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Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications

日期和地点2017年6月29日 至 7月1日 ( 扬州市 , 中国) 现场
以前/今后会议WIPO/GEO/BUD/15 >> WIPO/GEO/YTY/17 >> WIPO/GEO/LIS/19
相关链接Home Page: English | Français


WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/INF/1 FINALEnglishProgramProgram, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProgrammeProgramme, 完整文件 (pdf)
中文临时日程安排临时日程安排, 完整文件 (pdf)


WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/ONLINE BOOKINGEnglishInstructions for hotel reservationInstructions for hotel reservation, 完整文件 (ppt)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/1EnglishPresentation by Mr. Wang Jian
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/2FrançaisPrésentation par M. Charles Perraud: Intérêt d'une indication géographique pour une dynamique territorial : "Guérande", la renaissance d'un sel de terroir.Présentation par M. Charles Perraud: Intérêt d'une indication géographique pour une dynamique territorial : "Guérande", la renaissance d'un sel de terroir., 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/3FrançaisPrésentation par M. Emmanuel Nzenowo: Processus de mise en place de l'indication géographique Poivre de PenjaPrésentation par M. Emmanuel Nzenowo:  Processus de mise en place de l'indication géographique Poivre de Penja, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/4EnglishPresentation by Ms. Pramila Crivelli: Why geographical indications for least developed countries (LDCs)? The UNCTAD vision, strategy and actionPresentation by Ms. Pramila Crivelli:  Why geographical indications for least developed countries (LDCs)? The UNCTAD vision, strategy and action, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/5EnglishPresentation by Mr. Juan J. Barboza: Uruguay: the case of Danbo CheesePresentation by Mr. Juan J. Barboza: Uruguay: the case of Danbo Cheese, 文件主体 1 (pdf) Presentation by Mr. Juan J. Barboza: Uruguay: the case of Danbo Cheese, 附件 1 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/6EnglishPresentation by Ms. Fang Yinghan
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/7EnglishPresentation by Ms. Sophio Mujiri: the management of geographical indicationsPresentation by Ms. Sophio Mujiri:
the management of geographical indications, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/8EnglishPresentation by Ms. Paola Guerrero: Tell me the origin of the product and I'll tell you if I'm interestedPresentation by Ms. Paola Guerrero:
Tell me the origin of the product and I'll tell you if I'm interested, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/9EnglishPrésentation de M.Jean-Baptiste Wago : L'expérience de l'OAPI en matière de protection et de gestion des indications géographiquesPrésentation de M.Jean-Baptiste Wago : L'expérience de l'OAPI en matière de protection et de gestion des indications géographiques, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/10EnglishPresentation by Ms. Anne Laumonier : A few key elements for optimal management and protection of appellation of origin and geographical indicaitonsPresentation by Ms. Anne Laumonier : A few key elements for optimal management and protection of appellation of origin and geographical indicaitons, 文件主体 1 (pdf) Presentation by Ms. Anne Laumonier : A few key elements for optimal management and protection of appellation of origin and geographical indicaitons, 附件 1 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/11EnglishPresentation by Ms. Catherine Teyssier: FAO's vision on geographical indications: the role of the geographical indications interprofessional body in branding strategiesPresentation by Ms. Catherine Teyssier: FAO's vision on geographical indications: the role of the geographical indications interprofessional body in branding strategies, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/12EnglishPresentation by Mr. Reasey Lao: Branding Strategies for Origin-Based Products; Case of Kampot PepperPresentation by Mr. Reasey Lao: Branding Strategies for Origin-Based Products;  Case of Kampot Pepper, 文件主体 1 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/13EnglishPresentation by Mr. Samper: Origin product branding: delivering content that increases valuePresentation by Mr. Samper: Origin product branding: delivering content that increases value, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/14EnglishPresentation by Ms. Grazioli: Presentation by Ms. Grazioli: , 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/15EnglishPresentation by Mr. Cui Shoudong
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/16EnglishPresentation by Mr. Miao Shaowei:
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/17EnglishPresentation by Mr. Zhang Jindong
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/18EnglishPresentation by Mr. Li Shunde:
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/19EnglishPresentation by Ms. Skye Reeve: Recent developments in Australia in the field of geographical indicationsPresentation by Ms. Skye Reeve: Recent developments in Australia in the field of geographical indications, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/20EnglishPresentation by Mr. Yuichi Fujita:
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/21EnglishPresentation by Mr. Saky Septiono: Geographical indications in IndonesiaPresentation by Mr. Saky Septiono: Geographical indications in Indonesia, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/22EnglishPresentation by Mr. Miguel Margàin: Geographical indications: challenges and opportunitiesPresentation by Mr. Miguel Margàin:
Geographical indications: challenges and opportunities, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/23EnglishPresentation by Ms. Angela Felicita Savino: Protection of geographical indications in the European Union and on the Internet: the Italian experiencePresentation by Ms. Angela Felicita Savino: Protection of geographical indications in the European Union and on the Internet: the Italian experience, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/24EnglishPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: Geographical indications-Consortium for Common Food NamesPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: Geographical indications-Consortium for Common Food Names, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/25EnglishPresentation by Mr. Wolf Meier-Ewert: Geographical indications in the WTOPresentation by Mr. Wolf Meier-Ewert: Geographical indications in the WTO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/26EnglishPresentation by Ms. Nancy Omelko: Recent developments at the international levelPresentation by Ms. Nancy Omelko: Recent developments at the international level, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/27EnglishPresentation by Mr. Francis Fay: Recent developments at the international levelPresentation by Mr. Francis Fay: Recent developments at the international level, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/28EnglishPresentation by Mr. Hui Huang: Where to go from there? From INTA's perspectivePresentation by Mr. Hui Huang: 
Where to go from there?
From INTA's perspective, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/29EnglishPresentation by Mr. Wang Peizhang:
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/30EnglishPresentation by Mr. Wang Ze:
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/31EnglishPresentation by Mr. Boris Osgnach: Where to go from there? ECTA's remarksPresentation by Mr. Boris Osgnach:
Where to go from there?
ECTA's remarks, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/YTY/17/32EnglishPresentation by Ms. Catherine Teyssier: Presentation by Ms. Catherine Teyssier: , 完整文件 (pdf)