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Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group: Sixteenth session

February 6 to February 8, 2023 Virtual

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  • English ZIP
PCT/WG/16/INF/1List of ParticipantsList of Participants, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/1 PROV. 2Revised Draft AgendaRevised Draft Agenda, Complete document (doc) Revised Draft Agenda, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/2Languages of Communication for the International BureauLanguages of Communication for the International Bureau, Complete document (doc) Languages of Communication for the International Bureau, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/3 REV.Formalities Checking in the PCTFormalities Checking in the PCT, Complete document (doc) Formalities Checking in the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/4WIPO Fee Transfer ServiceWIPO Fee Transfer Service, Complete document (doc) WIPO Fee Transfer Service, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/5Special Rules of ProcedureSpecial Rules of Procedure, Complete document (doc) Special Rules of Procedure, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/6PCT Minimum Documentation: Proposed Amendments to the PCT RegulationsPCT Minimum Documentation: Proposed Amendments to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (doc) PCT Minimum Documentation: Proposed Amendments to the PCT Regulations, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/7PCT Minimum Documentation Task Force: Status ReportPCT Minimum Documentation Task Force: Status Report, Complete document (doc) PCT Minimum Documentation Task Force: Status Report, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/8Mixed-Language International ApplicationsMixed-Language International Applications, Complete document (doc) Mixed-Language International Applications, Complete document (pdf)
PCT/WG/16/9Summary by the ChairSummary by the Chair, Complete document (doc) Summary by the Chair, Complete document (pdf)

Other related documents

PCT/WG/16 PAPER NO. 1Formalities Checking in the PCTFormalities Checking in the PCT, Complete document (doc) Formalities Checking in the PCT, Complete document (pdf)
Meeting documents