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Integrating Intellectual Property into Innovation Policy Formulation in Jamaica
Part of a series of WIPO-produced country reports, reviewing IP in national innovation systems. Each report offers country-specific recommendations for more effectively using the IP system to strengthen national innovation systems.
Publication year: 2016
WIPO Magazine, Issue 1/2016 (February)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Measuring Creativity: Learning from Innovation Measurement
Economic Research Working Paper No. 31
There is a growing interest in broadening the measurement scope of innovation and considering “creative” activities, meaning that the usual indicators of innovation satisfy neither scholars nor policy makers. Conceptually, there is not much difference between innovative and creative activity: but to what extent are current measures that capture innovation relevant for creativity? Can the new measures for creativity benefit from the experience accumulated through R&D and innovation? Our article provides insights and lessons learned from using measures of innovative activities for scholars who are interested in capturing creative activities. We underscore the difficulties faced when measuring innovation and draw some parallels of these difficulties with the efforts undertaken to measure creativity.
WIPO IP Facts and Figures 2015
An overview of intellectual property activity based on the latest available year of complete statistics.
International Survey on Private Copying - Law and Practice 2015
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Dutch collecting society for private copying remunerations, Stichting de Thuiskopie, are pleased to present the third joint publication on the law and practice of private copying systems around the world. The survey provides a global view of private copying compensation (also known as private copying levies), an important element of copyright and related rights infrastructure. It aims to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and to provide an update on important developments in the private copying law and practice of countries that have such an exception in their legal arsenals.
Neighboring Rights
Collective Management Organizations – Tool Kit
This WIPO toolkit offers a practical approach to the collective management of copyright and related rights.
Musical Works and Audio-Visual Works
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2016/17 biennium
This Program and Budget provides the planning for the biennium 2016/17 within the overall strategic context of the Medium Term Strategic Plan (MTSP) and guided by the inputs received from Member States.
Global Innovation Index 2016
Winning with Global Innovation
The Global Innovation Index ranks the innovation performance of 128 countries and economies around the world, based on 82 indicators. This edition explores the impact of innovation-oriented policies on economic growth and development. High-income and developing countries alike are seeking innovation-driven growth through different strategies. Some countries are successfully improving their innovation capacity, while others still struggle.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 3/2016 (June)