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Industrial Property (Amendment) Rules, 1969

IE042: Designs (Industrial & Commercial Protection), Rules (Amendment), 06/10/1969, No. 190




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(Prl 840)

S.I. No. 190 of 1969.

I, SEOIRSE Ó COLLA, Minister for Industry and Commerce, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 153 of the Industrial and Commercial Property (Protection) Act. 1927 (No. 16 of 1927). hereby make the following Rules:

1. These Rules may be cited as the Industrial Property (Amendment) Rules, 1969.
2. These Rules shall come into operation on the 1st day of November, 1969.
3. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937), applies to these Rules.
4. The Industrial Property Rules, 1927 (S.R. & O., No. 78 of 1927), are hereby amended-
(a) by the insertion in Rule 79 after "class" of "or subclass",
(b) by the insertion in Rule 83 of "and subclass" after "class" in paragraph (d) and of "and subclass" after "classes" in paragraph (f),
(c) by the substitution in Rule 93 of "textile piece goods or lace" for "articles to which have been applied designs registered in Classes 13 or 14"
(d) by the substitution in Rule 94 of "registered in relation to textile piece goods" for "in Class 13" and of "registered in relation to other articles" for "in other classes", and
(e) by the substitution for the classes specified in the Third Schedule of the classes and subclasses specified in the Schedule to these Rules.

Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in "Iris Oifigiúil" of 24th October, 1969.


Class 1-Foodstuffs, Including Dietetic Foods
01) Bakers' products, biscuits, pastry, macaroni, etc.
02) Chocolates, confectionery, ices
03) Cheese, butter and other dairy produce and substitutes
04) Butchers' meat (including pork products)
05) Animal foodstuffs
99) Miscellaneous
Class 2-Articles of Clothing, Including Footwear
01) Garments
02) Undergarments, lingerie, corsets, brassiéres
03) Headwear
04) Footwear (including boots, shoes and slippers)
05) Socks and stockings
06) Neckties, scarves and neckerchiefs
07) Gloves
08) Haberdashery
99) Miscellaneous
Class 3-Travel Goods and Personal Belongings, Not Elsewhere Specified
01) Trunks, suitcases and briefcases
02) Handbags, wallets, pocketbooks, purses, boxes
03) Umbrellas, walking sticks
04) Fans
99) Miscellaneous
Class 4-Brushware
01) Brushes for cleaning and brooms
02) Toilet and clothes brushes
03) Brushes for industry
04) Paint-brushes
99) Miscellaneous
Class 5-Textile Piece-goods Articles, and other Sheet Material
01) Spun articles
02) Textile fabrics (woven, knitted, etc.)
03) Sheet material
04) Felt
05) Covering sheets (wallpaper, linoleum, etc.)
06) Lace
07) Embroideries
08) Ribbons, braids and other trimmings
09) Leather and substitutes
99) Miscellaneous
Class 6-Furnishing
01) Furniture
02) Mattresses and cushions
03) Curtains (ready-made)
04) Carpets
05) Mats and floor rugs
06) Mirrors and frames
07) Garment hangers
08) Bedspreads
09) Household linen and napery,
99) Miscellaneous
Class 7-Household Goods, Not Elsewhere Specified
01) China, glassware, dishes and other articles of similar nature
02) Cooking utensils and containers
03) Knives, forks and spoons
04) Cooking stoves, toasters, etc.
05) Chopping, mincing, grinding and mixing machines
06) Flat-irons and laundering, cleaning and drying equipment
99) Miscellaneous
Class 8-Tools and Hardware
01) Tools and implements for agriculture, forestry and horticulture.
02) Other tools and implements
03) Locks and other hardware fittings
04) Nails, screws, nuts, bolts, etc.
99) Miscellaneous
Class 9-Packages and Containers
01) Bottles, flasks, carboys, demijohns and pots
02) Closing means
03) Drums and casks
04) Boxes and cases
05) Hampers, crates and baskets
06) Bags, wrappers and tubes and capsules
07) Cans
08) Ropes and hooping materials
99) Miscellaneous
Class 10-Clocks and Watches, and Measuring Instruments
01) House clocks
02) Watches and wrist-watches
03) Alarms
04) other clocks
05) All other chronometrical instruments
06) Dials, hands and all other parts of watches, clocks, and of other chronometrical instruments
07) Geodetic, nautical, acoustic and meteorological articles
08) Instruments for measuring physical sizes, like length, pressure, etc.
09) Instruments for measuring temperature
10) Instruments for measuring electric sizes (voltmeters, etc.)
11) Testing instruments
99) Miscellaneous
Class 11-Articles of Adornment
01) Jewelry
02) Trinkets, table, mantel and wall ornaments, including flower vases
03) Medals and badges
04) Artificial flowers, fruits and plants
05) Festive decorations
99) Miscellaneous
Class 12-Vehicles
01) Vehicles drawn by animals
02) Trolleys, trucks and barrows, hand-drawn
03) Locomotives and rolling-stock for railways and all other rail vehicles
04) Telepher carriers and chair lifts
05) Elevators and hoists
06) Ships and boats
07) Aircraft and space vehicles
08) Motor-cars and buses
09) Lorries and tractors
10) Trailers, including camping or house trailers
11) Motorcycles, scooters, bicycles and tricycles
12) Peramulators and invalid chairs
13) Special vehicles
14) Pneumatic tyres, inner tubes and all other equipment or accessories, not elsewhere specified
99) Miscellaneous
Class 13-Equipment for Production, Distribution and Transformation of Electricity
01) Generators and motors
02) Power transformers, rectifiers, batteries and accumulators
03) Equipment for distribution and control of electric power (conductors, switch-gear, etc.)
99) Miscellaneous
Class 14-Electrical and Electronic Equipment
01) Equipment for the recording and reproduction of sounds or pictures
02) Equipment for the recording, reproduction and retrieval of information
03) Communications equipment (telegraph, telephone, teletype television and radio)
04) Amplifiers
99) Miscellaneous
Class 15-Industrial and Household Machines
01) Engines (not electrican( �/span>
02) Pumps and compressors
03) Agricultural machinery
04) Construction machinery
05) Industrial machines, not elsewhere specified
06) Industrial laundry and cleaning machines
07) Household laundry and cleaning machines
08) Industrial textile sewing, knitting and embroidering machines
09) Household textile sewing, knitting and embroidering machines
10) Industrial refrigeration apparatus
11) Household refrigeration apparatus
12) Food preparation machines
99) Miscellaneous
Class 16-Photographic, Cinematographic and Optical Apparatus
01) Photographic cameras
02) Film cameras
03) Projectors (for slides)
04) Projectors (for films)
05) Photocopying apparatus and enlargers
06) Developing apparatus
07) Accessories
08) Optical articles, such as spectacles, microscopes, etc.
99) Miscellaneous
Class 17-Musical Instruments
01) Keyboard instruments (including electronic and other organs)
02) Wind instruments (including piano accordions)
03) Stringed instruments
04) Percussion instruments
05) Mechanical instruments
99) Miscellaneous
Class 18-Printing and Office Machinery
01) Typewriters and calculating machines, with the exception of electronic machines
02) Typographical machinery
03) Machinery for printing by processes other than typography (excluding photocopying machinery)
04) Characters and type faces
05) Massicots
99) Miscellaneous
Class 19-Stationers' Goods, Desk Equipment, Artists' and Teaching Materials.
01) Writing paper and envelopes
02) Desk equipment
03) Calendars
04) Bindings
05) Illustrated cards and other printed matter
06) Materials and instruments for writing by hand
07) Materials and instruments for printing (excluding brushes), for sculpture, for engraving and for other artistic techniques
08) Teaching materials
99) Miscellaneous
Class 20-Sales and Advertising Equipment
01) Automatic vending machines
02) Display and sales equipment
03) Signboards and advertising materials
99) Miscellaneous
Class 21-Games, Toys and Sports Goods
01) Games
02) Toys
03) Gymnastics and sports apparatus and equipment
04) Amusement and entertainment articles
05) Tents
99) Miscellaneous
Class 22-Arms and Tackle for Hunting, Fishing and Vermin Trapping
01) Side arms
02) Projectile weapons
03) Ammunition, fuses and projectiles
04) Hunting equipment (excluding weapons)
05) Fishing rods
06) Reels for fishing rods
07) Baits
08) Other pieces of fishing tackle
09) Traps and articles for vermin destruction
99) Miscellaneous
Class 23-Sanitary, Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Equipment
01) Fluid and gas-distribution equipment (including pipes and pipe fittings)
02) Sanitary fittings and equipment (baths, showers, washbasins lavatories, sanitary units, etc.)
03) Heating equipment
04) Ventilation and air-conditioning
05) Solid fuel
99) Miscellaneous
Class 24-Medical and Laboratory Equipment
01) Equipment for transport and accommodation for patients
02) Hospital and laboratory equipment (for diagnostic, tests operations, treatments, eye-testing)
03) Medical, surgical, dental instruments
04) Prosthetic articles
05) Material for dressing and nursing
99) Miscellaneous
Class 25-Building Units and Construction Elements
01) Building material and elements, such as bricks, beams, tiles, slates, panels, etc.
02) Windows, doors, blinds, etc.
03) Sections, angles and channels
04) Houses, garages, and all other buildings
05) Civil engineering elements
99) Miscellaneous
Class 26-Lighting Apparatus
01) Luminous sources, electrical or not, such as incandescent bulbs, luminous tubes and plates
02) Lamps, standard lamps, chandeliers, wall and ceiling fixtures
03) Public lighting fixtures (outside lamps, stagelighting, floodlights)
04) Torches and hand lamps and lanterns
05) Candles, candlesticks
06) Lamp-shades
99) Miscellaneous
Class 27-Tobacco and Smokers' Supplies
01) Tobacco, cigars and cigarettes
02) Pipes, cigar and cigarette holders
03) Ash-trays
04) Matches
05) Lighters
06) Cigar cases, cigarette cases, tobacco jars and pouches
99) Miscellaneous
Class 28-Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Articles and Products, Toilet Articles and Apparatus
01) Pharmaceutical articles and products
02) Cosmetic articles and products
03) Toilet articles and beauty parlor equipment
99) Miscellaneous
Class 29-Safety and Protective Devices and Equipment for Human Beings
01) Devices and equipment against fire hazards
02) Devices and equipment for water rescue
03) Devices and equipment for mountain rescue
99) Devices and equipment against other hazards (roads, mines, industries, etc.)
Class 30-Care and Handling of Animals
01) Shelter and pens
02) Feeders and waterers
03) Saddlery
04) Safety and protective devices and equipment for animals
99) Other articles
Class 31-Miscellaneous

All the products not included in the preceding Classes

GIVEN under my Official Seal, this 6th day of
October, 1969.



(This note is not part of the Instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.)

These Rules provide for amendment of the Industrial Property Rules, 1927, by the substitution of a list of the Classes and Sub-classes of the International Classification for Industrial Designs in accordance with the Locarno Agreement of October, 1968, for the list of Classification of Goods for the Registration of Designs in the Third Schedule to the Industrial Property Rules, 1927 (S.R. and O. No. 78 of 1927.)