Об интеллектуальной собственности Обучение в области ИС Обеспечение уважения интеллектуальной собственности Информационно-просветительская работа в области ИС ИС для ИС и ИС в области Информация о патентах и технологиях Информация о товарных знаках Информация о промышленных образцах Информация о географических указаниях Информация о новых сортах растений (UPOV) Законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Ресурсы в области ИС Отчеты в области ИС Патентная охрана Охрана товарных знаков Охрана промышленных образцов Охрана географических указаний Охрана новых сортов растений (UPOV) Разрешение споров в области ИС Деловые решения для ведомств ИС Оплата услуг в области ИС Органы по ведению переговоров и директивные органы Сотрудничество в целях развития Поддержка инновационной деятельности Государственно-частные партнерства Инструменты и сервисы на базе ИИ Организация Работа с ВОИС Подотчетность Патенты Товарные знаки Промышленные образцы Географические указания Авторское право Коммерческая тайна Академия ВОИС Практикумы и семинары Защита прав ИС WIPO ALERT Информационно-просветительская работа Международный день ИС Журнал ВОИС Тематические исследования и истории успеха Новости ИС Премии ВОИС Бизнеса Университетов Коренных народов Судебных органов Генетические ресурсы, традиционные знания и традиционные выражения культуры Экономика Финансирование Нематериальные активы Гендерное равенство Глобальное здравоохранение Изменение климата Политика в области конкуренции Цели в области устойчивого развития Передовых технологий Мобильных приложений Спорта Туризма PATENTSCOPE Патентная аналитика Международная патентная классификация ARDI – исследования в интересах инноваций ASPI – специализированная патентная информация Глобальная база данных по брендам Madrid Monitor База данных Article 6ter Express Ниццкая классификация Венская классификация Глобальная база данных по образцам Бюллетень международных образцов База данных Hague Express Локарнская классификация База данных Lisbon Express Глобальная база данных по ГУ База данных о сортах растений PLUTO База данных GENIE Договоры, административные функции которых выполняет ВОИС WIPO Lex – законы, договоры и судебные решения в области ИС Стандарты ВОИС Статистика в области ИС WIPO Pearl (терминология) Публикации ВОИС Страновые справки по ИС Центр знаний ВОИС Серия публикаций ВОИС «Тенденции в области технологий» Глобальный инновационный индекс Доклад о положении в области интеллектуальной собственности в мире PCT – международная патентная система Портал ePCT Будапештская система – международная система депонирования микроорганизмов Мадридская система – международная система товарных знаков Портал eMadrid Cтатья 6ter (гербы, флаги, эмблемы) Гаагская система – система международной регистрации образцов Портал eHague Лиссабонская система – международная система географических указаний Портал eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange Посредничество Арбитраж Вынесение экспертных заключений Споры по доменным именам Система централизованного доступа к результатам поиска и экспертизы (CASE) Служба цифрового доступа (DAS) WIPO Pay Текущий счет в ВОИС Ассамблеи ВОИС Постоянные комитеты График заседаний WIPO Webcast Официальные документы ВОИС Повестка дня в области развития Техническая помощь Учебные заведения в области ИС Поддержка в связи с COVID-19 Национальные стратегии в области ИС Помощь в вопросах политики и законодательной деятельности Центр сотрудничества Центры поддержки технологий и инноваций (ЦПТИ) Передача технологий Программа содействия изобретателям (IAP) WIPO GREEN PAT-INFORMED ВОИС Консорциум доступных книг Консорциум «ВОИС для авторов» WIPO Translate для перевода Система для распознавания речи Помощник по классификации Государства-члены Наблюдатели Генеральный директор Деятельность в разбивке по подразделениям Внешние бюро Вакансии Закупки Результаты и бюджет Финансовая отчетность Надзор
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Designs Regulations 1954 (reprint as at 3 September 2007)

Designs Regulations 1954

(SR 1954/224)

PURSUANTtothe DesignsAct1953 ,HisExcellencytheGovernorGeneral, actingby and with the advice andconsent ofthe Executive Council, hereby makes the following regulations.



Part 1 Preliminary

Title, commencement, and arrangement Interpretation

Part 2 Fees

Fees payable according to Schedule 1 Time of payment Form of payment Payments by post Payments from beyond New Zealand Notice of fees due

Part 3 Forms and documents

Forms prescribed in Schedule 2 Size, etc, of documents Signature of documents by firms and bodies corporate

Part 4 Agency and correspondence

Note These regulations are administered in the Department of Justice.

Agents may act for applicants Authorization of agent Service upon agent Refusal to recognize agent Addressing of correspondence Personal signature may be required Address for service

Part 5 Applications for registration

Signature of application Appropriate application forms to be used Death of applicant Separate applications for same design for more than one

article Name of article and novel features of design to be stated Applications under section 8

Part 6 Representations

Representation of design to be furnished Sets of articles Preparation Specimens Words, letters, or numerals Repeating surface patterns Portraits, insignia, etc. Name or portrait of living person Excluded designs

Part 7 Convention applications

Requirements Procedure

Part 8 Procedure on receipt of application

Objection by Commissioner Hearing Appeal Noncompletion Registration

Part 9 Extension of period of copyright

Second period Third period Designs registered under section 8 Extension of time for payment

Part 10 Assignments, etc.

Registration Copies of documents Particulars required of person claiming Cessation of interest Alteration of entries Cancellation of registration Administration dispensed with in certain cases

Part 11 Correction of errors

Application Advertisement Opposition Hearing

Part 12 Certificates and information

Certificate by Commissioner Further certificate of registration Request for information Request for search Designs not open to public inspection

Part 13 Compulsory licence

Application Opposition Evidence in support of application Evidence in answer Evidence closed Hearing Costs

Part 14 Cancellation of registration

Application Procedure Costs

Part 15 Evidence before the Commissioner

Form of evidence Preparation of declarations, etc. Making of declaration, etc. Recognition of signatures on documents Further evidence

Part 16 Applications to and orders of Court

Service of copy of application on Commissioner Action consequent upon Court order

Part 17 Miscellaneous provisions

Designs excluded from the application of the Copyright Act 1913 Discretionary power Power to dispense with evidence Amendments Extension of time Destruction of records

Part 18 Revocations and savings

Revocations and savings

Schedule 1 28 Fees

Schedule 2 29 Forms

Schedule 3 48 Regulations revoked

Part 1 Preliminary

Title, commencement, and arrangement


These regulations may be cited as the Designs Regulations 1954.
These regulations shall come into force immediately after the commencement of the Designs Act 1953.
These regulations are arranged as follows:



In these regulations, unless the contextotherwise requires,The Act means the Designs Act 1953 Agent means an agent duly authorized to the satisfaction of

the Commissioner Commonwealth country means a country that is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations; and includes every

territory for whose international relations the Government of that country is responsible Convention application means an application in New

Zealand under section 21 of the Act Lodged means given, made, or filed, or sent through the post byaprepaidletteraddressedtotheCommissioneratthePatent Office

Registermeanstheregisterofdesignskeptundersection 25 of the Act

Specimen means an article with the design applied to it Textile article means textile piece goods, handkerchiefs, and shawls;andincludessuchotherclassesofarticlesofasimilar character asthe Commissioner may from time totime decide


numbered in Schedule 2 to these regulations.

Part 2 Fees

Fees payable according to Schedule 1


Thefeestobepaidinrespectoftheregistrationofdesignsand applications therefor and in respect of other matters relating to designs arising under the Act shall be those prescribed in Schedule 1 hereto.
Thefeesprescribedbytheseregulationsareexclusiveofgoods and services tax. Subclause(2)wasinserted,asfrom1July1999,byregulation 2 DesignAmend

ment Regulations 1999 (SR 1999/155).

Time of payment


Fees and charges payable to the Patent Office shall be paid at the time of making an application or request or upon giving notice or filing any instrument in respect of which a fee or charge is payable under these regulations.

Form of payment


All fees shall be paid in cash at the Patent Office. The Commissioner may, however, accept payments made in any other form, but in such case he may delay or cancel the credit until collection is made.

Payments by post


Money sent by mail to the Patent Office shall be at the risk of the sender.

Payments from beyond New Zealand


Remittances from beyond New Zealand shall be payable and immediatelynegotiableinNewZealandforthefullamountof the prescribed fee.

Notice of fees due


The Commissioner may give notice of any fee due or becoming due, but no liability shall be incurred by him if he fails to do so, or if for any reason the notice, if given, is incorrect in any particular or fails to reach the person for whom it is intended.

Part 3 Forms and documents

Forms prescribed in Schedule 2


TheformssetoutinSchedule 2 heretoshallbeusedinallcases towhichtheyareapplicable,andmaybemodifiedasdirected by the Commissioner.

Size, etc, of documents


Subject to any directions that may be given by the Commis sioner in any particular case, all applications, notices, papers having representations affixed, and other documents lodged under the Act or these regulations shall be upon strong paper, and, except where otherwise required, on one side only, ap proximatelyA4internationalsize,andhavingonthelefthand part thereof a margin of approximately 5cm. Regulation 10 was amended, as from 27 March 1975, by regulation 2(1)(a)

DesignsRegulations1954,AmendmentNo2(SR1975/54),bysubstitutingthe expression approximately A4 international sizefor the expression a size approximately 13 in by 8 in.

Regulation 10 was amended, as from 27 March 1975, by regulation 2(1)(b) DesignsRegulations1954,AmendmentNo2(SR1975/54),bysubstitutingthe expression5cmfor the expression 2 in.

Signature of documents by firms and bodies



A document lodged by a firm shall contain the names of the partners in full and shall be signed by all the partners or by any partner stating that he signs on behalf of the partnership orbyanyotherpersonwhosatisfiestheCommissionerthathe is authorized to sign the document.
A document lodged by a body corporate shall be signed by a director or by the secretary of the body corporate or by any other person who satisfies the Commissioner that he is authorized to sign the document.

Part 4 Agency and correspondence

Agents may act for applicants


An application for registration and all other communications betweenanapplicant and the Commissioner,andbetween the registeredproprietorofadesignandtheCommissionerorany other person, may be made by or through an agent.

Authorization of agent


Anysuchapplicant,registeredproprietor,orotherpersonmay appointan agent torepresenthiminanyproceedingormatter bysigningandlodgingwiththeCommissioneranauthorityin writing to that effect in form 1, or in such other form as the Commissioner may deem sufficient.

Service upon agent


Incaseofanysuchappointment,serviceupontheagentofany documentrelatingtotheproceedingormattershallbedeemed tobeserviceuponthepersonsoappointinghim, andall communications directed to be made to that person in respect of theproceedingormattermaybeaddressedtotheagentandall attendances upon the Commissioner relating thereto may be made by or through the agent.

Refusal to recognize agent


TheCommissionershallrefusetorecognizeasagentinrespect ofanyproceedingsundertheActapersonwhoneitherresides nor carries on business in New Zealand.

Addressing of correspondence


All letters and other communications intended for the Patent OfficeandrelatingtomattersarisingundertheActshallbeaddressed to the Commissioner of Designs, Patent Office, Wellington C 1.

Personal signature may be required


In any particular case the Commissioner may, if he thinks fit, require the personal signature or presence of an applicant or other person.

Address for service


Everyapplicantinanyproceedingstowhichtheseregulations relate, and every person registered as proprietor of, or as havinganinterestin,aregistereddesign,shallfurnishtotheCommissioner, in addition to his full residential or business address, an address for service in New Zealand.
The address for service may be treated, for all purposes connected with the proceedings or design, as the actual address oftheapplicantorpersonandshall,inthecaseofaregistered proprietor,beenteredontheregisterastheaddressforservice of the proprietor.
Any written communication addressed to an applicant in any proceedings, or to any person registered as proprietor of or as having an interest in a registered design, at his address for service shall be deemed to be properly addressed.
Where an address for service has not been furnished to the Commissioner, the Commissioner may treat the residential or businessaddressastheaddressforservice,unlesstheresidential or business address is out of New Zealand, in which case the Commissioner need not proceed with the examination of


theapplicationuntilanaddressforserviceinNewZealandhas been furnished to him.

Part 5 Applications for registration

Signature of application


An application for registration of a design shall be signed by the applicant for registration or by his agent.

Appropriate application forms to be used


Anapplicationforregistrationofadesignshallbeinform 2 or form 3 ,orinthecaseofadesigntobeappliedtoasetofarticles in form 4 or form 5, as the case may be.

Death of applicant


Incaseofthedeathofanyapplicantfortheregistrationofadesignafterthedateofhisapplicationandbeforeregistrationof thedesignhasbeeneffected,theCommissionermay,onbeing satisfiedoftheapplicant’sdeath, enterintheregister, inplace of the name, address, and nationality of the deceased applicant, the name, address, and nationality of the person owning the design on that ownership being proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.

Separate applications for same design for morethan one article


Where it is desired to register the same design in respect of more than one article, a separate application shall be made in respect of each article. In that case each application shall be numbered separately, and shall be treated as a separate and distinct application.

Name of article and novel features of design tobe stated


Every application shall state the article to which the design is tobeapplied,andthattheapplicantclaimstobetheproprietor thereof.
Except in the case of an application to register a design to be appliedtoatextilearticle,towallpaper,ortolace,theapplicationshallfurtherbeaccompaniedbyastatementofthefeatures of the design for which novelty is claimed.
The applicant shall, if required by the Commissioner in any casesotodo, endorseoneachoftherepresentations or specimensastatementsatisfactorytotheCommissionerofthenovelty claimed for the design.

Applications under section 8


If the application is for the registration of a design which has already been registered in respect of one or more articles, or consistsofaregistereddesignwithmodificationsorvariations not sufficient to alter the character or substantially to affect the identity thereof, and it is desired to claim the protection of section 8 of the Act for the application, it shall contain the numberornumbersofthe registrationorregistrations already effected.

Part 6 Representations

Representation of design to be furnished


Thereshallbefurnishedinconnectionwithanapplicationfor the registration of a design four identical representations of thedesign,inaformsatisfactorytotheCommissioner,orfour specimens. Where representations are supplied, the Commissioner may at any time before registration require specimens or additional representations.

Sets of articles


Thereshallbefurnishedinconnectionwithanapplicationfor theregistrationofadesigntobeappliedtoasetofarticlesfour identicalrepresentationsofthedesigninaformsatisfactoryto the Commissioner, or four specimens.
The representations shall show the design as applied to each different article included in the set.



Each representation of the design, whether to be applied to a single article or to a set of articles, shall be upon paper of the size prescribed by regulation 10 hereof and not on card board, and shall appear on one side only of the paper. The figure or figures shall be placed in an upright position on the sheet. When more figures than one are shown, these shall, where possible, be on one and the same sheet, and each shall bedesignatedperspectiveview,frontview,sideview,plan,or otherwise, as the case may be.
When the representations furnished are drawings or tracings, they shall be in ink and, if on tracing cloth or tracing paper, shallbemountedonpaperofthesizeprescribedbyregulation 10 hereof.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this regulation, theCommissionermayacceptphotographicrepresentationsof the design in such form as he may think fit.



When specimens are furnished and are not, in the Commissioner’sopinion,ofakindwhichcanbeconvenientlymounted in a flat position by means of an adhesive upon paper or by stitchingonlinenbackedsheetsofpaperofthesizeprescribed by regulation 10 hereof and stored without damage to other documents, representationsshall befurnished inplaceofspecimens.

Words, letters, or numerals


Wherewords,letters,ornumeralsappearinthedesignbutare notoftheessenceofthedesign,theyshallberemovedfromthe representations or specimens. Where they are of the essence of the design, the Commissioner may require the insertion of a disclaimer of any right to their exclusive use.

Repeating surface patterns


Each representation of a design which consists of a repeating surfacepatternshallshowthecompletepatternandasufficient portion of the repeat in length and width, and shall not be of less size than 17cm by 12cm. Regulation 30 was amended, as from 27 March 1975, by regulation 2(2) De

signs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 2 (SR 1975/54), by substituting the expression17cm by 12cmfor the expression 7 in by 12cm.

Portraits, insignia, etc.


WhereaportraitofHerMajestyorofanymemberoftheRoyal Family, or a reproduction of the armorial bearings, insignia, orders of chivalry, decorations, or flags of any country, city, borough, town, place, society, body corporate, institution, or person, appears on a design, the Commissioner, before proceeding to register the design, shall, if he so requires, be furnishedwithaconsenttotheregistrationanduseoftheportrait or reproduction from such official or other person as appears tothe Commissioner to be entitled to give consent,and in default of such consent he may refuse to register the design.

Name or portrait of living person


Wherethenameorportraitofalivingpersonappearsonadesign, the Commissioner shall be furnished, if he so requires, withconsentfromthepersonbeforeproceedingtoregisterthe design. In the case of a person recently dead, the Commissioner may call for consent from his legal representative beforeproceedingwiththeregistrationofa designonwhich the name or portrait of the deceased person appears.

Excluded designs


There shall be excluded from registration under the Act designs to be applied to any of the following articles, namely:

Works of sculpture other than casts or models used or intended to be used as models or patterns to be multiplied by any industrial process:
Wall plaques and medals:
Printed matter primarily of a literary or artistic character, including bookjackets, calendars, certificates, coupons, dressmaking patterns, greetings cards, leaflets, maps, plans, postcards, stamps, trade advertisements, trade forms, and cards, transfers, and the like.

Part 7 Convention applications



Anapplicationforregistrationundersection 21 oftheActshall containadeclarationthattheapplicationinaconventioncountryuponwhichtheapplicantreliesisthefirstapplicationmade in a convention country in respect of the design, whether by the applicant or by any person of whom he claims to be the legalrepresentativeorassignee,andshallspecifytheconvention country in which the foreign application was made, or is deemedundersection 21(4) oftheActtohavebeenmade,and the official date thereof.
In addition to the representations or specimens lodged with every convention application there shall be lodged with the application, or within three months thereafter, a copy of the representationofthedesignfiledordepositedinrespectofthe first application in a convention country, duly certified by the official chief or head of the Designs Office of the convention country, or otherwise verified to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
Ifanycertificateorotherdocumentrelatingtotheapplication isinaforeignlanguage,atranslationthereofshallbeannexed

theretoandverifiedbystatutorydeclarationorotherwisetothe satisfaction of the Commissioner.



Save as provided by regulation 34 hereof, all proceedings in connectionwithaconventionapplicationshallbetakenwithin the times and in the manner prescribed by these regulations.

Part 8 Procedure on receipt of application

Objection by Commissioner


IfuponconsiderationoftheapplicationitappearstotheCommissioner that the design is not registerable under the Act, he shallstatehisobjectionstotheapplicantinwriting,andunless withinonemonththereaftertheapplicantappliesforahearing, the applicant shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.



Iftheapplicantappliesforahearing,thedecisionoftheCommissioner at the hearing shall be communicated to the applicant in writing.



IftheapplicantdesirestoappealfromtheCommissioner’sdecision, he shall, within one month from the date of the deci sion, apply to the Commissioner in form 6 requesting him to stateinwritingthegroundsof,andthematerialsusedbyhimin arrivingat,hisdecision. Uponreceiptofanysuchapplication, the Commissioner shall send to the applicant such statement asaforesaidinwriting,andthedatewhenthestatementissent shallbedeemedtobethedateoftheCommissioner’sdecision for the purpose of an appeal.



The time prescribed for the purposes of section 7(4) of the Act, which relates to noncompletion of an application, shall be twelve months from the date of the application:

Provided that the application may be completed at any time after twelve months but within fifteen months of the date aforesaid if a request for an extension of time is made in form 7.



The certificate of registration of a design shall be in form 8, form 9 ,form 10 ,orform 11 ,whicheverisapplicable,andmay be modified as directed by the Commissioner.

Part 9 Extension of period of copyright

Second period


An application for extension of the period of copyright for a second period of five years shall be made in form 12.

Third period


An application for extension of the period of copyright for a third period of five years shall be made in form 13.

Designs registered under section 8


An application for extension of the period of copyright in a designregisteredbyvirtueofsection 8 oftheActshallbemade beforetheexpirationoftheperiodofcopyrightintheoriginal registereddesigncurrentatthedateoflodgingtheapplication under section 8 of the Act.
Where an application is made for registration of a design by virtue of section 8 of the Act, and the period of copyright in theoriginalregistereddesigncurrentatthedateoflodgingthe said application expires before the completion of that application, registration shall not be effected until the copyright in the original registered design has been extended for a further

periodandanapplicationhasbeenlodgedfortheextensionof the period of copyright in the design to be registered.

Extension of time for payment


A request for an extension of time for payment of any fee payable for an extension of the period of copyright shall be made in form 14.

Part 10 Assignments, etc.



An application for the registration of the title of any person becoming entitled by assignment, transmission, or operation oflawtoaregistereddesignortoashareinaregistereddesign, or becoming entitled as mortgagee, licensee, or otherwise to any interest in a registered design, shall be made,
In the case of an application under section 27(1) of the Act, by the person becoming so entitled in form 15:
In the case of an application under section 27(2) of the Act, by the assignor, licensor, or other party conferring the interest in form 16.
Application may be made in form 17 for entry in the register of notification of any other document purporting to affect the proprietorship of a registered design.

Copies of documents


An official or certified copy of any instrument or other document which is referred to in an application under regulation 45 hereof and is a matter of record in New Zealand shall be produced to the Commissioner with the application.
Any other document so referred to shall, unless the Commissionerotherwisedirects,beproducedtohimwiththeapplication, anda certifiedcopy of any such document shall be filed.

Particulars required of person claiming


Anapplicationunderregulation 45(1) hereofshallcontainthe name,address,andnationalityofthepersonclaimingorstated to be entitled, together with full particulars of the instrument, if any, under which title is claimed or given.

Cessation of interest


Wherethenameofapersonisentered intheregisterasmortgagee or licensee, that person may, on making an application for the purpose in form 18, have a note entered in the register that he no longer claims to be mortgagee or licensee, as the case may be.

Alteration of entries


Anapplicationbytheregisteredproprietorofadesignforthe alterationofaname,nationality,address,oraddressforservice entered on the register in respect of his design shall be made in form 19 or form 20, as the case may be.
Before acting on a request to alter a name or nationality the Commissioner may require such proof of the alteration as he thinks fit.
If the Commissioner is satisfied that the request may be allowed, he shall cause the register to be altered accordingly.

Cancellation of registration


Where the registered proprietor of a design desires to cancel his registration, he shall make the application in form 21.

Administration dispensed with in certain cases


An application under section 41 of the Act for leave to dis pense with the production of probate or letters of administra tion shall be made in form 22, and shall be supported by such evidence as may be required by the Commissioner.

Part 11 Correction of errors


A request under section 29(3) of the Act for the correction of a mistake in the register, in any certificate of registration, or application for the registration of a design, or any document filed in pursuanceofsuch an application,orinproceedingsin connection with any design, shall be made in form 23.



Where the Commissioner requires notice of the nature of the proposed correction to be advertised, the advertisement shall be made by publication of the request and the nature of the proposed correction in the Journal, and in such other manner (if any) as the Commissioner may direct.



Any person may, at any time within one month from the date of the advertisement in the Journal, give notice to the Commissionerofoppositiontotheproposedcorrectioninform24.
Everysuchnoticeshallbeaccompaniedbyacopythereofand a statement (in duplicate) setting out fully the nature of the opponent’sinterest,thefactsonwhichherelies,andtherelief which he seeks.
A copy of the notice and of the statement shall be sent by the Commissioner to the person making the request, and the Commissioner may give such directions (if any) as he may think t with regard to the subsequent procedure.



Where in accordance with section 29(4) of the Act a hearing isappointed,atleastfourteendays’noticeoftheappointment shall be given to the parties and to any other person to whom noticeoftheproposedcorrectionhasbeen givenbythe Commissioner.

Part 12 Certificates and information

Certificate by Commissioner

Where a certificate is required for the purpose of obtaining registrationofadesigninacountryoutsideNewZealandorof anylegalproceedingorotherspecialpurpose,astoanyentry, matter, or thing which the Commissioner is authorized by the Actortheseregulationstomakeordo,theCommissionermay, on the lodging of a request in form 25, give the certificate, whichshallalsospecifyonthefaceofitthepurposeforwhich it has been issued as aforesaid.

Further certificate of registration


An application under section 26(2) of the Act for a further certificateofregistrationshallbemadeinform26,andshallbe accompanied by evidence setting out in full and verifying the circumstances in which the original certificate of registration was lost or destroyed or cannot be produced.

Request for information


Where any person desires to obtain the information which he isentitledtoobtainundersection 31 oftheActandcanfurnish the registration number of the design, he shall apply in form 27,andtheCommissionershallthereafterfurnishhimwiththe information aforesaid.
Wheretheapplicantisunabletofurnishtheregistrationnumber of a design, he shall apply in form 28 and furnish to the Commissioner a representation or specimen (in duplicate) of the design applied to an article, and the Commissioner shall thereuponmakesuchsearchamongdesignsappliedtothearticlesasmaybepossible,andshallfurnishsuchinformationas can properly be given.

Request for search


The Commissioner shall, upon application for the purpose in form 29 ,accompaniedbyarepresentationorspecimen(induplicate) of a design applied to an article, cause a search to be madeamongregistereddesignsandstatewhetherthedesignas appliedtothatarticleappearstobeidenticalwith,orcloselyto resemble,anyregistereddesignappliedtothatarticleofwhich the copyright is still existing.

Designs not open to public inspection


Where the Commissioner has given a direction under section 9(1) of the Act prohibiting or restricting the publication of a design, the representation or specimen of the design shall not be open to public inspection while the direction remains in force.
The period under section 30(2) of the Act during which a de signshallnotbeopentoinspection,exceptasprovidedinthat section, shall be, as regards designs to be applied to textile articles, three years, and as regards designs to be applied to wallpaper and lace, two years, from the date of the registration thereof.

Part 13 Compulsory licence



An application for the grant of a compulsory licence under section 14 oftheActshallbemadeinform30. Theapplication shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement in duplicatesettingoutfullythenatureoftheapplicant’sinterest and the facts upon which he bases his case. Copies of the application and of the statement of case shall be transmitted by the Commissioner to the registered proprietor.



If the registered proprietor desires to oppose the application, he shall, within such time as the Commissioner may allow, lodge a statement fully setting out the grounds on which the application is to be opposed and shall deliver to the applicant a copy thereof.

Evidence in support of application


The applicant shall, within such time as the Commissioner mayallow,lodgeevidenceinsupportofhiscaseandshalldeliver to the registered proprietor a copy thereof.

Evidence in answer


Within such time as the Commissioner may allow, the proprietor may lodge evidence in answer and shall deliver to the applicantacopythereof;andwithinsuchtimeastheCommissioner may allow, the applicant may lodge evidence confined tomatters strictly in replyand shall delivertothe proprietor a copy thereof.

Evidence closed


No further evidence shall be lodged by either party except by leave or on direction of the Commissioner.



Oncompletionoftheevidence,oratsuchothertimeashemay see fit, the Commissioner shall appoint a time for the hearing of the case, and shall give the parties at least ten daysnotice of the appointment.
If either party desires to be heard, he shall give notice to the Commissioner in form 31, and the Commissioner may refuse to hear either party who has not lodged the form prior to the date of the hearing.



Intheeventofanapplicationforthegrantofacompulsorylicencebeinguncontestedbytheproprietor,theCommissioner, in deciding whether costsshould be awarded to the applicant, shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided ifreasonablenoticehadbeengivenbytheapplicanttotheregistered proprietor before the application was filed.

Part 14 Cancellation of registration


An application for the cancellation of the registration of a de sign under section 15(2) of the Act shall be made in form 32, andshallbeaccompaniedbyacopythereofandastatementin duplicatesettingoutfullythenatureoftheapplicant’sinterest and the facts on which he relies.



A copy of the application shall be sent by the Commissioner to the registered proprietor, and thereupon the provisions of regulations 62 to 66 hereof shall apply.



Intheeventofanapplicationforthecancellationoftheregistration of a design being uncontested by the proprietor, the Commissioner, in deciding whether costs should be awarded to the applicant, shall consider whether proceedings might have been avoided if reasonable notice had been given by the applicant to the registered proprietor before the application was filed.

Part 15 Evidence before the Commissioner

Form of evidence


Whereundertheseregulationsevidenceisrequiredtobefiled, it shall be by statutory declaration or affidavit, unless otherwise expressly provided in these regulations.

Preparation of declarations, etc.


The statutory declarations and affidavits required by these regulations, or used in any proceedings thereunder, shall be headedin the matterormatterstowhich they relate, andshall
bedividedintoparagraphsconsecutivelynumbered,andeach paragraphshall, sofaraspossible,beconfinedtoonesubject.
Everystatutorydeclarationoraffidavitshallstatethedescription and true place of abode of the person making the same, and shall be written, typed, lithographed, or printed.

Making of declaration, etc.


For the purposes of these regulations, statutory declarations and affidavits shall be made and subscribed as follows:
IfmadeinNewZealandinthemannerprescribedbythe Justices of the Peace Act 1927 or by the Evidence Act 1908 , as the case may be;
If made in any other part of the Commonwealth or in theRepublicofIreland,beforeanyCourt,Judge,Commissioner of Oaths, Justice of the Peace, or any person authorized by law to administer an oath there for the purpose of a legal proceeding, or before any Commonwealth representative; and
For the purposes of this regulation the expression Commonwealth representative means any Ambassador, High Commissioner,Minister,Charged’Affaires,ConsularOfficer, TradeCommissioner,orTouristCommissionerofaCommonwealth country (including New Zealand); and includes any person lawfully acting for any such officer; and also includes anydiplomaticsecretaryonthestaffofanysuchAmbassador, High Commissioner, Minister, or Charge d’Affaires.

Recognition of signatures on documents


Any document purporting to have affixed, impressed, or subscribed thereto or thereon the seal or signature of any person authorized by regulation 73 hereof to take a declaration oraf fidavit,intestimonythatthedeclarationoraffidavitwasmade and subscribed before him, may be admitted by the Commissionerwithoutproofofthegenuinenessofthesealorsignature oroftheofficialcharacterofthepersonorhisauthoritytotake the declaration or affidavit.

Further evidence


At any stage of any proceedings before the Commissioner he may direct that such documents, information, or evidence as hemayrequireshallbefurnishedwithinsuchperiodashemay fix.

Part 16 Applications to and orders of Court

Service of copy of application on Commissioner


Whereanapplication totheCourtundersection28oftheAct for rectification of the register has been made, the applicant shall forthwith serve an office copy of the application on the Commissioner, who shall enter a notice of the application in the register.

Action consequent upon Court order


WhereanorderhasbeenmadebytheCourtinanycaseunder the Act, the person in whose favour the order has been made shall forthwith lodge an application in form 33 accompanied by a sealed duplicate of the order or a certified copy of the order,andthereupontheregistershall,ifnecessary,berectified bythemakingofanyentrythereinorthevariationordeletion of any entry therein.

Part 17 Miscellaneous provisions

Designs excluded from the application of the Copyright Act 1913


For the purposes of section 30 of the Copyright Act 1913, a design shall be deemed to be used as a model or pattern to be multipliedbyanyindustrialprocesswithinthemeaningofthat section

(a) When the design is reproduced or is intended to be reproduced on more than fifty single articles, unless all the articles in which the design is reproduced or is in


tendedtobereproducedtogetherformonlyasingleset of articles as defined in section 2(1) of the Act; or

(b) When the design is to be applied to

Printed paper hangings:
Carpets, floor cloths or oil cloths, manufactured or sold in lengths or pieces;

(iii) Textile piece goods or textile goods manufactured or sold in lengths or pieces, or

(iv) Lace, not made by hand.

Discretionary power


Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, before exercising any discretionary power given to him by the Act or theseregulationsadverselytoanyapplicantforregistrationof a design, the Commissioner shall give at least ten days notice to the applicant of the time when he may be heard.

Power to dispense with evidence


Where under these regulations any person is required to do anyactorthing,oranydocumentorevidenceisrequiredtobe producedorfiled,theCommissionermay,upontheproduction of such evidence and subject to such terms and conditions as he thinks fit, modify or dispense with the doing of the act or thing or the production or filing of the document or evidence if he is satisfied that it is reasonable so to do.



If the Commissioner thinks fit, any document or drawing or other representation of a design may be amended, and any irregularity in procedure may be rectified, on such terms as the Commissioner may direct, including the payment of a fee not exceeding $50. Regulation 81 was amended, as from 1 May 1986, by regulation 2(1) Design

Regulations 1954, Amendment No 9 (SR1986/68), by substitutingtheexpression $45for the expression $35.

Regulation 81 was amended, as from 1 October 1987, by regulation 2(1) Design Regulations 1954, Amendment No 10 (SR 1987/228), by substituting the expression $50for the expression $45.

Extension of time


The times prescribed by these regulations for doing any act, or taking any proceeding thereunder, may be extended by the Commissionerifhethinksfit,anduponsuchnoticetothepartiesanduponsuchtermsashemaydirect,andsuchextension maybegrantedthoughthetimehasexpiredfordoingsuchact ortaking suchproceeding. An application for anextension of time under this regulation shall be made in form 34.

Destruction of records


Where under section 7(4) of the Act an application for the registration of a design has been deemed to be abandoned for a continuous period of six years, the Commissioner may, at theexpirationofthatperiod,destroytheapplicationandallor anyoftherecordsinrespectofthesaidapplication, including the drawings, representations, and specimens (if any) accompanying or left in connection with the said application.
Where under section 12 of the Act the copyright in a reg istered design has ceased to subsist for a continuous period of six years, the Commissioner may, at the expiration of that period,destroytherelevantapplicationandalloranyofthefile recordsinrespectofthesaidapplicationexceptsuchdrawings, representations,andspecimens(ifany)asmayberequiredfor search purposes.

Part 18 Revocations and savings

Revocations and savings


The regulations specified in Schedule 3 hereto are hereby re voked.
Without limiting the provisions of the Acts Interpretation Act 1924, it is hereby declared that the revocation of any provision by these regulations shall not affect any document made or any thing whatsoever done under the provision so revoked or under any corresponding former provision, and every such document or thing, so far as it is subsisting or in force at the timeoftherevocationandcouldhavebeenmadeordoneunder


these regulations, shall continue and have effect as if it had beenmadeordoneunderthecorrespondingprovisionofthese regulationsandasifthatprovisionhadbeeninforcewhenthe document was made or the thing was done.

Schedule 1 Reg 3 Fees

Schedule 1 was amended, as from 1 April 1967, by regulation 2(1) Designs Regulations1954,AmendmentNo1(SR1966/202)bysubstitutingitems4and


Schedule1wasamended,asfrom1April1976,byregulation2DesignsRegulations 1954, Amendment No 3 (SR 1976/28) by substituting items 1, 2, 4 and


Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 April 1977, by regulation 2(2) Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 4 (SR 1977/63).

Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 May 1980, by regulation 2(2) Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 5 (SR 1980/81).

Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 May 1982, by regulation 2(2) Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 6 (SR 1982/85).

Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 June 1984, by regulation 2(2) Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 7 (SR 1984/126).

Schedule1wassubstituted,asfrom1October1985,byregulation2(2)Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 8 (SR 1985/226).

Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 May 1986, by regulation 2(2) Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 9 (SR 1986/68).

Schedule1wassubstituted,asfrom1October1987,byregulation2(2)Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 10 (SR 1987/228).

Schedule 1 was substituted, as from 1 January 1989, by regulation 2 Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 11 (SR 1988/280).

Schedule1wassubstituted,asfrom13December1991,byregulation2Designs Regulations 1954, Amendment No 12 (SR 1991/271).

Schedule1wasfurthersubstituted,asfrom1July1999,byregulation 3 Design Amendment Regulations 1999 (SR 1999/155).

Item Matter $
1 Applicationtoregister1designtobeapplied to a single article or to register 1 design to be applied to a set of articles 100.00
Reprinted as at3 September 2007 Designs Regulations 1954 Schedule 2
2 Application for extensionofcopyright under
section 12(2) of the Act for second period 100.00
3 Application for extensionofcopyright under 200.00
section 12(2) of the Act for third period
4 On all notices of opposition, by opponent 300.00
5 Hearing by Commissioner, for each party 750.00
6 For all certificates, certified copies, or 30.00
extracts from the register
7 Photocopying—per page (copy by office) 0.89
per page (selfservice) 0.18

Schedule 2 Forms

Form Designs No 1

The Designs Act 1953

Authorization of agent

Form Designs No 2

The Designs Act 1953

Application for registration of design

Form Designs No 3

The Designs Act 1953

Convention application for registration of design Form Designs No 3—continued

Form Designs No 4

The Designs Act 1953

Application for registration of design to be applied to a set of articles not being textile articles Form Designs No 4—continued

Form Designs No 5

The Designs Act 1953

Convention application for registration of design to be applied to a set of articles not being textile articles Form Designs No 5—continued

Form Designs No 6

The Designs Act 1953

Application under regulation 38 for statement of grounds of decision Form Designs No 6—continued

Form Designs No 7

The Designs Act 1953

Request for extension of time within which an application for the registration of a design may be completed

Form Designs No 8 New Zealand

The Designs Act 1953

Certificate of registration of design

Number of Registration

Form Designs No 8—continued

Form Designs No 9 New Zealand

The Designs Act 1953

Certificate of registration of design

Number of Registration

Form Designs No 10 New Zealand

The Designs Act 1953

Certificate of registration of design

Form Designs No 11 New Zealand

The Designs Act 1953

Certificate of registration of design

Form Designs No 12

The Designs Act 1953

Application for extension of copyright in design for a second period of five years

Form Designs No 13

The Designs Act 1953

Application for extension of copyright in design for a third period of five years Form Designs No 13—continued

Form Designs No 14

The Designs Act 1953

Request for extension of time for payment of fee for extension of copyright in design

Form Designs No 15

The Designs Act 1953

Application under regulation 45 by assignee, mortgagee, or licensee to enter subsequent proprietorship or interest in design in the register Form Designs No 15—continued

Form Designs No 16

The Designs Act 1953

Application under regulation 45 by assignor, mortgagor, licensor, etc, to enter subsequent proprietorship or interest in design in the register

Form Designs No 17

The Designs Act 1953

Application for entry of notification of document in register Form Designs No 17—continued

Form Designs No 18

The Designs Act 1953

Application by mortgagee or licensee under regulation 48 for entry in register of note that he no longer claims such interest

Form Designs No 19

The Designs Act 1953

Application to enter alteration of name or nationality of registered proprietor of design in register Form Designs No 19—continued

Form Designs No 20

The Designs Act 1953

Application for alteration of address or address for service in register

Form Designs No 21

The Designs Act 1953


Form Designs No 22

The Designs Act 1953

Application under section 41 for leave to dispense with production of probate or letters of administration

Form Designs No 23

The Designs Act 1953

Request under section 29(3) for correction of error Form Designs No 23—continued

Form Designs No 24

The Designs Act 1953

Notice of opposition to the correction of a clerical error

Form Designs No 25

The Designs Act 1953

RequestforcertificateforuseinobtainingregistrationoutsideNew Zealand or for use in legal proceedings or other special purpose

Form Designs No 25—continued

Form Designs No 26

The Designs Act 1953

Application for further certificate of registration of design*

Form Designs No 27

The Designs Act 1953

Request for information under section 31 when registration number is supplied Form Designs No 27—continued

Form Designs No 28

The Designs Act 1953

Request for search under section 31 when registration number is not supplied

Form Designs No 29

The Designs Act 1953

Request for search under regulation 59

Form Designs No 30

The Designs Act 1953

Applicationforthegrantofacompulsorylicenceundersection 14

Form Designs No 31

The Designs Act 1953

Notice that hearing of application for cancellation of registration ofadesignorforthegrantofacompulsorylicencewillbeattended

Form Designs No 32

The Designs Act 1953

Application for cancellation of registration under section 15(2) Form Designs No 32—continued

Form Designs No 33

The Designs Act 1953

Notice of order of the Court for entry in register

Form Designs No 34

The Designs Act 1953

Application for extension of time Form Designs No 34—continued

Schedule 3 Regulations revoked

Date of Order in Council Title of Subject Matter Published in Gazette
Year Page
26 June 1922 Regulations under the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act 192122 relating to designs 1922 1679
Published in Statutory Regulations
Year Serial Number
14 August1946 The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Amending Regulations 1946(intheirapplication to designs) 1946 1946/143
Date of Order in Council Title of Subject Matter Published in Gazette
14 May 1947 The Patents and Designs (United States of America) Regulations 1947 1947 1947/70
3 October 1947 The Patents and Designs (United States of America) Regulations 1947, Amendment No. 1 1947 1947/151
17 December 1947 The Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks (Neuchatel Agreement) Regulations 1947 in their application to designs 1947 1947/197
11 August 1948 The Patents, Designs, Trade Marks, and Copyright (Treaties of Peace with Italy, Roumania, Bulgaria Hungary, and Finland) Regulations 1948 in their application to designs 1948 1948/136

T J SHERRARD, Clerk of the Executive Council.

Explanatory Note

This note is not part of the regulations, but is intended to indicate their general effect.

Theseregulationsreplacetheexistinggeneralregulationsrelatingto designs. Therevisionoftheregulationsisconsequentialonthepass ing of the Designs Act 1953. The regulations cover various matters which are left by the Act to be prescribed by regulations.

Issued under the authority of the Regulations Act 1936. Date of notification in Gazette: 16 December 1954.