Law No. 337-IIQ of May 31, 2002, on Legal Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits, Azerbaijan
amended up to Law No. 708-IIIQD of October 28, 2008
BackSuperseded Text. Go to latest Version in WIPO LexDetailsDetailsYear of Version2008DatesAmended up to:December 16, 2008Published:November 30, 2002Adopted:May 31, 2002Type of Text
Main IP Laws
Subject Matter
Layout Designs of Integrated Circuits
Subject Matter (secondary)
Enforcement of IP and Related Laws
Main text(s)Main text(s)Azerbaijaniİnteqrasiya edilmiş sxemlərin topoqrafiyalarının hüquqi mühafizəsi haqqında 31 may 2002-ci il tarixli, 337-IIQ nömrəli Qanun (28 oktyabr 2008-ci il tarixli, 708-IIIQD nömrəli Qanuna uyğun dəyişikliklər edilmişdir) EnglishLaw No. 337-IIQ of May 31, 2002, on Legal Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits