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Statute Law Revision Act 2010

Statute Law Revision Act 2010

No. 8, 2010

An Act to make various amendments of the statute law of the Commonwealth, to repeal certain obsolete Acts, and for related purposes


1 Short title...........................................................................................1 2 Commencement.................................................................................1 3 Schedule(s)........................................................................................6

Schedule 1—Amendment of principal Acts 7 Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 7 Aircraft Noise Levy Act 1995 7 AusCheck Act 2007 7 Banking Act 1959 7 Broadcasting Services Act 1992 7 Civil Aviation Act 1988 8 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 8 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 8 Criminal Code Act 1995 9 Customs Act 1901 9 Customs Tariff Act 1995 9 Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 10 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 10 Evidence Act 1995 11 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 11 Family Law Act 1975 11 First Home Saver Accounts Act 2008 11 Foreign States Immunities Act 1985 11 Health Insurance Act 1973 12 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 12 Industry Research and Development Act 1986 12 International Tax Agreements Act 1953 13 Navigation Act 1912 13 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 13 Patents Act 1990 13 Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 13 Radiocommunications Act 1992 14

Social Security Act 1991 14
Taxation Administration Act 1953 14
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 15
Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1946 15
Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 37
Water Act 2007 38
Schedule 2—Amendment of amending Acts 40
A New Tax System (Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999 40
Child Support Legislation Amendment (Reform of the Child Support Scheme—New Formula and Other Measures) Act 2006 40
Education Legislation Amendment Act 2008 41
Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 2008 41
Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009 41
Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2007 41
Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Act 2008 42
First Home Saver Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008 42
First Home Saver Accounts (Further Provisions) Amendment Act 2008 43
Further 1998 Budget Measures Legislation Amendment (Social Security) Act 1999 43
Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Act 2007 43
Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1995 43
Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1998 44
Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments and Other Budget Measures) Act 2008 44
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Parenting and Other Measures) Act 1997 44
Social Security Legislation Amendment (Youth Allowance Consequential and Related Measures) Act 1998 44

Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 1) Act 2006 45 Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 4) Act 2006 45 Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Act 2007 45 Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 5) Act 2007 45 Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006 45 Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business) Act 2007 46 Schedule 3—Repeal of obsolete Acts 47 Banking (Transitional Provisions) Act 1959 47 Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act 1976 47 Interactive Gambling (Moratorium) Act 2000 47 Papua New Guinea (Application of Laws) Act 1973 47 Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999 47

Schedule 4—Amendment of references to “ballot-paper” and “ballot-papers” 48 Part 1—Amendment of specific references 48 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 48 Part 2—Bulk amendment of references to “ballot-paper” 49 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 49 Part 3—Bulk amendment of references to “ballot-papers” 54 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 54 Schedule 5—Amendments relating to use of the term “internet” 60 Part 1—Amendments to change specific references 60 Age Discrimination Act 2004 60 Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Act 1970 60 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 60 Australian Passports Act 2005 61 Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 61 Broadcasting Services Act 1992 61 Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 62 Criminal Code Act 1995 63 Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008 63

Customs Act 1901 63 Customs Tariff Act 1995 65 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 65 Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 65 Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 65 Foreign Passports (Law Enforcement and Security) Act 2005 66 Freedom of Information Act 1982 66 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975 66 Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 67 Interactive Gambling Act 2001 67 Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 67 Medibank Private Sale Act 2006 68 National Health Security Act 2007 68 Navigation Act 1912 68 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 68 Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 68 Privacy Act 1988 69 Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage) Act 2008 69 Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Act 2006 69 Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993 69 Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act 1981 70 Quarantine Act 1908 70 Radiocommunications Act 1992 70 Social Security Act 1991 72 Telecommunications Act 1997 72 Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 73 Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 73 Trade Practices Act 1974 73 Water Act 2007 74 Wheat Export Marketing Act 2008 74

Part 2—Bulk amendment to change capitalisation of “Internet” 76 Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 77 Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005 77 Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Act 2008 77 Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006 77 Broadcasting Services Act 1992 77 Civil Aviation Act 1988 77 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995 77 Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 77 Copyright Act 1968 77 Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 77 Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Consequential, Transitional and Other Measures Act 2006 77 Crimes Act 1914 77 Criminal Code Act 1995 77 Do Not Call Register Act 2006 77 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 78 Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 78 Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 78 Freedom of Information Act 1982 78 Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 78 Future Fund Act 2006 78 Health Insurance Act 1973 78 Higher Education Funding Act 1988 78 Higher Education Support Act 2003 78 Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000 78 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 78 Interactive Gambling Act 2001 78 Marriage Act 1961 78 Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 78 Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 78 Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987 78 Ombudsman Act 1976 78 Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989 79 Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994 79 Private Health Insurance Act 2007 79 Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983 79 Radiocommunications Act 1992 79 Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 79 Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 79 Shipping Registration Act 1981 79 Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005 79 Social Security Act 1991 79 Social Security (Administration) Act 1999 79 Space Activities Act 1998 79 Spam Act 2003 79 Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 79 Telecommunications Act 1997 79 Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999 79 Telstra Corporation Act 1991 80 Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 80 Trade Practices Act 1974 80 Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 80 Wheat Export Marketing Act 2008 80

Part 3—References to which Part 2 does not apply 81

Statute Law Revision Act 2010

No. 8, 2010

An Act to make various amendments of the statute law of the Commonwealth, to repeal certain obsolete Acts, and for related purposes

[Assented to 1 March 2010]

The Parliament of Australia enacts:

1 Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statute Law Revision Act 2010.

2 Commencement

(1) Each provision of this Act specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.

Commencement information
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
1. Sections 1 to 3 and anything in this Act not elsewhere covered by this table The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
2. Schedule 1, items 1 to 26 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
3. Schedule 1, item 27 Immediately after the commencement of item 3 of Schedule 22 to the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009. 1 July 2009
4. Schedule 1, items 28 to 265 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
5. Schedule 2, item 1 Immediately after the time specified in the A New Tax System (Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999 for the commencement of item 22 of Schedule 2 to that Act. 1 July 2000
6. Schedule 2, items 2 and 3 Immediately after the time specified in the Child Support Legislation Amendment (Reform of the Child Support Scheme—New Formula and Other Measures) Act 2006 for the commencement of item 114 of Schedule 2 to that Act. 1 July 2008
7. Schedule 2, item 4 Immediately after the time specified in the Education Legislation Amendment Act 2008 for the commencement of item 9 of Schedule 2 to that Act. 1 January 2009
8. Schedule 2, item 5 Immediately after the time specified in the Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 2008 for the commencement of items 54 and 55 of Schedule 1 to that Act. 23 June 2008
9. Schedule 2, item 6 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010

Commencement information

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
10. Schedule 2, item 7 Immediately after the time specified in the Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 34 of Schedule 3 to 1 July 2008
that Act.
11. Schedule 2, item 8 Immediately after the time specified in the Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 37 of Schedule 3 to 1 July 2008
that Act.
12. Schedule 2, item 9 Immediately after the time specified in the Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 56 of Schedule 8 to 1 July 2008
that Act.
13. Schedule 2, item 10 Immediately after the time specified in the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Act 2008 for the commencement of item 29 of 26 May 2008
Schedule 1 to that Act.
14. Schedule 2, item 11 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
15. Schedule 2, item 12 Immediately after the time specified in the First Home Saver Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008 for the commencement of item 26 of Schedule 3 to 26 June 2008
that Act.
16. Schedule 2, item 13 Immediately after the time specified in the First Home Saver Accounts (Further Provisions) Amendment Act 2008 for the commencement of section 2 of that Act. 30 September 2008
17. Schedule 2, The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
Commencement information
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Provision(s) item 14 Commencement Date/Details
18. Schedule 2, items 15 and 16 Immediately after the time specified in the Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 31 of Schedule 4 to 1 September 2007
that Act.
19. Schedule 2, items 17 and 18 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
20. Schedule 2, item 19 Immediately after the time specified in the Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments and Other Budget Measures) Act 2008 for the commencement of item 69 of Schedule 3 26 May 2008
to that Act.
21. Schedule 2, item 20 Immediately after the time specified in the Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments and Other Budget Measures) Act 2008 for the commencement of item 70 of Schedule 3 26 May 2008
to that Act.
22. Schedule 2, items 21 and 22 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
23. Schedule 2, item 23 Immediately after the time specified in the Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 1) Act 2006 for the commencement of item 1 of Schedule 2 to that Act. 6 April 2006
24. Schedule 2, items 24 to 28 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
25. Schedule 2, item 29 Immediately after the time specified in the Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006 for the commencement of item 592 of Schedule 2 to 14 September 2006
that Act.
26. Schedule 2, item 30 Immediately after the time specified in the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 52 of 21 June 2007
Schedule 3 to that Act.
Commencement information
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Provision(s) Commencement Date/Details
27. Schedule 2, item 31 Immediately after the time specified in the Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business) Act 2007 for the commencement of item 55 of 21 June 2007
Schedule 3 to that Act.
28. Schedule 3 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
29. Schedule 4, Part 1 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
30. Schedule 4, Parts 2 and 3 Immediately after the provision(s) covered by table item 29. 1 March 2010
31. Schedule 5, items 1 to 51 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
32. Schedule 5, item 52 Immediately after the commencement of item 5 of Schedule 3 to the Food Standards
Australia New Zealand Amendment Act
33. Schedule 5, items 53 to 59 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
34. Schedule 5, item 60 Immediately after the commencement of item 125 of Schedule 5 to the Great Barrier 25 November 2009
Reef Marine Park and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2008.
35. Schedule 5, items 61 to 81 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010
36. Schedule 5, item 82 Immediately after the commencement of item 17 of Schedule 1 to the Protection of 13 October 2009
the Sea Legislation Amendment Act 2008.
37. Schedule 5, items 83 to 136 The day this Act receives the Royal Assent. 1 March 2010

38. Schedule 5, Immediately after the provision(s) covered 1 March 2010 Parts 2 and 3 by table item 31.

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this Act as originally passed by both Houses of the Parliament and assented to. It will not be expanded to deal with provisions inserted in this Act after assent.

(2) Column 3 of the table contains additional information that is not part of this Act. Information in this column may be added to or edited in any published version of this Act.

3 Schedule(s)

Each Act that is specified in a Schedule to this Act is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this Act has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1—Amendment of principal Acts

Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976

1 Subsection 3(1) (subparagraph (d)(ii) of the definition of exploration licence)

Omit “(paragraph”. Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

Aircraft Noise Levy Act 1995

2 Subparagraph 5(2)(a)(i)

Omit “subsection 3(1)”, substitute “section 3”. Note: This item is consequential on item 6.

AusCheck Act 2007

3 Subsection 15(2) (note 1)

Omit “Note 1”, substitute “Note”.

4 Subsection 15(2) (note 2)

Repeal the note.

Banking Act 1959

5 Subsection 11(5) (the subsection 11(5) inserted by item 3 of Schedule 4 to the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Act 2008)

Renumber as subsection (7).

Broadcasting Services Act 1992

Note: The heading to section 97 is altered by omitting “Trade Practices Commission” and substituting “Australian Competition and Consumer Commission”.

Civil Aviation Act 1988

6 Subsection 3(1)

Omit “(1)” (first occurring).

Note: This item removes a redundant subsection number.

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995

7 Subsection 91(1A)

Repeal subparagraph (c)(iii) and omit all the words after it, substitute:

(iii) a short film from a new or emerging film maker;

and, in the Convenor’s opinion, it is in the public interest to do so.

Note: This item fixes the indentation of the last lines of subsection 91(1A).

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

8 Subsection 90B(1) (table item 13, column headed “Circumstances in which information is to be given”, paragraph (c))

Omit “Senator”, substitute “member”.

Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

9 Section 171

Omit “paragraph 170(a)(ii)”, substitute “paragraph 170(1)(b)”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

10 Subsection 265(2)

Omit “assistant Returning Officer”, substitute “Assistant Returning Officer”.

11 Subsection 314AA(1)

Omit “(1)”.

Note: This item removes a redundant subsection number.

12 Subsection 314AA(1)

Omit “or” (second occurring).

13 Subsection 318(2)

Omit “(3)(c)”, substitute “subsection (3)”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

14 Subsection 390A(1)

Omit “10”, substitute “3E”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Criminal Code Act 1995

15 Paragraph 480.6(b) of the Criminal Code

Omit “section 480.3”, substitute “section 480.4”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Customs Act 1901

16 Paragraph 11(1)(b)

Omit “that Subdivision”, substitute “Subdivision C of Division 1B of Part XII”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

17 Subsection 64AE(1)

Omit “64AC,”. Note: This item removes a cross-reference to a provision that has been repealed.

Customs Tariff Act 1995

18 Schedule 3 (heading 3202, the description of goods in column 2)

Omit “TANNING PREPARATlONS”, substitute “TANNING PREPARATIONS”. Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

Defence Force Discipline Act 1982

19 Subsection 59(9) (paragraph (b) of the definition of prohibited drug)

Omit “Part 5 of the Poisons and Drugs Act 1978”, substitute “Part 8 of the Crimes Act 1900”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

20 Subsection 103(1)

Omit “129(2)”, substitute “129D(2)”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

21 Subsection 103(2A)

After “section”, insert “160 or”.

Note: This item makes an amendment consequential on the reinstatement of the provisions of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 largely as they existed before the enactment of the Defence Legislation Amendment Act 2006.

22 Section 146EA

Renumber as section 148EA.

23 Subsection 162(3)

Before “131”, insert “111B or”.

Note: This item makes an amendment consequential on the reinstatement of the provisions of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 largely as they existed before the enactment of the Defence Legislation Amendment Act 2006.

24 Section 188GB

Omit “the a”, substitute “a”.

Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

25 Paragraph 258(3)(d)

Omit “are”, substitute “is”.

Note: This item fixes a grammatical error.

Evidence Act 1995

26 Subsection 189(6)

Omit “128(8)”, substitute “128(10)”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

27 Subclause 4(1) of Schedule 1

Omit “this Act, on or after the reform commencement”, substitute “the Fair Work Act, on and after the commencement of provisions of that Act”.

Note: This item makes an amendment consequential on the enactment of the Fair Work Act 2009. The amendment was originally purported to be made by item 244 of Schedule 22 to the Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009, however that item was misdescribed. That item is repealed by item 6 of Schedule 2 to this Act.

Family Law Act 1975

28 Paragraph 12G(2)(a)

Omit “information”, substitute “information;”.

Note: This item fixes the punctuation of a paragraph.

First Home Saver Accounts Act 2008

29 Paragraph 3(2)(b)

Omit “(subject to subsection (3)”, substitute “(subject to subsection (3))”.

Foreign States Immunities Act 1985

30 Subsection 3(1)


Department of Foreign Affairs means the Department administered by the Minister who administers the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967.

31 Subsection 3(1)


Minister for Foreign Affairs means the Minister who administers the Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1967.

Health Insurance Act 1973

32 Subsection 3(1) (definition of excessive diagnostic imaging service)

Repeal subparagraph (b)(ii) and omit all the words after it, substitute:

(ii) the adequate dental care; of the patient concerned.

Note: This item fixes the formatting of the definition.

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

33 Subsection 210-175(2) (formula)

Repeal the formula, substitute:

*Complying superannuation/FHSA Tax offset to which class of taxable income

the entity would otherwise × be entitled

Total income

Note: This item makes a consequential amendment required as a result of the First Home Saver Accounts Act 2008.

Industry Research and Development Act 1986

34 Subsection 47(1)

Omit “, of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 or of the Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act 1976”, substitute “or of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936”.

Note: This item makes a consequential amendment to remove a reference to an Act that is repealed by Schedule 3.

International Tax Agreements Act 1953

35 Subsection 3(1) (definitions of the 1960 New Zealand agreement and the 1972 New Zealand agreement)

Relocate the definitions to their appropriate alphabetical positions, determined on a letter-by-letter basis.

Navigation Act 1912

36 Subsection 267B(2)

Omit “the authority” (wherever occurring), substitute “the survey authority”.

Note: This item and item 37 clarify references to the survey authority to avoid confusion with the Authority, which is a defined concept.

37 Subsection 267Q(2)

Omit “the authority” (wherever occurring), substitute “the survey authority”.

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

38 Subsection 168(6)

Omit “the the application”, substitute “the application”.

Patents Act 1990

39 Subparagraph 24(2)(a)(i)

Omit “Commonwealth of”, substitute “Commonwealth or”.

Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994

40 Subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) of Article 14 of the Convention set out in Schedule 1

Before “for the purpose of propagation”, insert “conditioning”.

Note: This item fixes a mistranscription of the text of the Convention.

Radiocommunications Act 1992

41 Paragraph 31(1)(a)

Omit “both,”, substitute “both”. Note: This item fixes incorrect punctuation.

42 Subsection 107(2)

Omit “111(a)”, substitute “111(1)(a)”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

43 Subsection 108(4)

Omit “111(a)”, substitute “111(1)(a)”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

44 Subsection 109(2)

Omit “111(a)”, substitute “111(1)(a)”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Social Security Act 1991

45 Subsection 549C(2) (definition of liquid assets)

Omit “549A(4)(a)(i) or (ii)”, substitute “549A(1)(a)(i) or (ii)”. Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

46 Subsection 595(3) (note)

Repeal the note. Note: The note concerns an Act that has been repealed.

Taxation Administration Act 1953

47 Subsection 8W(1B)

Omit “Part 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Chapter 2, or Division 1 of Part 3 of Chapter 3,”, substitute “Division 1 of Part 3 of Chapter 3”. Note: This item removes cross-references to provisions that have been repealed.

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

48 At the end of paragraph 35(1)(a)

Add “and”.

Note: This item and items 49 and 50 add conjunctions at the end of paragraphs, for consistency with current drafting practice.

49 At the end of subparagraphs 35(1)(c)(ii) and (d)(ii)

Add “and”.

50 At the end of paragraphs 35(1)(e), (f), (g), (h), (ha) and (j)

Add “and”.

51 Subparagraph 35(1)(k)(ii)

Omit “(b) or”.

Note: This item removes a cross-reference to a provision that has been repealed.

52 Paragraph 80(b)

Omit “subsections 59A(2) and (3)”, substitute “subsection 59A(2)”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1946

53 Title

Omit “Tradesmen’s”, substitute “Tradespersons’”.

Note: This item and items 54 to 251 remove gender-specific language. Some of these items also make minor changes for consistency with current drafting practice and to remove references to a repealed provision (section 43).

54 Preamble

Omit “recognized tradesmen”, substitute “recognised tradespersons”.

55 Section 1

Omit “Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1946”, substitute

Tradespersons’ Rights Regulation Act 1946”.

Note: This item amends the short title of the Act. If another amendment of the Act is described by reference to the Act’s previous short title, that other amendment has effect after the commencement of this item as an amendment of the Act under its amended short title (see section 10 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901).

56 Subsection 7A(1)

After “he”, insert “or she”.

57 Subsection 7A(2)

After “his” (wherever occurring), insert “or her”.

58 Section 10 (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

59 Section 10


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

60 Section 10


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed, prior to 8 May 1940, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has completed his or her course of training as a trainee tradesperson to the satisfaction of a Local Committee; or
has been employed in Australia for not less than 7 years after 8 May 1940, on work ordinarily performed by a tradesperson and was so employed at any time within 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

61 Section 10 (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

62 Section 10 (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

63 Section 10 (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

64 Section 10


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the First Schedule to this Act.

65 Section 10


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

66 Section 10 (definition of trainee tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

67 Section 10


trainee tradesperson means a member of the Forces (not being an apprentice) whose employment as a trainee tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies, for the purpose of undergoing a course of training in an industrial establishment, has been authorised by a Local Committee.

68 Paragraph 12(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

69 At the end of paragraph 12(1)(a)

Add “and”.

70 Paragraph 13(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

71 At the end of paragraph 13(1)(a)

Add “and”.

72 Section 14

Repeal the section, substitute:

14 Certain classes of recognised tradespersons

A recognised tradesperson whose classification is that of second-class machinist (including brass finisher), motor cycle mechanic, motor mechanic, motor tuner and tester or key-seating machinist is, in relation to his or her employment in any other engineering trade to which this Part applies, taken not to be a recognised tradesperson.

73 Section 15 (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

74 Section 15


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

75 Section 15


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed, prior to 29 November 1940, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has completed his or her course of training as a trainee tradesperson to the satisfaction of a Local Committee; or
has been employed in Australia for not less than 7 years after 29 November 1940 on work ordinarily performed by a tradesperson and was so employed at any time within 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

76 Section 15 (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

77 Section 15 (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

78 Section 15 (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

79 Section 15


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the Second Schedule to this Act.

80 Section 15


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

81 Section 15 (definition of trainee tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

82 Section 15


trainee tradesperson means a member of the Forces (not being an apprentice) whose employment as a trainee tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies, for the purpose of undergoing a course of training in an industrial establishment, has been authorised by a Local Committee.

83 Paragraph 17(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

84 At the end of paragraph 17(1)(a)

Add “and”.

85 Paragraph 18(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

86 At the end of paragraph 18(1)(a)

Add “and”.

87 Subsection 18A(1)

Omit “seven”, substitute “7”.

88 Subsection 18A(1)

Omit “tradesman”, substitute “tradesperson”.

Note: The heading to section 18A is altered by omitting “tradesmen’s” and substituting “tradespersons’”.

89 Subsection 18A(1)

Omit “tradesman’s”, substitute “tradesperson’s”.

90 Subsection 18A(2)

Omit “tradesman’s”, substitute “tradesperson’s”.

91 Section 20 (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

92 Section 20


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

93 Section 20


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed, prior to 29 November 1940, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has completed his or her course of training as a trainee tradesperson to the satisfaction of a Local Committee; or
has been employed in Australia for not less than 7 years after 29 November 1940 on work ordinarily performed by a tradesperson and was so employed at any time within 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

94 Section 20 (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

95 Section 20 (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

96 Section 20 (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

97 Section 20


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the Third Schedule to this Act.

98 Section 20


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

99 Section 20 (definition of trainee tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

100 Section 20


trainee tradesperson means a member of the Forces (not being an apprentice) whose employment as a trainee tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies, for the purpose of undergoing a course of training in an industrial establishment, has been authorised by a Local Committee.

101 Paragraph 22(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

102 At the end of paragraph 22(1)(a)

Add “and”.

103 Paragraph 23(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

104 At the end of paragraph 23(1)(a)

Add “and”.

105 Section 25 (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

106 Section 25


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

107 Section 25


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed prior to 30 October 1941, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has completed his or her course of training as a trainee tradesperson to the satisfaction of a Local Committee; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

108 Section 25 (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

109 Section 25 (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

110 Section 25 (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

111 Section 25


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the Fourth Schedule to this Act.

112 Section 25


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

113 Section 25 (definition of trainee tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

114 Section 25


trainee tradesperson means a member of the Forces (not being an apprentice) whose employment as a trainee tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies, for the purpose of undergoing a course of training in an industrial establishment, has been authorised by a Local Committee.

115 Paragraph 27(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

116 At the end of paragraph 27(1)(a)

Add “and”.

117 Paragraph 28(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

118 At the end of paragraph 28(1)(a)

Add “and”.

119 Paragraph 28A(a)

Omit “thirtieth day of October, One thousand nine hundred and forty-one”, substitute “30 October 1941”.

120 Paragraph 28A(a)

Omit “tradesman”, substitute “tradesperson”.

Note: The heading to section 28A is altered by omitting “tradesmen’s” and substituting “tradespersons’”.

121 At the end of paragraph 28A(a)

Add “and”.

122 Paragraph 28A(b)

After “him”, insert “or her”.

123 Section 28A

Omit “tradesman’s”, substitute “tradesperson’s”.

124 Section 29

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

125 Section 29

Omit “probationary tradesman”, substitute “probationary tradesperson”.

126 Section 29

Omit “trainee tradesman”, substitute “trainee tradesperson”.

127 Section 29

After “he”, insert “or she”.

128 Section 30 (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

129 Section 30


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

130 Section 30


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed, prior to 30 October 1941, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has completed his or her course of training as a trainee tradesperson to the satisfaction of a Local Committee; or
has been employed in Australia for not less than 7 years after 30 October 1941, on work ordinarily performed by a tradesperson and was so employed at any time within 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

131 Section 30 (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

132 Section 30 (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

133 Section 30 (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

134 Section 30


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the Fifth Schedule to this Act.

135 Section 30


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

136 Section 30 (definition of trainee tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

137 Section 30


trainee tradesperson means a member of the Forces (not being an apprentice) whose employment as a trainee tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies, for the purpose of undergoing a course of training in an industrial establishment, has been authorised by a Local Committee.

138 Paragraph 32(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

139 At the end of paragraph 32(1)(a)

Add “and”.

140 Paragraph 33(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

141 At the end of paragraph 33(1)(a)

Add “and”.

142 Section 33A (definition of probationary tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

143 Section 33A


probationary tradesperson means an adult member of the Forces whose employment as a probationary tradesperson in a trade to which this Part applies has been authorised by a Local Committee.

144 Section 33A


recognised tradesperson means a person who, in relation to any trade to which this Part applies:

was employed, prior to 31 October 1939, as a tradesperson; or
has qualified or qualifies by service as an apprentice for employment as a tradesperson; or
has been employed in Australia for not less than 7 years after 31 October 1939, on work ordinarily performed by a tradesperson and was so employed at any time within 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952; or
has been granted a tradesperson’s certificate or a certificate of recognition as a recognized tradesman.

145 Section 33A (definition of recognized tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

146 Section 33A (definition of tradesman)

Repeal the definition.

147 Section 33A (definition of tradesman’s certificate)

Repeal the definition.

148 Section 33A


tradesperson means a person employed in any of the classifications specified in the Sixth Schedule to this Act.

149 Section 33A


tradesperson’s certificate means a tradesperson’s certificate granted in accordance with this Part.

150 Paragraph 33C(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

151 At the end of paragraph 33C(1)(a)

Add “and”.

152 Paragraph 33D(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

153 At the end of paragraph 33D(1)(a)

Add “and”.

154 Subsection 33E(1)

Omit “forty-one and forty-two, and paragraph (b) of subsections (2) and

(4) of section forty-three,”, substitute “41 and 42”.

Note: The heading to section 33E is altered by omitting “tradesmen” (wherever occurring) and substituting “tradespersons”.

155 Paragraph 33E(2)(a)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

156 Paragraph 33E(2)(a)

Omit “(ba)”, substitute “(c)”.

157 Paragraph 33E(2)(a)

Omit “recognized tradesman;”, substitute “recognised tradesperson;”.

158 At the end of paragraphs 33E(2)(a) and (aa)

Add “or”.

159 Paragraph 33E(2)(b)

Omit “tradesman”, substitute “tradesperson”.

160 Paragraph 33E(2)(c)

Omit “as a tradesman”, substitute “as a tradesperson”.

161 Paragraph 33E(2)(c)

After “his”, insert “or her”.

162 Paragraph 33E(2)(c)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

163 Subsection 33E(2)

Omit “tradesman’s certificate”, substitute “tradesperson’s certificate”.

164 Subsection 33E(2A)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(2A) If a Local Committee is satisfied, upon application by any person, that that person would be a recognised tradesperson within the meaning of paragraph (c) of the definition of recognised tradesperson but for the fact that he or she was not employed as a tradesperson within the period of 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952 and that, but for special circumstances which prevented him or her, he or she would have been so employed, the Committee may, if it thinks fit, grant to that person a tradesperson’s certificate.

165 Subsection 33E(3)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

166 Subsection 33E(3)

Omit “recognized tradesmen”, substitute “recognised tradespersons”.

167 Subsection 33E(3)

Omit “authorize”, substitute “authorise”.

168 Subsection 33E(3)

Omit “, subject to the applicable provisions of section forty-three of this Act,”.

169 Subsection 33E(3)

Omit “probationary tradesman”, substitute “probationary tradesperson”.

170 Subsection 33E(5)

Omit “authorizing”, substitute “authorising”.

171 Subsection 33E(5)

After “he”, insert “or she”.

172 Subsection 33E(6)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(6) The employer of a probationary tradesperson must pay him or her at a rate not less than the rate of the wage prescribed by the appropriate standard, pay or classification scale or the appropriate award, order, determination or industrial agreement for adults employed in the trade in which he or she is authorised to be employed.

173 Subsection 33E(7)

Omit “tradesmen”, substitute “tradespersons”.

174 Subsection 33E(7)

Omit “journeymen”, substitute “journeypersons”.

175 Paragraph 34(1)(a)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

176 At the end of paragraph 34(1)(a)

Add “and”.

177 Paragraph 34(1)(b)

Omit “tradesmen’s”, substitute “tradespersons’”.

178 At the end of paragraph 34(1)(b)

Add “and”.

179 Paragraph 34(1)(c)

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

(c) to determine that a person who has applied for a tradesperson’s certificate is, subject to satisfying such conditions (if any) as the Central Committee specifies, a person eligible to be granted a tradesperson’s certificate, and to direct that he or she must be granted a tradesperson’s certificate accordingly; and

180 At the end of paragraph 34(1)(d)

Add “and”.

181 Subsection 34(2)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

182 Subsection 34(2)

Omit “seven”, substitute “7”.

183 Subsection 34(2)

After “him”, insert “or her”.

184 Paragraph 34(4)(a)

Omit “Chairman” (wherever occurring), substitute “Chair”.

185 Paragraph 35(1)(a)

Omit “authorize”, substitute “authorise”.

186 Paragraph 35(1)(a)

Omit “tradesmen” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradespersons”.

187 At the end of paragraph 35(1)(a)

Add “and”.

188 Paragraph 35(1)(b)

Omit “tradesman” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradesperson”.

189 Paragraph 35(1)(c)

Omit “tradesmen’s”, substitute “tradespersons’”.

190 Subsection 35(2)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

191 Subsection 37(2)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

192 Section 39

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

193 Section 39

After “his” (wherever occurring), insert “or her”.

194 Section 40

Omit “Chairman” (wherever occurring), substitute “Chair”. Note: The heading to section 40 is altered by omitting “Chairman” and substituting “Chair”.

195 Paragraph 41(1)(a)

Omit “recognized tradesman” (first occurring), substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

Note: The heading to section 41 is altered by omitting “tradesmen” (wherever occurring) and substituting “tradespersons”.

196 Paragraph 41(1)(a)

Omit “(ca)”, substitute “(d)”.

197 Paragraph 41(1)(a)

Omit “recognized tradesman” (second occurring), substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

198 At the end of paragraph 41(1)(a)

Add “or”.

199 Paragraph 41(1)(b)

After “his”, insert “or her”.

200 Paragraph 41(1)(b)

Omit “recognized tradesman;”, substitute “recognised tradesperson; or”.

201 Paragraph 41(1)(ba)

Omit “recognized tradesman;”, substitute “recognised tradesperson; or”.

202 At the end of paragraph 41(1)(bb)

Add “or”.

203 Paragraph 41(1)(c)

Omit “tradesman” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradesperson”.

204 Paragraph 41(1)(d)

Omit “tradesman” (first occurring), substitute “tradesperson”.

205 Paragraph 41(1)(d)

After “his”, insert “or her”.

206 Paragraph 41(1)(d)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

207 Subsection 41(1)

Omit “tradesman’s certificate”, substitute “tradesperson’s certificate”.

208 Subsection 41(1A)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(1A) If a Local Committee is satisfied, upon application by any person, that that person would be a recognised tradesperson within the meaning of paragraph (c) of the definition of recognised tradesperson but for the fact that he or she was not employed as a tradesperson within the period of 1 month before the commencement of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1952 and that, but for special circumstances which prevented him or her, he or she would have been so employed, the Committee may, if it thinks fit, grant to that person a tradesperson’s certificate.

209 Subsection 41(1B)

Omit “(ca)”, substitute “(d)”.

210 Subsection 41(1B)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

211 Subsection 41(2)

Omit “twelve”, substitute “12”.

212 Subsection 41(2)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

213 Subsection 41(2)

Omit “authorize”, substitute “authorise”.

214 Subsection 41(2)

Omit “, subject to the provisions of section forty-three of this Act,”.

215 Subsection 41(2)

Omit “probationary tradesman”, substitute “probationary tradesperson”.

216 Subsection 41(3)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

217 Subsection 41(3)

Omit “authorize”, substitute “authorise”.

218 Subsection 41(3)

Omit “, subject to the provisions of section forty-three of this Act,”.

219 Subsection 41(3)

Omit “trainee tradesman”, substitute “trainee tradesperson”.

220 Subsection 41(3A)

Omit “one hundred and thirty-nine”, substitute “139”.

221 Subsection 41(3A)

Omit “recognized tradesman”, substitute “recognised tradesperson”.

222 Subsection 41(3A)

Omit “, subject to the provisions of section forty-three of this Act,”.

223 Subsection 41(3A)

Omit “trainee tradesman”, substitute “trainee tradesperson”.

224 Subsection 41(5)

Omit “authorizing”, substitute “authorising”.

225 Subsection 41(5)

After “he”, insert “or she”.

226 Subsections 41(6) and (7)

Repeal the subsections, substitute:

The employer of a probationary tradesperson must pay him or her at a rate not less than the rate of the wage prescribed by the appropriate standard, pay or classification scale or the appropriate award, order, determination or industrial agreement for adults employed in the trade in which he or she is authorised to be employed.
The employer of a trainee tradesperson must pay him or her at a rate not less than the difference between:
the rate of the wage prescribed by the appropriate standard, pay or classification, the appropriate award, order, determination or industrial agreement for adults employed in the trade in which he or she is authorised to be employed; and
the rate of the allowance payable to him or her from time to time under the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme or under a scheme of vocational training established under regulations made under the Repatriation Act 1920-1951.

227 Subsection 41(8)

Omit “tradesmen” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradespersons”.

228 Subsection 41(8)

Omit “journeymen”, substitute “journeypersons”.

229 Subsection 41(8)

Omit “Australian Pay and Classification Scale”, substitute “standard, pay or classification scale”.

230 Section 42

Omit “tradesman”, substitute “tradesperson”.

231 Paragraph 46(1)(a)

Omit “tradesmen’s”, substitute “tradespersons’”.

232 At the end of subparagraph 46(1)(a)(i)

Add “and”.

233 Paragraph 46(1)(b)

Omit “tradesmen” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradespersons”.

234 At the end of subparagraphs 46(1)(b)(i) to (iv)

Add “and”.

235 Subsection 47(1)

Omit “(1)”.

236 Subsection 47(1)

Omit “tradesman” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradesperson”.

237 Subsection 47(1)

Omit “seven”, substitute “7”.

238 Subsection 47(1)

After “he”, insert “or she”.

239 Section 48

Repeal the section, substitute:

48 Persons removed from Register

A probationary tradesperson or trainee tradesperson whose name is removed from a Register is, while his or her name is so removed, taken not to be a probationary tradesperson or trainee tradesperson, as the case may be, for the purposes of this Part.

240 Subsection 49(2)

Omit “Chairman”, substitute “Chair”.

241 Subsection 49(2)

Omit “authorized”, substitute “authorised”.

242 Subsection 49(3)

Repeal the subsection, substitute:

(3) A person must not hinder or obstruct an officer or employee of the Commonwealth so authorised in the exercise of his or her powers under this Act.

243 Paragraph 51A(2)(b)

Omit “tradesmen”, substitute “tradespersons”.

244 First Schedule

Omit “(tradesman)”, substitute “(tradesperson)”.

245 First Schedule

Omit “Refrigeration mechanic or serviceman.”, substitute “Refrigeration mechanic or serviceperson.”.

246 First Schedule

Omit “Tradesman”, substitute “Tradesperson”.

247 First Schedule

Omit “Optical tradesman”, substitute “Optical tradesperson”.

248 Second Schedule

Omit “tradesman” (wherever occurring), substitute “tradesperson”.

249 Third Schedule

Omit “Tradesman heat treater.”, substitute “Tradesperson heat treater.”.

250 Fourth Schedule

Omit “Tradesman” (wherever occurring), substitute “Tradesperson”.

251 Fourth Schedule

Omit “Refrigeration mechanic or serviceman.”, substitute “Refrigeration mechanic or serviceperson.”.

252 Transitional provision—the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1946

The amendments of the Tradesmen’s Rights Regulation Act 1946 made by items 53 to 251 do not affect the validity or effectiveness of a certificate granted under that Act before the commencement of those amendments.

Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986

253 Section 5 (index of definitions, entries dealing with type A funeral investment and type B funeral investment)

Repeal the entries. Note: The definitions to which the entries in the index refer have been repealed.

254 Subsection 118NH(2A) (the subsection (2A) inserted by item 70 of Schedule 1 to the Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (2007 Measures No. 1) Act 2007)

Renumber as subsection (2B).

255 Subsection 118NH(3)

Omit “(2A)”, substitute “(2B)”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

Water Act 2007

256 Subparagraph 21(4)(c)(viii)

Omit “and” (last occurring).

Note: This item and item 257 omit redundant conjunctions from the end of subparagraphs.

257 Subparagraph 21(4)(c)(ix)

Omit “and”.

258 Paragraph 26(4)(b)

Omit “transfer or”, substitute “transfer of”.

Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

259 Subsection 38(1)

Omit “section 18”, substitute “section 250E”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

260 Section 40

Omit “section 15”, substitute “section 250B”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

261 Subsection 51(10)

Repeal the subsection.

Note: The effect of subsection 51(10) is duplicated in subsection 51(5).

262 Subsection 62(1)

Omit “section 18”, substitute “section 250E”.

Note: This item fixes an incorrect cross-reference.

263 Subsection 68(10)

After “located in”, insert “a”. Note: This item fixes a typographical error.

264 Paragraph 81(1)(b)

Omit “waters”, substitute “water”. Note 1: This item fixes a typographical error. Note 2: The heading to section 184 is altered by omitting “Chair” and substituting “Chief


265 Section 255A (the section 255A inserted by item 161A of Schedule 2 to the Water Amendment Act 2008)

Renumber as section 255AA.

Schedule 2—Amendment of amending Acts

A New Tax System (Compensation Measures Legislation Amendment) Act 1999

1 Item 22 of Schedule 2

Repeal the item, substitute:

22 Subpoint SCH6-A1(3) of Schedule 6 (method statement 2, step 4)

After “2”, insert “, 2A”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Child Support Legislation Amendment (Reform of the Child Support Scheme—New Formula and Other Measures) Act 2006

2 Item 114 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

114 Paragraph 86(3B)(c)

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

3 After item 114 of Schedule 2


114A Paragraph 87(4D)(c)

Omit “for administrative assessment of child support (within the meaning of that Act) for the child seeking payment of the child support by the other party to the agreement”, substitute “for the other party to the agreement to be assessed in respect of the costs of the child”.

Note: This item inserts a new amending item to amend a provision that was originally intended to have been amended by the misdescribed amendment corrected by item 2.

Education Legislation Amendment Act 2008

4 Item 9 of Schedule 2

Omit “State”, substitute “States”. Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Export Market Development Grants Amendment Act 2008

5 Items 54 and 55 of Schedule 1

Omit “services”, substitute “service”. Note: This item fixes misdescribed amendments.

Fair Work (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Act 2009

6 Item 244 of Schedule 22

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals a misdescribed amendment. The amendment is remade (in a corrected form) by item 27 of Schedule 1.

Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs Legislation Amendment (Child Support Reform Consolidation and Other Measures) Act 2007

7 Item 34 of Schedule 3

Repeal the item, substitute:

34 Section 98W


A court may declare that a person is, or is not, entitled to administrative assessment of child support for a child because that person or another person is, or is not, a parent of the child.


A court may declare that a person should, or should not, be assessed in respect of the costs of the child because the person is, or is not, a parent of the child.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

8 Item 37 of Schedule 3 (note)

Omit “—carer applications”.

Note: This item fixes a note to an amending item that incorrectly identifies the text of a section heading.

9 Item 56 of Schedule 8

Omit “1067L-F6”, substitute “1067L-F8”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Review of Prudential Decisions) Act 2008

10 Item 29 of Schedule 1 (heading)

Omit “(z)”, substitute “(w)”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

11 Item 47 of Schedule 1

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals an item that amends a section that has been repealed.

First Home Saver Accounts (Consequential Amendments) Act 2008

12 Item 26 of Schedule 3

Repeal the item, substitute:

26 Subsection 236(1) (definition of reviewable decision)

After “means”, insert “, subject to subsection (1AA),”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

First Home Saver Accounts (Further Provisions) Amendment Act 2008

13 Subsection 2(1) (paragraph (b) of column 2 of table item 4)

After “the commencement of”, insert “item 50 of”.

Note: This item clarifies a commencement provision that operates by reference to the commencement of a provision of another Act.

Further 1998 Budget Measures Legislation Amendment (Social Security) Act 1999

14 Items 42 and 45 of Schedule 2

Repeal the items. Note: This item repeals misdescribed amendments that can no longer be made operative.

Native Title Amendment (Technical Amendments) Act 2007

15 Item 31 of Schedule 4 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:

31 Subsection 251C(4)

Note: This item and item 16 fix misdescribed amendments.

16 After item 31 of Schedule 4


31A Subsection 251C(5)

Omit “makes a written determination stating that”, substitute “determines, by legislative instrument, that”.

Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment Act 1995

17 Item 17 of Schedule 1

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals an item made redundant by amendments made by the Social Security (Non-Budget Measures) Legislation Amendment Act 1995.

Social Security and Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Other Measures) Act 1998

18 Item 4 of Schedule 8

Repeal the item (including the note).

Note: This item repeals a misdescribed amendment that was made redundant by an amendment in the same amending Act.

Social Security and Veterans’ Entitlements Legislation Amendment (One-off Payments and Other Budget Measures) Act 2008

19 Item 69 of Schedule 3 (heading)

Omit “Schedule 2”, substitute “Schedule 4”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

20 Item 70 of Schedule 3 (heading)

Omit “Schedule 4”, substitute “Schedule 2”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Parenting and Other Measures) Act 1997

21 Item 221 of Schedule 1

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals a misdescribed amendment that can no longer be made operational.

Social Security Legislation Amendment (Youth Allowance Consequential and Related Measures) Act 1998

22 Item 22 of Schedule 7

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals a misdescribed amendment that can no longer be made operational.

Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 1) Act 2006

23 Item 1 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Omit “Subsection 12-5(2)”, substitute “Section 12-5”.

Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Tax Laws Amendment (2006 Measures No. 4) Act 2006

24 Items 37 and 38 of Schedule 4

Repeal the items.

Note: This item repeals items made redundant by amendments made by the Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 4) Act 2008.

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 4) Act 2007

25 Item 217 of Schedule 1

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals an item made redundant by amendments made by the Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 4) Act 2008.

26 Item 42 of Schedule 4

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals an item made redundant by amendments made by the Tax Laws Amendment (2008 Measures No. 4) Act 2008.

Tax Laws Amendment (2007 Measures No. 5) Act 2007

27 Items 88 to 90 of Schedule 12

Repeal the items.

Note: This item repeals items made redundant by the repeal of the Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act 1976 by item 2 of Schedule 3 to this Act.

Tax Laws Amendment (Repeal of Inoperative Provisions) Act 2006

28 Item 564 of Schedule 2

Repeal the item.

Note: This item repeals a misdescribed amendment.

29 Item 592 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Omit “aspect”, substitute “aspects”. Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Tax Laws Amendment (Small Business) Act 2007

30 Item 52 of Schedule 3

Omit “*STS taxpayer”, substitute “STS taxpayer”. Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

31 Item 55 of Schedule 3

Omit “*STS taxpayer”, substitute “STS taxpayer”. Note: This item fixes a misdescribed amendment.

Schedule 3—Repeal of obsolete Acts

Banking (Transitional Provisions) Act 1959

1 The whole of the Act

Repeal the Act. Note: This item repeals spent legislation.

Industrial Research and Development Incentives Act 1976

2 The whole of the Act

Repeal the Act. Note: This item repeals spent legislation.

Interactive Gambling (Moratorium) Act 2000

3 The whole of the Act

Repeal the Act. Note: This item repeals spent legislation.

Papua New Guinea (Application of Laws) Act 1973

4 The whole of the Act

Repeal the Act. Note: This item repeals spent legislation.

Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act 1999

5 The whole of the Act

Repeal the Act. Note: This item repeals spent legislation.

Schedule 4—Amendment of references to “ballot-paper” and “ballot-papers”

Part 1—Amendment of specific references

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

1 Subsections 209(1), (2) and (3)

Omit “Ballot-papers”, substitute “Ballot papers”.

Note: The headings to sections 209, 212, 215 and 251 are altered by omitting “Ballot-papers” and substituting “Ballot papers”.

2 Subsection 209(5)

Omit “Ballot-paper”, substitute “Ballot paper”.

3 Subsection 273A(10) (definition of wholly above-the-line ballot-paper)

Repeal the definition.

4 Subsection 273A(10)

Insert: wholly above-the-line ballot paper means a ballot paper that:

has one or more numbers, ticks, crosses or other marks above the dividing line; and
has no marks on the ballot paper below the dividing line.

5 Clause 18 of Schedule 3

Omit “Ballot-papers”, substitute “Ballot papers”.

Part 2—Bulk amendment of references to “ballot-paper”

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

6 Amendment of Provisions

The specified provisions listed in this Part are amended by omitting “ballot-paper” (wherever occurring) and substituting “ballot paper”.

7 Subsection 186(2) (paragraph (b) of the definition of postal voting papers)

8 Paragraph 188(1)(b)

9 Subsections 189(1) and (2)

10 Subsection 190(2)

11 Paragraphs 194(1)(a) and (d)

12 Subsections 194(2) and (3)

13 Paragraphs 195(a) and (b)

14 Paragraphs 195A(2)(a) and (b)

15 Subsection 196(1)

Note: The heading to section 196 is altered by omitting “ballot-paper” and substituting “ballot paper”.

16 Paragraph 197(b) 17 Section 198

Note: The heading to section 198 is altered by omitting “ballot-paper” and substituting “ballot paper”.

18 Subsection 200(1) 19 Paragraph 200E(1)(b)

20 Subsections 200E(2), (5) and (6) 21 Paragraphs 200E(7)(d) and (e) 22 Subsection 200E(9) 23 Subsections 200G(1) and (2) 24 Subsection 200J(1) 25 Section 200K 26 Subsection 202(1) 27 Subparagraphs 202AB(3)(a)(i) and (ii) and (b)(i) and (ii) 28 Paragraphs 202AE(2)(a) and (b) 29 Subsection 202AE(3) 30 Subparagraphs 202AH(3)(a)(i) and (ii) and (b)(i) and (ii) 31 Subsections 202AL(1) and (2) 32 Subsections 209(5) to (8) 33 Subsection 211(3) 34 Paragraph 211(6)(c) 35 Subsection 211A(9) 36 Subsections 215(1) and (3) 37 Paragraph 224(3)(a) 38 Paragraph 225(4)(a) 39 Paragraph 226(4)(b) 40 Subsection 226(6) 41 Subsection 227(11)

42 Paragraphs 228(1A)(a) and (b) 43 Paragraph 228(5)(c) 44 Subsection 228(6) 45 Subsection 231(1)

Note: The heading to section 231 is altered by omitting “ballot-paper” and substituting “ballot paper”.

46 Subsection 232(1) 47 Subsections 233(1) and (2) 48 Subsections 234(1), (2) and (3) 49 Paragraphs 234A(3)(a) and (b) 50 Subsections 234A(4) to (7) 51 Subsections 235(5), (6) and (7) 52 Subsections 238(1), (2) and (3) 53 Subsections 239(1) to (4) 54 Subsection 240(1) 55 Section 256

Note: The heading to section 256 is altered by omitting “ballot-paper” and substituting “ballot paper”.

56 Section 257 57 Subparagraph 259(b)(ii) 58 Paragraphs 260(1)(a), (b), (c) and (e) 59 Subsection 260(2) 60 Paragraph 260(3)(b)

61 Subsection 260(5) 62 Subsections 267(1) and (2) 63 Subsections 268(1), (2) and (3) 64 Subsections 269(1), (2) and (3) 65 Subsection 270(1) 66 Section 271 67 Subsection 272(1) 68 Paragraph 272(2)(a) 69 Paragraphs 272(3)(a) and (d) 70 Subsections 272(5) and (6) 71 Subsections 273(12), (26) and (27) 72 Subsection 273A(10) (definition of dividing line) 73 Subparagraph 274(7)(d)(i) 74 Paragraph 274(7AA)(c) 75 Paragraph 279B(7)(b) 76 Section 280 77 Subsections 281(1) and (2) 78 Subsection 282(4) 79 Subparagraph 328(3)(c)(ii) 80 Section 338 81 Paragraphs 339(1)(a), (c), (d) and (e) 82 Subsection 346(2)

83 Subparagraph 351(1)(b)(i) 84 Subsection 365A(1) 85 Paragraph 366(a) 86 Forms C, CA, CB, CC, D and DA in Schedule 1 87 Paragraphs 6(a) to (e) of Schedule 3 88 Clauses 7, 7A, 8, 19, 21 and 22 of Schedule 3

Part 3—Bulk amendment of references to “ballot-papers”

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

89 Amendment of Provisions

The specified provisions listed in this Part are amended by omitting “ballot-papers” (wherever occurring) and substituting “ballot papers”.

90 Subsection 4(1) (definition of Issuing point) 91 Subsection 166(4) 92 Paragraph 166(5)(a) 93 Paragraphs 168(1)(a) and (b) 94 Subsections 169(1) and (4) 95 Subsection 169A(1) 96 Subparagraph 173(1)(a)(ii) 97 Subsection 186(1)

Note: The heading to section 188 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

98 Paragraph 203(1)(b) 99 Subsection 203(7) 100 Section 206 101 Subsection 209(5) 102 Section 209A 103 Subsections 210(1) and (3)

Note: The heading to section 210 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

104 Subsections 210A(2), (3), (4) and (5)

Note: The heading to section 210A is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

105 Subsection 211(5) 106 Subsections 211A(6), (7) and (8) 107 Section 212 108 Subsection 213(1) 109 Subsections 214(1), (2) and (3)

Note: The heading to section 214 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

110 Subsection 215(2) 111 Paragraphs 216(2)(b) and (3)(b) 112 Paragraph 226A(4)(a) 113 Subparagraph 227(8)(a)(i) 114 Subsection 228(1) 115 Subsection 238(4)

Note: The heading to section 238 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

116 Paragraphs 250(1)(a) and (2)(a) 117 Subsection 250(4) 118 Subsection 261(1)

Note: The heading to section 261 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

119 Paragraphs 261(3)(b) and (c) 120 Subsections 264(2) and (4) 121 Paragraphs 266(1)(b) and (c)

Note: The headings to sections 267, 268 and 271 are altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

122 Paragraphs 272(2)(a), (c) and (d) and (3)(a), (c), (d) and (e)

Note: The heading to section 272 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

123 Subsection 272(6) 124 Subparagraphs 273(2)(ab)(i) and (iii) 125 Paragraphs 273(2)(b) to (e) 126 Subparagraph 273(2)(f)(ii) 127 Subsections 273(3) and (4) 128 Paragraphs 273(5)(a) to (d) 129 Paragraph 273(5)(f) 130 Subsection 273(6) 131 Paragraph 273(7)(a) 132 Paragraph 273(9)(b) 133 Subsections 273(14), (16), (19) and (25) 134 Paragraph 273(28)(c) 135 Subsection 273(30) 136 Subsections 273A(2), (3) and (4)

Note: The headings to subsections 273A(2), (3) and (4) are altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

137 Paragraphs 273A(6)(a) and (b)

138 Subsection 273A(7) 139 Subparagraphs 274(2)(ab)(i) and (iii) 140 Paragraphs 274(2)(b), (c), (d) and (e) 141 Subparagraph 274(2)(f)(ii) 142 Subsection 274(2A) 143 Paragraph 274(2C)(b) 144 Subsections 274(3) and (4) 145 Paragraphs 274(7)(a), (b) and (c) 146 Subparagraph 274(7)(d)(ii) 147 Subsections 274(7AC), (7A), (9A) and (10) 148 Paragraphs 274(12)(a) and (b) 149 Section 275

Note: The heading to section 275 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

150 Subsection 276(1) 151 Subsections 278(1) and (2) 152 Sections 279 and 279A 153 Subsections 279B(1), (2), (3) and (5) 154 Paragraph 279B(7)(a) 155 Subsections 279B(8), (9), (11) and (12) 156 Subsection 281(3)

Note: The heading to section 281 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

157 Subsection 282(1) 158 Subsection 284(2) 159 Subsection 285(1) 160 Subsection 287(1) (definition of group) 161 Subsection 289(4) 162 Subsection 304(3) 163 Subsection 309(3)

Note: The heading to section 338 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

164 Paragraphs 339(1)(g) and (h)

Note: The heading to section 339 is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

165 Subsection 348(6) (definition of counting centre) 166 Subparagraph 360(1)(iii) 167 Subsection 361(2) 168 Paragraphs 364A(a) and (b)

Note: The heading to section 364A is altered by omitting “ballot-papers” and substituting “ballot papers”.

169 Paragraphs 366(a) and (c) 170 Paragraph 393A(1)(a) 171 Subsection 393A(2) 172 Paragraph 395(c) 173 Clause 5 of Schedule 3 174 Paragraph 6A(b) of Schedule 3

175 Clauses 15, 17, 20 and 23 of Schedule 3

Schedule 5—Amendments relating to use of the term “internet”

Part 1—Amendments to change specific references

Age Discrimination Act 2004

1 Subsection 10(7)(note)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Anglo-Australian Telescope Agreement Act 1970

2 Section 4 (note 2 at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

3 Section 4 (note at the end of the definition of Principal Agreement)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006

4 Subsection 3(3) (notes 2 and 3)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

5 Section 5 (note at the end of the definition of FATF Recommendations)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

6 Subsection 197(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

7 Paragraph 197(6)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

8 Subsection 248(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

9 Paragraph 248(6)(c)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Australian Passports Act 2005

10 Subsection 6(1) (notes 1 and 2 at the end of the definition of officer)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

11 Subsection 14(1) (note 1)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006

12 Section 4 (note at the end of the definition of General Anti-Doping Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

13 Section 4 (note at the end of the definition of UNESCO Anti-Doping Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

14 Section 4 (note at the end of the definition of World Anti-Doping Code)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Broadcasting Services Act 1992

15 Subsections 8AC(4) and (6)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

16 Subsection 35D(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

17 Subsection 61AS(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

18 Subsection 205W(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

19 Clause 50 of Schedule 5

Omit “an Internet site” (wherever occurring), substitute “a website”.

20 Subparagraphs 60(1)(i)(i) and (ii) of Schedule 5

Omit “Internet sites”, substitute “websites”.

21 Clause 2 of Schedule 7 (paragraph (a) of the definition of exempt Internet directory service)

Omit “Internet sites”, substitute “websites”.

22 Clause 2 of Schedule 7 (paragraph (a) of the definition of exempt Internet search engine service)

Omit “Internet sites”, substitute “websites”.

23 Clause 2 of Schedule 7 (definition of service)

Omit “an Internet site” (wherever occurring), substitute “a website”.

24 Clause 55 of Schedule 7

Omit “an Internet site” (wherever occurring), substitute “a website”.

25 Subclause 87(1) of Schedule 7

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

26 Paragraphs 99(1)(a) and (b) of Schedule 7

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Charter of the United Nations Act 1945

27 Section 2 (note at the end of the definition of Charter of the United Nations)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Criminal Code Act 1995

28 Subsection 71.23(1) of the Criminal Code (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

29 Section 72.1 of the Criminal Code (note)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

30 Section 72.36 of the Criminal Code (note at the end of the definition of Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

31 Subsection 300.1(1) of the Criminal Code (note)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Cross-Border Insolvency Act 2008

32 Subsection 5(1) (note at the end of the definition of Model Law)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Customs Act 1901

33 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Charter of the United Nations)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

34 Subsection 126AE(4) (note at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “on the Internet through the web site”, substitute “through the website”.

35 Paragraph 126E(1)(c)

Omit “on the Internet”.

36 Section 153UA (note at the end of the definition of SAFTA)

Omit “on the Internet through the web site”, substitute “through the website”.

37 Subsection 153YA(1) (note at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “on the Internet through the web site”, substitute “through the website”.

38 Subsection 153YA(1) (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

39 Subsection 153ZA(1) (note at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “on the Internet through the web site”, substitute “through the website”.

40 Subsection 153ZA(1) (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

41 Subsection 153ZIB(1) (note at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

42 Subsection 153ZIB(1) (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

43 Section 214BAB (note at the end of the definition of Agreement)

Omit “on the Internet through the web site”, substitute “through the website”.

Customs Tariff Act 1995

44 User’s Guide (note at the end of the second paragraph under the heading “The operation of the Act”)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

45 Subsection 7(3) (note 2)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

46 Schedule 3 (note 3 to Schedule heading)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

47 Subsection 399A(3) (note at the end of the definition of UNCLOS)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981

48 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Protocol)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991

49 Paragraph 7(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

50 Subsection 18(3)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

51 Paragraph 87(5)(d)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

52 Paragraph 92(d)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

53 Paragraph 106(4)(d)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

54 Subsection 125(6)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Foreign Passports (Law Enforcement and Security) Act 2005

55 Subsection 14(2) (notes 1 and 2 at the end of the definition of competent authority)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

56 Subsection 15(1) (note)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

57 Subsection 15(2) (notes 1 and 2 at the end of the definition of competent authority)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Freedom of Information Act 1982

58 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of exempt content-service document)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

59 Subsection 4(1) (paragraph (b) of the definition of exempt Internet-content document)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975

60 Paragraph 61ACA(4)(c) (note)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989

61 Section 100D (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Interactive Gambling Act 2001

62 Section 30

Omit “an Internet site” (wherever occurring), substitute “a website”.

63 Paragraph 61BC(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Note: The heading to section 61BC is altered by omitting “Internet sites” and substituting “Websites”.

64 Section 61BC

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

65 Paragraph 61CA(1)(a)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

66 Paragraph 61CD(2)(b)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

67 Subsection 61EA(3)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

68 Paragraphs 61EA(3)(a) and (b)

Omit “site” (wherever occurring), substitute “website”.

Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003

69 Section 10 (note at the end of the definition of SOLAS Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Medibank Private Sale Act 2006

70 Subparagraph 15(1)(b)(ii) of Schedule 2

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

71 Subparagraph 22(1)(b)(ii) of Schedule 2

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

National Health Security Act 2007

72 Subsection 3(1) (note at the end of the definition of International Health Regulations)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Navigation Act 1912

73 Section 9A (note at the end of the definition of STCW Convention)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

74 Section 7 (note at the end of the definition of Greater Sunrise unitisation agreement)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

75 Section 7 (note at the end of the definition of Timor Sea Treaty)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

76 Section 23 (paragraph (f) of the definition of advertisement)

Omit “an Internet site”, substitute “a website”.

Privacy Act 1988

77 Subsection 12B(2) (note)

Omit “on the Internet through that Department’s world-wide web site”, substitute “through that Department’s website”.

78 Paragraph 80L(2)(a)

Omit “on the Internet”.

Protection of the Sea (Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage) Act 2008

79 Section 3 (note at the end of the definition of Bunker Oil Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Protection of the Sea (Harmful Anti-fouling Systems) Act 2006

80 Section 3 (note at the end of the definition of Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

81 Subsection 21(3) (note at the end of the definition of Law of the Sea Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Protection of the Sea (Oil Pollution Compensation Funds) Act 1993

82 Section 3 (note at the end of the definition of the 2003 Protocol)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Protection of the Sea (Powers of Intervention) Act 1981

83 Subsection 3(1) (note at the end of the definition of UN Convention on the Law of the Sea)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Quarantine Act 1908

84 Subsection 5(1) (note at the end of the definition of International Health Regulations)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Radiocommunications Act 1992

85 Subparagraph 9C(1)(d)(i)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

86 Subsection 9C(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

87 Subsection 44A(4)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

88 Paragraph 44A(5)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

89 Paragraph 44A(7)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

90 Subsection 98A(4)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

91 Subsection 98B(4)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

92 Subsection 98C(4)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

93 Subsection 98D(4)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

94 Paragraph 102C(3)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

95 Subparagraph 102C(5)(c)(i)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

96 Subsection 102C(6)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

97 Paragraph 102D(3)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

98 Subparagraph 102D(5)(c)(i)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

99 Subsection 102D(6)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

100 Subsection 109B(8)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

101 Paragraph 118NF(3)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

102 Paragraph 118NF(6)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

103 Paragraph 118NH(4)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

104 Paragraph 118NH(7)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

105 Paragraph 118NH(12)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

106 Paragraph 118NT(2)(b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

107 Paragraph 118NT(3)(b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

108 Paragraph 118NU(2)(b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

109 Paragraph 118NU(3)(b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

110 Subsection 298C(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Social Security Act 1991

111 Subsection 1061ZAAL(2) (note)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Telecommunications Act 1997

112 Subsection 572B(5)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

113 Subparagraph 51(1)(b)(iii) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

114 Subparagraph 51(1)(c)(iii) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

115 Subparagraph 53(1)(a)(ii) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

116 Paragraph 53(1)(b) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

117 Subparagraph 57(2)(a)(ii) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

118 Paragraph 57(2)(b) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

119 Subclauses 58(1) and (2) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

120 Subclauses 66(1) and (2) of Schedule 1

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

121 Paragraph 17(2)(b) of Schedule 3A

Omit “on the Internet”.

122 Paragraph 32(2)(b) of Schedule 3A

Omit “on the Internet”.

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979

123 Subsection 5(1) (paragraph (e) of the definition of telecommunications number)

Omit “Internet Protocol”, substitute “internet protocol”.

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

124 Subsections 42DK(1) and (2)

Omit “web site on the Internet”, substitute “website”.

Trade Practices Act 1974

125 Paragraph 152ELB(1)(a)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

126 Paragraph 152ELC(1)(b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Water Act 2007

127 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Biodiversity Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

128 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Bonn Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

129 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of CAMBA)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

130 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Climate Change Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

131 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Desertification Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

132 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of JAMBA)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

133 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of Ramsar Convention)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

134 Subsection 4(1) (note at the end of the definition of ROKAMBA)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Wheat Export Marketing Act 2008

135 Paragraph 24(1)(c)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

136 Paragraphs 24(4)(a) and (b)

Omit “Internet site”, substitute “website”.

Part 2—Bulk amendment to change capitalisation of “Internet”

137 Amendment of Acts—changing references to “Internet” into references to “internet”

Subject to Part 3, the Acts listed in this Part are amended as follows:

by omitting “Internet” (wherever occurring) and substituting “internet”;
by omitting “Internet” (wherever occurring) and substituting “internet”;
by omitting “Internet” (wherever occurring) and substituting “internet”.

Note 1: This Part commences immediately after the commencement of Part 1, and so this item amends the Acts listed in this Part as already amended by Part 1 (to the extent that Part 1 applies to those Acts).

Note 2: The headings to sections, subsections, clauses and subclauses of the Acts listed in this Part are altered as follows:

by omitting “Internet” (wherever occurring) and substituting “internet”;
by omitting “Internet” (wherever occurring) and substituting “internet”.

Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006

Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005

Australian Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Authority Act 2008

Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority Act 2006

Broadcasting Services Act 1992

Civil Aviation Act 1988

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995

Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918

Copyright Act 1968

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006

Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Consequential, Transitional and Other Measures Act 2006

Crimes Act 1914

Criminal Code Act 1995

Do Not Call Register Act 2006

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991

Freedom of Information Act 1982

Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000

Future Fund Act 2006

Health Insurance Act 1973

Higher Education Funding Act 1988

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Horticulture Marketing and Research and Development Services Act 2000

Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Interactive Gambling Act 2001

Marriage Act 1961

Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987

Ombudsman Act 1976

Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management Act 1989

Plant Breeder’s Rights Act 1994

Private Health Insurance Act 2007

Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act 1983

Radiocommunications Act 1992

Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984

Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000

Shipping Registration Act 1981

Skilling Australia’s Workforce Act 2005

Social Security Act 1991

Social Security (Administration) Act 1999

Space Activities Act 1998

Spam Act 2003

Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992

Telecommunications Act 1997

Telecommunications (Consumer Protection and Service Standards) Act 1999

Telstra Corporation Act 1991 Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 Trade Practices Act 1974 Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986 Wheat Export Marketing Act 2008

Part 3—References to which Part 2 does not apply

138 References to which Part 2 does not apply

Part 2 does not apply to the following provisions of the following Acts:

the heading to Part 2 of Schedule 5 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992;
clause 49 of Schedule 5 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992;

(c) section 29 of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. Note: Headings to the following provisions are not altered by Part 2:

clauses 5, 8 and 55 and subclause 60(8A) of Schedule 5 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992;
subsection 20(3) of the Interactive Gambling Act 2001;
section 123WG and subsection 123WG(2) of the Social Security (Administration) Act 1999;
section 59 of the Telstra Corporation Act 1991.

[Minister’s second reading speech made in— House of Representatives on 28 October 2009 Senate on 30 November 2009]