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地理标志实施细则,2001, 巴巴多斯

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详情 详情 版本年份 2001 日期 生效: 2002年1月7日 议定: 2001年11月22日 文本类型 实施规则/实施细则 主题 地理标志, 知识产权监管机构 巴巴多斯 根据TRIPS第63条第2款发给世贸组织的通知中称:


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主要文本 主要文本 英语 Geographical Indications Regulations, 2001 (Regulations No. 132)        
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A1 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


Geographical Indications Cap.320.


Authority: These Regulations were made on 22nd November, 2001 by the Minister under section 23 of the Geographical Indications Act.

Commencement: 7th January, 2002.



1. These Regulations may be cited as the Geographical Citation. Indications Regulations, 2001.

2. In these Regulations, Interpretation.

"fee" means the fee specified in the Second Schedule; Second


"form" means the form set out in the First Schedule; First


"Official Gazette" includes such other publication as is approved by the Director for the purpose.

3. Applications shall be in the English language, and any Language of


document forming part of an application or submitted to the Director


pursuant to the Act or these Regulations, and which is in a language translations.
other than English, shall be accompanied by an English translation
verified by the translator as being to the best of his knowledge
complete and faithful.

4. (1) A document purporting to be signed for or on behalf of a Signatures

by partner-

partnership shall contain the names of all the partners in full, and shall


be signed companies and associations.

(a) by all the parties, or by any partner qualified to sign stating
that he signs on behalf of the partnership; or


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A2 Regulations, 2001


(b) by any other person who satisfies the Director that he is authorised to sign the document.

A document purporting to be signed for or on behalf of a body corporate shall be signed by a director or by the Secretary or other principal officer of the body corporate, or by any other person who satisfies the Director that he is authorised to sign the document.
A document purporting to be signed for or on behalf of a person or an association may be signed by any person who satisfies the Director that he is duly authorised.

Representa-5. (1) The appointment of an attorney-at-law shall be made by an

tion by

authorisation of agent, which shall be signed by the applicant or, if


law. there are more than one, by each applicant.

(2) The authorisation of agent appointing an attorney-at-law may be filed together with the application or within 2 months from its filing date and, if the appointment is not so made or is not in accordance with section 8(2) of the Act and paragraph (1), any procedural steps taken by the agent, other than the filing of the application, shall be deemed not to have been taken.



Application 6. (1) The application for the registration of a geographicalfor indication shall be made in Form 1 and shall be signed by the


Form 1. applicant or an authorised agent.

(2) The application shall indicate the applicant's name, address, nationality and residence.

For the purposes of this regulation,
"name" means, in the case of an individual, that person's family name and given names and, in the case of a legal entity, its full official designation;

A3 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


"address" means the full address of an individual or, in the
case of a legal entity, the address of its registered
"nationality" means, in the case of an individual, the State of
which that person is a national and, in the case of a legal
entity, the State under whose laws it is constituted;
"residence" means the State in which an individual is resident.

7. (1) An application may be withdrawn by written declaration Withdrawal

of applica

submitted to the Director and signed by each applicant or an


authorised agent.

(2) The application fee shall not be refunded if the application is withdrawn.

8. (1) Upon receipt, the Director shall mark on each document Marking


making up the application, the actual date of receipt and the application number consisting of the letters BB, slant, the letters GI, slant, the numbers of the year in which the initial papers were received, slant, and a number allotted in the sequential order in which applications are received and, where any corrections or other later filed documents are received on different dates, the Director shall also mark their actual date of receipt in the appropriate place of the request for registration of the geographical indication.

(2) The application number allotted under paragraph (1) shall be quoted in all subsequent communications concerning the application.

9. (1) Where upon examination in accordance with section 9 of Objection to

or condi

the Act the Director objects to the application for registration of a


geographical indication, he shall notify the applicant in writing of his acceptance objections with all the relevant details, and invite the applicant to amend of applica


the application, to submit his observations in writing or to apply for a hearing within 2 months from the date of the notification; and, if the applicant does not comply with the invitation within the set period, he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.


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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A4 Regulations, 2001


Where upon examination in accordance with section 9 of the Act the Director decides to accept the application subject to amendments, modifications, conditions or limitations, he shall communicate the decision to the applicant in writing.
Where the applicant objects to the amendments, modifications, conditions or limitations referred to in paragraph (2), he shall, within 2 months from the date of the communication, request a hearing in writing or submit his observations in writing.
Where the applicant does not object to the amendments, modifications, conditions or limitations referred to in paragraph (2), he shall notify the Director in writing and amend his application accordingly.
Where the applicant does not respond within the set period, he shall be deemed to have withdrawn his application.
Upon receipt of a request for a hearing, the Director shall give the applicant at least one month's notice in writing of the date and time when he may be heard.

Refusal of 10. (1) Where after a hearing or after consideration of the


applicant's amendments or observations in writing the Director refuses

or condi

tional the application or accepts it subject to any amendments, acceptance modifications, conditions or limitations to which the applicant objects,

to which

applicant he shall communicate his decision to the applicant in writing.


(2) The applicant may, within one month from the date of the communication referred to under paragraph (1) and upon payment of the prescribed fee, request the Director to state in writing the grounds of his decision and the material used by him in arriving thereat.

Acceptance 11. (1) Where the Director accepts the application uncondition

of applica

ally or accepts it subject to any conditions or limitations to which the


applicant does not object, he shall so notify the applicant, requesting him to pay the publication fee within one month from the date of the notification.

A5 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


Where the publication fee referred to in paragraph (1) is paid within the time limit prescribed, the Director shall proceed to publish the application setting out
the geographical indication for which registration is sought;
the name, address and nationality of the individual or legal
entity filing the application, and the capacity in which the
applicant is applying for registration;
the name and address of any agent;
the address for service if an agent has not been appointed in
accordance with section 8(2) of the Act and regulation 5;
the demarcation of the geographical area to which the
geographical indication applies;
the goods for which the geographical indication is used;
the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the goods for
which the geographical indication is used, and any conditions
under which the indication may be used;
the filing date and number of the application.
Where the publication fee referred to in paragraph (1) is not paid within the specified time limit, the application shall be considered withdrawn.

12. (1) A notice of objection under section 10(1) of the Act shall Objection.

Form 2.

be given in Form 2 within 3 months of the date of the publication referred to in regulation 11(2), and shall be accompanied by the specified fee and any supporting evidence.

A counter-statement referred to in section 10(3) of the Act
shall be subject to the payment of the specified fee;
shall be given within 3 months of the date on which the notice
of objection is sent to the applicant;


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A6 Regulations, 2001


shall be in writing, stating the grounds upon which the applicant relies for his application; and
shall be accompanied by any supporting evidence.
A request for a hearing under section 10(3) of the Act shall be made to the Director in writing at any time after the filing of the notice of objection, but not later than one month after the expiry of the specified period for filing the counter-statement.
The Director shall give the parties at least one month's written notice of the date set for the hearing; and each party shall, within that period, pay the specified fee for the hearing.
Where the objector or the applicant does not reside or carry on business in Barbados, the Director may require him to give security for the costs of the objection proceedings for such amount as the Director thinks fit.
Where the Director decides to register the geographical indication under section 11(1) of the Act, he shall notify any objector and the applicant in writing, stating the reasons for his decision and, in the case of the applicant, requesting him to pay the registration fee within one month from the date of the notification.
Where the Director decides to refuse to register the geographical indication under section 11(2) of the Act, he shall notify the objector and the applicant in writing, stating the reasons for his decision.

Registration 13. (1) Subject to the payment of the registration fee within the

of geo

period specified in regulation 12(5), the Director shall register the


indication. geographical indication in accordance with section 11(1) of the Act and this regulation.

The registration of the geographical indication shall include
the geographical indication registered;
the demarcation of the geographical area to which the geographical indication applies;

A7 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


the name and address of the individual or legal entity in whose
name the indication is registered;
the name and address of any agent;
the address for service if an agent has not been appointed in
accordance with section 8(2) of the Act and regulation 5;
the goods for which the geographical indication is used;
the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the goods for
which the geographical indication is used and any conditions
under which the indication may be used; and
the filing date and number of the application as well as the
date of registration.
The publication of the reference to the registration of a geographical indication shall contain the particulars specified in paragraph (2).
The certificate of registration of the geographical indication shall be issued in Form 3. Form 3.

14. (1) The publication referred to in section 14(2)(b) of theAct Cancellation

or rectifica


tion of registration.

identify the geographical indication by setting out the
particulars referred to in regulation 13(2);
identify the person who, or the authority which, has applied
for the cancellation or rectification of the registration of the
geographical indication by setting out the name and address of
the person or authority, and of the representative or any agent;
specify the period within which the persons having the right to
use the geographical indication under section 12 of the Act
may apply to join in the proceedings.


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A8 Regulations, 2001


The period to be specified by the Court under section 14(3) of the Act shall not be less than one month from the date of the notice or publication, as the case may be.
Where the Court notifies the Director under section 14(4) of the Act that a decision has been taken to cancel or rectify the registration of the geographical indication, the Director shall cancel the registration or rectify it in accordance with and in the manner specified in the Court's decision, as the case may be.
The publication under section 14(4) of the Act of the reference to the cancellation or rectification of the registration of a geographical indication shall
identify the geographical indication by setting out the particulars referred to in regulation 13(2);
indicate that the registration of the geographical indication has been cancelled or rectified, as the case may be, and, if rectified, specify the manner in which the registration has been so rectified; and
cite the decision of the Court by which the registration of the geographical indication has been cancelled or rectified.

Publication. 15. Particulars of geographical indications and other proceedings under the Act and any other information required to be published under the Act or these Regulations shall be published, in accordance with the directions of the Director, in the Official Gazette.



Refusal or 16. (1) A request under section 20 of the Act to refuse or to


invalidate the registration of a misleading trade mark shall be made in

of registra

tion of Form 4 and shall be subject to the payment of the specified fee; and misleading the procedure set out in regulation 12 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

marks. Form 4.

A9 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


Where the Director on his own motion decides to refuse or invalidate the registration of a trade mark pursuant to section 20 of the Act, he shall, in writing, notify the registered owner of the mark, stating the reasons for his decision and giving him at least one month to submit a counter-statement and to request a hearing.
Where a hearing is requested, the Director shall give the registered owner of the trade mark at least one month's written notice of the date set for the hearing; and the registered owner shall, within that period, pay the specified fee for the hearing.
The Director shall notify the registered owner under paragraph (3) in writing of his final decision, stating the reasons therefor.

17. (1) A request under section 21 of the Act to refuse or to Refusal or


invalidate the registration of a trade mark which conflicts with a

of registra

geographical indication for wines and spirits shall be made in Form 5, tion of a and shall be subject to the payment of the specified fee; and the mark


pro-cedure set out in regulation 12 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

with certain geographical

(2) Where the Director on his own initiative decides to refuse or indications.

Form 5.

invalidate the registration of a trade mark pursuant to section 21 of the Act, he shall in writing so notify the registered owner of the mark, stating the reasons for his decision and giving him at least one month to submit a counter-statement and to request a hearing.

Where a hearing is requested, the Director shall give the registered owner of a trade mark at least one month's written notice of the date set for the hearing, and the registered owner shall within that period pay the specified fee for the hearing.
The Director shall notify the registered owner of the trade mark in writing of his final decision, stating the reasons therefor.

18. (1) The Director shall record and publish a reference to the Publication

of invalida

invalidation of the registration of a trade mark pursuant to section 20

tion of

or 21 of the Act. registration of mark.


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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A10 Regulations, 2001


(2) The publication of the reference to the invalidation of the registration of the trade mark pursuant to section 20 or 21 of the Act shall include

the representation of the trade mark;
the registration number of the trade mark;
the name and address of the registered owner;
the date of registration;
the list of goods and services in respect of which the trade mark was registered, with an indication of the corresponding class or classes of the International Classification; and
an indication of the grounds on which the registration of the trade mark has been invalidated.



Address for 19. (1) There shall be furnished to the Director,


by every applicant for the registration of a geographical indication, an address for service in Barbados for the purpose of his application; and
by every person concerned in any proceedings to which these Regulations relate, including the applicant for, or the owner of a geographical indication, an address for service in Barbados;

and the address so furnished or, where another address being an address in Barbados has been furnished in place thereof, that address, shall be treated for the purposes of that application or those proceedings as the address of that applicant or of that person, as the case may be.

A11 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


(2) Where an agent has been appointed in accordance with section 15 of the Act and regulation 5, the address of the agent shall, for all purposes connected with the Act and these Regulations, be treated as the address to which communications to the person who appointed the agent shall be transmitted.

20. Inspection of the Register shall be subject to payment of the Inspection

of Register.

specified fee, and requests for certified copies of extracts from the Register or for copies of documents shall be made to the Director in writing, and shall be subject to payment of the specified fee.

21. The Director shall cause to be entered in the Register in Entries of

charges in

respect of every geographical indication the information indicated in

the Register.

regulation 13(2), as well as any change with respect to that information, in particular, any change in the name, address or address for service indicated therein.

22. Corrections of errors referred to in section 15 of the Act Corrections

of error.

may be made by the Director either upon receipt of a request in
writing and subject to such terms as he may consider
appropriate or on his own initiative;
shall be communicated in writing to all interested persons; and
where considered necessary, shall be published in the Official
Gazette by the Director.

23. The request for an extension of time referred to in section 16 Extension of


of the Act shall be subject to the payment of the specified fee.

24. (1) The Director shall, before exercising adversely in respect Hearing. of any person any discretionary power given to him by the Act or these Regulations, notify that person in writing of the opportunity to be heard thereon, and shall indicate a time limit of not less than one month for filing a request for a hearing.


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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A12 Regulations, 2001


The request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall be subject to payment of the specified fee.
Upon receiving a request for hearing, the Director shall give the person applying and any other interested person at least one month's notice in writing of the date and time of the hearing.
After hearing any party desiring to be heard, the Director shall decide the matter and shall notify all parties of his decision and, if any party so desires, shall give his reason for the decision.

Directions 25. At any stage of any proceedings before the Director, he may

as to

direct that such documents, information or evidence as he may


of docu-require be furnished within such period of time as he may fix.


Dispensa-26. Where under these Regulations any person is required to do

tion by the

any act or thing or any document or evidence is required to be


produced or filed and it is shown to the satisfaction of the Director that from any reasonable cause that person is unable to do that act or thing or that that document or evidence cannot be produced or filed, the Director may, upon the production of such evidence and subject to such terms as he thinks fit, dispense with the doing of any such act or thing or the production or filing of such document or evidence.

Evidence. 27. (1) Evidence under these Regulations may be given by statutory declaration or affidavit.

(2) The Director may, if he thinks fit in any particular case, take oral evidence in lieu of or in addition to evidence referred to under paragraph (1), and shall allow any witness to be cross-examined on his affidavit or declaration.

Administra-28. Where no provision is made in the Act or these Regulations in tive respect of any matter arising in the administration of the Act, the


Director may give such directions in respect thereof as he considers necessary in the circumstances.

A13 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


29. The Director may acknowledge inquiries made to the Office, Inquiries at

the Office.

but need not furnish the applicant or any other person with information which would require a search of the public records of the Office, or provide advice on matters concerning the interpretation of the Act or these Regulations or any other question of law.

30. (1) Where any information required to be set out in a form Annexed

Schedule to

furnished by the Director is too lengthy to be set out in the space


provided, the person completing the form may, subject to paragraph (2), incorporate the information in the form by setting out in the space provided in the form the following sentence: "The annexed schedule is incorporated in this form", and by annexing the information to the form as that schedule.

(2) A separate schedule is required in respect of each item that is incorporated in a form by reference pursuant to paragraph (1).

31. The fees specified in the Second Schedule are payable in Fees.


respect of the matters to which they relate.



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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A14 Regulations, 2001




(Regulations 2 and 6(1)) Application for Registration of Geographical Indication

*State capacity in accordance with section 8(1) of the Act.

**If the space is insufficient, the particulars should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

A15 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001

Address for service in Barbados:
II. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWa The following (Attorney-at-law) has been appointed by the applicant in the Authorisation of Agent accompanying this Form to be filed within 2 months from the filing of the application for registration (Regulation 5(2)) Name: ................................................................................................. Address: ............................................................................................. Tel. No.: E-mail address (if any): Fax No.:
III. GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION The geographical indication for which registration is sought is the following:
IV. GEOGRAPHICAL AREAb The following is the demarcation of the territory of the country, or region or locality in that territory, to which the geographical indication applies, and from which the goods for which the geographical indication is used originate: Additional information, possible in graphic form, maps, etc, accompanies this Form is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form.

aWhere an Attorney-at-law has been appointed, the address of the Attorneyat-law shall be treated as the address to which any communication shall be transmitted (Regulation 19(2)).


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A16 Regulations, 2001

V. GOODSb The goods for which the geographical indication is used are the following:
VI. QUALITY, REPUTATION OR OTHER CHARACTERISTICSb The quality, reputation or other characteristics of the goods for which the geographical indication is used, and any conditions under which the indication may be used, are the following: Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form. Additional information accompanies this Form
VII. FEES accompanying this Form

bIf any of the boxes is not large enough to contain information to be furnished, the information should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

A17 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001

VIII. SIGNATURE(S) .............................(Applicant(s)/c) .............................. Date
TO BE FILLED IN BY THE DIRECTOR Date of receipt of corrections and later filed papers completing the application:

cType name(s) under signature(s). The typed names and signatures of all applicants should appear (one below the other).


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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A18 Regulations, 2001


(Regulations 2 and 12(1)) Notice of Objection to Registration of Geographical Indication


Geographical Indications Act
Cap. 320


I. IN THE MATTER OF: For Official Use
Application No. ..................... for Registration
of Geographical Indication Notice of objection received on:
Filing Date of Application: Published in the periodical of the ....... day of ........ 20........., No. ...................., page ............. Fees received on:

Name(s): ............................................................................................................................... Address(es): .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ *Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form. **Address for service in Barbados

* If the space is insufficient, the particulars should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

**Where an Attorney-at-law has been appointed, the address of the Attorney-at-law shall be treated as the address to which communication shall be transmitted (Regulation 19(2)).

A19 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001

III. GROUNDS OF OBJECTION: The Grounds of objection are as follows: Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form. Supporting evidence accompanies this Form
IV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW The following Attorney-at-law has been appointed by the applicant in the Authorisation of Agent accompanying this Form Name: ................................................................................................. Address: ............................................................................................. .................................................................................................... Tel. No.: E-mail address (if any): Fax No.:
V. FEES accompanying this Form


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CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A20 Regulations, 2001


(Regulations 2 and 13(4)) Certificate of Registration of Geographical Indication


Geographical Indications Act
Cap. 320


In accordance with section 11(1) of the Act and Regulation 13(4), it is hereby certified that a geographical indication having the Registration No. ................................ has been registered in the name(s) of:

Name(s): ...........................................................................................................

Address(es): .....................................................................................................


on .................... in respect of a geographical indication registered pursuant to an application


filed on: .............................................


being a geographical indication used for: .........................................................................


and which applies to: ........................................................................................................

(geographical area)

A description of the quality, reputation or other characteristic of the goods for which the geographical indication is used and any conditions under which the indication may be used accompanies this certificate.

Date: .........................................................



A21 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


(Regulations 2 and 16(1)) Request to refuse or invalidate Registration of Misleading Mark


Geographical Indications Act
Cap. 320


I. IN THE MATTER OF: Application for Registration/Registration No.* of Mark:

For Official Use Filing/Registration*

Request received on:


Application/Registration* Published in the periodical

Fees received on: ...............................................................................................

(No.) (Page) (Date)

II. APPLICANT(S)a Name(s): .............................................................................................................................. Address(es): .........................................................................................................................


Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule
which is incorporated in this Form.

bAddress for service in Barbados:

*Delete whichever does not apply.

aIf there is more than one person or competent authority, together, requesting the refusal or invalidation of the registration of the trade mark, the data concerning each applicant must appear in this box or, if the space is not sufficient, the information should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

bWhere an Attorney-at-law has been appointed, the address of the Attorney-at-law shall be treated as the address to which communication shall be transmitted (Regulation 19(2)).


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A22 Regulations, 2001

III. GROUNDS FOR REQUESTc The grounds for request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of the above identified mark are as follows: Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form. Supporting evidence accompanies this Form
IV. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW The following Attorney-at-law has been appointed by the applicant in the Authorisation of Agent accompanying this Form Name: ..................................................................................................... Address: ................................................................................................. Tel. No.: E-mail Address (if any): Fax No.:
V. FEES accompanying this Form
VI. SIGNATURE(S) ...................... (Applicant(s)/Attorneyd).......................... Date

cIf any of the boxes is not large enough to contain the information to be furnished, the information should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

dType name(s) under signature and delete whichever does not apply. The typed names and signatures of all applicants should appear (one below the other).

A23 Geographical Indications CAP. 320 Regulations, 2001


(Regulations 2 and 17(1))

Request to refuse or invalidate Registration of a Mark conflicting with a Geographical Indication for Wines and Spirits


Geographical Indications Act
Cap. 320


I. IN THE MATTER OF: For Official Use Application for Registration/Registration No.* of Mark:

Request received on:



Fees received on: Application/Registration* Published in the periodical ......................................................................................

(No.) (Page) (Date)

II. APPLICANT(S)a Name(s): ........................................................................................................................... Address(es): ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form.

bAddress for service in Barbados:

*Delete whichever does not apply.

aIf there is more than one person or competent authority, together, requesting the refusal or invalidation of the registration of the trade mark, the data concerning each applicant must appear in this box or, if the space is not sufficient, the information should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

bWhere an Attorney-at-law has been appointed, the address of the Attorney-at-law shall be treated as the address to which communication shall be transmitted (Regulation 19(2)).


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

CAP. 320 Geographical Indications A24 Regulations, 2001

III. GROUNDS FOR REQUESTc The grounds for request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of the above identified mark are as follows: Additional information is contained in the Annexed Schedule which is incorporated in this Form. Supporting evidence accompanies this Form
IV. V. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW The following Attorney-at-law has been appointed by the applicant in the Authorisation of Agent accompanying this Form Name: ....................................................................................................... Address: .................................................................................................... Tel. No.: E-mail Address (if any): Fax No.: FEES accompanying this Form
VI. SIGNATURE(S).................(Applicant(s)/Attorneyd)................................ (Date)

cIf any of the boxes is not large enough to contain the information to be furnished, the information should be set out in a separate document which should be identified as the "Annexed Schedule" in accordance with regulation 30.

dType name(s) under signature and delete whichever does not apply. The typed names and signatures of all applicants should appear (one below the other).

A25 Geographical Indications Regulations, 2001 CAP. 320
SECOND SCHEDULE FEES (Regulations 2 and 31)
Matter or Proceeding Fee $
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Application for registration of geographical indication Request for hearing .. .. .. .. Request to the Director to state in writing, grounds of decision to refuse application or to accept it subject to conditions .. .. .. .. ..Publication fee .. .. .. .. Notice of objection to registration of geographical indication .. .. .. .. .. Counter-statement to notice of objection .. .. Registration fee .. .. .. .. Request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of a misleading trademark.. .. .. .. Hearing relating to request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of a misleading trademark .. .. Request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of a trademark which conflicts with a geographical indication for wines and spirits .. .. .. .. Hearing relating to request to refuse or to invalidate the registration of a trademark which conflicts with a geographical indication for wines and spirits .. Inspection of Register .. .. ..Request for certified copies of extracts from Register or for copies of documents (per page) .. .. Request for correction of error .. .. Request for extension of time .. .. .. 500 00 100 00 50 00200 00 100 00 100 00 2 500 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 250 00 20 00 5 00 per printed page and 20 00 to certify 20 00 150 00


Printed by the Government Printer, Bay Street, St. Michael by the authority of the Government of Barbados

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