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消费者保护法(20 MIRC Ch 4), 马绍尔群岛

WIPO Lex中的最新版本
详情 详情 版本年份 2004 日期 议定: 1970年1月1日 文本类型 知识产权相关法 主题 地理标志, 竞争, 其他 本法被归属在第20标题之下-“商业管制与实践”, 马绍尔群岛法典2004年修订版“第4章”。


主要文本 相关文本
主要文本 主要文本 英语 Consumer Protection Act [20 MIRC Ch 4]        
 Consumer Protection Act [20 MIRC Ch 4]

Consumer Protection Act [20 MIRC Ch 4]

20 MIRC Ch 4







§401. Short title.

§402. Interpretation.

§403. Unlawful acts or practices.

§404. Exemptions.

§405. Restraint of prohibited acts.

§406. Private and class actions.

§407. Nonnegotiability of consumer paper.

§408. Assurances of voluntary compliance.

§409. Investigation authorized.

§410. Authority of Attorney-General.

§411. Service of notices, demands or subpoenas.

§412. Orders for enforcement of subpoenas or investigative demands.

§413. Civil and criminal penalties.

§414. Forfeiture of corporate franchise.

§415. Consumer Protection Board.


An Act to provide for consumer protection legislation and for matters connected


Source: 33 TTC 1970

33 TTC 1980

P.L. 1991-131

P.L. 1997-46

P.L. 1997-48

§401. Short title.

This Chapter may be cited as the 'Consumer Protection Act'. [33 TTC 1970, §351; 33

TTC 1980, §351, modified]

§402. Interpretation.

In this Chapter:

(a) 'person' means natural persons, corporations, trusts, partnerships, incorporated or

unincorporated associations, and any other legal entity;

(b) 'trade' and 'commerce' mean the advertising, offering for sale, sale, or distribution of

any services and any property, tangible or intangible, real, personal or mixed, and any

other article, commodity, or thing of value wherever situated, and shall include any trade

of commerce directly or indirectly affecting the people of the Republic;

(c) this Chapter applies to all civil causes of action which accrued before the effective

date of this Chapter upon which any suit is filed after such effective date, and to all civil

causes of action which accrue on or after such effective date of this Chapter. [33 TTC

1970, §352; 33 TTC 1980, §352, modified; amended by P.L. 1991-131, §2; amended

by P.L. 199 7-46, §2.]

§403. Unlawful acts or practices.

The following unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in

the conduct of any trade of commerce are hereby declared to be unlawful:

(a) passing off goods or services as those of another;

(b) causing likelihood of confusion or of misunderstanding as to the source, sponsorship,

approval, uses, benefits, quantities, characteristics or certification of goods or services;

(c) causing likelihood of confusion or misunderstanding as to affiliation, connection, or

association with, or certification by another;

(d) using deceptive representations or designations of geographic origin inconnection

with goods or services;

(e) representing that goods or services have sponsorship, approval, characteristics,

ingredients, uses, benefits, or quantities that they do not have or that a person has a

sponsorship, approval, status, affiliation, or connection that he does not have;

(f) representing that goods are original or new if they are deteriorated, altered,

reconditioned, reclaimed, used, or secondhand;

(g) representing that goods or services are of a particular standard, quality, or grade, or

that goods are of a particular style or model, if they are of another;

(h) disparaging the goods, services, or business of another by false or misleading

representation of fact;

(i) advertising goods or services with intent not to sell them as advertised;

(j) advertising goods or services with intent not to supply reasonably expectable public

demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity;

(k) making false or misleading statements of fact concerning the reasons for, existence of

or amounts of price reductions;

(l) engaging in any other conduct which similarly creates a likelihood of confusion of or


(m) engaging in any act or practice which is unfair or deceptive to the consumer;

(n) causing likelihood of mistake, misunderstanding or confusion as to the safety or

danger in the use or consumption of goods, products or consumables;

(o) causing likelihood of mistake, misunderstanding or confusion as to the habit forming

qualities of goods, products or consumables;

(p) causing likelihood of mistake, misunderstanding or confusion as to unhealthful effects

of the use of goods, products or consumables;

(q) engaging in any act or practice which to the consumer’s detriment, takes advantage of

the lack of knowledge, ability, experience or capacity of the consumer to an unreasonable

degree; or

(r) breach of an express or implied warranty. [33 TTC 1970, §353; 33 TTC 1980, §353,

modified; amended by P.L 1997-46, §2.]

§404. Exemptions.

Nothing in this Chapter shall apply to:

(a) actions or transactions carried out by the Government of the Marshall Islands, any

branch thereof or any other governmental agency; or

(b) acts done by the publisher, owner, agent, or employee of a newspaper, periodical or

radio or television station in the publication or dissemination of an advertisement, when

the owner, agent, or employee who did not have knowledge of the false, misleading or

deceptive character of the advertisement, did not prepare the advertisement, and did not

have a direct financial interest in the sale or distribution of the advertised product or

service. [33 TTC 1970, §354; 33 TTC 1980, §354, modified]

§405. Restraint of prohibited acts.

(1) Whenever the Attorney-General has reason to believe that any person is using, has

used, or is about to use any method, act or practice declared in Section 403 of this

Chapter to be unlawful, and that proceedings would be in the public interest, he or his

representative may bring a civil action in the name of the Republic against such person:

(a) to restrain by temporary or permanent injunction the use of such method, act or

practice; and/or

(b) to recover on behalf of the people of the Marshall Islands or their heirs, all monies

spent toward the purchase of goods, consumables, or services which are the subject of

any method, act or practice declared in Section 403 of this Chapter to be unlawful,

together with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum compounded

since the spending. The notice for injunctive relief under (a) of this subsection must state

generally the relief sought and must be served at least three (3) days before the hearing of

the action. The action shall be brought in the High Court. The High Court is authorized to

issue temporary injunctions to restrain and prevent violations of this Chapter and such

injunctions shall be issued without bond.

(2) The Court may make such additional orders or judgments as may be necessary to

restore to any person in interest any monies or property, real or personal, which may have

been acquired by means of any practice in this Chapter declared to be unlawful. The

Republic may represent all persons in interest as a single group in the civil action

authorized m subsection (l)(b) of this Section, and recover all monies and interest

mentioned in subsection (1 )(b) of this Section, for the group as a whole, using statistical

measurements and valuation of the aggregate amounts spent by the group as a result of

any practice declared unlawful in this Chapter. Any such monies recovered by the

Republic shall be placed in a trust fund to be fairly administered and distributed to the

individual members of the group by the applicable Cabinet Minister. [33 TTC 1970,

§355; 33 TTC 1980, §355, modified; amended by P.L. 199 7-48, §2.]

§406. Private and class actions.

(1) Any person who purchases, leases, uses or is affected by goods, products,

consumables, or services primarily for personal, family or household purposes and

thereby suffers loss of life or health or any other loss, as a result of the use or

employment by another person of a method, act, or practice declared unlawful by Section

403 of this Chapter, may bring an action under the Rules of Civil Procedure in the High

Court, to recover actual damages or $100, whichever is greater. The Court may, in its

discretion award punitive damages and may provide such equitable relief as it deems

necessary or proper.

(2) Any person entitled to bring an action under Subsection (1) of this Section may, if the

unlawful method, act or practice has caused similar injury to numerous other persons

similarly situated and if they adequately represent such similarly situated persons, bring

an action on behalf of themselves and other similarly injured and situated persons to

recover damages as provided for in Subsection (1) of this Section. in any action brought

under this Section, the Court may in its discretion order, in addition to damages,

injunctive or other equitable relief.

(3) Upon commencement of any action brought under Subsection (1) of this Section, the

Clerk of the Courts shall mail a copy of the complaint or other initial pleading to the

Attorney-General and, upon entry of judgment or decree in the action, shall mail a copy

of such judgment or decree to the Attorney-General.

(4) In any action brought by a person under this Section, the court may award, in addition

to the relief provided in this Section, reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

(5) Any permanent injunction, judgment or order of the Court made under Section 403 of

this Chapter shall be prima facie evidence in an action brought under this Section that the

respondent used or employed a method, act or practice declared unlawful by Section 403

of this Chapter. [33 TTC 1970, §356; 33 TTC 1980, §356, modified; amended by P.L.

1 99 7-46, §2.]

§407. Nonnegotiability of consumer paper.

(1) If any contract for sale or lease of consumer goods or services on credit entered into

between a retail seller and a retail buyer requires or involves the execution of a

promissory note or instrument or evidence of indebtedness of the buyer, such note,

instrument or evidence of indebtedness shall have printed on the face thereof the words

'consumer paper', and such note, instrument or evidence of indebtedness with the words

'consumer paper' printed thereon shall not be a negotiable instrument.

(2) Notwithstanding the absence of such notice on a note, instrument or evidence of

indebtedness arising out of a consumer credit sale or consumer lease as described in this

Section, an assignee of the rights of the seller or lessor is subject to all claims and

defenses of the buyer or lessee against the seller or lessor arising out of the sale or lease.

Any agreement to the contrary shall be of no force or effect in limiting the rights of a

consumer under this Section. The assignees liability under this Section may not exceed

the amount owing to the assignee at the time the claim or defense is asserted against the

assignee. Failure to imprint the words 'consumer paper' on such note, instrument or

evidence of indebtedness shall subject the seller or other responsible person to

appropriate civil and criminal sanctions as provided in this Chapter. [33 TTC 1970,

§357; 33TTC 1980, §357, modified.]

§408. Assurances of voluntary compliance.

In the administration of this Chapter, the Attorney-General may accept an assurance of

voluntary compliance with respect to any method, act or practice deemed to be violative

of the Chapter from any person who has engaged in or is about to engage in such method,

act or practice. Any such assurances shall be in writing and shall be filed with and subject

to the approval of the High Court. Such assurance of voluntary compliance shall not be

considered an admission of violation for any purpose. Matters thus closed may at any

time be reopened by the Attorney-General for further proceedings in the public interest,

pursuant to Section 405 of this Chapter. [33 TTC 1970, §358; 33 TTC 1980, §358,


§409. Investigation authorized.

(1) When it appears to the Attorney-General that a person has engaged in, is engaging in,

or is about to engage in any act or practice declared to be unlawful by this Chapter, or

when he believes it to be in the public interest that an investigation should be made to

ascertain whether a person in fact has engaged in. is engaging m or is about to engage in

such act or practice, he may execute in writing and cause to be served upon any person

who is believed to have information, documentary material or physical evidence relevant

to the alleged or suspected violation, an investigative demand requiring such person to

furnish, under oath or otherwise, a report in writing setting forth the relevant facts and

circumstances of which he has knowledge, or to appear and testify or to produce relevant

documentary material or physical evidence for examination, at such reasonable time and

place as may be stated in the investigative demand.

(2) At any time before the return specified in an investigative demand, or within twenty

(20) days after the demand has been served, whichever period is shorter, a petition to

extend the return date, or to modify or set aside the demand, stating good cause, may be

filed in the High Court. [33 TTC 1970, §359; 33 TTC 1980, §35 [modified]

§410. Authority of Attorney-General to issue subpoenas, administer oaths, conduct

hearings, and promulgate rules and regulations.

To accomplish the objectives and to carry out the duties prescribed by this Chapter, the

Attorney-General, in addition to other powers conferred upon him by this Chapter, may

issue subpoenas to any person, administer an oath or affirmation to any person, conduct

hearings in aid of any investigation or inquiry, prescribe such forms and promulgate such

rules and regulations as may be necessary, which rules and regulations upon approval of

the Cabinet shall have the force of law; provided, that none of the powers conferred by

this Chapter shall be used for the purpose of compelling any natural person to furnish

testimony or evidence which might tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or

forfeiture; and provided further, that information obtained pursuant to the powers

conferred by this Chapter shall not be made public or disclosed by the Attorney-General

or his employees beyond the extent necessary for law enforcement purposes in the public

interest. [33 TTC 1970, §360; 33 TTC 1980, §360, modified]

§411. Service of notices, demands or subpoenas.

Service of any notice, demand or subpoena under this Chapter shall be made personally

within the Republic, but if such cannot be obtained, substituted service therefore may be

made in the following manner:

(a) personal service thereof without the Republic;

(b) the mailing thereof by registered or certified mail to the last known place of business,

residence or abode within or without the Republic of such person for whom the same is


(c) as to any person other than a natural person, in the manner provided in the rules of

civil procedure as if a complaint or other pleading which institutes a civil proceeding had

been filed; or

(d) such service as the High Court may direct in lieu of personal service within the

Republic. [TTC 1970, §361; 33 TTC 1980, §361, modified]

§412. Orders for enforcement of subpoenas or investigative demands.

(1) If any person fails or refuses to file any statement or report, to or obey any subpoena

or investigative demand issued by the Attorney-General, the Attorney-General may after

notice, apply to the High Court, and, after hearing thereon, request an order:

(a) granting injunctive relief to restrain the person from engaging in the advertising or

sale of any merchandise or the conduct of any trade or commerce that is involved in the

alleged or suspected violation;

(b) vacating, annulling, or suspending the corporate charter of a corporation created by or

under the laws of the Republic or revoking or suspending the business permit in the

Republic of a foreign corporation or revoking or suspending any other licenses, permits

or certificates issued pursuant to law to such person which are used to further the

allegedly unlawful practice; and

(c) granting such other relief as may be required, until the person files the statement or

report, or obeys the subpoena or investigative demand.

(2) Any disobedience of any final order entered under this Section by any court shall be

punished as a contempt thereof. [33 TTC 1970, §362; 33 TTC 1980, §362, modified]

§413. Civil and criminal penalties.

(1) Any person who violates the terms of an injunction issued under Section 405 of this

Chapter shall forfeit and pay to the Government of the Marshall Islands a civil penalty of

not more than $10,000 per violation. For the purposes of this Section, the High Court

issuing an injunction shall retain jurisdiction, and the cause shall be continued, and in

such cases the Attorney-General, acting in the name of the Republic, may petition for

recovery of civil penalties.

(2) In any action brought under Section 405 of this Chapter, if the Court finds that a

person is willfully using or has willfully used a method, act or practice declared unlawful

by Section 403 of this Chapter, the Attorney-General, upon petition to the court, may

recover, on behalf of the Republic, a civil penalty of not exceeding $1,000 per violation.

(3) For the purposes of this Section, a willful violation occurs when the party committing

the violation knew or should have known that his conduct was a violation of Section 403

of this Chapter. [33 TTC 1970, §363, 33 TIC 1980, §363.]

§414. Forfeiture of corporate franchise.

Upon petition by the Attorney-General, the High Court may, in its discretion, order the

dissolution or suspension or forfeiture of franchise of any corporation which violates the

terms of any injunction issued under Section 405 of this Chapter. [33 TTC 1970, §364;

33 TTC 1980, §364, modified]

§415. Consumer Protection Board.

(1) The Consumer Protection Board (hereinafter, 'the Board') is hereby established.

(2) The Board shall have the following seven (7) members:

(a) the Minister of Health, who shall serve as Chairman of the Board;

(b) the Minister of Resources and Development, or the Minister’s designee from within

that Ministry;

(c) the Minister of Social Services, or the Minister’s designee from within that Ministry;

(d) Attorney-General, or his designee from within the Office of the Attorney-General;

(e) the Chairman of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Environmental Protection

Authority, or the Chairman’s designee from within the Authority; and

(f) two persons from the general public who shall be appointed by the Chairman, one of

whom shall be the owner or manager of a local business.

(3) The members of the Board appointed pursuant to Paragraph (2)(f) of this Section shall

serve for terms of three (3) years, and each may be reappointed for one additional term

only. If the positions held by such members from the general public are vacant for any

reason, the positions shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired terms in the same

manner as the original appointments.

(4) The members of the Board shall receive such compensation as may be determined by

the Cabinet for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of

their official duties

(5) The Board may seek such outside assistance from consultants and other experts as


(6) The Board shall meet not less than four (4) times per year. The members shall be

notified in writing by the Chairman or other person designated by the Board at least one

week before the date of any such meeting.

(7) Subject to this Act and any other law, the Board shall determine its own by-laws,

which shall provide for the quorum and the conduct of meetings: the appointment and

duties of a Vice-Chairman and Secretary of the Board; and any other matters relating to

the Board and its operations and procedures which it deems appropriate.

(8) The Board shall have the following functions:

(a) coordinate the consumer protection activities of all ministries, departments, agencies

and branches of the national government, and of departments and agencies of local

governments involved in consumer protection matters;

(b) assist and advise national and local agencies and officials to protect and promote the

interests of consumers;

(c) conduct research and studies and take such action as is necessary and appropriate

affecting the interests of consumers;

(d) study the operation of this Act, regulations promulgated under this Act and all other

laws affecting consumers, and recommend new laws and amendments in the interests of

consumers, as necessary;

(e) investigate reported or suspected violations of this Act or regulations promulgated in

accordance with this Act, and refer such reported or suspected violations to the Office of

the Attorney-General for appropriate action;

(f) undertake activities, including the holding of conferences or presentations, to

encourage business and industry to maintain high standards of honesty, fair business

practices and public responsibility in the production, promotion and sale of consumer

goods and services;

(g) provide information to the general public on consumer protection, including but not

limited to consumer complaints and inquiries; provided that:

(i) consumer complaints may not be made available to the general public if the Board or

the Office of the Attorney-General is conducting an investigation or review of such

complaints, or if the complaints are the subject of current civil litigation or other ongoing

legal proceedings, or if the complaints have been referred to another government

ministry, department or agency; and

(ii) consumer complaints may be made available to the general public in summarized

form or with deletions and changes as the Board deems necessary in order to protect the

identity of the complainant:

(h) appear and testify on behalf of consumers’ interests before governmental

commissions, departments and agencies, as necessary, including at public hearings

involving bills affecting consumers’ interests; and

(i) perform such other acts as may be necessary and appropriate in the interests of

consumers and to give effect to the provisions of this Act. [added by P.L. 1991-131, §2.]



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