
(items 15,
21, 24)
Table A]
Australian Energy Market 45, 2007 10 Apr 2007 Schedule 1 (items
Amendment (Gas 58–81): 1 July
Legislation) Act 2007 2008 (see
Broadcasting Legislation 68, 2007 28 May 2007 Schedule 1:
Amendment (Digital 29 May 2007
Radio) Act 2007 Schedule 2: (zo)
Remainder: Royal
Corporations (NZ Closer 85, 2007 21 June 2007 Schedule 3 (items
Economic Relations) and 3–9): 19 July 2007
Other Legislation
Amendment Act 2007
Water (Consequential 138, 2007 3 Sept 2007 Schedule 1: 3 Mar
Amendments) Act 2007 2008 (see s. 2(1))
Remainder: Royal
Trade Practices Legislation 159, 2007 24 Sept 2007 25 Sept 2007 Sch. 1
Amendment Act (No. 1) (item 4),
2007 Sch. 2
(item 12)
and Sch. 3
(item 9)
Table A]
Trade Practices 7, 2008 20 Mar 2008 20 Mar 2008
Amendment (Access
Declarations) Act 2008
Australian Energy Market 60, 2008 30 June 2008 Schedule 4: (zp)
Amendment (Minor
Amendments) Act 2008
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or
Trade Practices Legislation 116, 2008 21 Nov 2008 22 Nov 2008 Sch. 3
Amendment Act 2008 (items 13,
15) [see
Table A]
Offshore Petroleum 117, 2008 21 Nov 2008 Schedule 3 (item
Amendment (Greenhouse 60): 22 Nov 2008
Gas Storage) Act 2008
Trade Practices 126, 2008 25 Nov 2008 Schedule 1: Sch. 1
Amendment (Clarity in 25 May 2009 (item 5)
Pricing) Act 2008 Schedule 2: 26 Nov [see
2008 Table A]
Remainder: Royal
Water Amendment Act 2008 139, 2008 8 Dec 2008 Schedule 2 (items
3–5): 15 Dec 2008
(see F2008L04656)
Australian Energy Market 17, 2009 26 Mar 2009 Schedule 1 (items
Amendment (AEMO and 12, 14): 27 Mar
Other Measures) Act 2009 2009
Schedule 1 (item
13): 1 July 2009
(see F2009L02489
and South Australia
Gazette 25 June
2009 No. 44,
Fair Work (State Referral 54, 2009 25 June 2009 Schedule 18 (items
and Consequential and 24–31): (zq)
Other Amendments) Act
Trade Practices 59, 2009 26 June 2009 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
Amendment (Cartel 3–128) and (item 118)
Conduct and Other Schedule 2 (items and Sch. 2
Measures) Act 2009 1–49, 52, 53): (items 52,
24 July 2009 53) [see
Schedule 2 (items Table A]
50, 51): 27 June
Statute Stocktake 111, 2009 16 Nov 2009 Schedule 1 (items Sch. 1
(Regulatory and Other 26–50, 107–109): (items 49,
Laws) Act 2009 17 Nov 2009 50) [see
Table A]
Crimes Legislation 4, 2010 19 Feb 2010 Schedule 11 (item
Amendment (Serious and 23): 20 Feb 2010
Organised Crime) Act
(No. 2) 2010
Statute Law Revision Act 8, 2010 1 Mar 2010 Schedule 5 (items
2010 125, 126): Royal
Schedule 5 (item
137): (zr)
Act Number Date Date of Application,
and year of Assent commencement saving or transitional
Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010 44, 2010 14 Apr 2010 Schedule 1, Schedule 2 (items 27, 29, 31, 32, 41–43, 46–50, 56–70, 72–74) and Schedule 4 (items 4, 5): [see Note 2 and Table A] Schedule 2 (items 1–26) and Schedule 4 (item 3): 15 Apr 2010 Schedule 2 (item 40): (zs) Sch. 1 (item 2) [see Table A]
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 115 only of the Statute Law Revision Act 1981, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Part XIX (section 68) only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1981, subsection 2(12) of which provides as follows:
(12) The remaining provisions of this Act shall come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Part LXXVI (sections 278 and 279) only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act (No. 2) 1982, subsection 2(16) of which provides as follows:
(16) The remaining provisions of this Act shall come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1983, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act shall come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by subsection 151(1) only of the Public Service Reform Act 1984, subsection 2(4) of which provides as follows:
(4) The remaining provisions of this Act shall come into operation on such day as is, or on such respective days as are, fixed by Proclamation.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1984, subsection 2(28) of which provides as follows:
(28) The amendment of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Act shall come into operation on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 1) 1985, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act shall come into operation on the twenty-eighth day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No. 2) 1986, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act shall come into operation on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Jurisdiction of Courts (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1987, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

(2) The amendments made by this Act to an Act specified in the Schedule shall come into operation on such day as is fixed by Proclamation in relation to those amendments.

The date fixed in pursuance of subsection 2(2) was 1 September 1987 (see Gazette 1987, No. S217).

The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 only of the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1987, subsection 2(32) of which provides as follows:
(32) The amendment of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Act shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by Proclamation for the purposes of this subsection, being a day not earlier than the day on which the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, adopted at Vienna, Austria, on 10 April 1980, enters into force in respect of Australia.
The Family Court of Australia (Additional Jurisdiction and Exercise of Powers) Act 1988 was amended by Part XI (sections 34 and 35) only of the Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1988, subsection 2(6) of which provides as follows:
(6) Part XI shall be taken to have commenced on 5 April 1988.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by sections 22–24 only of the Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act 1991, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the 28th day after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by sections 48–56 only of the Transport and Communications Legislation Amendment Act 1991, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 116 only of the Special Broadcasting Service Act 1991, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to subsection (2), this Act commences 28 days after the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 24 only of the Territories Law Reform Act 1992, subsection 2(3) of which provides as follows:
(3) The remaining provisions of this Act commence on 1 July 1992.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by sections 42–48 only of the Industrial Relations Reform Act 1993, subsection 2(6) of which provides as follows:
(6) Subject to subsection (7), the remaining provisions of this Act commence on a day or days to be fixed by Proclamation.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by the Schedule (item 19) only of the Insurance Laws Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Sections 1, 2 and 3 and the amendments contained in items 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 17, 18 and 19 of the Schedule commence on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by section 3 (items 21–26) only of the Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by sections 1–32, 35–76, 80–87 and 91 only of the Competition Policy Reform Act 1995, subsections 2(1), (2), (4) and (5) of which provide as follows:
The following provisions commence on the 28th day after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent:
Parts 1, 2 and 7;
Division 2 of Part 5.
Part 3 commences on a day to be fixed by Proclamation. However, if Part 3 does not commence by Proclamation within the period of 6 months beginning on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent, then it commences on the first day after the end of that period.
Division 1 of Part 5 commences on the first day after the end of the period of 12 months after the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
Part 6 commences immediately after the commencement of Division 1 of Part 5.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 4 (item 147) only of the Statute Law Revision Act 1996, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 17 (items 1–11 and 14–24) only of the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:
(2) Subject to subsection (3), the items of the Schedules, other than Schedule 5, item 1 of Schedule 9, items 2 and 3 of Schedule 12, item 90 of Schedule 16 and the items of Schedule 19, commence on a day or days to be fixed by Proclamation.
The Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 was amended by Schedule 3 (items 1 and 2) only of the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act (No. 2) 1996, subsection 2(4) of which provides as follows:

(4) The items of Schedule 3 are taken to have commenced immediately after the Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 received the Royal Assent.

The Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996 received the Royal

Assent on 25 November 1996.

The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 2 (item 1260) only of the Audit (Transitional and Miscellaneous) Amendment Act 1997, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:
(2) Schedules 1, 2 and 4 commence on the same day as the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 2 (items 30–34) only of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1997, subsection 2(4) of which provides as follows:
(4) Items 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34 of Schedule 2 are taken to have commenced on 30 April 1997, immediately after the commencement of Schedule 1 to the Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 1997.
The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (item 194) and Schedule 2 (items 24–29) only of the Financial Sector Reform (Consequential Amendments) Act 1998, subsection 2(2) of which provides as follows:

(2) Subject to subsections (3) to (14), Schedules 1, 2 and 3 commence on the commencement of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998.

(za) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 11–35, 37–46, 48, 49, 51–56) only of the Gas Pipelines Access (Commonwealth) Act 1998, subsections 2(1) and (3) of which provide as follows:

Subject to subsections (2) and (3), this Act commences at the commencement of sections 13 and 14 of the Gas Pipelines Access (South Australia) Act 1997 of South Australia.
Items 27 to 56 of Schedule 1 commence on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.

The Gas Pipelines Access (South Australia) Act 1997 of South Australia came into operation

on 30 July 1998 (see South Australian Government Gazette 2 April 1998, p. 1606).

(zb) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 6–71), Schedule 3 (items 69–76) and Schedule 4 (items 17–20) only of the Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1999, subsections 2(1), (4) and (6) of which provide as follows:

Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.
Subject to subsection (5), Schedule 3 commences on the commencement of section 1 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999.
Schedule 4 commences on 1 July 1999.

(zc) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 944–955) only of the Public Employment (Consequential and Transitional) Amendment Act 1999, subsections 2(1) and (2) of which provide as follows:

In this Act, commencing time means the time when the Public Service Act 1999 commences.
Subject to this section, this Act commences at the commencing time.

(zd) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 4 only of the A New Tax System (Indirect Tax and Consequential Amendments) Act 1999, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

(ze) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 25 only of the Federal Magistrates (Consequential Amendments) Act 1999, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the commencement of the Federal Magistrates Act 1999.

(zf) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 77–90) only of the Jurisdiction of Courts Legislation Amendment Act 2000, subsection 2(1) of which provides as follows:

(1) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which it receives the Royal Assent.

(zg) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 240–290) only of the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 1) 2001, subsection 2(4) of which provides as follows:

(4) The remaining items of Schedule 1 to this Act commence on the day specified in subsection 2.2(2) of the Criminal Code.

(zga) Subsection 2(1) (item 64) of the Statute Law Revision Act 2002 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the day or at the time specified in column 2 of the table.

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
64. Schedule 2, item 35 Immediately after the time specified in the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 1) 2001 for the commencement of item 242 of Schedule 1 to that 15 December 2001

(zh) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 3 (items 550–557) only of the Corporations (Repeals, Consequentials and Transitionals) Act 2001, subsection 2(3) of which provides as follows:

(3) Subject to subsections (4) to (10), Schedule 3 commences, or is taken to have commenced, at the same time as the Corporations Act 2001.

(zi) Subsections 2(2)(a) and (3) of the Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2001 provide as follows:

Items 4 and 5 of Schedule 2 commence immediately after the later of:
(a) the commencement of section 1;
The items of Schedule 2 (other than items 4 and 5) commence immediately after the commencement of item 260 of Schedule 1 to the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 1) 2001.

Schedule 1 (item 260) commenced on 15 December 2001. (zia) Subsection 2(1) (item 61) of the Statute Law Revision Act 2002 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, on the day or at the time specified in column 2 of the table.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
61. Schedule 2, item 32 Immediately after the time specified in the Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2001 for the commencement of item 1 of Schedule 2 to that Act 15 December 2001

(zj) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 3 (items 16–56) only of the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 3) 2001, subsections 2(1) and (4) of which provide as follows:

Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day mentioned in subsection 2.2(2) of the Criminal Code.
Schedule 2 and Part 4 of Schedule 3 are taken to have commenced immediately after the commencement of item 14 of Schedule 1 to the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 1) 2001.

Schedule 1 (item 14) commenced on 15 December 2001. (zk) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 1 (items 364–365B) only of the Financial Services Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2001, subsections 2(1), (6) and (15)(a) of which provide as follows:

In this section:
FSR commencement means the commencement of item 1 of Schedule 1 to the Financial Services Reform Act 2001.
Subject to subsections (7) to (17), the other items of Schedule 1 commence on the FSR commencement.
Subject to subsection (17), item 365 of Schedule 1 commences on the later of:

(a) the FSR commencement; and.

(zl) The Trade Practices Act 1974 was amended by Schedule 2 only of the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 2) 2001, subsections 2(1) and (2)(b) of which provide as follows:

Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day mentioned in subsection 2.2(2) of the Criminal Code.
Item 3 of Schedule 2 commences immediately after the later of:

(b) the commencement of item 274 of Schedule 1 to the Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 1) 2001.

Schedule 1 (item 274) commenced on 15 December 2001.

(zm) Subsection 2(1) (items 2, 3 and 10) of the Australian Communications and Media Authority (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2005 provide as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
2. Schedule 1 At the same time as section 6 of the Australian 1 July 2005
Communications and Media Authority Act 2005
3. Schedule 2 Immediately after the commencement of the 1 July 2005
provision(s) covered by table item 2.
10. Schedule 4 At the same time as section 6 of the Australian 1 July 2005
Communications and Media Authority Act 2005

(zn) Subsection 2(1) (items 5 and 7) of the Energy Legislation Amendment Act 2006 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
5. Schedule 2, Immediately after the commencement of 23 May 2005
items 12 and 13 Schedules 1 and 2 to the Trade Practices
Amendment (Australian Energy Market) Act 2004.
7. Schedule 2, Immediately after the commencement of 23 May 2005
items 15 and 16 Schedules 1 and 2 to the Trade Practices
Amendment (Australian Energy Market) Act 2004.

(zo) Subsection 2(1) (item 3) of the Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Digital Radio) Act 2007 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details

3. Schedule 2 The later of: 19 July 2007

(a) immediately after the commencement of (paragraph (b) Schedule 1 to this Act; and applies)

(b) immediately after the commencement of section 155AAA of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

However, the provision(s) do not commence at all

if the event mentioned in paragraph (b) does not


(zp) Subsection 2(1) (item 4) of the Australian Energy Market Amendment (Minor Amendments) Act 2008 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details

4. Schedule 4 Immediately after the commencement of 1 July 2008 Schedule 1 to the Australian Energy Market

(see Amendment (Gas Legislation) Act 2007.


(zq) Subsection 2(1) (item 41) of the Fair Work (State Referral and Consequential and Other Amendments) Act 2009 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details

41. Schedule 18 Immediately after the commencement of Part 2-4 1 July 2009 of the Fair Work Act 2009.

(see F2009L02563) (zr) Subsection 2(1) (items 31 and 38) of the Statute Law Revision Act 2010 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details

31. Schedule 5, The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010 items 1 to 51

38. Schedule 5, Immediately after the provision(s) covered by table 1 March 2010 Parts 2 and 3 item 31.

(zs) Subsection 2(1) (item 5) of the Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010 provides as follows:

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
5. Schedule 2, item 40 At the same time as the provision(s) covered by table item 2. Does not commence at all
However, if Schedule 1 to the Statute Stocktake (Regulatory and Other Laws) Act 2009 commences before that time, the provision(s) do not commence at all.

Table of Amendments

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Part I

S. 2 ........................................... rep. No. 81, 1977 ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 2A ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 34, 1989; No. 88, 1995; No. 134, 2003; No. 108, 2004

S. 2B ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 58, 1997; No. 61, 1999; No. 111, 2009

S. 2BA ...................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 2C ........................................ ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 131, 2006

S. 2D ........................................ ad. No. 88, 1995 rep. No. 131, 2006

S. 4 ........................................... am. Nos. 88 and 157, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 206, 1978; No. 17, 1986; No. 8, 1988; No. 70, 1990; Nos. 104 and 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 48, 1998; No. 55, 2001; Nos. 108 and 113, 2004; No. 131, 2006; Nos. 45 and 159, 2007; No. 60, 2008; Nos. 17 and 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 4A ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

S. 4B ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 151, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 4C ........................................ ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

S. 4D ........................................ ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 206, 1978; No. 17, 1986

S. 4E ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 70, 1990

S. 4F.......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 60, 1996

Ss. 4G, 4H ................................ ad. No. 81, 1977 Ss. 4J, 4K ................................. ad. No. 81, 1977

S. 4KA ...................................... ad. No. 113, 2004

S. 4L ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 44, 2010

S. 4M ........................................ ad. No. 81, 1977

S. 4N ........................................ ad. No. 101, 1998

am. Nos. 17 and 92, 2006; No. 117, 2008 Heading to s. 5 ......................... am. No. 61, 1999; No. 31, 2001; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 5 ........................................... am. No. 17, 1986; No. 70, 1990; No. 222, 1992; No. 106, 1998; No. 61, 1999; No. 31, 2001; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Heading to s. 6 ......................... am. No. 61, 1999; No. 31, 2001; No. 111, 2009

S. 6 ........................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; Nos. 206 and 207, 1978; No. 73, 1980; No. 17, 1986; No. 70, 1990; Nos. 106 and 222, 1992; No. 98, 1993; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 58, 1997; No. 106, 1998; No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 31, 2001 (as am. by No. 63, 2002); No. 117, 2001; No. 134, 2003; No. 131, 2006; No. 126, 2008; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 6AA ...................................... ad. No. 146, 2001 am. No. 59, 2009

Part II

Heading to Part II ..................... rs. No. 88, 1995

S. 6A ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

S. 7 ........................................... rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 106, 1998

Note to s. 7(2) ........................... ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 8 ........................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995

S. 8A ......................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

S. 8AB ...................................... ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 9 ........................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995 Heading to s. 10 ....................... rs. No. 159, 2007

S. 10 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995; No. 159, 2007; No. 116, 2008

S. 11 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 159, 2007

S. 12 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977 rs. No. 122, 1991 am. No. 146, 1999

S. 13 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 206, 1978; No. 88, 1995

S. 14 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

S. 15 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995

S. 16 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 17 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977 rs. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 88, 1995

S. 18 ......................................... am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 159, 2007

S. 19 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995; No. 159, 2007

S. 20 ......................................... rep. No. 81, 1977 ad. No. 88, 1995 rep. No. 152, 1997

Ss. 21–23 ................................. rep. No. 81, 1977

S. 24 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rep. No. 81, 1977

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 25 ......................................... am. No. 58, 1997; No. 52, 1999; No. 134, 2003; No. 69, 2004; No. 119, 2005; No. 131, 2006; No. 138, 2007

Note to s. 25(1) ......................... ad. No. 134, 2003

S. 26 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977 rep. No. 65, 1985 ad. No. 48, 1998 am. Nos. 31 and 55, 2001

S. 27 ......................................... am. No. 63, 1984; No. 88, 1995; No. 146, 1999

S. 27A ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 28 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995

S. 29 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 58, 1997; No. 123, 2000; No. 134, 2003

Part IIA

Part IIA ..................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29AA .................................... ad. No. 60, 2006 rep. No. 45, 2007

S. 29A ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29B ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; No. 60, 2006; No. 45, 2007 Note to s. 29B(2B) .................... am. No. 45, 2007 Ss. 29BA, 29BB ........................ ad. No. 60, 2006 am. No. 45, 2007 Heading to s. 29BC .................. am. No. 45, 2007

S. 29BC .................................... ad. No. 60, 2006 am. No. 45, 2007

Ss. 29C–29F ............................ ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29G ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 146, 1999

Ss. 29H, 29I .............................. ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29J ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 134, 2003

Ss. 29K, 29L ............................. ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29M ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 146, 1999

S. 29N ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 29O ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Part III

Heading to Part III .................... rs. No. 88, 1995

S. 29P ....................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 30 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 31 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995 Heading to s. 31A ..................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 31A ....................................... ad. No. 111, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

S. 32 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Heading to s. 33 .......................

S. 33 .........................................

S. 34 ......................................... S. 35 ......................................... S. 36 ......................................... Heading to s. 39 ....................... S. 39 ......................................... S. 40 .........................................

S. 43 ......................................... Ss. 43A, 43B ............................

S. 44 .........................................

S. 44A .......................................


Part IIIAA ..................................

Division 1

S. 44AB ....................................

Ss. 44AC, 44AD .......................

Division 2

Ss. 44AE–44AG .......................

Division 3

S. 44AH .................................... Note to s. 44AH ........................ Ss. 44AI–44AL .........................

Division 4 Subdivision A

Ss. 44AM–44AZ .......................

S. 44AAB ..................................

Subdivision B

S. 44AAC ..................................

Subdivision C

Ss. 44AAD, 44AAE ...................

S. 44AAEA ...............................

Subdivision D

S. 44AAF ..................................

S. 44AAG .................................

S. 44AAGA ............................... Ss. 44AAH–44AAK ...................

am. No. 88, 1995 rs. No. 88, 1976 am. No. 81, 1977

rs. No. 111, 1977 am. No. 73, 1984; No. 43, 1996 am. No. 80, 1982; No. 106, 1998 am. No. 81, 1977; No. 61, 1981; No. 88, 1995 am. No. 88, 1995 rs. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 131, 2006 rs. No. 17, 1986

am. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 88, 1995 ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995; No. 146, 1999 ad. No. 206, 1978

am. No. 88, 1995; No. 146, 1999

ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004 am. No. 60, 2006; No. 45, 2007

ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004 am. No. 45, 2007 ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004 ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. No. 108, 2004 ad. No. 45, 2007

ad. No. 108, 2004 am. No. 17, 2009 ad. No. 108, 2004 ad. No. 60, 2006 ad. No. 108, 2004

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected


Part IIIA .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

Division 1

S. 44AA .................................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44B ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

am. No. 28, 1997; No. 55, 2001; No. 134, 2003; No. 92, 2006; No. 45, 2007; No. 60, 2008; No. 17, 2009

Ss. 44C, 44D ............................ ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44DA .................................... ad. No. 101, 1998

S. 44E ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

Division 2 Subdivision A

S. 44F ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Notes 1–3 to s. 44F(2) .............. ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44G ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; Nos. 60 and 92, 2006; No. 45, 2007

Ss. 44GA–44GC ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision B

S. 44H ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; Nos. 60 and 92, 2006; No. 45, 2007

Note to s. 44H(1) ...................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44HA .................................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44I ........................................ ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44J ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Note to s. 44J(3) ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44JA ..................................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44K ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 Note to s. 44K(4) ...................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44L ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 Note to s. 44L(3) ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006 Heading to Subdiv. C of ........... rep. No. 92, 2006

Div. 2 of Part IIIA

Division 2A

Heading to Div. 2A of ............... ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

Subdivision A

Heading to Subdiv. A of ............ ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 2A of Part IIIA

S. 44M ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; Nos. 60 and 92, 2006; No. 45, 2007

Notes 1–3 to s. 44M(3) ............. ad. No. 92, 2006

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Subdivision B

Heading to Subdiv. B of ............ ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 2A of Part IIIA

S. 44N ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; Nos. 60 and 92, 2006; No. 45, 2007 Notes 1, 2 to s. 44N(1) ............. ad. No. 92, 2006 Note to s. 44N(3) ...................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision C

Subdiv. C of Div. 2A of ............. ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

Ss. 44NA, 44NB ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision D

Subdiv. D of Div. 2A of ............. ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

Ss. 44NC–44NG ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision E

Heading to Subdiv. E of ............ ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 2A of Part IIIA

S. 44O ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Note to s. 44O(3) ...................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision F

Heading to Subdiv. F of ............ ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 2A of Part IIIA

S. 44P ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998

Division 2B

Div. 2B of Part IIIA .................... ad. No. 92, 2006 Ss. 44PA–44PH ....................... ad. No. 92, 2006

Division 2C

Heading to Div. 2C of ............... ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

S. 44Q ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 101, 1998; No. 92, 2006

Division 3 Subdivision A

S. 44R ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

Subdivision B

Ss. 44S, 44T ............................. ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision C

S. 44U ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

Ss. 44V, 44W ........................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Subhead. to s. 44X(1) .............. ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44X ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

S. 44XA .................................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44Y ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision D

S. 44Z ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 Ss. 44ZA–44ZN ........................ ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZNA .................................. ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision DA

Subdiv. DA of Div. 3 of ............. ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

S. 44ZNB .................................. ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision E

Heading to s. 44ZO .................. am. No 92, 2006

S. 44ZO .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZOA .................................. ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision F

Heading to Subdiv. F of ............ rs. No. 92, 2006 Div. 3 of Part IIIA

S. 44ZP .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Note to s. 44ZP(3) .................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZQ .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

Ss. 44ZR–44ZT ........................ ad. No. 88, 1995

Subdivision G

Heading to Subdiv. G of ........... rs. No. 92, 2006 Div. 3 of Part IIIA

Heading to s. 44ZU .................. am. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZU .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZUA .................................. ad. No. 92, 2006

Division 4

S. 44ZV .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZW ................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZX .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 Note to s. 44ZX(3) .................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZY .................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

Division 5

S. 44ZZ ..................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 6

Heading to Div. 6 of .................. rs. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

Heading to Subdiv. A of ............ ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 6 of Part IIIA

S. 44ZZA .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 28, 1997; No. 69, 2000; No. 92, 2006 Note to s. 44ZZA(3) .................. ad. No. 92, 2006 Notes 1–3 to s. 44ZZA ............. ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZZAA ................................ ad. No. 28, 1997 am. No. 108, 2004; No. 92, 2006 Note to s. 44ZZAA(4) ............... ad. No. 108, 2004 rep. No. 92, 2006 Note to s. 44ZZAA(6) ............... ad. No. 108, 2004 Notes 1–3 to s. 44ZZAA ........... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZZAB ................................ ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 44ZZB .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995 rep. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision B

Subdiv. B of Div. 6 of ................ ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

S. 44ZZBA ................................ ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision C

Subdiv. C of Div. 6 of ................ ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

S. 44ZZBB ................................ ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision D

Subdiv. D of Div. 6 of ................ ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

Ss. 44ZZBC–44ZZBE ............... ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision E

Subdiv. E of Div. 6 of ................ ad. No. 92, 2006 Part IIIA

S. 44ZZBF ................................ ad. No. 92, 2006

Subdivision F

Heading to Subdiv. F of............. ad. No. 92, 2006 Div. 6 of Part IIIA

S. 44ZZC .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995 rs. No. 28, 1997 am. No. 92, 2006

Division 6A

Div. 6A of Part IIIA .................... ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZZCA ................................ ad. No. 92, 2006

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 6B

Div. 6B of Part IIIA .................... ad. No. 92, 2006 Ss. 44ZZCB–44ZZCD .............. ad. No. 92, 2006

Division 7

Ss. 44ZZD–44ZZI ..................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZZJ ................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 69, 2000; No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZZK .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

Division 8

S. 44ZZL ................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZZM .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995 rs. No. 101, 1998; No. 134, 2003

Ss. 44ZZMA, 44ZZMB .............. ad. No. 134, 2003

S. 44ZZN .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZZNA ................................ ad. No. 28, 1997

S. 44ZZO .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZZOA ............................... ad. No. 101, 1998 rep. No. 134, 2003 ad. No. 92, 2006

S. 44ZZP .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 45, 2007

S. 44ZZQ .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 44ZZR .................................. ad. No. 45, 2007

Part IV Division 1

Div. 1 of Part IV ........................ ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision A

Ss. 44ZZRA–44ZZRE .............. ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision B

Ss. 44ZZRF–44ZZRI ................ ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision C

Ss. 44ZZRJ, 44ZZRK ............... ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision D

Ss. 44ZZRL–44ZZRV ............... ad. No. 59, 2009

Division 2

Heading to Div. 2 of Part IV ...... ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 45 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

S. 45A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 206, 1978; No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006 rep. No. 59, 2009

S. 45B ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 45C ...................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 45D ...................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 207, 1978; No. 73, 1980; No. 176, 1981 rs. No. 98, 1993; No. 60, 1996

Ss. 45DA–45DC ....................... ad. No. 60, 1996

S. 45DD .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996 am. SLI 2006 No. 50; No. 54, 2009

Note to s. 45DD(8) ................... am. No. 54, 2009

S. 45E ....................................... ad. No. 73, 1980 rep. No. 98, 1993 ad. No. 60, 1996

Ss. 45EA, 45EB ........................ ad. No. 60, 1996

S. 46 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 131, 2006; No. 159, 2007; No. 116, 2008

S. 46A ....................................... ad. No. 70, 1990 am. No. 222, 1992; No. 131, 2006

S. 46B ....................................... ad. No. 70, 1990

S. 47 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 206, 1978; No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

S. 49 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977 rep. No. 88, 1995 ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 50 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977 am. Nos. 8, 17 and 168, 1986; No. 49, 1991; No. 222, 1992; No. 63, 2001; No. 131, 2006

Notes to s. 50(1), 50(2) ............ ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 50A ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. Nos. 22 and 222, 1992

S. 51 ......................................... am. No. 63, 1975; No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 73, 1980; No. 17, 1986; No. 28, 1989; No. 70, 1990; No. 98, 1993; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 63, 2002

S. 51AAA .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

Part IVA

Part IVA .................................... ad. No. 222, 1992

S. 51AAB .................................. ad. No. 48, 1998

S. 51AA .................................... ad. No. 222, 1992 am. No. 36, 1998

S. 51AB (formerly s. 52A) ......... No. 222, 1992 am. No. 116, 2008

S. 51AC .................................... ad. No. 36, 1998 am. No. 63, 2001; No. 159, 2007; No. 116, 2008

S. 51ACAA ............................... ad. No. 63, 2001

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Part IVB

Part IVB .................................... ad. No. 36, 1998

S. 51ACA .................................. ad. No. 36, 1998 Ss. 51AD, 51AE ....................... ad. No. 36, 1998

S. 51AEA .................................. ad. No. 63, 2001

Part V Division 1

S. 51AF .................................... ad. No. 48, 1998 am. Nos. 55 and 123, 2001

S. 51A ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 52 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977 Note to s. 52 ............................. ad. No. 106, 1998

S. 52A ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 222, 1992 Renumbered s. 51AB ............. No. 222, 1992

S. 53 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 20, 1988 Note to s. 53 ............................. ad. No. 106, 1998

S. 53A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 206, 1978; No. 17, 1986

S. 53B ....................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 rs. No. 17, 1986

S. 53C ...................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 rs. No. 126, 2008

S. 54 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977

S. 55A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977

S. 56 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 31, 2001

S. 58 ......................................... rs. No. 17, 1986

S. 59 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986

S. 60 ......................................... rs. No. 17, 1986

S. 61 ......................................... am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995 rep. No. 128, 2002

S. 62 ......................................... am. No. 63, 1975; No. 81, 1977; No. 206, 1978 rep. No. 17, 1986

S. 63 ......................................... am. No. 63, 1975; No. 81, 1977 rep. No. 17, 1986

S. 63AA .................................... ad. No. 151, 1977 rep. No. 17, 1986

S. 63A ....................................... ad. No. 63, 1975 am. No. 81, 1977; Nos. 17 and 168, 1986; No. 123, 2001

S. 64 ......................................... am. No. 56, 1975; No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 65 ......................................... am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 65A ....................................... ad. No. 165, 1984 am. No. 180, 1991; No. 105, 1992

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 1AAA

Div. 1AAA of Part V .................. ad. No. 128, 2002 Ss. 65AAA–65AAE ................... ad. No. 128, 2002

Division 1AA

Div. 1AA of Part V .................... ad. No. 106, 1998

Subdivision A

Ss. 65AA–65AD ....................... ad. No. 106, 1998 am. No. 31, 2001; No. 21, 2003

Ss. 65AE, 65AF ........................ ad. No. 106, 1998

Subdivision B

Ss. 65AG, 65AH ....................... ad. No. 106, 1998 Ss. 65AJ–65AM ........................ ad. No. 106, 1998

Subdivision C

Heading to s. 65AN .................. am. No. 31, 2001 rs. No. 21, 2003

S. 65AN .................................... ad. No. 106, 1998 am. No. 31, 2001; No. 21, 2003

Division 1A

Div. 1A of Part V ....................... ad. No. 17, 1986 Ss. 65B–65D ............................ ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 65E ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 63, 2002; No. 126, 2008

S. 65F ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 141, 1994; Nos. 31 and 63, 2001; No. 63, 2002

Ss. 65G, 65H ............................ ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 65J ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 88, 1995

Ss. 65K–65N ............................ ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 65P ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 65Q ...................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 168, 1986; No. 141, 1994; No. 31, 2001

S. 65R ...................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 141, 1994; Nos. 31 and 63, 2001; No. 63, 2002

S. 65S ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 65T ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 146, 1999

S. 65U ...................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 rep. No. 20, 1988

Division 2

S. 66A ....................................... ad. No. 141, 1987

S. 68 ......................................... am. No. 206, 1978; No. 17, 1986

S. 68A ....................................... ad. No. 151, 1977

S. 68B ....................................... ad. No. 146, 2002

S. 69 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 70 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 71 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995

S. 72 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977

S. 73 ......................................... rs. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 48, 1998; No. 55, 2001

Ss. 73A, 73B ............................ ad. No. 17, 1986

S. 74 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 118, 2004

Division 2A

Div. 2A of Part V ....................... ad. No. 206, 1978

Ss. 74A–74C ............................ ad. No. 206, 1978 am. No. 17, 1986

S. 74D ...................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 am. Nos. 17 and 168, 1986

S. 74E ....................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 am. No. 17, 1986

S. 74F ....................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 74G ...................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 am. No. 17, 1986

S. 74H ...................................... ad. No. 206, 1978

S. 74J ....................................... ad. No. 206, 1978 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 11, 1990

Note to s. 74J(3) ....................... ad. No. 113, 2004 Ss. 74K, 74L ............................. ad. No. 206, 1978

S. 74M ...................................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 3

S. 75 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 75A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995

Part VA

Part VA ..................................... ad. No. 106, 1992 Ss. 75AA–75AN ....................... ad. No. 106, 1992

S. 75AO .................................... ad. No. 106, 1992 Note to s. 75AO(2) ................... ad. No. 113, 2004

S. 75AP .................................... ad. No. 106, 1992 Heading to s. 75AQ .................. am. No. 88, 1995 Ss. 75AQ, 75AR ....................... ad. No. 106, 1992

S. 75AS .................................... ad. No. 106, 1992 am. No. 106, 1998; No. 194, 1999

Part VB ..................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AT .................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 am. No. 176, 1999; No. 101, 2006 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AU .................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 am. No. 176, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Ss. 75AV–75AX ........................ ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AY .................................... ad. No. 61, 1999

am. No. 146, 2001

rep. No. 111, 2009

Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AY ............... ad. No. 146, 2001 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AYA .................................. ad. No. 69, 2000 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AZ .................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

Part VC

Part VC ..................................... ad. No. 31, 2001

Division 1

S. 75AZA .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. Nos. 55 and 123, 2001

S. 75AZAA ................................ ad. No. 126, 2008

Division 2

S. 75AZB .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001

Ss. 75AZC, 75AZD ................... ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001

Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZD(2), ........ ad. No. 117, 2001 75AZD(3)

S. 75AZE .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001

Heading to s. 75AZF ................ am. No. 126, 2008

S. 75AZF .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001; No. 126, 2008

S. 75AZG .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZG(1) ........ ad. No. 117, 2001 Ss. 75AZH–75AZL .................... ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZL(1) ......... ad. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZL(3) ......... ad. No. 117, 2001 Ss. 75AZM, 75AZN ................... ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZN ............. ad. No. 117, 2001

S. 75AZO .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001

am. No. 117, 2001

rs. No. 128, 2002

Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZO(1), ....... ad. No. 117, 2001 75AZO(2) rep. No. 128, 2002

Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZO(3) ........ ad. No. 117, 2001 rs. No. 128, 2002

Ss. 75AZP, 75AZQ ................... ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 75AZR .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001

Division 3

S. 75AZS .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZS(1) ......... ad. No. 117, 2001 Note 3 to s. 75AZS(1) ............... ad. No. 126, 2008

S. 75AZT .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001 Notes 1, 2 to s. 75AZT(1) ......... ad. No. 117, 2001 Note 3 to s. 75AZT(1) ............... ad. No. 126, 2008

S. 75AZU .................................. ad. No. 31, 2001 am. No. 117, 2001

Part VI

S. 75B ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 23, 1987; No. 222, 1992; No. 36, 1998; No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 31, 2001; No. 131, 2006; No. 111, 2009

Heading to s. 76 ........................ am. No. 44, 2010

S. 76 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 207, 1978; No. 73, 1980; No. 222, 1992; No. 98, 1993; No. 60, 1996; No. 58, 1997; No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 131, 2006; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

Heading to s. 76A ..................... am. No. 131, 2006; No. 111, 2009

S. 76A ....................................... ad. No. 69, 2000 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 111, 2009

Heading to s. 76B ..................... am. No. 131, 2006; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 76B ....................................... ad. No. 69, 2000 am. No. 131, 2006; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 76C ...................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 76D ...................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 rep. No. 59, 2009

Ss. 76E, 76F.............................. ad. No. 44, 2010

S. 77 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 88, 1995; No. 44, 2010

S. 77A........................................ ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 44, 2010 Ss. 77B, 77C ............................. ad. No. 131, 2006 Heading to s. 78 ....................... am. No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 31, 2001; No. 111, 2009

S. 78 ......................................... am. No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 31, 2001; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

Heading to s. 79 ....................... am. No. 31, 2001; No. 59, 2009

S. 79 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; Nos. 31 and 63, 2001; No. 59, 2009; No. 4, 2010

Notes 1, 2 to s. 79(1) ................ ad. No. 63, 2001

S. 79A ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 31, 2001; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 79B ....................................... ad. No. 63, 2001

am. No. 63, 2001 (as am. by No. 63, 2002); No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 80 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 39, 1983; No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 36, 1998; No. 61, 1999; No. 69, 2000; No. 31, 2001; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 80AA .................................... ad. No. 73, 1980 am. No. 39, 1983; No. 87, 1988 (as am. by No. 108, 1990) rep. No. 98, 1993 ad. No. 60, 1996 rep. SLI 2006 No. 50

S. 80AB .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996 am. SLI 2006 No. 50

S. 80AC .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 80A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 39, 1983; No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88,

1995; No. 36, 1998 rep. No. 63, 2001

S. 80B ....................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

Heading to s. 81 ....................... am. No. 131, 2006

S. 81 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rs. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995

S. 81A ....................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 82 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 36, 1998; No. 63, 2001; Nos. 103 and 118, 2004; No. 11, 2006

Note to s. 82(2) ......................... ad. No. 113, 2004

S. 83 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 222, 1992; No. 36, 1998; Nos. 31 and 63, 2001; No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

Heading to s. 84 ....................... am. No. 59, 2009

S. 84 ......................................... rs. No. 17, 1986

am. No. 70, 1990; No. 222, 1992; No. 36, 1998; No. 61, 1999; Nos. 31 and 146, 2001; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 85 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 31, 2001; No. 128, 2002; No. 44, 2010

Note to s. 85(1) ......................... ad. No. 31, 2001

Notes to s. 85(3), 85(4) ............ ad. No. 31, 2001

S. 86 ......................................... rs. No. 23, 1987

am. No. 222, 1992; Nos. 36 and 106, 1998; No. 194, 1999; No. 57, 2000; No. 23, 2006; No. 116, 2008; No. 59, 2009

Heading to s. 86AA .................. am. No. 23, 2006

S. 86AA .................................... ad. No. 194, 1999 am. No. 161, 2000; No. 23, 2006

Note to s. 86AA ........................ am. No. 161, 2000

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 86A ....................................... ad. No. 23, 1987 am. No. 222, 1992; Nos. 36 and 106, 1998

S. 86B ....................................... ad. No. 8, 1988 am. No. 222, 1992; No. 106, 1998

S. 86C ...................................... ad. No. 63, 2001 am. No. 63, 2001; No. 131, 2006; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 86D ...................................... ad. No. 63, 2001 am. No. 63, 2001; No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 86DA ..................................... ad. No. 44, 2010

S. 86E ....................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 86F ....................................... ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 87 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 39, 1983; Nos. 17 and 168, 1986;

No. 222, 1992; No. 49, 1994; No. 88, 1995; No. 36, 1998;

Nos. 31 and 63, 2001; No. 118, 2004; No. 11, 2006;

No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

Note to s. 87(6) ......................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Ss. 87AAA, 87AAB.................... ad. No. 44, 2010

S. 87A ....................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 222, 1992; Nos. 31 and 146, 2001; No. 44, 2010

S. 87AA .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996 am. SLI 2006 No. 50; No. 54, 2009

S. 87AB .................................... ad. No. 118, 2004

S. 87B ....................................... ad. No. 222, 1992 am. No. 131, 2006

S. 87C ...................................... ad. No. 141, 1994

S. 87CA .................................... ad. No. 63, 2001

S. 87CAA .................................. ad. No. 113, 2004

Part VIA

Part VIA .................................... ad. No. 103, 2004 Ss. 87CB–87CI ......................... ad. No. 103, 2004

Part VIB

Part VIB .................................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 1

S. 87D ...................................... ad. No. 113, 2004 am. No. 59, 2009

S. 87E ....................................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 2

Ss. 87F–87H ............................ ad. No. 113, 2004 Ss. 87J, 87K ............................. ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 3

Ss. 87L–87N ............................. ad. No. 113, 2004 Ss. 87P–87T ............................. ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 4

Ss. 87U, 87V ............................ ad. No. 113, 2004

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 5

Ss. 87W, 87X ........................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 6

Ss. 87Y, 87Z ............................. ad. No. 113, 2004 Ss. 87ZA, 87ZB ........................ ad. No. 113, 2004

Division 7

S. 87ZC .................................... ad. No. 113, 2004

Part VIC

Part VIC..................................... ad. No. 44, 2010 Ss. 87ZD–87ZK......................... ad. No. 44, 2010

Part VID

Part VID..................................... ad. No. 44, 2010 Ss. 87ZL–87ZO ......................... ad. No. 44, 2010

Part VII

Heading to Part VII ................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 206, 1978 rs. No. 131, 2006

Division 1

Heading to Div. 1 of Part VII ..... rs. No. 131, 2006

S. 87D ...................................... ad. No. 101, 1998 Renumbered s. 87ZD ........... No. 113, 2004

S. 87ZD ..................................... am. No. 131, 2006 Renumbered s. 87ZP ............ No. 44, 2010

S. 88 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977 am. Nos. 206 and 207, 1978; No. 73, 1980; No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 98, 1993; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 101, 1998; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

Heading to s. 89 ....................... am. No. 101, 1998

S. 89 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 101, 1998; No. 131, 2006

S. 90 .......................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 206, 1978; No. 73,

1980; No. 17, 1986; No. 11, 1990; No. 222, 1992; No. 98,

1993; No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 131, 2006; No. 59,


Note to s. 90(2) ......................... ad. No. 108, 2004

Note to s. 90(5) ......................... ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 90A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995

S. 90B ....................................... ad. No. 108, 2004 am. No. 60, 2006

Heading to s. 91 ....................... am. No. 101, 1998

S. 91 ......................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 101, 1998

S. 91A ....................................... ad. No. 101, 1998 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

Note to s. 91A(2) ...................... ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 91B ....................................... ad. No. 101, 1998 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Note to s. 91B(2) ...................... ad. No. 108, 2004

S. 91C ...................................... ad. No. 101, 1998 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

Note to s. 91C(2) ...................... ad. No. 108, 2004 Note to s. 91C(5) ...................... ad. No. 108, 2004

Division 2

Heading to Div. 2 of .................. rs. No. 81, 1977 Part VII am. No. 206, 1978

S. 92 ......................................... rep. No. 81, 1977

Subdivision A

Heading to Subdiv. A of ............ ad. No. 131, 2006 Div. 2 of Part VII

S. 93 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 206, 1978; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

Subdivision B

Subdiv. B of Div. 2 of ................ ad. No. 131, 2006 Part VII

S. 93AA .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Subhead. to s. 93AB(1) ............ am. No. 59, 2009

S. 93AB .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. Nos. 54 and 59, 2009

Subhead. to s. 93AC(1) ............ am. No. 59, 2009

S. 93AC .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Ss. 93AD, 93AE ....................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 93AEA .................................. ad. No. 59, 2009 Heading to s. 93AF ................... am. No. 59, 2009

S. 93AF .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision C

Heading to Subdiv. C of ........... ad. No. 131, 2006 Div. 2 of Part VII

Heading to s. 93A ..................... am. No. 131, 2006

S. 93A ....................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

S. 94 ......................................... rep. No. 81, 1977

Subdivision D

Heading to Subdiv. D of ........... ad. No. 131, 2006 Div. 2 of Part VII

S. 95 ......................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 17, 1986; No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 36, 1998; No. 131, 2006

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 3

Div. 3 of Part VII ....................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision A

Ss. 95AA, 95AB ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision B

Ss. 95AC–95AF ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006 Heading to s. 95AG ................... am. No. 8, 2010 Ss. 95AG–95AQ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006 Subhead. to s. 95AR(4)............. am. No. 8, 2010

S. 95AR ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Subhead. to s. 95AS(4)............. am. No. 8, 2010

S. 95AS ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision C

Ss. 95AT–95AX......................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Heading to s. 95AY ................... am. No. 8, 2010 Ss. 95AY, 95AZ......................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 95AZA .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006 Ss. 95AZC–95AZE ................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 95AZEA ................................ ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 95AZF .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 95AZFA ................................ ad. No. 131, 2006 Ss. 95AZG–95AZK ................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Subhead. to s. 95AZL(5) ........... am. No. 8, 2010

S. 95AZL ................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Subhead. to s. 95AZM(5) .......... am. No. 8, 2010

S. 95AZM .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision D

S. 95AZN .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006


Part VIIA ................................... ad. No. 134, 2003

Division 1

Ss. 95A–95F ............................. ad. No. 134, 2003

Division 2

S. 95G ...................................... ad. No. 134, 2003

Division 3 Subdivision A

S. 95H ...................................... ad. No. 134, 2003 Ss. 95J–95N ............................. ad. No. 134, 2003

Subdivision B

Ss. 95P, 95Q ............................ ad. No. 134, 2003

Subdivision C

Ss. 95R–95W ........................... ad. No. 134, 2003

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 4

Ss. 95X–95Z ............................. ad. No. 134, 2003 Ss. 95ZA–95ZD ........................ ad. No. 134, 2003

Division 5

Ss. 95ZE–95ZG ........................ ad. No. 134, 2003

Division 6

Ss. 95ZH–95ZQ ....................... ad. No. 134, 2003


S. 96 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 96A ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 97 ......................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 100 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 88, 1995

Part IX Division 1

Heading to Div. 1 of .................. rs. No. 131, 2006 Part IX

S. 101 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 101, 1998; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

Heading to s. 101A ................... am. No. 131, 2006

S. 101A ..................................... ad. No. 81, 1977 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

S. 102 ....................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 222, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 101, 1998; No. 131, 2006

Division 2

S. 102A ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 103 ....................................... am. No. 131, 2006

S. 104 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1995

S. 109 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995; No. 131, 2006

S. 110 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976

Division 3

Div. 3 of Part IX ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 111 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rep. No. 34, 1989 ad. No. 131, 2006

Ss. 112–119 ............................. rep. No. 34, 1989 ad. No. 131, 2006

Part X

Part X ....................................... rs. No. 34, 1989

Division 1

S. 10.01 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.01A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 59, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 10.02 ....................................

S. 10.02A ..................................

S. 10.03 ....................................

Division 2

S. 10.04 ....................................

S. 10.05 ....................................

Division 3

Heading to s. 10.06 .................. Ss. 10.06, 10.07 .......................

S. 10.08 ....................................

S. 10.09 ....................................

Division 4

S. 10.10 ....................................

S. 10.11 ....................................

S. 10.12 ....................................

S. 10.13 ....................................

Division 5 Subdivision A

S. 10.14 ....................................

S. 10.15 ....................................

S. 10.15A ..................................

S. 10.16 .................................... Heading to s. 10.17 ..................

S. 10.17 .................................... Heading to s. 10.17A ................

S. 10.17A ..................................

S. 10.18 ....................................

S. 10.18A ..................................

ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991; No. 123, 2000

ad. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 109, 2006

ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 109, 2006

ad. No. 34, 1989

ad. No. 34, 1989 rep. No. 123, 2000

am. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 59, 2009 ad. No. 34, 1989

ad. No. 34, 1989 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 34, 1989 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

ad. No. 34, 1989 rs. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 123, 2000 rep. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 59, 2009 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 59, 2009 am. No. 59, 2009 ad. No. 173, 1991 rs. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 59, 2009 ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000 ad. No. 173, 1991 rs. No. 123, 2000

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Subdivision B

Heading to s. 10.19 .................. am. No. 59, 2009

S. 10.19 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 59, 2009

Heading to s. 10.20 .................. am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.20 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.21 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.21A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000 rep. No. 123, 2000

Subdiv. C of Div. 5 of ................ rep. No. 123, 2000 Part X

Ss. 10.22, 10.23 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 rep. No. 123, 2000

Subdivision D

Heading to s. 10.24 .................. am. No. 59, 2009

S. 10.24 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 59, 2009

Heading to s. 10.24A ................ am. No. 59, 2009

S. 10.24A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 7, 2003; No. 59, 2009

Division 6 Subdivision A

Ss. 10.25, 10.26 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.27 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991; No. 123, 2000

S. 10.27A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000

Ss. 10.28, 10.29 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Subdivision B

Ss. 10.30, 10.31 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.32 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991

S. 10.33 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Subdivision C

Ss. 10.34–10.36 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.37 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.38 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Subdivision D

S. 10.39 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991

S. 10.40 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 7

S. 10.41 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.42 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991

S. 10.43 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Division 8

S. 10.44 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.45 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 59, 2009

Ss. 10.46, 10.47 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Heading to s. 10.48 .................. am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.48 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.49 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.49A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000

Division 9

Heading to s. 10.50 .................. am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.50–10.53 ......................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Division 10

S. 10.54 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Ss. 10.55, 10.56 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.57 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.58 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Ss. 10.59, 10.60 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Division 11

S. 10.61 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.62 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Heading to s. 10.63 .................. rs. No. 123, 2000

Ss. 10.63, 10.64 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.65 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Ss. 10.66, 10.67 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

Division 12

Ss. 10.68–10.72 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 12A

Div. 12A of Part X ..................... ad. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.72A .................................. ad. No. 123, 2000 am. No. 123, 2000; No. 109, 2006 Note to s. 10.72A(1) ................. am. No. 109, 2006 Ss. 10.72B–10.72D .................. ad. No. 123, 2000

Division 13

Ss. 10.73–10.76 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Division 14

Ss. 10.77–10.79 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.80 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 146, 1999

S. 10.81 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.82 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Division 14A

Div. 14A of Part X ..................... ad. No. 123, 2000 Ss. 10.82A–10.82C .................. ad. No. 123, 2000

Division 14B

Div. 14B of Part X ..................... ad. No. 123, 2000 Ss. 10.82D–10.82G .................. ad. No. 123, 2000

Division 15

Ss. 10.83–10.86 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989

Ss. 10.87, 10.88 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 123, 2000

S. 10.89 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989

S. 10.90 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 173, 1991; No. 123, 2000

Heading to s. 10.91 .................. am. No. 131, 2006

S. 10.91 .................................... ad. No. 34, 1989 am. No. 131, 2006

Ss. 10.92, 10.93 ....................... ad. No. 34, 1989 rep. No. 123, 2000

Ss. 120–136 ............................. rep. No. 34, 1989

S. 137 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rep. No. 34, 1989 Ss. 138, 139 ............................. rep. No. 34, 1989

S. 140 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976 rep. No. 34, 1989 Ss. 141–146 ............................. rep. No. 34, 1989 Part XI ..................................... rep. No. 88, 1995 Ss. 147, 148 ............................. rep. No. 88, 1995

S. 149 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977 rep. No. 88, 1995

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 150 .......................................

Part XIA

Part XIA ....................................

S. 150A .....................................

Ss. 150B, 150C ........................ Heading to s. 150D ...................

S. 150D ....................................

S. 150E .....................................

S. 150F .....................................

Ss. 150FA, 150FB .................... Ss. 150G–150I .........................

S. 150J .....................................

S. 150K ..................................... Part XIAA ..................................

Ss. 150L–150N .........................

Heading to s. 150O ..................

S. 150O ....................................

Ss. 150P–150T .........................

S. 151 .......................................

Part XIB

Part XIB ....................................

Division 1

S. 151AA ..................................

S. 151AB ..................................

Ss. 151AC–151AG ...................

S. 151AH ..................................

S. 151AI ....................................

Division 2

S. 151AJ ...................................

S. 151AK ..................................

rep. No. 173, 1991

ad. No. 88, 1995

ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 61, 1999; No. 131, 2006 ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 57, 2000 ad. No. 88, 1995

am. No. 57, 2000 ad. No. 88, 1995 ad. No. 88, 1995

rs. No. 131, 2006 ad. No. 131, 2006 ad. No. 88, 1995 ad. No. 88, 1995

am. No. 131, 2006 ad. No. 88, 1995 ad. No. 61, 1999

rep. No. 111, 2009

ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009 am. No. 57, 2000

rep. No. 111, 2009 ad. No. 61, 1999

am. No. 57, 2000 rep. No. 111, 2009 ad. No. 61, 1999

rep. No. 111, 2009 rep. No. 173, 1991

ad. No. 58, 1997

ad. No. 58, 1997

am. No. 52, 1999; No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005

ad. No. 58, 1997

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 159, 2007 ad. No. 58, 1997

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 200, 1997; No. 52, 1999; No. 131, 2006; No. 159, 2007; No. 59, 2009

ad. No. 58, 1997 ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 3 Subdivision A

S. 151AKA ................................ ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 140, 2002

Heading to s. 151AL ................. am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151AL ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 200, 1997; No. 52, 1999

S. 151AM .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 200, 1997

S. 151AN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 200, 1997; No. 52, 1999

Heading to s. 151AO ................ am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151AO .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Ss. 151AOA, 151AOB .............. ad. No. 52, 1999

S. 151AP .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 151AQ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 151AQA ............................... ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 194, 1999 Subhead. to s. 151AQB(3) ....... ad. No. 140, 2002 Subhead. to s. 151AQB(5) ....... ad. No. 140, 2002

S. 151AQB ............................... ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 46, 2001; No. 140, 2002

S. 151AR .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Subdivision B

Ss. 151AS, 151AT .................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 151AU .................................. am. No. 140, 2002 Ss. 151AV–151AX .................... ad. No. 58, 1997 Heading to s. 151AY ................ am. No. 131, 2006

S. 151AY .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

S. 151AZ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 Ss. 151BA–151BH ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 151BI .................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 146, 2001

Subdivision C

S. 151BJ ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 4

Ss. 151BK–151BR ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 151BS .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 146, 2001

S. 151BT .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 5

S. 151BTA ................................ ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 146, 2001

Division 6

Heading to Div. 6 of ..................rs. No. 52, 1999 Part XIB

S. 151BU .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Note to s. 151BU(4) .................. rep. No. 52, 1999

S. 151BUAA ............................. ad. No. 140, 2002

S. 151BUAAA ........................... ad. No. 140, 2002

S. 151BUAB ............................. ad. No. 140, 2002

Ss. 151BUA–151BUC .............. ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 146, 2001

S. 151BUD ............................... ad. No. 52, 1999 Ss. 151BUDA–151BUDC ......... ad. No. 140, 2002 Heading to s. 151BUE............... am. No. 8, 2010

S. 151BUE................................. ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 8, 2010

S. 151BUF................................. ad. No. 52, 1999

S. 151BV .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 146, 2001

Division 7

Heading to Div. 7 of .................. rs. No. 52, 1999 Part XIB

Heading to s. 151BW ............... am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151BW ................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Heading to s. 151BX ................ am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151BX .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 119, 2005

S. 151BY .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Heading to s. 151BZ ................. am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151BZ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 146, 2001; No. 59, 2009

Ss. 151CA–151CC ................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151CD .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 151CE .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 151CF .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 8

S. 151CG .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 9

S. 151CH .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 10

S. 151CI ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Subhead. to s. 151CJ(3) .......... ad. No. 140, 2002

S. 151CJ ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 151CK .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 11

S. 151CL .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 12

S. 151CM ................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 46, 2001; No. 111, 2009

Division 12A

Div. 12A of Part XIB ................. ad. No. 52, 1999 Ss. 151CMA–151CMC ............. ad. No. 52, 1999

Division 13

S. 151CN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 14

Div. 14 of Part XIB .................... ad. No. 119, 2005

S. 151CP .................................. ad. No. 119, 2005

S. 152 ....................................... rep. No. 173, 1991

Part XIC

Part XIC .................................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 1

S. 152AA .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152AB .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 119, 2005

S. 152AC .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 140, 2002; Nos. 45 and 119, 2005

Ss. 152AD–152AH ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152AI .................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

Ss. 152AJ, 152AK .................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 2

S. 152AL ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 7, 2008

S. 152ALA ................................ ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 7, 2008

S. 152AM .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005

S. 152AN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 140, 2002

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 152AO ..................................

S. 152AP ..................................

S. 152AQ ..................................

S. 152AQA ...............................

Subhead. to s. 152AQB(6) .......

S. 152AQB ...............................

S. 152AQC ...............................

Division 3

S. 152AR ..................................

Heading to s. 152AS ................

S. 152AS .................................. Note to s. 152AS(2) .................. Note to s. 152AS ......................

S. 152ASA ................................ Note to s. 152ASA(2) ............... Note to s. 152ASA .................... Heading to s. 152AT ................. Subhead. to s. 152AT(1) .......... Subheads. to

s. 152AT(3)–152AT(5) ..........

Subheads. to s. 152AT(8), ....... 152AT(9)

S. 152AT ...................................

Note to s. 152AT(5) ..................

S. 152ATA ................................

Note to s. 152ATA(4) ................

S. 152AU ..................................

S. 152AV ..................................

S. 152AW .................................

S. 152AX ..................................

S. 152AXA ................................

S. 152AY ..................................

S. 152AYA ................................

ad. No. 58, 1997

am. No. 140, 2002; No.119, 2005 ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 58, 1997

am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 124, 2001 am. No. 140, 2002

am. No. 45, 2005

ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 45, 2005 ad. No. 7, 2008

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 ad. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 119, 2005 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010

ad. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010

ad. No. 119, 2005

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 58, 1997

am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997

rs. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 58, 1997

am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 ad. No. 52, 1999

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 152AZ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 152BA .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 152BB .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 119, 2005

S. 152BBAA ............................. ad. No. 119, 2005 Ss. 152BBA–152BBC ............... ad. No. 52, 1999

S. 152BBD ................................ ad. No. 124, 2001

Division 4

Subdiv. A of Div. 4 of ................ rep. No. 140, 2002 Part XIC

Ss. 152BC–152BI ..................... ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

Heading to Subdiv. B of ............ rep. No. 140, 2002 Div. 4 of Part XIC

S. 152BJ ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 rs. No. 140, 2002

Heading to s. 152BK ................ am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152BK .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

Heading to s. 152BL ................. am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152BL ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

Heading to s. 152BM ................ am. No. 45, 2005

S. 152BM .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005

Heading to s. 152BN ................ am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005

S. 152BN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 45, 2005

S. 152BO .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

Subdiv. C of Div. 4 of ................ rep. No. 140, 2002 Part XIC

Ss. 152BP, 152BQ ................... ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

Heading to Subdiv. D of ........... rep. No. 140, 2002 Div. 4 of Part XIC

S. 152BR .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

Division 5 Subdivision A

Heading to Subdiv. A of ............ ad. No. 140, 2002 Div. 5 of Part XIC

Heading to s. 152BS ................ am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152BS .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Note to s. 152BS(1) ..................

S. 152BT ..................................

Subheads. to s. 152BU(2), ....... 152BU(3)

S. 152BU .................................. Ss. 152BV–152BX..................... Subhead. to s. 152BY(3) .......... Subhead. to s. 152BY(5) ..........

S. 152BY ...................................

S. 152BZ ................................... Ss. 152CA, 152CB ...................

Subdivision B

Subdiv. B of Div. 5 of ................ Part XIC

S. 152CBA ................................

S. 152CBB.................................

S. 152CBC ................................ Ss. 152CBD–152CBF ..............

S. 152CBG ................................

S. 152CBH ................................ Ss. 152CBI, 152CBJ ................

Subdivision C

Heading to Subdiv. C of ........... Div. 5 of Part XIC

S. 152CC ..................................

S. 152CD ..................................

S. 152CDA ...............................

S. 152CE ..................................

S. 152CF ..................................

S. 152CG .................................. Ss. 152CGA, 152CGB ..............

ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. No. 58, 1997 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 119, 2005 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 58, 1997 rs. No. 140, 2002 am. No. 8, 2010 ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002 ad. No. 140, 2002

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Division 6

S. 152CH .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 Note 1 to s. 152CH(1) .............. rep. No. 140, 2002 Notes 1A, 1B to s. 152CH(1) .... ad. No. 140, 2002 Notes 2, 3 to s. 152CH(1) ......... am. No. 140, 2002 Note 3A to s. 152CH(1) ............ ad. No. 140, 2002 Note 5 to s. 152CH(1) .............. am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152CI ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152CJ ................................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 7

S. 152CK .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

Division 8 Subdivision A

S. 152CL .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 152CLA ................................ ad. No. 124, 2001 am. No. 140, 2002; No. 119, 2005; No. 8, 2010

Note to s. 152CLA .................... am. No. 140, 2002

Subdivision B

S. 152CM ................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 Subhead. to s. 152CN(3) .......... ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152CN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 124, 2001

Subdivision C

Ss. 152CO, 152CP ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152CPA ................................ ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 124, 2001; No. 119, 2005

S. 152CQ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152CR .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

S. 152CRA ............................... ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152CS .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 Heading to s. 152CT ................ am. No. 52, 1999

S. 152CT .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 200, 1997; No. 52, 1999

S. 152CU .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Subdivision D

S. 152CV .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 124, 2001

S. 152CW ................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rs. No. 124, 2001

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 152CWA ............................... ad. No. 46, 2001 rs. No. 124, 2001

Subhead. to s. 152CX(3) .......... ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152CX .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 124, 2001 Ss. 152CY, 152CZ ................... ad. No. 58, 1997 Notes 1, 2 to s. 152CZ(1) ......... ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152DA .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152DB .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 119, 2005

Note to s. 152DB(1) .................. ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152DBA ................................ ad. No. 124, 2001 Ss. 152DC, 152DD ................... ad. No. 58, 1997 Ss. 152DE–152DG ................... ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 146, 2001 Ss. 152DH–152DJ .................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152DK .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 119, 2005

Ss. 152DL, 152DM ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152DMA ............................... ad. No. 124, 2001 am. No. 119, 2005

Subdivision E

S. 152DN .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rs. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DNA ............................... ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 124, 2001; No. 140, 2002; No. 8, 2010

S. 152DNB ............................... ad. No. 52, 1999 am. No. 194, 1999

S. 152DNC ................................ ad. No. 140, 2002

Subdiv. F of Div. 8 of ................ rep. No. 140, 2002 Part XIC

S. 152DO .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 124, 2001 rep. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DOA ............................... ad. No. 124, 2001 rep. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DP .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DPA ................................ ad. No. 124, 2001 rep. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DQ .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

S. 152DR .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rs. No. 124, 2001 rep. No. 140, 2002

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 152DS .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 rep. No. 140, 2002

Subdivision G

S. 152DT .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Subdivision H

S. 152DU .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999

Ss. 152DV–152DZ ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Subdivision I

S. 152EA .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152EAA ................................ ad. No. 124, 2001

S. 152EB .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 9

Ss. 152EC–152EE ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 10

Heading to Div. 10 of ................ rs. No. 140, 2002 Part XIC

Heading to s. 152EF ................. am. No. 140, 2002

S. 152EF .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 140, 2002

Heading to s. 152EG ................ am. No. 140, 2002 Ss. 152EG–152EL .................... ad. No. 58, 1997

Division 10A

Div. 10A of Part XIC ................. ad. No. 119, 2005

S. 152ELA ................................. ad. No. 119, 2005

Ss. 152ELB, 152ELC ................ ad. No. 119, 2005 am. No. 8, 2010

Division 11

Ss. 152EM–152EP ................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 152EQ .................................. ad. No. 119, 2005

S. 153 ....................................... rep. No. 173, 1991

Part XID

Part XID .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Division 1

S. 154 ....................................... rep. No. 34, 1989 ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 154A ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Division 2

Ss. 154B, 154C ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006

Division 3

S. 154D .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 159, 2007

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Ss. 154E, 154F ......................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 154F ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Division 4 Subdivision A

S. 154G .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

S. 154GA .................................. ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 154H .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009 Notes to s. 154H(3), ................. ad. No. 59, 2009 154H(4)

S. 154J ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision B

Ss. 154K, 154L ......................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision C

Ss. 154M, 154N ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision D

Ss. 154P, 154Q ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 154R .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

S. 154RA .................................. ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision E

S. 154S ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Heading to s. 154T ................... am. No. 59, 2009

S. 154T ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009 Ss. 154U, 154V ........................ ad. No. 131, 2006 am. No. 59, 2009

S. 154W .................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision F

S. 154X ..................................... ad. No. 131, 2006 Note to s. 154X(2) .................... ad. No. 59, 2009 Ss. 154Y, 154Z ......................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Subdivision G

S. 154ZA .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006

Division 5

Ss. 154ZB, 154ZC .................... ad. No. 131, 2006

Part XII

S. 155 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 70, 1990; No. 88, 1995; No. 58, 1997; No. 52, 1999; No. 146, 2001; No. 128, 2002; No. 134, 2003; No. 131, 2006; Nos. 68, 138 and 159, 2007; Nos. 116 and 139, 2008; No. 59, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

Note to s. 155(7A) .................... ad. No. 146, 2001

S. 155AAA ................................ ad. No. 85, 2007

am. No. 68, 2007; No. 139, 2008 Heading to s. 155AA ................ am. No. 61, 1999; No. 85, 2007

S. 155AA .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

am. No. 61, 1999; No. 131, 2006; No. 85, 2007; No. 111, 2009

S. 155AB .................................. ad. No. 58, 1997 am. No. 52, 1999; No. 140, 2002; No. 131, 2006 rep. No. 85, 2007

S. 155A ..................................... ad. No. 70, 1990 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 159, 2007

S. 155B ..................................... ad. No. 70, 1990 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 146, 2001

S. 156 ....................................... am. No. 70, 1990; No. 88, 1995 Subhead. to s. 157(2) ............... ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 157 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 101, 1998; No. 63, 2001; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009; No. 44, 2010

S. 157AA .................................. ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 157A ..................................... ad. No. 108, 2004 Ss. 157B–157D ........................ ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 158 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995

S. 159 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 88, 1995; No. 59, 2009 Ss. 160, 161 ............................. am. No. 81, 1977; No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 146, 2001 Note to s. 161(2) ....................... ad. No. 146, 2001

S. 162 ...................................... rs. No. 81, 1977

am. No. 17, 1986; No. 88, 1995; No. 58, 1997; No. 146, 2001; No. 108, 2004

S. 162A ..................................... ad. No. 17, 1986 am. No. 146, 2001; No. 108, 2004

Notes 1, 2 to s. 162A ................ ad. No. 146, 2001

S. 163 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 17, 1986; No. 20, 1988; No. 70, 1990; No. 106, 1998; No. 57, 2000; No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009 Heading to s. 163A ................... rs. No. 57, 2000 Subhead. to s. 163A(1) ............ ad. No. 59, 2009 Subhead. to s. 163A(2) ............ ad. No. 59, 2009 Subhead. to s. 163A(3) ............ ad. No. 59, 2009

Subhead. to s. 163A(3A) .......... ad. No. 59, 2009 Subhead. to s. 163A(5) ............ ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 163A ..................................... ad. No. 88, 1976

am. No. 81, 1977; No. 39, 1983; No. 88, 1995; No. 58, 1997; No. 61, 1999; No. 57, 2000; No. 63, 2001; No. 108, 2004; Nos. 59 and 111, 2009

S. 164 ....................................... rep. No. 81, 1977

S. 165 ....................................... am. No. 17, 1986; No. 59, 2009

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 166 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977

S. 167 ....................................... am. No. 70, 1990; No. 88, 1995; No. 108, 2004

S. 168 ....................................... rep. No. 81, 1977

S. 169 ....................................... rs. No. 88, 1976 rep. No. 81, 1977

S. 170 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 81, 1977; No. 61, 1981; No. 17, 1986; No. 106, 1992; No. 88, 1995; No. 36, 1998; No. 146, 1999; No. 131, 2006

S. 171 ....................................... am. No. 88, 1976; No. 88, 1995; No. 63, 2001; Nos. 92 and 131, 2006

S. 171A ..................................... ad. No. 136, 1991

S. 171B ..................................... ad. No. 58, 1997

S. 172 ....................................... am. No. 81, 1977; No. 136, 1991; No. 141, 1994; No. 88, 1995; No. 108, 2004; No. 131, 2006; No. 45, 2007

S. 173 ....................................... ad. No. 106, 1998


Part XIII .................................... ad. No. 59, 2009

Division 1

Ss. 174–178 ............................. ad. No. 59, 2009


Heading to Schedule ................ rs. No. 61, 1999 am. No. 111, 2009

Schedule .................................. ad. No. 88, 1995

Part 1

Heading to Part 1 ..................... ad. No. 61, 1999

Division 1

Div. 1 of Part 1 .......................... ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision A

Ss. 44ZZRA–44ZZRE .............. ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision B

Ss. 44ZZRF–44ZZRI ................ ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision C

Ss. 44ZZRJ, 44ZZRK ............... ad. No. 59, 2009

Subdivision D

Ss. 44ZZRL–44ZZRV ............... ad. No. 59, 2009

Division 2

Heading to Div. 2 of Part 1 ....... ad. No. 59, 2009

S. 45 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 59, 2009

S. 45A ....................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 131, 2006 rep. No. 59, 2009

Ss. 45B, 45C ............................ ad. No. 88, 1995

ad. = added or inserted am. = amended rep. = repealed rs. = repealed and substituted Provision affected How affected

S. 45D ...................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 rs. No. 60, 1996

S. 45DA .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996

S. 45DC .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996

S. 45DD .................................... ad. No. 60, 1996 am. No. 54, 2009

Note to s. 45DD(6) ................... am. No. 54, 2009

S. 45E ....................................... ad. No. 60, 1996 Ss. 45EA, 45EB ........................ ad. No. 60, 1996

S. 46 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 131, 2006; No. 159, 2007; No. 116, 2008

S. 47 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 131, 2006

S. 48 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995

S. 49 ......................................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 50 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 63, 2001; No. 131, 2006

Note to s. 50(1) ......................... ad. No. 131, 2006

S. 51 ......................................... ad. No. 88, 1995 am. No. 88, 1995; No. 60, 1996; No. 63, 2002

Part 2 ........................................ ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

Ss. 75AT, 75AU ........................ ad. No. 61, 1999 am. No. 176, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

Ss. 75AV–75AY ........................ ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AYA .................................. ad. No. 69,2000 rep. No. 111, 2009

S. 75AZ .................................... ad. No. 61, 1999 rep. No. 111, 2009

Note 2

Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010

(No. 44, 2010)

The following amendments commence on 14 October 2010 unless proclaimed earlier. However the proclamation date must not be before 1 July 2010:

Schedule 1 1 At the end of the Act


Schedule 2—The Australian Consumer Law

Note: See section 130.

Part 1—Preliminary

1 Definitions

In this Schedule: constitution has the meaning given by the Corporations Act 2001. consumer contract: see section 2(3). interest, in relation to land, means:

a legal or equitable estate or interest in the land; or
a right of occupancy of the land, or of a building or part of a building erected on the land, arising by virtue of the holding of shares, or by virtue of a contract to purchase shares, in an incorporated company that owns the land or building; or
a right, power or privilege over, or in connection with, the land.

rely on, in relation to a term of a consumer contract, includes the following:

attempt to enforce the term;
attempt to exercise a right conferred, or purportedly conferred, by the term;
assert the existence of a right conferred, or purportedly conferred, by the term.

ship has the meaning given by the Admiralty Act 1988.

transparent, in relation to a term of a consumer contract: see section 3(3).

unfair, in relation to a term of a consumer contract: see section 3(1).

upfront price: see section 5(2).

Part 2—Unfair contract terms

2 Unfair terms of consumer contracts

A term of a consumer contract is void if:
the term is unfair; and
the contract is a standard form contract.
The contract continues to bind the parties if it is capable of operating without the unfair term.
A consumer contract is a contract for:
a supply of goods or services; or
a sale or grant of an interest in land; to an individual whose acquisition of the goods, services or interest

is wholly or predominantly for personal, domestic or household use or consumption.

3 Meaning of unfair

A term of a consumer contract is unfair if:
it would cause a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations arising under the contract; and
it is not reasonably necessary in order to protect the legitimate interests of the party who would be advantaged by the term; and
it would cause detriment (whether financial or otherwise) to a party if it were to be applied or relied on.
In determining whether a term of a consumer contract is unfair under subsection (1), a court may take into account such matters as it thinks relevant, but must take into account the following:
the extent to which the term is transparent;
the contract as a whole.
A term is transparent if the term is:
expressed in reasonably plain language; and
legible; and
presented clearly; and
readily available to any party affected by the term.
For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), a term of a consumer contract is presumed not to be reasonably necessary in order to protect the legitimate interests of the party who would be advantaged by the term, unless that party proves otherwise.

4 Examples of unfair terms

Without limiting section 3, the following are examples of the kinds of terms of a consumer contract that may be unfair:
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to avoid or limit performance of the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to terminate the contract;
a term that penalises, or has the effect of penalising, one party (but not another party) for a breach or termination of the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to vary the terms of the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to renew or not renew the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party to vary the upfront price payable under the contract without the right of another party to terminate the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party unilaterally to vary the characteristics of the goods or
services to be supplied, or the interest in land to be sold or granted, under the contract;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party unilaterally to determine whether the contract has been breached or to interpret its meaning;
a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, one party’s vicarious liability for its agents;
a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party to assign the contract to the detriment of another party without that other party’s consent;
a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, one party’s right to sue another party;
a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, the evidence one party can adduce in proceedings relating to the contract;
a term that imposes, or has the effect of imposing, the evidential burden on one party in proceedings relating to the contract;
a term of a kind, or a term that has an effect of a kind, prescribed by the regulations.
Before the Governor-General makes a regulation for the purposes of subsection (1)(n) prescribing a kind of term, or a kind of effect that a term has, the Minister must take into consideration:
the detriment that a term of that kind would cause to consumers; and
the impact on business generally of prescribing that kind of term or effect; and
the public interest.

5 Terms that define main subject matter of consumer contracts etc. are unaffected

Section 2 does not apply to a term of a consumer contract to the extent that, but only to the extent that, the term:
defines the main subject matter of the contract; or
sets the upfront price payable under the contract; or
is a term required, or expressly permitted, by a law of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory.
The upfront price payable under a consumer contract is the consideration that:
is provided, or is to be provided, for the supply, sale or grant under the contract; and
is disclosed at or before the time the contract is entered into;

but does not include any other consideration that is contingent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of a particular event.

7 Standard form contracts

If a party to a proceeding alleges that a contract is a standard form contract, it is presumed to be a standard form contract unless another party to the proceeding proves otherwise.
In determining whether a contract is a standard form contract, a court may take into account such matters as it thinks relevant, but must take into account the following:
whether one of the parties has all or most of the bargaining power relating to the transaction;
whether the contract was prepared by one party before any discussion relating to the transaction occurred between the parties;
whether another party was, in effect, required either to accept or reject the terms of the contract (other than the terms referred to in section 5(1)) in the form in which they were presented;
whether another party was given an effective opportunity to negotiate the terms of the contract that were not the terms referred to in section 5(1);
whether the terms of the contract (other than the terms referred to in section 5(1)) take into account the specific characteristics of another party or the particular transaction;
any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

8 Contracts to which this Part does not apply

This Part does not apply to:
a contract of marine salvage or towage; or
a charterparty of a ship; or
a contract for the carriage of goods by ship.
Without limiting subsection (1)(c), the reference in that subsection to a contract for the carriage of goods by ship includes a reference to any contract covered by a sea carriage document within the meaning of the amended Hague Rules referred to in section 7(1) of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1991.
This Part does not apply to a contract that is the constitution of a company, managed investment scheme or other kind of body.

3 Subsection 4(1)


Australian Consumer Law means Schedule 2.

4 Subsection 4(1)


provision, of the Australian Consumer Law, has the meaning given by section 4KB.

5 After section 4KA


4KB References to the Australian Consumer Law etc.

A reference in this Act (other than the provisions referred to in subsection (2)) to the Australian Consumer Law is a reference to the Australian Consumer Law as applied under Division 1 of Part XI.
Subsection (1) does not apply in relation to the following provisions:
the definitions of Australian Consumer Law and provision in subsection 4(1);
this section;
Part XI;
Schedule 2.
A reference in this Act (other than in Part XI and Schedule 2) to one or more provisions of the Australian Consumer Law is a reference to that provision or those provisions as applied under Division 1 of Part XI.

4KC Contraventions of the Australian Consumer Law

Conduct is not taken, for the purposes of this Act, to contravene the Australian Consumer Law merely because of subsection 2(1) of the Australian Consumer Law.

6 After paragraph 5(1)(e)

Insert: (ea) the Australian Consumer Law;

Note: The heading to section 5 is replaced by the heading “Extended application of this Act to conduct outside Australia”.

7 Paragraph 5(1)(f)

Omit “or (e)”, substitute “, (e) or (ea)”.

8 At the end of subparagraphs 6(2)(a)(i) and (ii), (2)(b)(i) and

(ii) and (2)(c)(i)

Add “or”.

Note: The heading to section 6 is replaced by the heading “Extended application of this Act to persons who are not corporations”.

9 After paragraph 6(2)(c)

Insert: (ca) any reference in Part 2 of the Australian Consumer Law to a contract were, by express provision, confined to a contract made:

in the course of, or in relation to, trade or commerce between Australia and places outside Australia; or
in the course of, or in relation to, trade or commerce among the States; or

(iii) in the course of, or in relation to, trade or commerce within a Territory, between a State and a Territory or between two Territories; and

10 After subsection 6(3)


(3A) In addition to the effect that this Act, other than Parts IIIA, VIIA and X, has as provided by subsection (2), the provisions of Part 2 of the Australian Consumer Law have, by force of this subsection, the effect they would have if:

those provisions were, by express provision, confined in their operation to contracts for or relating to:
the use of postal, telegraphic or telephonic services; or
radio or television broadcasts; and
a reference in the provisions of Part XI to a corporation included a reference to a person not being a corporation.

11 After Part X


Part XI—The Australian Consumer Law

Division 1—Application of the Australian Consumer Law as a law of the Commonwealth

130 Application of the Australian Consumer Law in relation to corporations

The Australian Consumer Law applies as a law of the Commonwealth to the conduct of corporations.

131 Division does not apply to financial services etc.

Despite section 130, this Division does not apply to the supply, or possible supply, of services that are financial services.
Despite section 130, Part 2 of the Australian Consumer Law does not apply to, or in relation to:
contracts that are financial products; or
contracts for the supply, or possible supply, of services that are financial services.

132 Saving of other laws and remedies

This Division is not intended to exclude or limit the concurrent operation of any law of a State or Territory.

Division 2—Application of the Australian Consumer Law as a law of a State or Territory

133 Definitions

In this Division:

application law means:

a law of a participating jurisdiction that applies the applied Australian Consumer Law, either with or without modifications, as a law of the participating jurisdiction; or
any regulations or other legislative instrument made under a law described in paragraph (a); or
the applied Australian Consumer Law, applying as a law of the participating jurisdiction, either with or without modifications.

applied Australian Consumer Law means (according to the context):

the text described in section 135; or
that text, applying as a law of a participating jurisdiction, either with or without modifications.

apply, in relation to the applied Australian Consumer Law, means apply the applied Australian Consumer Law by reference:

as in force from time to time; or
as in force at a particular time.

Commonwealth entity means:

an authority of the Commonwealth; or
an officer of the Commonwealth.

imposes a duty has the meaning given by section 140.

modifications includes additions, omissions and substitutions.

officer, in relation to the Commonwealth, includes the following:

a Minister;
a person who holds:
an office established by or under an Act; or
an appointment made under an Act; or
(iii) an appointment made by the Governor-General or a Minister but not under an Act;
a person who is a member or officer of an authority of the Commonwealth;
a person who is:
in the service or employment of the Commonwealth, or of an authority of the Commonwealth; or
employed or engaged under an Act.

participating jurisdiction means a participating State or participating Territory.

participating State means a State that is a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Australian Consumer Law and applies the applied Australian Consumer Law as a law of the State, either with or without modifications.

participating Territory means a Territory that is a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Australian Consumer Law and applies the applied Australian Consumer Law as a law of the Territory, either with or without modifications.

Territory means the Australian Capital Territory or the Northern Territory.

134 Object of this Division

The object of this Division is to facilitate the application of the Australian Consumer Law by participating States and participating Territories.

135 The applied Australian Consumer Law

The applied Australian Consumer Law consists of:
Schedule 2; and
the remaining provisions of this Act (except sections 2A, 4KB, 5, 6 and 172), so far as they relate to Schedule 2; and
the regulations under this Act, so far as they relate to any provision covered by paragraph (a) or (b).
For the purpose of forming part of the applied Australian Consumer Law, the provisions referred to in paragraphs (1)(b) and

(c) are to be modified as necessary to fit in with Schedule 2. In particular, references to corporations are to include references to persons who are not corporations.

136 Federal Court may exercise jurisdiction under application laws of Territories

The Federal Court may exercise jurisdiction (whether original or appellate) conferred on that Court by an application law of a Territory with respect to matters arising under the applied Australian Consumer Law.

137 Exercise of jurisdiction under cross-vesting provisions

This Division does not affect the operation of any other law of the Commonwealth, or any law of a State or Territory, relating to cross-vesting of jurisdiction.

138 Commonwealth consent to conferral of functions etc. on Commonwealth entities

(1) An application law may confer functions or powers, or impose duties, on a Commonwealth entity for the purposes of the applied Australian Consumer Law.

Note: Section 140 sets out when such a law imposes a duty on a Commonwealth entity.

Subsection (1) does not authorise the conferral of a function or power, or the imposition of a duty, by an application law to the extent to which:
the conferral or imposition, or the authorisation, would contravene any constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the Commonwealth entity; or
the authorisation would otherwise exceed the legislative power of the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth entity cannot perform a duty or function, or exercise a power, under an application law unless the conferral of the function or power, or the imposition of the duty, is in accordance with an agreement between the Commonwealth and the State or Territory concerned.

139 How duty is imposed


(1) This section applies if an application law purports to impose a duty on a Commonwealth entity.

Note: Section 140 sets out when such a law imposes a duty on a Commonwealth entity.

State or Territory legislative power sufficient to support duty

(2) The duty is taken not to be imposed by this Act (or any other law of the Commonwealth) to the extent to which:

imposing the duty is within the legislative powers of the State or Territory concerned; and
imposing the duty by the law of the State or Territory is consistent with the constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the entity.

Note: If this subsection applies, the duty will be taken to be imposed by force of the law of the State or Territory (the Commonwealth having consented under section 138 to the imposition of the duty by that law).

Commonwealth legislative power sufficient to support duty but State or Territory legislative powers are not

If, to ensure the validity of the purported imposition of the duty, it is necessary that the duty be imposed by a law of the Commonwealth (rather than by the law of the State or Territory), the duty is taken to be imposed by this Act to the extent necessary to ensure that validity.
If, because of subsection (3), this Act is taken to impose the duty, it is the intention of the Parliament to rely on all powers available to it under the Constitution to support the imposition of the duty by this Act.
The duty is taken to be imposed by this Act in accordance with subsection (3) only to the extent to which imposing the duty:
is within the legislative powers of the Commonwealth; and
is consistent with the constitutional doctrines restricting the duties that may be imposed on the entity.
Subsections (1) to (5) do not limit section 138.

140 When an application law imposes a duty

For the purposes of this Division, an application law imposes a duty on a Commonwealth entity if:

the law confers a function or power on the entity; and
the circumstances in which the function or power is conferred give rise to an obligation on the entity to perform the function or to exercise the power.

141 Application laws may operate concurrently with this Act

This Act is not intended to exclude the operation of any application law, to the extent that the application law is capable of operating concurrently with this Act.

142 No doubling-up of liabilities

(1) If:

an act or omission is an offence against this Act and is also an offence against an application law; and
the offender has been punished for the offence under the

application law; the offender is not liable to be punished for the offence against this Act.

(2) If a person has been ordered to pay a pecuniary penalty under an application law, the person is not liable to a pecuniary penalty under this Act in respect of the same conduct.

Division 3—Miscellaneous

143 References in instruments to the Australian Consumer Law

A reference in any instrument to the Australian Consumer Law is a reference to:
the Australian Consumer Law as applied under Division 1; and
the applied Australian Consumer Laws of any or all of the participating jurisdictions.
Subsection (1) has effect except so far as the contrary intention appears in the instrument or the context of the reference otherwise requires.

Schedule 2

27 Subsection 4(1)


consumer contract has the meaning given by the Australian Consumer Law.

29 Subsection 4(1) (definition of non-party consumer)

Repeal the definition, substitute:

non-party consumer means:

in relation to conduct referred to in subparagraph 87AAA(1)(a)(i)—a person who is not, or has not been, a party to an enforcement proceeding in relation to the conduct; and
in relation to a term of a consumer contract referred to in subparagraph 87AAA(1)(a)(ii)—a person who is not, or has not been, a party to an enforcement proceeding in relation to the term.

31 Subsection 4(1)


rely on, in relation to a term of a consumer contract, includes the meaning given by the Australian Consumer Law.

32 Subsection 4(1)


unfair, in relation to a term of a consumer contract, has the meaning given by the Australian Consumer Law.

41 Paragraph 80(1)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) a contravention of any of the following provisions:

a provision of Part IV, IVA, IVB, V or VC;
a provision of the Australian Consumer Law; or

42 At the end of paragraphs 80(1)(b) to (d)

Add “or”.

43 After subsection 80(1B)


(1C) A reference in paragraph (1)(a) to a contravention of a provision of the Australian Consumer Law includes a reference to applying or relying on, or purporting to apply or rely on, a term of a consumer contract that the Court has declared under section 87AC to be an unfair term.

46 Paragraphs 84(1)(b) and (3)(b)

After “or VC”, insert “, or a provision of the Australian Consumer


47 At the end of subsection 86(1)

Add “or has been instituted in relation to subsection 2(1) of the

Australian Consumer Law (as applied under Division 1 of Part XI)”.

48 Subsection 86(1A)

After “or Part VA”, insert “, or a provision of the Australian Consumer


49 Subsection 86(2)

After “of Part V”, insert “, or a provision of the Australian Consumer


50 Paragraphs 86A(1)(b), (4)(b) and (5)(b) and 86B(1)(b)

After “of Part V”, insert “, or a provision of the Australian Consumer


56 Subsection 87(1)

After “or VC,”, insert “or of the Australian Consumer Law,”.

57 Paragraphs 87(1A)(a) and (b) and (1B)(a)

After “or VC”, insert “, or a provision of the Australian Consumer


58 Subsection 87(1C)

After “or VC”, insert “, or of a provision of the Australian Consumer


59 After subsection 87(5)


(5A) A reference in this section to a contravention of a provision of the Australian Consumer Law includes a reference to applying or relying on, or purporting to apply or rely on, a term of a consumer contract that the Court has declared under section 87AC to be an unfair term.

60 Paragraph 87AAA(1)(a)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(a) a person:

engaged in conduct (the contravening conduct) in contravention of a provision of Part IVA, of Division 1 or 1AAA of Part V, or of Part VC; or
is a party to a consumer contract who is advantaged by a term (the declared term) of the contract in relation to which the Court has made a declaration under section 87AC; and

61 Paragraphs 87AAA(1)(b) and (c)

After “contravening conduct”, insert “or declared term”.

62 Subsection 87AAA(2)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2) An order under subsection (1) may be made against:

if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies—the person who engaged in the contravening conduct, or a person involved in that conduct; or
if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies—a party to the contract who is advantaged by the declared term.

63 Paragraphs 87AAA(3)(a) and (b)

After “contravening conduct”, insert “or declared term”.

64 Subsection 87AAA(4)

After “contravening conduct”, insert “or declared term”.

65 Subsection 87AAA(5)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(5) An application under subsection (1) may be made at any time within 6 years after the day on which:

if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies—the cause of action that relates to the contravening conduct accrues; or
if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies—the declaration is made.

66 Subsection 87AAA(6)

Omit “subsection (2)”, substitute “paragraph (2)(a)”.

67 After subsection 87AAA(6)


(7) In determining whether to make an order under subsection (1) against a person referred to in paragraph (2)(b), the Court may have regard to the conduct of the person, and of the non-party consumers in relation to the declared term, since the declaration was made.

68 Paragraph 87AAA(8)(a)

After “contravening conduct”, insert “or declared term”.

69 Paragraph 87AAA(9)(b)

After “contravening conduct”, insert “, or declared term,”.

70 Paragraph 87A(1)(b)

After “or VC”, insert “, or of the Australian Consumer Law”.

72 Paragraph 87A(1)(d)

After “or VC”, insert “, or of the Australian Consumer Law”.

73 At the end of section 87A


(9) A reference in paragraph (1)(b) or (d) to a contravention of a provision of the Australian Consumer Law includes a reference to applying or relying on, or purporting to apply or rely on, a term of a consumer contract that the Court has declared under section 87AC to be an unfair term.

74 After section 87AB


87AC Declarations

(1) The Court may, on the application of a party to a consumer contract or on the application of the Commission, declare that a term of such a contract is an unfair term.

(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply unless the consumer contract is a standard form contract.

(2) Subsection (1) does not limit any other power of the Court to make declarations.

Schedule 4 4 Section 150A (definition of Schedule version of Part IV)

Omit “the Schedule”, substitute “Schedule 1”.

5 Schedule (heading)

Omit “Schedule” (first occurring), substitute “Schedule 1”. As at 19 April 2010 the amendments are not incorporated in this compilation.

Table A

Application, saving or transitional provisions

Workplace Relations and Other Legislation Amendment Act 1996

(No. 60, 1996)

Schedule 17 29 Definitions

In this Part:

amended TP Act means the Trade Practices Act 1974 as in force after the commencement. amended WR Act means the Workplace Relations Act as in force

after the commencement. commencement means the commencement of this Schedule. Commission has the same meaning as in the amended WR Act. conduct includes threatened, impending or probable conduct. jurisdiction transfer day means the transfer day as defined in

Part 3 of Schedule 16.

old TP Act means the Trade Practices Act 1974 as in force immediately before the commencement. old WR Act means the Workplace Relations Act as in force

immediately before the commencement.

30 Conciliation proceedings in progress under Division 7 of Part VI of old WR Act


before the commencement, the Commission was exercising conciliation powers under Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act in relation to a dispute about conduct; and
that conduct continues after the commencement; and
paragraphs 156(a) and (b) of the amended WR Act are satisfied in relation to the dispute;

the Commission may exercise conciliation powers under the amended WR Act in relation to the dispute as if the Commission had been notified of the dispute under section 157 of the amended WR Act.

31 If certificate under section 163D of old WR Act granted in relation to conduct that ended before commencement

If, before the commencement, the Commission granted a certificate under section 163D of the old WR Act in relation to a dispute about conduct and the conduct ended before the commencement:

the old WR Act continues to apply to that conduct as though the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made; and
subject to paragraph (c), a reference in Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act as so applying to the “Court” is to be taken, on and after the jurisdiction transfer day, to be a reference to the Federal Court of Australia; and
if, under Part 3 of Schedule 16, the Industrial Relations Court continues to have jurisdiction in relation to proceedings begun before the jurisdiction transfer day in relation to that conduct, that Court may, in accordance with that Part of that Schedule, continue to exercise jurisdiction in the proceedings.

Note: If no certificate was granted under section 163D of the old WR Act in relation to conduct that ended before the commencement, then (subject to item 30) no relief is available under the old WR Act or the amended TP Act in relation to that conduct.

32 If certificate under section 163D of old WR Act granted in relation to conduct that continues after commencement

This item applies if, before the commencement, the Commission granted a certificate under section 163D of the old WR Act in relation to a dispute about conduct and the conduct continues after the commencement.
In relation to so much of the conduct as occurred before the commencement:
the old WR Act continues to apply to that conduct as though the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made; and
subject to paragraph (c), a reference in Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act as so applying to the “Court” is to be

taken, on and after the jurisdiction transfer day, to be a reference to the Federal Court of Australia; and

(c) if, under Part 3 of Schedule 16, the Industrial Relations Court continues to have jurisdiction in relation to proceedings begun before the jurisdiction transfer day in relation to that conduct, that Court may, in accordance with that Part of that Schedule, continue to exercise jurisdiction in the proceedings.

(3) In relation to so much of the conduct as occurs after the commencement, the amended TP Act applies as if that conduct had started on the commencement.

33 If no certificate under section 163D of old WR Act granted in relation to conduct that continues after commencement


before the commencement, there was a dispute about conduct to which Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act applied; and
no certificate under section 163D of the old WR Act was granted in relation to the dispute before the commencement; and
the conduct continues after the commencement;

then, in relation to so much of the conduct as occurs after the commencement, the amended TP Act applies as if that conduct had started on the commencement.

Note: If no certificate was granted under section 163D of the old WR Act in relation to conduct that continues after the commencement, then (subject to item 30) no relief is available under the old WR Act or the amended TP Act in relation to so much of the conduct as occurred before the commencement.

34 If conduct to which section 45D of old TP Act applied ended before commencement

If conduct to which section 45D of the old TP Act applied ended before the commencement, the old TP Act continues to apply to that conduct as though the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made.

35 If conduct to which section 45D of old TP Act applied continues after commencement

This item applies if conduct to which section 45D of the old TP Act applied started before the commencement and continues after the commencement.
In relation to so much of the conduct as occurred before the commencement, the old TP Act continues to apply to that conduct as though the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made.
In relation to so much of the conduct as occurs after the commencement, the amended TP Act applies as if that conduct started on the commencement.

36 Power to vary or rescind orders and injunctions made under repealed provisions

(1) An order or injunction:

made by a court before the commencement under or in relation to a repealed provision; or
made by a court after the commencement under or in relation to a repealed provision as the provision continues to apply because of this Part;

may, subject to subsection (2), be varied or rescinded by the court after the commencement, despite the repeal of the provision, as if the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made.

If the court that made the order or injunction is or was the Industrial Relations Court of Australia, the power to vary or rescind the order or injunction given by subsection (1) is, on or after the jurisdiction transfer day, to be exercised by the Federal Court of Australia, unless Part 3 of Schedule 16 provides for the Industrial Relations Court of Australia to continue to exercise jurisdiction in proceedings for the variation or rescission of the order or injunction.
In this section:

repealed provision means:

a provision of Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act; or
section 45D of the old TP Act.

37 Power to vary or revoke decisions of Commission made under repealed provisions

(1) A decision of the Commission:

made before the commencement under or in relation to a repealed provision; or
made after the commencement under or in relation to a repealed provision as the provision continues to apply because of this Part;

may be varied or revoked by the Commission after the commencement, despite the repeal of the provision, as if the amendments made by this Schedule had not been made.

(2) In this section:

decision includes an order, direction or determination.

repealed provision means a provision of Division 7 of Part VI of the old WR Act.

Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 1997

(No. 58, 1997)

Schedule 1

15 Application—amendments of section 163A of the Trade Practices Act

The amendments of section 163A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule do not apply to a proceeding instituted before the commencement of this item.

Gas Pipelines Access (Commonwealth) Act 1998 (No. 101, 1998)

Schedule 1

36 Saving provision

Despite the repeal of subsection 89(3), the register of applications in place under that subsection immediately before the day item 35 commences continues to have effect on and after that date as if it had been created for the purposes of subsection 89(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Act.

47 Saving provision

If, before the commencement of item 46:

the Commission had given notice under paragraph 91(4)(a) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to the authorization; but
the Commission had not made a determination under paragraph 91(4)(b) of that Act;

subsection 91(4) of that Act continues in force as if the amendments of that Act made by items 27 to 56 had not been made.

50 Saving provision

Any application made by a person for review of a determination under subsection 101(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as in force before the commencement of item 49 has effect, on and after the commencement of that item, as if it were an application for that determination made under subsection 101(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by that item.

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment Act 1999 (No. 52, 1999)

Schedule 1

72 Transitional—section 151CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a report under subsection 151CM(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 for the financial year in which this item commenced.
To avoid doubt, that report must deal with matters covered by paragraphs 151CM(1)(b) and (c) of that Act in relation to the whole of that financial year.

73 Transitional—interim determinations

An interim determination may be made in relation to an arbitration under Division 8 of Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974, whether the access dispute was notified before, at or after the commencement of this item.

74 Transitional—backdating of final determinations

A final determination made by the Commission under Division 8 of Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 has no effect to the extent (if any) to which any provision of the determination is expressed to have taken effect on a date earlier than the date of commencement of this item.

75 Transitional—pre-commencement competition notices

Despite the amendments made by items 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 37, 41, 42 and 43 of this Schedule, Part XIB of the Trade Practices Act 1974 continues to apply, after the commencement of this item, in relation to a competition notice in force immediately before the commencement of this item, as if those amendments had not been made.
Subsection 151AOA(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 applies to a competition notice in force immediately before the commencement of this item in a corresponding way to the way in which it applies to a Part A competition notice.

76 Transitional—section 152CT of the Trade Practices Act 1974

The amendments of section 152CT of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule do not affect the continuity of a direction in force under that section immediately before the commencement of this item.

77 Transitional—interpretation of pre-commencement provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974

In determining the meaning that a provision of the Trade Practices Act 1974 had before the commencement of this item, the amendments made by this Schedule are to be disregarded.

Schedule 3

81 Transitional—section 151CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Section 151CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974 has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if the reference in that section to Part 9 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 included a reference to repealed Part 6 of the Telstra Corporation Act 1991.

Schedule 4

28 Transitional—section 151CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Section 151CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974 has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if the reference in that section to Division 5 of Part 2 of the Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 included a reference to repealed Division 5 of Part 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.

Trade Practices Amendment (International Liner Cargo Shipping) Act 2000

(No. 123, 2000)

Schedule 1

171 Transitional—declarations under subsection 10.03(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a declaration if:
the declaration was made under subsection 10.03(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the declaration was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
The declaration has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if:
the declaration had been made under subsection 10.03(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Schedule; and
a reference in the declaration to a designated peak shipper body were a reference to a designated outwards peak shipper body.
The Registrar must take such action, by way of modifying the register of designated shipper bodies, as is necessary to ensure that the register is consistent with subitem (2).

172 Transitional—declarations under subsection 10.03(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a declaration if:
the declaration was made under subsection 10.03(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the declaration was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
The declaration has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if:
the declaration had been made under subsection 10.03(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Schedule; and
a reference in the declaration to a designated secondary shipper body were a reference to a designated outwards secondary shipper body.
The Registrar must take such action, by way of modifying the register of designated shipper bodies, as is necessary to ensure that the register is consistent with subitem (2).

173 Transitional—notices under section 10.29 of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a notice if:
the notice was given under subsection 10.29(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the notice was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
The notice has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if:
the notice had been given under subsection 10.29(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Schedule; and
a reference in the notice to a designated secondary shipper body were a reference to a designated outwards secondary shipper body.
The Registrar must take such action, by way of modifying the register of designated shipper bodies, as is necessary to ensure that the register is consistent with subitem (2).

174 Transitional—notices under section 10.41 of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a notice if:
the notice was given under paragraph (b) of the definition of relevant designated shipper body in subsection 10.41(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the notice was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
The notice has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if:
the notice had been given under subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of relevant designated shipper body in subsection 10.41(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Schedule; and
a reference in the notice to a designated secondary shipper body were a reference to a designated outwards secondary shipper body.
The Registrar must take such action, by way of modifying the register of designated shipper bodies, as is necessary to ensure that the register is consistent with subitem (2).

175 Transitional—pre-commencement directions under section 10.44 of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a direction under section 10.44 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was given before the commencement of this item.
Despite the amendments of section 10.45 and subsections 10.46(1) and (3), 10.47(1) and 10.48(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this

Schedule, those provisions continue to apply after the commencement of this item, in relation to that direction, as if those amendments had not been made.

176 Transitional—notices under section 10.52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a notice if:
the notice was given under paragraph (b) of the definition of relevant designated shipper body in subsection 10.52(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the notice was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
The notice has effect, after the commencement of this item, as if:
the notice had been given under subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of relevant designated shipper body in subsection 10.52(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Schedule; and
a reference in the notice to a designated secondary shipper body were a reference to a designated outwards secondary shipper body.
The Registrar must take such action, by way of modifying the register of designated shipper bodies, as is necessary to ensure that the register is consistent with subitem (2).

177 Transitional—pre-commencement inquiries

This item applies if, before the commencement of this item, a question was referred to the Tribunal under section 10.50 or 10.63 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 for inquiry and report.
Despite the amendments and repeals made by items 2, 65, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 137, 138, 139, 140, 145, 147, 152 and 153 of this Schedule, subsection 40(3) and Part X of the Trade Practices Act 1974 continue to apply after the commencement of this item, in relation to that inquiry and report, as if those amendments and repeals had not been made.

178 Application—review of decisions of Commission

Division 14A of Part X of the Trade Practices Act 1974 applies to decisions of the Commission made after the commencement of this item.

179 Application—review of decisions of the Minister

Division 14B of Part X of the Trade Practices Act 1974 applies to decisions of the Minister made after the commencement of this item.

180 Transitional—pre-commencement inwards liner cargo shipping services

Despite the repeals made by items 155 to 164 (inclusive) of this Schedule, the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 repealed by those items continue to apply after the commencement of this item, in relation to an inwards liner cargo shipping service provided wholly or partly before the commencement of this item, as if those repeals had not been made.

Communications and the Arts Legislation Amendment Act 2001

(No. 46, 2001)

6 Saving of notices

A notice in force under subsection 151AQB(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 immediately before the commencement of this section is taken, after the commencement of this section, to be an advisory notice in force under subsection 151AQB(1) of that Act.

Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2001 (No. 63, 2001)

Schedule 1

5 Application of items 3 and 4

The amendments made by items 3 and 4 apply in relation to a law of a State or Territory made before, on or after the commencement of those items.

8 Application of items 6 and 7

The amendments made by items 6 and 7 apply in relation to goods supplied on or after the commencement of those items.

10 Application of item 9

The amendment made by item 9 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

13 Application of item 12

The amendment made by item 12 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

15 Application of item 14

The amendment made by item 14 does not apply in relation to a proceeding instituted under this Act in relation to a person if, before the commencement of that item, the Court:

ordered the person to pay a pecuniary penalty; or
imposed a fine on the person.

17 Saving

Despite the repeal of section 80A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by item 16, an order made under that section that is in force immediately before the commencement of that item continues in force as if the repeal had not been made.

19 Application of item 18

The amendment made by item 18 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

21 Application of item 20

The amendment made by item 20 applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.
The amendment made by item 20 also applies in relation to conduct engaged in before the commencement of that item, but only if the period that:
relates to the conduct; and
applied under subsection 82(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of that item;

had not ended when that item commenced.

23 Application of item 22

The amendment made by item 22 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

25 Application of item 24

The amendment made by item 24 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

27 Application of item 26

The amendment made by item 26 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

29 Application of item 28

The amendment made by item 28 only applies to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

32 Application of item 31

The amendment made by item 31 applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.
The amendment made by item 31 also applies in relation to conduct engaged in before the commencement of that item, but only if the period that:
relates to the conduct; and
applied under subsection 87(1CA) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of that item;

had not ended when that item commenced.

34 Application of item 33

The amendment made by item 33 only applies in relation to proceedings instituted on or after the commencement of that item.

36 Application of item 35

The amendment made by item 35 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

38 Application of item 37

The amendment made by item 37 only applies in relation to matters arising on or after the commencement of that item.

Schedule 2

3 Application of items 1 and 2

The amendments made by items 1 and 2 only apply in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of those items.

5 Application of item 4

The amendment made by item 4 only applies in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of that item.

8 Application of items 6 and 7

The amendments made by items 6 and 7 only apply in relation to conduct engaged in on or after the commencement of those items.

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 3) 2001 (No. 117, 2001)

4 Application of amendments

Each amendment made by this Act applies to acts and omissions that take place after the amendment commences.
For the purposes of this section, if an act or omission is alleged to have taken place between 2 dates, one before and one on or after the day on which a particular amendment commences, the act or omission is alleged to have taken place before the amendment commences.

Trade Practices Amendment (Telecommunications) Act 2001 (No. 124, 2001)

Schedule 1

23 Application of amendments

The amendment made by item 1 applies in relation to:
services that are declared to be declared services after the commencement of this Act; and
declared services that are varied after the commencement of this Act.
The amendments made by items 4, 5, 6 and 16 apply in relation to access disputes that are notified after the commencement of this Act.
The amendment made by item 7 applies in relation to determinations that are made after the commencement of this Act.
The amendments made by items 14 and 15 apply in relation to access disputes that are notified either before or after the commencement of this Act.
The amendments made by items 17, 18 and 19 apply in relation to applications for review that are made after the commencement of this Act.
The amendment made by item 20 applies in relation to applications for review, or applications for a writ or injunction, that are made after the commencement of this Act.
The amendment made by item 21 applies in relation to appeals that are made after the commencement of this Act.

24 Transitional—backdating final determinations

This item applies to a final determination made after the commencement of this Act in respect of an access dispute notified after the commencement of this Act.
Despite the amendment made by item 16, the final determination has no effect to the extent (if any) to which any provision of the determination is expressed to have taken effect on a date earlier than the date of commencement of this Act.
In this item:

final determination means a final determination made by the Commission under Division 8 of Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

Treasury Legislation Amendment (Application of Criminal Code) Act (No. 2) 2001 (No. 146, 2001)

4 Application of amendments

Each amendment made by this Act applies to acts and omissions that take place after the amendment commences.
For the purposes of this section, if an act or omission is alleged to have taken place between 2 dates, one before and one on or after the day on which a particular amendment commences, the act or omission is alleged to have taken place before the amendment commences.

Trade Practices Amendment Act (No. 1) 2002 (No. 128, 2002)

Schedule 1

4 Application

The amendments made by items 1 to 3 apply only to conduct

engaged in after the commencement of this Schedule.

7 Application

The amendments made by items 5 and 6 apply only to a contravention of a provision of Part VC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that occurs after the commencement of this Schedule.

9 Application

The amendment made by item 8 applies only to a contravention of subsection 155(5) or (6) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that occurs after the commencement of this Schedule.

Telecommunications Competition Act 2002 (No. 140, 2002)

Schedule 2

9 Transitional—review of determinations

This item applies if:
a final determination was made by the Commission under Division 8 of Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of this item; or
a final determination is made by the Commission under Division 8 of Part XIC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 after the commencement of this item; and
the final determination relates to an access dispute that was notified under section 152CM of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before 26 September 2002.
Despite the amendments made by this Part, the Trade Practices Act 1974 continues to apply, in relation to a review of the final determination, as if those amendments had not been made.

15 Transitional—section 152ALA of the Trade Practices Act 1974

This item applies to a declaration if:
the declaration was made under section 152AL of the Trade Practices Act 1974; and
the declaration was in force immediately before the commencement of this item.
Section 152ALA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 does not apply to the declaration unless and until the Commission makes a determination in relation to the declaration under subitem (3).
The Commission may, by notice published in the Gazette, determine that section 152ALA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 has effect, in relation to a declaration specified in the determination, as if a date specified in the determination had been specified in the declaration as the expiry date of the declaration.
The specified date must occur within the 5-year period beginning on the commencement of this item.
The Commission must take all reasonable steps to ensure that each declaration is covered by a determination under subitem (3) within 6 months after the commencement of this item.

19 Transitional—section 152CQ of the Trade Practices Act 1974

To avoid doubt, the amendments of section 152CQ of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Part do not affect the validity of a determination made before the commencement of this item.

21 Transitional—section 152CQ of the Trade Practices Act 1974

To avoid doubt, the amendment of section 152CQ of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Part does not affect the validity of a determination made before the commencement of this item.

69 Application—section 152AW of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Subsections 152AW(1), (2) and (3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Part apply in relation to:
an application under section 152AV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made after the commencement of this item; or
an application under section 152AV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made before the commencement of this item, so long as the Tribunal did not make a decision on the review under subsection 152AW(1) of that Act before the commencement of this item.
Subsections 152AW(4) to (7) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Part apply in relation to an application under
section 152AV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made after the commencement of this item.
Despite the repeal of subsection 152AW(4) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 by this Part, that subsection continues to apply, in relation to an application under section 152AV of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made before the commencement of this item, as if that repeal had not happened.

110 Transitional—subsection 152BS(6A) of the Trade Practices Act 1974

To avoid doubt, an access undertaking given before the commencement of subsection 152BS(6A) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 is as valid as it would have been if that subsection had been in force when the undertaking was given.

111 Application—section 152CF of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Subsections 152CF(1), (2) and (3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Part apply in relation to:
an application under section 152CE of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made after the commencement of this item; or
an application under section 152CE of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made before the commencement of this item, so long as the Tribunal did not make a decision on the review under subsection 152CF(1) of that Act before the commencement of this item.
Subsections 152CF(4) to (8) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Part apply in relation to an application under section 152CE of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made after the commencement of this item.
Despite the repeal of subsection 152CF(4) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 by this Part, that subsection continues to apply, in relation to an application under section 152CE of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made before the commencement of this item, as if that repeal had not happened.

113 Transitional—paragraph 152AR(3)(b) of the Trade Practices Act 1974

The amendment made by this Part is to be disregarded in determining the meaning that paragraph 152AR(3)(b) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 had before the commencement of this item.

115 Transitional—section 151CJ of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Subsections 151CJ(1) and (2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 as amended by this Part apply in relation to:

an application under section 151CI of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made after the commencement of this item; or
an application under section 151CI of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that was made before the commencement of this item, so long as the Tribunal did not make a decision on the review under subsection 151CJ(1) of that Act before the commencement of this item.

Industry, Tourism and Resources Legislation Amendment Act 2003

(No. 21, 2003)

Schedule 1

29 Application of amendments

The amendments made by items 25 to 28 apply in respect of conduct engaged in, or representations made, after those items commence.

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 2003 (No. 134, 2003)

Schedule 2

44 Definitions

In this Part:

ACCC means the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

commencement time means the time when this Part commences.

PSA means the Prices Surveillance Act 1983, as in force before the commencement time.

TPA means the Trade Practices Act 1974.

45 General

This item applies to a thing mentioned in column 2 of the following table that:
occurred before the commencement time under the provision of the PSA mentioned in that column; and
is in force immediately before that time.
For the purposes of Part VIIA of the TPA, the thing has effect after that time as if it were a thing mentioned in column 3 of the table that occurred:
under the provision of that Part mentioned in that column; and
at the time it occurred under the PSA.
Operation of Part VIIA of the TPA
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Item Occurrence under the PSA Occurrence under Part VIIA of
the TPA
1 A direction given under A direction given under subsection
section 20 95ZH(1)
2 A declaration made under A declaration made under
paragraph 21(1)(a) subsection 95X(1)
3 A declaration made under A declaration made under
paragraph 21(1)(b) subsection 95X(2)
4 A declaration made under A declaration made under
paragraph 21(1)(c) section 95B
5 A notice given under subsection A notice given under subsection
25(1) 95N(5)
6 A summons given under A summons given under
subsection 34(2) subsection 95S(3)

46 Price inquiries

This item applies if:
before the commencement time, the Minister had made an instrument under subsection 18(1) of the PSA; and
the ACCC had not submitted a report on the inquiry concerned before that time.
Part VIIA of the TPA has effect after that time as if the instrument were a notice given:
under subsection 95H(1) or (2) of the TPA (as the case requires); and
at the time the instrument was made under the PSA.

Note: One of the effects of this subitem is that the ACCC is able to begin an inquiry, complete an inquiry or give a report on an inquiry under Part VIIA of the TPA.

Subitem (4) applies to a thing mentioned in column 2 of the following table that occurred before the commencement time (in relation to the inquiry) under the provision of the PSA mentioned in that column.
For the purposes of Part VIIA of the TPA, the thing has effect after that time as if it were a thing mentioned in column 3 of the table that occurred:
under the provision of that Part mentioned in that column; and
at the time it occurred under the PSA.
Operation of Part VIIA of the TPA
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Item Occurrence under the PSA Occurrence under Part VIIA of
the TPA
1 An instrument made under A notice given under subsection
subsection 18(6) 95K(3)
2 A notice served under paragraph A notice given under subsection
19(1)(a) 95L(1)
3 A notice served under paragraph A notice given under subsection
19(1)(b) 95L(3)
4 A notice served under subsection A notice given under section 95M

47 Price inquiry obligations

This item applies if:
before the commencement time, a person received a copy of a report on an inquiry held under the PSA in relation to the supply by the person of goods or services; and
the period applicable under subsection 24(2) or paragraph 27(1)(a) of the PSA had not ended before that time.
Subsection 95N(8) or 95Q(2) of the TPA, as the case requires, has effect after that time as if the person had received the copy of the report:
under the TPA; and
at the time the person received the copy under the PSA.

48 Price notifications

This item applies if:
before the commencement time, a person had given the ACCC a notice (the locality notice) under paragraph 22(2)(a) of the PSA; and
the prescribed period in relation to the notice (worked out under section 22 of the PSA) had not ended before that time.
Part VIIA of the TPA has effect after that time as if the notice were a notice given:
under subsection 95Z(5) of the TPA; and
at the time it was given under the PSA.
Subitem (4) applies to a thing mentioned in column 2 of the following table that occurred before the commencement time (as a result of the locality notice being given) under the provision of the PSA mentioned in that column.
For the purposes of Part VIIA of the TPA, the thing has effect after that time as if it were a thing mentioned in column 3 of the table that occurred:
under the provision of that Part mentioned in that column; and
at the time it occurred under the PSA.
Operation of Part VIIA of the TPA
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Item Occurrence under the PSA Occurrence under Part VIIA of
the TPA
1 A notice served under A notice given under paragraph
subparagraph 22(2)(b)(ii) 95Z(6)(b)
2 A notice served under A notice given under
subparagraph 22(2)(b)(iii) subparagraph 95Z(6)(c)(i)
3 A notice given under A notice given under
subparagraph 22(2)(b)(iii) subparagraph 95Z(6)(c)(ii)
4 A notice given under paragraph A notice given under subsection
22(4)(a) 95ZA(1)
5 A determination made under A determination made under
subsection 22(6) subsection 95ZB(2)

49 Register of price notifications

The register in place under subsection 23(1) of the PSA immediately before the commencement time is taken, immediately after that time, to be the register in place under subsection 95ZC(1) of the TPA.

50 Delegations in relation to price notifications

Giving of notices

(1) A delegation in force under paragraph 29(b) of the PSA immediately before the commencement time has effect after that time as if it were a delegation (made under paragraph 95ZD(1)(a) of the TPA) of the ACCC’s price notification powers in relation to the notices concerned.

Withdrawal of notices

(2) A delegation in force under paragraph 29(c) of the PSA immediately before the commencement time has effect after that time as if it were a delegation (made under paragraph 95ZD(1)(b) of the TPA) of the power under section 95ZJ of the TPA relating to a notice given in the exercise of the ACCC’s price notification powers.


(3) In this item:

price notification powers means the ACCC’s powers under paragraph 95Z(6)(b) or (c) of the TPA.

51 Price monitoring

This item applies if:
before the commencement time, the Minister had given a direction under section 27A of the PSA; and
the direction required the ACCC to report to the Minister on the monitoring concerned at a specified time, or at specified intervals, occurring after the commencement time.
Part VIIA of the TPA has effect after the commencement time as if the direction were a direction given:
under section 95ZE or 95ZF of the TPA (as the case requires); and
at the time it was given under the PSA.

52 Information gathering under Part VIIA of the TPA

This item applies if:
before the commencement time, a notice was served on a person under subsection 32(1) of the PSA; and
the period for complying with the notice had not ended before that time.
The notice has effect after that time as if it were a notice given:
under subsection 95ZK(1) of the TPA; and
at the time it was served under the PSA.
If the notice was in relation to the matter mentioned in the provision of the PSA referred to in column 2 of the following table, it has effect after that time as if it were a notice in relation to the matter mentioned in the provision of the TPA referred to in column 3 of the table.

Information gathering under Part VIIA of the TPA Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Item Provision of the PSA Provision of the TPA

1 Paragraph 32(1)(c) Paragraph 95ZK(1)(a)
2 Paragraph 32(1)(d) Paragraph 95ZK(1)(b)
3 Paragraph 32(1)(e) Paragraph 95ZK(1)(c) or (d) (as the
case requires)

53 Inspection of documents etc.

This item applies to documents furnished or produced before the commencement time in circumstances mentioned in section 38 of the PSA.
Section 95ZL of the TPA has effect after that time as if the documents were given or produced after that time in circumstances mentioned in that section.

56 Information gathering under Part XII of the TPA

Refusal or failure to comply with notices

(1) Paragraph 155(2A)(a) of the TPA has effect after the commencement time as if a reference to a notice under subsection 95ZK(1) or (2) of the TPA included a reference to a notice under subsection 32(1) of the PSA.

Refusal or failure to answer questions

(2) Paragraph 155(2A)(b) of the TPA has effect after the commencement time as if a reference to an inquiry under Part VIIA of the TPA included a reference to an inquiry under the PSA.

Refusal or failure to produce documents

(3) Paragraph 155(2A)(c) of the TPA has effect after the commencement time as if a reference to a summons under subsection 95S(3) of the TPA included a reference to a summons under subsection 34(2) of the PSA.

Trade Practices Amendment (Personal Injuries and Death) Act (No. 2) 2004

(No. 113, 2004)

Schedule 1

11 Application

The amendments made by this Schedule (other than item 10) apply to contraventions of Part IVA, of Division 1A or 2A of Part V or of Part VA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that occur after this Schedule commences.

Telecommunications Legislation Amendment (Competition and Consumer Issues) Act 2005 (No. 119, 2005)

Schedule 4

2 Application of amendment

The amendment of section 151BX of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule applies to a contravention of the competition rule if:

in the case of a contravention that continued during a period—the period began after the commencement of this item; or
otherwise—the contravention occurred after the commencement of this item.

Trade Practices Amendment (Personal Injuries and Death) Act 2006

(No. 11, 2006)

Schedule 1

8 Application

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to contraventions of Division 1 of Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that occur after this Schedule commences.

Jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Court Legislation Amendment Act 2006

(No. 23, 2006)

Schedule 1

2 Application of amendment of subsection 86(1A)

The amendment of subsection 86(1A) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule applies in relation to matters arising before, on or after the commencement of this Schedule.

5 Application of amendments of section 86AA

The amendments of section 86AA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule apply to:

proceedings instituted in the Federal Magistrates Court after the commencement of this Schedule; and
proceedings instituted in another court before, on or after the commencement of this Schedule and transferred to the Federal Magistrates Court after the commencement of this Schedule.

Trade Practices Amendment (National Access Regime) Act 2006

(No. 92, 2006)

Schedule 1

114 Application—Council annual report

The amendment made by item 3 applies in relation to financial years ending after the commencement of that item.

115 Application—objects of Part IIIA

The amendments made by the items mentioned in column 2 of the table apply in relation to the matter mentioned in column 3 of the table:

Objects of Part IIIA

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Items Matter

Items 12 and 17 Applications made to the Council after the commencement of those items.

Objects of Part IIIA
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Items Matter
2 Items 20 and 24 Declaration recommendations made to the
designated Minister after the commencement of those items (where the applications for the recommendations were also made after that
3 Items 28 and 30 Revocation recommendations made to the
designated Minister after the commencement of those items.
4 Item 37 Applications made to the Council after the commencement of that item.
5 Item 41 Recommendations made to the
Commonwealth Minister after the
commencement of that item (where the applications for the recommendations were also made after that commencement).
6 Item 65 Access disputes notified after the commencement of that item.
7 Item 88 Applications made to the Commission after the commencement of that item.
8 Item 92, in so far as it inserts paragraph 44ZZA(3)(aa) of the Trade Practices Act Access undertakings given to the Commission after the commencement of that item.
9 Item 100, in so far as it inserts paragraph 44ZZAA(3)(aa) of the Trade Practices Access codes given to the Commission after the commencement of that item.
Act 1974

116 Application—target time limits

The amendments made by the items mentioned in column 2 of the table apply in relation to the matter mentioned in column 3 of the table:

Target time limits
Column 1 Column 2 Items Column 3 Matter
1 Item 18, in so far as it inserts section 44GA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 Applications made to the Council after the commencement of that item.
2 Item 31 Revocation recommendations made to the
designated Minister after the commencement of that item.
3 Item 44, in so far as it inserts section 44NC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 Applications made to the Council after the commencement of that item.
4 Item 44, in so far as it inserts section 44ND of the Trade Practices Act 1974 Recommendations made to the Commonwealth Minister after the commencement of that item.
5 Item 69 Access disputes notified after the commencement of that item.
6 Item 108, in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBC of the Trade Practices Act 1974 Access undertaking applications and access code applications made to the Commission after the commencement of that item.
7 Item 112 Applications for review made to the Tribunal after the commencement of that

117 Application—competition test

The amendment made by item 16 applies in relation to applications made to the Council after the commencement of that item.
The amendment made by item 23 applies in relation to declaration recommendations made to the designated Minister after the commencement of that item (where the applications for the recommendations were also made after that commencement).

118 Application—public consultation

The amendments made by items 18 (in so far as it inserts section 44GB of the Trade Practices Act 1974) and 44 (in so far as it inserts section 44NE of that Act) apply in relation to applications made to the Council after the commencement of those items.
The amendments made by items 96, 103 and 108 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBD of the Trade Practices Act 1974) apply in relation to access undertaking applications and access code applications made to the Commission after the commencement of those items.

119 Application—publication of decisions

The amendments made by items 18 (in so far as it inserts section 44GC of the Trade Practices Act 1974) and 44 (in so far as it inserts section 44NF of that Act) apply in relation to recommendations made by the Council after the commencement of those items.
The amendments made by items 25, 27, 43, 44 (in so far as it inserts section 44NG of the Trade Practices Act 1974) and 108 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBE of that Act) apply in relation to decisions made after the commencement of those items.

120 Application—deemed decision not to declare a service

The amendment made by item 26 applies in relation to declaration recommendations made to the designated Minister after the commencement of that item.

121 Application—extensions of access regimes, access undertakings and access codes

The amendment made by item 44 (in so far as it inserts section 44NA of the Trade Practices Act 1974) applies in relation to decisions made by the Commonwealth Minister before or after the commencement of that item that an access regime is an effective access regime.
The amendment made by item 108 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBB of the Trade Practices Act 1974) applies in relation to decisions made by the Commission before or after the commencement of that item to accept an access undertaking or an access code.

122 Transitional—review applications on effective access regime decisions

An application made to the Tribunal under subsection 44O(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of this item has effect, after that commencement, as if it had been made under that subsection after that commencement.

123 Application—interim determinations

The amendment made by item 58 applies in relation to access disputes notified to the Commission before or after the commencement of that item.

124 Transitional—existing determinations continue in operation

A determination:

made by the Commission under subsection 44V(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of this item; and
that is in operation under that Act immediately before that commencement;

has effect, after that commencement, as if it were a final determination made by the Commission under subsection 44V(1) of that Act.

125 Application—interconnections to facilities

The amendments made by items 60, 63 and 66 apply:

in relation to access disputes notified after the commencement of those items; and
in relation to access disputes notified before that commencement in respect of which no determination has been made under subsection 44V(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before that commencement.

126 Application—pricing principles

The amendments made by items 67, 92 (in so far as it inserts paragraph 44ZZA(3)(ab) of the Trade Practices Act 1974) and 100 (in so far as it inserts paragraph 44ZZAA(3)(ab) of that Act) apply in relation to access disputes notified, and access undertakings and access codes given, to the Commission after the commencement of those items.

127 Application—joint arbitration hearings

The amendment made by item 71 applies in relation to access disputes notified to the Commission either before or after the commencement of that item.

128 Application—arbitration reports

The amendment made by item 72 applies in relation to access disputes notified to the Commission after the commencement of that item.

129 Application—backdating of final determinations

The amendment made by item 75 applies in relation to access disputes notified to the Commission after the commencement of that item. However, a day specified under subsection 44ZO(3) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 after that commencement cannot be a day occurring before that commencement.

130 Application—assessment of access undertakings and access codes

The amendments made by items 93, 95, 101, 102 and 107 apply in relation to access undertakings and access codes given to the Commission after the commencement of those items.

131 Application—when access undertakings and access codes come into operation

The amendments made by items 97, 104 and 108 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBA of the Trade Practices Act 1974) apply in relation to decisions made by the Commission after the commencement of those items.

132 Transitional—old access undertakings and access codes continue in operation

An access undertaking or access code, that is in operation under section 44ZZA or 44ZZAA of the Trade Practices Act 1974 immediately before the commencement of this item, continues in operation after that commencement under section 44ZZBA of that Act.

Note: The effect of this item is to allow extensions of the undertaking or code after the commencement of this item under section 44ZZBB of that Act.

133 Application—variation of access undertakings and access codes

The amendments made by items 98 and 105 apply in relation to variations sought after the commencement of those items.

134 Application—review of access undertaking decisions and access code decisions

The amendment made by item 108 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZBF of the Trade Practices Act 1974) applies in relation to decisions of the Commission made after the commencement of that item.

135 Application—deferral of access disputes or access undertakings

The amendment made by item 110 (in so far as it inserts section 44ZZCB of the Trade Practices Act 1974) applies in relation to access disputes notified, and access undertakings given, to the Commission after the commencement of that item.

136 Application—Commission annual report

The amendment made by item 113 applies in relation to financial years ending after the commencement of that item.

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2006 (No. 131, 2006)

Schedule 1

52 Application of amendments

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to applications for clearances or authorisations made after the commencement of this item.

53 Transitional

A person cannot make an application (the new application), after the commencement of this item, for an authorisation under Division 3 of Part VII of the Trade Practices Act 1974 in relation to an acquisition of shares or assets if, before the commencement of this item, the person
made an application (the old application) under subsection 88(9) of that Act for an authorisation in relation to the acquisition.
However, the person can make the new application if:
the Commission has not made a determination on the old application; and
the person withdraws the old application.

Schedule 2

13 Application

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to applications made after the commencement of this Schedule.

14 Saving

Regulations in force for the purposes of subsection 89(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 immediately before the commencement of this Schedule have effect, after that commencement, as if they had been made for the purposes of that subsection after that commencement.
An application made in accordance with subsection 89(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of this Schedule has effect, after that commencement, as if it had been made in accordance with that subsection after that commencement.

Schedule 3

28 Application

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to contracts or arrangements made, or understandings arrived at, after the commencement of this Schedule.

29 Saving

Regulations in force for the purposes of subsection 93(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 immediately before the commencement of this Schedule have effect, after that commencement, as if they had been made for the purposes of subsection 93(1A) of that Act after that commencement.
A notice given in accordance with subsection 93(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 before the commencement of this Schedule has effect, after that commencement, as if it had been given in accordance with subsection 93(1A) of that Act after that commencement.

Schedule 4

2 Application

The amendment made by this Schedule applies in relation to proceedings instituted after the commencement of this Schedule (whether the contract or arrangement was made, or the understanding was arrived at, before or after that commencement).

Schedule 5

4 Application

The amendments made by items 1 and 3 apply in relation to contracts or arrangements made, or understandings arrived at, before or after the commencement of this Schedule.
The amendment made by item 2 applies in relation to proceedings instituted after the commencement of this Schedule (whether the contract or arrangement was made, or the understanding was arrived at, before or after that commencement).

Schedule 6

20 Application

The amendments made by items 1, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 19 apply in relation to arrangements made after the commencement of those items.
The amendment made by item 2 applies in relation to conduct engaged in after the commencement of that item.

Schedule 7

18 Application

The amendment made by item 17 applies in relation to notifications made after the commencement of that item.

33 Application

The amendments made by this Part apply in relation to conduct engaged in after the commencement of this Part.

35 Application

The amendment made by this Part applies in relation to notices given after the commencement of this Part (whether or not the application for authorisation was dismissed before or after that commencement).

Schedule 8

28 Application

The amendment made by item 4 applies in relation to contraventions occurring either before or after the commencement of that item.

29 Transitional—old authorisations

Subsection 155(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974, as in force immediately before the commencement of this item, continues to apply after that commencement in relation to an authorisation given under that subsection before that commencement, but only in relation to any entry to premises under that authorisation that occurs before the 14th day after that commencement.

Schedule 9

15 Application

The amendments made by this Part apply in relation to contraventions occurring after the commencement of this Part.

21 Application

The amendments made by this Part apply in relation to contraventions occurring after the commencement of this Part.

24 Application

The amendments made by this Part apply in relation to contraventions occurring after the commencement of this Part.

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2007 (No. 159, 2007)

Schedule 1

4 No effect on existing appointment

The amendments made by items 2 and 3 of this Schedule do not affect the validity of an appointment under subsection 10(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 that is in force immediately before the commencement of this item.

Schedule 2

12 Application of amendments

The amendments made by items 1, 2 and 3 of this Schedule apply in relation to contraventions of section 46 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (as amended by this Act) that occur after the commencement of those items.
The amendments made by items 4 to 8 of this Schedule apply in relation to contraventions of section 151AK of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (as amended by this Act) that occur after the commencement of those items.
The amendments made by items 9, 10 and 11 of this Schedule apply in relation to contraventions of section 46 of the Schedule to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (as amended by this Act) that occur after the commencement of those items.

Schedule 3

9 Application of amendments

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to conduct engaged in after the commencement of the amendments in relation to contracts for the supply or acquisition of goods or services made before or after commencement.

Trade Practices Legislation Amendment Act 2008 (No. 116, 2008)

Schedule 3

13 Application of item 12

The amendments made by item 12 of this Schedule apply in relation to conduct engaged in after the commencement of that item, including conduct in relation to contracts for the supply or acquisition of goods or services whether made before or after that commencement.

15 Application of item 14

Item 14 applies in relation to a matter referred to in subsection 155(1) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 whether the matter arose before or after the commencement of that item.
Without limiting subitem (1), item 14 of this Schedule applies even if an interim injunction has been granted in relation to the matter.

Trade Practices Amendment (Clarity in Pricing) Act 2008 (No. 126, 2008)

Schedule 1

5 Application

The amendments made by this Schedule apply in relation to conduct engaged in after the commencement of this Schedule.

Trade Practices Amendment (Cartel Conduct and Other Measures) Act 2009

(No. 59, 2009)

Schedule 1

118 Application—subsection 163(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974

Despite the repeal of subsection 163(2) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 by this Schedule, that subsection continues to apply, in relation to prosecutions instituted before the commencement of this item, as if that repeal had not happened.

Schedule 2

52 Application—search warrants

The amendments of the following provisions made by this Schedule:

section 154A of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (to the extent to which that section relates to Division 4 of Part XID of that Act);
Division 4 of Part XID of the Trade Practices Act 1974;

apply in relation to search warrants issued after the commencement of this item.

53 Application—giving answers and producing documents etc.

The amendments of subsection 155(7) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule apply in relation to notices under section 155 of that Act served after the commencement of this item.
The amendments of section 159 of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by this Schedule apply in relation to:
requirements to give evidence; and
requirements to produce documents;

imposed after the commencement of this item.

Statute Stocktake (Regulatory and Other Laws) Act 2009 (No. 111, 2009)

Schedule 1

49 Application of items 47 and 48

If, at the time when this item commences, item 5 of Schedule 4 to the Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act 2009 has commenced, then a reference to the Schedule in the heading of item 47 or 48 of this Part is taken to be a reference to Schedule 1.

50 Transitional—Repeal of subparagraph 163A(1)(a)(ia) of the

Trade Practices Act 1974

Despite the repeal of subparagraph 163A(1)(a)(ia) of the Trade Practices Act 1974 made by item 46 of this Part, that subparagraph
continues to apply, so that a declaration about the operation or effect of Part VB of the old law cannot be sought, as if that repeal had not happened.
In this item:

old law means the Trade Practices Act 1974 as in force immediately

before the commencement of this item.

Trade Practices Amendment (Australian Consumer Law) Act (No. 1) 2010

(No. 44, 2010)

The following provision commences on 14 October 2010 unless proclaimed earlier. However the proclamation date must not be before 1 July 2010:

Schedule 1

2 Application and transitional provisions

Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Trade Practices Act 1974 applies to a contract entered into on or after the commencement of this Schedule.
That Part does not apply to a contract entered into before the commencement of this Schedule. However:
if the contract is renewed on or after that commencement— that Part applies to the contract as renewed, on and from the day (the renewal day) on which the renewal takes effect, in relation to conduct that occurs on or after the renewal day; or
if a term of the contract is varied on or after that commencement, and paragraph (a) has not already applied in relation to the contract—that Part applies to the term as varied, on and from the day (the variation day) on which the variation takes effect, in relation to conduct that occurs on or after the variation day.

(2A) If paragraph (2)(b) applies to a term of a contract, subsection 2(2) and section 7 of Schedule 2 to the Trade Practices Act 1974 applies to the contract.

(3) Despite paragraphs (2)(a) and (b) and subitem (2A), that Part does not apply to a contract, or a term of a contract, to the extent that the operation of that Part would result in an acquisition of property (within the meaning of paragraph 51(xxxi) of the Constitution) from a person otherwise than on just terms (within the meaning of that paragraph of the Constitution).