The Secretary-General received the following communications relating to the interpretative declaration made by the Czech Republic upon ratification:
Australia (January 5, 2015)
"WHEREAS the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Australia has approved the lodgement of an Interpretative Declaration ('Declaration') in relation to the text of an Interpretative Declaration lodged by the Czech Republic on its ratification on 1 June 2012 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control done at Geneva on 21 May 2003 [2005] ATS 7 ('Convention') which entered into force for Australia on 27 February 2005;
NOW THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS CERTIFY that Australia's Declaration with regard to the Declaration lodged by the Czech Republic upon its ratification of the Convention on 1 June 2012 is as follows:
1. Australia declares that the Convention does not recognise any 'right to non-discriminatory treatment of the tobacco industry'.
2. Australia recognises that Article 5.3 (General obligations) of the Convention requires the Parties to act to protect their tobacco control policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law.
3. Australia declares its understanding that Parties to the Convention should interact with the tobacco industry only when and to the extent strictly necessary to enable them to effectively regulate the tobacco industry and tobacco products, and should ensure that any such interactions are conducted transparently."