Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) of 12 September 2007, Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Grana Padano v Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Biraghi SpA (GRANA BIRAGHI), T-291/03, EU:T:2007:255,
返回判决日期2007年9月12日颁布当局欧洲联盟普通法院颁布当局的级别初审程序类型司法(行政)主题地理标志原告/上诉人Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Grana Padano被告/被上诉人Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Biraghi SpA (GRANA BIRAGHI)关键词
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判决/决定英语Judgment of the General Court (Fourth Chamber) of 12 September 2007, Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Grana Padano v Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - Biraghi SpA (GRANA BIRAGHI), T-291/03, EU:T:2007:255 PDF法语Arrêt du Tribunal de première instance (quatrième chambre) du 12 septembre 2007, Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Grana Padano contre Office de l'harmonisation dans le marché intérieur - Biraghi SpA (GRANA BIRAGHI), T-291/03, EU:T:2007:255 PDFWIPO Lex编号EU070-j