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Seminario Interregional sobre el Sistema de Registro Internacional de Marcas: el Sistema de Madrid

日期和地点2015年3月23日 至 3月24日 (普埃布拉州, 墨西哥) 现场
主题商标, 讲习班与研讨会


OMPI/TM/PBC/15/1 PROV. 2EnglishProvisional ProgramProvisional Program, 完整文件 (doc) Provisional Program, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolPrograma provisionalPrograma provisional, 完整文件 (doc) Programa provisional, 完整文件 (pdf)


OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/1EnglishThe Madrid System: Overview and Trends - Mr. David MulsThe Madrid System:  Overview and Trends - Mr. David Muls, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/2EnglishThe Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Trade Facilitation Agreements and the Economic Implications of Reducing the Barriers for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights - Mr. Carlos Piñera GonzalezThe Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Trade Facilitation Agreements and the Economic Implications of Reducing the Barriers for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights - Mr. Carlos Piñera Gonzalez, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/3EnglishA Statistical Assessment of the Trademark Protection Trends in Latin America and South East Asia - Mr. Juan Antonio Toledo BarrazaA Statistical Assessment of the Trademark Protection Trends in Latin America and South East Asia - Mr. Juan Antonio Toledo Barraza, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/4EnglishA Business Perspective: Facilitation of Global Protection of Intellectual Property Right and the Advantages of using the Madrid System - Mr. Owen MaloneA Business Perspective: Facilitation of Global Protection of Intellectual Property Right and the Advantages of using the Madrid System - Mr. Owen Malone, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/5EnglishBrand Development and the Need for Madrid Protocol by SMEs - Mr. Ferdinand NegreBrand Development and the Need for Madrid Protocol by SMEs - Mr. Ferdinand Negre, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/6EnglishThe International Trademark Registration System: The Madrid System - Mr. Jean-Pierre Maeder, NestléThe International Trademark Registration System: The Madrid System - Mr. Jean-Pierre Maeder, Nestlé, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/7EspañolPerspectiva Empresarial Sobre la Importancia de los Mecanismos que Facilitan la Protección Mundial de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y las Ventajas de Usar el Sistema de Madrid - Ms. Deborah Flores GarzaPerspectiva Empresarial Sobre la Importancia de los Mecanismos que Facilitan la Protección Mundial de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y las Ventajas de Usar el Sistema de Madrid - Ms. Deborah Flores Garza, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/8EnglishThe Importance of Branding Strategies and Brand Development to Success in Global Markets - Mr. Owen MaloneThe Importance of Branding Strategies and Brand Development to Success in Global Markets - Mr. Owen Malone, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/9EnglishCounterfeits and the Importance of Consumer Awareness Campaigns - Mr. Jean-Pierre Maeder, Nestlé/BASCAPCounterfeits and the Importance of Consumer Awareness Campaigns - Mr. Jean-Pierre Maeder, Nestlé/BASCAP, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/10EnglishJoining the Madrid Protocol: Policy and Legal Challenges Facing Canada - Ms. Darlene CarreauJoining the Madrid Protocol: Policy and Legal Challenges Facing Canada - Ms. Darlene Carreau, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/11EnglishChina’s Policy Considerations When Assessing Accession to the Madrid Protocol and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges Facing the Madrid Protocol - Ms. Duan ChuaneChina’s Policy Considerations When Assessing Accession to the Madrid Protocol and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges Facing the Madrid Protocol - Ms. Duan Chuane, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/12EspañolPolítica y Acciones para la Adhesión e Implementación del Protocolo de Madrid. Prospectiva y Desafíos - Mr. Eliseo Montiel CuevasPolítica y Acciones para la Adhesión e Implementación del Protocolo de Madrid. Prospectiva y Desafíos - Mr. Eliseo Montiel Cuevas, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/13EnglishPolicy Considerations When Assessing Accession to the Madrid Protocol and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges Facing the Madrid Protocol - Mr. Venkataraman NatarajanPolicy Considerations When Assessing Accession to the Madrid Protocol and the Main Policy and Legal Challenges Facing the Madrid Protocol - Mr. Venkataraman Natarajan, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/14EnglishThe Madrid System - A Road Map for Accession - Mr. David MulsThe Madrid System - A Road Map for Accession - Mr. David Muls, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/15EspañolLa Función de la Oficina Colombiana en la Aplicación del Protocolo de Madrid - Mr. José Luís Londoño FernándezLa Función de la Oficina Colombiana en la Aplicación del Protocolo de Madrid - Mr. José Luís Londoño Fernández, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/16EnglishThe Role of the National Intellectual Property Office in the Implementation of the Madrid Protocol and its Impact on the Office - Mr. Takuya SugiyamaThe Role of the National Intellectual Property Office in the Implementation of the Madrid Protocol and its Impact on the Office - Mr. Takuya Sugiyama, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/17EnglishNational IP Office in the Implementation of the Madrid Protocol - Atty. Allan B. GeptyNational IP Office in the Implementation of the Madrid Protocol - Atty. Allan B. Gepty, 完整文件 (pdf)
OMPI/TM/PBC/15/T/18EnglishOverview of the United States Accession Process to the Madrid Protocol - Ms. Laura HammelOverview of the United States Accession Process to the Madrid Protocol - Ms. Laura Hammel, 完整文件 (pdf)