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最高人民法院关于对诉前停止侵犯专利权行为适用法律问题的若干规定, 中国

详情 详情 版本年份 2001 日期 生效: 2001年7月1日 议定: 2001年6月5日 文本类型 实施规则/实施细则 主题 专利(发明), 实用新型., 工业品外观设计


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 汉语 最高人民法院关于对诉前停止侵犯专利权行为适用法律问题的若干规定         英语 Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court for the Application of Law to Pre-trial Cessation of Infringement of Patent Right        
 Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court for the Application of Law to Pre-trial Cessation of Infringement of Patent Righ

Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court for the Application of Law to Pre-trial Cessation of Infringement of Patent Right (Adopted at the 1179th Meeting of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People's

Court on 5 June 2001)

With a view to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of patentees and other interested parties, these Several Provisions have been hereby made as follows for the application of law to the pre-trial cessation of infringement of the patent right according to the relevant provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law), the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as the Civil Procedure Law):

Article 1 Any patentee or interested party may file an application with the people's court for ordering the party against whom the application is filed to cease, before the court trial, its or his act of infringement of the patent right in accordance with the provision of Article 61 of the Patent Law.

The interested party that files an application refers to the licensee of a licensing contract for exploitation of the patent and the legal heir to the property right of the patent, etc. Among the licensees of the licensing contract for exploitation of the patent, the licensee of an unlimited exclusive patent licensing contract (which precludes, among others, the licensor from exploiting the patent licensed) alone may file an application with the people's court; the licensee of an exclusive patent licensing contract (which does not preclude the licensor from exploiting the patent licensed) may file an application where the patentee does not.

Article 2 Any application for pre-trial cessation of infringement of the patent right shall be filed with the people's court that has the jurisdiction over cases of patent infringement.

Article 3 Any patentee or interested party who files an application with the people's court shall submit the application in writing, in which shall be clearly indicated the interested party per se and the basic information thereof, the contents and scope of and reasons for the application. The reasons for the application shall include the specific statement that irremediable damages will be done to the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant if the relevant act is not to be promptly ceased.

Article 4 The applicant shall submit the following evidence when filing an application:

(1) The patentee shall submit document proving the authenticity and validity of its or his patent right, including, among other things, the patent certificate, claims, description and receipt of payment of the patent annuity. Where the application filed relates to a patent for utility model, the applicant shall submit the search report made by the Patent Administrative Department under the State Council.

(2) The interested party shall submit the patent licensing contract and the proof of filing the contract with the Patent Administrative Department under the State Council; where the contract is not filed therewith, it or he shall submit the certificate of the patentee or other evidence showing that it or he enjoys the right.

Where the licensee of an exclusive licensing contract files an application alone, it or he shall submit the proof of abandonment by the patentee of the application.

The heir to the patent property right shall submit evidence indicating that it or he has already inherited or is in the process of inheriting the property right of the patent.

(3) Evidence shall be submitted to prove that the party against whom an application is filed is committing or will commit an act of infringing its or his patent right, including proofs of the allegedly infringing product and the reference material comparing the technical features of the patented technology and the allegedly infringing product.

Article 5 The ruling made by the people's court to cease an act of patent infringement before instituting legal proceedings shall be confined to the application filed by the patentee or interested party.

Article 6 Any applicant shall provide guaranty when filing an application; where no guaranty is provided, the application is rejected.

Where the guaranty provided by the interested party in the form of pledge or hypothecation is reasonable and valid, the people's court shall grant its permission.

When the people's court determines the scope of the guaranty, it shall take account of the sales turnover of the product in question and the reasonable costs of storage and stock- keeping; of the losses that may be caused by ceasing the relevant act of the party against whom the application is filed and other reasonable costs, such as the wages or salaries and of any other factors involved as well.

Article 7 Where, in the process of executing the ruling to cease the relevant act, the party against whom the application is filed may suffer greater losses due to the adoption of the measure, the people's court may order the applicant to provide supplementary guaranty. Where no such guaranty is provided, the measure to cease the relevant act shall be removed.

Article 8 Any measures taken to execute the ruling to cease the act of patent infringement shall not be removed because the party against whom the application is filed provides a counter-guaranty.

Article 9 After accepting the application filed by a patentee or interested party to order to cease the act of patent infringement, the people's court shall make a ruling in writing within 48 hours where the application conforms with Article 4 of these Provisions upon examination; where the ruling is made to order the party against whom the application is

filed to stop its or his act of patent infringement, the ruling shall be executed without delay.

Where it is necessary for the people's court to verify the relevant facts within the aforementioned time limit, the people's court may summon and inquire one or both interested parties, and, then, promptly make the ruling.

The people's court making the ruling to order the party against whom the application is filed to cease the relevant infringing act before instituting legal proceedings shall promptly notify the party against whom the application is filed, or does so within no more than 5 days at the latest.

Article 10 Where the interested party is not satisfied with the ruling, it or he may apply for reconsideration within 10 days from the date of the receipt of the ruling. The execution of the ruling shall not be suspended during the reconsideration.

Article 11 The people's court shall examine the application for reconsideration filed by the interested party as to the following aspects:

(1) Whether or not the act that is being committed or will be committed by the party against whom the application is filed constitutes an infringement of patent right;

(2) Whether or not taking the measure will cause irremediable damages to the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant;

(3) The content of the information relating to the applicant's provision of the guaranty; and

(4) Whether or not to order the party against whom the application is filed to cease the relevant act would impair the public interests.

Article 12 Where the patentee or interested party does not institute legal proceedings within 15 days after the people's court takes the measure to cease the relevant act, the people's court shall remove the adopted measure of the ruling.

Article 13 Where an applicant does not institute legal proceedings or the application is erroneous, causing losses to the party against whom the application is filed, the party against whom the application is filed may institute legal proceedings in the people's court having the jurisdiction, requesting the applicant to compensate for the losses; or file a request for damages during the patent infringement litigation instituted by the patentee or interested party. The people's court may simultaneously handle the requests.

Article 14 The ruling ordering to cease the infringement of patent right shall generally remain effective until the final legal instrument comes into effect. The people's court may also fix a specific time limit according to the facts of the case; after the expiration of the time limit, the people's court may make a ruling for continued cessation of the relevant

act at the request of the interested party.

Article 15 Where the party against whom the application is filed is contrary to the ruling made by the people's court to order the cessation of the relevant act, the matter shall be handled according to the provision of Article 102 of the Civil Procedure Law.

Article 16 When executing the pre-trial measure to cease the act of patent infringement, the people's court may, according to the application of the interested party, simultaneously preserve the evidence in the light of the provision of Article 74 of the Civil Procedure Law.

The people's court may, according to the application of the interested party, preserve the property pursuant to Articles 92 and 93 of the Civil Procedure Law.

Article 17 Where the patentee or the interested party simultaneously requests for ceasing an act of patent infringement in advance when it or he institutes proceedings against the act, the people's court may first make its determination.

Article 18 In respect of a case to stop a patent infringement, the applicant shall pay the fees according to the Standards of the People's Court for Litigation Charges and the supplementary provisions thereof.

Article 19 These Provisions come into force on 1 July 2001.


《最高人民法院关 于对诉前停止侵犯专利权行为适用法律问题的若干规定》已于2001年6月5日由最高人民法院审判委员会第1179次会议通过。现予公布,自2001年7月 1日起施行。 2001年6月7日 最高人民法院关于对诉前停止 侵犯专利权行为适用法律问题的若干规定 (2001年6月5日最高人民法院审判委员会 第1179次会议通过 法释〔2001〕20号) 为切实保护专利 权人和其他利害关系人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民法通则》、《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法)、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》(以下简 称民事诉讼法)的有关规定,现就有关诉前停止侵犯专利权行为适用法律若干问题规定如下:

第一条 根据专利法第六十一条的规定,专利权人或者利害关系人可以向人民法院提出诉前责令被 申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的申请。 提出申请的利害关系人,包括专利实施许可合同的被许可人、专利财产权利的合法继承人等。专利实施许可合同被 许可人中,独占实施许可合同的被许可人可以单独向人民法院提出申请;排他实施许可合同的被许可人在专利权人不申请的情况下,可以提出申请。

第二条 诉前责令停止侵犯专利权行为的申请,应当向有专利 侵权案件管辖权的人民法院提出。

第三条 专利权人或者利害关系人向人民法院提出申请,应当递交书面申请状;申请状应当载明当事人及其基本情况、申请的具体内容、范围和理由等事项。申请的理由包括 有关行为如不及时制止会使申请人合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的具体说明。

第四条 申请人提出申请时,应当提交下列证据: (一)专利权人应当提交证明其专 利权真实有效的文件,包括专利证书、权利要求书、说明书、专利年费交纳凭证。提出的申请涉及实用新型专利的,申请人应当提交国务院专利行政部门出具的检索 报告。 (二)利害关系人应当提供有关专利实施许可合同及其在国务院专利行政部门备案的证明材料,未经备案的应当提交专利权人的证明,或者证明 其享有权利的其他证据。 排他实施许可合同的被许可人单独提出申请的,应当提交专利权人放弃申请的证明材料。 专利财产权利的继承人 应当提交已经继承或者正在继承的证据材料。 (三)提交证明被申请人正在实施或者即将实施侵犯其专利权的行为的证据,包括被控侵权产品以及专利 技术与被控侵权产品技术特征对比材料等。

第五条 人民法院作出诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的裁定事项,应当限于专利权人或者利害关系人申请的范围。

第六条 申请人提出申请时应当提供担保,申请人不提供担保的,驳回申请。 当事 人提供保证、抵押等形式的担保合理、有效的,人民法院应当准予。 人民法院确定担保范围时,应当考虑责令停止有关行为所涉及产品的销售收入,以 及合理的仓储、保管等费用;被申请人停止有关行为可能造成的损失,以及人员工资等合理费用支出;其他因素。

第七条 在执行停止有关行为裁定过程中,被申请人可能因采取该项措施造成更大损失的,人民 法院可以责令申请人追加相应的担保。申请人不追加担保的,解除有关停止措施。

第八条 停止侵犯专利权行为裁定所采取的措施,不因被申请人提出反担保而解除。

第九条 人民法院接受专利权人或者利害关系人提出责令停止 侵犯专利权行为的申请后,经审查符合本规定第四条的,应当在四十八小时内作出书面裁定;裁定责令被申请人停止侵犯专利权行为的,应当立即开始执行。 人民法院在前述期限内,需要对有关事实进行核对的,可以传唤单方或双方当事人进行询问,然后再及时作出裁定。 人民法院作出诉前责令被申请人 停止有关行为的裁定,应当及时通知被申请人,至迟不得超过五日。

第十条 当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到裁定之日起十日内申请复议一次。复议期间不停止裁定 的执行。

第十一条 人民法院 对当事人提出的复议申请应当从以下方面进行审查: (一)被申请人正在实施或即将实施的行为是否构成侵犯专利权; (二)不采取有关 措施,是否会给申请人合法权益造成难以弥补的损害; (三)申请人提供担保的情况; (四)责令被申请人停止有关行为是否损害社会公 共利益。

第十二条 专利权人 或者利害关系人在人民法院采取停止有关行为的措施后十五日内不起诉的,人民法院解除裁定采取的措施。

第十三条 申请人不起诉或者申请错误造成被申请人损失,被申请人可以向有管辖权的人民法院 起诉请求申请人赔偿,也可以在专利权人或者利害关系人提起的专利权侵权诉讼中提出损害赔偿的请求,人民法院可以一并处理。

第十四条 停止侵犯专利权行为裁定的效力,一般应维持到终 审法律文书生效时止。人民法院也可以根据案情,确定具体期限;期限届满时,根据当事人的请求仍可作出继续停止有关行为的裁定。

第十五条 被申请人违反人民法院责令停止有关行为裁定 的,依照民事诉讼法第一百零二条规定处理。

第十六条 人民法院执行诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的措施时,可以根据当事人的申请,参照民事诉讼法第七十四条的规定,同时进行证据保全。 人民法院可以根据 当事人的申请,依照民事诉讼法第九十二条、第九十三条的规定进行财产保全。

第十七条 专利权人或者利害关系人向人民法院提起专利侵权诉讼时,同时提出先行停止侵犯专利 权行为请求的,人民法院可以先行作出裁定。

第十八条 诉前停止侵犯专利权行为的案件,申请人应当按照《人民法院诉讼收费办法》及其补充规定交纳费用。

发布部门:最高人民法院 发布日 期:20010607日 实施日期:20010701(中央法规)

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