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Worldwide Symposium on Geographical Indications

日期和地点2019年7月2日 至 7月4日 (里斯本, 葡萄牙) 现场
以前/今后会议WIPO/GEO/YTY/17 >> WIPO/GEO/LIS/19 >> WIPO/GEO/GE/21
相关链接Home page: English


WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/INF/1 PROV.EnglishProgramProgram, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProgammeProgamme, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/INF/3EnglishInformation on SpeakersInformation on Speakers, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisInformation sur les conférenciersInformation sur les conférenciers, 完整文件 (pdf)


WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/1EnglishPresentation by Ms. Marie-Paule Rizo: Update on Geographical Indications from WIPOPresentation by Ms. Marie-Paule Rizo: Update on Geographical Indications from WIPO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/2EnglishPresentation by Mr. Fernando Amaral: Update on Portuguese Geographical IndicationsPresentation by Mr. Fernando Amaral: Update on Portuguese Geographical Indications, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/3EnglishPresentation by Mr. Francis Fay: Geographical Indications: Recent Developments in the EUPresentation by Mr. Francis Fay: Geographical Indications: Recent Developments in the EU, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/4EnglishPresentation by Mr. Liu Jian: Protection and Development of Geographical Indication in ChinaPresentation by Mr. Liu Jian: Protection and Development of Geographical Indication in China, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/5EnglishPresentation by Ms. Anna Rogoleva: Initiatives for Improving Russian Legislation Concerning the Protection of Geographical IndicationsPresentation by Ms. Anna Rogoleva: Initiatives for Improving Russian Legislation Concerning the Protection of Geographical Indications, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/6EnglishPresentation by Ms. Maslina Malik: Updates on Geographical Indications in the ASEAN RegionPresentation by Ms. Maslina Malik: Updates on Geographical Indications in the ASEAN Region, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/7EnglishPresentation by Mr. Wolf Meier-Ewert: Geographical Indications in the WTOPresentation by Mr. Wolf Meier-Ewert: Geographical Indications in the WTO, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/8EnglishPresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: International and Regional Tools and Initiatives for Protecting Geographical IndicationsPresentation by Ms. Alexandra Grazioli: International and Regional Tools and Initiatives for Protecting Geographical Indications, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/9EnglishPresentation by Ms. Diana Akullo Ogwal: Continental Strategy for Geographical Indications in AfricaPresentation by Ms. Diana Akullo Ogwal: Continental Strategy for Geographical Indications in Africa, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/10EnglishPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: GIs and Common NamesPresentation by Mr. Allen Johnson: GIs and Common Names, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/11EnglishPresentation by Mr. Massimo Vittori: Geographical Indications and Common NamesPresentation by Mr. Massimo Vittori: Geographical Indications and Common Names, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/12EnglishPresentation by Mr. Dev. Gangjee: No G in the GI? Testing for GenericidePresentation by Mr. Dev. Gangjee: No G in the GI? Testing for Genericide, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/13PortuguêsPresentation by Mr. Emidio Rafael: Inciativas para a Protecção de Indicações Grográficas em MoçambiquePresentation by Mr. Emidio Rafael: Inciativas para a Protecção de Indicações Grográficas em Moçambique, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/14PortuguêsPresentation by Mr. Igor Schumann Seabra Martins: Iniciativas para a Proteção das Indicações Geográficas no BrasilPresentation by Mr. Igor Schumann Seabra Martins: Iniciativas para a Proteção das Indicações Geográficas no Brasil, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/15PortuguêsPresentation by Mr. Hailton Alfama: A Propriedade Industrial em Cabo Verde: Regime Juridico das Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas "O Caso dos Vinhos da Ilha do Fogo"Presentation by Mr. Hailton Alfama: A Propriedade Industrial em Cabo Verde: Regime Juridico das Denominações de Origem e Indicações Geográficas
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/16EnglishPresentation by Mr. Ashley Parasram: Adding Value through GIsPresentation by Mr. Ashley Parasram: Adding Value through GIs, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/17FrançaisPrésentation de Mme Fatima Amehri: ARGANE IGP, un développement durable intégré : un territoire, un produit, des femmesPrésentation de Mme Fatima Amehri: ARGANE IGP, un développement durable intégré : un territoire, un produit, des femmes, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/18EnglishPresentation by Mr. Alberto Ribeiro de Almeida: Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications, an Added Value that Needs ProptectionPresentation by Mr. Alberto Ribeiro de Almeida: Designations of Origin and Geographical Indications, an Added Value that Needs Proptection, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/19EnglishPresentation by Mr. Oreste Gerini: The Protection of GIs on the (e-)MarketPresentation by Mr. Oreste Gerini: The Protection of GIs on the (e-)Market, 完整文件 (pdf)
WIPO/GEO/LIS/19/20EnglishPresentation by Ms. Susan Anthony: Geographical Indications and the Internet: Where Are We Now?Presentation by Ms. Susan Anthony: Geographical Indications and the Internet: Where Are We Now?, 完整文件 (pdf)