Trade Marks Act
Passed 22 May 2002
(RT1 I 2002, 49, 308),
entered into force 1 May 2004,
amended by the following Acts:
10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141;
17.12.2003 entered into force 08.01.2004 - RT I 2003, 88, 594;
16.12.2003 entered into force 01.01.2004 - RT I 2003, 82, 555;
21.11.2002 entered into force 01.01.2004 - RT I 2002, 99, 585.
Chapter 1
General Provisions
§ 1. Scope of application of Act
(1) This Act regulates the legal protection of well-known and registered trade marks
and service marks (hereinafter trade mark) and rights and obligations related to trade
marks and, in the cases provided for in this Act, rights and obligations related to trade
marks registered by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (hereinafter
Community trade mark) on the basis of Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20
December 1993 on the Community trade mark (Official Journal L 011 , 14/01/1994 P.
0001 â 0036) (hereinafter Community trade mark Regulation).
(2) The Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications shall issue a regulation
for the implementation of this Act in matters where the competence of a Member State
for taking decisions arises from corresponding legal acts of the European Union or from
this Act (hereinafter regulation on trade marks).
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 2. Equality of persons
The rights and obligations prescribed in this Act and other legal acts concerning the
protection of trade marks apply equally to persons of Estonia and persons of foreign
states taking account of the restrictions provided for in this Act concerning persons with
no residence, seat or commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia.
§ 3. Trade marks
A trade mark is a sign used to distinguish the goods or services of a person from other
similar types of goods or services of other persons.
Chapter 2
Legal Protection of Trade Marks
§ 4. Content of legal protection of trade marks
(1) Legal protection of trade marks means the recognition of and protection of the
rights of the person who holds an exclusive right to a trade mark (hereinafter proprietor
of a trade mark) with legal means.
(2) An exclusive right to a registered trade mark may be exercised only by the person
who is entered in the register of trade and service marks (hereinafter register) as the
proprietor of the trade mark unless otherwise provided by this Act.
(3) An exclusive right to an international registration valid pursuant to the Protocol
Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
(RT II 1998, 36, 68) (hereinafter the Madrid Protocol) may be exercised in Estonia only
by the person who is entered in the International Register of the International Bureau of
the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter Bureau) as the proprietor of the
trade mark unless otherwise provided by this Act.
§ 5. Protectable trade marks
(1) Legal protection shall be granted to:
1) trade marks which are well known in Estonia within the meaning of Article 6bis
of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (RT II 1994, 4/5, 19)
(hereinafter well-known trade marks);
2) trade marks which are registered in the register (hereinafter registered trade
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
3) trade marks concerning which a registration valid in Estonia is entered in the
International Register of the Bureau pursuant to the Madrid Protocol.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) Legal protection is granted only to well-known trade marks, registered trade
marks or trade marks valid in Estonia pursuant to the Madrid Protocol the legal protection
of which is not precluded on the basis of the provisions of §§ 9 and 10 of this Act.
§ 6. Representability of protected trade marks
(1) Protected trade marks shall be capable of being represented graphically.
(2) (Repealed - 10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 7. Recognition of well-known trade marks
(1) A court shall recognise a trade mark as being well known at the request of the
proprietor of the trade mark. A trade mark shall be recognised as being well known only
in connection with an action or appeal concerning the legal protection of the trade mark.
(2) The Patent Office shall consider a trade mark to be well-known only in
connection with the registration procedure of the trade mark or other trade marks. The
Industrial Property Board of Appeal shall consider a trade mark to be well-known only in
connection with the adjudication of an appeal against a decision of the Patent Office or an
application concerning contestation of the legal protection of the trade mark.
(3) The following shall be taken into consideration upon recognising a trade mark as
being well known:
1) the degree of knowledge of the trade mark in Estonia in the sector of actual and
potential consumers of goods analogous to the goods or services to which the trade mark
applies, the sector of persons involved in channels of distribution of such goods or
services or in business circles dealing with such goods or services;
2) the duration and extent of the use and promotion of the mark and geographical
area of the use of the mark;
3) the registration, use and knowledge of the mark in other countries;
4) the value associated with the mark.
(4) A trade mark shall be recognised as being well known if the trade mark is known
to the majority of persons in at least one of the sectors specified in clause (3) 1) of this
(5) The recognition of a trade mark as being well known shall not have any legal
effect in later disputes.
§ 8. Legal protection on basis of registration
(1) A registration concerning a trade mark filed for registration is made in the
register under the conditions and pursuant to the procedure provided for in Chapter 4 of
this Act, taking account of the provisions of the Principles of Legal Regulation of
Industrial Property Act (RT I 2003, 18, 98, 82, 555; 2004, 20, 141).
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) Legal protection of a registered trade mark is valid as of the filing date of an
application for the registration of the trade mark (hereinafter application) until ten years
as of the date of making the registration. The term of legal protection of a trade mark may
be renewed at the request of the proprietor of the trade mark for ten years at a time.
§ 9. Absolute circumstances which preclude legal protection
(1) Legal protection shall not be granted to the following signs:
1) signs which do not conform to the provisions of § 6 of this Act;
2) signs which are devoid of any distinctive character, including single letters in
non-stylised form, single numbers in non-stylised form and single colours;
3) signs which consist exclusively of signs or indications which designate the kind,
quality, quantity, intended purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods or services,
the time of production of the goods or of rendering of the services, or other characteristics
of the goods or services, or which describe the goods or services in another manner, or
which consist of the above-mentioned signs or indications which are not considerably
4) signs which consist exclusively of signs or indications which have become
customary in current language or in good faith business practice;
5) signs which consist exclusively of the shape which results from the nature of the
goods, is necessary to obtain a technical result or gives substantial value to the goods;
6) signs which are of such a nature as to deceive the consumer as to the kind,
quality, quantity, intended purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods or services,
the time of production of the goods or of rendering of the services, or other characteristics
of the goods or services;
7) signs which are contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality;
8) signs the registration of which must be refused on the basis of Article 6 ter of the
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, unless the competent
authorities or officials give written consent for the registration;
9) signs which include a flag, coat of arms or another symbol other than those
covered by Article 6 ter of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
the registration of which is contrary to public interest, unless the competent authorities or
officials give written consent for the registration;
10) signs the application for the registration of which was filed in bad faith by the
person applying for registration (hereinafter applicant) or the use of which has
commenced in bad faith;
11) signs which contain a registered geographical indication or are confusingly
similar thereto if it may result in unlawful use of the geographical indication pursuant to
the provisions of the Geographical Indications Protection Act (RT I 1999, 102, 907;
2000, 40, 252; 2001, 27; 151; 56, 332 and 335; 2002, 53, 336; 63, 387; 2003, 88, 594;
2004, 20, 141);
12) signs the use of which is prohibited pursuant to other Acts or an international
(2) If, following the use which has been made of it, a trade mark has acquired a
distinctive character by the filing date of an application and in the case of well-known
trade marks, the provisions of clauses (1) 2)-4) of this section do not apply.
(3) Upon the incorporation of a sign specified in clauses (1) 2), 3), 4) and 5) of this
section within a trade mark, such sign constitutes an element of the trade mark which is
not subject to protection.
§ 10. Relative circumstances which preclude legal protection
(1) Legal protection shall not be granted to the following trade marks:
1) trade marks which are identical with an earlier trade mark which has been granted
legal protection with regard to identical goods or services designated by the trade mark;
2) trade marks which are identical or similar to an earlier trade mark which has been
granted legal protection with regard to identical goods or services or goods or services of
a similar kind designated by the trade mark, if there exists a likelihood of confusion on
the part of the public, which includes association of the trade mark with the earlier trade
3) trade marks which are identical or similar to an earlier registered trade mark or a
trade mark which has been filed for registration or to a trade mark which is known to the
majority of the Estonian population and which has been granted legal protection for
different kinds of goods or services, if the use of the later trade mark without due cause
would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the
repute of the earlier trade mark;
4) trade marks which are identical or confusingly similar to a business name entered
in the commercial register prior to the filing date of the registration application or the
priority date if the area of activity in respect of which a notation has been made in the
commercial register includes the goods and services which the trade mark are used to or
are going to be used to designate;
5) which are identical or confusingly similar to the name of a proprietary medicinal
product registered in Estonia if the goods which the trade mark is used to or is going to be
used to designate belong to the field of medicine;
6) the use of which is detrimental to an earlier right to a name, a right of personal
portrayal, a right to the name of an immovable, the name or image of an architectural site,
an object of copyright or industrial property right or another earlier right;
7) which are identical or confusingly similar to a trade mark which is used in
another country and was used in that country also on the date on which the application
was filed, if the application is filed in bad faith.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) Circumstances specified in clauses (1) 2)-6) of this section which preclude legal
protection are not taken into account if the proprietor of the earlier trade mark or another
earlier right consents to the registration of the later trade mark in writing.
§ 11. Earlier trade mark and other earlier rights
(1) âEarlier trade markâ means the following:
1) a trade mark which became well known earlier;
2) a registered trade mark if the filing date of the application or the date of priority is
3) a trade mark filed for registration if the filing date of the application or the date of
priority is earlier. A trade mark filed for registration shall be an earlier trade mark only if
it is registered;
4) a trade mark which is valid in Estonia on the basis of the Madrid Protocol if the
date of international registration or date of priority is earlier;
5) a trade mark filed for registration on the basis of the Madrid Protocol if the date
of international registration or date of priority is earlier. A trade mark filed for
registration is an earlier trade mark only if legal protection for the trade mark is not
refused in Estonia;
6) a Community trade mark registered on the basis of the Community Trade Mark
Regulation if the filing date of the application, priority date or the seniority date granted
on the basis of Estonian registration is earlier;
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
7) a Community trade mark filed for registration on the basis of the Community
Trade Mark Regulation if the filing date of the application, priority date or the seniority
date granted on the basis of Estonian registration is earlier; A trade mark filed for
registration shall be an earlier trade mark only if it is registered.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) When determining other earlier rights, the date of acquisition of the
corresponding right in Estonia shall be taken into consideration.
(3) If rights to a trade mark or other rights are created on the same date, such rights
have no priority in relation to each other.
§ 12. Scope of legal protection of trade marks
(1) The scope of legal protection of a trade mark is based on the following:
1) for a well-known trade mark, the form of the trade mark in which it became well
2) the representation of the trade mark entered in the register.
(2) The scope of legal protection of a trade mark with regard to goods and services is
1) for a well-known trade mark, by such goods and services which the trade mark
was used to designate when it became well known;
2) by a list of goods and services entered in the register or the International Register
of the Bureau.
(3) Goods and services are classified in accordance with the international
classification of goods and services established by the Nice Agreement Concerning the
International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of
Marks (hereinafter the Nice classification) (RT II 1996, 4, 14).
(4) Goods or services may not be considered as being similar or dissimilar to each
other on the ground that they appear in the same class or different classes of the Nice
(5) A trade mark may include elements which are not subject to protection unless this
decreases the distinctive character of the trade mark or violates the rights of other
(6) If, during subsequent use, an element of a trade mark which is not subject to
protection acquires a distinctive character or becomes well known, new registration of the
registered trade mark may be applied for to extend legal protection to the whole mark.
§ 13. Representative for performing acts related to legal protection of trade marks
(1) Acts related to trade marks shall be performed in the Patent Office and in the
Industrial Property Board of Appeal (hereinafter Board of Appeal) by interested persons
or patent agents who are expressly authorised by the interested persons and who have
been awarded patent agent qualifications for operation in the area of trade marks pursuant
to the Patent Agents Act (RT I 2001, 27, 151; 93, 565; 2002, 53, 336; 2003, 88, 594). An
interested person or patent agent may involve, at own expense, an interpreter or adviser
without the right of representation in oral proceedings in the Patent Office or in the Board
of Appeal.
(2) A person with no residence, seat or commercial or industrial enterprise operating
in Estonia shall authorise a patent agent as the personâs representative to perform
procedures related to trade marks in the Patent Office and in the Board of Appeal, except
the fling of an application.
(3) If several persons jointly perform acts related to trade marks in the Patent Office
and in the Board of Appeal, they may authorise a patent agent as their representative or
choose a representative from among themselves (hereinafter joint representative) whose
residence, seat or commercial or industrial enterprise is in the Republic of Estonia. A
joint representative has the right to perform all acts related to the processing of a patent
application in the name of the applicants, except transfer of the patent application.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
Chapter 3
Rights Conferred by Trade Mark
§ 14. Exclusive right
(1) The proprietor of a trade mark has the right to prohibit third parties from using in
the course of trade:
1) any sign which is identical with the trade mark which is granted legal protection
in relation to goods or services which are identical with those for which the trade mark is
2) any sign which is identical with or similar to the trade mark which is granted legal
protection in relation to goods or services which are identical with or similar to those for
which the trade mark is protected, and because of the identity or similarity of the goods
or services covered by the trade mark and the sign there is the likelihood of confusion on
the part of the public, including the likelihood of association between the sign and the
trade mark which is granted legal protection;
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
3) any sign which is identical with, or similar to a registered trade mark or a trade
mark which is known to the majority of the Estonian population and which is granted
legal protection, where such sign is used to designate goods or services which are not
similar to those for which the trade mark is registered, if use of that sign without due
cause takes unfair advantage of, or is detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute
of the trade mark.
(2) The following acts, inter alia, are prohibited based on the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section:
1) affixing the sign to goods or to the packaging thereof;
2) offering goods for sale, putting them on the market or stocking them for the
purposes of sale under the sign;
3) offering or supplying services under the sign;
4) importing or exporting the goods under the sign;
5) using the sign on business papers, in advertising or instruction manuals for the
(3) The use of a trade mark on the Internet is considered to be use of the trade mark
in Estonia only if such use has commercial consequence in Estonia. The following, inter
alia, shall be taken into account upon the establishment of commercial consequence:
1) business activity in Estonia of the person who uses a trade mark on the Internet,
such as actual business relations or relations motivated by business, the existence of
customer services and non-Internet activity in Estonia;
2) the intention of the person who uses the trade mark on the Internet to offer goods
or services to persons in Estonia via the Internet, taking into consideration the
transportation of goods, the currency and information, the language and Internet links
relating to communication with the provider of goods or services;
3) a condition indicated on the Internet stating that goods or services shall not be
offered to persons in Estonia, and adherence to such condition;
4) taking unfair advantage of, or being detrimental to the distinctive character or the
repute of a trade mark belonging to another person.
(4) Upon the publication of a registered trade mark in a reference book, manual,
textbook, professional journal or other publication, including electronic publications, the
author and publisher shall ensure that the trade mark has the registered trade mark symbol
next to it if the proprietor of the trade mark so requests. If the publication is already
published, the proprietor of a trade mark may request the use of the registered trade mark
symbol in the next publication.
§ 15. Registered trade mark symbol
The proprietor of a trade mark may use the registered trade mark symbol or a warning
together with the trade mark.
§ 16. Limitation of exclusive right
(1) The proprietor of a trade mark has no right to prohibit other persons from using
the following in the course of trade in accordance with good business practices:
1) the names and addresses of other persons;
2) any sign which consists of signs or indications which designate the kind, quality,
quantity, intended purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods or services, the time
of production of the goods or of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the
goods or services, or which describe the goods or services in another manner, or which
consists of the above-mentioned signs or indications which are not considerably altered;
3) signs or indications which have become customary in current language or in good
faith business practice;
4) the trade mark if it is necessary to indicate the intended purpose of a product, in
particular as accessories or spare parts, or a service;
5) elements of the trade mark which are not subject to protection.
(2) The proprietor of an earlier trade mark has no right to prohibit the use of a later
trade mark or another later right if the proprietor of the earlier trade mark was aware or
should have been aware of the later trade mark and has acquiesced, for a period of five
consecutive years, in the use of the later trade mark. The limitation does not apply if the
proprietor of the later trade mark commenced use of the trade mark or filed the
application in bad faith or if another later right was acquired in bad faith. The proprietor
of a later trade mark is not entitled to prohibit the use of an earlier trade mark or another
earlier right.
(3) The proprietor of a trade mark is not entitled to prohibit further commercial
exploitation of goods which have been put on the market in Estonia or in a State party to
the Agreement of the European Economic Area under that trade mark by the proprietor or
with the proprietorâs consent unless the condition of the goods is changed after they have
been put on the market.
§ 17. Obligation to use trade mark
(1) The proprietor of a trade mark is required to actually use a registered trade mark
to designate goods and services in respect of which it is registered.
(2) The following shall also constitute use of a trade mark by the proprietor of the
trade mark:
1) use of the trade mark in a form differing in elements which do not alter the
distinctive character of the mark in the form in which it was registered;
2) affixing of the trade mark to goods or to the packaging thereof intended solely for
export purposes;
3) use of the trade mark with the consent of the proprietor of the trade mark.
§ 18. Transfer of trade marks
(1) A trade mark may be transferred in relation to all or some of the goods or
(2) A trade mark transfers to the legal successor of the proprietor of the trade mark.
A trade mark shall not be inherited by the state or a local government.
(3) The transfer of a registered trade mark enters into force on the date of entry of the
corresponding amendment in the register.
§ 19. Surrender of trade marks
(1) The proprietor of a trade mark may surrender a trade mark with regard to all or
some of the goods and services.
(2) The surrender of a registered trade mark enters into force on the date of entry of
the corresponding amendment in the register.
(3) A trade mark cannot be surrendered if the trade mark is encumbered with a
pledge, included in a bankruptcy estate or a licence has been issued or a prohibition on
disposal has been made in relation to the trade mark.
§ 20. Division of registration
The proprietor of a trade mark may divide the registration into two or more registrations
and divide the goods and services between these registrations. The division of a
registration enters into force on the date of entry of the corresponding amendment in the
§ 21. Licence
(1) A licensee may transfer the rights acquired from the proprietor of a trade mark by
way of a licence to third persons only with the permission of the proprietor of the trade
(2) The transfer of a trade mark or a licence issued later shall not affect the validity
of a licence issued earlier.
(3) An entry shall be made in the register concerning a licence if a party to the
licence agreement so requests.
(4) The term of the validity of a licence expires with the expiry of the term of the
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 22. Prohibition
In order to secure an action, a prohibition on disposal may be made in relation to a trade
mark in the register at the request of the plaintiff.
§ 23. Compulsory execution and bankruptcy
(1) A trade mark may be the object of compulsory execution separately from an
(2) If a registered trade mark is included in a bankruptcy estate, a corresponding
notation shall be made in the register at the request of the trustee in bankruptcy or a court.
§ 24. Pledging of trade marks
(1) A registered trade mark may be encumbered with a pledge such that the person
for whose benefit the pledge is established (hereinafter pledgee) has the right to
satisfaction of the claim secured by the pledge against the pledged trade mark.
(2) A pledge is created by making an entry concerning the pledge in the register on
the basis of a notarised agreement for establishment of the pledge between the proprietor
of the trade mark and the pledgee.
(3) A pledge shall transfer to the legal successor of the pledgee. An entry shall be
made in the register concerning the transfer of a pledge.
§ 25. Satisfaction of claim secured by pledge
(1) A pledgee may demand the satisfaction of a claim secured by the pledge after it
becomes collectable.
(2) If a claim secured by a pledge is not satisfied, the pledgee is entitled to satisfy the
claim by way of selling the encumbered trade mark at a compulsory auction.
(3) An agreement whereby the pledgee acquires the encumbered trade mark for the
satisfaction of a claim secured by the pledge is invalid.
§ 26. Extinguishment of pledge
A pledge extinguishes upon termination of the claim secured by the pledge or if the
pledgee waives the pledge.
§ 27. Rights conferred by application
The provisions of §§ 18-23 of this Act apply to applications and rights conferred by
applications taking into account the specifications arising from the legal status of
Chapter 4
Registration of Trade Marks
§ 28. Application
(1) Each trade mark shall have a separate application.
(2) An application shall set out:
1) a request for the registration of a trade mark;
2) an authorisation document or reference to an authorisation document submitted
earlier if the applicant has a representative;
3) documents certifying priority if priority is claimed;
4) information concerning payment of the state fee.
(3) In addition, the provisions of Chapter 6 of this Act apply to applications for the
registration of collective marks or guarantee marks.
§ 29. Priority
(1) Convention priority means the preferential right of the person who files the first
application to apply for legal protection to a trade mark. The filing date of the first
application is deemed to be the date of priority.
(2) If a first application contains the goods or services indicated in an application
filed with the Patent Office for the registration of the same trade mark and such
application is filed with the Patent Office within six months as of the filing date of the
first application, priority may be established:
1) on the basis of the filing date of the first application in any State party to the Paris
Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or in a contracting state of the World
Trade Organisation;
2) on the basis of the filing date of the first application in a state which is not a State
party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or in a state which
is not member of the World Trade Organisation if such state guarantees equivalent
conditions for persons who file first applications in the Republic of Estonia.
(3) Exhibition priority means the preferential right of the person who publicly
displays goods or services designated by a trade mark at an international or officially
recognised international exhibition within the meaning of the Convention on International
Exhibitions signed at Paris in 1928 which takes place in the territory of a state specified
in clause (2) 1) or 2) of this section to apply for legal protection of the trade mark.
(4) If goods or services indicated in an application were displayed at an exhibition
specified in subsection (3) of this section, designated by the same trade mark, and the
application is filed with the Patent Office within six months after the date of display,
priority may be established on the basis of the date of display at the exhibition.
(5) Priority may be established for a trade mark on the basis of several first
applications. If several first applications have been filed earlier, the six month term
provided for in subsection (2) of this section shall be calculated from the earliest date of
§ 30. Request for registration of trade mark
A request for the registration of a trade mark shall contain:
1) a request for the registration of a trade mark;
2) the name, address of the residence or seat of the applicant and, if the applicant so
wishes, other details of the applicant;
3) the name of the representative of the applicant, if the applicant has a
4) the address of a commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia and
belonging to a person of a foreign state, if such person has no representative;
5) a representation of the trade mark;
6) a list of goods and services classified according to the Nice Classification
together with class numbers;
7) a declaration of priority if priority is claimed;
8) a list of colours, if the representation of the trade mark is in colour;
9) where the mark is a three-dimensional mark, a statement to that effect;
10) the signature of the applicant or the representative of the applicant.
§ 31. Representation of trade mark
(1) A representation of a trade mark shall give a clear and complete depiction of the
trade mark.
(2) In the representation of a three-dimensional trade mark, one view or several
views of the trade mark may be presented.
(3) The Patent Office may request the transliteration and translation of the part of the
trade mark consisting of words.
§ 32. Authorisation document
An authorisation document shall set out the following:
1) the name and address of the residence or seat of the person represented;
2) the name of the representative;
3) the scope of the authorisation;
4) right to delegate authorisation, if the person represented grants such right to the
5) the term of validity of the authorisation, if the authorisation is granted for a
specified term;
6) the signature of the person represented;
7) the place and date of issue of the authorisation document.
§ 33. Documents certifying priority
(1) Convention priority is certified by a document which is issued to the applicant by
the agency which received the first application and which sets out the information in the
first application.
(2) Exhibition priority is certified by a document concerning the display of goods or
services designated by the trade mark at an exhibition specified in subsection 29 (3) of
this Act issued by the organiser of the exhibition.
§ 34. Filing of application
(1) Applications are filed with the Patent Office.
(2) Information concerning payment of the state fee, a priority claim and an
authorisation document issued to the representative of the applicant shall be filed within
two months as of the filing date of an application.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(3) Documents certifying a priority claim shall be filed within three months as of the
filing date of the application. Documents certifying priority need not be submitted if
priority is claimed on the basis of a first application filed in Estonia.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(4) The formal and substantive requirements for the application and other documents
to be submitted to the Patent Office shall be established by the regulation on trade marks.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 35. Filing date of application
The date on which at least the following information is submitted to the Patent Office
shall be deemed to be the filing date of an application:
1) a request for the registration of a trade mark in Estonian;
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
2) a representation of the trade mark;
3) a list in Estonian of goods and services for which the registration application is
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
4) information necessary for identification of the applicant, or address of the
applicant or the representative of the applicant.
§ 36. Determination of filing date of application and acceptance for processing
(1) If an application meets the requirements provided for in § 35 of this Act upon its
receipt in the Patent Office, the date of receipt of the application in the Patent Office shall
be deemed to be the filing date of the application.
(2) If any information specified in § 35 of this Act is missing from an application, the
applicant shall be notified thereof and a term of two months shall be set for elimination of
deficiencies. The Patent Office is not required to give notice if the filed documents do not
contain the name or address of an applicant or the name of the representative of the
(3) If the name or address of an applicant or the name of the representative of the
applicant is missing, the applicant may, on own initiative, file all the application
information specified in § 35 of this Act within two months as of the date of receipt of the
initially filed documents in the Patent Office.
(4) If an applicant files all the missing application information within a term set
pursuant to subsection (2) of this section or, if subsection (3) applies, within the term
provided for therein, the date on which all the application information specified in § 35
are submitted to the Patent Office shall be deemed to be the filing date of the application.
(5) An application the filing date of which is determined pursuant to subsection (1)
or (4) of this section shall be accepted for processing. The Patent Office shall notify the
applicant of the filing date of the application and the application number.
(6) The filing date of an application shall not be determined if the applicant fails to
submit missing application information to the Patent Office within the term prescribed in
the cases provided for in subsections (2) and (3) of this section. The Patent Office shall
inform the applicant that the application is deemed to be not filed. The applicant is
entitled to a refund of the state fee paid by the applicant.
§ 37. Examination of compliance of applications with formal and substantive
(1) If it becomes evident in the course of examination of the compliance of an
application with formal and substantive requirements that a document specified in § 28 of
this Act is missing from the application or documents do not meet the requirements
provided for in §§ 30-33 or requirements established on the basis of subsection 34 (4) of
this Act, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof in writing and set a term of at
least two months for the elimination of deficiencies or provision of explanations.
(2) If an applicant fails to eliminate deficiencies in the applicantâs response to the
notice specified in subsection (1) of this section, a decision to reject the application shall
be made.
(3) If an applicant fails to respond to the notice specified in subsection (1) of this
section by the due date or fails to submit, within the term provided for in subsection 34
(2) of this Act, information concerning payment of the state fee in the prescribed amount
or fails to file an authorisation document within the prescribed term, the application shall
be deemed to be withdrawn.
(4) If an applicant does not file a priority claim within the term provided for in
subsection 34 (2) of this Act or fails to submit documents certifying priority by the due
date or the priority claim does not comply with the provisions of § 29 or the documents
submitted do not certify priority, the Patent Office shall not take the priority claim into
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 38. Examination of trade marks
(1) The Patent Office shall examine a trade mark with regard to the provisions of
subsection 9 (1) and § 10 of this Act.
(2) If an examination reveals circumstances which preclude the legal protection of a
trade mark, the Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof and set a term of at least
two months for the elimination of the said circumstances or the provision of explanations.
If the applicant fails to respond by the due date, the application shall be deemed to be
(3) If an examination reveals that a trade mark contains a sign which constitutes an
element of the trade mark which is not subject to protection pursuant to subsection 9 (3)
of this Act and such sign does not cause doubt as to the extent of the exclusive right, the
Patent Office shall not indicate the element which is not subject to protection in the
decision to register the trade mark.
(4) If an examination reveals that a trade mark contains a sign which constitutes an
element of the trade mark which is not subject to protection pursuant to subsection 9 (3)
of this Act and such sign may cause doubt as to the extent of the exclusive right, the
Patent Office shall notify the applicant thereof and set a term of at least two months to
agree to the element which is not subject to protection or to provide explanations If
notification of agreement to the element which is not subject to protection is not given or
a relevant explanation is not provided by the due date, the applicant shall be deemed to
have agreed to the element which is not subject to protection.
§ 39. Decision to register trade mark and decision to refuse registration of trade mark
(1) The decision to register a trade mark shall be made if examination reveals none of
the circumstances specified in subsection 9 (1) and § 10 of this Act which preclude legal
protection or if the applicant eliminated circumstances which were revealed by the
examination and which preclude legal protection.
(2) The decision to refuse to register a trade mark shall be made if circumstances
specified in subsection 9 (1) or § 10 of this Act which were revealed by the examination
and which preclude legal protection are not eliminated by the applicant.
(3) The provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section apply to some of the
goods and services if the circumstance which precludes legal protection is not valid with
regard to all goods or services for which the registration application is filed.
(4) If an applicant does not agree to consider part of the trade mark as an element
which is not subject to protection but the Patent Office does not regard the opinion of the
applicant as reasoned, the Patent Office shall make a decision to register the trade mark
with a restriction, indicating the element which is not subject to protection.
§ 40. Publication of decision to register trade mark
(1) A notice concerning a decision to register a trade mark shall be published in the
official gazette of the Patent Office «Eesti KaubamÀrgileht» (hereinafter official gazette
of the Patent Office).
(2) The structure and procedure for the publication of the official publication of the
Patent Office shall be established by the regulation on trade marks.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 41. Adjudication of appeals and revocation applications
(1) An applicant may file an appeal against a decision of the Patent Office specified
in subsection 37 (2) and § 39 of this Act with the Industrial Property Board of Appeal
within two months as of the date of making the decision.
(2) An interested person may contest an applicantâs right to a trade mark in the
Industrial Property Board of Appeal if circumstances specified in subsection 9 (1) or § 10
of this Act which preclude legal protection exist. The term for the filing of a revocation
application is two months as of the publication of the notice of the decision to register a
trade mark.
(3) In case an appeal or revocation application is allowed in whole or in part, the
Board of Appeal shall annul the decision of the Patent Office and require the Patent
Office to continue proceedings taking into account the facts set out in the decision of the
Board of Appeal.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(4) If an appeal is allowed, the applicant shall have the right to have the paid state fee
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 42. Renewal of terms
(1) The terms provided for in subsections 34 (2) and (3) of this Act shall not be
(2) The Patent Office shall renew the terms specified in subsection 37 (1) and
subsections 38 (2) and (4) of this Act at the request of the applicant for at least two
months at a time but not for longer than thirteen months altogether. The request together
with information concerning payment of the state fee must be filed before the end of the
set term.
§ 43. Suspension of processing
(1) If the examination of a trade mark depends on a decision to be made concerning
an earlier trade mark, the Patent Office shall suspend the processing of the registration of
the later trade mark until a final decision enters into force concerning the earlier trade
mark and notify the applicant thereof.
(2) On the basis of a reasoned request from the applicant, the Patent Office may
suspend processing for up to twelve months.
(3) Suspended processing shall be continued if grounds for suspending the
processing cease to exist or, in the case specified in subsection (2) of this section, upon
expiry of the term.
§ 44. Division and restriction of applications
(1) An applicant may, until a decision to register or refuse the registration of a trade
mark is made or during proceedings concerning an appeal filed with regard to a decision
to register a trade mark, divide the application into two or more applications by
distributing among the latter the goods and services. A corresponding request shall be
submitted together with information concerning payment of the state fee.
(2) Applications which are the result of a division shall preserve the filing date and
priority of the initial application.
(3) An applicant may restrict the list of goods and services set out in an application.
A restriction shall enter into force on the date of receipt of the request at the Patent
§ 45. Correction and amendment of applications
An applicant may, until a decision to register or refuse the registration of a trade mark is
made, make corrections and amendments to the application provided that such
corrections and amendments do not alter the representation of the trade mark set out in
the application on its filing date or extend the list of goods or services.
§ 46. Conditions for registration
(1) A registration shall be made if:
1) the decision to register a trade mark has not been appealed against or the
applicantâs right to the published trade mark has not been contested, and information
concerning payment of the state fee for the registration has been submitted within four
months as of the publication of the notice of registration of the trade mark, or
2) a decision to register a trade mark and the applicantâs right to the trade mark
remain in force regardless of appeal of contestation, and information concerning payment
of the state fee for the registration is submitted within two months as of the date of entry
into force of the final decision.
(2) If information concerning payment of the state fee for the registration is not
submitted by the due date, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
§ 47. Withdrawal of applications, termination and resumption of processing
(1) An applicant may withdraw an application until the making of the registration by
filing a corresponding written request. An application is deemed to be withdrawn on the
date of receipt of the request at the Patent Office.
(2) If an application is withdrawn in the manner specified in subsection (1) of this
section or deemed to be withdrawn in the cases specified in §§ 37, 38 or 46 of this Act,
processing shall be terminated. If processing is terminated, the application documents
shall not be returned and the state fee shall not be refunded.
(3) An applicant may request that processing be resumed if the Patent Office
terminated processing having deemed the application to be withdrawn pursuant to §§ 37,
38 or 46 of this Act and if the applicant failed to perform the acts due to force majeure or
some other impediment independent of the applicant or the representative of the
(4) The Patent Office shall resume the processing if the applicant proves the
existence of an impediment and performs the prescribed acts within two months after the
impediment ceases to exist, and submits information concerning payment of the state fee.
(5) A request for the resumption of the processing may be filed within six months
after the due date for the act which was not performed.
(6) The provisions of subsections (3)â(5) of this section also apply upon the
restoration of priority.
§ 48. Registration
(1) A registration shall be made on the basis of a decision to register a trade mark.
(2) Registration data are:
1) the registration number;
2) the date of making the registration;
3) a representation of the trade mark;
4) a list of goods and services classified according to the Nice Classification
together with class numbers;
5) a list of colours, if the representation of the trade mark is in colour;
6) where the mark is a three-dimensional mark, a statement to that effect;
7) the element of the trade mark which is not subject to protection if such element is
indicated in the registration decision;
8) the name and address of the residence or seat of the proprietor of the trade mark;
9) where the trade mark is a collective mark or a guarantee mark, a statement to that
10) the name of the representative of the applicant, if the applicant has a
11) the address of a commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia and
belonging to a person of a foreign state, if such person has no representative;
12) the date of expiry of the registration;
13) application number;
14) the filing date of the application;
15) priority data, if a priority claim is satisfied.
§ 49. Publication of registration data
Registration data and amendments or corrections to registration data shall be published in
the official gazette of the Patent Office.
§ 491. Certificate of registration
(1) After entry of a trade mark in the register, the Patent Office issues, within twenty
working days, a certificate of registration to the proprietor of the trade mark.
(2) Only one certificate of registration is issued regardless of the number of
proprietors of a trade mark.
(3) In case of transfer of a trade mark in relation to some of the goods or services or
in case of division of a registration, a certificate if registration shall be issued to the
proprietor of the new registration within twenty working as of entry of the data in the
(4) A duplicate of a certificate of registration may be issued on the basis of a request
from the proprietor of the trade mark. The duplicate is issued within twenty working days
as of the submission of the request and information concerning payment of the state fee.
(5) The formal requirements and the procedure for the completion of certificate
forms shall be established by the regulation on trade marks.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 50. Renewal of term of legal protection of trade marks
(1) During one year prior to expiry of the term of legal protection of a trade mark, the
proprietor of the trade mark may request the renewal of the term. A corresponding
request shall be submitted together with information concerning payment of the state fee.
(2) The proprietor of a trade mark may request restoration of the term for renewal of
the legal protection of the trade mark within six months after expiry of the term of legal
protection of the trade mark. A corresponding request shall be submitted together with
information concerning payment of the state fee and additional state fee.
(3) Renewal of the term of legal protection of a trade mark enters into force on the
date of expiry of the term.
§ 501. Application for entry on transfer of trade mark in register
(1) A written request of the applicant, proprietor of the trade mark or another entitled
person shall be the basis for making an entry on transfer of a trade mark in the register.
(2) Information concerning payment of the state fee shall be appended to the request.
(3) If the request is submitted by the new proprietor of the trade mark or the person
to whom the rights conferred by the trade mark transfer, a document certifying the
surrender or the transfer of the rights, or a transcript of the document officially certified
by the Patent Office shall be appended to the request.
(4) In case of transfer of a trade mark encumbered with a registered security over
movables, the written consent of the pledgee shall be appended to the request.
(5) In case of transfer of a trade mark in relation to some of the goods or services, a
list of the goods and services to be transferred and a list of the goods and services which
remain in the registration data shall be appended to the request.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 502. Application for entry on amendment of registration data in other cases
(1) A written request of the proprietor of the trade mark shall be the basis for making
an entry on the amendment of registration data.
(2) An entry on the amendment of registration data shall not alter the trade mark or
extend the scope of legal protection thereof, except in the case specified in subsection 19
(1) of this Act..
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 503. Application for entry on surrender of trade mark in register
A written request of the proprietor of the trade mark shall be the basis for making an
entry on the surrender of the trade mark.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 504. Application for entry on division of registration in register
(1) A written request of the proprietor of the trade mark shall be the basis for making
an entry on the division of the registration.
(2) Information concerning payment of the state fee shall be appended to the request.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 505. Application for entry of licence in register
(1) A written request of the licensor or the licensee shall be the basis for an entry
concerning a licence in the register.
(2) The licence agreement or a transcript of the agreement officially certified by the
Patent Office and information concerning payment of the state fee shall be appended to a
request for entry concerning a licence in the register. Instead of the licence agreement or
a certified transcript thereof, an officially certified extract of the licence agreement
containing data concerning the licensee and the nature, scope and term of the licence
which are necessary for making an entry may be filed.
(3) An entry concerning a licence agreement shall be deleted at the end of the term of
the licence or at the request of the person who filed the application for entry concerning
the licence in the register.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 506. Application for entry of pledge in register
(1) A written request of the proprietor of the trade mark or the pledgee shall be the
basis for an entry concerning a pledge in the register.
(2) A notarised agreement for the establishment of the pledge and information
concerning payment of the state fee shall be appended to the request.
(3) In order to have the conditions of an agreement for the establishment of the
pledge amended, a request together with a notarised annex to the agreement for the
establishment of the pledge, a court judgment or another document certifying the
amendment and information concerning payment of the state fee shall be filed.
(4) In order to have the person of the pledgee changed, a request together with a
notarised document certifying the change and information concerning payment of the
state fee shall be filed.
(5) In order to have the ranking of a registered security over movables changed, a
request together with the agreement between the persons the ranking of whose rights is
changed and information concerning payment of the state fee shall be filed.
(6) An entry concerning a registered security over movables shall be deleted from the
register upon termination of the claim secured by the pledge or waiver of the pledge.
(7) In case of waiver of the pledge, the pledge shall file a request together with a
notarised request for waiver of the pledge.
(8) For amendment or deletion of an entry concerning a registered security over
movables at the request of the proprietor of the trade mark, the consent of the persons
whose right, entered in the register, is prejudiced by the amendment or deletion of the
entry is required.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 507. Processing of requests specified in §§ 50â506
(1) If a request specified in §§ 50â506 is filed by an authorised representative, an
authorisation document shall be added to the request. The authorisation document need
not be added if an authorisation document filed with the Patent Office earlier for the
performance of the act is valid.
(2) The applicant shall be given notice of the making of an entry not later than on the
twentieth working day as of the date of receipt of a valid request and the necessary
(3) A notice concerning the making of an entry shall be published in the official
gazette of the Patent Office.
(4) If some of the information or documents necessary for the making of an entry are
missing, the applicant shall be notified thereof not later than on the fifteenth working day
as of the receipt of a defective request in the Patent Office and a term of two months shall
be set for the elimination of deficiencies. If it is not possible to make the entry by the
specified term on the basis of the documents submitted, the request is deemed to be not
(5) If it is not possible to make an entry for any other reason provided in law, the
applicant shall be notified thereof not later than on the fifteenth working day as of the
receipt of the request in the Patent Office.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 51. Deletion of trade mark from register
(1) A trade mark is deleted from the register six months after expiry of its term of
validity unless renewal of the term of validity of the trade mark has been requested. The
deletion enters into force retroactively on the date of expiry of the term of validity.
(2) A trade mark shall be deleted from the register before the prescribed time if a
corresponding court judgment which has entered into force is submitted to the Patent
Office or if the proprietor of the trade mark surrenders the trade mark.
(3) A trade mark shall be deleted from the register at the request of an interested
person, if during one year as of the deletion of the company from the commercial register
no request is filed for the making of an entry in the register on the transfer of the trade
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 511. Access to register
(1) Prior to the publication of the notice of the decision concerning registration, it is
permitted to release the following information from the register: representations of trade
marks, numbers of registration applications, filing dates of registration applications,
information on priority, names of applicants, names of representatives of applicants, lists
of goods and services, and class numbers of the international classification.
(2) Prior to the publication of the notice of the decision concerning registration,
access to a registry file is granted to the applicant and a person who has written consent
of the applicant, or a person who proves that applicant, after the registration of the trade
mark, intends to blame the person of infringement of the applicant's exclusive right of the
proprietor of trade mark.
(3) After the publication of the notice of the decision concerning registration of the
trade mark, the register shall be public. Everyone shall have access to the registry file and
data entered in a record.
(4) In order to have access to a registry file or to be issued copies or printouts from
the register, a written request together with information concerning payment of the state
fee for each file, copy or printout of a document shall be submitted. Applicants and
proprietors of trade marks have access to the registry files concerning their trade marks
free of charge.
(5) In order to be issued a document certifying priority, which consists of the
confirmation by the Patent Office and a copy of the application, the applicant or
proprietor of the trade mark shall submit a written request together with information
concerning payment of the state fee.
(6) The procedure for access to the register and release of information from the
register shall be established by the regulation on trade marks.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
Chapter 5
Judicial Contestation of Rights and Civil Liability
§ 52. Declaration of invalidity of exclusive right of proprietor of trade mark
(1) An interested person may file an action against the proprietor of a trade mark for
the exclusive right of the proprietor of the trade mark to be declared invalid if
circumstances specified in §§ 9 or 10 of this Act which preclude legal protection exist
and grounds for the action also existed at the time of making the registration.
(2) An action provided for in subsection (1) of this section shall not be filed:
1) if the proprietor of the earlier trade mark or the proprietor of another earlier right
filing the action has not contested the later trade mark within five years after becoming
aware of the later trade mark. These grounds do not apply if the application of the later
trade mark was filed in bad faith;
2) on the basis of clause 10 (1) 3) of this Act, if the earlier trade mark had not
acquired a distinctive character by the filing date or priority date of the registration
application of the later trade mark.
(3) If a trade mark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trade mark which
has been granted legal protection in another country is registered to the name of the
representative of the proprietor of the trade mark without the proprietorâs consent, the
proprietor of the trade mark used in the other country has the right to file an action in a
claim requesting the transfer of the trade mark to the proprietor. These grounds do not
apply if the representative proves the legality of the representative's activities.
(4) The proprietor of a trade mark does not have the right to request that the
exclusive right of the proprietor of another trade mark be declared invalid if the
proprietor of the trade mark has failed to use the registered trade mark within the
meaning of § 17 of this Act during five consecutive years without good reason.
(5) Actions specified in subsection (1) of this section may be filed within five years
as of the date of making the registration. This restriction does not apply if the contested
application was filed in bad faith.
§ 53. Declaration of exclusive right of proprietor of trade mark extinguished
(1) An interested person may file an action against the proprietor of a trade mark for
the exclusive right of the proprietor of the trade mark to be declared extinguished if:
1) the trade mark has, as a result of acts or failure to act on the part of the proprietor
of the trade mark, become a customary sign in relation to the goods or services with
regard to which it is registered;
2) the trade mark has, as a result of an act or failure to act by the proprietor of the
trade mark, become such as to deceive the consumer as to the kind, quality, quantity,
intended purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods or services, the time of
production of the goods or of rendering of the services, or other characteristics of the
goods or services;
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
3) the registered trade mark has not been used within the meaning of § 17 of this Act
during five consecutive years after the making of the registration, without good reason;
4) a trade mark concerning which a registration valid in Estonia is entered in the
International Register of the Bureau pursuant to the Madrid Protocol has not been used
within the meaning of § 17 of this Act during five consecutive years after grant of legal
protection to the trade mark in Estonia.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) An action specified in subsection (1) of this section cannot be filed on the basis of
clause (1) 3) of this section if the registered trade mark is used within the meaning of § 17
of this Act after five years of non-use commences prior to filing of the action.
(3) The provisions of subsection (2) of this section do not apply if use of the trade
mark within the meaning of § 17 of this Act commences after the end of the period of
five years and within three months prior to filing of the action and if the proprietor of the
trade mark commenced preparations for the use of the trade mark only after the proprietor
became aware of the intention of filing the action.
§ 54. Declaration of invalidity of exclusive right to trade mark containing geographical
(1) An interested person may file an action against the proprietor of a trade mark for
the declaration of invalidity of exclusive right to the trade mark filed for registration in
bad faith if:
1) the trade mark contains a registered geographical indication or a sign confusingly
similar thereto,
2) goods or services designated with the trade mark and a registered geographical
indication are identical or of similar type, and
3) the trade mark is filed for registration after the geographical indication becomes
subject of legal protection in its country of origin.
(2) If a trade mark specified in subsection (1) of this section contains the name of a
geographical area in Estonia, the condition specified in clause (1) 3) of this section does
not apply upon the declaration of invalidity of the exclusive right to use the trade mark.
(3) For the purposes of this Act, a trade mark is filed for registration in bad faith if
the person who filed for registration knew or should have known that the sign indicates
that goods or services originate from a certain geographical area and a certain
characteristic, reputation or other characteristic feature of the goods or services can be
related to the geographical origin to a considerable extent.
(4) An interested person may file an action against the proprietor of a trade mark for
the declaration of invalidity of the exclusive right to a trade mark registered prior to 10
January 2000 to designate an alcoholic beverage if the trade mark contains a registered
geographical indication or is confusingly similar thereto and the alcoholic beverage
designated by the trade mark does not originate from the geographical area specified by
the geographical indication.
(5) The provisions of this section also apply to the declaration of invalidity of
exclusive right to trade marks containing geographical indications which were filed for
registration or registered prior to 10 January 2000.
(6) If an action is satisfied, exclusive right to a trade mark shall be declared invalid as
of 10 January 2000.
§ 55. Consequences of declaration of invalidity of exclusive right and declaration of
exclusive right extinguished
(1) If an exclusive right is declared invalid, the registration shall be deemed to be
null and void from inception.
(2) If an exclusive right is declared extinguished, the registration shall be deemed to
be invalid as of the date of filing of the action. The plaintiff may request that an exclusive
right be declared extinguished as of the date of creation of the grounds for the action.
(3) The declaration of invalidity of an exclusive right or declaration of an exclusive
right extinguished is not the basis for the revocation of a court judgment concerning the
protection of exclusive right which entered into force and was executed prior to the
making of the court judgment declaring the exclusive right invalid or extinguished or for
the revocation of an act performed earlier.
§ 56. Partial declaration of invalidity of exclusive right and partial declaration of
exclusive right extinguished
If grounds for the declaration of invalidity of an exclusive right or declaration of an
exclusive right extinguished apply only to some of the goods or services designated with
the trade mark, the exclusive right shall be declared invalid or extinguished with regard to
such goods or services.
§ 57. Protection of exclusive right
(1) The proprietor of a trade mark may file an action against a person infringing the
exclusive right, including a licensee who violated the terms of the licence agreement:
1) for termination of the offence;
2) for compensation for patrimonial damage caused intentionally or due to
negligence, including loss of profit and moral damage.
(2) If an exclusive right is infringed by an employee or representative of an
undertaking, the action specified in subsection (1) of this section may be filed against the
(3) A licensee has the right to file an action for the protection of an exclusive right
only with the permission of the proprietor of the trade mark. A licensee may file an action
without permission after sending a notice of an infringement of the exclusive right to the
proprietor of the trade mark if the proprietor of the trade mark fails to file an action
within a reasonable period of time.
(4) A licensee has the right to enter, as a third party, judicial proceedings in a claim
for compensation for damage caused to the proprietor of a trade mark initiated on the
basis of an action filed by the proprietor of the trade mark.
§ 58. Supplementary protection requirements
(1) If the proprietor of a trade mark files an action for the protection of an exclusive
right specified in § 57 of this Act, the proprietor may request the destruction of
unlawfully designated goods and objects solely or almost solely used or intended to
commit the offence which are in the ownership or possession of the offender if it is not
possible or expedient to eliminate the unlawful nature of the goods or objects in another
(2) If the proprietor of a trade mark has filed an action for the protection of an
exclusive right, the proprietor may request from the person infringing the exclusive right,
through the court, information concerning the origin, the manner and channels of
distribution and the amount of unlawfully designated goods, including the names and
addresses of the manufacturer, supplier, previous proprietors and resellers of such goods.
§ 59. Counterclaims
(1) A person against whom the proprietor of a well-known or registered trade mark
has filed an action for the protection of the exclusive right or against whom infringement
proceedings have been initiated may contest the exclusive right of the proprietor of the
trade mark.
(2) The infringement proceedings shall be suspended for the period of the
proceedings conducted concerning the counteraction specified in subsection (1) of this
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 60. Specifications of judicial proceedings in matters relating to trade marks
(1) Appeals and actions related to the legal protection of trade marks fall within the
jurisdiction of the court in the jurisdiction of which the Patent Office is located.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) Implementation of provisional measures referred to in Article 50 of the
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in Annex 1C to the
WTO Agreement (RT II 1999, 22, 123) falls within the competence of the county or city
court in the jurisdiction of which the offence occurred. An application for the securing of
an action shall be immediately reviewed.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(3) A court shall send a copy of the decision made in a dispute related to a trade mark
to the Patent Office for its information even if the Patent Office has not participated in the
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 601. Organisation representing proprietors of trade marks
In the protection of their rights, proprietors of trade marks may be represented by
organisations with passive legal capacity representing proprietors of trade marks.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
Chapter 6
Specifications of Legal Protection of Collective Marks and Guarantee Marks
§ 61. Definition of collective mark and guarantee mark
(1) A collective mark is a trade mark which belongs to an association of persons with
active legal capacity and which is used by members of the association to designate their
goods and services under the conditions and pursuant to the procedure provided for in the
regulations of the collective mark.
(2) A guarantee mark is a trade mark used to designate the goods and services of
different persons in order to guarantee a common quality, common geographic origin or
method of production or another common feature of such goods and services.
§ 62. Regulations of collective mark or guarantee mark
(1) An application for the registration of a collective mark or guarantee mark shall
include the regulations of the collective mark or guarantee mark (hereinafter regulations).
(2) A collective mark or guarantee mark shall be registered if there are no
circumstances which preclude legal protection and:
1) the regulations are not contrary to public policy or accepted principles of
2) in the case of a guarantee mark, the regulations include a list of the required
common features of goods and services designated with the guarantee mark which can be
used as the basis for quality control;
3) in the case of a collective mark, the regulations have a list of members of the
association whose goods and services are designated with the collective mark attached
thereto and the regulations include the conditions of and procedure for becoming a
member of the association.
(3) An amendment of regulations is effective as of the entry of the amendment in the
register. An amendment shall be entered in the register only if the regulations do not
conflict with the requirements provided for in subsection (2) of this section.
§ 63. Specifications of legal protection of collective marks and guarantee marks
(1) (Repealed - 10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(2) The use of a collective mark or guarantee mark by a an unauthorised person is
(3) A guarantee mark may be used by any person whose goods or services have
features provided for in the regulations provided that such person pays a fee to the
proprietor of the guarantee mark.
(4) A guarantee mark may indicate the geographical origin of the goods or services
designated with the guarantee mark.
(5) The use of a collective mark by at least one member of the association which is
the proprietor of the collective mark and the use of a guarantee mark, with the permission
of the proprietor of the guarantee mark, by at least one person whose goods or services
have features provided for in the regulations constitute use of a trade mark within the
meaning of § 17 of this Act.
§ 64. Additional grounds for declaration of invalidity of exclusive right of proprietor of
collective mark or guarantee mark or declaration of such exclusive right extinguished
(1) If regulations cannot be applied and the proprietor of the trade mark fails to
eliminate deficiencies in the regulations during the term set by a court on the basis of an
action filed by an interested person, the exclusive right of the proprietor of the collective
mark or guarantee mark shall be declared invalid.
(2) If regulations cannot be applied due to amendments made thereto or changed
circumstances and the proprietor of the trade mark fails to eliminate deficiencies in the
regulations during the term set by a court on the basis of an action filed by an interested
person, the exclusive right of the proprietor of the collective mark or guarantee mark
shall be declared extinguished.
(3) If the proprietor of a collective mark or guarantee mark allows use of the
collective mark or guarantee mark in conflict with law or the regulations and fails to
eliminate deficiencies during the term set by a court, exclusive right of the proprietor of
the collective mark or guarantee mark shall be declared extinguished based on the action
of an interested person.
§ 65. Specifications of protection of exclusive right to collective marks and guarantee
(1) The user of a collective mark or guarantee mark may file an action for the
protection of trade mark rights only with the permission of the proprietor of the trade
mark. The user of a collective mark or a guarantee mark may file an action without the
permission of the proprietor of the trade mark after giving notice of an infringement of
the exclusive right to the proprietor of the trade mark if the proprietor of the trade mark
fails to file an action within a reasonable period of time.
(2) The user of a collective mark or guarantee mark is entitled to enter a proceeding
initiated on the basis of an action filed by the proprietor of the trade mark in order to
claim compensation for damage suffered.
Chapter 7
International registration of trade marks
§ 66. International registration of trade marks
(1) International registration of a trade mark means the registration of the trade mark
in the International Register of the Bureau pursuant to the Madrid Protocol.
(2) The Patent Office is the Office of Origin and the Office of the Contracting Party
within the meaning of the Protocol.
(3) Applications for licences to be entered in the International Register of the Bureau
shall be filed directly with the Bureau.
§ 67. Application for international registration
(1) An Estonian citizen or a person whose residence or seat is located in Estonia or
who has a commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia may file an
application for international registration (hereinafter international application) with
regard to the same trade mark and same goods and services for which the person has filed
an application or has registered a trade mark in Estonia.
(2) An international application shall comply with the form and content requirements
established in the Madrid Protocol and its Common Regulations. The procedure for filing
international applications with the Patent Office shall be established by the regulation on
trade marks.
(17.12.2003 entered into force 08.01.2004 - RT I 2003, 88, 594; 10.03.2004 entered into
force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(3) International application documents shall be submitted in English.
(4) An international application shall not be forwarded to the Bureau if the state fee
for the filing of the international application is not paid.
(5) International fees pursuant to paragraphs 2-7 of Article 8 of the Madrid Protocol
shall be paid directly to the Bureau.
§ 68. Processing of international applications
(1) The Patent Office shall verify the compliance of information in an international
application with the information in the application or in the registration data which is the
basis for the international application, confirm the correctness of information in the
international application and forward the international application to the Bureau.
(2) The date and number of the international registration of an internationally
registered trade mark (hereinafter international registration) shall be entered in the
register if the international application is made on the basis of a registration, or a
corresponding notation shall be made in the application which is being processed if the
international application is made on the basis of such application.
§ 69. Effect of international registration
(1) Legal protection arising from an international registration valid in Estonia is
equal to legal protection arising from a national registration and the rights and obligations
arising from an internationally registered trade mark are equal to those arising from a
nationally registered trade mark.
(2) An international registration shall not be valid in Estonia if the grant of legal
protection is refused as a result of processing the international registration.
(3) If a nationally registered trade mark is also registered internationally with regard
to the same goods and services, a notation shall be made in the register concerning the
replacement of the national registration at the request of the proprietor of the trade mark,
unless the international application is filed on the basis of subsection 67 (1) of this Act.
§ 70. Processing of international registration
(1) The Patent Office shall perform an expert examination of international
registrations in which Estonia is indicated to be a Contracting Party.
(2) The Patent Office shall perform expert examinations and process international
registrations pursuant to the provisions of this Act, taking account of the specifications
arising from the Madrid Protocol and its Common Regulations.
(3) The grant of legal protection shall be refused if circumstances which preclude
legal protection exist.
(4) The Patent Office shall notify the Bureau of a refusal to grant legal protection
within eighteen months as of the date of notice of the international registration of the
trade mark.
(5) In the case and under the conditions provided for in Article 5 (2) (c) of the
Madrid Protocol, the Patent Office may give notice of refusal to grant legal protection
after the expiry of eighteen months as of the date of notice of the international
registration of the trade mark.
(6) If there are no circumstances which preclude legal protection, a notice concerning
the international registration shall be published in the official gazette of the Patent Office.
(7) Decisions on international registrations made by the Patent Office and the rights
of applicants shall be contested pursuant to the provisions of this Act, taking account of
the specifications arising from the Madrid Protocol and its Common Regulations. The
Bureau shall be notified of a contestation and the decision made in the matter.
(8) The Patent Office shall establish and maintain the database of national processing
of international registrations in which the Republic of Estonia is a Contracting Party.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(9) Information specified in subsection 511 (1) of this Act shall be released from the
database of national processing of international registrations.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
(10) A state fee shall be paid for the release of information from the database of
national processing of international registrations.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 71. Invalidity of international registration and conversion thereof to national application
(1) If an international registration becomes invalid, the international registration in
Estonia becomes invalid on the same date.
(2) If the international registration of a trade mark is cancelled pursuant to Article 6
(4) of the Madrid Protocol, this trade mark may be registered as a national trade mark
with regard to the goods and services included in the international registration if the
proprietor of the trade mark files an application with the Patent Office within three
months as of the date of cancellation of the international registration. The date of
international registration of the trade mark shall be deemed to be the filing date of such
(3) An application specified in subsection (2) of this section must meet the
requirements provided for in Chapter 4 of this Act.
Chapter 71
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
Community trade mark
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 711. Registration of Community trade mark
(1) The registration of Community trade mark shall mean the registration of a trade
mark with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market on the basis of the
Community trade mark Regulation.
(2) The Patent Office is the central office in the field of legal protection of industrial
property within the meaning of the Community Trade Mark Regulation.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 712. Application for Community trade mark
(1) An application for a Community trade mark may be filed with the Patent Office
which shall forward the application to the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal
Market within two weeks as of the filing of the application, and shall issue a
corresponding notice to the applicant. Upon filing an application for a Community trade
mark with the Patent Office, a state fee for the forwarding of the application to the Office
for Harmonisation in the Internal Market shall be paid.
(2) An application for a Community trade mark shall be in conformity with the
requirements for the content and formal requirements specified in the Community Trade
Mark Regulation and in the Commission Regulation 2868/95/EC concerning the
enforcement of the Council Regulation on the Community trade mark (Official Journal L
303 , 15/12/1995 P. 0001 â 0032). The application fee specified in Article 26 (2) of the
Community Trade Mark Regulation shall be paid directly to the Office for Harmonisation
in the Internal Market.
(3) The procedure for filing an application for a Community trade mark with the
Patent Office shall be established by the Minister of Economic Affairs and
Communications by the regulation on trade marks.
(4) The Patent Office does not accept or forward any other documents or letters to be
submitted to the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market.
(5) Estonian citizens and legal persons whose seat is in the Republic of Estonia are
deemed to be the persons specified in paragraph 1 (a) of Article 5 of the Community
Trade Mark Regulation.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 713. Conversion of Community trade mark application or Community trade mark into a
national trade mark application
(1) Upon conversion of Community trade mark application or Community trade
mark into a national trade mark application pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 of the
Community Trade Mark Regulation, the date of Community filing or the date of priority
of that application or trade mark or the seniority date shall be the date of national filing.
(2) The seniority date shall be the date of filing only where the basis for the seniority
of a Community trade mark is a national trade mark registered in Estonia or a trade mark
valid in Estonia pursuant to the Madrid Protocol.
(3) Upon conversion of Community trade mark application or Community trade
mark into a national trade mark application pursuant to the provisions of Article 108 of
Community Trade Mark Regulation, the person requesting conversion shall file the
following documents within two months as of the date on which a corresponding request
from the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market is received in the Patent Office:
1) the request for conversion and the Estonian translation of the accompanying
2) the address of a commercial or industrial enterprise operating in Estonia and
belonging to a person of a foreign state or the authorisation document of an authorised
patent agent;
3) a representation of the trade mark;
4) information concerning payment of the state fee.
(4) The acts of the Patent Office in the processing of a request for conversion shall be
established by the regulation on trade marks.
(5) The Patent Office shall perform expert examinations and process requests for
conversion pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 4 of this Act, taking into account the
specific provisions arising from the Community Trade Mark Regulation.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 714. Retroactive revocation of trade mark deleted from register
If seniority of a trade mark valid in Estonia is claimed for a registered Community trade
mark or a Community trade mark which has been filed for registration on the basis of an
earlier registered trade mark or the Madrid Protocol pursuant to Articles 34 and 35 of the
Community Trade Mark Regulation, an action may be filed for the exclusive right of the
proprietor of the trade mark to be declared invalid pursuant to § 52 of this Act or action
against the proprietor of a trade mark for the exclusive right of the proprietor of the trade
mark to be declared extinguished pursuant to § 53 of this Act even if the earlier trade
mark has been deleted from the register due to refusal to renew the term or is surrendered
by the proprietor.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 715. Specifications of judicial proceedings in matters relating to Community trade
(1) Matters relating to legal protection and validity of Community trade marks are
heard by Tallinn City Court as the Community trade mark court of first instance.
(2) Appeals against the judgments of the Community trade mark court of first
instance shall be reviewed by Tallinn Circuit Court as the Community trade mark court of
second instance.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 716. Prohibition on use of Community trade mark
(1) A proprietor of an earlier trade mark or another earlier right specified in Article
142 (a) of the Community Trade Mark Regulation may file an action against a proprietor
of the Community trade mark for the protection of an exclusive right pursuant to
subsection 57 (1) of this Act for the prohibition on the use of the trade mark in Estonia.
(2) If the proprietor of an earlier trade mark or another earlier right has filed an
action for the protection of an exclusive right on the basis of subsection (1) of this
section, the proprietor may request the application of supplementary protection
requirements specified in § 58 of this Act only in respect of goods located in Estonia.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
Chapter 8
Implementing Provisions
§ 72. Transitional provisions
(1) This Act applies to earlier rights and obligations relating to trade marks unless
otherwise provided in this Act.
(2) The exclusive right of proprietor of trade mark shall not be declared extinguished
on the basis of clause 53 (1) 3) of this Act if the period of five years specified in the
clause commenced before 1 May 2004 and the trade mark was used during the period
between the commencement of the period of five years and 1 May 2004 pursuant to an
Act regulating trade marks which was in force at the time of the trade mark was used.
(3) This Act applies to applications processed by the Patent Office concerning which
no decision has been made before 1 May 2004 to register or refuse to register the trade
(4) Clauses 11 (1) 6) and 7) do not apply to applications the filing date or the date of
priority of which is earlier than May 1 2004.
(5) In appeal proceedings against a decision of the Patent Office made before 1 May
2002 and in making a new decision, the bases for refusal to register a trade mark valid at
the time of the making of the decision and the procedural provisions in force at the time
of the new proceedings in the matter apply.
(6) In appeal proceedings against a decision made by the Board of Appeal before 1
May 2004 and in making a new decision, the Act regulating trade marks which was force
at the time of the making of the decision of the Board of Appeal applies.
(7) The terms specified in subsection 42 (2) and 43 (2) of this Act with respect to
applications being processed by the Patent Office on 1 May 2004 shall be calculated as of
the date of entry into force of this Act.
(8) More favourable provisions apply to persons who committed offences prior to 1
May 2004.
(9) If the limitation period valid before 1 May 2004 has not expired by the date of
entry into force of this Act and a different limitation period is provided for in this Act, the
longer limitation period applies.
(10) The provisions of this Act governing Community trade marks enter into force
upon Estonia's accession to the European Union.
(11) The legal acts established on the basis of the Trade Marks Act (RT 1992, 35, 459;
RT I 1998, 15, 231; 1999, 93, 834; 102, 907; 2001, 27, 151; 56, 332 and 335; 2002, 49,
308; 63, 387) shall be valid after the entry into force of this Act in so far as they are not
contrary to this Act, until either repeal thereof or until they are brought into conformity
with this Act.
(10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)
§ 73. Repeal of Trade Marks Act
The Trade Marks Act (RT 1992, 35, 459; RT I 1998, 15, 231; 1999, 93, 834; 102, 907;
2001, 27, 151; 56, 332 and 335) is repealed as of entry into force of this Act.
§ 74. Entry into force of Act
This Act enters into force on 1 May 2004.
(16.12.2003 entered into force 01.01.2004 - RT I 2003, 82, 555)
1 RT = Riigi Teataja = State Gazette
VĂ€ljaandja: Riigikogu
Akti liik: seadus
Teksti liik: terviktekst
Redaktsiooni jÔustumise kp: 01.03.2009
Redaktsiooni kehtivuse lÔpp:Hetkel kehtiv
Vastu vÔetud 22.05.2002 RT I 2002, 49, 308 jÔustumine 01.05.2004
Muudetud jÀrgmiste aktidega (nÀita)
VastuvÔtmine Avaldamine JÔustumine
21.11.2002 RT I 2002, 99, 58201.05.2004
16.12.2003 RT I 2003, 82, 55501.05.2004
17.12.2003 RT I 2003, 88, 59408.01.2004
10.03.2004 RT I 2004, 20, 14101.05.2004
09.03.2005 RT I 2005, 18, 10408.04.2005
15.06.2005 RT I 2005, 39, 30801.01.2006
26.01.2006 RT I 2006, 7, 42 04.02.2006
06.12.2006 RT I 2006, 61, 45601.01.2007
17.12.2008 RT I 2009, 4, 24 01.03.2009
§ 1. Seaduse reguleerimisala
(1) KĂ€esolev seadus reguleerib ĂŒldtuntud ja registreeritud kauba ja teenindusmĂ€rkide (edaspidi kaubamĂ€rk) Ă”iguskaitset, kaubamĂ€rkidega seonduvaid Ă”igusi ja kohustusi ning kĂ€esolevas seaduses sĂ€testatud juhtudel EL nĂ”ukogu mÀÀruse 40/1994/EĂ Ăhenduse
kaubamĂ€rgi kohta (Euroopa Liidu Teataja L 011, 14.01.1994, lk 1â36) (edaspidi Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀrus) alusel Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ameti poolt registreeritud kaubamĂ€rkidega (edaspidi Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rk) seonduvaid Ă”igusi ja kohustusi.
(2) Majandus ja kommunikatsiooniminister annab kĂ€esoleva seaduse kohaldamiseks mÀÀruse kĂŒsimustes, milles otsustamise Ă”igus on liikmesriigil vastavalt Euroopa Liidu Ă”igusaktidele vĂ”i mille andmise Ă”igus tuleneb kĂ€esolevast seadusest (edaspidi kaubamĂ€rgimÀÀrus ). [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 2. Isikute vÔrdsus
KÀesolevas seaduses ja muudes kaubamÀrgikaitset kÀsitlevates Ôigusaktides ettenÀhtud Ôigused ja kohustused kehtivad vÔrdselt Eesti ja vÀlisriigi isikule, arvestades kÀesolevas seaduses sÀtestatud piiranguid isiku suhtes, kellel ei ole Eestis elukohta, asukohta ega tegutsevat kaubandus vÔi tööstusettevÔtet.
§ 3. KaubamÀrk
KaubamĂ€rk on tĂ€his, millega on vĂ”imalik eristada ĂŒhe isiku kaupa vĂ”i teenust teise isiku samaliigilisest kaubast vĂ”i teenusest.
§ 4. KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse sisu
(1) KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse on kaubamÀrgile ainuÔigust omava isiku (edaspidi kaubamÀrgiomanik) Ôiguste tunnustamine ja kaitse Ôiguslike vahenditega.
(2) Registreeritud kaubamÀrgi suhtes vÔib ainuÔigust teostada ainult kaubamÀrgiomanikuna kauba ja teenindusmÀrkide registrisse (edaspidi register) kantud isik, kui kÀesolev seadus ei sÀtesta teisiti.
(3) Eestis mĂ€rkide rahvusvahelise registreerimise Madridi kokkuleppe protokolli (RT II 1998, 36, 68) (edaspidi Madridi protokoll) alusel kehtiva rahvusvahelise registreeringu suhtes vĂ”ib ainuĂ”igust teostada ainult kaubamĂ€rgiomanikuna Ălemaailmse Intellektuaalse Omandi Organisatsiooni Rahvusvahelise BĂŒroo (edaspidi BĂŒroo) rahvusvahelisse registrisse kantud isik, kui kĂ€esolev seadus ei sĂ€testa teisiti.
§ 5. Kaitstavad kaubamÀrgid
(1) Ăiguskaitse saab: 1) kaubamĂ€rk, mis on ĂŒldtuntud Eestis tööstusomandi kaitse Pariisi konventsiooni (RT II 1994, 4/5, 19) artikli 6bis tĂ€henduses (edaspidi ĂŒldtuntud kaubamĂ€rk); 2) kaubamĂ€rk, mille kohta on tehtud registreering registris (edaspidi registreeritud kaubamĂ€rk); 3) kaubamĂ€rk, mille kohta on tehtud Eestis kehtiv registreering BĂŒroo rahvusvahelises registris Madridi protokolli alusel.
(2) Ăiguskaitse on ainult sellel ĂŒldtuntud kaubamĂ€rgil, registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgil vĂ”i Madridi protokolli alusel Eestis kehtival kaubamĂ€rgil, mille Ă”iguskaitse ei ole vĂ€listatud kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âdes 9 ja 10 sĂ€testatu alusel. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 6. Kaitstava kaubamÀrgi kujutatavus
(1) Kaitstav kaubamÀrk peab olema graafiliselt kujutatav.
(2) [Kehtetu  RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 7. KaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntuse tunnistamine
(1) Kohus tunnistab kaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntust kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku nĂ”udel. KaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntust tunnistatakse ainult juhul, kui see on seotud kaubamĂ€rgi Ă”iguskaitsealase hagi vĂ”i kaebuse menetlusega.
(2) Patendiamet tunnistab kaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntust ainult seoses selle vĂ”i muu kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise menetlusega. Tööstusomandi apellatsioonikomisjon loeb kaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntuks ainult seoses Patendiameti otsuse peale esitatud kaebuse vĂ”i kaubamĂ€rgi kaitstavusalase vaidlustusavalduse lahendamisega.
(3) Ăldtuntuse tunnistamisel arvestatakse muu hulgas kaubamĂ€rgi: 1) tuntuse astet Eestis kaubamĂ€rgiga tĂ€histatud kaupade vĂ”i teenustega analoogiliste kaupade vĂ”i teenuste tegelike ja vĂ”imalike tarbijate sektoris, nende kaupade vĂ”i teenuste jaotusvĂ”rgus tegutsevate isikute sektoris vĂ”i nende kaupade vĂ”i teenustega tegelevas Ă€risektoris; 2) kasutamise ja tutvustamise kestust ja ulatust ning kaubamĂ€rgi geograafilist levikut; 3) registreerimist, kasutamist ja ĂŒldtuntust teistes riikides; 4) hinnangulist vÀÀrtust.
(4) Ăldtuntuse tunnistamiseks piisab, kui kaubamĂ€rki tunneb valdav enamus vĂ€hemalt ĂŒhte kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 3 punktis 1 nimetatud sektorisse kuuluvatest isikutest.
(5) KaubamĂ€rgi ĂŒldtuntuse tunnistamine ei oma Ă”igusjĂ”udu hilisemates vaidlustes.
§ 8. Ăiguskaitse registreeringu alusel
(1) Registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rgi kohta tehakse registris registreering kĂ€esoleva seaduse 4. peatĂŒkis sĂ€testatud tingimustel ja korras, arvestades tööstusomandi Ă”iguskorralduse aluste seaduses (RT I 2003, 18, 98; 82, 555) sĂ€testatut.
(2) Registreeritud kaubamÀrgi suhtes hakkab Ôiguskaitse kehtima kaubamÀrgi registreerimistaotluse (edaspidi taotlus) esitamise kuupÀevast ja kehtib 10 aasta möödumiseni registreeringu tegemise kuupÀevast. KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse kehtivusaega vÔib pikendada kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔudel 10 aasta kaupa. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 9. Absoluutsed Ôiguskaitset vÀlistavad asjaolud
(1) Ăiguskaitset ei saa tĂ€his: 1) mis ei vasta kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 6 sĂ€testatule; 2) millel puudub eristusvĂ”ime, kaasa arvatud ĂŒksik stiliseerimata tĂ€ht, ĂŒksik stiliseerimata arv vĂ”i ĂŒksik vĂ€rv; 3) mis koosneb ĂŒksnes kaupade vĂ”i teenuste liiki, kvaliteeti, hulka, otstarvet, vÀÀrtust, geograafilist pĂ€ritolu, kaupade tootmise vĂ”i teenuste osutamise aega vĂ”i kaupade vĂ”i teenuste teisi omadusi nĂ€itavatest vĂ”i muul viisil kaupa vĂ”i teenust kirjeldavatest tĂ€histest vĂ”i andmetest vĂ”i eelnimetatud tĂ€histest vĂ”i andmetest, mida ei ole oluliselt muudetud; 4) mis koosneb ĂŒksnes tĂ€histest vĂ”i andmetest, mis on muutunud tavapĂ€raseks keelekasutuses vĂ”i heauskses Ă€ripraktikas; 5) mis koosneb ĂŒksnes kujust, mis tuleneb kauba olemusest vĂ”i mis on vajalik tehnilise tulemuse saavutamiseks vĂ”i mis annab kaubale olemusliku vÀÀrtuse; 6) mis oma olemuselt vĂ”ib tarbijat eksitada kaupade vĂ”i teenuste liigi, kvaliteedi, hulga, otstarbe, vÀÀrtuse, geograafilise pĂ€ritolu, kaupade tootmise vĂ”i teenuste osutamise aja vĂ”i kaupade vĂ”i teenuste teiste omaduste suhtes; 7) mis on vastuolus avaliku korra vĂ”i heade tavadega; 8) mille registreerimisest tuleb keelduda tööstusomandi kaitse Pariisi konventsiooni artikli 6ter alusel, kui registreerimiseks puudub Ă”iguspĂ€deva asutuse vĂ”i ametiisiku kirjalik luba; 9) mis sisaldab lippu, vappi vĂ”i muud sĂŒmbolit, millele tööstusomandi kaitse Pariisi konventsiooni artiklis 6ter sĂ€testatu ei laiene, kuid mille registreerimine on vastuolus avaliku huviga, ja puudub pĂ€deva asutuse vĂ”i ametiisiku kirjalik luba; 10) mille registreerimist taotlev isik (edaspidi taotleja) on esitanud taotluse pahauskselt vĂ”i mida on hakatud kasutama pahauskselt; 11) mis sisaldab registreeritud geograafilist tĂ€hist vĂ”i on sellega eksitavalt sarnane, kui see vĂ”ib kaasa tuua geograafilise tĂ€hise Ă”igusvastase kasutamise geograafilise tĂ€hise kaitse seaduses (RT I 1999, 102, 907; 2000, 40, 252; 2001, 27, 151; 56, 332 ja 335) sĂ€testatu jĂ€rgi; 12) mille kasutamine on keelatud muu seaduse vĂ”i rahvusvahelise lepingu jĂ€rgi.
(2) Taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€evaks kasutamise tulemusena eristusvĂ”ime omandanud kaubamĂ€rgi ja ĂŒldtuntud kaubamĂ€rgi puhul ei kohaldata kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 1 punktides 2â4 sĂ€testatut.
(3) KÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔike 1 punktis 2, 3, 4 vÔi 5 nimetatud tÀhise kasutamisel kaubamÀrgi koosseisus loetakse see tÀhis kaubamÀrgi mittekaitstavaks osaks.
§ 10. Suhtelised Ôiguskaitset vÀlistavad asjaolud
(1) Ăiguskaitset ei saa kaubamĂ€rk: 1) mis on identne varasema kaubamĂ€rgiga, mis on saanud Ă”iguskaitse identsete kaupade vĂ”i teenuste tĂ€histamiseks; 2) mis on identne vĂ”i sarnane varasema kaubamĂ€rgiga, mis on saanud Ă”iguskaitse identsete vĂ”i samaliigiliste kaupade vĂ”i teenuste tĂ€histamiseks, kui on tĂ”enĂ€oline kaubamĂ€rkide Ă€ravahetamine tarbija poolt, sealhulgas kaubamĂ€rgi assotsieerumine varasema kaubamĂ€rgiga; 3) mis on identne vĂ”i sarnane varasema registreeritud vĂ”i registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i valdavale enamusele Eesti elanikkonnast tuntud kaubamĂ€rgiga, millel on Ă”iguskaitse teist liiki kaupade vĂ”i teenuste tĂ€histamiseks, kui hilisema kaubamĂ€rgiga vĂ”idakse ebaausalt Ă€ra kasutada vĂ”i kahjustada varasema kaubamĂ€rgi mainet vĂ”i eristusvĂ”imet, mis oli
omandatud hilisema kaubamÀrgi registreerimise taotluse esitamise kuupÀevaks vÔi prioriteedikuupÀevaks; [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009] 4) mis on identne vÔi eksitavalt sarnane enne taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva, rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupÀeva vÔi prioriteedikuupÀeva Àriregistrisse kantud Àrinimega ning vastava ettevÔtja tegevusala kuulub samasse valdkonda kauba vÔi teenusega, mille tÀhistamiseks kaubamÀrki kasutatakse vÔi kavatsetakse kasutada; [RT I 2006, 61, 456  jÔust. 01.01.2007] 5) mis on identne vÔi eksitavalt sarnane Eestis enne taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva, rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupÀeva vÔi prioriteedikuupÀeva registreeritud ravimpreparaadi nimetusega, kui kaubad, mille tÀhistamiseks kaubamÀrki kasutatakse vÔi kavatsetakse kasutada, kuuluvad meditsiini valdkonda; [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009] 6) mille kasutamine kahjustab varasemat Ôigust nimele, isikuportreele, kinnistu nimetusele, arhitektuuriobjekti nimetusele vÔi kujutisele, autoriÔiguse vÔi tööstusomandi esemele vÔi muud varasemat Ôigust; 7) mis on identne vÔi eksitavalt sarnane kaubamÀrgiga, mis on kasutusel teises riigis ja mis oli seal kasutusel ka taotluse esitamise kuupÀeval, kui taotlus on esitatud pahauskselt.
(2) KĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 1 punktides 2â6 sĂ€testatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavaid asjaolusid ei arvestata, kui on olemas varasema kaubamĂ€rgi omaniku vĂ”i muu varasema Ă”iguse omaniku kirjalik luba.
§ 11. Varasem kaubamÀrk ja muu varasem Ôigus
(1) Varasem kaubamĂ€rk on: 1) kaubamĂ€rk, mis omandas ĂŒldtuntuse varem; 2) registreeritud kaubamĂ€rk, kui taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€ev vĂ”i prioriteedikuupĂ€ev on varasem; 3) registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk, kui taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€ev vĂ”i prioriteedikuupĂ€ev on varasem. Registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk on varasem kaubamĂ€rk ainult juhul, kui see registreeritakse; 4) Madridi protokolli alusel Eestis kehtiv kaubamĂ€rk, kui rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupĂ€ev vĂ”i prioriteedikuupĂ€ev on varasem; 5) Madridi protokolli alusel registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk, kui rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupĂ€ev vĂ”i prioriteedikuupĂ€ev on varasem. Registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk on varasem kaubamĂ€rk ainult juhul, kui sellele ei keelduta Eestis Ă”iguskaitset andmast; 6) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse alusel registreeritud Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rk, kui taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€ev, prioriteedikuupĂ€ev vĂ”i Eesti registreeringu alusel omandatud vanemusekuupĂ€ev on varasem; 7) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse alusel registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk, kui taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€ev, prioriteedikuupĂ€ev vĂ”i Eesti registreeringu alusel omandatud vanemusekuupĂ€ev on varasem. Registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rk on varasem kaubamĂ€rk ainult juhul, kui see registreeritakse.
(2) Muu varasema Ôiguse mÀÀramisel arvestatakse vastava Ôiguse Eestis omandamise kuupÀeva.
(3) Kui Ă”igused kaubamĂ€rgile vĂ”i muud Ă”igused on tekkinud ĂŒhel ja samal kuupĂ€eval, ei teki neil ĂŒksteise suhtes eelist. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 12. KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse ulatus
(1) KaubamĂ€rgi Ă”iguskaitse ulatuse aluseks on: 1) ĂŒldtuntud kaubamĂ€rk kujul, millisena ta ĂŒldtuntuse omandas; 2) registrisse vĂ”i BĂŒroo rahvusvahelisse registrisse kantud kaubamĂ€rgi reproduktsioon. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(2) KaubamĂ€rgi Ă”iguskaitse ulatus kaupade ja teenuste suhtes mÀÀratakse: 1) ĂŒldtuntud kaubamĂ€rgi puhul kaupade ja teenustega, mille tĂ€histamisega kaubamĂ€rk ĂŒldtuntuse omandas; 2) registrisse vĂ”i BĂŒroo rahvusvahelisse registrisse kantud kaupade ja teenuste loeteluga.
(3) Kaubad ja teenused liigitatakse mÀrkide registreerimisel kasutatava kaupade ja teenuste rahvusvahelise klassifikatsiooni Nizza kokkuleppe (RT II 1996, 4, 14) alusel vastuvÔetud kaupade ja teenuste rahvusvahelise klassifikatsiooni (edaspidi Nizza klassifikatsioon ) jÀrgi.
(4) Kaupade ja teenuste liigitus Nizza klassifikatsiooni jÀrgi ei oma tÀhendust kaupade ja teenuste samaliigilisuse mÀÀratlemisel.
(5) KaubamÀrk vÔib sisaldada mittekaitstavat osa, kui see ei vÀhenda kaubamÀrgi eristatavust ega riku teiste isikute Ôigusi.
(6) Kui registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgi mittekaitstav osa on kaubamĂ€rgi hilisema kasutamise kĂ€igus omandanud eristusvĂ”ime vĂ”i omandanud ĂŒldtuntuse, vĂ”ib taotleda registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgi uuesti registreerimist, et Ă”iguskaitse hĂ”lmaks kogu mĂ€rki.
§ 13. Esindaja kaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitsealaste toimingute tegemisel [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(1) KaubamÀrgialaseid toiminguid Patendiametis ja tööstusomandi apellatsioonikomisjonis (edaspidi apellatsioonikomisjon) teeb asjast huvitatud isik isiklikult vÔi tema poolt vahetult volitatud patendivolinik, kellele on patendivoliniku seaduse kohaselt antud patendivoliniku kutse tegutsemiseks kaubamÀrkide valdkonnas. Asjast huvitatud isik vÔi patendivolinik vÔib suulisel menetlemisel Patendiametis vÔi apellatsioonikomisjonis kaasata oma kulul tÔlgi vÔi esindamise Ôiguseta nÔuandja. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(2) Isik, kellel ei ole elukohta, asukohta vÔi tegutsevat kaubandus vÔi tööstusettevÔtet Eestis, peab volitama oma esindajaks patendivoliniku kaubamÀrgialaste toimingute tegemiseks Patendiametis ja apellatsioonikomisjonis, vÀlja arvatud taotluse esitamine. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(3) Kui kaubamĂ€rgialaseid toiminguid Patendiametis ja apellatsioonikomisjonis teevad mitu isikut ĂŒhiselt, vĂ”ivad nad oma esindajaks volitada patendivoliniku vĂ”i mÀÀrata enda hulgast
esindaja (edaspidi ĂŒhine esindaja), kelle elu vĂ”i asukoht vĂ”i tegutsev kaubandus vĂ”i tööstusettevĂ”te on Eestis. Ăhisel esindajal on Ă”igus sooritada taotlejate nimel kĂ”iki taotluse menetlemisega seotud toiminguid. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
§ 14. AinuÔigus
(1) KaubamÀrgiomanikul on Ôigus keelata kolmandatel isikutel kasutada Àritegevuses: 1) Ôiguskaitse saanud kaubamÀrgiga identseid tÀhiseid kaupade vÔi teenuste puhul, mis on identsed kaupade vÔi teenustega, mille suhtes on kaubamÀrk kaitstud; 2) Ôiguskaitse saanud kaubamÀrgiga identseid vÔi sarnaseid tÀhiseid kaupade vÔi teenuste puhul, mis on identsed vÔi samaliigilised kaupade vÔi teenustega, mille suhtes on kaubamÀrk kaitstud, kui on tÔenÀoline tÀhise ja kaubamÀrgi Àravahetamine tarbija poolt, sealhulgas tÀhise assotsieerumine Ôiguskaitse saanud kaubamÀrgiga; 3) registreeritud kaubamÀrgiga vÔi valdavale enamusele Eesti elanikkonnast tuntud Ôiguskaitse saanud kaubamÀrgiga identseid vÔi sarnaseid tÀhiseid, millega tÀhistatakse teist liiki kaupu vÔi teenuseid, kui tÀhisega vÔib ebaausalt Àra kasutada vÔi kahjustada kaubamÀrgi omandatud mainet vÔi eristusvÔimet.
(2) KĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 1 sĂ€testatu alusel on keelatud muu hulgas jĂ€rgmised toimingud: 1) kauba vĂ”i pakendi tĂ€histamine tĂ€hisega; 2) tĂ€hisega tĂ€histatud kaupade pakkumine mĂŒĂŒgiks, nende turustamine ja ladustamine mĂŒĂŒgi eesmĂ€rgil; 3) tĂ€hisega tĂ€histatud teenuste pakkumine ja osutamine; 4) tĂ€hisega tĂ€histatud kaupade sisse ja vĂ€ljavedu; 5) tĂ€hise kandmine Ă€ridokumentidele, reklaammaterjalidele ja kauba kasutamisjuhendile.
(3) KaubamĂ€rgi kasutamine Internetis loetakse kaubamĂ€rgi kasutamiseks Eestis ainult siis, kui sellel on Eestis Ă€riline tagajĂ€rg. Ărilise tagajĂ€rje kindlakstegemisel arvestatakse muu hulgas: 1) kaubamĂ€rki Internetis kasutava isiku Ă€rilist tegevust Eestis nagu tegelikud Ă€risuhted vĂ”i Ă€riliselt motiveeritud suhted, klienditeeninduse olemasolu ning InternetiÂvĂ€lise tegevuse olemasolu Eestis; 2) kaubamĂ€rki Internetis kasutava isiku kavatsust pakkuda Interneti kaudu kaupu vĂ”i teenuseid isikutele Eestis, arvestades kaupade transporti, rahaĂŒhikut, kaupade vĂ”i teenuste pakkujaga sidepidamise viisi puudutavat informatsiooni, keelt ja Interneti viiteid; 3) Internetis mĂ€rgitud tingimust, et kaupu vĂ”i teenuseid ei pakuta isikutele Eestis, ja sellest tingimusest kinnipidamist; 4) teise isiku kaubamĂ€rgi omandatud maine vĂ”i eristusvĂ”ime ebaausat Ă€rakasutamist vĂ”i selle kahjustamist.
(4) Registreeritud kaubamÀrgi avaldamisel teatmeteostes, kÀsiraamatutes, Ôpikutes, erialakirjanduses vÔi muudes publikatsioonides, sealhulgas elektroonilistes, peavad autor ja kirjastaja tagama, et kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔudel oleks kaubamÀrgi juures hoiatustÀhis. Kui publikatsioon on juba avaldatud, vÔib kaubamÀrgiomanik nÔuda hoiatustÀhise kasutamist jÀrgmises vÀljaandes. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 15. HoiatustÀhis
KaubamĂ€rgiomanik vĂ”ib koos kaubamĂ€rgiga kasutada hoiatustĂ€hist vĂ”i ÂmĂ€rget.
§ 16. AinuÔiguse piirangud
(1) KaubamÀrgiomanikul ei ole Ôigust keelata teistel isikutel kasutada Àritegevuses hÀid Àritavasid jÀrgides: 1) teiste isikute nimesid ja aadresse; 2) kauba vÔi teenuse liiki, kvaliteeti, hulka, otstarvet, vÀÀrtust, geograafilist pÀritolu, kaupade tootmise vÔi teenuste osutamise aega vÔi kaupade vÔi teenuste teisi omadusi nÀitavatest vÔi muul viisil kaupa vÔi teenust kirjeldavatest tÀhistest vÔi andmetest vÔi eelnimetatud tÀhistest vÔi andmetest, mida ei ole oluliselt muudetud, koosnevaid tÀhistusi; 3) tÀhiseid vÔi andmeid, mis on muutunud tavapÀraseks keelekasutuses vÔi heauskses Àripraktikas; 4) kaubamÀrki, kui see on vajalik kindla otstarbega kaubale, nagu nÀiteks abimaterjalid ja varuosad, vÔi teenusele osutamiseks; 5) kaubamÀrgi mittekaitstavaid osi.
(2) Varasema kaubamÀrgi omanikul ei ole Ôigust keelata hilisema kaubamÀrgi ega muu hilisema Ôiguse kasutamist, kui ta oli teadlik hilisemast kaubamÀrgist vÔi pidi sellest teadlik olema ning on nÔustunud hilisema kaubamÀrgi kasutamisega viie varasema jÀrjestikuse aasta jooksul. Piirangut ei kohaldata, kui hilisema kaubamÀrgi omanik hakkas kaubamÀrki kasutama vÔi esitas taotluse pahauskselt vÔi kui muu hilisem Ôigus omandati pahauskselt. Hilisema kaubamÀrgi omanikul ei ole Ôigust keelata varasema kaubamÀrgi ega muu varasema Ôiguse kasutamist.
(3) KaubamÀrgiomanikul ei ole Ôigust keelata tema poolt vÔi tema loal kaubamÀrgiga tÀhistatud ja Eestis vÔi Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna lepingu osalisriigis kÀibesse lastud kauba edasist ÀrieesmÀrgil kasutamist, vÀlja arvatud juhul, kui kaubamÀrgiomanikul on Ôigustatud huvi olla kauba edasise ÀrieesmÀrgil kasutamise vastu, eriti juhul, kui kauba omadused on pÀrast kÀibesse laskmist muutunud. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
§ 17. KaubamÀrgi kasutamise kohustus
(1) KaubamÀrgiomanik on kohustatud registreeritud kaubamÀrki tegelikult kasutama registreeringus mÀrgitud kaupade ja teenuste tÀhistamiseks.
(2) KaubamĂ€rgi kasutamiseks kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku poolt loetakse ka: 1) kaubamĂ€rgi kasutamine kujul, mis erineb kaubamĂ€rgi reproduktsioonist ebaoluliste elementide poolest, kui kaubamĂ€rgi eristav iseloom ei ole muutunud; 2) ĂŒksnes vĂ€ljaveoks mĂ”eldud kaupade vĂ”i nende pakendi tĂ€histamine; 3) kaubamĂ€rgi kasutamine kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku loal.
§ 18. KaubamĂ€rgi vÔÔrandamine ja ĂŒleminek
(1) KaubamÀrki vÔib vÔÔrandada kas kÔigi vÔi osa kaupade vÔi teenuste suhtes.
(2) KaubamĂ€rk lĂ€heb ĂŒle kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku Ă”igusjĂ€rglasele. Riik ja kohalik omavalitsus ei saa kaubamĂ€rki pĂ€rida.
(3) Registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgi vÔÔrandamine vĂ”i ĂŒleminek jĂ”ustub vastava muudatuse registrisse kandmise kuupĂ€eval.
§ 19. KaubamÀrgist loobumine
(1) KaubamÀrgiomanik vÔib kaubamÀrgist loobuda kÔigi vÔi osa kaupade ja teenuste suhtes.
(2) Registreeritud kaubamÀrgist loobumine jÔustub vastava muudatuse registrisse kandmise kuupÀeval.
(3) KaubamÀrgist ei saa loobuda, kui see on koormatud pandiga vÔi arvatud pankrotivara hulka vÔi selle suhtes kehtib litsents vÔi kÀsutamise keelumÀrge.
§ 20. Registreeringu jagamine
KaubamÀrgiomanik vÔib registreeringu jagada kaheks vÔi enamaks registreeringuks, jagades kaubad ja teenused nende vahel. Registreeringu jagamine jÔustub vastava muudatuse registrisse kandmise kuupÀeval.
§ 21. Litsents
(1) Litsentsisaaja vÔib kaubamÀrgiomanikult litsentsiga saadud Ôigused kolmandale isikule edasi anda ainult kaubamÀrgiomaniku loal.
(2) KaubamÀrgi vÔÔrandamine ega hiljem antud litsents ei mÔjuta varem antud litsentsi kehtivust.
(3) Litsentsilepingu poole nÔudel tehakse litsentsi kohta registrisse kanne.
(4) Litsents lÔpeb registreeringu kehtivusaja lÔppemisel. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 22. KeelumÀrge
Hagi tagamiseks vÔib hageja nÔudel teha kaubamÀrgi suhtes kÀsutamise keelumÀrke registrisse.
§ 23. SundtÀitmine ja pankrot
(1) KaubamÀrk vÔib ettevÔttest lahus olla sundtÀitmise objekt.
(2) Registreeritud kaubamÀrgi arvamisel pankrotivara hulka tehakse pankrotihalduri vÔi kohtu nÔudel sellekohane mÀrge registrisse.
§ 24. KaubamÀrgi pantimine
(1) Registreeritud kaubamÀrki vÔib pandiga koormata selliselt, et isikul, kelle kasuks pant on seatud (edaspidi pandipidaja), on Ôigus pandiga tagatud nÔude rahuldamisele panditud kaubamÀrgi arvel.
(2) Pant tekib selle kohta registrisse kande tegemisega kaubamÀrgiomaniku ja pandipidaja notariaalselt tÔestatud pandi seadmise kokkuleppe alusel.
(3) Pant lĂ€heb ĂŒle pandipidaja Ă”igusjĂ€rglasele. Pandi ĂŒleandmise ja selle ĂŒlemineku kohta tehakse registrisse kanne.
§ 25. Pandiga tagatud nÔude rahuldamine
(1) Pandipidaja vÔib nÔuda pandiga tagatud nÔude rahuldamist pÀrast nÔude sissenÔutavaks muutumist.
(2) Kui pandiga tagatud nÔuet ei tÀideta, on pandipidajal Ôigus rahuldada nÔue koormatud kaubamÀrgi sundenampakkumise teel.
(3) Kokkulepe, mille kohaselt pandipidaja omandab koormatud kaubamÀrgi pandiga tagatud nÔude rahuldamiseks, on kehtetu.
§ 26. Pandi lÔppemine
Pant lÔpeb pandiga tagatud nÔude lÔppemisel vÔi kui pandipidaja pandist loobub.
§ 27. Taotlusest tulenevad Ôigused
KĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âdes 18â23 sĂ€testatut kohaldatakse taotlusele ja taotlusest tulenevatele Ă”igustele, arvestades taotluse Ă”iguslikust staatusest tulenevaid erisusi.
§ 28. Taotlus
(1) Taotlus esitatakse ĂŒhe kaubamĂ€rgi kohta.
(2) Taotluses peab sisalduma: 1) kaubamÀrgi registreerimise avaldus; 2) volikiri vÔi viide varem esitatud volikirjale, kui taotlejal on esindaja; 3) prioriteeti tÔendavad dokumendid, kui taotletakse prioriteeti; 4) andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(3) KollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i garantiimĂ€rgi registreerimise taotlusele kohaldatakse tĂ€iendavalt kĂ€esoleva seaduse 6. peatĂŒkis sĂ€testatut.
§ 29. Prioriteet
(1) Konventsiooniprioriteet on esmase taotluse esitanud isiku eelisÔigus taotleda kaubamÀrgile Ôiguskaitset. Esmase taotluse esitamise kuupÀev loetakse prioriteedikuupÀevaks.
(2) Kui sama kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimiseks Patendiametile esitatud taotluses mĂ€rgitud kaubad vĂ”i teenused sisalduvad esmases taotluses ja see taotlus on esitatud Patendiametile kuue kuu jooksul pĂ€rast esmase taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€eva, vĂ”ib prioriteedi mÀÀrata: 1) esmase taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€eva jĂ€rgi tööstusomandi kaitse Pariisi konventsiooniga ĂŒhinenud riigis vĂ”i Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni liikmesriigis; 2) esmase taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€eva jĂ€rgi tööstusomandi kaitse Pariisi konventsiooniga mitteĂŒhinenud riigis vĂ”i Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni mittekuuluvas riigis, kui see riik tagab samad tingimused Eesti Vabariigis esmase taotluse esitanud isikule.
(3) NÀituseprioriteet on kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔike 2 punktis 1 vÔi 2 nimetatud riigi territooriumil toimunud 1928. aastal Pariisis sÔlmitud rahvusvaheliste nÀituste konventsiooni tÀhenduses rahvusvahelisel vÔi ametlikult rahvusvaheliseks tunnistatud nÀitusel kaubamÀrgiga tÀhistatud kaupu vÔi teenuseid avalikult vÀlja pannud isiku eelisÔigus taotleda kaubamÀrgile Ôiguskaitset.
(4) Kui taotluses mÀrgitud kaup vÔi teenus oli sama kaubamÀrgiga tÀhistatult vÀlja pandud kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 3 nimetatud nÀitusel ja see taotlus on esitatud Patendiametile kuue kuu jooksul pÀrast vÀljapaneku kuupÀeva, vÔib prioriteedi mÀÀrata nÀitusel vÀljapaneku kuupÀeva jÀrgi.
(5) KaubamÀrgile vÔib prioriteedi mÀÀrata mitme esmase taotluse jÀrgi. Mitme varem esitatud esmase taotluse korral arvestatakse kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 2 sÀtestatud kuuekuulist tÀhtaega kÔige varasemast prioriteedikuupÀevast.
§ 30. KaubamÀrgi registreerimise avaldus
KaubamÀrgi registreerimise avalduses peab sisalduma: 1) kaubamÀrgi registreerimise sooviavaldus; 2) taotleja nimi, elukoha vÔi asukoha aadress ning taotleja soovi korral muud kontaktandmed; 3) taotleja esindaja nimi, kui taotlejal on esindaja; 4) vÀlisriigi isiku Eestis asuva tegutseva kaubandus vÔi tööstusettevÔtte aadress, kui sellel isikul ei ole esindajat; 5) kaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon; 6) Nizza klassifikatsiooni jÀrgi liigitatud kaupade ja teenuste loetelu koos klasside numbritega; 7) prioriteedinÔue, kui taotletakse prioriteeti; 8) vÀrvide loetelu, kui kaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon on vÀrviline; 9) sellekohane mÀrge, kui mÀrk on ruumiline; 10) taotleja vÔi tema esindaja allkiri.
§ 31. KaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon
(1) KaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon peab andma kaubamÀrgist tÀieliku ja tÀpse ettekujutuse.
(2) Ruumilise kaubamĂ€rgi reproduktsioonil vĂ”ib esitada kaubamĂ€rgist ĂŒhe vaate vĂ”i mitu vaadet.
(3) Patendiamet vÔib nÔuda kaubamÀrgi sÔnalise osa transliteratsiooni ja tÔlget.
§ 32. Volikiri
Volikirjas peab sisalduma: 1) esindatava nimi, elukoha vĂ”i asukoha aadress; 2) esindaja nimi; 3) volituse ulatus; 4) [Kehtetu â RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009] 5) volituse kehtivusaeg, kui see on tĂ€htajaline; 6) esindatava allkiri; 7) volikirja vĂ€ljaandmise kuupĂ€ev. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
§ 33. Prioriteeti tÔendavad dokumendid
(1) Konventsiooniprioriteeti tÔendab esmase taotluse vastu vÔtnud asutuse poolt taotlejale vÀljaantud tÔend esmase taotluse andmetega.
(2) NÀituseprioriteeti tÔendab nÀituse korraldaja antud dokument kaubamÀrgiga tÀhistatud kaupade vÔi teenuste vÀljapaneku kohta kÀesoleva seaduse § 29 lÔikes 3 nimetatud nÀitusel.
§ 34. Taotluse esitamine
(1) Taotlus esitatakse Patendiametile.
(2) Andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta, prioriteedinÔue ja taotleja esindajale antud volikiri esitatakse kahe kuu jooksul taotluse esitamise pÀevast arvates.
(3) PrioriteedinÔuet tÔendavad dokumendid esitatakse kolme kuu jooksul taotluse esitamise pÀevast arvates. Prioriteeti tÔendavaid dokumente ei ole vaja esitada, kui prioriteedinÔude aluseks on Eestis esitatud esmane taotlus.
(4) Taotluse ja teiste Patendiametile esitatavate dokumentide sisu ja vorminÔuded ning esitamise kord kehtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀrusega. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 35. Taotluse esitamise kuupÀev
Taotluse esitamise kuupÀevaks loetakse kuupÀev, millal Patendiametisse on esitatud vÀhemalt jÀrgmised andmed: 1) kaubamÀrgi registreerimise eestikeelne sooviavaldus;
[RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004] 2) kaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon; 3) eestikeelne loetelu kaupadest ja teenustest, mille tÀhistamiseks kaubamÀrki soovitakse registreerida; [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004] 4) taotleja nimi ja andmed, mis vÔimaldavad Patendiametil suhelda taotleja vÔi tema esindajaga. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
§ 36. Taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva mÀÀramine ja menetlusse vÔtmine
(1) Kui taotlus vastab Patendiametisse saabumisel kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 35 sĂ€testatud nĂ”uetele, mÀÀratakse selle esitamise kuupĂ€evaks taotluse Patendiametisse saabumise kuupĂ€ev.
(2) MĂ”ne kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 35 nimetatud taotluse andme puudumise korral teatatakse sellest taotlejale ja mÀÀratakse kahekuuline tĂ€htaeg puuduste kĂ”rvaldamiseks. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(3) Patendiametil ei ole kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 2 sĂ€testatud teatamiskohustust, kui esitatud dokumendid ei sisalda kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 35 punktis 4 nimetatud andmeid. Sellisel juhul vĂ”ib taotleja oma algatusel esitada kĂ”ik puuduvad, §Âs 35 loetletud andmed kahe kuu jooksul algselt esitatud dokumentide Patendiametile saabumise kuupĂ€evast arvates. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(4) Kui taotleja on esitanud kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 2 kohaselt mÀÀratud tĂ€htaja jooksul vĂ”i lĂ”ike 3 kohaldumisel selles sĂ€testatud tĂ€htaja jooksul taotluse kĂ”ik puuduvad andmed, mÀÀratakse taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€evaks pĂ€ev, millal Patendiametile on esitatud kĂ”ik §Âs 35 nimetatud taotluse andmed.
(5) Taotlus, millele kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔike 1 vÔi 4 kohaselt on mÀÀratud esitamise kuupÀev, vÔetakse menetlusse. Patendiamet teatab taotlejale taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva ja taotluse numbri.
(6) Taotlusele ei mÀÀrata esitamise kuupÀeva, kui taotleja jÀtab kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 2 vÔi 3 sÀtestatud juhul ettenÀhtud tÀhtaja jooksul taotluse puuduvad andmed Patendiametile esitamata. Patendiamet teatab taotlejale, et taotlust ei loeta esitatuks. Taotlejal on Ôigus saada tasutud riigilÔiv tagasi.
§ 37. Taotluse sisu ja vorminÔuete kontrollimine
(1) Kui taotluse sisu ja vorminĂ”uete kontrollimise kĂ€igus selgub, et taotluses puudub mĂ”ni kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 28 nimetatud dokument vĂ”i dokumendid ei vasta §Âdes 30â33 kehtestatud nĂ”uetele vĂ”i § 34 lĂ”ike 4 alusel kehtestatud nĂ”uetele, teatab Patendiamet sellest taotlejale kirjalikult ja annab puuduste kĂ”rvaldamiseks vĂ”i selgituste andmiseks vĂ€hemalt kahekuulise tĂ€htaja.
(2) Kui taotleja oma vastuses kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 1 nimetatud teatele ei kĂ”rvalda puudusi, tehakse taotluse tagasilĂŒkkamise otsus.
(3) Kui taotleja ei vasta tÀhtpÀevaks kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 1 nimetatud teatele vÔi ei esita kÀesoleva seaduse § 34 lÔikes 2 sÀtestatud tÀhtaja jooksul andmeid ettenÀhtud summas riigilÔivu tasumise kohta vÔi ei esita sÀtestatud tÀhtaja jooksul volikirja, loetakse taotlus tagasivÔetuks.
(4) Kui taotleja ei ole esitanud kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 34 lĂ”ikes 2 sĂ€testatud tĂ€htaja jooksul prioriteedinĂ”uet vĂ”i prioriteeti tĂ”endavaid dokumente ei esitata tĂ€htpĂ€evaks vĂ”i prioriteedinĂ”ue ei vasta §Âs 29 sĂ€testatule vĂ”i esitatud dokumendid ei tĂ”enda prioriteeti, jĂ€tab Patendiamet prioriteedinĂ”ude arvestamata. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 38. KaubamÀrgi ekspertiis
(1) Patendiamet kontrollib ekspertiisi kĂ€igus kaubamĂ€rki kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 9 lĂ”ikes 1 ja §Âs 10 sĂ€testatu suhtes.
(11) KaubamÀrgi kontrollimisel § 10 lÔike 1 punkti 4 suhtes arvestab Patendiamet ettevÔtja tegevusaladena neid lÔppenud aruandeaasta tegevusalasid ja uude aruandeaastasse kavandatud tegevusalasid, mis olid Àriregistrile teatatud vÔi majandusaasta aruandes nÀidatud enne taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva, rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupÀeva vÔi prioriteedikuupÀeva. [RT I 2006, 61, 456  jÔust. 01.01.2007]
(2) Kui ekspertiisi tulemusena ilmneb kaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitset vÀlistav asjaolu, teatab Patendiamet sellest taotlejale ja annab vÀhemalt kahekuulise tÀhtaja selle asjaolu kÔrvaldamiseks vÔi selgituste andmiseks. Kui taotleja ei vasta tÀhtpÀevaks, loetakse taotlus tagasivÔetuks.
(3) Kui ekspertiisi kÀigus ilmneb, et kaubamÀrk sisaldab tÀhist, mis kÀesoleva seaduse § 9 lÔike 3 kohaselt loetakse kaubamÀrgi mittekaitstavaks osaks, kuid see tÀhis ei pÔhjusta kahtlusi ainuÔiguse ulatuse suhtes, ei mÀrgi Patendiamet mittekaitstavat osa kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsusesse.
(4) Kui ekspertiisi kÀigus ilmneb, et kaubamÀrk sisaldab tÀhist, mis kÀesoleva seaduse § 9 lÔike 3 kohaselt loetakse kaubamÀrgi mittekaitstavaks osaks ja see tÀhis vÔib pÔhjustada kahtlusi ainuÔiguse ulatuse suhtes, teatab Patendiamet sellest taotlejale ja annab vÀhemalt kahekuulise tÀhtaja mittekaitstava osaga nÔustumiseks vÔi selgituste andmiseks. Kui tÀhtpÀevaks ei teatata mittekaitstava osaga nÔustumisest vÔi ei anta asjakohast selgitust, loetakse taotleja mittekaitstava osaga nÔustunuks.
§ 39. KaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsus ja kaubamÀrgi registreerimisest keeldumise otsus
(1) KaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsus tehakse, kui ekspertiisi kĂ€igus ei ilmne ĂŒhtegi kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 9 lĂ”ikes 1 vĂ”i §Âs 10 nimetatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavat asjaolu vĂ”i kui taotleja on ekspertiisi kĂ€igus ilmnenud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavad asjaolud kĂ”rvaldanud.
(2) KaubamĂ€rgi registreerimisest keeldumise otsus tehakse, kui ekspertiisi kĂ€igus ilmnenud kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 9 lĂ”ikes 1 vĂ”i §Âs 10 nimetatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavaid asjaolusid taotleja ei ole kĂ”rvaldanud.
(3) KÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔigetes 1 ja 2 sÀtestatut kohaldatakse osade kaupade ja teenuste suhtes, kui Ôiguskaitset vÀlistav asjaolu ei kehti kÔigi kaupade vÔi teenuste suhtes, mille tÀhistamiseks kaubamÀrki soovitakse registreerida.
(4) Kui taotleja ei nÔustu kaubamÀrgi osa mittekaitstavaks osaks lugema, kuid Patendiamet ei loe taotleja seisukohta pÔhjendatuks, teeb Patendiamet kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsuse piiranguga, mÀrkides Àra mittekaitstava osa.
§ 40. KaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsuse teate avaldamine
(1) KaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsuse kohta avaldatakse teade Patendiameti ametlikus vÀljaandes «Eesti KaubamÀrgileht» (edaspidi Patendiameti ametlik vÀljaanne).
(2) Patendiameti ametliku vÀljaande struktuur ja vÀljaandmise kord kehtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀrusega . [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 41. Kaebuste ja vaidlustusavalduste lahendamine
(1) KĂ€esoleva seaduse § 37 lĂ”ikes 2 ja §Âs 39 nimetatud Patendiameti otsuste peale vĂ”ib taotleja esitada kaebuse tööstusomandi apellatsioonikomisjonile kahe kuu jooksul otsuse tegemise kuupĂ€evast arvates.
(2) Asjast huvitatud isik vĂ”ib tööstusomandi apellatsioonikomisjonis vaidlustada taotleja Ă”iguse kaubamĂ€rgile kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 9 lĂ”ikes 1 vĂ”i §Âs 10 sĂ€testatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listava asjaolu olemasolul. Vaidlustusavalduse esitamise tĂ€htaeg on kaks kuud kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsuse teate avaldamisest arvates.
(3) Kaebuse vĂ”i vaidlustusavalduse tĂ€ieliku vĂ”i osalise rahuldamise korral tĂŒhistab apellatsioonikomisjon Patendiameti otsuse ja kohustab Patendiametit jĂ€tkama menetlust apellatsioonikomisjoni otsuses toodud asjaolusid arvestades.
(4) Kaebuse rahuldamise korral on taotlejal Ôigus tasutud riigilÔiv tagasi saada.
(5) Vaidlustusavalduse menetlusosaline, keda ei rahulda apellatsioonikomisjoni otsus kaubamĂ€rgi kaitstavuse kĂŒsimuses, vĂ”ib esitada tööstusomandi Ă”iguskorralduse aluste seaduse § 64 lĂ”ikes 1 sĂ€testatud tĂ€htaja jooksul hagi teise menetlusosalise vastu kaubamĂ€rgi Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listava asjaolu vĂ”i selle puudumise kindlakstegemiseks. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(6) PÀrast hagimenetluse tulemusena tehtud kohtulahendi jÔustumist jÀtkab Patendiamet taotluse menetlust, lÀhtudes kohtulahendiga kindlaks tehtud asjaoludest. [RT I 2005, 18, 104  jÔust. 08.04.2005]
§ 42. TÀhtaegade pikendamine
(1) KÀesoleva seaduse § 34 lÔigetes 2 ja 3 sÀtestatud tÀhtaega ei saa pikendada.
(2) Patendiamet pikendab kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 37 lĂ”ikes 1 ja § 38 lĂ”igetes 2 ja 4 nimetatud tĂ€htaega taotleja avalduse alusel vĂ€hemalt kahe kuu kaupa, kuid kokku mitte ĂŒle 13 kuu. Avaldus koos andmetega riigilĂ”ivu tasumise kohta peab olema esitatud enne mÀÀratud tĂ€htaja lĂ”ppemist.
§ 43. Menetluse peatamine
(1) Kui kaubamĂ€rgi ekspertiis sĂ”ltub varasema kaubamĂ€rgi kohta tehtavast otsusest, peatab Patendiamet hilisema kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise menetluse varasema kaubamĂ€rgi kohta lĂ”pliku otsuse jĂ”ustumiseni, teavitades sellest taotlejat. KaubamĂ€rgi ekspertiis sĂ”ltub varasema kaubamĂ€rgi kohta tehtavast otsusest, kui varasema kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimine on hilisema kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 10 sĂ€testatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavaks asjaoluks. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(2) Patendiamet vÔib taotleja pÔhjendatud avalduse alusel peatada menetluse kokku kuni 24 kuuks. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(3) Peatatud menetlust jÀtkatakse menetluse peatamise aluse kadumisel vÔi kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 2 nimetatud juhul tÀhtaja lÔppemisel.
§ 44. Taotluse jagamine ja piiramine
(1) Taotleja vÔib taotluse jagada kaheks vÔi enamaks taotluseks, jagades kaubad ja teenused nende vahel. Taotlust vÔib jagada kaubamÀrgi registreerimise vÔi registreerimisest keeldumise otsuse tegemiseni, samuti nende otsuste kohta esitatud kaebuste vÔi neist otsustest tulenevate vaidlustusavalduste menetluse lÔpuni. Taotluse jagamiseks tuleb esitada vastav avaldus ja andmed tasutud riigilÔivu kohta. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(2) Jagamise teel saadud taotlused sÀilitavad esialgse taotluse esitamise kuupÀeva ja prioriteedi.
(3) Taotleja vÔib piirata taotluses sisalduvat kaupade ja teenuste loetelu. Piiramine jÔustub avalduse Patendiametisse saabumise kuupÀeval.
§ 45. Taotluse parandamine ja tÀiendamine
Taotleja vÔib kuni registreeringu vÔi kaubamÀrgi registreerimisest keeldumise otsuse tegemiseni teha taotlusesse parandusi ja tÀiendusi, mis ei muuda taotluse esitamise kuupÀeval selles esitatud kaubamÀrgi reproduktsiooni ega laienda kaupade ega teenuste loetelu.
§ 46. Registreeringu tegemise tingimus
(1) Registreering tehakse, kui: 1) kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsust ega taotleja Ôigust avaldatud kaubamÀrgile ei ole vaidlustatud ja nelja kuu jooksul kaubamÀrgi registreerimise teate avaldamise kuupÀevast arvates on esitatud andmed registreeringu riigilÔivu tasumise kohta vÔi 2) kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsus ja taotleja Ôigus avaldatud kaubamÀrgile jÀÀvad, vaatamata vaidlustamisele, jÔusse ning andmed registreeringu riigilÔivu tasumise kohta esitatakse kahe kuu jooksul lÔpliku otsuse jÔustumise kuupÀevast arvates.
(2) Kui andmeid registreeringu riigilÔivu tasumise kohta ei ole esitatud tÀhtpÀevaks, loetakse taotlus tagasivÔetuks.
§ 47. Taotluse tagasivÔtmine, menetluse lÔpetamine ja taastamine
(1) Taotleja vÔib taotluse kuni registreeringu tegemiseni tagasi vÔtta, esitades sellekohase kirjaliku avalduse. Taotlus loetakse tagasivÔetuks avalduse Patendiametisse saabumise kuupÀeval.
(2) Kui taotlus on kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 1 nimetatud viisil tagasi vĂ”etud vĂ”i kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 37, 38 vĂ”i 46 nimetatud juhtudel tagasivĂ”etuks loetud, lĂ”petatakse menetlus. Menetluse lĂ”petamise korral taotluse dokumente ega riigilĂ”ivu ei tagastata.
(3) Taotleja vÔib nÔuda menetluse taastamist, kui Patendiamet on lÔpetanud menetluse, lugedes taotluse tagasivÔetuks kÀesoleva seaduse § 37, 38 vÔi 46 alusel, ja kui taotleja toimingud jÀid sooritamata vÀÀramatu jÔu vÔi taotlejast vÔi tema esindajast sÔltumatu muu takistuse tÔttu. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(4) Patendiamet taastab menetluse, kui taotleja tÔendab takistuse olemasolu ja sooritab ettenÀhtud toimingud kahe kuu jooksul pÀrast takistuse kadumist ning esitab andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(5) Menetluse taastamise nÔuet saab esitada kuue kuu jooksul sooritamata jÀÀnud toimingu tÀhtpÀevast arvates.
(6) KĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”igetes 3â5 sĂ€testatut kohaldatakse ka prioriteedi ennistamisel.
§ 48. Registreering
(1) Registreering tehakse kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsuse alusel.
(2) Registreeringu andmed on: 1) registreeringu number; 2) registreeringu tegemise kuupÀev; 3) kaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon; 4) Nizza klassifikatsiooni jÀrgi liigitatud kaupade ja teenuste loetelu koos klasside
numbritega; 5) vÀrvide loetelu, kui kaubamÀrgi reproduktsioon on vÀrviline; 6) sellekohane mÀrge, kui mÀrk on ruumiline; 7) kaubamÀrgi mittekaitstav osa, kui see on registreerimise otsuses Àra mÀrgitud; 8) kaubamÀrgiomaniku nimi ja tema elu vÔi asukoha aadress; 9) kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi korral sellekohane mÀrge; 10) kaubamÀrgiomaniku esindaja nimi, kui kaubamÀrgiomanikul on esindaja; [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009] 11) vÀlisriigi isiku Eestis asuva tegutseva kaubandus vÔi tööstusettevÔtte aadress, kui sellel isikul ei ole esindajat; 12) registreeringu kehtivuse lÔppemise kuupÀev; 13) taotluse number; 14) taotluse esitamise kuupÀev; 15) prioriteediandmed, kui on rahuldatud prioriteedinÔue.
§ 49. Registreeringu andmete avaldamine
Registreeringu andmed, registreeringu andmete muudatused vÔi parandused avaldatakse Patendiameti ametlikus vÀljaandes.
§ 491. KaubamÀrgitunnistus
(1) PÀrast kaubamÀrgi registrisse kandmist annab Patendiamet kaubamÀrgiomanikule 20 tööpÀeva jooksul vÀlja kaubamÀrgitunnistuse.
(2) KaubamĂ€rgiomanike arvust sĂ”ltumata antakse vĂ€lja ainult ĂŒks kaubamĂ€rgitunnistus.
(3) KaubamÀrgi vÔÔrandamisel osa kaupade vÔi teenuste suhtes, samuti registreeringu jagamisel antakse uue registreeringu omanikule kaubamÀrgitunnistus 20 tööpÀeva jooksul uue registreeringu andmete registrisse kandmisest arvates.
(4) KaubamÀrgiomaniku avalduse alusel vÔib talle vÀlja anda kaubamÀrgitunnistuse duplikaadi. Duplikaat antakse vÀlja 20 tööpÀeva jooksul avalduse ja riigilÔivu tasumist tÔendavate andmete esitamisest arvates.
(5) KaubamÀrgitunnistuse vorminÔuded ja selle plangi vormistamise kord kehtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀrusega . [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 50. KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse kehtivusaja pikendamine
(1) KaubamĂ€rgiomanik vĂ”ib ĂŒhe aasta jooksul enne kaubamĂ€rgi Ă”iguskaitse kehtivusaja lĂ”ppemist nĂ”uda kehtivusaja pikendamist. Sellekohane avaldus esitatakse koos andmetega riigilĂ”ivu tasumise kohta.
(2) KaubamÀrgiomanik vÔib nÔuda kaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse kehtivusaja pikendamise tÀhtaja ennistamist kuue kuu jooksul pÀrast kaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse kehtivusaja lÔppemist.
Sellekohane avaldus esitatakse koos andmetega riigilÔivu ja tÀiendava riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(3) KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitse kehtivusaja pikendamine jÔustub kehtivusaja lÔppemise kuupÀeval.
§ 501. KaubamĂ€rgi vÔÔrandamise vĂ”i ĂŒlemineku registrisse kandmise taotlemine
(1) KaubamĂ€rgi vÔÔrandamise vĂ”i ĂŒlemineku kande tegemise aluseks on taotleja, kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku vĂ”i teise Ă”igustatud isiku kirjalik avaldus.
(2) Avaldusele lisatakse andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(3) Kui avalduse esitajaks on uus kaubamĂ€rgiomanik vĂ”i isik, kellele kaubamĂ€rgiĂ”igused ĂŒle lĂ€hevad, lisatakse avaldusele loovutamist vĂ”i Ă”iguste ĂŒleminekut tĂ”endav dokument vĂ”i selle Patendiameti poolt ametlikult kinnitatud Ă€rakiri.
(4) Registerpandiga koormatud kaubamÀrgi vÔÔrandamise korral lisatakse avaldusele pandipidaja kirjalik nÔusolek.
(5) KaubamÀrgi vÔÔrandamisel ainult osa kaupade ja teenuste suhtes lisatakse avaldusele vÔÔrandatavate kaupade vÔi teenuste loetelu ja kaubamÀrgi registreeringu andmetesse allesjÀÀvate kaupade ja teenuste loetelu. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 502. Registreeringu andmete muutmise registrisse kandmise taotlemine muudel juhtudel
(1) Registreeringu andmete muutmise kande tegemise aluseks on kaubamÀrgiomaniku kirjalik avaldus.
(2) Registreeringu andmete muutmise kandega ei saa muuta kaubamÀrki ega selle Ôiguskaitse ulatust, vÀlja arvatud kÀesoleva seaduse § 19 lÔikes 1 sÀtestatud juhul. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 503. KaubamÀrgist loobumise registrisse kandmise taotlemine
KaubamÀrgist loobumise kande tegemise aluseks on kaubamÀrgiomaniku kirjalik avaldus. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 504. Registreeringu jagamise registrisse kandmise taotlemine
(1) Registreeringu jagamise kande tegemise aluseks on kaubamÀrgiomaniku kirjalik avaldus.
(2) Avaldusele lisatakse andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 505. Litsentsi registrisse kandmise taotlemine [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(1) Litsentsi kohta kande tegemise aluseks on litsentsiandja vÔi litsentsisaaja kirjalik avaldus. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(2) Litsentsi kohta registrisse kande tegemise avaldusele lisatakse litsentsilepingu vÀljavÔte, mille vastavuse originaalile kinnitab Patendiamet ning mis sisaldab kande tegemiseks vajalikke andmeid lepingupoolte, litsentsi iseloomu, ulatuse ja tÀhtaja kohta. Samuti lisatakse avaldusele andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta. VÀljavÔtet ei pea esitama, kui litsentsi kohta registrisse kande tegemise avaldusele on alla kirjutanud nii litsentsiandja kui ka litsentsisaaja ning avaldus sisaldab kande tegemiseks vajalikke andmeid. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(3) Litsentsilepingu kohta tehtud kanne kustutatakse litsentsi kehtivusaja lÔppemisel vÔi litsentsi registreerimise avalduse esitanud isiku nÔudel. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 506. Pandi registrisse kandmise taotlemine
(1) Pandi kohta kande tegemise aluseks on kaubamÀrgiomaniku vÔi pandipidaja kirjalik avaldus.
(2) Avaldusele lisatakse pandi seadmise kokkulepe, mis on notariaalselt tÔestatud, ja andmed riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(3) Pandilepingu tingimuste muutmiseks esitatakse avaldus koos notariaalselt tÔestatud pandilepingu lisa, kohtuotsuse vÔi muu muutmist tÔendava dokumendiga ja andmetega riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(4) Pandipidaja isiku muutmiseks esitatakse avaldus koos muutmist tÔendava dokumendiga, mis on notariaalselt tÔestatud, ja andmetega riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(5) Registerpandi jÀrjekoha muutmiseks esitatakse avaldus koos nende isikute kokkuleppega, kelle Ôiguste jÀrjekoht muutub, ja andmetega riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(6) Registerpandi kohta tehtud kanne kustutatakse registrist pandiga tagatud nÔude lÔppemisel vÔi pandist loobumisel.
(7) Pandist loobumise korral esitab pandipidaja avalduse koos notariaalselt kinnitatud pandist loobumise avaldusega.
(8) Registerpandi kohta tehtud kande muutmiseks vÔi kustutamiseks kaubamÀrgiomaniku avalduse alusel on nÔutav nende isikute notariaalselt kinnitatud nÔusolek, kelle registrisse kantud Ôigust kande muutmine vÔi kustutamine vÔib kahjustada. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 507. Paragrahvides 50â506 nimetatud avalduse menetlemine
(1) Kui kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âdes 50â506 nimetatud avalduse esitab volitatud esindaja, lisatakse avaldusele volikiri. Volikirja ei ole vaja lisada, kui selle toimingu sooritamiseks Patendiametile varem esitatud volikiri kehtib.
(2) Kande tegemisest teatatakse kandeavalduse esitajale hiljemalt 20. tööpÀeval nÔuetekohase avalduse ja vajalike dokumentide saabumise kuupÀevast arvates.
(3) Teade kande tegemise kohta avaldatakse Patendiameti ametlikus vÀljaandes.
(4) Kui mÔned kande tegemiseks vajalikud andmed vÔi dokumendid puuduvad, teatatakse sellest avalduse esitajale hiljemalt 15. tööpÀeval pÀrast puuduliku avalduse Patendiametisse saabumist ja mÀÀratakse kahekuuline tÀhtaeg puuduste kÔrvaldamiseks. Kui mÀÀratud tÀhtajaks esitatud dokumentide alusel ei ole vÔimalik kannet teha, ei loeta avaldust esitatuks.
(5) Kui kannet ei ole vÔimalik teha muul seaduses sÀtestatud pÔhjusel, teatatakse sellest avalduse esitajale hiljemalt 15. tööpÀeval pÀrast avalduse Patendiametisse saabumist. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 51. KaubamÀrgi kustutamine registrist
(1) KaubamÀrk kustutatakse registrist kuue kuu möödumisel kehtivusaja lÔppemisest, kui ei ole nÔutud kaubamÀrgi kehtivusaja pikendamist. Kustutamine jÔustub tagasiulatuvalt kehtivusaja lÔppemise kuupÀeval.
(2) KaubamÀrk kustutatakse registrist ennetÀhtaegselt juhul, kui Patendiametile on esitatud sellekohane jÔustunud kohtulahend vÔi kui kaubamÀrgiomanik on kaubamÀrgist loobunud.
(3) KaubamĂ€rk kustutatakse registrist asjast huvitatud isiku taotlusel, kui ĂŒhe aasta jooksul Ă€riĂŒhingu Ă€riregistrist kustutamisest arvates ei ole esitatud kirjalikku avaldust registris kaubamĂ€rgi vÔÔrandamise vĂ”i ĂŒlemineku kande tegemiseks. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 511. Registri avalikkus
(1) Enne kaubamÀrgi registreerimise otsuse kohta teate avaldamist on lubatud registrist vÀljastada kaubamÀrgi reproduktsiooni, registreerimistaotluse numbrit, registreerimistaotluse esitamise kuupÀeva, prioriteediandmeid, taotleja nime, taotleja esindaja nime, kaupade ja teenuste loetelu ning rahvusvahelise klassifikatsiooni klasside numbreid.
(2) Enne kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsuse kohta teate avaldamist vĂ”ib registritoimikuga tutvuda taotleja, isik, kellel on selleks taotleja kirjalik luba, vĂ”i isik, kes tĂ”endab, et taotleja on lubanud pĂ€rast kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimist sĂŒĂŒdistada teda oma kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku ainuĂ”iguse rikkumises.
(3) PĂ€rast kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsuse kohta teate avaldamist on register avalik. IgaĂŒhel on Ă”igus tutvuda registritoimikuga ja kirje andmetega.
(4) Registritoimikuga tutvumiseks vĂ”i registrist Ă€rakirjade vĂ”i vĂ€ljatrĂŒkkide saamiseks esitatakse kirjalik avaldus koos andmetega iga toimiku, dokumendi Ă€rakirja ja vĂ€ljatrĂŒki eest riigilĂ”ivu tasumise kohta. Taotlejale ja kaubamĂ€rgiomanikule on oma kaubamĂ€rgi registritoimikuga tutvumine tasuta.
(5) Prioriteeti tÔendava dokumendi, mis koosneb Patendiameti kinnitusest ja taotluse koopiast, saamiseks esitab taotleja vÔi kaubamÀrgiomanik kirjaliku avalduse koos andmetega riigilÔivu tasumise kohta.
(6) Registriga tutvumise ja registrist teabe vÀljastamise kord kehtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀrusega . [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 52. KaubamĂ€rgiomaniku ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamine
(1) Asjast huvitatud isik vĂ”ib esitada hagi kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku vastu tema ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamiseks kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âdes 9 ja 10 sĂ€testatud Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listava asjaolu olemasolul, kui see asjaolu oli olemas ka kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsuse tegemise ajal. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(2) KÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 1 nimetatud hagi vÔib esitada: 1) viie aasta jooksul pÀrast kaubamÀrgi kasutamisest teada saamist; 2) tÀhtajatult, kui kaubamÀrgi registreerimise taotlus oli esitatud pahauskselt. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(3) Kui teises riigis Ă”iguskaitset omava kaubamĂ€rgiga identne vĂ”i eksitavalt sarnane kaubamĂ€rk on registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku esindaja nimele tema nĂ”usolekuta, on teise riigi kaubamĂ€rgiomanikul viie aasta jooksul pĂ€rast kaubamĂ€rgi esindaja nimele registreerimisest teada saamist Ă”igus esitada hagi kaubamĂ€rgi endale ĂŒleandmise nĂ”udes. Seda alust ei rakendata, kui esindaja tĂ”endab oma tegevuse Ă”iguspĂ€rasust. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(4) KaubamĂ€rgiomanikul puudub Ă”igus nĂ”uda teise kaubamĂ€rgi omaniku ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamist juhul, kui ta ei ole oma registreeritud kaubamĂ€rki mĂ”juva pĂ”hjuseta viie jĂ€rjestikuse aasta jooksul kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 17 tĂ€henduses kasutanud.
(5) [Kehtetu â RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
§ 53. KaubamÀrgiomaniku ainuÔiguse lÔppenuks tunnistamine
(1) Asjast huvitatud isik vÔib esitada hagi kaubamÀrgiomaniku vastu, nÔudes tema ainuÔiguse lÔppenuks tunnistamist, kui:
1) kaubamĂ€rk on kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku tegevuse vĂ”i tegevusetuse tulemusena muutunud tavapĂ€raseks tĂ€histuseks nende kaupade ja teenuste osas, mille suhtes ta on registreeritud; 2) kaubamĂ€rk on kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku tegevuse vĂ”i tegevusetuse tulemusena muutunud tarbijat eksitavaks kaupade vĂ”i teenuste liigi, kvaliteedi, hulga, otstarbe, vÀÀrtuse, geograafilise pĂ€ritolu, kaupade tootmise vĂ”i teenuste osutamise aja vĂ”i kaupade vĂ”i teenuste teiste omaduste suhtes; 3) registreeritud kaubamĂ€rki ei ole pĂ€rast registreeringu tegemist mĂ”juva pĂ”hjuseta viie jĂ€rjestikuse aasta jooksul kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 17 tĂ€henduses kasutatud; 4) kaubamĂ€rki, mille kohta on tehtud Eestis kehtiv registreering BĂŒroo rahvusvahelises registris Madridi protokolli alusel, ei ole pĂ€rast Eestis Ă”iguskaitse andmist mĂ”juva pĂ”hjuseta viie jĂ€rjestikuse aasta jooksul kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 17 tĂ€henduses kasutatud.
(2) KÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 1 nimetatud hagi ei saa esitada lÔike 1 punktide 3 ja 4 alusel, kui registreeritud kaubamÀrki on enne hagi esitamist hakatud kÀesoleva seaduse § 17 tÀhenduses kasutama pÀrast viieaastast mittekasutamist. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jÔust. 01.03.2009]
(3) KÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 2 sÀtestatut ei kohaldata, kui kaubamÀrgi kÀesoleva seaduse § 17 tÀhenduses kasutamist alustati pÀrast viieaastase ajavahemiku lÔppemist ja kolme kuu jooksul enne hagi esitamist ning juhul, kui kaubamÀrgiomanik alustas ettevalmistusi kaubamÀrgi kasutamiseks alles pÀrast hagi esitamise kavatsusest teada saamist. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 54. Geograafilist tĂ€hist sisaldava kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamine
(1) Asjast huvitatud isik vĂ”ib esitada hagi kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku vastu pahauskselt registreerimiseks esitatud kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamiseks, kui: 1) kaubamĂ€rk sisaldab registreeritud geograafilist tĂ€hist vĂ”i sellega eksitavalt sarnast tĂ€hist, 2) kaubamĂ€rgi ja registreeritud geograafilise tĂ€hisega tĂ€histatavad kaubad vĂ”i teenused on identsed vĂ”i samaliigilised ja 3) kaubamĂ€rk on registreerimiseks esitatud pĂ€rast seda, kui geograafiline tĂ€his on saanud Ă”iguskaitse oma pĂ€ritoluriigis.
(2) Kui kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 1 nimetatud kaubamĂ€rk sisaldab Eesti geograafilise ala nime, ei kohaldata selle kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes kasutamise ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamisel kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 1 punktis 3 nimetatud tingimust.
(3) KÀesoleva paragrahvi tÀhenduses loetakse kaubamÀrgi registreerimiseks esitamine pahauskseks, kui taotluse esitanud isik teadis vÔi pidi teadma, et tegemist on tÀhisega, mis nÀitab, et kaup vÔi teenus on pÀrit kindlalt geograafiliselt alalt ja kauba vÔi teenuse konkreetne omadus, maine vÔi muu iseloomulik tunnus on olulisel mÀÀral seostatav geograafilise pÀritoluga.
(4) Asjast huvitatud isik vĂ”ib esitada hagi kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku vastu enne 2000. aasta 10. jaanuari alkohoolse joogi tĂ€histamiseks registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamiseks, kui kaubamĂ€rk sisaldab registreeritud geograafilist tĂ€hist vĂ”i on sellega eksitavalt sarnane ja sellega tĂ€histatav alkohoolne jook ei pĂ€rine selle geograafilise tĂ€hisega viidatud geograafiliselt alalt.
(5) KĂ€esoleva paragrahvi sĂ€tteid kohaldatakse ka nende geograafilist tĂ€hist sisaldavate kaubamĂ€rkide suhtes ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamisel, mis olid registreerimiseks esitatud vĂ”i registreeritud enne 2000. aasta 10. jaanuari.
(6) Hagi rahuldamise korral tunnistatakse ainuĂ”igus kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes tĂŒhiseks 2000. aasta 10. jaanuarist arvates.
§ 55. AinuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamise vĂ”i ainuĂ”iguse lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamise tagajĂ€rjed
(1) AinuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamise korral loetakse registreering Ă”igustĂŒhiseks algusest peale.
(2) AinuÔiguse lÔppenuks tunnistamise korral loetakse registreering kehtetuks hagi esitamise kuupÀevast arvates. Hageja vÔib nÔuda ainuÔiguse lÔppenuks tunnistamist hagi aluse tekkimise kuupÀevast arvates.
(3) AinuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamine vĂ”i ainuĂ”iguse lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamine ei ole aluseks enne vastava kohtuotsuse tegemist jĂ”ustunud ja tĂ€idetud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse kohta tehtud kohtuotsuse ega varem sooritatud toimingu tĂŒhistamisele.
§ 56. Osaline ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamine vĂ”i osaline ainuĂ”iguse lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamine
Kui ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamise vĂ”i ainuĂ”iguse lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamise alused kehtivad ainult osa kaubamĂ€rgiga tĂ€histatavate kaupade vĂ”i teenuste suhtes, tunnistatakse ainuĂ”igus tĂŒhiseks vĂ”i lĂ”ppenuks selle osa suhtes.
§ 57. AinuÔiguse kaitse
(1) KaubamĂ€rgiomanik vĂ”ib esitada hagi ainuĂ”igust rikkunud isiku, kaasa arvatud litsentsilepingu tingimusi rikkunud litsentsisaaja vastu: 1) Ă”igusrikkumise lĂ”petamiseks; 2) tahtlikult vĂ”i hooletuse tĂ”ttu tekitatud varalise kahju, sealhulgas saamata jÀÀnud tulu, ja moraalse kahju hĂŒvitamiseks.
(2) Kui ainuÔigust rikub ettevÔtja töötaja vÔi esindaja, vÔib kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 1 nimetatud hagi esitada ettevÔtja vastu.
(3) Litsentsisaajal on Ôigus esitada ainuÔiguse kaitse hagi ainult kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔusolekul. Litsentsisaaja vÔib pÀrast kaubamÀrgiomanikule teate saatmist ainuÔiguse rikkumise kohta hagi esitada ka kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔusolekuta, kui kaubamÀrgiomanik ei ole mÔistliku aja jooksul ise hagi esitanud.
(4) Litsentsisaajal on Ă”igus astuda kolmanda isikuna kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku hagi alusel algatatud kohtumenetlusse talle tekitatud kahju hĂŒvitamise nĂ”udes.
§ 58. TÀiendavad kaitsenÔuded
(1) Kui kaubamĂ€rgiomanik on esitanud kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 57 nimetatud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse hagi, vĂ”ib ta nĂ”uda Ă”igusrikkuja valduses vĂ”i omandis olevate Ă”igusvastaselt tĂ€histatud kaupade ja eranditult vĂ”i peaaegu eranditult Ă”igusrikkumise toimepanemiseks kasutatud vĂ”i mĂ”eldud vahendite hĂ€vitamist juhul, kui kaupade vĂ”i vahendite Ă”igusvastast iseloomu ei ole vĂ”imalik ja otstarbekam muul viisil kĂ”rvaldada.
(2) Kui kaubamĂ€rgiomanik on esitanud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse hagi, vĂ”ib ta nĂ”uda ainuĂ”iguse rikkujalt kohtu kaudu teavet Ă”igusvastaselt tĂ€histatud kauba pĂ€ritolu, levitamise viisi, teede ja koguste kohta, sealhulgas kauba tootja, varustaja, eelmiste omanike ja edasimĂŒĂŒjate nimede ning aadresside kohta.
§ 59. Vastuhagid
(1) Isik, kelle vastu Eestis Ă”iguskaitset omava kaubamĂ€rgi omanik on esitanud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse hagi vĂ”i kelle suhtes on algatatud sĂŒĂŒteomenetlus, vĂ”ib vaidlustada kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku ainuĂ”iguse.
(2) SĂŒĂŒteomenetlus peatatakse kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikes 1 nimetatud vastuhagi menetluse ajaks. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 60. Kohtumenetluse erisused kaubamÀrgiasjades
(1) KaubamÀrgi Ôiguskaitsega seotud kaebused ja hagid alluvad Patendiameti asukohajÀrgsele maakohtule.
(2) Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni asutamislepingu (RT II 1999, 22, 123) lisa 1C intellektuaalomandi Ôiguste kaubandusaspektide lepingu artikli 50 kohaste ajutiste meetmete rakendamine kuulub rikkumise toimumise koha jÀrgse maakohtu alluvusse. Hagi tagamise taotlus vaadatakse lÀbi viivitamata.
(3) Kohus saadab Patendiametile kaubamÀrgivaidluses tehtud lahendi Àrakirja teadmiseks. [RT I 2005, 39, 308  jÔust. 01.01.2006]
§ 601. Esindaja kaubamÀrgialastes kohtuvaidlustes
(1) Patendivolinik vÔib olla kaubamÀrgialase vaidluse lahendamisel esindajaks maakohtus ja ringkonnakohtus. Riigikohtus vÔib patendivolinik olla esindajaks koos vandeadvokaadiga.
(2) KaubamÀrgiomanikku vÔib Ôiguste kaitsel esindada ÔigusvÔimeline kaubamÀrgiomanikke esindav organisatsioon, mille liige ta on. [RT I 2006, 7, 42  jÔust. 04.02.2006]
§ 61. KollektiivkaubamÀrgi ja garantiimÀrgi mÔiste
(1) KollektiivkaubamĂ€rk on teovĂ”imelisele isikute ĂŒhendusele kuuluv kaubamĂ€rk, mida selle ĂŒhenduse liige kasutab oma kaupade ja teenuste tĂ€histamiseks kollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi pĂ”hikirjas sĂ€testatud tingimustel ja korras.
(2) GarantiimĂ€rk on kaubamĂ€rk, millega tĂ€histatakse eri isikute kaupu ja teenuseid nende kaupade ja teenuste mingi ĂŒhise omaduse, ĂŒhise geograafilise pĂ€ritolu vĂ”i tootmisviisi vĂ”i muu ĂŒhise tunnuse garanteerimiseks.
§ 62. KollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi pÔhikiri
(1) KollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi registreerimise taotluses peab sisalduma kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi pÔhikiri (edaspidi pÔhikiri).
(2) KollektiivkaubamĂ€rk vĂ”i garantiimĂ€rk registreeritakse juhul, kui puuduvad Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavad asjaolud ja: 1) pĂ”hikiri ei ole vastuolus avaliku korra ja heade tavadega; 2) garantiimĂ€rgi puhul pĂ”hikiri sisaldab garantiimĂ€rgiga tĂ€histatavate kaupade ja teenuste nĂ”utavate ĂŒhiste tunnuste loetelu, mida saab kasutada kvaliteedikontrolli alusena; 3) kollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi puhul on pĂ”hikirjale lisatud ĂŒhenduse liikmete loetelu, kelle kaupu ja teenuseid kollektiivkaubamĂ€rgiga tĂ€histatakse, ning pĂ”hikiri sisaldab ĂŒhenduse liikmeks astumise tingimusi ja korda.
(3) PÔhikirja muutmine jÔustub muudatuste registrisse kandmisel. Muudatus kantakse registrisse ainult juhul, kui pÔhikiri ei lÀhe kÀesoleva paragrahvi lÔikes 2 sÀtestatud nÔuetega vastuollu.
§ 63. KollektiivkaubamÀrgi ja garantiimÀrgi Ôiguskaitse erisused
(1) [Kehtetu  RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(2) KollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi kasutamine selleks Ôigustamata isiku poolt on keelatud.
(3) GarantiimÀrki vÔib kasutada iga isik, kelle kaubal vÔi teenusel on pÔhikirjas sÀtestatud tunnused ja kui ta maksab garantiimÀrgi omanikule tasu.
(4) GarantiimÀrk vÔib viidata sellega tÀhistatavate kaupade vÔi teenuste geograafilisele pÀritolule.
(5) KollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi kasutamist vĂ€hemalt ĂŒhe kollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi omanikuks oleva ĂŒhenduse liikme poolt ja garantiimĂ€rgi kasutamist garantiimĂ€rgi omaniku loal vĂ€hemalt ĂŒhe isiku poolt, kelle kaubal vĂ”i teenusel on pĂ”hikirjas sĂ€testatud tunnused, loetakse kaubamĂ€rgi kasutamiseks kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 17 tĂ€henduses.
§ 64. KollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i garantiimĂ€rgi omaniku ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhistamise ning lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamise tĂ€iendavad alused
(1) Kui pĂ”hikiri ei ole rakendatav ja kaubamĂ€rgiomanik ei kĂ”rvalda pĂ”hikirja puudusi asjast huvitatud isiku hagi alusel kohtu poolt mÀÀratud tĂ€htaja jooksul, tunnistatakse kollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i garantiimĂ€rgi omaniku ainuĂ”igus tĂŒhiseks.
(2) Kui pÔhikiri ei ole rakendatav sellesse tehtud muudatuste vÔi muutunud asjaolude tÔttu ja kaubamÀrgiomanik ei kÔrvalda pÔhikirja puudusi asjast huvitatud isiku hagi alusel kohtu poolt mÀÀratud tÀhtaja jooksul, tunnistatakse kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi omaniku ainuÔigus lÔppenuks.
(3) Kui kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi omanik lubab kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi kasutamist vastuolus seaduse vÔi pÔhikirjaga ega kÔrvalda puudusi kohtu poolt mÀÀratud tÀhtaja jooksul, tunnistatakse kollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi omaniku ainuÔigus lÔppenuks asjast huvitatud isiku hagi alusel.
§ 65. KollektiivkaubamÀrgi ja garantiimÀrgi ainuÔiguse kaitse erisused
(1) KollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi kasutaja vÔib kaubamÀrgiÔiguste kaitse hagi esitada ainult kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔusolekul. KollektiivkaubamÀrgi vÔi garantiimÀrgi kasutaja vÔib pÀrast kaubamÀrgiomanikule teate saatmist ainuÔiguse rikkumise kohta hagi esitada ka kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔusolekuta, kui kaubamÀrgiomanik ei ole mÔistliku aja jooksul ise hagi esitanud.
(2) KollektiivkaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i garantiimĂ€rgi kasutajal on Ă”igus kantud kahju eest hĂŒvitise saamiseks astuda kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku hagi alusel algatatud protsessi.
§ 66. KaubamÀrgi rahvusvaheline registreerimine
(1) KaubamĂ€rgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise all mĂ”istetakse kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimist BĂŒroo rahvusvahelises registris Madridi protokolli alusel.
(2) Patendiamet on Madridi protokolli tÀhenduses pÀritoluametiks ja mÀrgitud lepinguosalise ametiks.
(3) Litsentsi BĂŒroo rahvusvahelisse registrisse kandmise taotlus esitatakse otse BĂŒroole.
§ 67. Rahvusvahelise registreerimise taotlus
(1) Eesti kodanik vÔi Eestis elu vÔi asukohta vÔi tegutsevat kaubandus vÔi tööstusettevÔtet omav isik vÔib esitada rahvusvahelise registreerimise taotluse (edaspidi rahvusvaheline taotlus) sama kaubamÀrgi ning samade kaupade ja teenuste suhtes, mille suhtes tal on Eestis esitatud taotlus vÔi registreeritud kaubamÀrk.
(2) Rahvusvaheline taotlus peab vastama Madridi protokollis ja selle juhendis sÀtestatud sisu ja vorminÔuetele. Rahvusvahelise taotluse Patendiametile esitamise kord kehtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀrusega .
(3) Rahvusvahelise taotluse dokumendid esitatakse inglise keeles.
(4) Rahvusvahelist taotlust ei edastata BĂŒroole, kui ei ole tasutud riigilĂ”ivu rahvusvahelise taotluse esitamise eest.
(5) Madridi protokolli artikli 8 lĂ”igete 2â7 kohased rahvusvahelised tasud makstakse otse BĂŒroole. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 68. Rahvusvahelise taotluse menetlus
(1) Patendiamet kontrollib rahvusvahelises taotluses mĂ€rgitud andmete vastavust rahvusvahelise taotluse aluseks oleva taotluse vĂ”i registreeringu andmetele, tĂ”endab rahvusvahelises taotluses mĂ€rgitud andmete Ă”igsust ja edastab rahvusvahelise taotluse BĂŒroole.
(2) Rahvusvaheliselt registreeritud kaubamÀrgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupÀev ja kaubamÀrgi rahvusvahelise registreeringu (edaspidi rahvusvaheline registreering) number kantakse registrisse, kui rahvusvaheline taotlus oli tehtud registreeringu alusel, vÔi tehakse sellekohane mÀrge menetluses olevasse taotlusesse, kui rahvusvaheline taotlus oli tehtud selle alusel.
§ 69. Rahvusvahelise registreeringu toime
(1) Eestis kehtivast rahvusvahelisest registreeringust tulenev Ôiguskaitse on vÔrdne siseriiklikust registreeringust tuleneva Ôiguskaitsega ja rahvusvaheliselt registreeritud kaubamÀrgist tulenevad Ôigused ja kohustused vÔrdsed siseriiklikult registreeritud kaubamÀrgist tulenevatega.
(2) Rahvusvaheline registreering ei kehti Eestis, kui Ôiguskaitse andmisest keeldutakse rahvusvahelise registreeringu menetluse tulemusena.
(3) Kui siseriiklikult registreeritud kaubamÀrk registreeritakse samade kaupade ja teenuste suhtes ka rahvusvaheliselt, tehakse kaubamÀrgiomaniku nÔudel registrisse mÀrge siseriikliku registreeringu asendamise kohta, vÀlja arvatud juhul, kui rahvusvaheline taotlus on esitatud kÀesoleva seaduse § 67 lÔike 1 alusel.
§ 70. Rahvusvahelise registreeringu menetlus
(1) Patendiamet teeb ekspertiisi rahvusvahelistele registreeringutele, milles Eesti on mÀrgitud lepinguosaliseks.
(2) Patendiamet teeb ekspertiisi ja menetleb rahvusvahelisi registreeringuid kÀesolevas seaduses sÀtestatu kohaselt, arvestades Madridi protokollist ja selle juhendist tulenevaid erisusi.
(3) Ăiguskaitset keeldutakse andmast, kui on olemas Ă”iguskaitset vĂ€listavad asjaolud.
(4) Patendiamet peab teatama Ă”iguskaitse andmisest keeldumisest BĂŒroole 18 kuu jooksul kaubamĂ€rgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise teate kuupĂ€evast arvates.
(5) Madridi protokolli artikli 5 lĂ”ike 2 punktis c sĂ€testatud juhul ja tingimustel vĂ”ib Patendiamet Ă”iguskaitse andmisest keeldumisest BĂŒroole teatada pĂ€rast 18 kuu möödumist kaubamĂ€rgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise teate kuupĂ€evast arvates.
(6) Kui Ôiguskaitset vÀlistavad asjaolud puuduvad, avaldatakse teade rahvusvahelise registreeringu kohta Patendiameti ametlikus vÀljaandes.
(7) Rahvusvahelise registreeringu kohta tehtud Patendiameti otsuste ja taotleja Ă”iguse vaidlustamine toimub kĂ€esolevas seaduses sĂ€testatu kohaselt, arvestades Madridi protokollist ja selle juhendist tulenevaid erisusi. Vaidlustamisest ja selle kohta tehtud lahendist teatatakse BĂŒroole.
(8) KaubamÀrgi rahvusvaheliste registreeringute, milles Eesti Vabariik on mÀrgitud lepinguosaline, siseriikliku menetluse andmekogu asutab ja peab Patendiamet.
(9) KaubamÀrgi rahvusvaheliste registreeringute siseriikliku menetluse andmekogust vÀljastatakse kÀesoleva seaduse § 511 lÔikes 1 nimetatud andmeid.
(10) Teabe vÀljastamise eest rahvusvaheliste registreeringute siseriikliku menetluse andmekogudest tasutakse riigilÔiv. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 71. Rahvusvahelise registreeringu kehtivuse kaotamine ja muutmine siseriiklikuks taotluseks
(1) Kui rahvusvaheline registreering kaotab kehtivuse, kaotab samast kuupÀevast kehtivuse ka rahvusvaheline registreering Eestis.
(2) Kui kaubamÀrgi rahvusvaheline registreering on Madridi protokolli artikli 6 lÔike 4 kohaselt kustutatud, vÔib selle kaubamÀrgi registreerida siseriikliku kaubamÀrgina rahvusvahelises registreeringus sisaldunud kaupade ja teenuste suhtes, kui kaubamÀrgiomanik esitab taotluse Patendiametile kolme kuu jooksul rahvusvahelise registreeringu kustutamise kuupÀevast arvates. Sellise taotluse esitamise kuupÀevaks loetakse kaubamÀrgi rahvusvahelise registreerimise kuupÀev.
(3) KĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ike 2 kohane taotlus peab vastama kĂ€esoleva seaduse 4. peatĂŒkis sĂ€testatud nĂ”uetele.
71. peatĂŒkk ĂHENDUSE KAUBAMĂRK [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 711. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimine
(1) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise all mĂ”istetakse kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimist Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametis Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse alusel.
(2) Patendiamet on Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse tĂ€henduses tööstusomandi keskametiks. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 712. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotlus
(1) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse vĂ”ib esitada Patendiametile, kes edastab taotluse Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametile kahe nĂ€dala jooksul taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€evast arvates ja vĂ€ljastab taotlejale sellekohase teatise. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse esitamisel Patendiametile tuleb tasuda riigilĂ”iv taotluse edastamise eest Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametile.
(2) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotlus peab vastama Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruses ja EL komisjoni mÀÀruses 2868/1995/EĂ NĂ”ukogu mÀÀruse Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi kohta rakendamiseks (Euroopa Liidu Teataja L 303, 15.12.1995, lk 1â32) sĂ€testatud sisu ja vorminĂ”uetele. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse artikli 26 lĂ”ike 2 kohane tasu tuleb tasuda otse Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametile.
(3) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse Patendiametile esitamise korra kehtestab majandus ja kommunikatsiooniminister kaubamĂ€rgimÀÀrusega .
(4) Patendiamet ei vĂ”ta vastu ega edasta teisi Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametile esitatavaid dokumente ja kirju.
(5) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse artikli 5 lĂ”ike 1 punktis a sĂ€testatud isikuteks loetakse Eesti kodanikke ning Eestis asukohta omavaid juriidilisi isikuid. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 713. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse vĂ”i Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi muutmine siseriiklikuks taotluseks
(1) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse vĂ”i Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi muutmisel siseriiklikuks taotluseks vastavalt Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse 3. osas sĂ€testatule, loetakse siseriikliku taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€evaks Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€ev, prioriteedikuupĂ€ev vĂ”i vanemusekuupĂ€ev.
(2) VanemusekuupĂ€ev loetakse taotluse esitamise kuupĂ€evaks ĂŒksnes juhul, kui Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi vanemuse aluseks oli Eestis registreeritud siseriiklik vĂ”i Madridi protokolli alusel Eestis kehtinud kaubamĂ€rk.
(3) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi taotluse vĂ”i Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi muutmisel siseriikliku kaubamĂ€rgi taotluseks Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse artikli 108 alusel esitab taotleja kahe kuu jooksul Siseturu Ăhtlustamise Ametist vastava taotluse Patendiametisse saabumise kuupĂ€evast arvates: 1) muutmise taotluse ja sellega kaasnevate dokumentide tĂ”lke eesti keelde; 2) vĂ€lisriigi isiku Eestis asuva tegutseva kaubandus vĂ”i tööstusettevĂ”tte aadressi vĂ”i volitatud patendivoliniku volikirja; 3) kaubamĂ€rgi reproduktsiooni; 4) andmed riigilĂ”ivu tasumise kohta.
(4) Patendiameti toimingud muutmise taotluse menetlemisel sÀtestatakse kaubamÀrgimÀÀruses .
(5) Patendiamet teeb ekspertiisi ja menetleb muutmise taotlusi kĂ€esoleva seaduse 4. peatĂŒkis sĂ€testatu kohaselt, arvestades Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀrusest tulenevaid erisusi. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 714. Registrist kustutatud kaubamÀrgi tagantjÀrele kehtetuks tunnistamine
Kui registreeritud vĂ”i registreerimiseks esitatud Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi suhtes on nĂ”utud varasema registreeritud kaubamĂ€rgi vĂ”i Madridi protokolli alusel Eestis kehtiva kaubamĂ€rgi vanemust vastavalt Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse artiklitele 34 ja 35, vĂ”ib nĂ”uda varasema kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamist vastavalt kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âle 52 vĂ”i lĂ”ppenuks tunnistamist vastavalt kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âle 53 isegi juhul, kui see varasem kaubamĂ€rk on registrist kustutatud kehtivusaja pikendamata jĂ€tmisel vĂ”i kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku loobumisel kaubamĂ€rgist. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 715. Kohtumenetluse erisused ĂŒhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi asjades
(1) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rkide Ă”iguskaitse ja kehtivusega seotud asju vaatab esimese astme Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgikohtuna lĂ€bi Harju Maakohus.
(2) Esimese astme Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgikohtu peale esitatud kaebusi vaatab teise astme Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgikohtuna lĂ€bi Tallinna Ringkonnakohus. [RT I 2005, 39, 308  jĂ”ust. 01.01.2006]
§ 716. Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi kasutamise keelamine [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
(1) Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi mÀÀruse artikli 159a punktis 5 sĂ€testatud tingimustel vĂ”ib varasema kaubamĂ€rgi omanik vĂ”i muu varasema Ă”iguse omaja registreeritud Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi omaniku vastu esitada kĂ€esoleva seaduse § 57 lĂ”ikes 1 nimetatud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse hagi Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi Eestis kasutamise keelamiseks. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(2) Kui varasema kaubamĂ€rgi omanik vĂ”i muu varasema Ă”iguse omaja on esitanud ainuĂ”iguse kaitse hagi kĂ€esoleva paragrahvi lĂ”ikele 1 tuginedes, vĂ”ib ta taotleda kĂ€esoleva seaduse §Âs 58
sĂ€testatud tĂ€iendavate kaitsenĂ”uete kohaldamist ĂŒksnes Eestis asuvate kaupade suhtes. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
§ 72. ĂleminekusĂ€tted [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
(1) KÀesolevat seadust kohaldatakse varasematele kaubamÀrkidega seonduvatele Ôigustele ja kohustustele, kui kÀesolevas seaduses ei sÀtestata teisiti. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(2) KaubamÀrgiomaniku ainuÔigust ei tunnistata lÔppenuks kÀesoleva seaduse § 53 lÔike 1 punkti 3 alusel, kui selles punktis nimetatud viieaastane periood algas enne 2004. aasta 1. maid ning kaubamÀrki kasutati viieaastase perioodi alguse ja 2004. aasta 1. mai vahelisel ajal vastavalt selle kasutamise ajal kehtinud kaubamÀrgiseadusele. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(3) Patendiameti menetluses olevatele taotlustele, mille kohta ei ole enne 2004. aasta 1. maid tehtud kaubamÀrgi registreerimise vÔi registreerimisest keeldumise otsust, kohaldatakse kÀesolevat seadust. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(4) Taotlustele, mille esitamise kuupÀev vÔi prioriteedikuupÀev on varasem kui 2004. aasta 1. mai, ei kohaldata kÀesoleva seaduse § 11 lÔike 1 punkte 6 ja 7. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(5) Enne 2004. aasta 1. maid Patendiameti tehtud otsuse vaidlustamisel ja uue otsuse tegemisel kohaldatakse Patendiameti otsuse tegemise ajal kehtinud kaubamÀrgi registreerimisest keeldumise aluseid ja lÀhtutakse asja uue menetlemise ajal kehtivast menetlusnormist. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(51) Kui Patendiameti poolt kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimise otsuse tegemisel kuulusid kohaldamisele enne 2004. aasta 1. maid kehtinud kaubamĂ€rgi registreerimisest keeldumise alused, kohaldatakse neid aluseid ka kaubamĂ€rgiomaniku ainuĂ”iguse tĂŒhiseks tunnistamise hagi lĂ€bivaatamisel. [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]
(6) Enne 2004. aasta 1. maid apellatsioonikomisjoni tehtud otsuse vaidlustamisel ja uue otsuse tegemisel kohaldatakse apellatsioonikomisjoni otsuse tegemise ajal kehtinud kaubamÀrgiseadust. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(7) 2004. aasta 1. mail Patendiameti menetluses olevatele taotlustele arvestatakse kÀesoleva seaduse § 42 lÔikes 2 ja § 43 lÔikes 2 nimetatud tÀhtaegu kÀesoleva seaduse jÔustumise kuupÀevast. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(8) Enne 2004. aasta 1. maid Ôigusrikkumise toimepannud isiku suhtes kohaldatakse talle soodsamat normi. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(9) Kui enne 2004. aasta 1. maid kehtinud aegumistÀhtaeg ei ole kÀesoleva seaduse jÔustumise ajaks möödunud ja kÀesolevas seaduses sÀtestatakse sellest erinev aegumistÀhtaeg, kohaldatakse pikemat aegumistÀhtaega. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
(10) KĂ€esoleva seaduse Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rki kĂ€sitlevad sĂ€tted jĂ”ustuvad Eesti liitumisel Euroopa Liiduga. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jĂ”ust. 01.05.2004]
(11) KaubamÀrgiseaduse alusel kehtestatud Ôigusaktid kehtivad pÀrast kÀesoleva seaduse jÔustumist niivÔrd, kuivÔrd need ei ole vastuolus kÀesoleva seadusega, ja seni, kuni need kas tunnistatakse kehtetuks vÔi viiakse kÀesoleva seadusega vastavusse. [RT I 2004, 20, 141  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
§ 73. [KÀesolevast tekstist vÀlja jÀetud]
§ 74. Seaduse jÔustumine
KÀesolev seadus jÔustub 2004. aasta 1. mail. [RT I 2003, 82, 555  jÔust. 01.05.2004]
1Esimene nĂ”ukogu direktiiv 89/104/EMĂ, kaubamĂ€rke kĂ€sitlevate liikmesriikide Ă”igusaktide ĂŒhtlustamise kohta (EĂT L 40, 11.02.1989, lk 1â7); EL nĂ”ukogu mÀÀrus (EĂ) nr 40/94 Ăhenduse kaubamĂ€rgi kohta (EĂT L 011, 14.01.1994, lk 1â36). [RT I 2009, 4, 24  jĂ”ust. 01.03.2009]