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Budapest Notification No. 71
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure

Notification of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Relating to an Extension of the List of Kinds of Microorganisms Accepted, for Deposit, by the National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria Ltd (NCIMB)

The Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) presents his compliments to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and has the honor to notify him of the receipt, on June 15, 1988, of a notification dated June 10, 1988, of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland stating an extension of the list of kinds of microorganisms accepted, for deposit, by the National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria Ltd (NCIMB), an international depositary authority under the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, done at Budapest on April 28, 1977, as amended on September 26, 1980 (see Budapest Notifications No. 24 of February 2, 1982 and No. 67 of February 8, 1988). The text of that notification is attached.

The extension of the list of the kinds of microorganisms accepted, for deposit, by the National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria Ltd (NCIMB) under the Budapest Treaty will take effect as from the date (August 31, 1988) of the publication in the July/August 1988 issue of Industrial Property/La Propriéte industrielle of that extension.

July 4, 1988

Text of the Notification of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated June 10, 1988, Relating to an Extension of the List of Kinds of Microorganisms Accepted, for Deposit, by the National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria Ltd (NCIMB)


1. I have the honour to refer to the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, opened for signature at Budapest from 28 April to 31 December 1977, and to the communication dated 31 March 1982 from the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland nominating National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria Ltd (NCIMB) as an International Depositary Authority.

2. The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland hereby notify you of the following extensions to the list of the organisms that NCIMB will accept for deposit under the Budapest Treaty:

(a) Yeasts (including those containing plasmids) that can be preserved without significant change to their properties by liquid nitrogen freezing or by freeze-drying, that are allocated to a hazard group no higher than Group 2 as defined by the UK Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP), and which require physical containment no higher than level II as defined by the UK Advisory Committee on Genetic Manipulation (ACGM).

(b) Seeds that can be dried to a low moisture content and/or stored at low temperatures without excessive impairment of germination potential. The right is reserved to refuse the deposit of seeds where dormancy is exceptionally difficult to break.

Where statutory provisions require NCIMB to obtain a licence or certificate prior to accepting a deposit of seeds, the actual cost of obtaining any such licence or certificate will be charged to the depositor.

The acceptance of seeds by NCIMB and the furnishing of samples thereof is subject at all times to the provisions of the Plant Health (Great Britain) Order 1987, including any future amendments or revisions of that Order.

NCIMB must be notified in advance of all intended deposits of seeds so that it may ensure that all relevant regulations are complied with. Any seeds received without prior notification may be destroyed immediately.