Customs Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27369 dated 7/10/2009, Türkiye
amended up to Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 32062 dated 3/1/2023
BackLatest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2023DatesAmended up to:January 3, 2023Entry into force:October 7, 2009Issued:October 7, 2009Type of Text
Implementing Rules/Regulations
Subject Matter
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws
Notes This consolidated version of Customs Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27369 takes into account amendments up to the "Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 32062 on 3/1/2023", which entered into force on 3/1/2023, except for some other provisions as referred into Article 17.
The said amending Regulation introduced amendments to the following provisions of this consolidated version:
- Article 53 under Part Three, Book Second.
- Articles 112 and 114 under Chapter One, Part Three, Book Fourth.
- Articles 513 and 515 under Chapter One; and Article 518 under Chapter Two, under Part One, Book Nine.
- Article 587 under Book Eleventh.
- Article 591 under Book Twelveth.
Additional Text(s)WTO Notifications Coversheet (3 text(s))WTO Notifications Coversheet (3 text(s))FrenchRèglement sur les douanes publié au Journal Officiel n° 27369 du 10/7/2009SpanishReglamento de Aduanas publicado en Gaceta Oficial N° 27369 el 10/7/2009EnglishCustoms Regulation published in the Official Gazette No. 27369 dated 7/10/2009