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Interrogation > Anglais > 2017
Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)
The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program is coordinated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) together with its partners in the publishing industry with the aim to increase the availability of scientific and technical information in developing countries.
Année de publication: 2017
Guide to the International Patent Classification (2017)
WIPO Program and Budget
for the 2018/19 biennium
The Program and Budget is a defining document for the Organization. It establishes the results that Member States wish to see achieved by the Organization over the coming biennium and authorizes the programs and resources necessary for the realization for those results.
WIPO Consumer Survey Toolkit on Respect for IP
The WIPO Consumer Survey Toolkit on Respect for IP is intended for use by public- and private-sector bodies wanting to measure consumer attitudes towards pirate and counterfeit goods. The creation of the Survey Toolkit was made possible by Funds-in-Trust provided by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea.
Supporting Industrial Property for Shared Prosperity
The Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific
This booklet introduces the work and highlights some of the many success stories of the Japan Funds-in-Trust for Industrial Property in Asia and the Pacific, a collaboration between Japan and WIPO.
Global Design Database
The free global search engine for designs
This brochure outlines the options for searching industrial design documents in WIPO's Global Design Database.
WIPO Magazine, Issue 6/2017 (December)
The WIPO Magazine explores intellectual property, creativity and innovation in action across the world.
Documenting Traditional Knowledge – A Toolkit
There is growing interest in documenting the wealth of traditional knowledge (TK) that has been developed by indigenous peoples and local communities around the world. But documenting TK can raise important issues, especially as regards intellectual property. This Toolkit presents a range of easy-to-use checklists and other resources to help ensure that anyone considering a documentation project can address those issues effectively.
Vaccines: Accelerating Innovation and Access
Global Challenges Report
This Global Challenges Report describes the innovation process for vaccines. It explains how the restricted availability of vaccines is due to impediments at every stage of the process. Most of these obstacles are manageable, and intellectual property (IP) rights are associated with only some of them. The analysis aims to put into perspective debates around health innovation and the availability of health technologies in developing countries, especially with respect to the role of IP. In particular, it provides an overview of how IP has been used to meet global health challenges in the vaccines field, and considers whether lessons can be drawn to inform other important health technologies.
Patent Cooperation Treaty Yearly Review 2017 - Executive Summary
The International Patent System
This document provides the key trends in the use of the WIPO-administered Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This edition provides a summary of the statistics reported in the PCT Yearly Review 2017.