element ReferenceCitationFreeFormat
version V2_0
namespace https://www.wipo.int/standards/XMLSchema/ST96/Patent
type pat:ReferenceCitationFreeFormatType
content complex
children com:B com:I com:O com:S com:U com:Sup com:Sub com:Image com:SmallCapital com:Ins com:Del com:Br com:UL com:OL com:Pre com:DL com:Math com:ChemicalFormulae com:PatentCitation com:NPLCitation com:FigureReference com:CrossReference com:BioDeposit com:Table
used by
complexType pat:ReferenceCitationBagType
Name Type Use Default Fixed annotation
com:id xsd:ID documentation
Unique identifier global to the entire document
com:pNumber xsd:string documentation
Paragraph number
pat:citedPhaseCategory pat:CitedPhaseCategoryType documentation
The phase during which the citation was cited: on filing, in application, search, international search, supplementary international search, supplementary search, international examination, examination, opposition, limitation
pat:citingPartyCategory pat:CitingPartyCategoryType documentation
The provider of citation: applicant, examiner, third party, opponent
Reference cited in support of the application in free format
source <xsd:element name="ReferenceCitationFreeFormat" type="pat:ReferenceCitationFreeFormatType">
Reference cited in support of the application in free format