Notice in respect of the patent centres authorised to receive applications
for patents, utility models, trade marks and designs
of 9 April 2009
Pursuant to section 34 subsection (2) and section 35 subsection (2), first sentence number 2, of the Patent Act, which were revised by Article 2 of the Act of 16 July 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1827), pursuant to section 4 subsection (2), first sentence, and section 4a subsection (2), first sentence number 2, of the Utility Models Act, which were inserted by Article 3 of the Act of 16 July 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1827), pursuant to section 11 subsection (1), second sentence, and section 13 subsection (1), number 2, of the Designs Act in the version of its promulgation on 12 March 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 390), and pursuant to section 32 subsection (1), second sentence, of the Trade Mark Act, which was inserted by Article 2 subsection (9), number 2, of the Act of 12 March 2004 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 390), notice is hereby given to the effect that the
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH)
- Hochschulbib liothek, Patentinformationszentrum -,
52062 Aachen,
is hereby designated, from 23 April 2009 onwards, to be a patent information centre within the meaning of section 34 subsection (2), first sentence, and section 35 subsection (2), first sentence number 2, of the Patent Act, section 4 subsection (2), first sentence, and section 4a subsection (2), first sentence number 2, of the Utility Models Act, section 11 subsection (1), second sentence, and section 13 subsection (1), number 2, of the Designs Act, section 32 subsection (1), second sentence, of the Trade Mark Act and Article II section 4 subsection (1), first sentence, of the Act on International Patent Treaties of 21 June 1976 (Federal Law Gazette 1976 II p. 649) in the version of Article 6, number 1 letter (b), of the Act of 16 July 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1827) and Art. III section 1 subsection (2), first sentence, of the Act on International Patent Treaties of 21 June 1976 (Federal Law Gazette 1976 II p. 649) in the version of Article 6, number 4 letter (c), of the Act of 16 July 1998 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1827).
The President of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office publishes, in the Journal of Patents, Trade Marks and Drawings, further details on the receipt of applications.
Berlin, 9 April 2009
For the Federal Ministry of Justice
Dr. Weis