Fostering collaboration and growing brands in the Digital Age
The collaboration between IP Offices and ccTLD Registries plays an important role in creating a trustworthy e-commerce ecosystem, while identifying practices that would be beneficial for growing brands online, particularly for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
Collaboration between IP offices and ccTLD registries creates synergies for the benefit of their users – in many cases SMEs, raising awareness on the relationship between trademarks and domain names, and resulting in better protection of brands online and promoting user safety and e-commerce.
The WIPO Center has collaborated with several IP Offices and ccTLD Registries on this topic. IP Offices may provide information to users on domain name registrations. ccTLD Registries may refer users to their IP office for trademark registrations.
Representative information resources:
- IP Australia (Australia)
Choosing the right IP tool | IP Australia - auDA (Australia)
IP Australia: Trade marks, business names and domain names | auDA - Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale, OMPIC (Morocco)
Information about domain names and its relationship with trademarks - Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Télécommunications, ANRT (Morocco)
Information regarding trademark registrations - Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (Spain)
Information about domain names - Swedish Intellectual Property Office, Patent- och registreringsverket, PRV (Sweden)
Information about domain names
In today’s digital age, establishing a strong online presence is crucial for SMEs, and protecting their brand identity online is important to build trust and recognition among consumers.
SMEs should ensure their brands are protected in the appropriate jurisdictions, and likewise safely represented in the digital space, so the trademark is reflected in an accurate and consistent manner across the different ccTLD domain names.
Our aim is to inspire IP offices, domain registries, SMEs, and other stakeholders worldwide to establish partnerships, fostering a safer e-commerce environment and reinforcing innovation ecosystems.
Background information: on July 10, 2024, during WIPO’s annual Assemblies, the WIPO Center hosted a Side Event for IP Offices and Country Delegates, discussing ways to enhance interaction between IP offices, national domain registries, and brand owners regarding the relationship between domain names and trademarks.