The SCT was created in 1998 to serve as a forum to discuss issues, facilitate coordination and provide guidance on the progressive development of international law on trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications, including the harmonization of national laws and procedures.

Participation in the SCT is open to all member states of WIPO or the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property as members. A special rule of procedure extends membership without the right to vote to the European Union. In addition, member states of the United Nations that are not members of WIPO or the Paris Union, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations accredited with observer status at WIPO may participate in the Committee in an observer capacity .

  • List of ad hoc accredited organisations to the SCTPDF, General Rules of Procedure of WIPO

2024 Riyadh Diplomatic Conference on Design Law

November 11-22, 2024


Electronic Forum

The Electronic Forum was established in 1998 in order to accelerate the deliberations and discussions of the SCT. It enables the electronic distribution, and submission by e-mail of comments concerning, preliminary draft working documents and draft reports. The Electronic Forum is open to all States members of the SCT and all interested States, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which have observer status in the SCT.

Legal references


WIPO-administered treaties relevant to the work of the SCT include:

Joint recommendations

These joint recommendations respond to trends and developments in international trademark law:

  • Protection of Well-Known Marks PDF, Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Well-Known Marks
  • Trademark Licenses PDF, Joint Recommendation Concerning Trademark Licenses
  • Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet PDF, Joint Recommendation Concerning Provisions on the Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet

National practices

WIPO’s database on ‘Temporary Protection for Designs Shown at International Exhibitions’ contains information – provided by members of the SCT – ranging from duration, nature, and benefits of temporary protection, through to the requirements for, and evidence to support, such protection.

WIPO's Geographical Indications Information Database provides access to:

  • information on national and regional systems that can provide a certain measure of protection to geographical indications, and
  • information on the use/misuse of geographical indications, country names and geographical terms on the internet and in the DNS.

Reference documents

  • Status Report on Protection Against Unfair Competition in WIPO Member States PDF, Summary of Replies to the Questionnaire on Trademark Law and Practice, Rev. 1
  • Trademark Law and Practice – Summary of replies to questionnaire PDF, Summary of Replies to the Questionnaire on Trademark Law and Practice, Rev. 1
  • Industrial Design Law and Practice – Summary of replies to questionnaire PDF, Summary of Replies to the Questionnaires (Parts I and II) on Industrial Design Law and Practice, Rev. 2
  • Representation of Non-Traditional Marks – Areas of Convergence PDF, Representation of Non-Traditional Marks -  Areas of Convergence
  • Trademark Opposition Procedures – Areas of Convergence PDF, Trademark Opposition Procedures – Areas of Convergence
  • Grounds for Refusal of all Types of Marks PDF, Grounds for Refusal of all Types of Marks
  • Technical and Procedural Aspects Relating to the Registration of Certification and Collective Marks PDF, Technical and Procedural Aspects Relating to the Registration of Certification and Collective Marks
  • The Protection of Country Names Against Registration and Use as Trademarks PDF, The Protection of Country Names Against Registration and Use as Trademarks

Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT)

The SCT was created in 1998 to serve as a forum to discuss issues, facilitate coordination and provide guidance on the progressive development of international law on trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications, including the harmonization of national laws and procedures.

Participation in the SCT is open to all member states of WIPO or the Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial Property as members. A special rule of procedure extends membership without the right to vote to the European Union. In addition, member states of the United Nations that are not members of WIPO or the Paris Union, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations accredited with observer status at WIPO may participate in the Committee in an observer capacity.

  • List of ad hoc accredited organisations to the SCT [PDF]

Meetings and documents

The Electronic Forum was established in 1998 in order to accelerate the deliberations and discussions of the SCT. It enables the electronic distribution, and submission by e-mail of comments concerning, preliminary draft working documents and draft reports. The Electronic Forum is open to all States members of the SCT and all interested States, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which have observer status in the SCT.


WIPO-administered treaties relevant to the work of the SCT include:

Joint recommendations

These joint recommendations respond to trends and developments in international trademark law:
  • Protection of Well-Known Marks [PDF]
  • Trademark Licenses [PDF]
  • ​​​​​​​Protection of Marks, and Other Industrial Property Rights in Signs, on the Internet [PDF]

National practices

WIPO’s database on ‘Temporary Protection for Designs Shown at International Exhibitions’ contains information – provided by members of the SCT – ranging from duration, nature, and benefits of temporary protection, through to the requirements for, and evidence to support, such protection.
  • information on national and regional systems that can provide a certain measure of protection to geographical indications, and
  • information on the use/misuse of geographical indications, country names and geographical terms on the internet and in the DNS.

Reference documents

  • Status Report on Protection Against Unfair Competition in WIPO Member States [PDF]
  • Trademark Law and Practice – Summary of replies to questionnaire [PDF]
  • Industrial Design Law and Practice – Summary of replies to questionnaire [PDF]
  • Representation of Non-Traditional Marks – Areas of Convergence [PDF]
  • Trademark Opposition Procedures – Areas of Convergence [PDF]
  • Grounds for Refusal of all Types of Marks [PDF]
  • Technical and Procedural Aspects Relating to the Registration of Certification and Collective Marks [PDF]
  • The Protection of Country Names Against Registration and Use as Trademarks [PDF]