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纹章法1962(1962年第18号法,最新由2001年第36号文化法修正案修改), 南非

WIPO Lex中的最新版本
详情 详情 版本年份 1962 日期 生效: 1962年6月1日 议定: 1962年3月7日 文本类型 其他文本 主题 版权与相关权利(邻接权), 知识产权及相关法律的执行, 其他 本法包含所有直至2001年第36号文化法修正案的所有修正案。


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 英语 Heraldry Act 1962 (Act No. 18 of 1962, as amended up to Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of 2001)        
 Heraldry Act 1962 (Act No. 18 of 1962)



(Afrikaans text signed by the State President)

as amended by

Heraldry Amendment Act 54 of 1969

Heraldry Amendment Act 63 of 1980

Heraldry Amendment Act 22 of 1982

Education and Heraldry Laws Amendment Act 6 of 1984

General Law Amendment Act 49 of 1996

Abolition of Restrictions on the Jurisdiction of Courts Act 88 of 1996

Cultural Laws Amendment Act 36 of 2001


To make provision for the establishment of a bureau of heraldry, a heraldry

committee and a heraldry council; for the registration and protection of coats of

arms, badges, other emblems, names and uniforms; and for other matters

incidental thereto.

[Long title substituted by s. 23 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s1]1 Definitions

In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates-

'application' means an application referred to in section 7 and 'applicant'

has a corresponding meaning;

[Definition of 'application' substituted by s. 1 (a) of Act 63 of 1980.]

'approve' means approve under this Act; and 'approval' has a

corresponding meaning;

[Definition of 'approve' inserted by s. 1 (b) of Act 63 of 1980.]

'association' means any association of persons in the Republic, or a

foreign country formed for the promotion of sport or for any other lawful purpose,

the pursuit of which in the opinion of the Minister is not contrary to the public


[Definition of 'association' substituted by s. 1 (c) of Act 63 of 1980 and amended

by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996.]

'badge' means any object or figure, being a symbolic representation, but

not displayed on a shield, used for official or municipal purposes or by any

association, institution or person as a mark of recognition or as a distinguishing


'bureau' means the bureau of heraldry established by section 3;

'coat of arms' means any object or figure, being a symbolic representation

displayed in colours on a shield in conformity with the principles and rules of

heraldry, with or without a crown, helmet, crest, mantling, supporters, motto or

other accessories;

'committee' means the heraldry committee referred to in section 6 (3);

'council' means the heraldry council established by section 6 (1);

'deletion' means the deletion in the register of particulars of a registered

heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform;

[Definition of 'deletion' inserted by s. 1 (d) of Act 63 of 1980.]

'differencing' means the incorporation of a brisure in a heraldic

representation in conformity with the principles and rules of heraldry in order to

distinguish between the different owners of such representations;

[Definition of 'differencing' substituted by s. 1 (e) of Act 63 of 1980 and by s. 1

(a) of Act 36 of 2001.]

'family coat of arms' means any coat of arms borne by a natural person;

[Definition of 'family coat of arms' inserted by s. 1 (b) of Act 36 of 2001.]

'heraldic representation' means a coat of arms, badge or other emblem;

'institution' means any institution, including any university, university

college, teachers' college, training college, normal college, technical college,

school or research institute in the Republic, or a foreign country, for the

promotion of education, arts, science or any other lawful human activity, and any

union or society of the present or past members, students or scholars of any

such institution;

[Definition of 'institution' amended by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996.]

'Minister' means the Minister responsible for Heraldry;

[Definition of 'Minister' substituted by s. 1 (c) of Act 36 of 2001.]

'municipal' means of or belonging to a municipality contemplated in

Chapter 7 of the Constitution;

[Definition of 'municipal' amended by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996 and substituted by s.

1 (d) of Act 36 of 2001.]

'name' means any name referred to in section 7 (2);

'official' means of or belonging to the Government of the Republic or any

provincial administration;

'other emblem' means any flag, pennant, gonfalon, decoration, medal,

seal, insignia of rank, any office or order or other or kindred symbolic

representation, but does not include a coat of arms or badge;

'owner', in relation to any heraldic representation, name, special name or

uniform, means the authority, association, institution or person in whose name

such representation, name, special name or uniform has been registered;

[Definition of 'owner' inserted by s. 1 (f) of Act 63 of 1980.]

'prescribed' means prescribed by regulation;

'province' ......

[Definition of 'province' deleted by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996.]

'provincial administration' means the administration of a province;

'register' means the register kept in terms of section 5;

'registration' means an entry in the register; and 'registered' has a

corresponding meaning;

'regulation' means any regulation made under section 25;

'special name' means any special name referred to in section 7;

[Definition of 'special name' substituted by s. 1 (g) of Act 63 of 1980.]

'state herald' means the officer appointed in terms of section 4;

'territory' ......

[Definition of 'territory' deleted by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996.]

'this Act' includes any regulation;

'uniform' means any article or articles of wearing apparel, being distinctive

in design and colour, but without a heraldic representation as part thereof,

intended to be used by members of an association or institution which is not of a

political or religious character.

[Definition of 'uniform' substituted by s. 1 (h) of Act 63 of 1980.]

[S. 1 substituted by s. 1 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s2]2 ......

[S. 2 repealed by s. 2 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s3]3 Bureau of heraldry

(1) There is hereby established a bureau of heraldry for the registration of

heraldic representations, names, special names or uniforms and for the

performance of such other functions as are assigned to the bureau by or under

this Act.

(2) The functions of the bureau shall be to-

(a) receive and examine applications for registration or deletion

of, and objections against the registration or deletion of, heraldic representations,

names, special names or uniforms;

(b) keep the register and the documents lodged in terms of this


(c) issue certificates of registration of heraldic representations,

names, special names and uniforms;

(d) give advice, in so far as is possible, regarding heraldic

representations, names, special names or uniforms, and render assistance with

the design of heraldic representations and uniforms;

(e) carry out such other duties as may be assigned to the

bureau by the Minister, council or committee in terms of this Act.

[Sub-s. (2) substituted by s. 2 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[S. 3 substituted by s. 3 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s4]4 State herald

There shall be appointed, subject to the laws governing the public service,

a state herald as head of the bureau.

[s5]5 Register of heraldic representations, names, special names and uniforms

A register shall be kept in the bureau in which the bureau shall on

application and in the manner determined by the state herald after consultation

with the council enter the particulars which he determines in respect of-

(a) the coat of arms of the Republic, the national flag of the

Republic, the coats of arms of the provinces and any other heraldic

representation instituted, constituted or created by any law, and any amendment

thereof effected by any law;

(b) any official or municipal heraldic representation granted by

competent authority, or adopted in terms of any law, before the commencement

of this Act;

(c) any official or municipal heraldic representation granted in

terms of section 2 before the commencement of the Heraldry Amendment Act,

1969, or adopted after the commencement of this Act in terms of any law, and

any amendment thereof;

(d) any other heraldic representation, the application for

registration of which has been approved and any approved amendment thereof;


[Para. (d) substituted by s. 3 (b) of Act 63 of 1980.]

(e) any name, special name or uniform, the application for

registration of which has been approved and any approved amendment thereof.

[Para. (e) substituted by s. 3 (b) of Act 63 of 1980.]

[S. 5 substituted by s. 4 of Act 54 of 1969 and amended by s. 3 (a) of Act 63 of


[s6]6 Heraldry council and heraldry committee

(1) There is hereby established a heraldry council which shall consist of

the state herald and at least six other members appointed by the Minister on

such conditions and for such period as he may determine: Provided that the

Minister may at any time remove any member appointed by him from office if in

his opinion sufficient reasons exist for doing so.

(2) The functions of the council shall be to-

(a) determine policy to be applied as to heraldic matters;

(b) consider and decide upon such matters as the state herald

or the committee may refer to it;

(c) consider appeals noted under section 9; and

(d) carry out such other duties as may be assigned to the

council by the Minister.

(3) There is hereby established a heraldry committee consisting of the

chairman and the state herald and such number of other members of the council

as the Minister may designate, to-

(a) determine which applications shall be referred to it by the

state herald;

(b) decide upon applications which the state herald may refer to

it; and

(c) consider objections lodged in terms of section 7B.

[Sub-s. (3) substituted by s. 1 of Act 6 of 1984.]

(4) (a) The Minister shall-

(i) designate one of the members of the council who was

appointed as a member by him, as chairman to preside at a meeting of the


(ii) designate one of the members of the committee who was

appointed as a member by him, as chairman to preside at a meeting of the


Provided that in the absence of the chairman of the council or the chairman of

the committee from any meeting of the council or committee (as the case may

be), the members present at such meeting shall elect one of their number to

preside at such meeting.

(b) Subject to any directions by the Minister, the council and the

committee shall determine when and where they shall meet and the procedure

and quorum at their meetings, including the number of votes required for a


(5) A member of the council or the committee who is not in the full-time

employment of the State shall out of moneys appropriated by Parliament for the

purpose, be paid in respect of his services as a member of the council or the

committee such allowances as the Minister in consultation with the Minister of

Finance may determine.

(6) A member of the council or of the committee shall vacate office if-

(a) that member resigns in writing;

(b) that member has been absent from three consecutive

meetings of the council or committee, as the case may be, without its leave;

(c) that member is an unrehabilitated insolvent;

(d) that member is found to be of unsound mind by a court of


(e) that member is convicted of an offence involving dishonesty

or bodily harm and is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine;

(f) that member materially breaches the code of ethics of the

institution; or

(g) on reasonable grounds, the majority of the council or

committee, as the case may be, so recommends.

[Sub-s. (6) added by s. 2 of Act 36 of 2001.]

(7) The Minister may dissolve the council or the committee on any

reasonable grounds.

[Sub-s. (7) added by s. 2 of Act 36 of 2001.]

[S. 6 substituted by s. 5 of Act 54 of 1969 and by s. 4 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s7]7 Applications and appeals

(1) Any official or municipal authority, association, institution or person

may apply to the bureau for registration of a heraldic representation, or of any

amendment or the deletion of a heraldic representation which has been

registered in its or his name.

(2) Any official authority established in a foreign country may with the

consent of the council apply to the bureau for the registration of a heraldic

representation, or for an amendment of or the deletion of any heraldic

representation registered in its name: Provided that the provisions of section 19

shall not apply in respect of the exercise of the council's power under this


[Sub-s. (2) amended by s. 25 of Act 88 of 1996.]

(3) Any association or institution which is not of a political or religious

character may apply to the bureau for registration of its name or of a special

name or designation used by the association or institution for its members or for

the members of any organization constituted by the association or institution in

accordance with its rules and regulations, or of any uniform used by the

association or institution or of any amendment or deletion of any name, special

name or uniform which has been registered in its name.

(4) The state herald may, subject to the provisions of section 19 and with

the consent of the committee, delete any heraldic representation, name, special

name or uniform if he is satisfied that the official or municipal authority,

association or institution in whose name it has been registered no longer exists.

(5) Any person in whose name a family coat of arms has been registered

may apply to the bureau for the registration, upon his death, with or without

differencing, of that family coat of arms in the name of any of his descendants, or

in the name of any other person who bears the same family name.

(6) Any descendant of any person who lawfully bears or bore a particular

family coat of arms, or any adopted child, as defined in the Children's Act, 1960

(Act 33 of 1960), of such person bearing the same lawfully conferred family name

as that person, may apply to the bureau for the registration, with or without

differencing, of that family coat of arms in his name.

(7) Any person may apply to the bureau for the issue to him of a certificate

by the state herald stating that the representation to which the certificate relates

is a true representation of the family coat of arms lawfully borne by any person

mentioned therein.

(8) An application for registration of a heraldic representation, name,

special name or uniform or for any amendment or the deletion of a registered

heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform or an appeal in terms of

section 9 shall be made to the bureau in the form determined by the state herald

and shall be accompanied by the documents and designs determined by the

state herald and the fees determined by the Minister with the concurrence of the

Minister of Finance.

[S. 7 substituted by s. 6 of Act 54 of 1969 and by s. 5 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s7A]7A Notice of applications

The bureau shall give notice in the Gazette of any application made to it in

terms of section 7, and of the period within which and the manner in which any

objection in terms of section 7B shall be lodged with the bureau.

[S. 7A inserted by s. 7 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s7B]7B Objections

Any official or municipal authority, association, institution or person

wishing to object to the registration of any heraldic representation, name, special

name or uniform or to the amendment or deletion of a registered heraldic

representation, name, special name or uniform on the grounds that such

registration, amendment or deletion would encroach upon rights to which it or he

is legally entitled, shall lodge such objection with the bureau in such manner and

within such period as the bureau may by notice in the Gazette determine.

[S. 7B inserted by s. 7 of Act 54 of 1969 and substituted by s. 6 of Act 63 of


[s8]8 Consideration of applications by state herald

(1) If an application is in the form determined by the state herald under

section 7, he may, subject to the provisions of sections 6 (3) (a) and 19, approve

or reject the application, or may refer it to the committee: Provided that if any

objection is lodged against the registration of the heraldic representation, name,

special name or uniform concerned, or against the amendment or deletion

concerned of any registered heraldic representation, name, special name or

uniform, he shall refer the application to the committee.

[Sub-s. (1) substituted by s. 7 (a) of Act 63 of 1980 and amended by s. 2 of Act 6

of 1984.]

(2) and (3) ......

[Sub-ss (2) and (3) deleted by s. 7 (b) of Act 63 of 1980.]

(4) (a) An application for registration or amendment may be rejected by

the state herald if-

(i) the heraldic representation (except a family coat of arms) is

similar to a heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform or any

material part thereof protected by copyright, this Act or any other law;

(ii) the design of the heraldic representation does not accord

with the principles and rules of heraldry;

(iii) the application does not comply with the provisions of this

Act or is defective in other respects; or

(iv) the further information or particulars referred to in section 8B

are not furnished.

(b) When considering an application referred to in section 7 (7)-

(i) the state herald may require the applicant to submit proof of

the correctness of the allegation to which the application applies;

(ii) the state herald shall take into consideration the fact (if it is

proved) that the representation concerned is a representation of a family coat of

arms which was granted by a competent authority to a person with the family

name in question or which was lawfully borne by any such person.

[Sub-s. (4) substituted by s. 7 (c) of Act 63 of 1980.]

[S. 8 substituted by s. 8 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s8A]8A Consideration of applications by committee

(1) Whenever an application or an application together with an objection is

referred to the committee by the state herald, the committee may, subject to the

provisions of section 19, approve the application or uphold the objection and

reject the application.

(2) The provisions of section 8 (4) shall apply to the consideration of an

application by the committee.

[S. 8A inserted by s. 9 of Act 54 of 1969 and substituted by s. 8 of Act 63 of


[s8B]8B Request for further information or particulars

The bureau may, with regard to an application, require from the applicant

such further information or particulars as the state herald, the committee or the

council, as the case may be, desires.

[S. 8B inserted by s. 9 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s9]9 Appeal against decision of state herald or committee

(1) If an application-

(a) is rejected by the state herald or the committee, the


(b) is approved by the committee, any person who in terms of

section 7B lodged an objection,

may within six weeks after the bureau has informed him thereof, appeal to the

council in writing and specifying the grounds of appeal against the rejection of his

application or objection, and the council may subject to the provisions of section

19 uphold the appeal and, in the case of an appeal-

(i) by such applicant, approve the application concerned;

(ii) by such objector, refuse the application concerned, or

may reject the appeal.

(2) At the hearing of any such appeal against the rejection of an

application or objection, the state herald shall not take part in the decision.

[S. 9 substituted by s. 10 of Act 54 of 1969 and by s. 9 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s10]10 Registration, amendment or deletion of heraldic representation,

name, special name or uniform

If an application for the registration, amendment or deletion of a heraldic

representation, name, special name or uniform is approved by the state herald,

committee or council-

(a) the bureau shall, in the case of an application for

registration, enter in the register the particulars determined by the state herald in

respect of that heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform, and the

bureau shall give notice in the Gazette of the registration and issue to the

applicant a certificate of registration in the form determined by the state herald;

(b) the bureau shall, in the case of an application for deletion,

delete the particulars concerned and give notice thereof in the Gazette:

Provided that in the case of the approval of any such application by the state

herald or committee, such entry shall not be made or such deletion shall not be

effected and such notice shall not be given if an appeal has been lodged in terms

of section 9 and such appeal has not yet been disposed of.

[S. 10 repealed by s. 11 of Act 54 of 1969 and inserted by s. 10 of Act 63 of


[s11 to 13 inclusive]11 to 13 inclusive ......

[Ss. 11 to 13 inclusive repealed by s. 11 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s14]14 ......

[S. 14 substituted by s. 12 of Act 54 of 1969 and repealed by s. 11 of Act 63 of


[s15]15 Seal of office

The bureau shall have a seal of office the heraldic particulars whereof

shall be entered in the register.

[s16]16 Register open for inspection

(1) The register shall be open for inspection by the public during the

prescribed hours on payment of the fees fixed by the Minister in consultation with

the Minister of Finance and subject to the prescribed conditions.

[Sub-s. (1) substituted by s. 13 (a) of Act 54 of 1969.]

(2) ......

[Sub-s. (2) deleted by s. 13 (b) of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s17]17 Information from register

The bureau may at the request of-

(a) any person and on payment of the fees determined by the

Minister in consultation with the Minister of Finance, furnish such person with an

extract from the register or a reproduction of a registered heraldic representation,

name, special name or uniform;

(b) the owner of any heraldic representation, name, special

name or uniform, and with the approval of the council, issue to such person a

duplicate of the certificate of registration concerned, on payment of the fees

determined by the Minister in consultation with the Minister of Finance.

[S. 17 substituted by s. 14 of Act 54 of 1969 and by s. 12 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s18]18 Correction of clerical errors and rectification of register

Upon a request in writing accompanied by the prescribed fees or without

such a request and subject to the provisions of section nineteen-

(a) the State herald or the council may authorize the correction

of any clerical error in any document lodged or issued in terms of this Act or in

the register; or

(b) ......

[Para. (b) deleted by s. 15 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s19]19 Exercise of discretionary powers

Whenever any discretionary power is by this Act given to the state herald,

the council or the committee, such power shall not be exercised adversely to an

applicant or an objector or other person who according to the register appears to

be an interested party, without affording such applicant, objector or interested

party a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

[S. 19 substituted by s. 16 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s20]20 Savings

(1) Nothing in this Act shall prevent any person from using any registered

heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform in the course of or for the

purpose of any stage play, historical pageant or other form of performance or

entertainment or any cinematographic film, provided it is not used in such a

manner or under such circumstances as to bring it into ridicule or contempt.

[Sub-s. (1) substituted by s. 17 (a) of Act 54 of 1969.]

(2) Nothing in this Act shall prevent the continued use of any mark or

design registered under the Designs, Trade Marks and Copyright Act, 1916, or

any mark or design not protected under that Act but which has been bona fide

used as a trade mark before the commencement of this Act: Provided that the

onus of proving such bona fide use shall be upon the person making such claim.

(3) Nothing in this Act shall deprive any person of the right to use any

heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform which at the

commencement of this Act is not unlawfully in regular use by such person:

Provided that the onus of proving such use shall be upon such person.

[Sub-s. (3) substituted by s. 17 (b) of Act 54 of 1969.]

(4) Nothing in this Act shall deprive any person of the right to use any

heraldic representation, name, special name or uniform to the use of which he

has become entitled by reason of his membership or past membership of an

association or institution, within or outside the Republic: Provided that the onus of

proving such right shall be upon the person claiming such right.

[Sub-s. (4) substituted by s. 17 (b) of Act 54 of 1969 and amended by s. 1 of Act

49 of 1996.]

[s21]21 Damages for misuse of registered heraldic representations, names,

special names or uniforms

Any person who-

(a) without the written authority of the association or institution in

whose name any name, special name or uniform has been registered, or without

being a member of such association or institution, uses such name, special name

or uniform or a material part thereof or any replica or reproduction thereof or any

imitation which might reasonably be confused with any such name, special name

or uniform; or

(b) without the written authority of the official or municipal

authority, association, institution or person in whose name any heraldic

representation has been registered or, if such person has died, of the widow of

such persons in the case of a family coat of arms, or without any other lawful

reason, wears, uses, sells, barters or trades in any such heraldic representation

or a material part thereof or any replica or reproduction thereof or any imitation

which might reasonably be confused with any such heraldic representation,

may be sued in any court of law by any such official or municipal authority,

association, or person or widow of such person for-

(i) an amount not exceeding one thousand rand, and such court may

without proof of any damages, and in addition to the cost of the action, award

such amount, not exceeding the said amount, as may in the circumstances of the

case appear to it to be reasonable; or

[Para. (i) substituted by s. 13 of Act 63 of 1980.]

(ii) damages or an interdict or for both damages and an interdict, and

such court may, in addition to the costs of the action, award such damages as

may appear to it to be reasonable in the circumstances, or grant an interdict or

both award damages and grant an interdict.

[S. 21 substituted by s. 18 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s22]22 Penalties for misuse of registered representations, names, special

names or uniforms

Any person who-

(a) without the written permission of the official or municipal

authority in whose name any official or municipal heraldic representation has

been registered, or without any other lawful reason, sells, barters or uses for gain

or trades in such heraldic representation or any material part thereof or any

replica or reproduction thereof or any imitation thereof which might reasonably be

confused therewith; or

(b) uses a registered name, special name or an abbreviation

thereof or a uniform in such a manner that it could reasonably be inferred that he

is the owner or lawful user thereof or that he is a member of an association or

institution, while in fact he is not such owner, user or member,

shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one

thousand rand.

[S. 22 substituted by s. 19 of Act 54 of 1969 and by s. 14 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s22A]22A Offence in respect of coat of arms of the Republic

Any person who commits any act which displays contempt for the coat of

arms of the Republic or which is likely to hold it up to ridicule, shall be guilty of an

offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding ten thousand rand or in

default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to

both such fine and such imprisonment.

[S. 22A inserted by s. 1 of Act 22 of 1982.]

[s23]23 Penalty for false entries

Any person who, knowing the same to be false-

(a) makes or causes to be made a false entry in the register;

(b) makes or causes to be made any document falsely

purporting to be a copy of an entry in the register;

(c) produces or tenders or causes to be produced or tendered

as evidence any such entry or copy thereof; or

(d) makes any false statement or representation for the purpose

of deceiving the state herald, the committee or the council in the execution of the

provisions of this Act,

shall be guilty of an offence, and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one

thousand rand or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not

exceeding one year.

[S. 23 substituted by s. 15 of Act 63 of 1980.]

[s23A]23A Penalty for making certain allegations in connection with family

coats of arms

(1) Any person who furnishes any representation which he alleges or

which on the face of it purports to be a true representation of a family coat of

arms which was or could have been lawfully borne by any person with a

particular family name, while he does not have at his disposal a certificate as

contemplated in section 7 (7) issued in respect of such representation, shall be

guilty of an offence, and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one

thousand rand or in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not

exceeding one year or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

(2) If in any prosecution for a contravention of subsection (1) it is proved

that the accused furnished a representation which on the face of it purports to be

a true representation of a family coat of arms, a statement, made by the accused

in connection with the furnishing of the representation, to the effect that it is not

claimed or implied that the representation concerned is such a true

representation, shall not be a defence to the charge.

[S. 23A inserted by s. 16 of Act 63 of 1980 and substituted by s. 2 of Act 22 of


[s24]24 Annual report

(1) The state herald shall report annually to the Minister on the activities of

the bureau and the council.

(2) The Minister shall table a copy of such report in Parliament within 14

days after receipt thereof if Parliament is then sitting or, if Parliament is not then

sitting, within 14 days after the commencement of the next ensuing sitting of


[Sub-s. (2) substituted by s. 3 (a) of Act 36 of 2001.]

(3) Within five months after the report has been tabled, a delegation

consisting of the state herald and at least two other council members must brief

the Portfolio Committee on Arts, Culture, Science and Technology on the annual


[Sub-s. (3) added by s. 3 (b) of Act 36 of 2001.]

[s25]25 Regulations

(1) The Minister may make regulations with regard to-

(a) ......

[Para. (a) deleted by s. 17 (a) of Act 63 of 1980.]

(b) all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be

prescribed; and

(c) generally, all matters which he considers it necessary or

expedient to prescribe to give effect to the provisions of this Act, or in order that

the objects of this Act may be achieved.

(2) The generality of the powers conferred by paragraph (c) of subsection

(1) shall not be limited by the provisions of the other paragraphs of the said


(3) ......

[Sub-s. (3) deleted by s. 17 (b) of Act 63 of 1980.]

[S. 25 substituted by s. 20 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s26]26 ......

[S. 26 repealed by s. 21 of Act 54 of 1969.]

[s27]27 ......

[S. 27 repealed by s. 1 of Act 49 of 1996.]

[s28]28 Short title and date of commencement

This Act shall be called the Heraldry Act, 1962, and shall come into

operation on a date to be fixed by the State President by proclamation in the



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