Declarations and reservations made upon ratification:
"… the Government of the Republic of Suriname makes the following reservation/declaration in relation to articles 9 paragraph 2 (d) and (e); 19 paragraph b; 20 paragraph (a); 24 paragraph 2 (b) and 26 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that was adopted on 13 December 2006:
- the Government of the Republic of Suriname declares that it shall not for the time being take any of the measures provided for in Article 9 paragraph 2 (d) and (e) in view of their heavy financial implication;
- the Government of the Republic of Suriname declares that it ratifies the Convention with a reservation in respect of Article 19 paragraph (a) of the Convention, to the extent that the nature of the provisions in respect to the right of a place of residence thereof are stipulated in Article 71 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Suriname;
- the Government of the Republic of Suriname declares that it shall not for the time being take some of the measures in respect to Article 20 to the extent that Suriname is recently in an undue financial burden;
- the Government of the Republic of Suriname recognizes the right of persons with disabilities to education and determines to guarantee free primary education for every person. Accordingly, it declares that it shall not for the time being guarantee the application of the provision 24 paragraph 2 (b) on the condition that the educational system is still far from inclusive education;
- the Government of Suriname recognizes the rights of persons with disabilities to attain and maintain maximum independence, full physical, mental, social and full inclusion and participation in all aspects of life, however declares that it shall not be able to take some of the measures provided in Article 26 at the earliest possible stage due to the non-existence of the production of mobility devices and/or limited access to the materials and equipment needed to produce mobility devices…"