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Decision on Constituting the Copyright and Related Rights Council, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Latest Version in WIPO Lex
Details Details Year of Version 2010 Dates Entry into force: August 9, 2010 Adopted: June 10, 2010 Type of Text Implementing Rules/Regulations Subject Matter Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights), IP Regulatory Body

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Main text(s) Main text(s) Bosnian Odluku o osnivanju vijeća za autorsko pravo i srodna prava         English Decision on Constituting the Copyright and Related Rights Council        
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Godina XIV Ponedjeljak, 2. augusta/kolovoza 2010. godine

Broj/Broj 62

Godina XIV Ponedjeljak, 2. avgusta 2010. godine

ISSN 1512-7486 - bosanski jezik ISSN 1512-7494 - hrvatski jezik ISSN 1512-7508 - srpski jezik



Na osnovu ĉlana 17. Zakona o Vijeću ministara Bosne i Hercegovine ("Službeni glasnik BiH", br. 30/03, 42/03, 81/06, 76/07, 81/07, 94/07 i 24/08), ĉlana 7. Zakona o osnivanju Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo Bosne i Hercegovine ("Službeni glasnik BiH", broj 43/04) i taĉke 8.2.4. Strategije razvoja Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo Bosne i Hercegovine (2008. - 2015.), ("Službeni glasnik BiH", broj 69/09), Vijeće ministara Bosne i Hercegovine, na prijedlog Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo Bosne i Hercegovine, na 124. sjednici održanoj 10. juna 2010. godine, donijelo je



Ĉlan 1.

(Predmet Odluke)

Ovom Odlukom osniva se Vijeće za autorsko pravo i srodna prava (u daljnjem tekstu: Vijeće) kao savjetodavno-koordinacijski organ Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo Bosne i Hercegovine (u daljnjem tekstu: Institut).

Ĉlan 2.


(1) Vijeće je nadležno za:

a) Podizanje društvene svijesti o svrsi i znaĉaju autorskog prava i srodnih prava, te kolektivnog ostvarivanja tih prava;

b) Uspostavljanje i jaĉanje saradnje izmeĊu organizacija i organa koja predstavljaju nosioce autorskog i srodnih prava, s jedne strane, i korisnika tih prava, s druge strane;

c) Afirmiranje potrebe za postojanjem savremenih umjetniĉkih udruženja koja će efikasno brinuti o privrednom statusu svojih ĉlanova;

d) Afirmiranje principa individualnog ostvarivanja autorskog i srodnih prava na osnovu kolektivnih ugovora;

e) Afirmiranje potrebe da se u umjetniĉkim udruženjima pristupi izradi modela ugovora o individualnom ustupanju autorskih i srodnih prava, kao i tarife minimalnih autorskih naknada;

f) Formuliranje savjetodavnih stavova o spornim pitanjima kolektivnog ostvarivanja autorskog i srodnih prava, koja su principijelnog karaktera;

g) Pomaganje nosiocima autorskog i srodnih prava da efektivno koriste mogućnosti zaštite svojih interesa u okviru propisa Bosne i Hercegovine;

h) Identifikaciju deficitarnih normativnih rješenja koja otežavaju zaštitu autorskog i srodnih prava;

i) Ukazivanje na potrebu promjena u zakonodavstvu, upravnoj i sudskoj praksi radi podizanja efikasnosti i praviĉnosti autorskog i srodnih prava.

(2) Vijeće donosi periodiĉni plan i program rada.

Ĉlan 3.


(1) Vijeće saĉinjavaju predstavnici sljedećih institucija i drugih relevantnih pravnih lica, i to:

a) Instituta za intelektualno vlasništvo Bosne i Hercegovine - 2 predstavnika;

b) Ministarstva pravde Bosne i Hercegovine - 1 predstavnik;

c) Federalnog ministarstva pravde - 1 predstavnik;

d) Ministarstva pravde Republike Srpske - 1 predstavnik;

e) Ureda gradonaĉelnika Brĉko Distrikta Bosne i Hercegovine - 1 predstavnik;

f) Ministarstva prosvjete i kulture Republike Srpske - 1 predstavnik;

g) Ministarstva kulture i sporta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine - 1 predstavnik;

h) Regulatorne agencije za komunikacije (RAK) - 1 predstavnik;

i) Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu -1 predstavnik;

j) Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci - 1 predstavnik;

k) Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Istoĉnom Sarajevu -1 predstavnik;

l) Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru -1 predstavnik;

m) Pravnog fakulteta Sveuĉilišta u Mostaru -1 predstavnik;

n) Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Tuzli -1 predstavnik;

o) Udruženja za kolektivno ostvarivanje autorskih i srodnih prava - po 1 predstavnik.

(2) Struĉne i administrativno-tehniĉke poslove za potrebe Vijeća obavlja sekretar Vijeća koji je zaposlen u Institutu.

Ĉlan 4.


(1) Mandat ĉlanova Vijeća traje pet godina.

(2) Ĉlanovi Vijeća mogu biti ponovno imenovani u sastav Vijeća najviše dva puta.

Ĉlan 5.

(Konstituirajuća sjednica i poslovnik)

(1) Konstituirajuću sjednicu Vijeća saziva direktor Instituta.

(2) Konstituirajuća sjednica se održava najkasnije 60 dana od dana stupanja na snagu ove odluke.

(3) Vijeće na konstituirajućoj sjednici donosi poslovnik o radu i bira predsjedavajućeg i zamjenika predsjedavajućeg.

(4) Poslovnikom o radu ureĊuju se organizacija, naĉin odluĉivanja i druga pitanja znaĉajna za rad Vijeća.

Ĉlan 6.


Troškovi rada ĉlanova Vijeća idu na teret institucije ili drugog pravnog lica kojeg predstavljaju.

Ĉlan 7.

(Struĉna i administrativna podrška)

Struĉnu i administrativnu podršku Vijeću pruža Institut.

Ĉlan 8.

(Stupanje na snagu)

Ova Odluka stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objavljivanja u "Službenom glasniku BiH".

VM broj 172/10 Predsjedavajući

10. juna 2010. Godine Vijeća ministara BiH

Sarajevo Dr. Nikola Špirić, s. r.

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 Decision on Constituting the Copyright and Related Rights Council

(Published in the Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, volume 62/10)

Pursuant to article 17 of the Law on the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Journal of BiH, volumes 30/03, 42/03, 81/06, 76/07, 81/07 and 24/08), article 7 of the Act Establishing the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Journal of BiH, volume 43/04) and item 8.2.4. of the Development Strategy of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2008-2015) (Official Journal of BiH, volume 69/09), upon the recommendation by the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina passed at the 124th session, held on June 10, 2010



Article 1 (Subject Matter of the Decision)

The Copyright and Related Rights Council (hereinafter: the Council) is constituted under this Decision as an advisory and coordinating body of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Institute).

Article 2 (Role of the Council)

(1) The Council shall be responsible for:

a) raising public awareness on the purpose and importance of copyright and related rights and collective management of such rights;

b) establishing and fostering cooperation between organizations and bodies representing copyright and related rights holders on one side and users of such rights on the other side;

c) affirming a need for the existence of modern associations of artists which shall take care of the economic status of their members in an efficient manner;

d) affirming the principles of individual management of copyright and related rights on the basis of collective agreements;

e) affirming a need for drafting model agreements on individual assignment of copyright and related rights within the associations of artists as well as setting the tariff of minimum remunerations of authors;

f) formulating advisory attitudes on the contentious issues of the collective management of copyright and related rights which are principled in nature;

g) assisting copyright and related rights holders in using the possibility of protecting their interests within the framework of BiH legislation in an effective manner;

h) identifying inadequate normative solutions which impede copyright and related rights protection;

i) pointing to a need for changes in legislation, adminstrative practice and case law in order to increase efficacy and equity of copyright and related rights.

(1) The Council shall come up with the periodic work plan.

Article 3 (Membership)

(1) The Council consists of the representatives of the following institutions and other relevant legal persons, namely:

a) Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 2 representatives;

b) Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1 representative;

c) Federal Ministry of Justice – 1 representative;

d) Ministry of Justice of Republika Srpska – 1 representative;

e) Mayor's Office of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1 representative;

f) Ministry of Education and Culture of Republika Srpska – 1 representative;

g) Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina – 1 representative;

h) Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) – 1 representative;

i) Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo – 1 representative;

j) Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka – 1 representative;

k) Faculty of Law of the University of East Sarajevo – 1 representative;

l) Faculty of Law of the Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar – 1 representative;

m) Faculty of Law of the University of Mostar – 1 representative;

n) Faculty of Law of the University of Tuzla – 1 representative;

o) Organizations for the Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights – 1 representative from each.

(2) Professional and administrative-technical work for the Council shall be carried out by the secretary of the Council who is employed with the Institute.

Article 4 (Term)

(1) Council members are appointed to a five-year term.

(2) Council members may be reappointed to the Council twice at the most.

Article 5 (Constitutive Meeting and Rules of Order and Procedure)

(1) Constitutive meeting shall be convened by the Director of the Institute.

(2) Constitutive meeting shall be held no later than 60 days after the day of coming into force of this decision.

(3) The Council shall adopt the Rules of Order and Procedure and elect Chairman and Deputy Chairman at the constitutive meeting.

(4) The Rules of Order and Procedure regulate organization, manner of decision making and other issues of importance for the work of the Council.

Article 6 (Costs)

The costs of the work of the Council members shall be borne by the institution or another legal person which they represent.

Article 7 (Professional and Administrative Support)

Professional and administrative support to the Council shall be provided by the Institute.

Article 8 (Coming into Force)

This Decision shall come into force on the eighth day after the publishing thereof in the Official Journal of BiH.

Council of Ministers Number 172/10 Chairman June 10, 2010 Council of Ministers of BiH Sarajevo Dr Nikola Špirić, signed

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