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Regulations Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations, adopted 28 September 2000, Canada

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Details Details Year of Version 2000 Dates Entry into force: October 7, 2000 Adopted: September 28, 2000 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Patents (Inventions), Other, Industrial Property

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 Regulations Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations, adopted 28 September 2000

2000-10-11 Canada Gazette Part lL Vol. 134, No. 21 Gazette du Canada Partie IL Vol. 134, no 21 SORJDORS/2000-373

Registration SOR/2000-373 _28 September, 2000


Regulations Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations

P.C. 2000-1515 28 September, 2000

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the rec­ ommendation of the Minister of Industry, pursuant to subsec­ tions 55.2(2)" and (3)" of the Patent Act, hereby makes the an­ nexed Regulations Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations.




1. The Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations1 are repealed.


2. For greater certainty, it is not an infringement of a pat­ ent for any person who makes, constructs, uses or sells a pat­ ented invention in accordance with subsection 55.2(1) of the Patent Act to make, construct or use the invention, during the six month period immediately preceding the date on which the term of the patent expires but before October 7, 2000, for the manufacture and storage of articles intended for sale after the date on which the term of the patent expires.


~-~----:;:-rhese Regulations come llltofOrce on October 7, 2000.


(This statement is notpart ofthe Regulations.)


These Regulations repeal the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations.

The Manufacturing and Storage ofPatented Medicines Regu­ lations were enacted in 1993, as part of the reforms to the Patent Act brought into force with the passage of Bill C-91, An Act to Amend the Patent Act (1992). Foremost among these reformS wa$ · the phasing-out of the compulsory licencing regime, a federally regulated arrangement whereby second-entry drug manufacturers (usually generic drug companies) could, on the payment of royal­ ties to patent-holding innovator drug manufacturers (usually

• S.C. 1993, c. 2, s. 4 1 SOR/93-134

Enregistrement DORS/2000-373 28 septembre 2000


Reglement abrogeant le Reglement sur Ia production et l'emmagasinage de medicaments brevetes

C.P. 2000-1515 28 septembre 2000

Sur recommanclation du ministre de l'Industrie et en vertu des paragraphes 55.2(2)" et (3)" de la Loi sur les brevets, Son Excel­ lence la Gouvemeure generale en conseil prend le Reglement abrogeant le Reglement sur Ia production et temmagasinage de medtcaments brevetes, ci-apres. .




1. Le Reglement sur Ia production et l'emmagasinage de me­ dicaments brevetes1 est abroge.


2. II est entendu qu'il n'y a pas contrefa~on de brevet si !'utilisation, Ia fabrication, Ia construction ou Ia vente d'une invention brevetee, au sens du paragraphe 55.2(1) de Ia Loi sur les brevets, a lieu pendant la periode de six mois qui pre­ cede immediatement Ia date alaquelle expire le brevet, pour­ vu qu'elle ait lieu avant le 7 octobre 2000, et qu'elle a pour but la production et l'emmagasinage d'articles destines aetre vendus apres Ia date d'expiration du brevet.


3. Le present reglement entre en vigueur le 7 octobre 2000.


(Ce resume nefait parpartie du reglement.)


Le present reglement abroge le Reglement sur la production et l'emmagasinage de medicaments brevetes.

Le Reglement sur Ia production et l'emmagasinage de medi­ caments brevetes a ete promulgue en 1993, dans le cadre de la reforme de la Loi. sur les brevets entree en vigueur avec !'adoption du projet de loi 0'91, La·t-modifiant la Loi sur les bre­ vets (1992). La principale mesure de reforme etait !'elimination progressive du regime de licences obligatoires, un regime regie­ mente par Ie gouvemement federal en vertu duquelles deuxiemes fabricants (habituellement des compagnies generiques) pouvaient,

• L.C. 1993, ch. 2, art. 4 1 DORS/93-134

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WIPO Lex No. CA038